The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 19, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1917.
each day to receive and examine all
eiaitns aerainst said Kstate, with- a
view to their adjustment, ar.d allow
ance. The time limited for presenta
tion of clui'r.s against taid Kstate is
three months from the 18th day of
December, A. D.. 1917, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
mo m ,,-:
year from said ISth day of December,
08 M0 Tfl CIPUI
Witness my hand and the seal of
raid Couritv Court, this 13th day of
November, 1917.
nlU-swtw. County Judfje.
g"&w I Oil!
H. M.SOENNICHSEN. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Twelve Expert Machinists Employed
How and Half That Many
More Could Be Used.
From Friday's Daily.
Tiie reporter of this paper made a
visit at the works of the Western
Machine and Foundry company yes
terday aai was shown through the
place by the proprietor, Mrs. L. C.
Sharp, who is oe of the progressive
ami live citizens and business men of
this place.
As we entered the machine shop
there stood on a dray of the J. II.
JIcMakea Sons TOoviug outfit in
front thereof, a large machine crated
v. Inch bore the address of the Amer
ican Cone and Wafer company, of
Dayton, Ohio. When we asked Mr J
Sharpe about the shipmnet he in
formed us that the machine was one
used in the making of cones such as
are used for dispensing ice cream in,
and that it had a capacity of 20,000
cones per day. The one which went
forward yesterday was the initial one
of an order for twelve, the remander
of which will also be manufactured
in the shops of the Western Machine
and Foundry company. The machine
sells for one thousand dollars, so it
will be seen that this is a very nice
Mle for the local company, going as
it does into the very heart of the
east, where one would think there
would be plenty of competition. An
other shipment goes to St. Joseph,
Mo., and the company is just now
rebuilding two machines of this kind
which Mr. Sharpe built in his Om
aha plant some .live years ago, they
liaving been in constant use since
that time. We noticed another large
machine boxed for shipment and in
quired as to what it was, whereupon
wo were informed that it was a
Illrnchanl Vapor Iiath outfit, made of
rteel, and like the other, was a pro
duct complete of the shops here. It
was being made ready for shipment
to Los Angeles and will be followed
by others of similar design, until a
total of fifty, now contracted for,
shall have been delivered. This is
the invention of one. Dr. Blanchard,
The Mns of the times tell you that you will have to pay a lot
inure for gijorf farm lauds within" a year and that if is going to he
much harder than now for you to get hold of a Government irri
grcul farm in the Dig Horn Basin.
Oaing to war conditions it bo happens that there, are yet available
for homestead entry probably 50 Government irrigated farms near Deaver,
Wyoming, out of a total of 18 4 that were opened for settlement Septem
ber 20th. These have excellent soil and are located on our main line, ad
joining the prosperous GoVernment irrigated locality of Powell, Wyo. If
you will take steps quickly within 30 days you can secure one of these
farm.s. Nothing like this chance will occur on the Burlington Jtoute for
several months. Land is free, 20 years payment no interest, for a perma
nent water right. At the Government opening of this new locality,
T SCO, 000 worth
of Los Angeles, being constructed of
steel in order to better vaporizothe
water, and produce baths the equiva
lent of any mineral spring in exis
tance. The water from the mineral
spring is first analyzed and its con
tituent parts recorded, after which
the same can be produced by chem
ical construction and the use of this
Two new turret lathes have been
purchased just lately, one of which
is being installed today, while the
other will be put in place as quickly
as possible. These are combination
lathes carrying a number of tools
mounted on a turret which may be
turned at the will of the operator
to bring any one of the tools into
working position when wanted. New
machines are constantly being in
stalled, and more men put to work
as fast as they can be secured.
Just at present there are twelve
machinists working in the shops and
six more are wanted, and can be put
to work at once. Mr. Scharpe has
been very discriminating in the se
lection of his help, and had brought
in a number of fine families of the
employees of his growing institution.
Quite lately the shops added about
seven thousand dollars worth of new-
and special machinery for the nianu-.
facture of the Sharpe patent device
for steering Ford automobiles. A
contract has ben entered into for
25,000 of this apliance, which alone
will require twenty men to manu
facture. Besides this there are end
ness numbers of contracts on the
books of the factory, which aggregate
The pressure for working room is
such that Mr. Sharpe has been, com
pelled to use the room which he has
heretofore "-used for the foundry de
partment, for the installation of the
new machines and for machine work.
