H0I7DAT. SEPTEMBER 3, 1917. PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. LOCAL NEWS From Saturday's Daily. Wm. Seybert ami family from near Cedar ("reck were looking after some business in the city last night. Alph Revenue. from north west of Murray, was a business visitor in Omaha today, poii.g up early this morn in i;. (TiSbiiVflE buyers iPiESTiiFAir Mrs. Thomas Hill arrived from Lincoln last evening, anil is visit ing with her son H. O. Hill and family, for a Fhort time. Mrs. John Wiles departed last evning for Malvern, , Iowa, w here sho will vi.it. for a few days th a rioter Mrs. Robert Knight. Wm. Budig '.'parted last evening for flifyi'iHic. v l.i r' he has ; nine 1 lno".? matter- lo look alter and v. !( re lie will, after h bar finish- I: is btiines. v - : for a nine vi;n '.t.- friend Oito i-n l ( r and wife. Will Rumm- 11 this afternoon ; ii pped on' of h - fine ho.--- to W. i i .1 of Grant, Nib. In :;t1ir..-, thii -..train of he.-vs. ?lr. Kisl.io is ''i vs. v.ill for tin' ho'.'s which M I 'lTi.Tiitll is rai-ing is hard to e- fvl. .Mrs. W. Windham, of Lincoln (ii.'ii-' in 1 u ;t i vr-:i:n.;' and is vi-;R ing at the In nT of Iter parr tits, Mr. and Mr. A. S. Will, as is ;i1m) her sister antl husband. Mr. aud Mrs. Clare Thomas. Y. M. Kitzrl and wife of Alvo motored to tins city this morning to attend t'. some important luud-i.O'-s matters and visit friends for a short time. Mr. Kit;.' 1 wa? a I b asant caller at this office. Fritz Hrirlch. of ILivelock. and 8 if", ca'in' in this evening and are vi -iMiv: at t heme of Mr. Hein ri; h's p;;r. at-, Fritz Heiiirich. Sr. ')",. v v.ill viii here over Sunday and !.:: l. r I:iv. .Mrs. Chambers, v. ho formerly liv i I in this city and at Murray, and who has . bet n visiting with rela tives and friends in and around Mur ray for the part wci'k, departed for hr home in Lincoln this morning. Mrs. Frank It. Onbrlman and ris ter. Miss Vol man Il'.att, who is vi-i'itig from Siiiney. Iowa, were iitin?;" with two other sisters at Omaha, today, who were departing for different places in Iowa, where thy will teach the coming : chool i'.ir. Mrs. F. ?. Ppirry, and children, Marie and Gerald, departed for Omaha on the I'.urliimton tliis af ternoon, where they will visit with friend-, over Sunday ami attend a ' 1 e -. of Co- luter-N.-.tionul P.iblo Students Ar.-or iat ion in Omaha tomorrow. Mrs. iv-tor Ilerobl and two sons, Richard and Poisall departed last r- "ilia:; for Rloeniington and P. kin Illinois, where th"y will visit with Mrs Iferobl's si' for, Mr-.. Rarnev R. mi, veil, ;.1 Mr. ('has. H-.-icbl and wit".', the parents of Mr. Herrdd. Tiiey will be I'.me about two weeks A. I. Koesner. of Lincoln and wife, arrived this evening and will mit in the city over Sunday and Labor Day with friends and relative;-, being .attests at the homo t.f Henry 'nck wciler and wife. Mr. Rofsnor and Mr. Zuckweiler being brot her-in-la w. Mrs. J. T King of Shenandoah, Iowa, v.lin has been visiting for Mini time in the west, being in Colorado and oh"r western state?,, sforped off here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hist, west of this city. Mrs. Kino; will visit for :;omo time with Iter daughter. G rover Parriott living on the farm of W. A. Kainey, north of tho c ity about, five miles, brought into town a load of watermelons, which are fino ones, and of which he lias a patch containing two acres. Many of the lrnlons which Mr. Parriott brought, in would weigh from twenty-five to forty pounds. If the price nt which melons are sell ins, those two acres should produce a good revenue. Last evening Mrs. George Lam phear, with tho children, Clara, John. Charles, Violet and Lillian, tlopirted for Chicago, where they v.ill visit for some time with Mrs. La mph car's son, Bert Lamphear. After which they will go to the lakes, where they will visit with George, Jr., who is at the place in training for the navy, and who will soon have to depart. Dry Goods, Notions, Floor Coverings, Fancy Groceries and Queensware E. G. DOVEY & SON VALUE! QUALITY! SERVICE! The mission of our Drug Store is to Furnish Pure Drugs and Medi cine and the Highest Grade of Professional Service to the People. Compounding Prescriptions is Our Specialty Rexall Remedies You can depend upon the Quality of Our Goods and the Service in Our Store. Ansco Cameras and Films Sherwin-Williams Paints. The Rexall Store F. G. FRICKE & CO. Druggists, Pharmacists FNION RLOCK - - PLATTSMOFTH. NKI1. THE PLATTSMOUTH GARAGE J.iE. MASON, Proprietor. Welding, Oils, Greases and All Auto Accessories ' PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Plat turnout h Phone i:'.S; Roll Phone 4S Ollice. Foot of Main Street G, G. FRICKE Successor to C. W. Raylor & Co. COAL PLATTSMOFTH NEBRASKA JOHN F. GORDER Successor to August Gorder. Farm Implements, Buggies and Harness Chalmers ami Dodge Bros. Automobiles. 