The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917.
Known To The Nation
$945 F. O. B. FACTORY.
Possesses important feature of design which are found
also in those higher priced cars as embodying the very
latest and best engineering practices. These superior
features, which for two years have distinguished the
Oakland Six as a car of unusually advanced design, and
which are now employed in the latest models of many
of the more costly cars, not to be found in their entirety,
in any of the other cars in the Oakland price-class. As
a result, the Oakland Sensible Six, in the estimation of
the buying public, is raised above the plane of its price,
and naturally is compared to and competes with cars of
considerable higher price than its own.
Local Kews
l' Tr.rstlayV lViily.
.Mrs. J. 1. Koil, who lias Won vis
it ins at the homo of her daughter,
.Mr?. Phillip Tritsch, near I'ercival,
Iowa, returned homo yesterday even
in;;. '
LuW L. Wiles was a passenger to
Jiutoln yevtf rday afternoon, where
he poes to look after some business
matters relative to his herd of Red
Foiled cattle.
Morris Lloyd, who is an enlisted
member of the '"Dandy Sixth," of
Nebraska, was a visitor in the city
tiiis morning, coming down from
Omaha and goins on to his home at
W, Fahnstoek aiid.fsofl. Will,
passed through here this afternoon
for Omaha, from their home in Avoca.
Wiil is a member of the' navy and
lias to report to Omaha at eiccht
o'clock tomorrow morning for duty.
J. It. Vallery and daughter, Miss
1 Uris. of near Mvnard, motored to
this city yesterday afternoon to at
tend to some business matters and
isit friends for a short, time. Mr.
Vallery gave this office a pleasant
County Attorney A. (I. Colo de
parted this morning for Harnesville,
O.. where he will visit, for some two
wcp'ks at the home of his mother, and
look after some business there for
her. This is the boyhood home of
Mr. Cole, and will afford him consid
erable pleasure in spending his vaca
tion there.
Kev. K. II. l'oiitius of the Knifed
brethren church, south of the city,
was a passenger to Lincoln this
morning, where he goes to meet with
the state executive committee of the
Young People's Society of Christian
Knuoavor, who are holding a meet
ing of the committee in the capital
city today.
Mrs. Harry llausehild. of Omaha,
was taken to Omaha to a hospital for
an operation and treatment from
Avoca, being accompanied by her
husband and Dr. J. V. Shall. Mrs.
Itauschild had given birth to an in
fant yesterday, this being the reason
for the necessity of the operation.
The little one died in a few hours
after birth.
Joseph Iladraha, member of the
firm of Weyrich & Hadraba, departed
this morning for Lawrence, this
statf where he will meet his family,
who have been visiting there for
home ten days ;i? the home of Mrs.
nion Chautauqua
Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 2526-27, 1917.
ce festival Ltevs
Aftcrnoou 2:30
Iorrow Bros. Male
.'5c and 15c
Quartet Mu-.
sical Prelude.
3:00 Lecture. "The Grander Glory
ot a Nation, by Jay. II
Musical Pre- Chicago
Chicago Entertainers
"The Kentucky Mountaineers," as
told by one" of them Samuel Jus
" tin Sparks.
living's Zouave 2 2 -Piece
Appaia;; in Zouave
rcp'lemiant stio w i..
As The Sensible Six
-:- -:- NEBRASKA
Iladraba's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Janda, and where they will
visit for some two weeks yet before
returning home.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Cornelius Hengen of southwest of
Mynard was looking after some busi
ness in Plattsmouth this morning.
Geo. Kreager. from west of My
nard. with his family, were trans
acting business with our merchants
Jacon Miiier came to town today,
after having spent three weeks in
the country assisting in caring for
the harvest of Allen Land.
William I Selmstemeier, from
near Nehawka, was looking after
some business at the county seat to
day, having driven up in his car
this morning.
John Beckman, Is living nvnr
Louisville, came in this morning, go-
ing to the home of Mrs. Deckmans
parents this afternoon, where Mrs.
Beckman and son, John, have been
visiting for about a week. They will
all return home soon.
Little Miss Elizabeth anil Master
Albert Lee Thcirolf. of Itica, Neb.,
wTio have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan and
other relatives and friends in this
vicinity for the past month, will re
turn to their home Sunday morning.
