The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917,
l'AGE 7.
f '
i- TtiK niSTnif t rornT ' nrtmr r
Marshal. Oil Co.. an Jov.-a Corporatloji;
Nebraska" F.uicK Automoijiio ?".. h
Nebraska Corporal ior,. i-vti I'aN'.on
& (Jallacrher .Co,, a Nohrcislta Cor
jK)vation, ' . . ' '
. I'luintifi';. " ' . 1 -
vs. ' . ' .' -
Charles Morinani " .
no. n. r. r;ii:i:. r ,
it liavinjr lren shmvn lo the Court
t h;i t otj t lie L'lst .lav U" .tulv. T.M7. a
i'tll!lll WilH
I'lcil in tliis court nrav
that Charles
hii iikrupt in
1. Xarm;m r" : iiilt?4-ri . 11
m coi iln ii wit li Tlif act-i
of- Conart's
relating to hunkruptt'y.
u 1 1 1 on 1 1 1 e
'ami' lay. to-wit, July !
1 i 1 7. Jatul) Fawcett an-1 JJohtrt S.
Motkett, attorneys for said iejliioni:i
creditors, tiled a petition prayins' for
an oi tier for notice- to .aid t'harlos I.
Norman by pnlHcation. and settins out
in such petition Under oath that. said
Charles I... N'ortnan is not an inhabit
ant of or found within I lie District of
Nebraska. aiul lias nor entered his jip
)ic:ira!cc on said petition, and that his
residence is to them unktiowni -iiw.
upon motion of said -Jacob Kawrett
and JiotHjr S. Mockctt, attorneys, as
aforesaid, it is bv tlie Court - '
Ordered that the above named al
leged bankrupt. Charles T4. Norman,
answer, plead or demiir to t lie- pet ition
tiled herein asrainst bim on or l.eforo
tii1 Clli day of Auirust. VM7t and in
case of his failure to so plead, answer5
or demur thereto, adjudication shall be
m-ule according to the prayer of said
pet i lion.
It is is further ordered that a cony"
of this order bo jiiiblished in the
I'lattsmoutii Journal, at I'lattsmautli.
in the State of Nebraska. onc n week
for two consecutive weeks,- said pub
lication to commence not later than the
'7th day of July. l'.MT. and that a copy
of this order be mailed to the said a.1-ltr-d
-;i:ikriiit at his last known place
of residence in Louisville. Cass County.
Nebraska, on or before the date of lirsl
publication s-.s. herein ordered..
1'niud Str.tes of America.)
1 i.-lrict of Nebraska, :
IJncoln I ivision, "
I. K. C. llovt. Clerk of
Ci-ntt d
I isti ict
tiat the
copy of
States District t
of Nebraska. do
ourt for the
t reliv certify
;e ami rorrei t
! oi ij;oi is a t i
an rde r ma
ntitied cas
and entered
in the -a hove
lay of July.
on the JiJrd
A. D. i:17.
Witness inv ':aed as Clerk. :d the
se-'l f said Covri. at Lincoln. Nebras
ka, this lrd day of Julv, A. D. If 17.
11. C. 11VT.
(Si:L - Clerk.
: .1. II. J!el'l..Y,
T-J--wk w lcputy.
hi 1 i:i;:iToiiN.
he Milie .'.'niii.a,i
... . . .....
Ca :--s i'')i!iitv, ) sx.
in Tin: corxTv con;?.
Jr. the Matter of the Instate of Conrad
H. Yallery. Dct -. a.-cd. To the Cj-ed-itors
of said estate:
You are hereby notified thit 1 will
sit at the C-mntv Cotirt Iloom in
f Va ttsr.iout li in said Countv. on the
loth dav of Aiiuui-t. 1017, anl the lst
da-' of Febrr.irv, 1"1. at l' o'clock
-."M. of ca. !;l,iy. to !eeei'e and ex
amine all clanji.- against said est;te.
with a. view to 1 hei r adjustment and
I iew :i nee. The time limited for t he
est a to is si:;
of Aii--rut.
s from
1 1 7, :
against said
the ll'Jth day
id the time
debts is One
.. 1 .
pa ' in1
;-acl :
limited for
Y. ar iroiu
1 1' 1 7 .
dav of Aucusl,
my baud and
ij 1
Cot; it this
alli:n j. i:r:i
H N.
J ndg.
(i;di.ii ii' hcii; m vtici:
OF I'l'tltltTK F MILL.
?tat- ..!' Nebraska.
'iiiiiil r of Cass, ;
Tin: forN'i'v rurKT
1 N
ft l NT . M-.IJKAM
To Adam M '-isi i: . r. C-oine J
r. Philip M' 1 -iiiccr. J. J
krer. V.iliie II. M-lsins.
is Mi
ls : n -Uie
.M.isiner. i2mu.a Mei.-ini.--r, Li::.U:
ieo'i. and Nellie Horn, .ad all Tier
sons intere.-.t i"i ill tl..- cstat" " J.
