PAGE TOUR. Cbe plattsmoutb journal rtlUIHED IBKNWKBKLT AT MUATTf MOUTH, KKBRASKA. atareA at Testfic at Plattaaaontfc, aa ca-elaa mall Matter. R. A. DATES, niouraoi PBtcat tM Advertise now. :o:- Geueral Byng away. is stiii binging :o: It doesn't pay to hammer somcono all the time. :o: ; The keenest hearing is that of the vaudeville artist, who frequently an swers the encore before it starts. : :o: Will the gentleman who advised us to substitute cornmeal for wheat flour please stand up so we can aim a brick at him. :o: While the statement of the Allies' war aims was postponed. It is under stood that there is no secrecy that the chief war aim is to lick Germany. The Sultan and his "Christian Dog" brother Wilhem, don't seem to be congratulating and decorating each other over what's hopping 'round Jerusalem these days. ;o: Gradually the horrors are being segregated from the army and sad dled onto those who stay at home. The army chaps are free now to dance to real music no jazz ;o: However displeased the German prima donna's may be at the actions of America and the American pub lic, we have heard none willing to go back home to sing- at Berlin prices. -:o:- For the benefit of the uninitiated -vno still keep ice in the winter, it is suggested that wife's knitting needles are excellent implements with which to clean out the drain pipe under the refrigerator. :o:- Six states will vote on prohibition next year California, Nevada, Minnesota, Wyoming, Missouri and Florida. We are betting on two states which will go wet. , Califor nia and Missouri, if they let St. Louis vote. :o: Some newspapers are born pat riotic and some has patriotism thrust upon them, and thus pretend to be patriotic when they arc not the same as some people around this old town carrying water on both shoulders. But they are spotted. :o; Mr. Hoover directed that no tur keys be killed for Thanksgiving this year. We really hadn't expected to kill any, recalling how many stor age turkeys the housewives refused to buy last year, and knowing the same turkeys would be waiting this year. :o; The first thing the Germans did to the Russian envoys when they . reached the front with their little white flag was to blindfold them That is about as much show as we imagined the Russians would have in any peace negotiations with Ger many. :o: To lose a button is becoming j "domestic tragedy in Germany, ac cording to the Hamburger Echo which reports that sewing thread is so scarce and expensive that nobody can get clothes mended, and urges that a maximum price be set on thread at once. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with 1DCAIi APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease, rot.rrh 4 n.-local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure n i internal remedy IIall'3 Catarrh Medi cine 13 taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the Haifa Catarrh Medicine was Drescrtbcd by one of the best physicians J ttiia muntry for years. It is com posed of some of the best .tomes 'known. r i.: i ..r-vi cnniit of the best blood "'lI," 1 rfecl combination of Vbe ingredients In . Hall' -Catarrh , Me.lU results in catarrhal conditions. Send for jraSlNB CO.. rrops.. Toledo. O, uLva vSnay WU tor constipation. Publisher rzs x Of ADYAVCB Snow all around but none here. Everybody should love Old Glory. :o: Santa Clans is popular with the little ones just now. ;o: The kaiser will And lead instead of gold at, the end of the Rainbow Division. :: With a separate peace with" out siders, what a lovely fight those Rus sians would take at home! :o: : Every dog should have his day, but that doesn't make it necessary for you to bark into the telephone. :c: The man who is conceited in old age has evidently not been very ob serving while on the journey of life. :o: "Hunter mistakes trapper for a deer" says a familiar headline. And as usual, proceeded to make his own shot, which never misses. :o: The Atchison Globe takes consid erable pride in the fact that very ittle of the current peace talk orig inates iu the English language. :o: .Do you know anyone else whose name carries such a crescendo and winds up with such a crash as Gen ii Sir Julian Hedworth George Lyng. :o:- A Chicago man wishes to. eliminate all men waiters, sending them into he army. Most people, however. wish victory to come by a quicker lelivery. -:o:- It is suggested that if the gov rnment wishes to escape further blame, it will guarantee rain along with that $2 price for wheat next year. :o: Trust Nebraska to come to the front with the unusual and the best. It has the only governor to date who has resigned in order to don the uniform of his country. :o:- Santa Claus will hover over the American ex-peditionarv , carun Christmas eve in great force, and woe veto any German airman who gets into his path that night. :o:- Thus far German submarine devil- iry ha3 cost Norway 660 ships and 13 sailors. Being a kind neutral neighbor to folk like German auto crats sure has its drawbacks. :o: . i Assuming that the Cleveland, O., man who was sued last week for $300,000 heart balm really has ? 