The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1917.
H ' '
- 1
II in
A Penny Here and Two or Three
Elsewhere will Roll into Big
Sum Over the Nation.
From Thursday's Daily.
The taxes provided for in the re
cent war revenue measure passed by
ccugxoss become largely effective to
day. Taxes are levied on various ar
ticles, not deemed strictly necessary,
and in various amounts, and it will
take no little time for people to be
come familiar with the schedule as
it will effect them.
There are some who have believed
November 1st simply the date set
for raisins the postage. Not so, how
ever, as this is the date of a general
tax becoming effective on many of
the things Ave buy.
At the Railroad Stations.
Beginning with this morning there
is being levied a tax for the passen
gcr fares paid, it being eight per
cent of the cost of a ticket. This
means that when a ticket is pur
chased for any amount, you will be
charged for the ticket at the prevail
ing rates, plus an additional eight
per cent, which will go to the gov
ernment. On freight consignments
the additional charge will be three
per cent and you will have to pay
an additional five per cent on goods
received by express. But should you
want to send a telegram, a fixed rate
of five cents additional is made for
such message, no matter what the
cost may be. If your telegram costs
2t cents, the tax will make it come
to 3 cents, or if the charge is a dol
lar the tax will make it come to
Telephone Company Will Collect.
Among the other things on which
we will be required to pay a tax,
are telephone messages. Like those
sent by telegraph, these too are easy
to figure, a specific charge of five
' cents being made on each long dis
tance call, provided only that the
toll charge is 13 cents or more. This
eliminates paying a tax on messages
over some country lines, etc., where
a switching charge of five or ten
cents has been collected, but will
not cover many mesages originating
from Plattsmouth.
The New Postage Rates.
This is one of the many taxes you
should bear in mind. The others may
be overlooked without disasterous re
sults as your attention will be call
ed to them. But in the case of a let
ter mailed with insufficient postage,
and no return card, it will not be
apt to reach its destination, as post
masters have strict orders not to for
ward any mail unless the postage is
prepaid in accordance with the new
rates, which are three cents per
ounce or fraction thereof on all let
ters and other first class mail, and
two cents on each postal card. Do
not kick and haggle with the clerks
or postal employees, but pay the ex
.tra with a smile and good grace, for
even now it barely covers the cost of
the service you get, and you could
not do the work for ten times the
money. You are sure getting the
worth of your money when you are
allowed to send a letter clear across
the continent and thun across the
ocean to some far away islands of
the ac-a tor the siaall sum of three You know the government
icrs- lis-? mtars of KUiH r n'l lon.-
Itrjs not only one of the most
delicate and delicious breakfast
foods ever offered to the pub
lic but in addition contains a
large percentage of gluten and
is one of the most healthful
and nutricious foods known.
Order today from your grocer
of all times, the postoffice depart
ment should be self-sustaining.
Theatre Goers Hit Too
In accordance with the notices
heretofore given publicity in the
Journal, the movie loving public al
so come in to pay their share of the
war revenue to be realized through
the levying of these taxes. All who
buy theatre tickets will be compelled
to pay an additional ten per cent of
the purchase price, and in all cases
where the fractional part of a cent
is involved. Uncle Sam takes the
whole. This makes 10 cent admis
sions cost 11 cents and 15 cent ones,
17 cents. When you go to the show
tonight and all nights hereafter un
til Kaiserism is wiped from off the
face of the earth and our boys have
returned triumphant from encoun
ters with the German Huns across
the big pond, you may expect to be
charged this additional ten per cent.
And not alone does this effect the
tickets you buy, but ir perchance you
gain complimentary admission, you
must pay a tax equal to the amount
you would have paid had you pur
chased a ticket at regular rates.
Are Many Others Too.
These are only a few of the many
special taxes provided for in the re
cent act of congress, among which
are levies on tobaccos', cigars, ciga
rettes, automobiles, motor boats, in
comes (exemptions limits lowered)
and so forth.
To Help Lick the Kaiser.
