The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Murray Dep
Prepared in the Interest of the People
In Banking uui
Ejljjlj We take pride in the way MlvV
yp fill our bank is run. Our deposi- ilvv
fjjjllj'" tOTS mcue the biggest men in r
, Each-individual account is K
given special attention. Kill II
i Fly, We are ooenins new ac- .
, counts daily. Come in and talk iffl"
Slj over your banking with us. Our . Mi:
j officers will be glad to meet 11
5 you. II
I ft is the man with cash in
jj bank whose voice is heard. lV
Ly Checking and savings ac- V
r counts. V
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
I'sual services at the United Pres-
byterian church next Sabbath.
Auctioneer Rex Young attended
- the William's Ilolstein sale at Om
aha Tuesday.
Eck Latta. of Omaha, was visiting
with friends and relatives in Mur
ray last Sunday.
P. G. Marehland. of Brock, was in
Murray Monday to buy a hog irom
the Oldham stock farm.
Rex Young purchased a pure bred
bull from the Oldham herd this week
and is making all preparations for
starting an excellent herd on his
The ladies of the United Presby
terian church held a sewing bee on
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs.. Spangler, in preparation for
their annual bazaar.
The Woman's Missionary society
v.iU hold their annual thank offer
ing service on the 28th, in connection
with a very interesting program
which will take the place of the
" in! rhing sermon.
Dr. Jackson departed on Tuesday
morning for Superior, where the an
nual meeting of the United Presby
terian Synod . of Nebraska opened
that evening and continued its ses
sion until today.
If you have no time to bring them
in to us, we will call. Just use your
telephone. Highest market price paid
at all times.
Rare Opportunity
presents its self to you in the prices which we are making
on the merchandise listed in this advertisement. It's not
necessary to point this out to you if you are a judge of
quality and know real values:
Men's tan 1 1 -inch lace boot, genuine oak sole welt,
wide last. Just the thing for corn husking and '
winter wear; a real bargain at $3.75
Men's Corn Husking Caps; in black, tan and blue
stripe , - 15 and 25c
Men's Heavy Kiki Pants, belt loops, cuff bottom . . $2.00
Men's Extra Heavy Kiki Pants, belt loops, cuff bot
tom; sizes 32 to 42 $2.50
Men's Heavy Moleskin Pants, very scarce on to-day's
market and worth a dollar more than our price
of $3.00
Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants $3.25 and $3.50
Men's Duck Coats, blanket lined, large corduroy col
lar ....$2.75
Men's Fleece Lined Socks, extra heavy, per pair. ... 15c
of Murray and Surrounding; Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Ed Wilcox has been numbered
among the sick for tne past weeK.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carter Al-
bin. on Thursday, October 11th, a
baby girl.
Mrs. Ab Murdock, residing near
Nehawka, has been quite sick for the
past few days.
Miss Opha Baker, who is attend
ing school in Lincoln, was at home
over Sunday.
Wm. Rice has been suffering from
an attack of stomach trouble for the
past few days.
Mrs. Ed Romine, residing near
Nehawka, has been quite sick for
the past few days.
Wm. Rice was looking after some
matters of business in the county
seat last Saturday.
The Lyman II owe Travelogue at
the Parmele theatre in Plattsmouth
last Thursday evening was quite well
attended by Munay people.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Troy Shrader caught its linger in
the wringer last Monday and got it
quite badly smashed as a result.
Mrs. Jake Minniear returned to
her home near Plainview last Mon
day. She was accompanied as far as
Omaha by Mrs. Chas. Carroll and
Miss Vera Hatchett.
Anderson Davis, who has been
very ill for tiie past few days, re
mains in about the same condition,
being at times in quite ' a serious
state. '
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Deitl fell down last Saturday in
playing about the house, striking his
jaw" with such force as to cut the
end of his toneue off between his
teeth. The accident was a very pain
ful one, but the medical aid will re
store the iniured member without
serious,, injury.
George Nickel3 was an Omaha vis
itor Tuesday of' this week.
Mm Arthur Crunk was shopping
in Nebraska City last Monday.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
of cattle to the South Omaha mar
ket Tuesday evening.
Nelson Berger and sister, Mrs.
Clede Berger, were calling on Murray
friends last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ed L.:iz came down from
Plattsmouth Tuesday and spent the
day with her sister, Mrs. L. D.
Herman Gansemer and family
were in Murray last Sunday, guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf
Gansemer. ,
Gus Hollenburg and Ben Dill ship
ped a load of hogs to the South Om
aha market last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows took
dinner last Sunday at the home .of
Mr. and Mrs: Philip Keil.
Miss Laura Puis was home from
Omaha over Sunday, spending the
day at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown depart
ed Monday for Vicksburg. where they
will attend the G. A. R. reunion.
