The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 20, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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TvIDNDAY. AUGUST 20. 1017.
( r
iuKn or hi: hic;
or riitumi; oi
' Will..
fSl.-ite f Nohritskii )
Coiuttyof C.-ifs ) ss:
In the .Countv Court f Ciss ouiity,
?if l.raska.
To all persons interested in t!io es
if oi Volfsro V. l-.oonaiil, iltceased:
On reading the petition of Kos-. A.
I.roruud praying that the inti r.iiicit
!od in tl;ls court on the Slst day o.'
July. 1917. and ;ui y tiap to l.? the
lust will and testament of the s;iil 1t
fvaseil, m:ty te proved snd allowed.
nd reiOi.l.M as t!e l:i-t wil! ari.l tes-
alii. at of 'elos o V. i ,-on.i i d. 'to':i:--
; tfir.t s;1 Id i tist rujnr nt "oe ; ltn i t : 1 to
JMi'lilto. atid tlx- Mlli.!ti:.-t rat ion i ; aid
stiite Nianlvd to Uo.-a A. I.outiard
r' fXci'ilt IIX.
It i lierel.y oi de r J.-t lia t yu arul all
ju'i'suns i ii t r' t in aid ?i;t'. tT. nisi v,
faiol d.. appear at the Ooiniy ".lt !
ii.dd in and for said county, on th.'
. t )-v of Siptellll.ei, A. I . 1 1' I T. at
t oVIo. k a. m.. sliuw ;m'so, if any
tliore 1-e. why tl.- prar of l he i -to
iiT should not he K."a"l'-.l and
roiifp of t h- p ndoto-y of aid
find that I In- hoa ri t!i.T thereof
jriven !
I all persons ititeie.-t.d in hai'l ir.a.
er bv put lishinu a ropy of this order
la the Platisinoiith Journal, a semi
wceKlv lie ws pa per iri'itl in .-aid eoWn
fy for three sin-e.ssi vt'tks prior to
paid :ay ot n earing.
Witness mv hand, ami seal of
sailii -
1st day of August
am.iix .1. Hi:i:sN.
County .lude.
iv Tin: msTiticT oi irr or
(til Ml or ( ASS, l'.!llt.K V.
1 tlilcl.rist. l'laintitT.
Thomas C. rainier, et ah. defendants.
Notice of S'iit to Cun t Title.
To the dt fendanis. Thomas (l. I 'ai
mer: Mrs. Thomas C i alno r, first real
nan.e unUnown: the unknown heirs.
devisees, letraves. .rs..ial I e ;rese ,i - (
tativ s and all otoer 1 r.'ous i meres eo ,,,,,, ;,!r, ;md to nae tiie s.ime ;oi
in tie estate of 'Thomas l. C.i'i.ier. !'- t .r;.?ir-il inferior i the title of plaintiff
..-as.'!: th unknown heirs, devisees. ";u,d for general equitable relief. This
'.Lrat.e-. personal reio-'se n t a t'i v es a ul not ice is made pursuant to the order
otcer persons interested in the rs- j f Court. You are reifiired to an
tate of Mrs. Thomas C, I'altiur. fn-t.sweT said petition on or before Mn-
. . i .. t. W j . .. .... ... . . , .. .
feat name uiiKiiov.n. ueeeiisen. ,i.
en. nrst real name : n io. n . mis.
W. Creep, first teal name unknown;
unknown heirs, d. vises, legatees.
, risonal repres ntati s and 'all ollor
persons interested in the estate of M.
YV. C.reen. tirst real name j.uknown;
d 'eased; the unknown loirs, devisees.
U .itct's, n pr seiittii'. es and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. M. W. I recti. tirst teal
name unknown, defeased; W. S. C.iaff.
tir: t real name unknown.. Mrs. YV. S.
Ciafl". first real name unknown: ti.e
unknown heirs. .b-v:stes. lrporc.--, T" '
sonal r-prescntat ives and all other
peisoris interested in the .-tat rf .
S. tJratf: first r-a! name unknown. i!e
f. ae.l: the unkjiown heirs, de ! . .