This necessitates having the castings
made in Omaha temporarily, but
that work will be resumed here
again in the spring when the need
ed room can be added. It'is the in
tention of the company to build more
work room space, also, in order that
they may not be crowded in the in
stallation of other new machinery,
and may be able to take care of a
much larger volume of work. While,
at present, there is more work being
effered than they can take care of,
they hope by spring to be equipped
to take care of it all.
There are, on the agregate, from
fifty to seventy-five patents granted
every month, from what is known
as this patent district, comprising Ne
braska and several surrounding
states. To every one of these paten
tees the Western Machine and Foun-
of town lots at Deaver. Wvo. . were
sold in one day and over 100 farms were filed on.
..Write me! .1 am paid to., help. you J
S.. B. -HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q.
1CC4 Farnam Street, Omaha; Nebraska -
A flour so perfect
that bread made from
it has won First, Sec
ond and Third prizes
at Nebraska State
Fair for nine consecu
tive years every year
since Gooch's Best
Flour has been manufactured.
dry company sends a slip, which is a
reminder of the abilityand willing
ness of the company to make models
or manufacture any and all kinds of
machines. This method of advertis
ing is constantly bringing business
to the company, some of which be
comes quite profitable.
The fact that the company is
selling thousands of dollars worth of
Its products to every point of the
compass, shipments extending to the
most remote sections of the nation,
is evidence of the worth of the work
being tiirned out, and puts this town
on the map as a place where the best
of work can be handled and the size
or kind of machines is open to all
comers. '
Among the machines now being
manufactured in the plant here is
a machine used in making a patent
end gate. This is the patent of a
m,an by the name of Paul, of Thur
man, Iowa, where he is engaged in
the banking business. Mr. Paul is
thinking seriously of establishing a
factory here for the building: of these
endgates. and if lie should, both tho
machine for their manufacture and
the end gates themselves, wlmld be
wholly Plattsmouth products.
Thus from a small institution cm-
ploying but a few ir.en has the West -
ern Machine and Foundry company
built up the business to its present
magnitude, and is still growing. P.ut
few of our people who have not kept
pace with the development of this
business realize what the shops are
doing and the investment that lias
been made and will be made there
enuring the next few months.
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening the crew of Y. M.
C. A. workers, C. A. Mrs.
Lillian Caldwell. 12. II. Wescott and
wife, with D. (!. York and Mr. and
Mrs. Baird, went to the village of
Manley, where they held an enthu
siastic meeting, at which a fine pro
gram was given, including a music
al number by D. C. York, while Mrs.
Caldwell entertained the assemblage
with a violin solo and Mrs. Baird
gave an elegant reading. Mr. and
Mrs. Wescott and Mrs. Caldwell also
gave another special number. Mr.
Rawls addressed the meeting, giving
the facts regarding the things which
the Y. M. C. A. is doing for the sol
diers, explaining the workings of the
society in the army and appealing
to those who were interested in the
boys to do their 'bit for the fund,
which isto go to make things even
better for the boys, wherever they
may be located. The response was
a shower of subscriptions, which
promises to put the amount away
above the apportionment allotted to
Center precinct. -
From Friday's Dally.
Miss Myrtle Foster, who fs teach
one and a half miles northwest of
Wyoming, held a box social at the
schoolhouse on last Friday evening,
November 9th, which was very large
ly attended and netted the neat sum
of $76.92, which will be used for
school supplies. $22.50 was realized
from the sale of a cake. The many
friends of Miss Foster, in this vicin
ity and elsewhere, will be pleaded to
learn of this success.
N .
8 room dwelling, with barn and
sheds. Located on lots 10, 11, 12,
Townsenda Add. ob north Eighth St.
A. bargain if taken at once, H; F.
Goos, Plattsmouth, Nebr. 10-8-tfwkly
Reinforcements Hurried to Presidio,
Texas, to Repel
United States soldiers sent to re
inforce the small ' cavalry force
guarding Presidio, Tex., against
Mexican bandits.
Mexican embassy officials at Wash
ington declare Villa is not leading
the Ojinaga raiders.
German propaganda held respon
sible for anti-American spirit mani
fested in renewal of Mexican disord
ers. Bandits fire across border upon
American guard at Yeleta.
American guard along Mexican
border ordered to "thoot to kill."