J. W. Coxhas been quite ill for
the past few days at the home of
his son, Frank Cox, near Nehawka.
John Eppings and family are mov
ing this week from the Minford
place northeast of Murray to the O.
A. Davis farm.
Ed Gansemer shipped down a load
of cows from South Omaha last Sat
urday morning. They were driven
to hi3 farm west of Murray.
Alba Young and family, from the
central part of the state, were in
Murray over last Sunday, visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. F. M.
Young, Jr.
The balance of the brick for the
Puis garage have arrived, and as
soon as the brick layers arrive on
tho scene it will not take long to
complete the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hild and Mr.
and Mrs. George Beil departed on
Monday evening for Perkins coun
ty, where they have some land in
terests to look after.
Giandpa Hiatt received a fall from
the steps at the home of his son, I...
D. Hiatt, last Sunday evening that
might have proven quite serious. He
was somewhat bruised, but no bones
were broken.
Alva Long went to Omaha Mon
day with his little daughter, where
they will consult a specialist in re
gard to her health. Dr. Brendel
went up with them.
Rev. D. L. Hughs will preach at
the Christian church next Sunday,
both morning and evening. Rev.
Hughs comes to Murray with the in
tention of locating here parmanent-
ly in case he likes the work here and
his services meet with the approval
of the congregation. He has just
closed a very successful year's work
at Douglas, and comes to Murray
most highly recommended.
Mrs. E. E. Fancher, friend and
former neighbor of Mrs. Kniss, from
Johnstown, Nebraska, is in Murray
this week visiting at the Kniss
home. She is an aunt of Mrs, Will
Fight and Mrs. Jenkins, and is also
visiting at both- of these homes. Mrs.
Fancher was an early settler of this
county, residing in Eight Mile Grove
precinct maq,y years ago
Parr Young, Kelly Rhoden, Cam
eron Cathey.and L. G. Todd return
ed home last Friday evening from
their northern hunting trip. They
jreport a very pleasant trip and ex
ceptionally good hunting. The trip
was made in the car of Mr. Young.
W. A. Scott has got into the musk
rat business with both feet this fall
aid is making some pretty good
catches. Tuesday morning he found
just as even dozen in his traps. Some
of them were extra fine and their
hides will bring a good price.
Gecrge Nickels, Dr; Gilmore, W.
A. Scott. D. C. Rhoden and Elmer
Spain comprised a bunch of patriot
ic spirited citizens of Murray that
made up a lot of good smokes and
sent them to the Nebraska Machine
Gun company a few days ago. This
will be a present greatly apreciatei
by the boys, and the example of thesie
gentlemen might be followed more
liberally throughout the county.
Claud McGee, residing near Grant,
Nebraska, met with a very serious in
Jury a few days ago while driving a
tracYor. Some soil became clogged in ,hnsband and father, the community
one of the plows and he attempted a most valued citizen and those who
to KICK It loose wniie me macuiue
was running, catcning ins loot
the plow and severing almost half
of that member. In this crippled con
dition he was then compelled to run
and stop the tractor and walk some
distance to hia car and drive to town
for medical attention.
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any nodal
eveptoritem of Interest in
this vicinitr. and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading, we
want all newsitema Editob
Misses Etta and Bertha Nickels
were Omaha visitors last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ray were pas
sengers for Omaha last Saturday.
John Hobscheidt, Jr., and wife
were transacting business in Omaha
last Friday.
Johnnie Brisben was visiting with
Murray friends and relatives a few
days last week.
Robt. Nickels was looking after
business matters in Plattsmouth on
last Saturday.
Mrs. O. A. Davis, Mrs. Kennedy and
Mrs. E. S. Tutt were guests of Mrs.
Ed Leach Tuesday.
James Hatchett has been remodel
ing his residence, preparing for the
coming of winter.
Mrs. Pcttit was visiting with home
folks and friends in Talmage last
week, returning home Sunday.
Miss Margie O'Donnell and sister,
Miss Geneva, of Omaha, were guests
of Mrs. Ed Leach last Sunday.
O. E. McDonald and family, of
Murdock, attended the funeral of
Miss Annabel Moore Jast Thursday.
John Hendricks and family and
Fred Campbell and wife attended the
pictures at the Parmele last Thurs
day evening.
Robert Young fell from a tree
while picking apples Tuesday. JSo
bones were broken, but he was pret
ty severely shaken up.
Dr. "Jake" Brendel butchered a
fat hog last week, and pork chops
will be reduced in price for the doc
tor for the next few months, at least.
Miss Ann Brown, who is attending
school in Lincoln this winter, was
visiting with home folks over Sun
day, returning to her school Mon
Mr. Scotton is enjoying a visit
from , his father and mother this
weets. iliey nave been spending tne
summer in California, and are re
turning to their home in Missouri.