U-iratees, personal representatives
und all other persons int-f.slcd
it. tiie estate of Mrs. Y
,' '
5 raff. tirst real name
-ea -e.l : Joseph MeCfeafV
.111 s. .10-
s, i.i, McCreary. ti:st real un-l
kt'own: the unki'own heirs. .! isees, ;
.". its, personal I" esell t a t i es ;ind
all other pers.ons intecest-d in the . s- ;
tate . f Joseph Me'.'reary. d'-eas.-d; the.
unknown hens, devisees, b-irate.-s. !er
sonal representatives a:..! al! eth. r !
son;: interested in the -tate of Mrs.
Joseph MeCreary. tirst real name un-;
krewn. de-eas'.i: uan i loiupsou .
Mrs. (Man S. Thompson, first r.-al nam
unknown, the unknown la iis. devisees,
legatees, personal i vn esentai ives and
state of loan S. Thompson, debased;
the nnktiown heirs . '.ise. s. legatees,
personal represent at '. es and all other
o-isons inter.-sled in tr e erta.te of Mi's.
n an S. Thompson, tir st rt a I name :n
kriowti. tlei.ased: I'rovhbfit Savings.
Loan r.uih'itii: A sso- ia t ion of Oma
ha: U.e unknown sra ntees. sin essors
and assigns of I'ro.of nt Savings.
Loan .v Itaiblintr As-.x ia t io"i of ma
ha : ami the unknown ow tiers and the
unknown claimants "f hts thirty-one
i::i, thirt-three i::::. tiiirtv -four
.':!. thirt-lie thirtv-iix ::;,
thtrtv-r-even t.:7. t h 1 1 t -eiiri.t C1M.
t iiirtv-iiKio i:::'m. forty M't. fortv-ne
till." forty-twt tf.'i. foilv-thre 1". .
fortv-four (M). forty-t'e .". : -ui
fo!tv-s: tt'-i. in !'. W. Wir-'s h.t
Lots located witi in government Lot
ten tie. .f se-tion eiirl te.j. i 1m, it:
townslnp twelve ).'. ra litre fourteen
lit), east of the i:th '. M . arid situated
in the Citv of I'lalt.-u'.'e.iih, Cass C"un
Tv. Nebraska.
Yot; are hereby trotif;..! that on the
'Jtii 'lav of .lulv -. I'. 1M7. plaMui'i"
li'ed Ilis suit in the Oistrict "ourt of
li.f Ctoirty of C;.s, Nebra.-ka, to i;.iiet
! n ' n t : T tit'" to the above d -eri b. t',
bits, to-wit: Lots t i t rt y-on.. t!ir-tv-three
t::::. thirty-four ::i. tl.irty
tie ("..".. thirt--i I hirt --sev n
::7. thirty-.i-ht ::m. i !, irty-n i to- t ::: i,
f.o-ty tii. fortv-one illt. fo:ty-to
iJ - i. fortv-three i i::i, fm-ty-four ll.
fortv-five ( ).",. ami f -rC.-.-i i it. in
1' V. YYise's oit Lots. with
in government bo ten li. . f f.r!i"'i
tichteen 1. towji'idp twlve 1J.
rtnire fourte-n tll. east of the i'.
M . and situated in the Cit v of Platts
tro'tuth. Cass County. N i a -k a. be
e.iuse of his sil verse pses? i..f, by
st if atol ids irr.Tiiors fo.- more th; n
t n v. ars iritw to the . .... np f. ement
of s:i id suit and to enjoin (, ;uid all
ef vu from l.aviurr or- . hiiminir any
ritrht. title, lien or intef-st. i it'n-r b' or teuital!e .in or to said b'ts or
anv part thereof. To" re.p;;to ;. on to
set forth your risht. title, eiaim.
lien or interest therein, if ;.rv. eitt-.r or equitable, and to J.ave -.he
at7ie adjudrred inferior to th- title of
plaintiff and for genera! e-turtabie re
lief. This nothe k made to the
order of the eourt. V'ii aie rt'iiiired
to answer said petition on or be fine
Mondav. September !, A. I . lt'17. or
vnur default will be du'.y enteiel
iherein- r,ni:u? l. gilcimmst.
I 'lain t i a.
Attorney fur i'laintiff.
.Tulv .",0 Jwks
i Tin: ihsthu'T coriir or tiii:
jam'? V.. YY'arga and Charles AVarga,
(lira Murrav. et ah, I f tola n t s.
Notice of Suit to Jniet Title.