Presidio, Tex.. Nov. IT.. Colonel
Langhorne, commanding United
States troops at Marfia. Tex., today
sent reinforcements to the garrison
here after bein.T notified of threats
made by the Mexican bandits hold
ing Ojinaga that they would raid
the town. Presidio is guarded by
only a small troon of cavalry and
would be at the mercy of the band
its. It is now generally conceded tint
the bandits ar not led by I'ancho
Villa, but are being incited to vio
lence by Gormen propagandist s.
Sny Villa 1.3 iu Durange.
Villa is not leu-iin.- the maraud
ing bandit'? in northern. Mexico,
r ay mRr;:;! ; of the Mr iran i :;;iu'sy.
They claimed positive information
that Vi!h is iiu-v in Dnrango, hid
ing in the luils :-iu recuperating
from a serious woi-nd.
Presidio is in a.i:iver of e-xcite-iront
I'tid terror in apr-rehenion of
nnolher bandit raid. The bandits
rode to the ford this morning and
rhontrd aero-.; that now they had
capture.- Ojlnagr. and routed the pov
ernment. forces they would sweep
the Big Bend border and then cap
ture Juarez.
Ilany Captives Executed.
Hec-rcs of priner; e.ipturtd by
the bandits at Oji;u:r.u 1 vzt nh-ht. it
is declared, were executed this
morning. Many of the raiders for
merly were a-achCed with Villa.
Mexican ollicial:; brieve? the at
tack upon Oj'tmga 2". the work of a
email band of bandits who have no
"connection with, the Villistas what
soever, pointing out that the term
"Viliisla" is now used in Mexico to
designate any sort of a bandit. Thcy
declare the occupation of Ojinaga is
no military feat at all, for it was un
protected. Nevertheless, General Murguia of
the Constitutionalist forces.-, i hast
ening northward with a large force.
He has been operating in southern
Chihuahua and has been ordered to
the border to protect Mexican citi
zens from the bandits who have tak
en Ojinaga.
Fighting still is in progress at
U. S. Prepared to Defend the Border.
Washington, Nov. 15. Elaborate
preparations to protect the American
border from bandit raiders from Mex
ico were taken today. The war de
partment has lodged supreme author
ity in the hands of the commanding
general of the Southern department
and he has plenty of troops avail
able for .service.
John W. Sutton, from near Kock
Bluffs, was transacting business in
Plattsmouth today.
The slate of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, hs: .
In 1hv Cmn- Court
In the matter of llie Kstate of Alary
C. Kderton, Deceased.
To the Creditor of said Kstate:
You Hin hereby notified, that I will
nit at the County' Court room in Platts-
.-. ; ....1,1 . s 1 1 n 1 ' rtii t h c ftilV, 1(1 M I ' . ' TU lit .1 , ..... . .... ..
of December, 1917. Ji rid the 19th day of
. , - . . . , . . . . . i . . . i . . ... . . . .i r
Aiarcn, at in o im n ci. m. i
each dav to receive and examine all
claims against said Kstatc, witlt a view
to their art iustmont and allowance. The
tln limited for the present;, tion of
claims against nnhl Kstate Is three
months from the mil day of Decom
Ikt, A. D-. 1917, and the time limited
for payment of debts is one yfar from
said mil day of December, 1917.
, Witness my hand and the . seal of
said County Court, tins' 13 th day of
November, 1017. ' '
v- ! - . vALLKX-J. JJfOEHO.V.
nlO-sW'lw. . County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In (hp County Court
In the matter of the Kstate of Nan
cy Kli.abeUi Wtles, Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit it the County Conrt room in IMatts-.
mouth, tn said noutity, on the lStlr day
of December, 1917. and the 19th day of
March, l'JIS, at ten o'clock a. m. of
and Notice on Petition for Settlement
ot Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss:
To all persons interested in the Ks
tate of Adolphus D. lluckinjrhiim, De
Un reading the petition of Almaretta
niicklncrham, praying a linal settlement
a'ol allowance of her, account tiled in
this Court i.n t lie 16th day of Novem
ber. 1917. aifM for the closing' of the
administration proceedings on said es
tate and as-iiniiiK the residue thereof
in accordance with the terms of the
will of said deceased,
It is .hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said, matter
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to he held in and for said coun
ty, on the Jijtli day of November, A.
D.. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there by. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be rant
il. and that notice of tho pendency of
said petition and the heHrinj? thereof
be ven to all persons interesteu in
said matter by publishing a copy of
tills order in the. Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said, county, for one week prior to said
dav of hearing.
in Witncs Whereof. I have here
unto set' my hand and the Seal of said
Court, this 10th day of November, A.