The Ladies Aid society will be en
tertained Wednesday, October 24th
by Mrs. Charles Reed, Mrs. Robert
Burr and Mrs. W. B. Virgin at the
home of the former.
The corn huskers in this commun
ity are getting busy these days. The
crop is just a trifle green, and makes
picking more difficult. There are a
large number of husking machines
being tried out in this locality this
J. W. Berger was gathering his
potato crop the past week, and sue
ceeded in landing about seventy-five
bushels, also three wagon loads of
pumpkins. You see where the Ho
tel Berger boarders- will live htgh
this winter, with plenty of "spuds"
and good old home-made pumpkin
pie. If George Nickels and Albert
Young are still Hotel Berger board
ers, they will widen out before the
arrival of spring, sure.
Tlicmas Kivett Dies Suddenly
Thomas Kivett, who resided near
Nehawka for several years, died at
the Methodist hospital in Omaha on
last Saturday, following an opera
tion for appendicitis. The funeral
services were held at Nehawka on
Monday. Thomas Kivett was born
in South Carolina, but came to Cass
county several years ago, where he
was married to the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Mark, where he has
constantly lived up to the time of
his death. The deceased was an ex
ceptionally fine young man, and one
most highly respected by all who
knew him, and the bereaved rela
tives have the deepest sympathy of
the entire community.
On Sunday, October 7th, in com
pany with Frank Vallery, Mr. Kivett
made a trip to Perkins county, they
going out to look after some land
interests, and while at Imperial he
was taken very ill. Mr. Vallery
rushed tp Omaha with the suffering
man as rapidly as possible, being
compelled to stop the train while en
route to consult a physician to re
lieve Mr. Kivett's pain. He was taken
to the hospital where the operation
followed just as quickly as possible,
on Thursday, and Mr. Vallery re
mained with him up to the hour of
death on Saturday, having notified
his wife and relatives of the serious
ness of his illness, and they also vis
ited at his bedside before death came
to claim him.
In the death of Thomas Kivett,
flip familv Insps a kind and lnvine
knew him & ffiend to al,
Death of Miss Aniiabclle Moore
Aunabelle Moore, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Moore, was born on
August 13th, 1883, near Murray,
where she grew to womanhood and
passed away October 10th, IS 17. The
deceased was a member of the Chris
tian church, having united with that
faith at the Murray church in Jan
uary, 1907. The funeral services
were conducted from that church on
Thursday, October 11th, at 2 o'clock
p. m., by Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union
and the remains were laid to rest in
the Horning cemetery.
She leaves to mourn her loss, the
bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Moore and five sisters, Mrs. Wal
ler liessenflow, Mrs. Arthur Hansen,
Misses Margaret, Vera and Frances
The pallbearers, selected from her
schoolmates, were Frank Lillie, Gus
'Split t, Charley Read, Homer Shra
der, George Nickels and Warren Wi
ley. The honorary pallbearers were
Viola Wiley, Addie Parks, Etta Nick
els, Georgie Creamer, Bertha Shra
der and Bertie Sans.
The funeral was one of the larg
est held in Murray for some time,
many of the sympathizing friends
following the remains to their last
resting place in the Horning ceme
tery. The bereaved parents and lov
ing sisters have the deepest sym
pathy of the entire community in
this, one of the darkest hours of the
human life.
Card of Thanks
We desire to take this method of
expressing our most sincere thanks
to the neighbors and friends who so
kindly assisted us in the death of
our beloved daughter and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore; Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Hessenflow; Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Hansen, Margaret, Vera
and Frances Moore.
Frorri Monday's raily.
Thomas Smith of Rock Bluffs,
who went to Omaha last Saturday
for a visit of over Sunday returned
this morning in order to be ready to
begin shucking corn as soon as it
will do.
M. Kaffenberger and wife motor
ed to this city Saturday afternoon
to attend to some business matters,
and visit friends for a short time.
Mr. Kaffenberger called at this of
fice and had his subscription extend
ed for another year.
Charles McReynolds of south of
Murray was visiting here today,
coming up with Joseph DellesDenier
of his neighborhood, who had some
business to transact at the court
Frank Kalasek, who is engaged
with the Monarch Engineering Com
pany, in the construction of a l?rire
bridge near Yankton, South Dakot.i
who has been visiting in the city for
the past few days departed fi;r h'.s
work in the north this morning.
Harry E. White, who is a fireman
cn the Burlington from Sioux City
to O'Neill, nvho has been visiting
here for some time, departed with
his wife, who has also been visiting
here and at Alliance, for their home
in Sioux City this afternoon..
Con Crebe and wife of Omaha,
were visitors in the city over Sun
day with both their folks, and stay
ed over today and were looking af
ter some business for the day here,
returning to their home in Omaha
this evening.