To the defendants, frank Murray:
11. nrv Minr.iv: Lizzie M. Cotd; Miles
M.Coid: I!obert Murray: Mrs. Robert
Mnrrriv. fir'-t real name unknown: Wil
liam Murra : ;ertrn b .Murrav. and to
the unknown own. i and the unknown
rln'mant.' of ttx ht twelve 12, in the
noihtw'.st nuartir tNU'J4) of th.e
northeast ouarter ( M '. 1 , 1 of f-.eet Imi
pj-nt iM. townshifi eleven 11. ranse
fouiteen 14t. east of the ,t h I. M. in
ti e Countv of Cass. Nebraska.
bni are hereby notified that on the
"Xtb dav of July. A IV If IT. plaintiffs
tiled their suit in H'o l'istriet Court
of the Countv of Cass. Nebraska, to
piiet plaintiff's title to the following
deseribed lands, to-wit:
Tax lot twelve (li'i. In the nortii
vet quarter NV'4 of the iiortlirnst
quarter iNK'ii of section ei'ht (.
townphin eleven (11 t. ransre toi.irteen
Hi. east of the fith I. M.. in the Coun-
rtf Cass. iebtasKa. teeau;e or ineir
atlVfrt pSSesslO!l 1 . I'... in. Him
their ptartors for more than tt n year.'
prior to the commencement of snid puit
,-iTid ,r enioin eael- and all of vou front
bainrr or claiming anv rj-ht, title.
or interest, either Ie"ffl or equit
able, m or to said lands, or any part
tliereof: to require yon to Fft forth
jour riht, title, claim, lien or interest
tl-erpinfif anv. either leral
nM. nnd to have the sam f.dHidel
in"i'ior to the title of plaintiffs and
for Ki-nrrrd equitable relief.
This tiotieo is made pursuant to he
t penis'1! ves
n-rirr of the eourt. Vou are require
to ap;v;er said petition on or before
jtnndzv, Septem ler 1 0. A. I. 1917, or
jour default will be duly entered
.1UIES Tv WARfSA and
July "0 4w fw
The finest line of Bos Papers at
tiie Journal office. j
( oi .Tt or t s. i:iut sKA.
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
Ilimenus Ailamf, I'laintiff,
Samuel Mealey. et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants. Samuel Mealey.
Mrs. Samuel Mealey, first real name
unknown: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons in-tere:-ted
in the estate of Samuel
Moiley, r.eeeased; the unknown heirs,
devise'es. leKatees, personal roprrsen
tativi.s i;ml all oilier persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Samuel Mealey,
first real name unknown, doepasod: S.
'. Smith, tirst real name unknown;
Mrs. S. t Smith, first real name un
known; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representative. and
all other persons interested in the -tale
of S. l Smidt. first renl name un
knowii. deeeatsed: the uiik'sew n lieirs,
ilcvisi cs, legatees, personal represen
tative" and a'.i o;h.r persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. S. i '. Smith, first
real t ame unknown, deceased: the un-
Unov. n owners ard the unknown c! ;m-
n .t of the s-oiu.(.;.s: oiiiirter SK'(i
of section t ii : rt y -f our ;:4, township
eleven 111). nilth ratme twelve tl2.
east of the i:th 1 M.. in the County of
Cass. Nehraska.
Von are hereby notiiied that on the
sth dav of .lulv. A. l 1JM7. Plaintiff
, tiled his suit in the Idstriet Court of
ithe Countv of Cass, Net.rasku. to uuiet
pi i i n t i I"; "s title to the ahove described
land, to-wit: tie south-ast quarter
M S K 1 1 of section thirty-four ::4t.
1 township eleve:i 11. north ratine
! twelve (1L. east of the 1. M.. in
I the County of Cass. Nebraska, because
ot his auverse possession i.y i imseir
and his j.rantors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
said suit and to enjoin eaeii tmd a 1 1 of
you from havimr of elaiminu any ricrht.
title, li.n or interest, either lecrat or
eouitalde. in or to said land, or any
part thereof. To require you to sot
forth your i i i 1 1 . title, eiaim. lien or
, n , ,.r.. t
therein, it an v. either loial or
.::av. N'Wiiiiir in. .. i . i;mi, or your
dafault will be duly entered therein.
I i I M I : N CS A I . MS.
Plaint iff.
II is Attorney.
m:; i. mtick.
i.e t
Non-UesiiK nt Lefendantf
Hoi''-:, Ieisees, Legatees,
nal;tati cs. ami All
ns Interested In Their Ks-
I', IS.