Do not grumble over being as
sessed these small taxes. Pay them
with the same public spirit and pa
triotism with which you are paying
for the bonds hat are to furnish the
sinews of war the money to provide
food, clothing and ammunition for
cur boys at the front, who will cover
themselves with glory and wave the
Stars and Stripes from off the steps
of the Reichstag building in Berlin.
The addition amount asked will not
work a hardshippn anyone. And re
member that if you confine yourself
to only the necessities of life the
government will not ask a penny of
you, through taxation, to hely car
ry on the war. Do your bit, at all
times. Let's be Americans, all of us.
From Friday's Dally.
Much concern has been felt as to
the actual safety of a number of
members of the "Rainbow" division,
which had started for France and
later returned to Long Island, after
being a thousand miles or more out
to sea. Friends of boys belonging
to the division, believing that "No
news is bad news" naturally feared
about the safety of their boys, and
so it was with no small amount of
satisfaction, that letters were receiv
ed yesterday from both Hugh Kearn
es and Ralph Lair, telling of their
safe arrival at Camp' Mills, Hem
stead, New York, after being part of
the way across the ocean. No idea of
the cause of their return is given in
either of the letters. The Platts
mouth boys who are members of this
division are Ralph Lair, Earl Mur
ray, Hugh Kearnes, Tex Wilson and
Eddie Ripple.
An Old Man's Stomach.
As we grow older and less active,
less and less food is required to meet
the demands of our bodies. If too
much is habitually taken, the stom
ach will rebel. When a man reach
es the advanced aged of 85 or 90,
you will find that he is a light
eater. Be as careful as you will,
however, you will occasionally eat
more than you should and will feel
the need of hamberlain's Tablets
to correct the disorder. These tab
lets do not contain pepsin, but
strengthen the rtoraach and enable
it to perform it'i functions natural
ly. They also cause a gentle move
ment of the bowels.
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
low If
From Thursday's Daily.
The tabulation of the figures on
the sale of Liberty bonds of the sec
ond 1917 Liberty Loan, which has
just been completed, shows that Cass
county oversubscribed its quota by
more than $2,900. The amount ask
ed from this county was $42S,000
and the amount subscribed was
$431,350. One of the features of
the loan was the patriotism exhibit
ed by employees in the Burlington
thops, there being in all 245 who
subscribed for bonds, the total , of
their subscriptions alone being $13,
500. This speaks well for that in
stitution and the people who labor
there and demonstrates a determi
nation on the part of'all to help bear
the burden of the war and aid this
country in striking a decisive blow
at autocracy for the liberty of the
world. Some of the banks outside of
the city who did excellent work in
pushing the. sale of the bonds' were
the Bank at Union, which was al
lotted $21,000 worth to sell and re
sponded by selling $2G,000 worth,
reporting overa hundred individual
purchasers. The Eagle bank was al
lotted $23,000 worth and they sold
a total of $33,000 worth to a large
number of buyers. The best over
sale of all however, was that of the
First National at Greenwood, it be
ing allotted $14,0C0 worth and sell
ing $31,350 worth.
From Friday's Dail. -
S. L. Willis and wife, of Saratoga,
Wyoming, arrived in this city this
morning, where they will visit for
some time at the home of Robert L.
Propst, and his mother Mrs. E. K.
Goodwin, Mrs. Willis being a sister
of Mrs. Goodwin. Mrs. Willis for
merly lived here when she was a
young woman, and her name at that
time was Propst. Mrs. Willis has
just lost her last son Mr. Clay Propst
who will be remembered by many
people here. He was then a guide
for touring parties but died about
two weeks since. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lis after visiting here for some three
weeks will depart for the south to
spend the winter, at what point they
will go they have not determined as
From Friday's Daily.
G. M. Dickey, a cousin of Dr. G.
H. Gilmore, of Murray, who has been
visiting in Nebraska for the past
three weeks, departed this morning
for the east, hoping to be able to
reach his home at Hilsboro, Ohio, by
Saturday noon.
Mr. Dickey i3 a farmer and has
been visiting with friends at Cozad
and Calloway, in Custer county, and
with his cousin here. He is well
pleased with this country, declaring,
"It looks fine to me."