D.. 1917.
(Seal) County Judge.
i.i:; i, .otick.
Notice to non-resident Defendants,
their lleirs. Devisees, Legatees, Per
sonal Representatives, and all persons
interested in their estate.
To S. T. W. Tlirop. first renl name
unknown, if living, if deceased, the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
pcrsonstl representatives and ail per
sons interested in the estate of
S. T. W. 'thro p. deceased: Alls. S.
T. W. Tl.rop, wile of S. T. W. Tiirop.
first real name unknown, if living,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in
the estate of Airs. S. T. W. Throp,
deceased; Pioneer Savings and Loan
L'oiuuiiv. successor und owner of all
rights, pr'-ui'ty and estate of Na
tional ltuildintr Loan and Protective
Cuion: Nathoml IJnib'.inn: I.oan and
t'loltctive Cuion; J. V. ffardy, first
r. a ! name unknown, if iivint,. if de
ceased, tliv- unknown heirs, devisees,
legatee s, personal representatives
and all persons interested in thy
estate cf .1. V. I lardy, deceased; Mrs.
J. V. liai'tty, lust . lea! name un ul.e of .1. V. Hardy, if living,
if dece.'.:-i.'!. ti e unknown heir.--, devi
sees, legatees, ;.. lso;i::l representa
iive:: and all persons in teres led in
the t slate of Mrs. J. V. Hardy, de
ceased: Abijah Harris, if livievr. if
decease.!, ibe mikliov, n heirs, devi
sees, legatees-, personal rej .re.- e!i t a -lives
ami all persons interested in
.In: estate i,i A'uiiali Harris, deceas
ed: Mrs. Abijah Harris, wile of Abi
ia:i Harris, nrvt real liaiee unknown,
if 1 1 i 1 1 ; . !!' deceased, the iii:k:iuui
heirs. de i.-e. s, legatee--!, personal
reps'. .-.!; a I ives ;uil persons i;i--
ere:ti-d in li e ' yftate of All".-:, .idjali
lianas, deceuseo; A. C- Alox.mdeM-,
:r.-t iiai i;nk:i-wn, if living,
if iiicMsiil, the unknown heirs, devi--ee-s,
h-Katees, ers.iii.i! representa
tives and persons inteftsted ia
the estate of A. K. Alexander, de
viaseti: Mr. A. I". Alexander, iiiis-
!;Tid of A. K. Alexander, first leal
iianie unkn m ;i, if living, if dee-eased,
the' iiiiI;::owii I.eirs. devisees,
! ;;ulci'.'-, person:, i reprcnen t a t i v-s
ind :.!l persons i nt ere. t e-i in the es
tate' of Mr. A. K. Alexander, de
ceased: A . -II. T'iV. ti: ii. I. first real
.i.i!".- I. :: h iio v :i. H' living, it deceas
ed, the iiuUnoVvii heirs, eb-vlsee-s, leg
atees pers. iiii! representatives and
ul! is. uss interested i o the estate
of A. i!. Townse'id, eie.-i-as.-d ; A'rs.
A. H. T. wnson.l. wife of A. H.
Townseml, tirj-t real name' unknown,
if living, if e'.eecase-el, the- unknown
heirs, el. visees, legatees. personal
representatives and all persons in
te re-ste-d in t lie .e state f Airs. A. II.
rownsep I, de'e-easeei: Aifreel D. Jones,
if living, if eieceiiseil. the unknown
heirs. devisee's, legatees, personal
repre.e ,i ta t i ve s and ail persons in
terested in the e-state- ot A If reel D.
.leoies. elecease-l : Soplironia Jones,
wife ef Alt i eel D. Joins, if living, if
ele e-easeel, tiie- unknown heirs, eievi-
sees, legatees
lives anel aM
the estate e.f
ccaseel :
personal represent a -persons
interesteil in
Sophrouia Jones, de-
You ami each of you are hereby noli
tied that Heorge J. Ohiham as plaint ill'
'n tiie IMli elav of onihr, 1917, tilel
his petition in the- District Court of
Cass count.'.', Nebraska, wherein you
and all of yuu are defendants; the
"obje-ct and prayer of which petition fs
that the e-laltn. intere'sl, right, title anel
estate' ef each anel every one of you
in and to
-Lot one it) and two ( 2) and that
part eif lots three' CD, ami feuir ( 4 )
not eie'e'upie-il by t'hieagt Avenue,
in Hlook one hundred sixty-four
lit".!) of the City eif 1 'la t tsmeni t h,
Cass i-iiiiiitv. Nebraska.