To Alex
dev iset s le
tat ives a -id
;n the est if
on and
tod that J i
Abel; the unknown heirs,
LTalees. pLfsona! fepreseil
all other persons interested
of Alex Abel.
a h of you ;u-o hereby linti
Ini II. tirr, as plaintiff, on
I ti e li.ili dav .f July. A.
It. T.hT. filtil
ilis ano tided ptlitioji in
, ,-.,Us -onty
the Listriet
wherein ym: and all of you ate defend
ar t-: the oSjeet and prayer of v.hielt
It;iio:i are t' ftireelose a certain
i i." lau'i' ''ivt n upon Lts Nine :itil
Te'i :n I'io.; 'Hwo. except Ten feet on
the South end f Lot Ten. all in
Kitel ie Place Addition to Plattmouth.
Cass Countv. Nebraska, by Alex Abel
to Franeis M. Look for the sum of
Live Hundred I'dlars. Mortira-re re
e. - e..,) jn i .ook !".' of M'trt-raures at
paire -J74.
Vim are required to answer said
ame.etbd petition on or before Jl.e 17th
dav ef Sei'tember. A. 1 . 191T.
jtHi.N ii. i:i:.
- C. A. K.WVI.S, l'laintitT.
A t toi tiey,
Jifv "0 v ks." or ncitit; o im iition
1 lit tTOii Olt A ilMIMvi It A 1 Ul..
State of Nebraska.)
';i.-s 'on ntv. I ss.
In the Countv Court,
the Matter of the Kstate of
V. Ileitis. 1 ceased.
Oi reading and tiling the petiti
IV.iv.ii'il . Leins and Minnie P..
prayintr that Administration of
L-tate may be irranted to them a
on of
s Ad-
Ordered. That t!ie l'.".th dav of All
srust. A. l. TUT. at 1 o lo. k" P. M.. is
a-'siunetl for hearinir said petition;
v. all persons interested in said
ii;.;.iiT may appear at a County Coirt
to be held ill and for said County, and
s'.o v. ni!e why the prayer of peti-tio-i.-r
s'oi.hi i.e and that
rioii.--. of tin- petolencv -f said petition
and t!o; in; thereof be pivrn t q all
oefsotis interested in said matter by
)ui. ! jnir a copy fd" Ciis order in the
i'!ni;oii'iih Journal, a sem:-weekly
rowspa per. pritted in said County, for
three sueesie Weeks, prior to faid
dav of htetrinr.
I -a ted Julv isth. PUT.
(SIAL County Judjre.
hi!iii:i: f i;i: nii; o im:titio
tate of Nebraska.)
( 'n:- Con n t y. ss.
In the County 'nurt.
the Matter of t lie Kstate of Amelia
i I. i ;:s. I et ased.
in itadinrr and tiling the ftitfon of
Minnie If llill and la! ward W. Th in ,'
nra;. nir that Administration of said
Lst.i'e may be granted to them as Atl
minist ratoi s.
Ordered. That the day of Aujr-u-
t. A. l. 1H1T. at '2 k'cI'M'I; P. M.. is
assirrnetl for hearing said petition,
v,-i n all perons interest! J in said
matter may appear at a County Court
to be held in and for said County, and
show fause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be frranted: and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be friven to
all persons interested iti said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Phi Itsmouth Journal, a j sf m i-xveek ly
ip'ivspaper printed in said County, for
three surtessive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
I'ated July 'Stli. 1 SIT.
(SEAL) County ..Judge.
I 111 T1 OK 'A. KKSKA.
YViiliam S. iJouijhty. I'laintiff
Sa;-.;Ii J. Itouphty. Iefendant.
Notice init for Iirce.
To the defendant. Sarah .1. Hough ty:
You are hereby notified that on the
irii av of May, flT. plaintiff filed his
pit it ion in the Id.-ttiot Court of Cass
eounfe, N. biaska, the object and pray
er of whi.-h is to set aside tiie bonds
of matrimony now eistfnfr between
plaintiff and defendant, and that plain
tiff be uiven an absolute divorce from
defendant, and for sin h other relief as
i"n ." be e-iuit;ible in the premises.
