The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nmr Ms
a id a
Tictitious Marriage Turns the Trick
and Now the Lady is on Her
VTay to the U. S.
New York, Nov. 25. Miss Ta
tiana Xicolaevna Romanoff, second
daughter cf Nicholas Romanoff, de
posed emperor of Russia, Iras escap
ed frcm Siberia through a fictitious
marriage to a son of a former cham
berlain of the czar and is now on her
way to the United States, chaperon
ed by an Englishwoman, according
to information made public here to
night by persons connected with the
Russian civilian relief.
The former grand duchess, who Is
20 years old, made her escape from
Tobolsk, the present home of the ex
iled emperor, to Harbin, in Manchu
ria, and thence to Japan, where pas
rage was taken on a steamship for
the Fa cine coast.
The New York oiacialo of the Rus
sian civilian relief, including Dan
iel rrohmon, Ivan Narodny and Dr.
Thomas Darlington, have been in
formed tho voung woman will ar
rive m Aev; ion, some uiae iu 1
cemt-cr ,u p.a a i.iUl ....
i- -r--, -I - ' (I'm ro'nllv r.rri Pi nr- (
i; . .,. -
According to an announcement to-
right by tho news bureau of the!
Ri:sian department, Miss;
Remaned? intends to remain one year;
in this country and while in New
York her guardian and companion
will be Mrs. Margaret Enrret Carver;
cf Denver, v.j'O left this city on last;
Triday for the Pacific coast.
Srcretly Leaves Tobolsk. Forces (Health & Recreation.
Mr. Frchman is a temporary mom- j 9. Educational Propaganda,
b-r cf the beard of governors of the'' 10.- Americanization Xai urailnatiea
Rnsd.m civilian relief. cf Forcign-ers.
Ivan Xarcdny, v.iio is connected; 11. Liberty Lr-an.
with the Russian-American Asiatic; 12. lied Crops r.rd Allied P.Tief.
corporation, tcid icnisht how Miss' Whet haz the Woman'.? C-m-mit-Romanoff
succeeded in leaving Rus-; tee cf the Xcbrea State Counril
sia. He said news of her escape was ! done to merit mippert from the pub
sent to him by the emperor's former j lis?
second chamberlain named Fredcr-! 1. It h?s re-VereS the womap
i - o ti I , I J-'.n.l nii I nt run
. t . . . . . il J . I - , KX vj-.u
vcuug woman's flight had been well
known to a close circle of friends.
srod'ey explained thatr t h e
cf the former emperor
were permitted to leave Tobolsk and,
to visit relatives cd-'e where, but that 1
they were forbidden to leave Rus
sian territory. The plan was then
conceived of having her "marrj" a
son cf Frederick, as this would give
the former grand duchess greater!
freedom of movement about Russia.
"Miss Tatiana Rcmanoff does net
care," a statement icsued said, "as
to whether her father or the Roman
off dynasty ever regain the throne,
but she is very much concerned
about a strong democratic govern
ment, or rather a United States of
Russia. She will try to explain to
the American people that they had
not ought to desert Russia and leave
her to the socialistic adventurers the Germans, but help to get
united and work for the allies."
The purpose of the Russian civil
relief, it was stated, is to "promote
and foster mutual understanding
friendly relations and the spirit cf
brotherly love between the Russian
and American peoples; to raise funds
solicit volunteers to aid so far as
possible in alleviating the suffering!
of t'.ie masses affected by the war or
revolution, and to make a propagan
da for the establishment of an im-
mam JL ---- - ,
P to. J- si tT t n
When you can got
eastern Piebraska at
and on good terms, that will increase In valtic
because., vjc raise: tho crops, every ye ar.
i akc your car and drive to Sterling- Kcb
and get back home tho same day. Buy
'arm near home that you can leok after.
We have tracts o? land iroin 5 sorer, to
500 acres; any size tract you want. lrJa have
sold several Cass county people. Drive
over to Sterling Mcb., and ceo us.
If p, 1 1 b 0 -3 ' M &hw$m
Phone Red G5.
I mediate static democratic govern
ment and counteract, the socialistic
TIig Grand Dutchess Tr.tiana was
born in Peterhof in 1S97. In. August,
1013, it vas reported that she would
marry Trinco Charles of Iloumania,
and her betrothal to the prince of
"Wales also ives reported in October
of the same year, but later denied.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Why the Women llcei Honey.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 20, 1917.
