The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 22, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917.
is. rrrrf
r - - v"
"it. ;;'t;t '!:--'-''
13 II B B
r" auaauw an movt
i r; i
You keep yonr car for your comfort
of a friction-crippled motor by using
Holds its body at any cylinder heat or engine speed. Ends carboni
zation, overheating, and scored cylinders. Every drop pure.
Look for the Polarine slfrn It .lands for a reliable dealer who will give you
what you ask for. .Use Red Crown Gasoline, the power-" motor fuel.
(Nebraska) OMAHA
From Friday's iailv.
?!rs. Otto Fitz was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, where she will
.visit with friends for the day.
John Hart man departed last e ve
iling for Cedar Creekj where he is
engaged in plastering a housewhich
is building there. ' '' ; ' .,
Andy Campbell from " south of
Hook Bluffs was looking after some
business in the county seat this af
ternoon. Frank Schleistemeyer, of near Ne
liawka was a visitor in the city yes
terday looking after some matters of
Herman Fankonin, of Louisville,
was a visitor in the city this morji
ing coming down to look after'sbnre
Lumucss at the county seat.
T. M. Scarborough and family de
parted this morning for Watson,
I.Iissouri, where they will visit with
the parents of Mr. Scarborough.
Frank Koak departed this after
noon for Clarks-on, where he will vis
it with friends for a few weeks, and
husk corn if nothing else shows up
to do that will pay more money.
Mrs. C. II." Vallery and daughter,
Myrtle Marks, from west of Mynard,
were passengers to Omaha, this morn
ing, where they will visit with
friends for the day.
August Koch and wife, who live
on the 'Villa A:-ch Farm' near Mur
ray were passengers to Omaha this
morning, where they are doing some
shopping for the day.
Mesdames II. F. Frendel and Mary
McDonald, both from Murray, came
in this morning and departed for
Omaha, where they will look after
some business for the day and visit
"with friends.
County Commissioner Henry Snokc
from near Kagie is in the city, con
foring with commissioner Julius
I'itz, they having been over the
county to some extent looking after
count 3r business.
If Yoa Don't Come ficross, Use Kaiser Will
Our boys have eiven un all to ficbt for rlemor.raev
" o- tr
s and liberty and you.
Co Yossr Bit. Buy a Liberty Gold Bond
Our boys are entitled to the best food, clothes, am
munition. They must have these necessities.
Without them they cannot win for you.
Liberty Gold Bonis Furnish the Arnraunitisii
It's your duty yet it does not cost yon a cent. Your
Government, the best in the world, is only asking yon fojr
n loan and will pay you 4 per cent on a sure investment.
The Kaiser takes his money away from his people
What Met Do You Want:
Buy a Liberty Gold Bond Today
Any Bmfc Villi Ta Year Application llGtfk
' rp
avoid th trouble and expns
Myron Snyder, who has beeiflook-
ing after some business at Broken
Bow, for the past few days, return
ed heme this morning.
A. G. Cole returned this morning
from a trip to the western portion
of the state where he was looking
after some legal business.
Miss MableKrecklow of Louisville
daughter of XV. F. Krecklow of that
city, came to PJattsmouth this nior
a ins for a visit with friends and is
the guest of .'hef aUfitf'JMty-J. L.
Burrows and husband. for a few days
Mr. II. W. Schlater of Seward.
arrived in town this afternoon nav
ing some business with J. li. ice
of this city. Mr. Schlater has a
farm about four miles northeast of
here in Iowa, and came to rent the
same to Mr. Lee. The farm is occu
pied at the present time by Harley
Walter II. Jensen, of Lincoln, and
sister, Mrs. Edward Spricht of
Stanton and another sister, Mrs.
John Hardy of Norfolk, who have
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John McNurlin for the past
week departed for Lincoln, where
after a short visit the two ladies
will depart for their home in the
north portion of the state.
From Saturday's Daily.
Ira Bates of near Cedar Creek was
a business visitor in the city this
Walter Beyers, of near Rock Bluff?
was a business visitor in the city
this morning.
