The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 07, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1
Cbe plattemoutb "Journal
(tmtfirvdat Pastoffle at Plattsmouth. Nb.. ecomd-cl mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
trsicKirnoji pkicb
Be careful.
Begin the New Year right and
stay right.
What is to be done with railroad
Spend, but spend wisely! Save and
save earnestly. Buy War Savings
The income tax man will be after
you bt-fore many days. Prepare to
check up.
It looks now as the much talked of
seventh regiment had a fighting
chance again.
"Women to run cars soon" says
a headline. But what is wanted is
"Somebody to run them" sooner.
Some persons adopt New Year's
resolutions and some have them
adopted for them like the railroads.
One by one. the date lines on the
soldiers' letters are changing from
"An American training camp to
"Somewhere in France."
It is hard to understand Quebec
wanting to secede from a country
that has proved heroism in this war
second to no other belligerent.
lion. David It. Francis, ambassador
to Russia, must be enjoying a hot
time of it. But when he is not equal
to the emergency he can come home,
Amr.ncr other reductions In rail-
m.nH nnpmtinn tho attention of Con-
cress is called to the heavy expense
of hauling congressmen under the
mlieage svstem.
The head and the body arc called
the vital parts of man, but if you
would incapacitate him and crush
his spirit at the same time, bruise
his right thumb.
Trotzky prophesied a "reign of
terror" for Russia. At present it is
a reign cf error, with no immediate
prospect of relief.
:o :
A lot of railroad presidents who
'learned the business from the
ground up" are now about to have
the opportunity of showing whether
they remember any of it.
The holidays now being entirely
over, we can all get down to solid
business, and cut the eats that come
at Christmas times in profusion to
those who had the money to buy.
Sam Smiley says that be has no
fear of the spread of the Bolsheviki
idra in this country, as lone as we
have free schools, free baths and an
Irish police force.
..Q .
The old fashioned woman who put
up jam without putting it up high
enough found her old fashioned son
streaked and daubed and stuffed with
it in the old fashioned fashion sev
cral times recently.
Uncle Sam, in dispensing with the
services of railroad lawyers, takes
his place as the leading efficiency ex
pert o.t tne worm. uermany can
... . . ..
no longer dispute mac mie, ior sne
fctui maintains a minister 01 coio
nles." .
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with local applications, aa they
cannot reach the seat of the disease,
Catarrh is a lor-al disease, preatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, aud
in order to euro It you muat take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine i3 taken internally and acta thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of th
Bvsfpm. nan s uaiairn aieaicinc was
prescribed by one of t.he best physician
In tills coumry iui, i
fhe ingredients bM'SCMeli
cine is what produces such winder fu
reeults in cc.t?.vriiai cci:uii.jr3. kei.u 1. Toledo c
All Druggists. &r
The people of the United States
did a fine and splendid thing when
they devoted the week before Christ
mas to recruiting the Red Cross. In
Omaha and Nebraska as everywhere
throughout the country we have giv
en our names as members of this
great organization and our dollars
to support it in its work.
It is appropriate to stop and ask
ourselves, What does the Red Cross
mean? What is its purpose? What
does it symbolize? In the Red Cross
Magazine for December- is published
a "war-time Christmas sermon" on
the text, "On Earth Peace Among
Hen of Good Will" that goes right
to the heart of these questions. The
writer, Alva Martin Kerr, declares
that the Red Cross "is infinitely
more than simply a charitable or
ganization. It is the nearest ap
proach Ave have yet made to prac
ticing the Christmas spirit of good
will among all nations and races and
The World-Herald hopes its every
reader will consider thoughtfully,
and take to heart, these noble and
illuminating paragraphs from this
Red Cross Magazine Christmas ser-
"The war in Europe was no acci-
dent. It was the inevitable outcome
of racial antipathy centuries old,
material ambition, international dis-
trust and suspicion, and a perverted
and utterly selfish idea of national
relationships. The old order has
utterly failed to find a basis for
peace. It must be supplanted by
- I
something infinitely more sweeping
ana fundamental than a rew peace
... .... .