The Woman's Conr.nittee of the
Nebraska State Council of Defense
needs fund.;. BIG DRIVE OX DE
What is the Woman's Committee
of the Council of National Defense
for tbe purpose of so coordinating
the activities and the results cf the
organized - and tho unorganized
women of the country that their
power can bo immediately utilised.
in time cf need. It supplies a new
and direct channel of co-operation
between women and governmental
I low i-s the Yrrn's Comriittpc
coordinating the Woman's power?
By the organisation cf state .divi
sions. In Nebraska the state devi
sicn in turn crganirrd the county
units cf all wonm-i's organizations
and scricMe-s vithout rem rd to creed,
purpose or color. Its mcmcbrhip is
always cnen to women v.ct belonging
to any orgenizel
inc!n,ps a American institutions
rntitlc(j to in0Jn-lC;v!np
What are the tic part me
week in th? Wcmen.': Com-nitte-1.
Registration for Service.
Food Production.
Food Coneerve t ic n.
I To:.;? Economics.
V,cmen in Industry.
Child Welfare.
Maintaining Existing So
me Ag
5 T -I '
s Crcnt5n Morl and fpirili
I' li-; luf.'
Pen?o of over C2.C0 for regi'.rr-
tion cards, summary IF1, xnre-
j and postage charges. It has
i through its registration
r emuc1
' woman emrdeves for in-li:trie5 that
shcrl of
has put to
work fcr the government and for
patriotic service, tkousarr's. of
who had net done anything before
this registration was taken.
2. It has assi.-ied wry materially
in two food pledge card campaigns
under the direetio!; of the food ad
ministrator at .. Wah'-'Tfon. The
first food censervation cr.mpc'g::
reees-itr-ted the exper.div.'.rc of a
considerable sum for food pledge
cards, express, etc. Some of this
was borne lo-mlly, but in most ca?es
it came out of indfvidunl subscrip
tions, by the women themselves. In
the second food pledge campaign
the women gave great assistance to
Mr. Yattles' work.
The Child Welfare Committee is
voluntarily guarding itie youth cf
our state.
The Americanization Department
has, by persistent and zealous work
among the foreign element, brought
about the naturalization cf hund
reds of foreign born women, and
through them has influenced the
men so- that they, too, have taken
out their papers and become bona
fide citizens of this country.
The Educational Division is seeing
-staple .and in South
vcrv reasot;ab.(c price
Steriins, iTicbraska
to it that every school public and
parochial, conducts patriotic pro- !
grams. That it expels from its books
all undemocratic articles, and that
an American flag waves over each
school building in the state.
Tho Department of Health and
Recreation has given careful atten
tion to the safeguarding of tho
moral and spiritual forces of the
soldiers in the permanent and tem
porary camps in the state. This Di
vision provided the beys with many
comforts and actual necessities wiili
which they were not at first sup
plied by the government. All this
came out of the funds of the earnest
women vena serve on this Commit
tee. The Department locking after the
Maintonaee of Existing Social Ser
vice Agencies is seeing to it that the
standard of work in all home chari
ties in Xebrr.ska is maintained.
The Liberty Loan Committee
through its women assistants
throughout the state, has raised ap
proximately $1,900,000 for the sec
ond Liberty Loan campaign.
The establishment cf a Speakers'
Bureau to fill the frequent calls for
addresses to explain problems con
nected with the war and woman's
part in it, i? one of tho projects the
Council of National Defense right
fully asks our Woman's .-Committee
to effect.
In r del it lot to above, what has the
Women's Committee done?
'It has organized practically every
county in the state for Woman's
work. In each cc.ur.ty, orgnni.-itions
cf women are co-operating with the
Cr-ir.'y Council to push ill patriotic
and war relief work.
Th" ro.-i Cross work r; almoot en
tirely in the hands of the women of
our state. There are about V0.0 0 0
mf-mh.-rn of the Red Crn:-s in our
state ahme; where a, two vers eo
there were on'.y 200.000 mmbers of
t? ,'.r"T-;.;a!i Red Crew in the Unit
ed i'.
Tin i- t?( Wonmn'o Committee
p;t sorted ?
The Xr-bra Fe Ci'-vi! of T---r.
T- :-!:.'! licod-iuertor-!. It
.re rf - r':cpr-:i.-f ;'H-.;rr, .
f t T'e 'r'o fi ' ('
vork ? th-"r 'eve. c- no v. .a; '.it
r'rp.'.mi'' t.- : m- -v .-i dred- of
dollar-, in errears vi the r,::-v. lime.
dc it.-' 'ie o';-"-'e indivi .v.- -e:y-i
P"rt. Tb (.- Chairr-mf -f 1 Fx: .-."
