The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 01, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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From Monday's Dailv.
Wra. Hell and "family
John Lohnes and wife, of Pekin,
Illinois, who have been visiting in
Plattsniouth and vicinity for the
past two weeks, departed this morn
ins for their home, having been
of Cedar guests of G. Meisinger while here.
Creek motored to this city Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George Engelkemeier
afternoon for a short visit with of west of Murray, were passengers
friends. to Omaha where they will visit
Fred Gorder, of Weeping Water, jwith friends for the Cay, and will
was a visitor in file city, the guest
at the home of his brother, John F.
Gorder, returning home last evening.
Daniel Lynn and wife, and Rev.
W. A. Taylor and wife, and George
I,edf,ett. all of Union, vera in the
city this morning looking after some
business in the county court, com
ing up in Mr. Lynn's car, returning
this afternoon.
Mrs. a. W . Damron, and two
also see Mr. Engelkemier's brother
Henry, who is in the hospital there.
Mrs. Henry M.Spangler and' two
daughters. Miss Lizzie Spangler and
Mrs. J. E. Wiles departed this morn-
ing for ork. where they will at- 1-lutulu. epc. .jv. iincoin peo
tend the annual conference of the P,e are disappointed at the action of
United Brethren church which is in tne Wa" Department in dividing the
Wall Paper,
Window Glassli
session at that place at present.
M. M. Woods of Murray was in
the city awhile this afternoon tak
ing the evening train for Shenandoah
children. Willard and Genevieve, of Iowa where he goes to visit his two
Lincoln, who have been visiting in children who are attending school at
the city for the pa.;t Tew days at tliat place, and in returning he will
the home of her sister. Mrs. l'eter onte via Omaha to look after some
Herold and family, departed for their business.
home this morning. F. II. McCarthy and Mont Robb,
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Foster and both of IT"on, who were yesterday
children of Union motored to this mowing airer some ousiness in
city yesterday morning and spent
the day at theL. G. Larson home.
They motored to Omaha in the after
noon and were accompanied by Mrs.
Larson and daughters. Misses Alma
and Esther.
Omaha, stopped in Plattsmouth lact
evening on their way home to look
after some business in Plattsmouth,
and later drove to their home in
their car.
With the election of Edward
Pecker to the position of manager of
the Farmers Elevator Company of
Cullom. the position with the hard
ware company of Pestor & Swatek
is being filled by M. Hild. Having
the experience in business which he
ha. "Mr. Hild should make a very
valuable man for the hardware firm.
Mrs. II. J. Henneger of Carroll,
la., who has been visiting relatives
near Weeping Water for the past
two weeks, returned to this city
Saturday evening. She was accom
panied by Miss Mary and Mr. Leo
Henneger and the trip was made in
Ihe Henneger car. Miss Mary and
Mr. Lee Henneger pent Sunday at
the home of Mr. an-" Mrs. Henry
From Friday's Pally.
Glen Ithoden from southwest of
Mynard was a business visitor in the
city last evening.
C. F. Harris of near Union, was
looking after some business in
Plattsniouth this morning coming
up in his automobile.
Goorgo W. Schrader, of south of
Rock Muffs. was a visitor in Omaha
this morning where he is looking
after some business for the day.
John F. Vallery, of Denver, Colo
rado, came in this morning to visit
his mother, Mrs. Magdelina Vallery
whose birthday falls on this date.
Nebraska brigade at Deming and
placing the regiments in other di
visions of the army. They are won
dering where the Nebraska delega
tion in congress has been all of the
X M, A 11 A. 3 A.
I iuui u wouia aiiow such a
change to be made. Senator Hitch
cock is a ranking member on the
committee on military affairs and
Senator Norris is a member of the
committee on the War department.
Congressmen from over the state al
so are on different committies deal
ing with various phases of the war
and are closely in touch with the
situation. There is considerable ad
verse comment going the rounds that
the Nebraska brigade should be al
lowed to be dismembered without a
vigorous protest going up.