I schemes. Treaties, alliances, dis-
I armaments such programs will fail,
a3 they always have failed, until
there comes to be good will among
all classes and peoples. Where this
is lacking, friction and misunder-
standing will increase and grievanc-
es will multiply until the final break
must come.
Must ,mw all mankind 1 sirt nf
this great blunder. The one great
world-agreement today is that after
this there must be no more war. It
is ATiiPriPa's TnarvPlmia nnnnrtnnit v.
... . ...
v - - - - - - i
ihe superlative service whicn we
can render the world in this war is,
; in r. , f
with absolute good feeling and the
honest conviction that the heart of
the common people of every nation
; -,i a .o..i
other. It is for us to show that
tliprp fnn Ytf tlio ni paI t n p- nf fnrrp
with force in genuine good will
truly seeking the good of those whom
we fiSbt because they are also in-
eluded in the number of those for
whom wc fight.
I "This honest conviction that the
1 1 . . . ,.r , . 1 - : 1.
1 ui iuu uuiiiiuuu people is rigui
I toward us is the larger and finer ap-
J plication of the Christmas carol. The
I Red Cross is pre-eminently fitted to
I interpret it to the world. It is the
- I one universal organization. It is in-
I terwoven into the heart-fiber of ev-
1 erj nation, down to its remotest ham-
iet It has endeared itself to every
pe0ple. It knows no distinction cf
- race or col0r, or class, or religion.
"These are days laden with desti
ny. They call ioud for the big of
- heart. This is no time for littleness
land meanness and class antinathv
land racial bitterness. Let him who
c . J erw"
ing vindictive, anu sutler martryraom
in the spirit of forgiveness, and fight
and fight hard without hatred, let
mm bianu apart ana give room to
those of larger mind and finer heart
- x .1 . .
in the fray. And when the sword
cJ- Ul to oE ttlc has ceas-
ed thc rei o peaC( QU t,arth wm
be ushered in if ye shall have taught
enough of the w'orld to meet the
! irpoolnicc nf tlile linnr with t Vl A ?r(!tt- I
ness of good will!"
I Here is an echo of the great
hearted and broad-minded sentiments
of Tresident Wilson. They are senti
ments that are falling into fertile
soil and taking root in every land.
They sink into the hearts of the com
mon people, who are giving their
sons to fight this war with there may
be no more war. They can under
stand, even if many narrow visicned
statesmen and leaders and editors
and politicians cannot, that hatred
and rancor and vindictiveness are
the seed of war and that so surely
as we continue to sow them just that
surely shall we reap other harvests
of blood and agony. Good will is
the foundation of enduring peace and
without it there can be no such
peace. World-Herald.
The Balkin-Macedonian campaign
is a grave of military reputations
for Allied chieftains. The fame of
several British generals was buried
on the shores of the Dardanelles.
When the center of activity in that
region was transferred to Salonica,
the British general command, hav
ing received a very black eye, step
ped aside, and the French general,
Sarrail, who had Avon an excellent
fighting reputation in France, and
particularly at the battle of the
Mame, was put in absolute charge.
General Sarrail has had a long
trial since October, 1915. A little
more than a year ago he operated a
brilliant offensive at Monastir. He
seemed to be the right man in the
right place. He showed wisdom and
! firmness in the handling of the
Greek situation while King Constan
tine was still on deck. But since
Monastir he has not perceptibly ad
vanced the Allied lines.
Whether it is the essential diffi
culty of a mountain country that has
balked him, or whether he is inher
ently unfit for his difficult task, no
doubt only the verdict of history can
decide. But in any case his govern
ment has given him up. He has
1-orTi nicnlflporl finil will linmo r
"' D
failure perhaps an honorable fail
ure, but a failure nevertheless. The
painful paths of this war are now
decorated with the ruins of another
military reputation.