: ' e : '. u
c-i rou e:h
;,':i"o i"'o:
iiheut remyj.-ati"
Tie is f bo Worn";':? ' r.r-i it ' i o
be en. "bled t 5 con r
! V 1
OrJv 1
ar :.-e.
T-a n".--"-.-.-n--': l.v
b"i ib-'-" be-- 1 een ;o rnml' that a!
public apr-'e' 1ms be t. r.resary.
The V.''i Cr:::mi' te an;,eab; !. i
the public 5n.Xc':rrO-a t" :-T"e svr
T'O'-t. 1 f fin J li r r-.- .'-rit I t '.-
worl-. which is the bae""''"-or cf r !
tbo war relief work r. :r r ;. g vomt u.
An especial dav, tho !"t!i of De-
comber, has besn set aside for tb
campaign to rei"-e funds, fer Fie b'e-
;rr.ska State Division of Women's. !
Work of the Council of National Do
Will yen hcin?
rry cttt;t-p--
Tb.e teacher and pupils of Lewis
ton School District No. 7 will give
a program and box supper, Satur
day evening Dec. 1st, at the- school,
everybody is invited. Program to
start at 7:30.
I iie an: cir Lass LouEiy
of Plattsmout h, Nobiaska.
Charter No. 642.
Ineo:-0!Tei'(l in tbc -stato t Nebraska. .t tLe
CiOot- cf bit:iies, Novi-n.beT V,
Loans nr.d uiscuns S."."5.::or.
vi!Mir:ifts 4 .:$;'; 71;
i'.oiHls. Si-ruritlts. jniP-j,ci)ts etc ... r.i.oeu ;
IJ-inkinfT lmu.-;: furuituii; and t!-
1 11 ics f.r.oo 00
O:)ior r :il r-sta.'' 10.01 77
Current onijoiis'S. taxes iind Jntcrosb
j) 1 hi t,'C.."w
Cii.-b itt-a-.s w.i'i ;-:i
1 jp fro. 11 nation sU r.nJ si ;n banks l.'ie.1--7 12
" liceks mid itr.-us of exchange 1.11
Cjru'iicy !'.."-;.' t"i
lio'd coin , r.l"7 rn
silver, iiickt'lb an tci nts T,.'sSi l
.S7i:y k3 i
eiiitl .k-1: in... fund
Uii'liv "! profi is
Tfi-Iiv i.lual (H-pc.sits "O
3 .Vi.ono Oil
rvi.i oii in
f to clirck I-'i i,.. 'i
f Ino crrtda-uics of di
Cu:nifl'sob (bsOUt-St f.ndll!' 4.1 I I
Due to and state banks :il.;: &H
DeiKjr'.itors guaranty lund ;.:ii.4
Total i7:.i-.:y 12
Cni'.MY ui1 Cass f I. lb F. l'att tmhi.
Casidr of ibf alxtvu nana-d Lurk tio la-rt by
svrar tbut ibr r.biie stnU tmait is a eiarrrt
nnd true cm y of Ll;e icixTt mado to tlie btale
Uankuiff i.uuru. ll. 1-. rATini'.si).,
tt.f ' Crr.xs. C. l'Ar.Mi'LK. Plrcrtor, . j HKO i Ki:f.sii.miltri, I tiiwtcr.
Sabsr r;lf'ii nml sworu to brloir rnc ibis I'I'h 1
lay of .'ovoiclier, 3'.'17. As?;r. C. (I.assi.kv. j
(Seul) . Notary Public. I
3Jy coromi-ilou expires i-e-i-t. ja.
m T u a y's D.i i 1 v.
Miss Helen Foster, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster of this
city, Mr. Fester being one of the op
erators at the Missouri Pacific sta
tion here, who is the teacher of Dis
trict c.G of Otoe county and which is
near Cook, held a box social at her
school house at winch, she cleared
over sixty-five dollars which goes to
the district for the purpose of things
needed at the school, such as maps,
gramophones, and books for refer
ence and etc. Miss Fester is just
now home with her parents for
Thanksgiving vacation, and wild re
turn to her school at the end of this
YI7TP T "-,"r'"r""l7"rs Tr a ?tv.?
U J.l.Li -X xi
CTTT---T-, rn T-i-T-.i-.----,-
Tliis morning the three Misses
Holly, Eliribeth, Bess and Alma de
parted on the Imrliugton for Omaha,
vy-cre they took the Rock Island for
Junction Ciy, Kansas, and where
they will go to Camp Funs ten to
sp?n.d the holiday v.uth their broth
er Roy Folly.