Henrv Meisin-'er. Deceased:
1 :: reading tbr- j.etilion Adapt
Mei--inirei- oiayitis tiat flic instrument
tiled in lhi5 court on ihe lsth ia- of
Julv. 1017. and pu r;.ort inir to be the
last will atid testament f the said de-
-a st i !.
and re
4 a s' i :
ill i t t !
mav le i-rove.i and aiiowc-o,
orded as the last will ami less
or" J. H!ir- Mei-i!iij'r.
lliil .i;d i ris 1 1 llillin t be nd
to pro'alc, i.r.d tl adminislra
said estme be wrant.-d ! Adam
t ie n
Meist-i'ier. as .c.M-nt or. It is nereny
ordered that you. and all persons in
terested in said matter, may. ai.d do.
appear at the County Court to be held
in and for .-aid amnty, n the -1st day
if Allien st.
.. 1 . 114. at 1' o cloeK f.
M.. to show, 1
1 1 4' prayer of
he t; ran ted,
pernancy "f
: 11
if any lb. ere re, why
P'-tili"4icr should not.
1 the.t notice of the
I 1 .-i it on ami that tie
! i;iven to all iicrs"t s
JiearuiS there
d b-
interest-'! in
matlir l.v publisb-or-:r
i -i 'lie 1 "ia 1 1 s
s -lnl-wi e!;l v nw.-
inir a ci'l'v f
1 his
mouth Journal, a
nancr printeil in
:i.l ci.niiitv, for three
suc-' ssi ve
lieari npr.
Yitio. ss
court thi
wet. lis prior
to said
day of
m v
D th
dl v
! i. u-d sea I f said
of Joi v. .V D. Pa 17.
;n .1. p.r;i-:so.v. .
t'ounty Ju'li'.
Tin-: myi kkt i iit of
In the Matter
of the L'stale
Henrv AV. Kiitnn, Deceascil.
'ui;pi;i; to snow -.i si:
Now 4n this 7th ilay of July,
V. .
a fi rt'-T
PG7. this
III t ll 4' p4
as admin
ilcnry ".
li-ense t'
:ni.' e
t it ion
st ra I r i
Ka Ion.
c.l tlie
r 1
.1 it Ii v
t lie
SC4l, p
1 1 inidi
estate of
uviicj: for
I Tv lve
l-Tl4- en i: ! 1 a nd I Wo
1'1L' in ti'e villnire 'f ! ;i wood. 'ass
"4iu"nt, Nf 1-raska, or a sufficient
amount thereof t4 hi rm 1 lo- sum Of
Sis Hundred Dollars ($0.00f fo- I lie
payment of lebts allowed against said
.estate arid tin- costs of ai in i ni.-1 ra t i' .n.
there not l4in sniTicieiit pcr-ciai
piop4-rly lo pay said debts and n-
It is Gierefo'V 4.rdet-d that all per
sons interest4-d in srid -state appear
1.4 lore me at the District Court room
in the Court Hons.- at Plattsmouth.
'.as.i Countv. Nebraska, on the "0th
dav of AuK"st, A. I . K'17. at 10 o'clock
A.M. of slid :T. ti liow caus wh
a lb-crise hhould not be prnntefi t4 said
alministratrix to S4- so much of Hie
iilntvo described real estate as shall be
necessary to pay sahl ilebts and e.-
It H further orh rd that notice
.r vio h lo-arini; be wiveu l.-y liubli-hin
a opy of tliis 4irdcr
,.0.0 Hi semi-weekly .1
in th
- Platts
for four
date of
i I tin 1
successive weeks
before ilo;
Dated this 7tli day of July
A. D.
Jude of the District Court.
7-23-4 wks wkly
FOIt I'I'OI I r;. 1 ! .iniu.-is-TIIATOK
The State of Nebraska,)
Cass County. ) ss.
ii Tlie County Court.
In tbe Matter of the. Kstate of Jane A
nnwv. 1 lec-easerl.
On rftLdinK and tiling the petition of
i.i.ui-.i fii'iivcnor Dovey and Geortre t.
hover prayins tnai Auminisinuion 01
said Kstate may be granted to Frank
K Schlater. as Administrator, ;
Ordered. That August 7lh, A. I. 1917,
sit 10 o'clock A. M., is assiKtied- for
liearinj? said petition, when all persona
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held in and
lor said County, and show cause -why
the prayer of petitioners should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and" the hearing
thereof be Riven to all persons inter-,
ested-in said matter bv rbllshinsr a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly -newspaper,
printed In said Cou-nty, fo-thre4m(i
cesive weeks, prior, to said day; of hear-
atei July 6th, 1017. ' ' '"- '"'
' ALLEN' j; BEESON. -!