The man who takes Sarrail's place,
General Guillemet, cannot be con
gratulated. He has a task that ruay
Irove insuperable. Military critics !
long ago agreed that the Allies can- :
gh !
""- lu lulte l'"uu
the mountains into old Serbia or in-
to Bulgaria
If Guillemet should
ever succeed in doing this he will
liave PVed his possession of niili-
I torw iranSne P,irli!irio tlin Allipl Vtr)vr
r1"-' s ' - -
r l BPfreue,,u a sltdL
offensive toward Salonica. and are
Preparing for a defensive campaign
there onlJ'- In either case- they need
the best ability they can get in the
Salonica command. Boston Tran-
i JOt-
It is announcd that the non-parti
san league will get behind Mr. Nor-
ris for senator. The Nebraskan sug
gests that the official emblem of
the 'campaign should be an Ameri
can flag with a big dollar mark.
which the Nebraska senator said we
would put upon that flag if we went
to war with Germany.
But if these people imagine that
they can get very far among Nebras
ka farmers with such a campaign
they will yet have a day of awaken
ing. Omaha Nebraskan.
Don't write it 1917.
The holidays over.
"Clear the tracks for freight," is
McAdoo's order.
Congressman Sloan will oppose
Norris for n. s. senator.
For all who lonc for a just iasting
and honorable peace, may this prove
I a irinnv vpw vr-nr
It is evident that the planet Mars
ig n()t juhaWtcd Tiie Germans have
made no Epecial etfert to antagonize
I the Martians
r Bruises and Sprains
Have Sloan's Liniment handy
for bruises and sprains and all
piins 'and aches. Quick relief
follows its prompt application.
No need to rub. For rheumatic
aches, neuralgia, stiff muscles, lame
back, lumbago, gout, strains, and
gnrains. it cives auick reliet.
Generous eized frolto. 25c 50c.. S1.C3.
Some railroad men are finding out j
that the government taking charge j
of the railroads, is no horseplay.
If you ever get acquainted with.
jourself the chances are that you !
find your company so agree
A man may hurl thunderbolt argu
ments at his wife, but she can usual
ly think of something to say in the
last word.
The Urich Herald cheers us v)
with the reminder that the wages of
sin remain the same and there is no
prospect of a strike.
In China the American dollar is
worth $1.42 but you try to buy some
thing here with it and it looks like
thirty cents.
:o: f
A certain citizen said the ether
V4CJt f X Villi 11UC IW01110 L1J IVOJvVL i V- 4
law and lawyers. I lost that the
first time I was sued, thirty-four
years ago."
For forty years the German auto
cracy has refused to let the German J
people rule themselves and at the ;
same time constantly assured them
they ought to rule the rest cf the
Some more of the Kaiser's Christ- t
mas speech arrived yesterday. If it
had been interesting or instructive, t
or amusing, it probably would r.(t
have come at all. As it is. it strings
along in sections, covering more than
a week.
A great deal cf the traveling seem
to be done by mothers with six cr
fcven children on the way to grand
ma's. Uncle Sam might save a good s
deal of railroad energy by fixing
things so grandma can do the travel
ing until the war is over.
Furthermore, we don't believe
was so loath to leave, or 191$
I ro Cciger to come in, as the cartoon
ists would have us believe. The
earth carries a fcrblding r.spcc'
these days, we imagine to thoe en
joying the proper perspective.
A Maryland law that compels all
men to be engaged in productive la
bor during the war has been inter
preted to call shoe shining as non
productive because people can shine
their own shoes. And a band of
ypsies was fined $5 a person, not
withstanding that their chief said
they were horse dealers. The law
ntends to reach out for the golf play-
ng, motor driving loafer of the lei
sure class, also.