Will Rice of northwest of Murray
was transacting business in Platts
mouth this afternoon.
C. Murray from near Rock Bluffs
was looking after some business in
the city this morning.
S. L. Furlong from near Rock
Bluffs was transacting business in
the city coming up this morning.
Troy Wiles from near Weeping
Water was a visitonin the city this
morning looking after some busi
ness. Mrs S. D. Gibson and two children
Marjorie and Herold, came in from
o ml
frY. til
"25k .1
Missouri Valley, Iowa, this afternoon
for a visit of a few days at the home
of her mother, Mrs. M. J. Burbee.
Peter Birsall of Missouri Valley,
was a visitor in the city for a few
days past, departed this afternoon
for his home.
Uncle Ben Beckman from near
Murray, was a visitor in tne cny
this morning looking after some
business in the county seat.
J. L. McCulloch and two daugh
ters, Misses Vernette ana juane,
from near Murray, were passengers
to Omaha this morning, where they
will do some shopping for the day.
Anton Swoboda, who has been
making his home at Denver ior
some time past came in today from
the west and will visit with his par
ents for some time.
L. J. Mayfield and Clarence May-
field were visiting in the county
seat this morning, looking after some
business and also in the city, coming
down with Mr. Mayfield's car.
Henry Creamer of near Murray,
Tl 1 i
was a business visitor in ruus-
mouth last evening, having driven
to a number of towns during the
day where he was looking after some
Miss Zella Elliott, who is teach
ing in the country near Weeping
Water came home this morning to
visit over Sunday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elliott and
others of this city.
W. F. Gillespie, the grain mer
chant of Mynard was a passenger to
Omaha this morning over the Bur
lington and was looking after some
business there in connection with his
elevator in Mynard.
Mrs. Bennett Christweiser, of this
city and Mrs. Charles Christweiser
and son Carl and daughter Miss
Zupha, of below Murray, were pass
engers to Omaha this morning where
they will spend the day shopping at
the big stores of that city.
William Richardson of Mynard
and William Schmiutmann of Platts
mouth who are attending school at
Bellevue College came in last eye
ning to spend over Sunday at their
resDective homes in this City and
Mrs. E. W. Cook of Rock Island,
Illinois, who is visiting in the city
at the home of her mother, Mrs. D.
Hawksworth, and her cousin, Miss
Nettie Hawksworth of this city,
were visiting with friends in -Oma
ha today.
Misses Frada, Hilflicker, daugh
ter of Herman Hilflicker and Miss
Aleita Shakcly both of Hebron, who
have been visiting in this neighbor
hood for the past three weeks, the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Hilflicker, west of the city,
departed for their homes this morn
Prince Lathrop, of Havelock came
down this morning and is visitin
with his sister, Mrs. Wm. McCauley
and other friends in the city. Mr.
Lathrop lived here a number of years
and has now been at Havelock' a long
time, hut still has a large number
of friends to visit when he drops off
here for a day or so.
Mrs. J. v King, of Superior, who
has been visiting in this city with
friends and relatives and attending
the National Convention of the P
3. O. society, departed yesterday for
Nebraska City here she will visit at
the home of her sister, Mrs. W. G
Brooks of that place for a short time
before going to her home at Super
From Saturday's Daily.
At the Herford Breeders Stock
3how at Omaha yesterday, Fred T
Ramce and son purchased some
fine cows, which they are placing on
their farm south of the city. , The
two cows which they purchased, are
of the Registered Herfords, and
government tested, coming from the
Forest. Lawn herd at Lincoln." The
two cows which Messrs. Ramge pur
Chased are tested by the government
and have a record respectively of 17
and 19 pounds of butter per week.
One is nine years old, and the other
five. The two cost $800.00. At the
same sale Rex Young purchased a
cow for $450.00, which has a gov
ernment record of over nineteen
pounds of butter per week. This
30 w would in a year produce 988
pounds of butter at that rate, and
at the current price of 50 cent would
be $494.00. .