Nebraska people have not forgot
ten that in former wars Nebraska
soldiers have always been a credit to
the state. The First Nebraska of the
Civil war and the First Nebraska of
the Spanish-American war, which
saw real fighting, covered themselv
es with glory and it had been hopde
that now that Nebraska had a larg
er body a whole brigade the state
would be given another chance to do
business on a larger scale in the
present war.
What will become of the "Dandy
Sixth" of Colonel Phil Hall and Lieu-
Yesterday morning at three
o'clock, August Anderson, after a
sickness extending over but a few
days, died at his late home in this
city. Mr. Anderson, who was 'born
in Sweden, September 20th, 1854,
and came to this country when a
young man. He was united with
the wife who survives him in Oma
ha, October 29th, 1882, where they
lived for a number of years, moving
to Plattsmouth and entering the
employ of the Turlington road about
twenty-four years ago. He contin
ued to work hem unfit Tata fli-m
Sixth St. Hotel Riley Block year ago, when he was compelled to
quit on account of an injury to one
of his eyes, which he received while
working, and which resulted in the
total loss of the eye. Since he has
not been in good health, and with
t li is particular illness has been kept
to his bed for the past week.
Mr. Anderson was a member of
the Swedish Lutheran church, and
has been for a number of years, but
affiliated with the Swedish Mission
church located here. He was a
member of the A. O. U. W., and
carried, until Just a short time since,
a policy of two thousand dollars, but
with the raise in the rates, thought
he could only carry half that
amount, which he has and has a
policy of $1,000. The funeral will
be held from the home, under the
direction of the lodge, the Rev. T.
A. Truscott officiating. He leaves
besides bis wife. nn iiiiiiiini- r,o
President Irigoyen Remains Firm In i.;iia Shelly. of Emnoria? k !,,.'
The funeral will be held Wednes
day, October C, at 2:30 in the after-
Frank Gobelman,
Plattsmouth Service
The special Burlington' train will leave
Plattsmouth at 7:00 p. m.; LaPlatte 7:11 p.
m.; Bellevuc 7:21 p. m. Returning, special
train will leave Omaha for Plattsmouth and
intermediate points at 11:00 p. m.
aiitk i,i:s or iNcuiti'ni; vi iov.
Maintaining: Strict Neutrality
Despite Congressional
. Tenor.
noon. The burial at Oak Hill ceme
tery west of the citv.
Mrs. Jefferson Salsberg. of Mv- tenant Colonel Fred Mack if the res:-
nard, came in this morning andjinient is split up as press dispatches
took the early train for Omaha I indicate, is whollv a matter of mix
tion. Until Governor Neville re-
where she will visit with friends for
the dav.
From Saturday's Pally.
E. S. Tutt of Murray, was a busi
ness visitor in Plattsmouth last
evening for a short time.
m. Schneider of Cedar C-ec!
came in this morning and is lookiu
auer some ousiness in tne countv
-ohn Edmonds, of Murray, was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth this
afternoon, having driven up with
his car.
J. X. Jordan of Cullom, war. lo k
ing qfter some business in the city
this morning, coming in on th
frf-huyler train.
Troy Wiles, of near Wecp'.n.
V. oter v. as a pa5t-.i--r.--e to Omaha
J!'s afternoon. v ;. e ho lookiu
af: -r rome husinf
.-riiiur isaKer, 01 .Murray, was
looking after some business in
IMnitf.niouth last evening, having
driven up in his car.
John Dermond and ramily from
near .Murray were visiting in the
county scat today and transacting
business with our merchants.
Louis Ithcinacle of near Murray,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth tin
morning looking after some business
here and visiting with friends.
. ii. iioueewer anu wire, were
nar.S-I12-erS tO Omnhn tllia mrvmin
- ' - --- ....; I ! . I' I 11111,
where they are visiting the carnival
and looking after rome business.
George Marks and wife, of near
Xehawka, drove up in their car this
morning. and were looking after
seme business in the city today.
John Lloyd was a passenger last
evening for the western portion of
the state, where he has some busi
nRS matters to look after at Grant.