-. v " - , County- Jdir9: .-c
,Juii?c:t L. Gilchrist. -Plaintifr,
- vs..
. Thomas tu J'almer, el al., defendants.
1 ' Nat ice'ef tSi i to -Quiet Title.
' .. . ;t i'ift oiKemiauts. i Lumar Xi. J'al
n'f. :. Mi ' TUumay CT. rainier, first real
namu. unknown; the unknown heirs,
dv Istv-O.' leijati-es. persoaal ' reprepen
latfves i-nd aH other persons interested'
n the. estate of Tlnimas tl. IVilruor. de-.-caHeJ;
1 ho unknown jlieirs. ilevisees,
Lexalecs, pei soijaj repfrseiilat ivOs and ,
all other persons interested in the e-j
tat(; of Jlrs. Thomas C I'almer. lirsti
real 14a ue unk.nown, deceased; :d. V.
'Jreeii tirst real Mine unknown; Mrs.,
M. -AY. C.ieen. lirst real name unknown;
the unknown heirs, devises, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
person interested in the estate of M.
Vf. Green, first real name unknown;
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
leiitees, personal represent taives and
a)l .other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. M. AY. Green, tirst real
name unknown,, deceased; AY. Sj. Graff,
lirsi real name unknown.. Mrs. Y. S.
i 2 raff, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Y.
S. Graft; tirst real name unknown, de-
I ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees. personal representatives
'and.-. ali ; other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. W. S.
Graff. first" real name unknown,
deceased; Joseph MeCreary; Mrs. Jo
seph McCieury, first real name un-
I known; tin- unknown heirs, devisees.
I legatees,- personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Joseph MeCreary, decased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Joseph MeCreary, first real name un
known, xleceased; Oran S. Thompson:
Mrs. CMan S. Thompson, lirst real name
unknown; the imkr.own heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
estate of ran S. Thompson, deceased:
l!;e unknown heirs .devisees, legatees,
personal representatives ami ail other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs
Gran S. Thompson, first real name un
known, deeeased; Provident Savings
l.'m S: KuiUins Association of Oma
ha: the unknown y run tees, successors
nd rfssirns of Provident vmirs
Loan iV P.itihiiiiK Association of Oma
ha; and the unknoun owners and tht
1 imknm-n claimanti.; of lots thiny-ono
i..l). tiurty-three tJ.D. thirty-four
c: I , t!'irty-(ive (:;.". lhirt -six c;iD
C-irty-sf veil t.. t u;rt y-ei.uht (..N
thirry-nine :;y. forty 1 I'll, l'ortv-4ni
1 ll. fort v-tu-o !'). forty-three ( I :t
i"ort -. four (II), forty-tivo tl."i. ami
fort-siv (!;. in I. V. W'fso's .ul
Lots Im atcil ithiii tovernnient Lot
u-ii 1 itn, 01 section eitriiiot 11 1M. 111
township twolve '12. liine fourteen
(11. east of the tith P. M ., and situated
in the City of Flattsnnjulh, Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska. .
Yoi: are hereby notified that "11 too
1'i'tli .my .if July. A. D. 1!17, nlantitf
riled his suit in the District Court of County of Cass, Nobravka, lo quiet
1' :a int iff title to the above described
lots, to-wit: Lots thirty-one Cil 1. thir-
tv-three .:.'!. thirty-four CPD, thirty
nve 5;. thirty-six j. thirty-seven
t:;7. t hiity-eifjht LIS), thirty-nine 3! .
frty (I'D. forty-one .11, forty-two
i 1:1. forty-three (131, forty-four lit)
forty-live (!. and trty-siv (lt. in
I". W. 'is"s o,t Lots, Icicatnl with
in G.eritmeut b't ten (I'll., of section
: i irhte n 1 li, township twelxe I1J
rn n tf e . t"o;:rteen ill, east if the lit h P
and situatel in the Citv of Platis-
tnottth. Cass Ciunty, Nebraska, be
can set of liis ydvcinc possession by him
.-elf and his enuitnis for more tl an
ten a ars prior to the eomtm-ncen'erit
if said si'i and to enjoin each and all
of o;; from haviiiu- or 4 la:mi:)ir any
t ii t, 1 1 tl-. lien or interest, either 1c
iral or 'iu i t a b!e .in or 10 said lts or
anv part thei-eof. To reiiuire ynil to
s.o forh yMii- rihl, titb-. claim,
lien -ii inteiest therein, if any. either
b.Uiil or c-i;i;sl'l'-, and to have the
satin- ;t.;ud:,cil inferior to tlie title of
pfaiatiflf and for frenetal enuitable re-lo-r.