They go to kevc a good time with
their 'to. her vbich is a fine thing.
?di- Klh.ab.eth v.iio i-, teaching at
Crclghton is liOTue fcr the week, hav
ing come in lart Saturday, and the
three girh-2 with .h.-.chem rovi1ed
vith the good things wh Ud niother
ooo!:s, wlT! 7 a eke tbie. a biiIit spot
in the army experience cf their
brrt her.
There r:i;'t( b- such a thing that
a friond or t v o f Roy'e in th r r
vioo might 1 ;Ir onjy h " or'"asi";
The girlr v ill return :u t'.-.m fe-r
FPr.aV-oth to r:-t"rn fr ( b e "p.'-iin"
-f iior o-ehol at Freight. :-n nc xt Mon
de, v.
A leer J;v. r hnd ;
----Tv i a::d ";ns! io
-wen ir
on- ibe -h".!-? sy-t-M. Doen'r. !:
v',r-. Z(r : cr be:: r
7?,-r .-.
- '! "- or
At. all drug
t-, 2--it,eri"i::
:':lt iii ;;..;iey ?v.
: re- ' v.: b'
y T'ln.-. M:e. F:,:o F.
'':.. v.ri"s: ""
; .r--1 r-7'
: j;; :-.n.l l.idn-y :rre' '
. i t
4 . -
r- :-a.
T ; , -
n u--fur F'd.'y
IC; :ry TW-is ;ei i fe-.;nd ii:!.:-? Mate
r,.: i-.-f. A bi.Fb" com pi e tod the cure."
.- !-i t . ; v --.
' :!;
i' .laiiii
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:'!. T. I vi:-
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::jr.;U.r. 1M7.
!.:;: .7. !":!:::')v.
(S:;Pi i';;r!y .;
Tb ;;u-:ti.' of Xi "... k;;, C;iss Coun
ty, s;;:
1 !. "'.' On;:'ii y On;:rt
In t' o m;- lu r of F.i i-i.stalo of 21a ry
C ):!;.-. rt-r.. n...--
To t! Cf'dU.'i-s ''' i "I testnU':
You :iti- b. ii'b- U'..ti;".f:. tbnt I will
xlt :t tb" Co.mty Court i-;t-.i ia I'iait-;-inonib.
in id roan; y, in tbo IStb ia.'
. !' .f.T!n!'-rt big, ,1:1.; tb" l:uii l:iy of
r.i.srci:. IMS, ot 10 . o"-!vk a. m. ft
..:n h d.'!" t i :ul r ai! no r..!.
:'iu: :i-rr!iri.-t s a 1.5 I . to. 'v.-1 tb a vl-w
to tboh- fi4jtt;?tf!!ont and :'Mw:n . Ti'
tiino Knii'nd fur tb.; ; ; : 011 1 t i -11 o!
ci;'ini.; ;i-;:i:n-t vid lb-tit? is Ihrof
rrontii.s froi.i tbo l.'-tli Cy 'f I-'cia-
Rubber Boot and Shoc-
In FiaUsmouifl
Rubber Bcbfis
and .Shoes
nesouicd and Repaired!
All ICinds of Rubber Goods
Made Good as New!
PI.ttsmouth, Nebraska
y w co a u y s i- - -j a ui
brr. ,. IV, 1017, and tle time limitt-U
i';r I'i'.vTiiont of tiel is Is tr.o year from
.-:iil 7.Lh iIjv nf Deicmt'cr. 1917.
Witness my i anJ t!se t-eal of J
C'"ui::.- Ouuit, this mtU liay of
:ovc nil; or, 1017.
!il J-s v.-1 v. County JudLje.
Tl i? btute of .Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, In- Hie Con nly Court
In tl:e mattpr of the i;.-f;'.ie of Nan
cy J .". iv.ablii " -Wilt's, 1 K".-vi .sov.1.
To tbo Oivilitors of sai.l Kstato:
V.j-.i fire !.or by riotiind, tliat 1 will
sit at tl o County Court ruom ja l'-iatts-r.iouth,
in .aiil couiity, on tlu I S t H day
of .i.i,cciJibt-r--i:17, and tlio lt'th day of
Ahivch, 101 !S, at ttn o'clock a. in. of
cacii oay to receive and cxaiiiinc al!
clfiinis a';.iiist : aiil l-;, v.-ith a
v.'c to ti c ir :id.j iibt i.u-n t. a:id ::liO-.v-ancv.