Phillip Horn, of west of the city.
wit ii ins wife were passengers to
Omaha this morning, where they
were looking after some business for
the day.
George XV. Rhrader of near Murray
was a visitor in Omaha for the past
few days, returned tins morning to
Plattsmouth, and this afternoon to
his home.
Albert W. Wheeler and wife, of
Murray were looking after business
in this city last evening, having
come up in their Metz car. They
returned home late in the evening.
Ray Davis and family from near
Murray were pasvenrers to Onaha
or. the afternoon: train of the Tur
lington, where they will look after
rcrae business and do stmie traiing.
Milton Clarence and Frank Shu
maker and wife of near Union, were
visitors in the city this morning,
having come up in 'Mr. Clarence's
car to look after some business mat
ters. Mr. S. P. Matsen and daughter,
Mrs. Celia Lancaster were passeng
ers to Omaah this morning where
they are visiting for the day with
friends and looking after some busi
ness as well.
turns from Washington, where he
went to protest against breaking up
the Nebraska brigade, little will be
known of the ultimate disposition
of the above officers. It would seem
that the governor's visit comes just
a little too late to have the effect
hoped for, as the change had been
made before he arrived and a pro-
C. K. Ilaynie departed last eve
ning for Nelson, Nebraska, where
he will look after rome lands which
he has nr?.r that city, and which
he has some proposals for disposing
L. D. Hiatt of Murray, was a
visitor in Omaha yesterday, looking
after some" business and stopped inltest could have availed little
Plattsmouth last evening on his re
turn for a short visit with friends
Mrs. Jacob Miller and son, Victor
Miller, from Manley, were in the
city last evening looking after some
business at the court house, and re
turned home last evening, coming)
over in their car.
Henry M. Heil and wife, from
just this side of Manley, were look
ing after some business at the coun
"Music hath charms to soothe the
savage beast" and it also has charms
to soothe a tired and troubled hu
man. Music in all its most fasci
nating phases is soon to be present- I firm course of neutralitj-.
Buenos Aires, Sept. 30. With
Argentine tonight even more com
pletely prostrated industrially, by
the general strike than heretofore,
President Irigoyen was reported au
thoritatively to have decided on a
declaration of national martial law
on Monday.
Such a step, his adherents point
ed out, would enable him not only
to control internally but would like
wise enable him to dominate Argen
tine's national policy toward Ger
many, since congress, by constitu
tional provision, is to do at 9:30
President Irigoyen is believed to
be firmly committed to a policy of
complete neutrality toward Germany.
The temper of congress, as shown in
resolutions passed by both the sen
ate and house, is distinctly for a
break in relations with Germany.
President Irigoyen has ignored
these resolutions and Indicated his
We, tl.e undersigned. lierely asso
elate ourselves toKetl-er for the pur
pose of forsui'iti- a corporation under
tin- laws of the Slate of N'eliraska, anil
do adopt tlie following Articles of In
corpora t ion :
Artule 1. The name by which this
corporation shall be known is K.1!JI
i:i:s STATU HA.N'K.
Article 11. The principal place of
business of this corporation shall be
at I'lattsmoutli, County of Cass, State
of Xi-lna.ska.
Article III. Tlu- object for which
this corporation is formed is to carry
on a Commercial Hanking business un-
ler the laws of the state of Nebraska.
Article IV. The authorize! capital
stock of this corporation shall be Fif
ty Thousand Dollars, of which at least
Fifty Thoiaml Dollars shall have,
been paid In at the time of c-cunnienc-e-rnent
of business, which shall he Is
sucil in shales of the par value of
One Hundred lt! Dollars each. No
transfer of the stock of this corpora
tion shall be operative until entered
an the bfMiks of the corporat ion.
Ai title V. The indebtedness of tliiH
corporation shall at no time exceed
the amount of its paid in capital and
SKVpitis except lor deposits.
Article V. This corporation shall
bcidn business on the il.'rul day of
September. 1H17, or as soon thereaf
ter as authorized "by the State IJank
inic Hoard of the State of Nebraska,
and shall terminate on the -ml day
of September. l!i"7.