; No wonder these prices can be
paid for the cows, besides there is
a standing offer for heifer calves six
weeks old the offspring of the bull
of Dr. Davis of Omaha of $300.00
and the merry war In prices goes
British Repulse Raids.
London, Oct. 19. "We repulsed
i hostile raiding party last night east
of Vermelles," said today's official
statement. "we had no casuplli-S,
Money Goes to Boys at Camp Funs-
ton and Camp Cody Donor
Designates Which.
The people at home are thinking
of the boys their boys who are
at the training camps, and are ready
with their dollars to aid the boys in
the purchasing of equipment for the
foot ball and basket ball teams, as
well as other athletic sports. That
the Journal struck a popular chord
in its appeal in their behalf yester
day, is shown by the donations that
have been received so quickly for
these funds. The opening of - the
lists by such liberal contributions
but shows that the hearts of Cass
county people are right, and that
they feel our boys are doing their
part everj mother's son of them.
And we desire to and will uo our
part, too.
Below will be found a list, of the
enhsprintions that have thus iar
come in:
Camp Funston Fund
The Daily Journal ? 5.00
I). C. Morgan
Weyrich & Hadraba
J. E. McDaniels, foot ball..
Bruce Rosencrans
James Sage
Ed Schuhloff v
Loyal Sons Class .
Camp Cody Fund
The Daily Journal $
1). C. Morgan
James Sage
Ed Schuhloff
Loyal Sons Class
oi;i) of ueahim;
.-Mid Notice on Petition for Settlement
ef Account.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
tv, Nebraska.
"State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss:
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Abraham Must, Deceased:
On reading tlifs petition of Y . A.
Koberlson, Administrator C. T. A., pray
a linal settlement and allowance of
bis account tiled in this Court n the
L'Jnd dav of October. 1917. and for
settlement and assignment of the
propei ty of said estate and for his dis
charge It is hereby ordered that you ami all
persons interested 'in said matter may.
; nl do appear ut the County Court to
1 o held in and for said County, on the
-t I) dav of October. A. D.. 1!17. at !
o'clock a. ni.. to show cause, if any
there bo, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted, ami that
notice of the pendency of said petition
iiud the hearing thereof be Kiven to all
j.ersons interested in said matter by
publishing-a copy. of this order in the
l'lattsmouth Journal, a scmi-weekl
i.ewspaper printed in said county lor
one week prior -to said day of hearing.
(Seal) ----- county Jude.
i)Ki)i:it of niaiiiMi
en Petition for Appointment of Ad
ministrator. .
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
lu thv Comity Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Nan
cv Elizabeth AViles. Deceased.
On readins and filing the. petition of
Isaac Wiles, .praying that administra
tion of said Estate be granted to
Thomas 'V. Wiles, as Administrator;
Ordered. That November Kith, A. D..
1917, at nine (! ) o'c loc k a. in., is as
signed tor hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
mav appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and show,
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be Riven to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Flattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
dav of hearing.
Dated October IS, 1917.
o22-sw2w. " County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In the Comity Court
In the matter of the Estate of Aug
ust Anderson, Deceased.
To the creditors of said Estate:
You arc hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
tb in said eountv. on the 20th day
of November, 1917. and the 21st day of
fc-ottmiarv- 191S. at 'J o'clock a. ill. of
each day to receive and examine all
claims against said Estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. The
I ime limited for the presentation of
riims ncainst said Estate Is three
months from the 20th day of Novem
ber, A. D-, 1917, and the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from
said 20th day of November, 1917.
Witness mv hand and the seal of said
Court this 19th day of October, 1917.
(Seal) County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska. ' .
In re Guardianship of Marvel E.
Hale, a minor. '
Now, on this 17th day of October.
A: D.. 1917, this cause came on for
hearing upon the petition of Nora A.
l'owers, guardian of Marvel E. Hale,
a minor, praying for license to sell
the following described real estate to
wit: That part of lot 5 in l'orter Place,
an Addition to the City of l'lattsmouth.