This, notice is made pursuant to the
order oi t!:e court.
bm are ron, -tired to answer paid pe
tition on o;- ,f fore the 1st dav of Oe
toler. A. !., PUT. tir vuur default will
be duly entered therein.
i f nil of which you will take due
I'ated tins ifith dav of Ausrnst. 1917.
i4-"-v.4w. Atty. for I'laintiff.
imii-n i, MiTicK.
f-vp.e-tfr T. Spe.-r and unknown
:-bilm.Tnt who;e real n.-imes ate un
known to the southeast one-fourth of
Section '.". Township 11. Panpe io Kast,
C'e::- county, Nebraska, defendants, will
tale notice that on the 17th day of
Autrust, 1017 Albert E. Lake, plaintift
herein, tiled nis petition m tiie Iistrict
d sa7driefendantC
in cf whim are to remove the cloud
from and quiet the title to the south-.11
ea'1 iuarter se 1-4). Section twenty-
flv '-,. Townshin eleven (111. Ransre.
ten Milt Kast. Cass county. Nebraska,
and tliat the defendants be enjoined
i rem ciaimins any interest in Eaid
premises. I
You are required to answer said pe-
tooer, 1917.
By: T. S. ALLEN.
His Attorney;,
From Saturday's Daily.
It has long been a mooted que&tion
v.'hich could run the faster, a dog
with good sprinting qualities, or a
speedy automobile. The other day a
lady, whom we will not mention by
name, because of the way the car
acted, hadVome experience. The car,
a Ford, with a reputation for speed,
was brought out of the garage, as
the good lady wished to drive it to
Omaha. The iron horse was har
nessed and the engine started. Then
in some manner when the ladies got
ready to start, the car became unruly
and dashed through the fence of Win.
McCauley, near where Charles Mc
Cauley was painting his boat. They
say that Charlie was so frightened
that he iias not got over being pale
yet, because of the crash when the
fencd went down. A dog was lying
there and when it heard the sound of
the breaking boards and heavy sup
porting timbers, it let out one long
drawn-out howl and took for the
woo-,'s, and nothing has been heard
of it since.
From Saturday's ftaily.
Ed I'lrich. living souic four miles
west sntl a little north of Murray,
has become the owner of a new Chev
rolet automobile, which he recently
purchased from Mr. W. V.. Wasley
of this city. .Mr. Waslcy is Fcllins: a
larire number of these cars, and they
have, without except ion. been Kivins
the best of success. The car is equip
ped with all the needed appliances
which includes an electric starter
and other accessories, and costs but
little in excess of five hundred dol
lars, while other cars are advancing
in price. In this ear is plenty of
power and pep. and we are sure Mr
I'lrich will be more than satisfied
with his purchase.
From Saturday's Iialiy.
Frank Miller of the "Dandy Sixth"'
is down for an over Sunday visit,
dresred in his new uniform, and is
locking fine. He tells of how the
boys at Omaha enjoyed the fine cake
which his mother. Mrs. Emma C
Miller and sisters. Misses Myrtle and
Clara, assisted in making. They
were up and visited the boys a few
days ago. and were accompanied by
Frank's little brother. Charles.
Front Saturday's laily.
Kev. II. G. Mcl'luskev and wife de
parted this morning for Kansas City
Mo., where they go for two weeks to
take charge of the pastorate of the
Rev. Dr. George Newell, w'vn. it
will be remembered, made the address
at the commencement of the class of
1!)17 of the Plattsmouth High school
Dr. Newell is visiting in Minnesota
and spending his vacation there. Kev
McCluskey will fill the pulpit for the
two weeks in which Dr. Newell is
away from Kansas City, and will
also occupy their home while in
Kansas City.
From Saturday's Daily.
M. L. Johnson, the proprietor of
the lower Mam street market, is
putting on airs these days, all on ac
count of his landlord, J. C. Petersen,
sr., who is having the room in which
Mr. Johnson has his market, repaint
ed and decorated, and it ir. going to
look fine and no mistake. After hav
ing the front painted, iir Peter
sen is having the interior fixed up
in fine shape. Mr. Sophus Christen
sen is doing the work.
The Hen That Lavs-
is the hen that pays. If she dot-s not
lay, kill her, ;ut before you kill hei
pive her B. A. Thomas' Poultry Rem
edy twice, a day fcr r. week, and then
you will not kill.h:, for she will be
paying you a profit. It not only
makes dns lay bit; it is a remedy for
cholera, roup, and gapes. We guar
antee it to cure or we refund your
money. II. M. Soennichsen, Puis &
We are prepared to take
care of meat and grocery or
ders. Just call us up and let
Foster, and wife, departed this
if -nrill livn xrrnr rvrrlftr '
aUQ Will Iic4,V B YOUr OlUeri
j j
IOn t 10r,et ;
reaflV lOr YOU.