Aitic'e VII. The affairs of this cor
poration sha'I be under the control
Hnd inn ria uen ien t of a board of direc
tors, consisting of not less than three
nor more than seven shareholders.
ed to the people of Plattsmouth by
the Davenny Quintet, the first num
ber of the Winter Lyceum Course.
These talented musicians are com
ing to us Oct. 19th on a Friday night
urveyor's office yesterday after- I and the announcement is made well
noon, coming over in their car and in advance so you can keep the date
returning last evening. in mind and make your plans so as
Mrs. A. E. Noel, sister of Mr. L,. to hear them. This is only one of
W. Hill, south of the city, who has the slx numbers of this course and
demonstrations by the public.
Thousands Walking.
Today the remaining street car
employes in IUienos Aires joined the
strike. The taxicab drivers are al
ready out. Thousands walked.
Conditions here are grave. Food
supplies are running low, due to the
railroad tieup. Industry is com
pletely at a standstill. Today the
Last Saturday evening while driv
ing into the country with a team,
Mr. II. T. Datton was thrown from
the wagon, his head striking a tree,
which resulted in breaking his jaw.
Mr. Ilatton had cut some trees at
the Place of Peter Halmas, and had
hauled the wood to town, with the
team of John Wehrbein. and was re
turning, he says, when- the horses
were feeling pretty good, and at
tempted to run on two occasions
wnen cars had passed liim. He was
u.i.ioft utai me vuuiuy rami goingiwnose term of office shall be for a
west when bo M-nc r..,.,,,1 1... t I period of one year, or until their fur-
s t-.w. . inu lessors are elected and qualified, not
iiaimas, goin ghonie, and the horses. I less than a majority of whom shall be
rcsidi-ius or I lie county in wmcii tne
hank is located, or counties immedia
tely adjacent thereto. it shall be the
duty of the Hoard of Directors to elect
from their number a president and
secretary, and select a vice-president
and cashier, ji.nd they may also select
an assistant cashier and such other
clerks and assistants as the business
of the corporation may require. The
term of the o. .cers of this corporation
-hall be one year, or until their suc
cessors are elected and ounlified. The
such by
ment of the affairs and business of the
may deem p roper,
o regular annual
meet inn of the stockholders of tills
corporation shall be held on the 2nd
Wednesday of January each year, at
which meeting the Hoard of Directors
alxve provided for shall be elected. A
majority of the shares of the stock of
the corporation at any regular or spec
personally appeared A. J. Schafer. T.
M. Patterson, I-:. J .I.utz. Mark White
and D. ;. Todd, to me known to be
the identical persons whose names are
affixed to the forexoinp Articles of In
corporation, and eacii for himself ac
knowledged the same to be his volun
tary act and deed.
In Witness Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and notarial seal
this ttth day of September, 1917. at
i'Jattsmouth, Nebraska.
-seall Notary Public.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In tlie CouDly Court,
In the matter of the Kstate of Velos
co V. Leonard, Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
Yoii are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
inoutli. in said countv. on the 21st dnv
of October. i;17. and the 31st dav of
January, mix. at 9v o'clock a. m.. t o re-
cene ana exami:(v all claims against
said Kstate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
aurainst said Kstate is three months
from the 31st day of October, A. L.,
1017. and the time limited for payment
of debts Is one year from said 31st
day of October, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 27th dav of
September, 1917.
(Seal) ol-4w. County Judge.
started to run. Mr. Halmas. who
had passed, looked around, and pre
pared to stop at the roadside, and
see if he could stop the team when
it had caught up with his car, but.
fearing that he could not get them
stopped Mr. Patton turned the horses
into a gate way of Mr. Babbitt, and
with the sudden lurch of the wagon l1,"a,',l ,f direc tors may adopt
,, . ., . A ., . . . " I taw's for the regulation and
ue iiiiuwu our, striKing nis neacl
against the tree, breaking the jaw- ,"rvP7! .V? 'L"
I Article III. rn
none across the chin. He also sus
tained a fracture of his right hand.