That the title of sail plaintiff in ami
to saiel real estate, and every rart
thereof be ouieteel as against you and
each anel every one of you. as against
eiiy a!id all eiaitns eif any person
through er bv vent, anel that it lie1 ael-
jueigeel anel decreed that each anel all
of you whose names are aheive set
ffirfii, if living, ami if deceased, the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives anel all oUo-r pel sons in
terestett in Hie estatf- f each anil
every one of you. have ne right, title,
claim or interest in and to said real
estate or any part thereof, und that
each ami all of said defendants, those
named, and those whose names are un
known anl net state!, lie forever bar
red from claiming er asserting any
light, title-, interest or estate in ami
o said real estate-, or any part there
of, anil for such other and further re
lief as t the court may seem Just and
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer saiel petition on or bwi'ore Alon
Ciav. the 7th day of January, 1918.
C. A. i; AWLS,
nl3-sw:i0el. , Attorney.
In the DistrictjCourt of the County
of Cuss, Nebraska.
In the matter of the fc-state or uenrj
V. Katon. Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suanee of an oroer or jamrs . Jeg-
ley of the District court or cass coun
ty, Nebraska, made on the imii uay or
October, 1917, for the sale of the real
estate herinafter described, there will
be sold nt the south front door or tiie
Court House in Plattsmouth, - Cass
county. Nebraska, on the loth day or
December, 1917, at ten o'clock a. m.,
nt public vendue to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lots two hundred eleven (211)
and two hundred twelve (212) in
the village, of Greenwood, Casa
county, Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Administratrix of Estate of Henry w.
Eaton, Deceased.
C. A. BAWLS, Attorney. n5-sw30a
1 X
Say Red Crown then you get the best.
Always of the same high quality. Look for
the Red Crown sign.
Polarine Oil prevents
j Stops power leaks.
The Ftate of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
lu the County 'ur.
In the matter of t he Kstate of
Planche Alarsh, Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
Yeu areliereby ntir:cil that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the f;rd elay
of December. 1917, and on the 3rd day
of March. 191S. to receive and examine
all claims aprulnst said Kstate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against saiel Kstate
is three months frm the first day of
December. A. D.. 1917. and the time
limited for payment of debts is eiijht
months from said first dav of Decem
ber, 1917.
Witness toy hand and the seal of
said County Court, this Orel day of
November, 191.7.
tSeal) nS-sw-lv.. County Judge.
Notice is hereby driven that pursu
ant to an order of Sab- issued to me
l- the Distrht Cemrt of Cass county,
Nebraska. n t he "ml elay of Novem
ber, A. D., 1917. in an action pending
In aid court in which James Deles
Dernier, as yuirdian of Ernest It. Kl
liott. Harry Kiliott and AValter Elli
ott, all minors, Richard leles Dernier,
I-uini Deles Dernier, Martha Ann Ing
vvcrson. Alliert N. Inirvversoii. Norman
Deb-s Dernier. Emma Dels ler-ni.'-r.
.lames Deles Dernier. Eugenia
Pel.: Dernier. Lester M. Elliott. Alice
Elliott. Arthur Kiliott. Andrew Elliott
and Dcl-s Dernier are plaintiffs
and John I'. Deles Dernier, is ele fen
dant, 1 will, oil Saturday, the Sth day
!' December, A. !.. PJ17. at one o'clock
in t he' afternoon em said dav. at the
front door ef tiie Nehawka Rank, Ne
havvka. Cass county, Nebraska, oiTer
for sale1 at public vendure to the higij
est bidder, tiie following described real
estate, situated in the County of Cass,
and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
- The south half of the northwest
quarter (!U X'!i) of Section
Twenty-four (24), and the north
e:t quarter (NKU) of Section
Twenty-three (23). all in Town
ship Ten (10) North of Range
Twelve 12) East of the fith Prin
cipal Meridian, Cass county, Ne
braska. tho terms of sale bedng one-tenth cash
on the elay of naie and tho balance of
the; purchase price on the day saiel
sale is by the District Court
of Cass county. Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open for one
ii5-svv5w. Referee.
To George W. Norton, Geo. AV. Norton
(first real name unknown), Geo. l.
Mattison (first real name unknown),
John Fountain, IJenry Fountain,
George E. Harding: the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interest
eel in the estates of the following
named persons. te-vvit: George V.