Tbe tinit- li nilul tor prt':--'.-nt:i -t:Mi
of ciainisi asaiiift said ilstato is
tiii-'e mnl!,s li-oai tbo ISth i'.ay of
i fcc:nbcr. -. 1 ., 1 D 1 7, and the ti:vi?
iSmitt-d for pn meat of debts is on
ar from saul lblh dav of December,
lit 17.
Wit no- iay band hpJ t ; i o st-al of
.-aid Count;." Court, this ll,th day Of
No fiiilj. r, 1917. .t. i;;-:ks;k,
nT'j-swlv. County
evJtTit i: op s.M.i:
In t: -e Id.-tri -t Court cf tbc County
of C.i.'.-, N-bru-k!.
In tbc- n.a.toi- of tlio K.tnte of Henry
V. Liiton, 1 Hvi'asul:
.Vi lic-o i. b-;- by ; iv. n t'.u't in p'-'.r-.?'ai!..
o of an i.r.lti- . i .t.;r.:i.-' T. l: -:--y
i'f tbo Idstrb.T Cou.-t -tZ C;;s:5 roua-
Nol ":;;.-!: :i. lf..o;. oi ti.e lStl) lay of
t-ii- r. 1 1 17. for tin- y;-i- of tb.e re-j I
.-taio la-rinaftcr P-s'ii i oil, tiicrf will :t li o!i frrnt b'a- of tb"
' 1 i'Mi: o in 1 i a tt.--'no'it li. Cat:
,-p;:ity. Nobi; sk.;, on tbo ' I H h biy 1"
1 ti :.!' -, 1 1 7 . at it a o'clock a. 1.1.,
t pnbiio Vi aiiuo tf 1 ; I rb . t bbl-
.b. r u.r cai-ii tbo f.jllov.'lijo; Ut fcvtribvd
al f.-talt-. to-v"it:
I.o.ts tiMi bundrcd ;f i'n (211
. r. t'., o lundr -d twt-lvo t-ll't ia
t be vi:iu.-;f rf Crcjiiwomi, Cass
county. Nebraska,
..iii i-.tto t r. ; 1 1 . . i : i ; r-a r.f hour.
In iKOTiiV .Yt. bV.NCil,
li rr. i i: t : a t r i x of Ks'.,:ti- of Hoar;.' W.
i ..i I oil, I i cc;;st'd.
'. A. i:.VVI,.-', Attr.rnoy. iF-r-.vr.0 1
m:t;i r t; cirr::;:T;::s
- . b- ..!' A !.. -.-',a )
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:.i b- Co:::-.t ..:;;.
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ii-a .-at a --
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.aral u 1' A. lb A
b. n. xa ia!.-!
t leal
m:i' i:aba.o' .i: if livi. -..'. if 'be
;d. ti.'- uriini'.w :. l.oira. d . a oc ,
. ..-: toes, i st n!.iiiv s
aal ail i o:-.-,.aa ia: o.-ic-.l in t ia- a-
. v.f ?-. A. !b Ai. :::.!.'..... do--'
a. ; d: ' i. '.' ... a.-a lab lii.-i. real
aiiao labia., r.. !i libi-, if ib cca.'
T'f m:itll'.."'l it ira. C.- !.t ts, lc:v-
K-t . I'ta D:.::! I'a, rt ii ta t A cs an-1
.ii 2 cas i:il"i': b; ,! ia tba r.-c
;' A. ii. T... i. -cail. d; bi.
A. 1 b Vi,.;. a.-val. v i!V i A. 11.
.'a-.', ri. -i-d, !.: ! a..ra- isa' ao.;i,
r li'. in";-, if .i ; as.-d, unknown
bcii-s, di". i "t'S, li"j':il.'i's, j iTS"!' a
l t- ''it-s ii ia t ; ' aa! ail ;u-!"-uas ;a-;-:vst.'--l
ia !ao o.-tato ,.f .;i. . Jl.
i u'a'iiscai. ib caa :- 1 ; Alll. d ! .
if livi air. if boot.-sod. Co i a a a o --r.
acirs, ;c vi.-t' s. ii ';.;;. (;-, j.i i s-.