Mrs. P. O. Stachell Tells How She
Cured Her Son of a Cold.
"When my son Ellis wa3 sick with
a cold last winter I gave him Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It helped
him at once and quickly broke up
his Cold," writes Mrs. P. O. Stuchell,
Homer City, pa. This remedy has
been in use for many years. Its
good qualities have been fully prov
en by many thousands of people. It
is plf-tviut and safe to take.
Call Plattsmouth 'Garage for fcerv-
ice. Tel. 221, !:v.?ry. J. S Tlzzoa,
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday, in the district court, in
an action wherein Mrs. Velma Cas
sity was the plaintiff and the Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
company the defendant, the plain
tiff bringing suit for damages on ac
count of the death of her husband,
who had a policy in the Burlington
Volunteer. Relief Department of the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail
road company, which they had ne
glected and refused to pay. judgment
was rendered in the sum of $1,300.
C. A. Rawls appeared for the plain
tiff and J. L. Root, of Omaha, and
W. A. Robertson for the defense.
A motion for a new trial was of
fered, but overruled and forty days
given to perfect an appeal:
From Friday's Daiiy.
, Mrs. John Corey, landlady at the
Perkins House, doesn't understand
why the "Omaha papers should be
making such a fuss about the res
taurants and hotels there beginning
to observe wheatless Wednesday this
week, when right here in Platts
mouth the Perkins House has been
observing not only wheatless Wed
nesday but beefless Tuesday as well
for the past three weeks. Rye bread
has been substituted for wheat and
good old home made corn bread is
no item td be sneered at, it appear
ing with more then once-a-week fre
quency on the Perkins tables, to the
delight of, those who eat there.
From Friday's Daily.
J. C. Chitty, who recently cam? to
Plaitsmouth from Louisville and en
tered the employment of C. E. Hart
ford, the coal dealer met ith an
accident which had compelled him
to step work. He' was hauling coal,
when from some caue lie slipped
rnd falling eft the wagon, winch h?
was driving sustained ? dislocation
cf Ins left shoulder, which has caus
ed him much pain, and will keep
him- from work for some time.
li m Friday's Daily.
Henry Ilehiemann of Murdock,
: nd John Ilillgartner of Foster, Mo
rrrived in the city from Hitchcock,
Louth Dakota, whert1 they have been
working the past year for J. C.
ITeinemann of that place. They de
rarted this afternoon for Omaha,
vhere they will viiit until Sunday
i-.nI return here and irom here go
to Murdock, where ihey will husk
corn during the fall. They tell of
there being much snow and very cold
1 Tim Tii arsday's Daily.
Miss Marie Neslaek, who has been
employed at the Lincoln Tel. & Tel.
Co. as Chief Operator for the past
six year., has resigned her position,
her resignaicng taking effect today.
Miss Nesladelc will depart for her
home at St. Joseph, Mo., where she
wiil take up another line of work.
Miss Neslad.k has been an efficient
operator at the telephone olice and
since her rerklcace here. has
made a large circle of friends who
will regret t.o learn of her departure,
but hope that she will be successful
and enjoy her new work. Miss
Laura Meisinger has accepted Miss
Nesladek's' position at the telephone
Certain Cure for Croup.
Mrs'. Rose Middleton, of Green
ville, 111., has had experience in the
treatment of this disease. She says,
"When my children were small my
son had croup frequently. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy always
brokw up these attacks immediately,
and I was never without it in the
house. I have taken it myself for
coughs and colds with good results."
in the District Court of tlio County
of Cass, Nebraska. '
In the matter of tlic Estate of Henry
W. Eaton. Decease:
Notice is hereby Riven that in pur
suance of nn order of James T. Hep
ley of the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, made on the Uth day of
October, 1917. for the sale of the real
estate herlnafter described, there will
be sold at the south front door of the
Court House in l'lattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 10th day of
December, 1917, at ten o'clock a. m.,
at public vendue to the highest bid
der for cash the. following described
real estate. . to-wit:
Dots two hundred eleven (211)
and two hundred twelve (l'12t in
the village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
A'itK'nid Iratrix of Estate of Henry "V.
i-jjiton, Deceased.