, , il
this IS 1 OUT Market and
PJrnf frir "
Hait Son
LocaS Eews
From Friday's -Ja.ily.
Joe Campbell, of near Rock Bluffs,
was looking after some business in
the city this afternoon.
YV. A. Oliver yesterday sold his
farm two and a half miles east of
Murray, which contains ICQ acres.
to Mrs. T. M. Pollock, for per
YV. II. Roman and family of Union
drove to this city this morning to
visit friends for a short time and at
tend to some important business
Mrs. George Reynolds and Miss
Lillian Wheeler came in this morn
ing irom their country nomes soutn
of this city and departed for Omaha,
where they will spend the day.
Geo. Horn of Omaha, and daughter,
Inez, who have been visiting in the
city, and west of town with friends
and relatives for the past week, de
parted for their home this V.iorning.
Mrs. Adam Meisinger, of near Ce
dar Creek was a passenger to Omaha
this afternon, where she will visit
for a time with friends and also at
r.enson. Mr. Meir-inger came in with
their car bringing Mrs. Meisinger to
the train.
Mrs. John Sheldon, who has been
visiting at Greenwood for some days
past, the guest of her friend, Mrs.
W. J. Appleby, returned home this
afternoon and was accompanied by
Mrs. Appleby and two children, who
will visit here for some time.
rranl: II. Johnson, wife and son,
YValter Johnson, drove in from their
farm near Weeping Water this
morning, and are visiting at the
home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. YV. Johnson, and riso
were looking afier some business in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell and
little son, Peter Herbert, residing
near Rock Illufl's, drove to this city
this morning and spent the day "vis
iting friends"and attending to some
business matters. While here Mr.
Campbell and Hi tie son were pleas
ant callers at this cfTce.
Mr. Hans Stoll a:id ;ott, Fred Stoll,
accompanied by Frank and Karl Cox
of N'ehawka, drove to Plattsmouth
yesterday afternoon in Mr. Stoll's
car. to look after some mailers rela
tive io furnishing aflidavits in the
claims, for exemption from military
service in the first draft.
Mrs. Y'm. Goctz of Parclay, Neb.,
wlio has been visiting at the home
of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Shafer, for the past week, departed
for her home this morning over the
Burlington. P.arclay was the for
mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Shafer
and Mr. and Mrs. Goetrr were their
Mrs. O. II. Dayliss of YVatson, Mo.,
is visiting in this city at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
Brady and other relatives and friends
for a week or two. At the home of
Jesse Brady they were entertained
for dinner yesterday. There were
present Mrs. Payliss. Miss Lcotia
Brady and Mrs. John Brady.
Mr. and. Mrs. Eli Yonker. of near
Union, came in this morning with
their car, and departed for Omaha,
from where they will go to Ogalalla
for a visit of a week with the family
of Wm. Tillman, and will return
home with Mrs. J. F. Clugey and
daughter, Haxel, who are at the
same place for an extended visit, go
ing yesterday.
Mrs. Fred Kngelgemcicr was a
passenger to Omaha this morning,
where she goes to visit with her
son, Henry Engelkemeier, who is
reported as being still very sick at
that place. It was thought he was
showing some signs of improvement
yesterday and the evening before,
but his mother says he is now very
low, and not making the improve
ment which is so earnestly desired.
Mrs. E. F. Gray of blsuta Rosa.
Calif., who has been vi-iting with
her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Robertson,
for the past few months, departed
for Fremont this afternoon, where
she will visit with friends for a
short time, this being her old home,
having lived there for forty years,
and will also visit for some time with
a daughter at Sioux Falls, S. I)., be
fore returning to her home at Santa
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kitchem of
Stickly, this slate, who have been
visiting in the ea;-t fcr the past
month, and have just arrived from
Henry, 111., stopped for a few days'
Visit at the home of their friend. J.
tor their home at bticKiy,
which place they expect to reach to-
nicrbt PnonVi n rr rxf tiie pniin t rv
through which they passed, they say
that the crops all the way are look-
ing fine, and the oats that are being
thresied in Illinois, show yields of .
from seventy to ninety bushels per
From Saturday's Daily.