He was taken up by Mr. Halmas.
and brought to town, where he has
had medical attention. The frac
ture made Mr. Batton feel very
sore, and is at his home now nurs
ing his injuries.
for the past week, returned this
morning for a more extended visit.
before departing for her home.
Airs. I-d ward Fox, of Chicago,
came in this morning, via Omaha,
coming there over the Illinois Cen
tral, and will visit with her par
ents for some time, Mr. and Mrs
John W. Ilaynie, living In the south
portion of the city.
.irs. George Rhoden, northwest
of Murray, departed this morning
over the Burlington for Omaha,
from where she will go to Coldridge,
this state, where she will visit for
some time with friends and rela
tives, and will be the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Will Lewis, while there.
Mr. and .Mrs. George Budig of
Sheridan, Wyo., are the proud par
ents of a new ten pound baby boy,
which the Stork presented to them
at the home of Mrs. Budig's par
ents, at North Platte, Wednesday,
Sept. 2Cth. Mother and little son
are getting along very nicely, while
Mr. Budig is wearing the smile that
will not wear off. There Is, also
much rejoicing at the home of the
randparents in this city, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Budig and they are very
anxious to get acquainted with their
new grandson. The baby arrived on
the same date as the wedding anni
versary of its parents.
A. C. Seybert and son Ben Seybert
and wife, and children from Dunbar,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beverage and
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Seybert, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John McNurlin in this city.
Mr. Seybert i3 an uncle of Mrs. Mc
Nurlin and Mr3. Beverage.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmoutn uarage. All sizes.
you really will not want to miss
them. The price of the season tick
et is $2 which includes a reserved
seat. Get yours while the getting
is good.
been visiting at Council Bluffs, Iowa, I everv ono of them will be so good anarchist wing of the unions join
ed with the strikers in offering to
furnish men to man milk trains to
the city, without salary, provided
the railroads would transport the
milk free of charge. The famine In
milk in the city has already resulted
in many death of infants and in
invalids. The railroads rejected the
If President Irigoyen declares mar
tial law on Monday and is left un
hampered by congress, it was as
sumed tonight, he would act vig
orously to put down all agitation
designed to Influence a decision in
favor of war.
Are Days of Suffering They are
Becoming Brighter for Some
Plattsmouth People.
Many "dark days" from kidney
Backache, headache tired days;
Bladder trouble makes you gloomy.
Doan's Kidney Pills have proven
their worth.
Have been tested by many kid
ney sufferers.
They are endorsed by Plattsmouth
Mrs. Hettie Cummings, Chicago
Ave., Plattsmouth, says: "I suffered
so severely from my back at times
that I could hardly get about. When
I got down, I had to take hold of
something before I could straighten
up. Sharp pains often caught me
across my kidneys and for a minute
couldn't move, the pains were so
severe. I couldn't rest well, mv baeir
ached so badly. I tried different
remedies, but nothing did me any
good until I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. Three boxes overcame
that awful misery ii my back and
made me feel like a different per
Price 60c, at all dealers.
I am in a position to make some
very attractive prices on a few Henny
buggies which I am closing out. Al
so have a good price on wagons. See
me if in the market.
, : A. O. AULT,
Cedar Creek, Neb.
Saturday, F. B.' Schopp, who is
farming land just south of the Big
Burlington bridge, had a spirited
time for about ten minutes with a
black tailed mountain rattler, which
for the time promised to give a good
deal of trouble. Mr. Schopp had
torn down some buildings piling
the lumber up in a pile, under which
the snake harbored, and when Mr.
Schopp went close to the place, the
rattler came out and attacked him.
having nothing with which to fight
it, he backed away, until he stumb
led across a pole, some three inches
in diameter, and with this he at
tacked his snakeship. The team of
Mr. Schopp was standing near, and
the' Infuriated serpent, would first
try to get to Mr. Schopp, then his
team, and it was about ten minutes
before Mr. Schopp was able to kill
ii. ii nau seven rattles and a
button. He also killed a hoop snake,
but with this he had no trouble.