305-307 Main Street Cordon r,oo Mile Tires Plattsmouth, Neb. THE MUMM BAKERY FRED II. M FMM, Propr. Everything in Baker's Goods Candies and Cigarst PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA PTAK & BAJEGK Manufacturers of Cigars. CROWNS 10c ACORNS T.C PLATTSMOUTH. NEBR. Ind. Phone 472 Farm Loans and Insurance P. 0. Box 257 W. E. ROSENGRANS Selling Chase County Land. Real Estate. "PLATTSMOFTH NKRRASKA J, E. MCDANIEL PABLO WE SELL BEVO Bowling Alley and Soft Drink Parlors Open Evenings TLATTSMOUTH. NEERASKA TALKING ABOUT EATS WAGNER'S "Everything Good to Eat THAT'S ALL RUSSELL'S RESTAURANT AND SOFT DRINK PARLORS OPEN EVENINGS HATT & SON Your Butchers and Grocers. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. F. R. GOBELMAN Wall Paper and Paint Store :".i;;n Paint ins. House Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Graining, Auto and Carriage Painting. PLATTSMOFTH - NEBR. E. J. RIGHEY FORMERLY F. M. IUCIIEY Lumber and Building Material. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA SERVICE Evcrv business enterprise, from the breakfast foml fac tory with a product of worlil-wile sale, to the back street bakeshop, is seeking your trade with just three arguments price, quality, service. The one that "ives most for your money and backs it wilh service, jvts your business. The more progressive you are. the better service yon de mand. See how service enters into purchases from a mail order house as compared with your home merchant. Consider a mail order: You send your money. Then you wait. That's, the first delay. With the Is. come more de lays. Delay for the repair of damage in transit. Delay col lecting claims for damage wilh much letter writing. Delay saseinblino- "knocked down" articles. Delay wilh linal deliv ery t y mr Ji me. If your ijooils don't match or lit. or are below standard exchange or dissatisfaction is in order more letter writing. .14ain delay, inconvenience, lost temper. In case of repairs, everything stops still. More letters. Often you can't get a new part. The local man can't make re pairs. The whole thinq; is a loss. W hen you buy at home, you see the ls, judie their value, know they tit or match as you want, h'or repairs o-i go to the man you bought from, lie knows jut what to do. lie takes the respoiisihilitv. When you want what you want, when you want it I buv from votir home merchant. lie idves vour service. ti od ser ice makes life .worth while. BESTOR & SWATEK HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Cutlery Sporting Goods. Your cost of living; this winter depends on what jnu preserve from your Garden. TRY SOME CANING ! We have many can ; in stock AT REASON A RLE PRICKS OUR MONUMENTS is not merely a mass of stone that has no beauty. OFR MEMORIAL'S" are of the linest .MATERIAL. PROPERLY CARVE!) hy a MASTER ARTISAN, and are Lasting Tributes to the loved ones passed away. lliT,' Soiuculia itliti' Memory i!i'MTr liiiH I C I'a-oi: n i I Ion from 1 "Ml f Will Til 1 "I I o.V 1 0 1 LI, CASS COUNTY MONUMENT CO. V. T. WASSELL, Manager PLATTSMOFTH. N E R R A S I A Telephone No. 22 Aicent for Pratt's Stock Food 302 Main St. G. E. HARTFORD Coal and Feed PLATTSMOFTH NKRRASKA F. G. - DAWSON PLATTSMOFTH, NEE. . Doctor of Tires Repaired, Retread and Rebuilt SEE US FIRST! WATERMAN LUMBER & COAL COMPANY DEALER IN Lumber and Building Material South Fourth Street ' Between Main and Pearl PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA WESTERN MACHINE & FOUNDRY COMPANY MANUFACTURING MACHINISTS L. C. SHARP Best Machine Shop South of the Platte Farmers, Elevator and General Repairs Bell Phone 303 Plattsmouth, Nebr. A G. BACH & CO. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Provisions, Queensware. Flour. Feed and Shoes. PHONES Main Street Store, 2'.U; Lincoln Avenue Store, 118 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA TO WEAR BETTER SHOES, TRADE AT FETZER SHOE COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH - - NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK Commercial and Savings Departments. Place a few dollars each month in our Savings Department and watcli it rnv. Interest added every six months. B. G. WURL 1 Manufacturer of High Grade Union-Made Cigars Wurl Pros. "Gut Ifeil," "Hand Made" and "Keno" 5c "La Flor de Fa ma" 1(Jc TAKE A RON HOME WITH YOU! THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00 WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS STRONG I SAFE! CONSERVATIVE! FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $75,000.00 H. N. DOVEY, President F. E. SO II LATER, Cashier K. V. COOK. Vioe-Prcs. GEO. O. DOVEY, Asst. Cashier GEM THEATRE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. The Home of Comfort and Quality Pictures THE PLACE TO FORGET YOUR TROUBLES J. H. MGMAKEN & SON General Contractors. All Woik Entrusted to Our Care Looked After Promptly. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. GAS C A L L . ELECTRICITY NEBRASKA LIGHTING COMPANY for Labor Savers and Time Savers. Electricity is the most Economical and Efficient Power on Earth! 7 PHILIP IWrIlT Value Giving Clothier. Manhattan Shirts John B. Stetson Hats A Safe Place to Trade. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. JOHN BAUER Will's Knight and Willys Overland Automobiles. FISK. AJAX AND PENNSYLVANIA TIRES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. "Yard & iPltan Agents for J. M. Herman's famous "Munson" Army Shoes, as Sup plied to the U. S. Army Reliable Shoes for Men and Boys. SHOE REPAIRING, POLISHES, ETC. SOUTH SIXTH STREET - - PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. EMMA PEASE Millinery Evertythinir That is New and Up-to-Date SIXTH STREET H. M, SOENNIGHSEN General Merchandise OUR PRICES AND SERVICE ALWAYS RIGHT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA PETERS & PARKER General Contractors. BIG WORK OUR SPECIALTY. PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Mrs. S. W. Stillinbauer, of Hart ley, Nebraska, arrived in the city this morning for a -r.eeks visit at the home of C. T. Schaeffer and family. Asbury Jack and grand daughter, Miss Velhi Elliott, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they are visiting with friends for the day. Mr. and Mrs. fioo. Price, of Litch field, this state, who have been visit ing in this city, the guests at the home of Mike Price and family for the pt week, departed this morn ing for their home in the west. ? Geo. Goodman, of Lincoln, came in this morning for a few days visit at the home of Mr. C. A. Har vey, and to join his wife in a visit here who has been here at the home of her parents V,. A. Harvey and wife. Mrs. A. J. Hoffman and daughters Miss Laura Hoffman, and , Mrs. Ed gar Seinhauer, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit with friends for the day. John Wagcnor of southwest of My nard, accompanied by his two small children, Marie and Lena, were passengers to Omaha this morning where Mr. Wagener will look after some business matters and the child ren will see the sights. Mrs. S. J. Kovar and three child ren, of Omaha, who have been visit ing in the city for the past week, quests at the home of James Soker and family (Mrs. Kovar being a sis ter to Mrs. Sokor) departed this morning for her home, and was ac companied by her sister, Mrs. Sokor, and little .;on, for a short visit. Dennison's crepe paper at the Journal office. Henry Meyer and little daughter, Helen, ofWoeping Water, motored to this city yesterday afternoon to visit friends for a short time. While here they were pleasant callers at this oflice. Mrs. Henry Engelkemier was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where she goes to see her husband at the Medical Presbyterian hos pital. Speaking of Mr. Engelke mier's condition, she said that he was getting along nicely at this time and would soon be able to leave the institution. Mrs. J. Andrews and little grand daughter, Esther Cowles, departed this morning for Omaha, where they go to the Imnianuel hospital to visit with Mrs. Andrew's son. Will, who is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Will is now doing fine ly and will be able, so it i3 reported, to leave the hospital next week. Attorneys C. A. liawles and W. A. Robertson were both visitors in Om aha today looking after some legal business. They went up on the ear ly train this morning. Mrs. S. S. Gooding departed this morning for a visit, of some time at Rosalie, where she will be the guest of her brother, Fred Richardson and family. Mr. Richardson will be re membered as having lived here some years, ago. Miss Elsie Foreman of Loup City, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Ileinrich, for the past few days departed for her home this afternoon. Luke L. Wiles departed this morn ing for Lincoln, where he will at tend the Nebraska State Fair, which will be in session next week. Mr. Wiles has shipped a number of his fine Red Polled cattle to the fair, where they will be on exhibition. With the superiority of the cattle which Mr. Wiles breeds and raises it looks as though he would not have any trouble in bringing back some valuable premiums. R. D. Dalton, wife and daughter. Miss Ina, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they will look after some business and visit with friends for the day. Miss Beatrice Seybert, a member of the 1917 Class has accepted a posi tion as stenographer for II. A. Bryant, at Ashland, and is very much pleased with her new work. Her manv friends in this city wish her success in- her new position. Will S. Rice, of near Murray, was a pleasant visitor in the city this morning and found time to drop in and see the Journal man. We were glad to have Mr. Rice call and say, our latch string is always out. Has a High Opinion of Chamberlain's Tablets. Mrs. Emma C. Miller, accompanied bv Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they go to visit with . Mrs. Miller's son, Frank, who is a mem ber of the "Dandy Sixth." "I have a high opinion of Cham berlain's Tablets for biliousness and as a laxative," writes Mrs. C. A. Barnes, Charleston, 111. "I have nev er found anything so mild and pleas aAt to use. My brother has also us ed these tablets with satisfactory results." FLAG STICKERS. The Journal has just received a new line of American flag stickers that are so popular over the country at present. Call in at once and se cure your supply while they last.