Miss Inez Halmas of Greenwood,
daughter of Joseph Halmas, came in
this morning and is visiting iu the
city with her grandmother, Mrs.
Nicholas Halmas, and at the farm
homo of her uncle, Peter Halmas.
Miss Inez will visit here for some
The work on the new bank build
ing, which is to bo occupied by T.
M. Patterson and his associate com
pany, is making progress toward
completion. though there is still
much work to be done. F. G. Daw
son, and workmen began today in
: tailing one of the famous vacuum
furnaces which have proved such a
success wherever tried.
W. B. Roberts and wife, K. V.
Russell and two children, and Dave
Jardine, all of Ashland, were visiting
at the home of R. II. Patton. MrsT
Roberts and Mrs. Patton being sis
ters. Mr. Roberts, who has just pur
chased a new automobile, brought
the families ' down to see how it
would work, and to pay the Pat tons
a visit, which had been. contemplated
for some time.
Glen Boedaker of Murray, cashier
of the bank at that place, was a
tor our Lommtinuv
renins 8:15. 50c and 25c
Morrow Bros. Male Quartet Full
evening program, ..featuring har
mony, the Morrowphone, and oth
er musical specialties.
Entertainers Vocal Solos,
Humorous and Dramatic Sketches,
Instrumental Numbers and Cos
tumed Dramatizations. " A First
Class Trogram that will please.
Band Ewing's Zorav 22-Piece Band
mm. A With Soloi?t'. Appearing in Even
ing Military Costume.
visitor in Plattsmouth last evening,
driving up with his family in his
car after supper, and returning home
lateh '
Mrs. Emma C. Miller and daugh
ter, Mrs. August Sitzman of Weeping
Water, who is visiting at the home
of her mother in this city, were pas
sengers to Omaha this morning,
where they go to visit with Mr.
Frank Miller, son of Emma C. Mil
ler, who some time since 'joined the
"Dandy Sixth" and "wno is soon to
go to Doming, N. M., to the training
Marren McGuire of Nebraska City,
foreman of the Thomas Brothers' Ice
planti of that place, was a business
visitor in Plattsmouth this morning
for a few hours. A particular part
of the machinery for the plant had
become broken, and there being no
place this side of New York City
where another could be purchased,
he came to Plattsmouth to borrow
one until one could be gotten from
Mrs. A. L. Todd and daughter,
Mrs. J. E. Schutz, and little daugh
ter, Florence, were passengers to
Omaha this afternoon, where they
will look after some business.
Mrs. Bertha Mordock, formerly
Miss Bertha Ritchey, of Omaha, who
has been visiting in this city for the
past few days at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Fanny Dickson, and who
was accompanied by Donald Dick
son, who will visit with her for a
lew days, and also at the homo oi :
iris uncle, C. A. Ritchey.
Dr. G. II. Gil more, of Murray, was!
a passenger to Omaha this afternoon,
and that was about all, for alter the;
train had stopped, the doctor
dashing down Main street to the
station and with a handful of money
he rushed into the ticket office for a
ticket, and was soon out to the
train, having to wait for one lady
to get aboard before he could climb
up the steps. Dr. Gilmore generally
"gets there" when he goes after any
Yesterday there appeared
at th
court house a young couple
from I
Iowa, coming off the three-twenty
train and making application for a
permit to marry. This was granted
and they then asked the judge to
perform the ceremony which united
Mr. Josepii Andrew llunt.snpn. aged
-u. of Emerson. Iowa, and Miss Ruth
Moore, of Hastings, Iowa, r.g;
in the holy bonds of wedlock.
d 2
departed on the evening Burlington j
train for their Iowa home, where:
they expect to surprise th?ir friends, j
The contract was witnessed by Fran j
J. Libershal. county clerk, and Mi::::, j
Marie Svoboda, who is a dork in the
oihee of the county judge.
The Western Machine and Foun
dry company has just received a new
machine, the like of which is not
in the west, and it is barely possible
that another one like it exists. It
is known in machine "shop par
lance" as a "Gear Hobbing machine"
and with which any kind of a gear
can be cut. A spiral gear, a beval
gear or a gear of any other kind of
make. The purpose for which this
machine is secirred, especially is for
making what is known as a spiral
or worm gear, for the patent stcar
ing device which Mr. Sharp has per
fected for Ford cars, which add to
the safety of running them.