This morning at eight o'clock at
the Saint John's Catholic church,
occurred the wedding of two of the
young people of this city, who are
well known to the citizens of Platts
mouth. Father Shine said the words
which united the lives of Mr. George
Squires, and Miss Lillian Rauen, the
latter who was born In this city
and grew ot womanhood here. Miss
Lillian Rauen, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Rauen, and
one of Plattsmouth's fair daugthers,
and by her quiet, winsome ways,
has claimed a host of admirers and
irienas. The groom, Mr. George
Squires who is an operator for the
Burlington at Oreapolis, is a man of
ial meeting, si all constitute a quorum .sterling qualities, and since comine
for the transaction of business. I , , . , ft
Article ix i ntii the regular meet- "cie ,ias enneu a large number of
intr of the stockholders of the corpo
ration, me ioilowinsr named persons
iJ.ll constitute the Hoard of Direc
tors: A. .1. Schafer. T. M. Patterson. K.
i Duty.. Mark White and I.. ;. Todd.
Article X Kach stockholder shall at
any regular or special meeting be en
titled to one vote, either in person or
iy prow-
friends, who will be pleased to con
gratulate him in securing such a
charming bride. The newly married
couple will make their home here.
where they have so many friends.
for each share of stock held. I Miss Verna Itnnon trac :.i
Article XI. These articles of inror- " ""uremalu
poration may be amended at any res- "Illle nnora bquires, a brother of
ular or special inoetinir called for that the groom nrteit oo hct .
purpose by a two-thirds vote of ail " groom, acted as best man. Out
the Mock. Of toWn Visitors Were P. A. Pnvls and
Witness our hands this Sth day of I ., . .
September, 1!H7. . "c "4 v.uuncu .uiuns, lOWa. G. C.
Squires of Ashland and wife, parents
of the groom, Mrs. A. A. Rich and
daughter, Dorothy, of Omaha, and
Miss Verna Rauen, of Omaha.
a. j. scitafkii.
t. m. iatti:i:son,
K. I'. hl'TZ,
I,. . TODD.
State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
On this Sth day of September. 1917,
ociorc cue u nciers ineo, a ."Notary I'ub
lie in and for said county and state.
Gift Cards for
the Journal office.
Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason,
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Cummings had. Foster-Mll-
burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
S. E. English, the picture painter
departed yesterday morning for his
home at Beatrice, where he will
visit with his mother over Sunday,
and will look after some business
on Monday, returning here the fore
part of Jthe week, where he has a
good deal of work to do yet. Mr.
English has just completed four
large pictures for the merchants,
which are beauties, and which will
Don't I ad,j i0 places of business when
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon.
Calls answered day and night.
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes. I Phone 208, Coates Block.
Vallery and Cromwell leave
Plattsmouth every Saturday night
at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase
counties. f
They have the good level black
soil that is raising all kinds of
small grain, corn and alfalfa.
Nobody has any lower prices and
better soils. Ask those who have
been out. 17-swtf
Sour Stomach.
Eat slowly, masticate your food
thoroughly, abstain from meat for
a few daj-s and in most caseri the
sour stomach will disappear. If it
does not, take one of Chambeihirn's
Tablets immediately after supper.
Red meats are most likely to cause
sour stomach and yott may fiid it.
best, to cut them out.
Ford Service for the owners of Ford cars is a
fact courteous, prompt, efficient. Service which
covers the entire country, almost as a blanket, to
the end that Ford cars are kept in use every day
Drive where you will, there s a Ford Agent nearby
to look after your Ford car. The "Universal Car
will bring youuniversal service.Betterbuy yours
today. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345"Col7pT
let $505. Town Car $595, Sedan4645 all f. o. b
Detroit. We solicit your orders now.
We can make prompt delivery of Ford cars
as our new contract gives us a much larger nunr
ber of caTs and more territory. :
T- M Pollock Autfo o.
FORD Authorized Sales and Service 6th5r PL.. , '
Office Te,ePhone No. 1 . .