300,000, one is inclined to believe the forlorn young woman in the case when she says she hated to lose him. When a lady shoots her husband, considerable investigation is made into her sanity at the time of the shooting, when, if her allegations are true, the investigation should be made into her sanity at the time she married him. fcome profused merchants really do not know what advertising means Yet there are times when the ad vertising merchant gets what you might say, all the business, and he is unable to see the reason therefore. Let him try advertising, and he will perhaps solve the question. -:o: wnerever a veneered patriot is found too discreet to. openly oppose Uncle Sam and laud the kaiser he is heard discrediting those, who are seeking to help Uncle Sam and bam- bast the kaiser. Or he is found apologizing for the disloyal and de precatlng summary measures for the punishment of treason. Yet the mass of the American people have heard of the ostrich and Its way. of hiding. TKE NATUItE OF TRUE PATRIOTISM In the first place English should be the universal language among all peoples of this nation. Only Eng lish should be allowed to be taught in our public schools. Other lang uages should be left to bo taught in the colleges and universities, and should be elective. It is a pernic ious law which allows a small group of people to thrust upon the com munity the teaching of a language not our own in the public schools. This tends to unpatriotic and un democratic sentiments. Second. The publication of news papers in foreign languages in the United States should be prohibited. The only possible exception should be made where the English transla tion is published at the same time and in an adjoining column. These publications do not advance the prin ciples of democracy, because of the fact that the language which they use comes from a nation which is con trolled by the autocracy. Unpat riotic and undemocratic sentiments can be freely expressed and be only known to those who can read other than the English language. Nelson Ierald. to: OPPOSED TO OSCULATION. The traitor-citizens Who are caught with the "goods on" are of ten made to eat their vile words. They also are compelled to kiss the American flag. This practice does not: appeal to me, for I think it is an insult to our flag to permit such low individuals to touch the glor ious banner of this great nation. Schuyler Messenger. :o: CONGRESS AGAIN. We know why Congress is back and what is is going to do. Never- theelss we -welcome it and hope it will make itself comfortable for the winter. Ferhaps it is rather noble of us, and maybe we. deserve a. lot of praise for it and maybe we won't get it, but no matter, we welcome Congress just the same and urge it to go right ahead. It's going to take a lot of money o carry on the war we know, and we know it has got to come out of our pockets. Still we welcome Con gress. We were for the war and we are for going through with it. Con gress spoke no more than our senti ments and made them none too strong when it puts us in. We didn't stop to count the cost then and we are not going to stop to count it now; and when we say Congress is welcome we don't mean to be Just polite, and we don't mean that we anticipate great pleasure from listen- ng to its speeches for we don't but we mean it is welcome to call on us for every cent that is needed to end the war victoriously. It will hear no complaint from us on that score. But while we are putting our hands in our pockets to dig up the silver bullets, we hope Congress will do what it can to keep other hands out. Congress has been it away and perhaps hasn't noticed, but since fall set in the price of coal has taken quite a jump. We don't know whose fault it is the coal dealers tell one story one day and another the next, as if they couldn't quite make up their minds which. was the better but we know we are not pay ing the present prices to help win the war. As soon as Congress zet3 caught up with its work we hope it will look into this matter, and Into the general subject of prices; and not on our account alone, but to make easier the Nation's task of licking kaiserism out of its boots or it much be plain to Congress that every dollar taken from us un justly by price riggers makes It harder for us to buy Liberty' bonds and give to the Red Cross and meet CASTO'RIA For Infants and Children . In Uso For Over 30 Yeans Always bear a the fiignaxuiaof V PLATTHlIOUTn SEMl-tTEE5LY JOURfJAL. zz3 ?f i I Togct quickrelief take Dr. Kings New Discovery. Used 50 years. Checks the cold. Stops the cough. Try it. Dr. Hs WlBI-Qaf.fWi for Coughs s Colds The Evils f Constipation Leaving waste material in the body poisons the system and blood and makes you liable to sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness and muddy skin. Try Dr. King's New Life Pills. Prompt relief. 