Cass county; Nebraska, commencing at
the northwest corner of f said Lot 5,
thence running east along the north
line thereof i Q77.65 feet' thence south
parallel with the east line of said lot
79 feet, thenco west pjfrallel with the
nrth line. 709. 63 feet to the west line
of said Lot 5. thence northeasterly
along said west line to the place of
beginning. -And also, commencing at
the northeast corner of said Lot 5 in
said Porter Place, thence -running
westerly 526 feet, thence south paral
lel with the east line of said lot 145.70
foot, thence east oarallel with the north
line 525 lat, thence north 145.70. feet
to the place of beginning1, all being
situated In .Porter iJiace. an Aaaiuon
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska,, for the purpose of using
the funds derived therefrom for the
support, education and maintenance of
said minor child, and alleging that the
eale of said land is necessary for the
best interests of said minor; and It ap
pearing that an " order should be en
tered requiring all persons interested
in said real estate to appear and show
cause, if any, why a license should not
issue to said Uuardian to sen tne
interest of said minor in said above
described real estate. It is therefore
ordered that all persons Interested In
aid estate appear before me at tne
istrK-t Court lioom in IMattsmoutb,
Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the
tith day of November, 1U17, and snow
aiise. if any there be. why a license
Lilmuld not issue to said Guardian to
sell said real estate of said minor, ana
for the purpose set forth In said ap
It is-iurujer oroereu mai a copy 01
this order be served upon , all persons
interested in said estate by publica
tion of said order for three successive
weeks prior to said date set for slipw-
intr cause, in the l'lattsmouth Journal,
a newspaper published semi-weekly and
of general circulation in, Cass county,
Judge of the Iist. Court,
o22-sw3v. -tty. for Guardian.
To Alfred tf. Cooley, if living, If dead
his heirs, devisees, legatees, persona)
representatives and all other persons
interested in his estate, whose names
are unknown; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of Frank Davis
deceased; James J. Shannon, if living,
if dead, his heirs, devisees, legatees.
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in his estate
whose names are unknown; Mrs
James J. Shannon, first and real name
unknown, if living, if dead, her heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives ami all other persons inter
t-sted in her estate, whose names are
unknown: Sherman S. Cooley. Archi
bald 15. Cooley arid Harold O. Cooley
non-residents: all claimants to It
Seven (7) and Kight (S in DlocK
Ficrliteen 1 S in the Village of
Eagle. Cass county, Nebraska, whose
real names are unknown.
You. and each of you are hereby no
titled that on the Cth day of October
1917, William l.atrom. as plaintiil. hle
his petition m the District court c
Cass eountv. Nebraska, anainst you an
each and all or you. as defendants, the
object and prayer of which petition is
to ciuiet plaintiffs title to L.ots een
(7l and Eierlit s in t'.lock Eigliteep
(IS) in the Village of Eagle, Cass coun
ty. Nebraska and to forever exclude
and enjoin you and each of you, am:
all persons claiming by, through or
under yen. from claiming any right,
title, interest or lien in. to or on said
real estate, or any part thereof, and
for such other ami further relief as
to the Court may seem just and equi
table. You. and each of you. are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mnn
dav, the "id day of December, 1917.
and if you fail to do so your default
will be entered there-n and judgment
entered in accordance with the prayer
of plaintiff's petition. Tliis notice is
made pursuant to an order of said
Plain tiff.
His Attorneys.
otici: of hka.;i.;
Notice is hereby given'.ai)
plication has been mada'-'to the liovcr
nor and the Advisory IJoard of Pac
tions for a commutation of the sen
toiicM of Max Ploehn. who was on t lie
tifth day of July, 190."., sentenced by the
District Court within and for Cass
i-oiiritv to serve a term of life in the
state penitentiary for the crime ef r.iur
. Said application will be heard be
fore the Advisory Hoard of Pardons 4lt
!., slate i.enitent iar.v oil the 1st day
or November.' 1917.
Dated this 19th day of October, 1917.