Annual Fraternal Picnic at
Weeping Water, Thursday,
August 23. A new park road
way has been built so that
any number of autos can be
accomodated. Come!
Mrs. Mary Propst and little daugh
ter, from Bayonne, N. Y., arrived in
the city this morning for a visit at
the home of Mrs. Probst's sister, Mrs.
Alex Bazanz.
Mrs. L. sV. Copenbaver and daugh
ter, Miss Mable Lee, and Miss Mil
dred Copenhaver, a cousiu of Miss
Lee Copenhaver, who is visiting with
the, Copenhavcrs here, were all pas
sengers to Omaha this morning,
where they will visit with friends
for the day.
Mrs. Chris Metzger and daughter,
Miss Patty, were transacting busi
ness with out merchants this morn
ing. You will find a fine line of birth
day cards at the Journal office.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Block,
Second Floor
Your Busines
Not many days since, while we
were looking after the illusive item,
and they are illusive, for sure, we
dropped into conversation with a
young man, or rather a boy, for he
will not have reached man's estate
for a few years yet. When we in
quired where he was going, he said
"To Ilavelock, where I am going to
try to get to learn a trade." We
liked this, for this young man to be
imbued with .the idea of selecting a
vocation for life, and then knowing
all there is to know of that vocation.
We slapped him on the shoiilder and
said, "Good for you, my lacl." We
like that idea, that a young man
shall want to know how to do the
thing best, which he is to do. Be
prepared for any and all emergen
cies which may come your way in
life. When you have decided what
you would like to do in life, then
prepare for that job, know all about
it there is to know, and keep on
learning even after you have began
to work at it as life's vocation.
There are plenty of things which
one can do in this world, and of all
these, you have your choice, choose
well, and when the choice has been
made, push your investigation of all
the ways of performing the work
in your line the best, and no one
can prevent you from achieving suc-
It has boon said and truly,
thai the man who does any-
better than the
the world make a
others will
pathway to
his door," and v.o believe this is so.
Whatever your task may be, and you
may choose it fall in love with it,
for it is yours for life, and you
should bo on speaking terms with
what you do. Know it, and know it
well, and "the world is your s."
With the acceptance ot a po-.ition
as switchman in the local Curling-
ton yards by Percy il. Fieidr., it be-
' " - -
. Jquish lin position as chicr oi t;io lire
department of the city. lie there-
; for? has offered his resignat iori.
i which at the mooting last evening
i was accepted and sVps taken to till
the position. There being 'a number
of candidates the contest was looked
to be warmly centei.ted. but a eau-
' vas;
ol the members showed that
Dr. Oscar Saiuiin was the man most
desired, and ho received the v-luinb,
if it can bo culled that, for a great
c'eal of sacrifice is necessary i:i the
execution of this o!!ice to the best
interesls of all concerned. The oth
er officers sumo, Sabutka, presi
dent, and Guy Clossen, focrolarv.
Mr. George Stamm,
w i ! e
and little
mouih thi-; nter;
iu Molii-e. II!.,
employed a:; a
arrived in Flatte
ning from their home
where Mr. Klamm is
boiler maker for tjae
ilvay, and will visit
with Mr. Stauim'.;
Rock I:iai:d :
for fromj ti'in
Mrs. Augufi Rhcinacle.
and aunt uid u!!cl ML-.:- Katie and
Albert Rheinacle. .Mr. St a mm was
born here and grew almost to 'man
hood, when he with his mother re
moved to Ilavelock. but later, after
learning his trade, v.ont to Moline.
111. lie and TTif-? will visit
some time, and will renew
tjuaintance with his many
in this city.
here for
his ac
friends .Mrs. I. C. Yant. of Louisville, and
Miss Grace Clow, of Chicago,
in this city yesterday, being
of Mrs. T. F. Parmelc.
Aftcr Taking Fcur Bollfes Of
Cardui, The Woman's Tonic.
Cobdcn, 111. "Having used Carrlui,
the woman's tonic, in my family, for a
number of years," writes Mrs. Kato
Metz, of this town, "and always with
such good results, I feel it niy duty to
write you about it, eo that you may
publish my letter.