25c. At alf druggists. the many other calls that come to us on account of the war and which we would like to meet. - That's all. Congress is welcome and we hope it will stay as long as necessary. It will have to lay on quite a lot of new taxes, but we guess we can carry them. Of course, they will be laid on equitably Con gress doesn't need to be told we ex pect that. And whatever taxes are laid on we hope Congress will do it and not leave it to Mr. Kitchin. K. C. Star ;o: . PATRIOTISM'S PAY. "None" is the only answer that the members of the local draft board of an Iowa county have given to the government query as to what charge is to be made for the service of the members in the execution of the selective draft law. The report sent n -ay the county board at Marengo was the first com plete report that the adjutant gen eral's department has received. The expense account covered the months of July, August, September, October, and November. Charges might have been made by the members of Marengo for the fol lowing: Chairman, clerk, physician, office rent, examining surgeon, fur niture, typewriter rent, supplies and printing, traveling, incidentals and postage. After each of the items the board wrote the word "none." The sum total of the column was "none." It is known to the adjutant gen eral's department that many items of expense were incurred bv the members of the board of Marengo. The department points to the first re port as one of the samples of vol unteer work of which it wishes to receive much. R. J. Gilchrist is chairman of the Iowa county board,. Merus Williams is clerk, and Dr. A. E. Gibson (re signed) is physician. Dcs Moines Register. :o: Do your shopping early. -:o: A little snow now and then. :o: The great Russian question where are Mr. and Mrs. Kerensky? :o: We have felt right along that if Austria wasn't a little more careful of the company it kept it would get into trouble. ;o: With Hoover, conservation be gins at home. He has even had his son's appendix cut out, along with the sugar, etc. :o: Have the students of early cam ouflage cited the escape of Ulysses irom the Cyclops cave by hiding in tae wool of the great ram? :o:- Chicken thieves are getting ac tive. It would be. a good idea for those who have chickens to get their shot gun in' active operation, also. :o:- Iu Petrograd a citizen goes to bed a traitor and rises a patriot; lunch es as a revolutionist and dines as a rebel; and never for a moment knows what democracy, is. GO HAVE A LOOK! Vallery and Cromwell leave Plattsmoutu every Saturday night at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase counties. They have the good level black soil that is raising all -kinds of small grain, corn and alfalfa. Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been out. 17-swtf STRAIGHT FROM . THE SHOULDER! The message delivered by Presi dent Wilson to the reconvened con gress strikes straight from the shoulder at the vital points of the war situation. Without mincing his language he shows that the reasons forcing us to take up arms to repel the unprovoked aggressions of the kaiser are even stronger now for unrelenting prosecution of the war and that the talk of peace by com promise before we have gotten, fair ly into swing is prompted either by cowardly fear or traitorous disloy alty. At no time has a president talked more plainly and more out spokenly about enemies within the nation conspiring to sacrifice the principles of democracy to tempor ary advantage. The best evidence thai the presi dent is in earnest and determined to back words with deeds, is his urgent demand upon congress for immedi ate declaration that a state of war exists also with Austria-Hungary. The anomaly of fighting the kaiser while pretending to be in friendly peace with his chief partner acting in complete unison with hiu$, not only in pushing the U-boat infamy but also in military movements against us and our allies, is indeed intolerable. The president offers a partial excuse for the Austrians