Well, its time for another trip to
Chase county, and Kosey is going
again next Sunday evening. Are
you ready for the trip now? You
surely have been thinking of this
trip long enough to have made up
your mind to go. See Rosencrans
now for reservations for Sunday eve
Vallery and ' Cromwell leave
Plattsmouth every Saturday night
at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase
They have the good level black
soil that is raising all kinds of
small grain, corn and alfalfa.
Nobody has any lower prices and
better soils. Ask those who have
been out. 17-swtf
Baled straw at JG.O.
Wetenkamp, Mynard, Neb.
Call. Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . the
Most Reliable.
After many years' experience in
the use of it and other cough medi
cines, there are many who prefer
Chamberlain's to any other. Mrs.
A. C. Kirstein, Greunville, Ills.,
writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy has been used in uiy mother's
home aud mine for years, and we
always found it a quick cure ,for
colds and, bronchia. II roubles. V,e
find it to be the most reliable cough,
medicine we have used."
Why Do You Strive for
Quality Products?
Why Not Raise Ordinary Livestock, Ordinary Grain
or Ordinary fruit?
It costs extra money to start and maintain a herd of blooded
cattle, hogs or sheep. v - ---
It takes extra time and care to select quality seed corn as
a basis for a quality crop.
It takes extra money, time and care to start and keep up a
quality fruit orchard.
You could do away with this extra expense by being satis
fied with just ordinary products. Why do you seek quality?
Here is the reason: You pin your
faith to quality because you know
that the extra expense entailed by
the effort "for quality is more than
offset by the extra profits that qual
ity products return.
Quality is profitable fn what you
raise to sell. It is just as. profitable
in what you buy to use.
We have at your service a stock
of highest quality farm implements.
There is nothing of the ordinary in
these implements. Their quality has
Murray Hardware
From Monday'. Daily.
James Foreman and Attorney Dale
Boyles, both from Alvo, were in the
city this morning, having come over
with Mr. Boyles car, while here they
were looking after some business at
the court house, and Just before
noon departed for Omaha, taking
with them C. H. Taylor, who was
down from that city looking after
some business here. Mr. Foreman
and Mr. Boyles will go from Omaha
to their home in Alvo.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold their annual rum
mage sale, October 24, 25, and 26.
Anyone having old clothing, old
hats or old shoes to contribute, will
please call phones. 402, 535, or 384,
when the goods will be called for.
The place of the sale will be an
nounced later. 10-17-ltwklylwkd
Bring your welding to us. Platts
mouth Garage. Tel. 394.
17. R. YOUNG
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Murray Exchange
Brighten Your
with one of Our Quick Generator Gas
bline Lamps it makes DARK as brigh
as sunshine.
Just Received!
A new stock of FINCK'S Detroit Spc
cial Overalls and Jackets.
Raincoats and Sweaters!
Season is now on. Look Our Stock
over while it is complete.
Puis .& Gansemer,
Drs. LTach Cl r.lach, Tha Dentists
Th largMt mnd brt equipped
charge of all work. Lady attendant.
just like tooth. Instrument! etreruiiy
, Send for mi sample el SantPyor
7 A mod
. . , . .. anasineuc osea. a cure guaranteed in evrxy case accepted
for treatment, and no nsoaey to be paid until cored. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with aaoea
ecu ie3ujEoaii3 or more taa xuao prominent
240 Dee
been recognized for years through
out the world.
If you . were fully Satisfied with
raising ordinary products, we might
deal in ordinarly implements. Quality
in what we had to sell would not
attract you. But knowing that you
appreciate the worth of quality, we
are here to serve you with quality
goods. You will find the quality of
our stock and the quality of our
service, both profitable to you. And
remember you can see before you
and Implement Go.,
We have some Ladies', Gents' and
"Children's Munsing Underwear; some
wool bats for comforters; 20 cases
of canned corn; several grades of
coffee. Also a good line of sweaters.
The Old Stand.
A thoroughbred Poland-China male
hog. Immuned. For particulars,
phone No. 4014. ol7-5tw
We have some cnoice 80, 120, 160,
240, and 320 tracts or land near
Sterling, Adams, Tecumseh, Elk
Creek, Cook, Burr, Douglass,. Ves-ta,
Crab Orchard, Filley and Lewiston,
Nebraska. Prices very reasonable
and terms good. Call or write.
Sterling, Nebrasak.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
dental offio In Omaha. Specialists tm. I
Moderate Prices. Porcelain AHteo 1
siecuuea aiier unag.
Pyorrhea Treatment. .
3rd Floor Paxton Olocfc, OMAHA
- Fistula Pay Vhcn Cured
system of treatment thc cores PQes, Fistula and
etoer icecta i Diseases in a snort time, wit a out a sever sur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other CM era 1
people who nave been permanently cured.