'.'j.r-; t-utatN i-s anil 'ail ;a ; .,as ia
.titsttd in tb-o estate oi .Mfici 1 .
joat :-. tbc-a:-d: b''a 1 . ; a i-i .(-ucs,
.v i A- ;f Alfi-o'l 1 . Jon.-, ,f ! i .'la ;, if
ivctast d, t ! an!;nu'sn 1 ibis, brvi
st't y, itialt'i s, a r u:,a! i vy. OfiHu-
ivo:: aral ail vot.-' ina inti la sted ia
lio o.-tato tf Moi.b.oaiu June-, tit
ctiiscd: N
ai and co b of y. t. arc bcri by noti
liad Hint 'b.'ifao .! . oiiiLam T-biinttif,
ai t!:a !lit bay of No", t ul ar, 1V17, biod
::is I't-tilion in tbo Ui-trii t Co".:f of
.'ass canity, No b;-as:-.a. vb a in y..ia
and all f ; t:n an- (b fcatlaata: tbc
d'ji t l and jaayr of wh ;.;!. petition is
!l i:t ibo tii'-im. inter-:-r, riKht, title ami
cstato of eaeli ami uvtry one of you
la end to
boa-: ti) nn-'l two (?A sv.d that
part of lots throe ( :: ) and four (I)
not ociriipitd by Ciiica,vo Avctnu',
in 1.5 lock (i:ii Iinndt cd ;;i:a -f jut
11) of tbo City of 1'iat Isaiouthj
Cass county, Nebraska.
That thtrtnio of said plaintiff in and
to said real estate, and every part
thereof be ijiiictetl as against you and
each and every ono of you, as aguiubt
any and all claims of any parson
thronah or by j on, and that it bo ad
ji'duc-d and decret-d that eaoh and fill
af you Vvhase names mv nbovo sot
forth, if liviny, aral if ileccaKtd, the
heirs, lo-isees, legatees p.ciasonal rep
rt s'. nta t i v s and all ojher persons in
tcrc.ittd in the estate of each ."nil
every ono of you, have no riyht, titlr,
rinim or interest in and to .sitbl rral
eatato or any part thereof, and that
each and all of .aid defendants, those
named, and those whose names are un
known and not stated, he forever bar
red from claim ini? or assertin.-r any
its Jit. title, interest or estate in -and
to said real estate, or anv.part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as to ti.e court may seem just and
equitable. .
Vou and each oi you are runner
. ..'
1 ' F" ,v. : ;-X
:;-f- -v.:: i iT
- ;t T, - : i; i
: . t .-.-r . u
. r : ... . v . (
,b d ti .. . vo; v. v .. b , d to o n-
s -al : ;.(.:. -. i ' ; o"-. .'-n-.
It.' lib ' ' .': ; - '' '.", ' 1 "-.
::. v. m.
.v ; t - v at
i t it :-
i -! d t .) -.I.--
:' C: - ( y.
t a !i -., , . r .-, j .
C - 1 ;. :;' -. ' ,f
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: .- " i 1 ( "!. v. '..:- ii Ja:-.".? l)f'-':-
.' . ' lb.
it, ;.:i '.::;. nr:-. . .'.
- . -; i t ' . i ' i r ! 1 .
r : i I .
i ! .. I
i 1 -r ." r,
;art "a A?'i J:.---..
: m :-. No r.o a :i
-. a I . b s I - r-
f - -:..
; ..b !;;,
T -; ; ; -1
-i .-'. - t-dr: y, lb - s; b ';; v
' . i '.. 117. i.i o' b.;i ';
: ! i-c-:.-i : .
1 tbo r. i tt rr.oo-i
r,-i: ! da -" ai C .-
. - , .. . i- a; ; !-' Vi: a i .::.u
!'.-.: J-aU'- at I nbb';-,- i.i iia- bi'rb-
. ia''; r. t : : . b.-v - , bo 1 jv-.'
-I- t . : j;i ;, t . 1 : i i - ...f Cm.-.
: t f '.':. a - b t , t.-'-.;::
VI ' -"A b:b :' tbc n ?r' lVi-.'-t
f. r S " j W '.. of .b-(bin
' t - : . a ti i t "e no ; b -
.- - t 't' i' i i b of J-b-o: ;rn
' .". ;:;. -1 a . ! .; i. ia ri ov;.-
.!.;,! 'i'cr i !" N'oi tb "-f b'araTO
T". .. 1 . f ie' lb- r. t.f lI o :t'i I'rln-
' i ?.!,:;;.!., Cras county, No
i ... , i . ,
t- : :. .- of sab- 1 h -r ntb a.- b
. t! '.'.'y of . ; r. "i t' i lbaa'-a r.f
tbo ;;...-b;i;y i.r'.o on tb.- "a- ?:.:
.-: ' ia -.alb : b bv t!- l..istrk-t Co;;; t
i f "iss '.o; :it'. Nebraska.