that they are but tools and vassals of the German war lords and place .Turkey and Bulgaria in the same category, yet asksthat action against the last two be deferred for reasons which to us seem inconclusive. Unless there are undisclosed objects to be subserved, we do not see why we should continue on terms of peace with any of the countries self-linked with Germany in its greedy scheme of world dominion. To the people of the countries whose governments are waging war upon us,the president's re-statement of our aims and purposes should be reassuring and would be if they were permitted to comprehend with out distortion and misrepresentation. That understanding can, however, only come later when we pmve to them that justice and right and not plunder and booty is what alone will satisfy us. It must also hearten our own allies and strengthen them in their weak places. For patriotic Americans, there is nothing to do but gird for a battle to the finish. Omaha Bee. :o: NO HALF-HEARTED PATRIOTS. The election returns from many of the large cities indicates that true patriots may be compelled to forcret for the time party ties and vote for men for public trust who are 100 per cent American. No man who is half neartcd in the support of his coun try in this crisis should be sent to congress or the senate, and the peo ple should go behind their campaign utterances to determine their loyal ty. Fairbury News :or P.efore a woman can vote in Great Britain under the new suffrage fran- elilse, she must be 30 years old and i ok it. Which isn't so. bad she desn't have to admit it except to the registrar, who usually is a strange, mere man. :o: Reading the other day that tight shoes made a woman look cross, we know now what's the matter with a certain otherwise good looking girl of this old town. :o: Whale meat in San Francisco mar kets has risen to 22;2 cents the pound. Somebody cornered whales? :o: CEMETERY. We arc now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. . East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Floor -M"M"I"H"I" Easy Starts in Gold Weather Polarine is produced under pressure at a zero temperature. That's why it flows freely, feeds steadily and won't "stiffen up" in the crankcase of your car not even in the cold est weather. So winter starting is easy with a Polarine lubricated motor. Polarine lubricates thoroughly. It forms a perfect seal between piston and cylinder wall. That's why compression and power are increased. This winter get the driving satisfaction that Polarine gives you. Fill your crankcase wherever you see the sign you'll find it on numerous Service Stations and good garages everywhere. the Ideal For most miles per pallon, most comfort per mile use Red Crown Gasoline. j STANDARD OIL COMPANY. (Nebraska) Omaha DR. BIEICK. of Omaha, 53 6 World Herald build ing, will be at McElwain's Jewelry store every first Thursday in the month. Eye glasses scientifically fitted. Consult me about diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Subscribe for the Journal. i 1 W.f" t rr : a. era mm j,vill start yon in our &p'imm ftAwairc am Increase vcur devosii week ana in &w weens WON'T THA"" $63.75 LOOK GOOD TO YOU NEXT CHRISTMAS? TO GET THAT MUCH ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS, BRING IN A NICKEL NOW, AND .EACH WEEK INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT 5 CENTS AND IN 50 WEEKS HAVE $63.75. OR YOU CAN BEGIN WITH 10 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR EVEN 1 CENT AND IN150 WEEKS HAVE: 10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 1-CENT CLUB PAYS 12.75 YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST PAYMENT AND DE CREASE YOUR PAYMENTS EACH WEEK. THERE ARE ALSO FIFTY CENT, ONE DOLLAR AND FIVE DOL LAR CLUBS, WHERE YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. START TODAY. AL30 START YOUR LITTLE ONES. WE ADD 3 PER CENT INTEREST. ' THE NEW BANK. The ftehawka Mills are now Rolling and Manufacturing the fie LstitQr luji "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever vou po Use this famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. O. D. ST. JOHN, Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by All Doalors MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, "1917. - 11 . - Winter Lubricant Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. jj This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicine for coughs, colds and croup, but is also pleasant and safe to take, which is important when medicine must be given to children. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement. ff TOW COMETiM; ASKFAB0U7 IT. nave&J&A jp State Bank 9? 1 T JM.