Norton, Geo. W. Norton (first real
name unknown), Geo. D. Mattison
(first real name unknown), John
Fountain, Henry Fountain and
George E. Harding, whose names and
residences are unknown: William' II.
Price. William M. Price and Albert
Kelly, Executors of the last will and
testament and estate of George K.
Hareling, deceased: and the unknown
owners and the. unknown claimants
of the following described real es-
Having disposed of my interest in the General Merchandise, 1 now
give my entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to
serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock of
Siud&baEter and
EUOaxwelS ars
on hand and can makcyou immediate delivery. ,4More car for the Dol
lar," is the one motto tho Studebaker Corporation have kept in mind
since their establishment in 18o2. Compare Studebaker in power, quiet
ness, seating arrangement, upholstering, oversfze tires, design and ac
cessibility and you will be convinced our nearest competitors are priced
$200 to $:;00 higher. "
Studebaker 18 Series 6 cylinder, 50 h. p. - . . r,Hr
' " .W '" 40 h. p. . . . . Vxtt
Maxwell 25-17, 20 h.p. . .
F. 0. 13. Detroit. ' "
' Call or drop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Lcc Punc
ture Proof Tires and Tubes at 10 under the market. French Auto
Oils and Auto Accessories. Ford Specialties. Empire "Mechanical
Milkers earned in stock. 4"ttl
Cedar Crek, ' - Nebraska
overheating, f
tate. to-wit: The East half
of the
Southeast quarter (EV-Sli'i)
of Sec-
tion Twentv-tliree 2S). the
west ouarter iSW'i) of
half of
Twenty-four (24), the North
the North half of the
quarter (NN'i N W 14 )
of Section
Twenty-five (25) and the North half
of tiie North half of the fsortueasi
tiuarter (N'ANi-sNE'i ) of Section
Twenty-six (2G, all in Township
Twelve (12, North of Range Ten
(10). East of the Sixth (6th) I'. M.,
iu Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each of yju are hereby noti
fied that on the 24th dav of October,
1917. Nancy J. Hill, Franklin I). Hill.
Eunice E. Kline, Jesse J. Hill, Charles
F. Hill, Violet E. Thorp, Ruth Thorp
and Florence Thorp by her Guardian
and next friend, Reginald II. Thorp,
as plaintiffs filed their petition in the
District court in and for Cass county.
Nebraska, anel that you and each of
you are parties defendant, the object
and prayer of said petition being to
obtain a decree, adjudging and decree
ing that said plain'iffs are the owners
in fee simple and seized of the follow
ing eiescribed real estate, to-wit:
The East half of the Southeast
quarter (E1 SE'i) of Section
Twenty-three (23), the Southwest
quarter (SWU) of Section Twenty-four
(24), the North half of the
North half of the Northwest quar
ter (Ni NVi NW1.;) of Section
Twentv-five (2TO and the North
half of the North half of the North
east quarter (N N?i NE i ) f
Section Twentj'-six 26). all in
Township Twelve (12), North of
Range Ten (10), East of the th
1. M., in Cass county, Nebraska,
and that said plaintiffs are entltleel to
the absolute and uninterrupted posses
sion cf saiii premises; tltat you, the de
fendants, anl eacli of you, have n
title to, claim or lien upon or interest
in said leal estate; that the. title to
said real estate be quieted in plain
tiffs; that the clouds created by the
claims set forth in petition of plain
tiffs be removed; and that the plain
tiffs have such other anil further re
lief in the premises as they may be?
entitled to and to the Court may seem
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of December. 1917.
Nancy J. Hill, Franklin D. Hill,
Eunice E. Kline. Jesse J. Hill,
Charles F. Hill, Violet K. Thorp.
Ruth Thorp, Florence Thorp -by
her Guarelian and next friend,
Reginald 11. Thorp.
o2j-sw.r)Vv. Their Attorney.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) s:
Iu the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth F. Edmunds. Deceaseel:
.Notice is hereby given to the credi-ttu-K
of said deceased that hearings
will be had upon claims tiled against
said estate, before me. County Judge
of Cass county, Nebraska, at the coun
ty Cemrt room in Plattsmouth, in said
county, on the first day of December.
1917 and on the 2nd day of March.
191S. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day. for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must he filed In sale!
court on or before said last hour of
"Witness my hand and seal f said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ncbrns-
ka, this 31st day of October. 1917.
(Seal) County Judge.
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