C. A. llAWLS. Attorney. nS-swSOd
Notice !s hereby pi veil that pursu
ant to a ti Order of Sale Issued to me
liv the District Court, of Cass county,
Nebraska, op-the 2nd day of Novem
ber, ;. D., 1917, in an action pending
i:i said court in which James Deles
jierpier, as guardian of Krnest II. El
:?ui., -L Elliott and "Walter Elli
ott, all minors, Richard Deles Dernier,
Laura. Deles Dernier, Martha Ann Ing
werson, Albert N. Inpwerson, Norman
C. Deles Dernier, Emma Deles Der
nier, James Deles Dernier, Eugenia
Deles Dernier, Lester M. Elliott, Alice
Elliott, Arthur Elliott, Andrew Elliott
and Linnie Deles Dernier are plaintiffs
and John U. Deles Dernier, is defen
dant, I will, on Saturday, the 8th day
of December, A. D., 1917, at one .o'clock
in the afternoon on paid day, at the
front door of the Nehawka Bank, Ne
havvka. Cass .county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public vendure to the high
cst bidder, the followinp described real
estate, situated in the County of Cass,
and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
The south half of the northwest
quarter (S'i NWU) of Section
Twenty-four (24), and the north
east quarter (NKIJ) of Section
Twenty-three (23), all in Town
ship Ten (10) North of I'anpe
Twelve (12) East of the 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, Cass county, Ne
braska. the terms of sale belnp one-tentli cash
on the day of sale and the balance of
tlio purchase price on the day said
sale is con tinned by the District Court
of Cass county. Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open for one
iiS-swSw. Referee.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) .ss: '
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth F. Edmunds. Deceased:
Notice is hereby piven to the credi
tors of said deceased that hearings
will be had upon claims filed apainst
said estate, before me. County Judge
of Ciiss county, Nebraska, at the coun
ty Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
county, on the firt day of December,
11'17 and of i the 2nd day of March,
101S. at 1 o'clock a. m., each day, for
examination, adjustment and allow
a nee.
All claims must bo tiled in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, this :i.l day of October. 1917.
(SoaD v County Judge.
To iMorge Norton. Ceo. AV. Norton
fi i t ...... 1 ......... ., , , 1.
Jdattisoti (first real name unknown I.
Joan Fountain. Henry Fountain,
Ceo ;:? E. Harding; t lie heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal repVesenta
tives and all other persons interest
ed in the estates of the following
nsmcd persons, to-wit: George YV.
Norton, Ceo. V. Norton (first real
i::im unknown , Geo. D. Mattison
(first real name unknown), John
Fountain. Henry Fountain and
George iZ. Harding, whose names and
residences are unknown; "William H.
Price. William II. Price and Albert
Kelly. Executors of the last will and
testament and estate of George E.
Harding, deceased; and tt'e unknown
owt.eis ;nd the unknown claimants
Of the fallowing described real e.;
taU to-wit: The East half of the
K'Utli.i"t quarter (EljSE'i) of Sec
tion Twenty-three CJi, the South
west quarter SWU of Section
Twenty-four (21 . the North half of
the North half of tho Northwest
-quarter (X'4X!iX'',4 ) of Section
Twtnty-'lvo (25) and the North half
of the North half of the Northeast
quart r ( N '-N 'N K ' ) of Section
Twenty-six (2i). all in Township
Twt Ive ( 12). North of Range Ten
(10), East of the Sixth (tith) I. M.,
in Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each of you are hereby noti
ced that on the 21th day 4f October,
Uil7. Nancy J. Hill. Ftanklin D. Hill.
Eunice E. Kline, Jesse J. Hill. Charles
F. Hill. Violet E. Thorp, Kuth Thorp
and Florence Thorp by her Guardian
and next frif-nd. Reginald H. Thorp,
plaintiffs tiled their petition in the.