: bl v. iii ; .!.:. .ii; o;;.i for oro
"vu.iA.tM j:;ixi;e:ii:i:.
ii'.- a. b,v. ltt-frree.
b; Ci r .-e Tb. Nirto.i. 'Jeo. V". Nbrtnn
ibi -t rib.!. !;;t t::o :r is irf.; n i. Coo. J '.
7':a;i;s .1 i ii -.- t :aa' v.r. mo i; s '. nown ? .
baa- , 'ar-a : a in. lit iry b'au a t a " a.
Co'iry- Tb i'ardir":: ' he heirs, uevi-ic-
iit - t's.aai i.'jii-f-i !:ia-
t i a-: s ar. I a H other ivr:-.- s intt r'.et
e I ia ti i- os:a(-s t f the foi ' ia .
i 1 1 -i ' bl j ; irin.s, to-v. It: C.eor:rc "'f.
M.-rtoti. b;o. N.-, -i on i rt t re; 1
la", me unbia wii ), d.-.-i. 1 1. 'hittisoa.
tbrst laal na'.a- u n"v n '.'.- n i , Jol a
1 i t r. i a, li'irv Koi-ntni-a and
lb av 1 :. I;:;;'u:a-r. r.'hese rames and
l- t;.- rr.-; .'.blliaai II.
i'li'o. W.bia-n II. i'rice and A, 51 art
1'cMy. K':c-.-utors of the last will f;r,d
t-.-aaine;it aral state oi Georae II.
Ib.M'i .T. iba - vei" ; aad the unknown
o,v -' : s ai ' I'm.' u ii'.-: i' ov n cb baants
of t ' v fo'lOWififT tb-saribed rert
t.-.ib to-wit: 'lie Cast half of t lie fjunrt r (IJ' .SII' , ) of See
tb a 1 w.r.t v-throe (Lb.i, the Soath
v.tst qt liner tSW't 1 oT Seetion
Txventy-J'iMir -). th- Norib half of
tbo Xrrtb I a If of the Northwest
oaa.-tr r ' TbNi , N W ' of S tion j
jl o a ;.t . , . ii'.,i aii.l t:,e Aorlii half
cf !: Mart h la'f of the Nc thoast
c.aait'r ( N ;.'Jj Nil !i of Sot tion
f3 -
Vi" s!.r.,wi -7-, ,
n f t.J ' 1 :
c i-i s;
x-n-.' iC
Jlj inr tlisposfil of my interest in the CJencral Merchandise, I now
rrivo my entlit tirac to tho ;iutomo!ilo Lusiiauss, and aia in'a position to
ssrve you much batter than ever. I have a good slock of
ft rw wm
2mu&tier ana
ou hnnJ and can maI-.eyou itbincuiate delivery. "More car for the Dol
lar," is. the ono motto the Stude-haker (-'orporaticn Jtavo kejit in mind
since tcir cstahl ishtne nt in Compare Studobaker in power, quiet-,.sba.tir.o; arrangement, unLclsterins', oversize tires, dcwgn and ac
cessibility and you will be convinced our nearest competitors at u iiriced
S!00 to i00 hi'her.
tjtudt baker 10 Scries C cylincYr, 7,0 h. p. . - - $13S5
" IS " 4 ,4 40 h. p. - - - 1050
Maxwell 25-17, CO li. p. 745
F.O. n. Detroit.
Call or crop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Leo Punc
ture Proof res and Tubes at 10 under the - market. French Auto
Oils and Auto Acees.xories. Ford Specialties. laipire Mechanical
Milkers carried in stock. .
x!s a t. q
Cedar Creek,
- F . C
. ; v j , ;-j .jti
- M "----, JU ;
x - I'd' '1,-. 1 : i
- : " b- 'I .1 : V? M t :-ds
b. k LS
fFvi Children.
vF:ei '-;-'!-ir.
i Ui!' bS!7d
i.. -.
r ' ' t i -
r bs
. ti
V A 5 2
.. -.. s
' , -- v. -"'
U li -.
3 i
f S i i !
5 ' f;
2 iib ij O
'. , . : I -4 ...1 5 :j f-vi
-. . i Tf".' 1 ' ''1
? v- "'. i h ..:-"' : : :;d
: -- j ' ivj f? h - n N r.:i
. .v -- j r i
"St cTMrs cof-:jv. km vcr.K city.