J. E. Pickrell and family, from
York, were visiting in the city yes
terday and getting some repairs done
on their "Flivver," which had gotten
some of the cone bearings broken.
Mr. Pickrell is from York county,
and came from there to see his son,
Vinton, who is a private in company
M, of the Fourth infantry, and who
were expecting to be moved the. next
day. Mr. Pickrell In speaking of
York county, said things were look
ing line out there until the hail
storm came, which, he said, had en
tirely devastated the country for
about eleven miles wide and extend
ing from the Platte river to near
the city of Fairbury in Jefferson
county. After having the repairs
made, they journeyed on to their
home in the west.
From Saturday's Taily.
Last evening Floyd McDaniel and
his sister, Mrs. J. Y. Allen, formerly
Mis Virginia McDaniel, arrived from
the west, Mrs. Allen coming from
her home in San Francisco, while
Floyd came from his home at Santa
Clara. They are guests at the home
cf their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y
McDaniel. Floyd is engaged in the
moving picture business at Santa
Clara, while Mr. J. YV. Allen, his
brother-in-law, is engaged in the business at San Francisco. They
will make an extended visit at home
and will also vis;t with their many
friends in this city.
Front P.-iturdav's Flatly.
Mrs. W. H. Cotlelt, living just
west of the city, departed this morn-
i;ig for Carson. Ia., where she will
visit for a week at the home of Mr.
Coffelt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Coffclt. and Mrs. Coffelt is taking
with her their little daughter, Lau
rice, which will be a great joy for
the grandparents, as they have been
counting on this visit for some time.
Mr. Coffelt will go over next Satur
day for a week's visit, and will re
turn with the wife and daughter.
From Saturday's Hailv.
Mrs. L. J. Sprecker ad daughter.
Miss Jessie, were passengers to Oma
ha this morning, where they will
visit with friends ami took after some
business matters for the day. The
ion cf Mrs. Sprecker. rati I C. Spreck
er. has just been vaccinated for
typhoid fever, is feeling the results
very preceptably, and has a leave of
absence for a few days and is at
homo until he shall be feeling better.
Sarger.nt Sprecker will return to hi3
company at Omaha, where he is a
member of the "Dandy Sixth," on
Monday noon.
FtJim ra tti rda v's Iinilv.
Thomas Mahoney, the old reliable
painter and decorator, is doing a fine
piece of decorating on the brick
house just south of the Olson Photo
company plant, and which bore the
appearance before of being a relic of
some by-gone age, with the tumble
down characteristics of an institution
of a half-century ago. But Mr. Ma
honey with his brush and pot of
paint, and the carpenters who pre
ceded him. have rescued the place
from the clutches of decay and re
instated it in the realms of today.
The place now looks like new and
makes a good place for a home.
Frorrt FrMav' Pailv. i
Prof. G. E. DeYY'olf. the newly
elected superintendent of the Platts
mouth city schools, accompanied by
his -wife, have arrived in Platts
mouth. and will occujrj- the residence
which has been occupied by the for
mer superintendent, M. G. Brooks,
when he shall have moved to his
new home at Nebraska City. Prof
De YY'olf called at the editorial of
fice of the Journal, and we were
pleased to make his acuaintance, and
were also inpressed with his appear
ance, he being a pleasing gentleman
and having the appearance of an
able instructor.
From Fridav's nail v.
John S. Hall, who is traveling for
the Lennox Furnace company, has
been making Iowa points the past
week, and while at Griswold. Ia., vis
ited with' his brother-ia-law, Don
Brown, and there picked up his
daughter, Ruth, who has been visit
ing there for a short time. Coming
through Red Oak, also met Mrs.
Osc?r Wilson and her niece. Miss
Frieda Wilson. They filled the car
for the homeward journey, and with
the party he arrived home last eve-
uin. John tells of good, crop pros-
pects in Iowa and says things are
j looking nice.
Known To The Nation
$945 F. O. B. FACTORY.
Possesses important feature of design which are found
also in those higher priced cars as embodying the very
latest and best engineering practices. These superior
features, which for two years have distinguished the
Oakland Six as a car of unusually advanced design, and
which are now employed in the latest models of many
of the more costly cars, not to be found in their entirety,
in any of the other cars in the Oakland price-class. As
a result, the Oakland Sensible Six, in the estimation of
the buying public, is raised abo'e the plane of its price,
and naturally is compared to and competes with cars of
considerable higher price than its own.