1'istrict court in and for Cass county,
Nebraska, and that you and eaHj of
you are parties defendant, the object
and prayer of -said petition being to
obtain a decree, adjudging and decree
ing that said plaintiffs are the owners
in fee simnJe and seized of the follow
ing descriW'l real estate, to-wit:
The East half of the Southeast
quarter (E2 SE'J of Section
Twenty-three (20), the Southwest
.quarter (SW'i) of Section Twenty-four
(24). the North half of the
North half of the Northwest quar
ter (Ni NVi NW'i) of Section
Twenty-live (25) and the North
half of the North half of the North
east quarter (Ni N'i NEj ) of
Section Twenty-six (2D. all in
Towr.ship Twelve (12), North of
Range Ten (10), East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska,
and that said plaintiffs are entitled to
the absoluie and uninterrupted posses
sion of said premises; that you. the de
fendants, and each of you, have no
title to. claim or lien upon or interest
in aid real estate; that the title to
said real estate be quieted in plain
lift's: that the clouds created by the
claims set forth in petition of plain-
tflfs be removed; and that the plain
tiffs have such other and further re
lief in the premises as they may be
entitled to uutl to the Court may seem
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th dav- of December. 1917.
Nancy J. Hill. Franklin D. Hill,
Eunice E. Kline. Jesse J. Hiil,
Charles F. Hill. Violet E. Thorp.
Ruth Thorp, - Florence Thorp by
her Guardian and next friend,
Reginald 11. Thorp.
o25-sv."w. Their Attorney.
oKDKit ok iii:m;
on Petition ror Appointment or Ad
ministrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
( In (he County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Nan
cy Elizabeth wiles, Deceased.
On reading and iiling the .petition of
Isaac Wiles, praying that administra
tion of said Estate be granted to
Thomas F. Wiles, as Administrator;
Ordered, That November 13th, A. D.,
1917. at nine (9) o'clock a. m., is as
signed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to bo
held in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer ot petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter oy
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated October IS, 1917,
o22-sw3w. ' County Judge.
To Alfred S. Cooley, if living, if dead.
his heirs, devisees, legatees, personal,
representatives and all other persons
interested in his estate, wuose names
are unknown: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of Frank Davis,
deceused; James J. Shannon, if living,
if dead, h!a heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in his estate,
whose names are unknown; Mrs.
James J. Shannon, first and real name i
unknown, if living, if dead, her heirs,,
devisees, legatees, personal represen- ,
tatives und all other persons inter-I
ested in her estate, whose names are
unknown: Sherman S. Cooley, Arclii-'
bald 13. Cooley and Harold O. Cooley,'
non-residents; all claimants to Lots
Seven (7) and -Eight (8) in Block
Eighteen (18) in the Village of
,- .wyjWJUF
r r tt
Stop at
sign for
uniform gasoline. Makes the engine
eager, full of life. Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Polarine Oil prevents scored cylinders;
lessens engine wear.
Bs;! rtG-'-iv ; ti;r
i.-. . . -. , .... i. i
real names are unknown.
You, and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the fith day of October,
1317, William Latrom. as plaintiff, riled
his petition in the District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, against you end
each and all of you. as defendants, the
object and prayer of which petition Is
to quiet plaintiff's title to Lots Seven
(7) ar.d Eight (8) in Block Eighteen
(IS) in the Village of Eagle. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to forever exclude
ar.d enjoin you and each of you, and
rll htrsons claiming by, through or
urder yen, from claiming any right,
title, interest or lien in. to cr on said
real estate, or any part thereof, and
for such other anil further relief as
to the Court mav seem just and equi
table. You, and each of you. are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 3rd day of December. 1917,
and. if you fail to do so your default
will' be entered .therein and judgment
ntercd in accordance with the prayer
of plaintiff's petition. This notice is
made pursuant to an order of said
His Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In Hie Count)- Court
In the matter of the Estate of Aug
ust Anderson, Deceased.
To tho creditors of said Estate:
You are l.ereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said eounty, on the 20th day
)t November, 1917, and the 21st day of
i-ebru.-iry, l!)LS. at 9 o clock a. m. of
eaeli day to receive and examine all
claims against-said Estate, with a view
to their ad.iustmeut and allowance. The
tinit limited, for the presentation of
claims against said Estate is three
months' from the 20th day of Novem
ber, A. D., 1917, and the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from
said 20th day of November, 1917.