OltllKIt OF 11K.HIG
on Petition for Appointment of Ad
il .ni nor. w
The State of Nebraska, Cass' Coun
ty, ss:
In the- County Cunrt
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
C Kdtrertoii. Dec-eased:
On reading and filing the petition of
J. A. Edgerton praying that" Adminis
tration of said Estate may be granted
to him as Administrator;
Ordered. That on November 13th, A
D., 1917. at 10 o'clock a. in., is assign
ed for hearini? said petition, when all
oersons interested in said matter may
annear at a County Court to 'be held
i:i and for said County, and show cause
whv the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
ii.iwl.'iu-v of said petition and llie near
inir thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter -by publishing
a copv of this order In the Plattsmouth
.Journal. a semi-weekly newspaper
o-inti..l in said eountv. fer three suc-
.iv.. weeks prior to said day of
Dated October 17, 1917.
(Seal) ylS-3w. County Judge.
and Notice of Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
v. Nebraska.
" State of Nebraska. Cass County ss:
To all persons interested in the res
tate of Jacob liayles. Deceased:
lin rpiidlnir the Petition of N. II
Meeker praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account, filed In this
court on the 4th clay of October, 191
inil for distribution of the residue In
his hands, it is hereby ordered that you
ami all persons interested in said mat
ter may, and do, appear at me couney
-onit to bo held in and for said eoun
tv on the 29th day of October, A. D.,
1317 at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause,
if anv there b why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
tliat notice or me ponuency oi saiu pe
tition and the hearing thereof be giv
en to all nersons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this or-
,ior in the l'lattsmouth Journal, a
Kemi-weeklv newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereun
to set my hand and the seal of said
Court, this 4th day of October, A. D.,
(Seal) o8-3w County. Judge.
We, the undersigned, hereby asso
ciate ourselves together for the pur
pose of forming a corporation under
the laws of the State of Nebraska, and
do adopt the following Articles of In
corporation: ,,,,,,
Article I. The name by which thia
corporation shall be known is FAliM-j
Article II. The principal place of
business of this corporation shall be
at Plattsmouth, County of Cass, State
of Nebraska. '
'Article HI. The object ior wnicn
this eomoration is formed is to carry
on a Commercial Banking business unr
der the laws of the state of Nebraska:
Article IV. The authorized capital
stock of thia corporation shall be Fif
ty Thousand Dollars, of which at least
Fiftv Thousand Dollars shall have
'been paid la at the time of commence-
"It's the good Red Crown in
the tank that does it."
Your engine picks up eagerly
pulls smoothly when throt
tled down. Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Pdlarine Oil stops power leaks.
Lubricates efficiently
at all times.
? C E 2 STANDARD OIL CO. j fffh
irtJ S CROWN. u i, i
nent of business, which shall be is
sued in shares of the par value of
)ne Hundred (100) Dollars each. No
transfer of the stock of this corpora
tion shall be operative until entered
in the books of the corporation.
Article V. The indebtedness of this
orporation shall at no time exceed
he amount-of its paid in capital and
surplus except for deposits.
Article VI. This corpora t lor. shall
egin business on the 22nd clay of
September, 1917, or as soon thereaf-t-r
as authori.ed by the State Bank
ng Board of the State of Nebraska,
i nd shall terminate on the 22nd day
f September, 19J7.
Article VII. The affairs of this eor
oration shall be under the control
uid management of a board of direc
ors, consisting of not less than three
ior more than seven shareholders,
.vhose term of office shall be for a
peM-iod of one year, or until tjeir suc
cessors arc; elecited and cpjalilied, not
ess than a majority of whom shall be
esidents of the county in which the
.lank is located, or counties immedia
ely adjacent thereto. It shall be the
lutv of the Board of Directors to elect
rrom their number
-ecretary, and select
mil cashier, and they
ui . assistant cashier
lerks and assistants
a president aim
a vice-president
may also select
and such other
as- the business
fittic corporation may require. The
,-crm of the o.. eels' of this corporation
shall le one year, or until their suc
esptis are elected and qualified. The
board of directors may adopt such by
'aws for the regulation and manage
ment of the affairs and business of the
corporation as it may deem proper.