T- city-six" (:, ail in Townbia
':'" ' 1 -. . X'-rt't! of llaim'f T-a
il '-. i:a-l ;.f ti-r- Sixtb iith) V. M.,.
i.i Cass ceo-aty. Nebr..ka:
V .a rrd rata of yon ar,;. rob;.- nrbi-
b- a T':" t r. i ; M t a- '1:1 tb: v of 'a-toft-r,
7 ..'IT. Naiu-y .7. I'll:. "r; nblm I. liiii.
f ib -rilre. Jesse .1. Carlos
:. libl. A'i.ltt II. Iborp, ."luti: TioTp
nrsd -":"ia -o o Thorp by her G-i .irdiaa
ad :-,f . f.aoati. I:s:inald II. Tta.rp,
a ; lara-iba fbe.t tiitir petition in ti-.u
: b-iiio! in and for Cass r-omty.
''.:. ;s :-;a. and that I'Oil an 1 eatii of
yea r..a rank's oefentbint, the object
;;.'. ' rayer af mid petition he In-? tt(
b. hi a i...-rer, a7j -t'crin?? :nd deere
; ;' t a bl bib.'ifls are the owners
r'i-i--!r and t-e$..--d of the ftdlovv
ia i c d real estate, to-wit:
The Ilatt half f'f the Southeast
t . :-t.T CI- Sbl:i) of Section
i.ty-Jhr? " (. th.e s-bn.tav.-tst
:..-.: tor i.'V 'b) of Section 'J'wen
; - : !.. b North half of the
Ib .-ji: 'a!.' of the N'orthwert qva.r-t-
(N". ::U N.V1!) of Section
',' .-n-r-tivo (:" anl the N'-ith
1 .-. . f ,.f the Nofth half of tia- Nortli-.-
t .n.rit.r .N;- N' Nbl'i) tf
J- i: -a Tv.'f-nf-six (6. Ml in
';'". asbia Twelve North r.f
lb Ton (10), 7Ia?t of tb.e Ctii
i '. I ia ' a. s coi'nty, Nebraska,
al f.i t ; -i ' 1 fb-ii at Pfs are rnttibd to
.' i ..b i" a.:al nr.intf-rrn; t-l p isyes-sio'-i
of said premises; that you, the de
ab t.-, and each of yen, have no
t. . : - in, hi im r lien upon or in terest
'a "-.-bl i-;l .---ta'r; that Lie titl ti
said reel catr.te ie -,uirtea in plain
i i .; .'t ti clouds er.ated by th.e
'baa s fcrtn in petition of plain
be :-t moved: ami tl at the T'lain
: ;' - la vo yr.r'.i ot'aer and fu-tlier re
'. ' f i i ti.e ' remises as th-y may l.e
entith.U ta and to the Court may seem
You and fah of you are renalred to
answer said petition on or before the
iTLh cav of iv. camber, 1017.
Nr.a'v J. J!i!l. i";-anblin T. Hill,
Ff.i'bci F. Kline, Jesse J. "Ii:i.
I'hji-iri I . llill. Violet The. I'M.
h'nth, Florence Tliorti hr
Icr flnerilian aaal next friend,
Ib.Tinabl II. Thorp.
L'y: u. V. r.IO'UKiVv'.
-f o -s .. " f. Their Attorney.
Viie Stat-; o" N't ' raska)
Cass County ) ps:
In ISi." 'tiinty '":rf.
In tb. in:-. 1 1 r of the KUr.te of Kliza
: ;!i I'. I'-'.-nunds, I ceased:
Notice j; or.'Iiy riven to the credi-oi-s
of said deceased that hearings
v '" iio ui on claims filed against
:'! i t,i'' , va.r"s.e. r'.'-, Count v .hu!
Cv-s -, -.;,'. Ni b". ka, at the coim-
. Coart i ' "n f VI.-1 1 srnout h. in said
.-o.-ntv, o.i the lirat "day of Peeem'ior,
1 ' 1 7 aval en the nd day of ?.5arch.
1'!1S, ,:it' 11 o'clook n. m.. aoh day. for
examination, adjustmt nt and allow
f nee.
All elairas mist be filed in said
court r.n or hefore said hist hour of
Witnes-s iv.v band and of said
fount-." Corrt. at I 'la t tsmou tb, Nebras
ka. th!.s 31st dav of Oetnbrr, 1U17.
AhhllN J. r-MIISON.
(Seal) County Jude.
c: '
Nt bra8la
- -. I-. , ! c i tu , r.: , ; 'i s
6 1