V-Vitriess mv hand and tlu? seal of said
Court this lith day of October. 1917.
(Seal) - County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
In re Guardianship of Marvel E.
Hale, a minor.
Now, on this 17th day of- October,
A. D.. J917. this cause came on for
hearing upon the petition of Nora A.
Powers, guardian of Marvel E. Hale,
a minor, praying tor license to sell
the following described real estate to-
wit: That part of lot 5 in Porter Place,
an Addition to the City of l'lattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, commencing at
the northwest corner of said Lot 5.
thence running east along the north
line thereof 677.65 feet, thence south
parallel, with the east line of said lot
79 feet, thence west parallel with tho
north line 709.63 feet to the west line
of said Lot 5, thence northeasterly
along said west line to the place of
beginning. And also, commencing at
the northeast corner of said Lot 5 in
said Porter Place. thence running
westerly 52(i feet, thence south paral
lel with the east line of said lot 115.70
feet, thence east parallel with the north
line 52G feet, thence north 145.70 feet
to the place of beginning, all being
situated in Porter Place, an Addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun-
Having disposed of my interest in the General Merchandise, 1 now
rive ray entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to
serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock of '
Studehaker and
' : Ellaxwelj Oars
on hand and can makcyou immediate delivery. "More car for the Dol
lar," is the one motto the Studebaker Corporation have kept in mind
since their establishment in 1852. Compare Studebaker in power, ejuiet
ness, sea-Jngiarrangcment, upholstering, oversize tires, design and ac
cessibility and you will be convinced our nearestcompetitors are priced
$200 to $.'K)0 higher.
Studebaker 18 Series G cylinder, iO h. p. ... $l'H5
IS 4 ' 40 h. p. - - . 105,)
Maxwell 25-17, 30 h. p. - - - . 715
F. O. B. "Detroit.
Call or drop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich 'and Leo Punc
ture Proof Tires and Tubes at 10; under the market. French -Auto
Oils and Auto Accessories. Ford Specialties. Fmnin MecbmifMii
Milkers carried in stock.
Cedar Creek,
the Red Crown
clean, powerful,
t -''
tv, Nebraska, for the purpose of usin
the funds derived therefrom for tin
support, education and maintenance of
said minor child, and alleging that Gift
sale of said land is necessary for th
best interests of said minor: and it ap
pearing that an order should be en
tered requiring all persons interested.,
in said real estate to appear and show
f-iiusc, if any. why a license should nrt
issue to said Guardian to sell the
interest of said minor in said above
described real estate. It is therefore
ordered tht all persons interested in
said estate appear before me at the
District Court Room in Plattsmouth.,
Nebraska, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the
26th day of November, 1917. and show
cau?e, if any there be, why a license
si-. uld not issue to said Guardian to
sell -;iid real estate of said minor, and
for tlie purpose set forth in said ap
plication. It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by publica
tion of said order for three successive
weeks prior to said date set for show
ing cause, in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a ne-wspapor published semi-weekly and
-f general circulation in Cass county,
Judge of the'Dist. Court.
o22-sw."w. Atty. for Guardian.
on Petition for
of Ad-
The State of
Nebraska, Cass Coun-
ty. ss:
In ttlie County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
C. Edgerton. Deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
J. A. Edgerton praying that Adminis
tration of said Estate may be granted
to him as Administrator;
Ordered, That on November 13th. A.
D. , 1?17. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be gt anted: and that notice of the
pendency eif said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the l'lattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated October 17. 1917.
(Seal) ol8-3w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In the Comity Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Velos-
ep . .Leonard, Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the Countv Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the 31st day
rf October. 1917. ami the 31st day of
January, 191S, at 9 o'clock a. in., to re
ceive and examine' all claims against
said Estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said Estate Is three months
from the 31st day of October, A. 1).,
1917, and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 31st
day of ()ctober, 1917.
Witne-ss mv band and the seal of
said County Court this 27th day of
September, 1917.
(Seal) ol-lw. County Judge.
m V &.U4V.U&