Article VIII. The regular annual
necting of the stockholders of this
orporation shall be held on the 2nd
vVedncsday of January each year, at
vhich meeting the Board of Directors
ibove provided for shall be elected. A
majority of the shares of the stock of
:!ie corporation at any regular or spec
ial meeting, shall constitute a quorum
fur The transaction of business.
Article IX. I'ntil the regular meet
ing of the stockholders of the corpo
ation, the following named persons
;'nall constitute the Board of Diree
ors: A. J. Schafer, T. M. Patterson, E.
P. Lutz. Mark White and L. G. Todd.
Article X Each stockholder shall at
any Tegular or special meeting be en
titled to cne vote, either in person or
by proxy, for each share of stock held.
Article XI. These articles of incor
poration may be amended at any reg
ular or special meeting called for that
purpose by a' two-thirds vote of all
'lie stock.
Witness our hands this Sth day of
September, 1917.
State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
On this Sth day of September, 1917,
before the undersigned, a Notary rub
lie in and for said county and state,
personally appeared A. J. Schafer, T.
M. Patterson. E. P .Lutz. Mark White
and L. CI. Todd, to me known to be
the identical persons whose names are
affixed to the foregoing Articles of In
corporation, and each for himself ac
knowledged the same to be bis volun
tary act and deed.
In Witness Whereof, I have here
unto set my 'hand and notarial seal
this Sth day of September, 1917, at
JJJattsmouth. Nebraska.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Having disposed of my interest"Tnlhe General Merchandise, I now
,rivc ray entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to
serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock ofv
tudebaker and
on hand and can makcyou immediate delivery. "More car for the Dol
lar," is the ono motto the Studcbaker Corporation have kept in raicd
since' their establishment in 1S52. Compare Studebaker in power, quiet
ness, seating; arrangement, 'upholstering, oversize tires, design and ac
cessibility and you will be convinced our nearest competitors arc priced
8;200 to $300 higher.
Studebaker 18 Series 6 cylinder, 0 h. p. - - $1355
" 18 " 4 ' 40 h. p. . - - 1050
Maxwell 25-17, 30 b. p. - - - - - 715
P.O. B.Detroit.
Call or drop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Lee Punc
ture Proof Tires and Tubes at 10;f" -under the market. French Auto
Oils and Auto Accessories. Ford Specialties. Empire Mechanical
Milkers carried in stock. . .
,'J.:F..W0LFF, '
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) PS-
lu the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Vclos
co ". Leonard. Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
it at the County Court rooih in platts
mouth. in said county, on the 31st day
of October. 1917. and the 31st day of
Januarv. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said Estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said Estate is three months
from the Slst dav of October, A. D..
1917, and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 31st
dav of October, 1917.
Witness mv hand and the seal or
said County Court this 27th day of
September, 1917. '
(Seal) ol-tw. County Judge.
on petition for Appointment of Admin
istratrix. The State oT Nebraska. Cass coun
t y. ss :
In the County Court
Tn the matter of the estate of Blanche
Marsh, .deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
Elizabeth Schw.-T prating that admin
istration of-said Estate may Vie grant
ed to Elisabeth Schwab as Adminis
tratrix, Ordered. That November 3rd. A. D..
1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned for
bearing said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to bo held in and
for said County, and show cause why
the prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pen
dencv of said petition and the hearing;
(hereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing :e
copv of this order in the l'lattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county. ftr three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated October 12, 1917.
ol.l-swSw. County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of Admin
istrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty ss:
In Hip County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth F. Edmunds. Deceased:
On rending and tiling the petition of
John XV. Edmunds praying that ad
ministration of said Estate may be
granted to him as Administrator;
Ordered. That October 31. A. D. 1917.
at 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to e held in and
for said County and show cause why
the "prayer of petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the l'lattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said County, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated October S. 1917. '
C. A. BAWLS. County Judge.
(aaxwe.S Cars