It is usually considered legitimate
in politics to seize upon every oppor
tunity for political advantage, but
in times like these patriotism, and a
sincere desire to be of service to
your country in time cf trouble,
ought to place every statesman
above the employment of petty po
litical pettifogging, and this paper
confesses that it is disappointed in
Congressman Iteavis' attempt to
make political capital out of the Mc
Connell wdman's letters in the Oma
ha Bee. Certainly no good can come
to the republican party by being un
fair with thc democratic administra
tion at thi3 time, or in seeking by
the publication of false statements
to hamper its war preparations or
impair the morale of tho American
soldier. This paper has always had
an abiding faith in, and an abound
ing admiration "tor Congressman
Ileavis. But he is too big a man to
allow himself to 'be' duped by any
person who exhibits a greater re
gard for notoriety than for veracity.
Fairbury News.
SIPrTKPP--J l the sccond Germnn army, he sai
lSH$?$aj3 f V'i among other somewhat bombast
m $4 outbursts :
lT:E&!iw"sv ine most gigantic teat ever
Very properly the kaiser in his ad
dresses to the Cernian armies just
prior to Christmas, indulged in
characteristic flights of optimism,
with especial reference to Teutonic
valor and its achievement. Speaking
plished by an army and one without
parallel in history, was accomplished
the German army. I don't boast.
It is a fact, and nothing else. The
admiration you have earned shall be
your reward, and at the same time
your pride. Nothing can in any way
p!ace in the shade or surpass what
you have accomplished, however
groat and overwhelming it may be
The year 1917, with its great battles,
has proved that the German people,
bar; in the Lord of Creation above an
unconditional and avowed ally on
whom it ran absolutely rely.
Speaking at 1-lssen, the home of
the Krupp gun works, four days lat
er. Grand Admiral von Tirpitz, while
not discrediting in any way the Ger
man valor extolled by the kaiser,
unwittingly told how vain it all is
and how gloomy is the prospect for
the German empire, lie insisted that
a termination of the war without in-
; a :-:v.!ii;y to Germany would mean
j Germany's ruin, and pictured in the
following paragraph the plight in
which the fatherland now finds it
, self:
Not only haj England taken our
colonics and Mesopotamia, but ev-
I erywhe-re she has mar-? deeper and
colonial supremacy. She has tarnich-
ed and trodden down the prestige
ar. I honor of Germany by unprcced-
i cr.ted calumnies. In the whole trans
Atlantic world we are considered as
conquered raid dene for.
Evidently von Tirpitz feans toward
: the pan-German repugnance for the
) Bolshevikl "no annexations and no
indemnities" program, and was try
t j ing to frighten the German people
i fnto a revolt against the separate
; HusFir.n poace based ostensibly upon
any such ternir..
And in doing it he took -a great
deal of the lu?tre oft' the bombastic
Speech of the kcis?r in which he of
fered the mailed fist and the shining
sword to all who would not accept
German peace. Lincoln Star
:o: '
No rocw here for the slacker. "
Now go to work or the army.
Every little Thrift Stamp has an
:o: '.
Plenty of money in the country,
but you must have something to sell
to got it.
If you can't carry a gun you can
at least lick a stamp for the War Sav
ing Fund.
Some women are naturally built
for short skirt?, others merely show
their ignorance.
Will the Prussians ver under
stand that it is time for them to
change pitchers?
Everything going up. liven the
dudgeon used these days by indignent
old gents in high dudgeon.
:n :
True the world loves a ejuiet man,
bnt it gives a lot mere attention to
the fellow that gets up and howls.
Why wouldn't it be much nicer
for the frirls who go boy hunting
now-a-days to call on the boys at
their homes, instead of racing up
and down the streets after night
looking for them.
Germany had a fine chance cf
getting Spain into a war with thij
country. But Spain is too smart to
be dictated to by thc bull-headed
Kaiser. Besides Spain tried a war
with this country to its entire satis
faction. :o:
Among other things the hour. of
low 12 did the night before New
Years wars to play a rather cruel
joke on the prophets who had dug up
scriptural proof that the war would
in 1917.
c f a i:-r. i.v,, ?,.,, I-1. M. 1
r.vst? ?.r.l rxs'XciUiLr.s rci'.T
Ii'o r Kah cotic.