My mother is living with me, and
she is 52 years old. For the last three
or four years, she has been troubled a
great deal with cramping spells, and
for days at a time, she would have a
severe headache.
She read of how much Cardui has
helped other women who were sick
and ailing, and decided to give it a
trial. She began taking it three times
a day, and since then has been getting
along simply fine.
Mother only used four bottles of
Cardui, but she is no longer troubled
with the severe headaches, and her
stomach is so much stronger that sho
A. A. L. S
ca5reai TrV ariCITs' , i , .
Wr hnrh -feel rhar. nnv larttr trhn la I
not strong and well, would be greatly
t-nefited by the use of Cardui." I
TryCard-u-i, NCB8
A good 30 days of hot weather yet ahead of
us. You need a new hat for that vacation trip
or that stay at home occasion. Buy it now at
25fi off.
New ties ever week
new Cheneys this week!
E. Wescott's Sons
Rev. A. F. Ploetz and wife arrived
here for an extended visit with
friends and relatives in this city,
and are guests at the home of her
brother, John F. Gorder. Rev. and
Mrs. Ploetz, who live at Osmond,
Neb., came in their car and touched
at Norfolk, where they visited with
Mrs. Ida Hagel, stopping there for
a lay or two. They then came via
Seward, stopping one day. Their
next stop was at Lincoln, where they
remained one day, then stopping at
Weeping Water, where I hey visited
With .Mrs. Ploetz' brother, Fred Gor
der. They will spend some two
weeks here, and on returning will
;-o by way of Omaha and north from
.i:;nis !)clesdorn:er and George H.
Ktoehr and family, from near Elm
wood, wore in the city for a few
hours ve."t eniav, driving down in the
ear of .!r. Uolesdernior.
They were
p'oar-.'i:t callers
conversat ion with
thi.; o!:iee, and io
.Mr. Stoohr, he in-
ua that he will have to find ;
new home the coming1 iea..oi., as tin
farm ho i renting changes hands
land ho is looking for a farm to rcrt
f,u; h farmers i-s Mr. Stoelir and fam-
j j..- will :,uro have no trouble in In
J .".? ;j -; a farui. if th. r.? are an;
f.irm.; at
co'.iii: r .
all to be rented in th
; evening a party of four yoiui'.:
(LourKd with a ;" for Chi-
w 'lie re thev will me-ef G"oveiici
', who will return with them
party comistcd of i'oiiock Par
Ceo. O. Dovey, Will Richard
of Mvnard and Will Goehuer o
r on
They will drive over the River to.
River (rail, which is considered the
est. crossing the state ot Iowa, nun
which has no suocrior in the mat
ter o; good roads in the w?it. They
wiil see a groat ciiy .is well u:
crreat and beautiful stretch ci coun
try between lure ami there.
r. E. Y. Cook has dispojod of His
elegant home in this city, as lie will
be. away for a number of years and
did not care to rent it. Mr. L. C.
the nurcnascr. and i he reri-
ctence, which is centrally located and
finely ar-nointcd. will make !Mr
Sharpe a nost convenient and do
light ful place to live. The consider
ation was ?ti.5o
Aubrey Huxbery, the eilieicnt sale:'.
man in the grocery department, of
the If. M. S'j'onnichsen store, depart-
iftcrnoon for St
Joseph, Mo., where lie will visit with
his father. Mr. Frank Duxbury, lor
some time, and see the sights in St
Joseph, after which he will go to
Albany, where he will visit with oth
er relatives before returning home.
Walter Propst, vho live., six miffs
west, of riattsmouth, is just com
pleting a new house for a home,
which is to be one of great con
venience and utility as well a:-', beau
tiful. The building, .which contains
eight rooms, was constructed by T.
J. Isner and his coterie of accom
plished workmen, C. A. Welch and
Charles Hitt. The building is just
now ready for the plasterers, and J.
V. Kinser will begin today on that,
portion of the work. M. M. Deal will
do the painting and decorating. Mr.
Isner and workmen are just now get
ting the barn frame raised, and will
have it enclosed in a short time. Mr.
Fropst with' all new buildings will
have a very nicely appointed and
convenient farul home.