Mimi M
From FrMay's Ially.
YY'cstley Burnett, who for over
thirty-five years has lived near Rock
Bluffs, where he has farmed, died
yesterday at the county farm, after
being sick for nearly a year past.
Mr. Burnett was born in Illinois,
October 15th, 1S55, and was taken
to the county farm here because of
sickness and inability to care for
himself, June 15, this summer.
Passing away yesterday he was nn'.
quite sixty-two years of age. He
and wife have not lived together for
the past few years. The funeral will
occur from the county farm and the
burial be at Oak I 111 I cemetery.
From Friday's raily.
Miss Nettie Hawksworth, one of
the efficient teachers of the Platts
mouth city schools, who has been at
her home in Burlington. Ia., since
the closing of the last school year,
came in this morning for a short
visit with her cousin, Mrs. E. YV.
Cook, before they depart for their
new home at Rock Island, 111. Miss
Hawksworth will teach here the
coming year.
From Friday Daily.
Mrs. Ceo. Barr and daughter, El
sie, and son, Melvin, departed this
morning for Omaha, w.iere she will
visit with her sister, Mrs. I. J. Ho
man. and will see iier father, J. H.
Higley, who is at the St. Catherine
hospital at that place, awaiting for
sufficient strength that an operation
may be performed for relief from
trouble of the kidneys, which has
been afflicting him for some time.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mr. E. C. Hill and family depart
ed this morning for Cook, where they
will spend some time on the farm,
and from there they will go to Reent
er, where they will also rusticate for
a week. Thej- will be gone about
ten days, and thus take their vaca
tion. They will in all probability
try their hands at farming for a
spell. They expect to return rested
and invigorated.
We handle a complete line of Auto Supplies -and
Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs!
On July 1st all cars must be equipped with headlight lenses
which will conform to the new law. We sell
The Best In the Market!
We WUI Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New One
We Will Pay
Come in and give
New Ford Before
T. H- Pollock Aui Doe,
FORD Authorized Sal es and
Office Telephone No.
As The Sensible Six
From Friday's Ially.
Hon. T. S. Allen of Lincoln, - fed
eral district attorney for Nebraska,
was a pleasant caller at this office
this morning. Mr. Allen is looking
after some legal matters in the city
for the day, and took the opportu
nity to make the editor of the Jour
nal a pleasant call. YVe have been
acquainted with Mr. JSA'tn for many
3'ears and have always found him to
be a man among men. always ready
to do a friend a good turn and al
ways loyal to his friends.
From Fatnrday's Daily.
Mrs. C. S. White of Omaha, ac
companied by her daughter. A. YY.
Bauerman and children, Clark r.nd
YVinifred, departed for their homes
this morning on an early train, after
having visited for the past week at
the home of Mrs. Chas. Mul. vtio
lives about twelve miles south wist
of this city. Mr-5. YYhile i.i the
mother of Mrs. Mutz, as we!! as ilr.
Bauerman. They have been taking
their vacation on the farm, and con
sider it a great treat. K. C. Greeson,
who is just now visiting at tr.c Mutz
farm, also a son-in-law of Mrs.
White, and who Is farming norr
Avoca, brought the folks up in Mr.
Mutz car to catch the train.
From Pr. tnrday's Daily.
Yesterday evening Earl Barclay,
wife and little son, William, came
in-over the Burlington via" Omaha
from St. Joseph, Mo., lluir home, to
visit with their p?ren;s in thi.? city.
Earl departed again la?t evening for
his work, being a brakenan on the
Burlington, between St. Joseph. Mo.,
and Omaha, while Mrs. Barclay and
little son will visit here for a week
or so, when Earl will return for
Flics Never Bother.
In the summer flies worry an ani
nian. Get a bottle of Karris' Healing
Kemedy costs but ?0c makes a pint
worth ?2.00. Apply it to the wound.
Flies will not bother it. Get it today.
You may need it tomorrow. We sell it.
II. M. Soennichsen, Puld &. GanstmiT.
You Spot Cash For Used Fords
us your order for a
the Price Goes Up.
Service, 6thbt.t Plattamoulh, Neb
1. Shop Telephone No. 58.
; !
' 9