S. v c . vdS.'-i ' 22TJ
S :k :(;!
l f." 11 Cilt: -.Tf.
f'i'.Z , 1 ViT;j-.CoLi-rJ:doi.Tcrisii-
v Y: ; ! ! r3 tr J Less c r Sr&
' f i i."
Exact Crpy r,f Wraporr.
That enthusiastic patriots are be
ccmiiig more numerous, more bold
end less tolerant is evidenced by re
ports of warnings being given by
the use of yellow paint and other
drastic methods at different points in
the state. At Kenesaw last week
the store of Walter C. Schulz was
given a coat of yellow paint. Friday
night the Bee building in Omaha was
treated to a coat of yellow though it
wc 5 impossible to determine wheth
er the paint was intended for the
Bcr? or some occupant of the build
ing. At Dewitt ' the home guards
under the leadership of Captain
Walter Scott marched to the store
of Carl Niemeier a reported pro-German
and after the captain had lec
tured hiin on his duty to the United
States, retired. As the bugler blew
thc retreat an American flag was
taken frcm the building and carried
back to the hall, the guard evidently
thinking the flag was in the wrong
In each instance the newspapers
have rebuked the perpetrators of the
deed, as they should have done. No
individual cr company of individuals
are warranted in meeting out sum
mary justice or warnings to anyone,
no matter what the reports or sus
picions. The country and state
councils of defense were created and
organized for the purpose of investi
gating just such cases. However,
these incidents should warn any
slacker, hike warm patriot or dis
loyal element that they are "monkey
ing with the buzz saw" when they
express disloyal sentiments or fail to
respond as they rhould to any patriot
ic work in which the community is
engaged. The great body of the
h-"' iV-n f,
1.1.0 , ' 1
w 1 f
Lincoln, Nebr., January 14th to 19th, 1819
Everybody interested in thc vital questions of greater and bet
ter farm products should attend these gatherings.
Board of Agriculture
Corn Improvers
State and County Fairs
State Dairy Men's Ass'n
Agricultural Extensions
Nebraska Fanners Congress
S FECIAL FEATURES : Every day special educational events,
congresses and conventions. For official programs, information,
etc., apply to W. R. Mellor, Chairman, Lincoln, Neb ' '
BIG WINTER EVENT: Denver, Colorado Tanuarv 20th
I to
National Western Live
' jT2,T,T5''?1''7"'R1 ' "I
Mte .1
'For Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have
Aiways Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
people are in dead earnest in the
prosecution of the war and on occa
sion are apt to do in their enthusiasm
what they might be sorry for after
ward. Seward Independent-Democrat.
If it be true, as reported, that out
of 200 j'oung men registered at York,
the only one expressing a willingness
to go has but one eye, it demonstrates
that with respect to finding excuses
for slackerism two eyes are better
than one.
It takes a mighty energetic man
who can "nail" a lie without letting
his own fingers get a rap.
Don't Wait for the Fatal Stages ef
Kidney Illness. Profit By Platts
mouth People's Experiences.
Occasional attacks of backache, ir
regular urination, . headaches and
dizzy spells are frequent symptoms
of kidney disorders. It's an error
to neglect these ills- '
may pass off for a tir
return with greater
delay a minute. Be
Kidney Pills, and
until the desired
ed. Good work H
the effectiveness
Edward Marti
Vine St., Plattsm
ever my kidneys gt
irregularly, a box c
Pills relieves the trou
ally my back starts at
requires only a few dose3 of Doan's
Kidney Pills to relieve me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Martin uses. Foster-Milbur
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
7 .4 01 I
ie n ntfiirftinnia "T? ni n
Live Stock Shippers' Ass'n
State Home Economics
Dairy Cattle Breeders
State Horse Breeders
State Swine Breeders .
State Potato Growers
Stock Show.
.--. It attracts thousands of visitors to Den
ver from the Middle West.
W. K. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1,004 Farnam Street Omalja, Nebraska
I :
IN i
" ' A l
Han s i a.iy -.--