Go to Chase county with Rosen
crans Sunday evening and look over
the farms he has for sale. The price
i3 right.
Miss Grace Perry, who has been
the kind and accommodating clerk
at the Nebraska Telephone and Tele
graph Company's operating room,
after having given the public four
teen years of the best of service, has
resigned her position there and, yes
terday morning, began work at the
Burlfcigton store house, as an assist
ant, to foreman Edward Roman. The
long continued service of Miss Perry
speaks for her competency an I re
liability, which should go a long way
in assuring her success in her new
position. NOTICE!
Having dissolved partnership in
he firm of Wolff & Ault. wo have
cIo.;cd our firm's accounts and all
parties knowing thense'ves indebt
ed to us will confer a favor to us by
calling and settling the same.
Very respectfully,
Mr. and
have been
some time
Mrs. S. II. Colvin, who
visiting in this' city for
past, the r".;ests of Mrs.
Cummins, and other friends.
departed for Omaha this afternoon
and from there they will go to
Sou) herian i, la., for a visit with
relatives for a. short time before they
depart for their home at Turlock,
Calif. Mr. Colvin, it will be remem
bered, lived in Plattsmouth many
years ago, and has not visited here
icr nearly a score of years.
Mrs. Chas. C. Janda and daughter:",
accompanied by Mrs. Janda's sister,
Miss Edith Toman," departed this
morning ever the IJurlington for
Valley Falls, Kan., where they will
"pond some two weeks visiting with
relatives and friends, and while there
will bo the guest at the home of Dr.
Pecinovosky, who is a cousin of 'Irs.
Janda and her sister.
ixin s
Drs. EVlach .R9achf Ths
Th l&rgost and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. SpeoUlittl tm
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain ftlliafa
just like tooth. Instrument carefully sterilized alter using.
Send for nana sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
A mild
. . . . . u u a!l??tlle"? oscd. A enre guaranteed In ererycaae accepted
-fj K?1" ndn0 non5T t0npaid a?til L Write for boc en Recta 1 Disea sesVth m rti
and testlmo:alal3 of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cored.
DR. E. R. TARZ1Y 240 Ceo BuKdins OH AH A, NEDRASKA
See the new
caps in our
ING. Mr. A. L. Engelkemeier, from west
of Murray, was a pasenger to Omaha
this morning, where he goes to visit
his brother, Henry Engelkemeier,
who is in the Methodist hospital re
covering from an operation for ap
pendicitis. Mr. Henry Engelkemeier
has been very low but is now show
ing improvement, and his relatives
and friends are being encouraged by
the change for the better.
On the road between Rock Bluff and
Nehawka. by the way of Murray, a
Presto tank and Number 1723 for
niotcr cycle. Finder please notify or
return tank to W. S. Doughty, at Ne
hawka and get reward.
Make the Most Out of Life.
The famous Norwegian arctic ex
plorer. Fridtjof Nansen, says it Is.
essential for the community and
ftate that each citizen should be
brought up to fully understand that
his duty towards himself and others
is to make the most out oi tins me,
and be as happy as possible. Melan
choly and pessimism are sins if they
lead to inactivity. Hut we wish to
add that often stomach disorders
are responsible for those moods and
that Triner's American Elixir of Bit
ter wine is the best remedy for all
such troubles. It cleans out the
stomach, aids digestion, restores ap
petite, brightens the mind and braces
tip the entire system. Price $1.00,
at drug rtores. Triner's Liniment is
a first class preparation. Its re
markable effects in cases of rheuma
tism, neuralgia, sprains, swellings,
etc., make it popular. Price 25c and
oOc. at drug stores; by mail. 35c and
60c. Joseph Triner, ""Manufacturing
Chemist. 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave..
Chicago, HI.
Box P?per and Correspondence
Cards at the Journal office.
Collars neckties sox handker
chiefs hats caps gloves shirks
and a suit of clothes.
All are necessary parts of a man's
Being exclusively a man's store this
is the best place to buy the "fixin s."
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
Fistula-Pay When Cured
system f f nnrmnf that
other Recta 1 Diseases in a abort time, without a severe 8 or
KICal ODeratlnn. Kn Chnmfnrrr Fth r nfh.