This notice is made pursuant ti Go
order "t t i co-art. You are rcMuircd
to answer said p4-tition i 1 o- l4-forr
Monilay. Si' 10. .. i:17. 4r
your default will be duly entered
1 'lain tiff.
Attomev for I'iaintilf.
July :." iwks
ilt CASS CO I A TV. ? L2I1K IMi.t,
I'.t iie.diio- .Schneider, 1'iaiiiti.T,
Mario Kau liiciii-, Arthur Kibe, her
husband: Charles Kau, iSelma H.
Kan, Helen i:au, Verner Kau, Her
man i;au, Jr.: Adolph Kau, Sarah
C. Kau, his wife: Ksther Louise
Kau. and Arthur G. Luehr, administrator--
4if the estate of Herman
Kau. Jr.. deceased. Defendants.
Noti f Keferee's Sale.
N'MTlCi: IS HL'KKKY GfYKN that in
pi:rsuan-e 4f an older of tbe Dlsiri-t
Court 4iuiv entered on the r:oth day of
June. 1317. iri the above entitled canst
authori7:ins" me. a referee, in partition
to .sell the folhiwins described real es
tate, for cash, and as upon execution,
The Ist one-half of tlie Northwest
nuaiifr aii'l tin- Southwest quarter fill
in Section thirty-three. Township
twelve, Kaiits tea, containing 1M0
That I en the 11th 4lay of Aupr-
nst, P.U", at the liour of eleven '-IocU
A. M. of "said iay. at t ho South front
door .jf tfie Court, In the City of
Plattsuioikfr. Ca? County. Nebraska,
sell te the highest bidder for cash the
abov. eSid foreKOinpr descrilied real r.s
tfile anl in such parts as will be an
fioiiii '-d at said sale, reserving- the
rlf-bt. to reject or accept any and all
bids made at said sale. Said sale will
remain open for ito hour.
Dated this 0th day of June. 1917.
K'-free in 1'artition.
s-w-full :i0 dys
Ao ric i: to CHCumms.
Stat4- of Nel-aska,
Ca County. ss.
Jn tlie County Com!,
the Matter of the Kstate of Andrew
Dill. Dectaser To the Creditors of
Sabi Katate: '
You are hereby notified tlmt I will
sit at the County Court Koorn in
Plattsmouth in said County on the 2oth
day 4if Atipiist. 1917, and the L'lst day
of P.-brnary. IMS, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of each dtv, to receive inl -xamine all
cl-iirns against said Kstate, with a
vie-.-, to (lo-ir a.l justment arel allnw
rti'4." The lime limite.l for the presen
tation if 4'laimsi atrainst said 1'state is
six months from the L'Oth 4lay of Aitr
ust. A. D. 1!17, and the time limited
for payment oT tlehts Is One Year from
sabl -JO Hi Jay uf August, 1'J17.
Wit news my hand and the seal of
jsabl County Court- this lGth day of
July, 1017.
(Si;.L County Judge.
Y. t.;ien Boedeker, occupant, and
W. K. Olmstead, lirst real name
''unknown; Mra. V. K. Olmstead,
tirst real name unknown: .
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that the. undersigned C. A. Kawls
pureliased Lot Three CD- in Block
Thirteen 1 13 1 in Latta's First addition
to the village -of Murray, on the 22nd
day of March. A. p. .lsia, for the de
linquent tax'.s thereon -for the year
191:." -"amounting: to - $l.f.7, receiving
therefor ..County . Treasurer's Tax Sale
Certificate Number 4a37; that sabl lot
was asscs.'d in the name of V. K.
Olmstead. and that Die record title
thereto in the ofticeof the Register of
Deeds of- Cas -County, Nebraska,
satmhs in the name of Y. Jt. Olmstead;
that subsequently- to -said purrhase the
u n!c'rslirned, on the 1st day of-N'ovem-ber,J
A. D. 1915, paid on said lot under
sai l certificate taxefe for the year 1914
--amoirntlniff.' to 1.3St tnd thereafter on
tTsi? -21st dny; of June, ;A. 1). 1917, the
iirMlerfeigTw-."?. paid oa..saIxl lot under
feaidi eer-tificate taxes for Hie year 1915
in th exivh' of $1.77; tliat subsequently
the -undersigrnetl - paid . taxes on said
-lot under said certificate tor the year
19tG araountlns-to the yum -of - $1.38:
said payment was made on tlie 21st
day -of June, A. D. 1917.
The UttGerstened will apply to the
foanty Treasurer nt Cass t'ounty. Ne-
hruAka, far a deed to taid. lot. after
the 1'th day of November, A. D. 1?17.
in care redemption has not been niadt.
Of all oi which you will lake due
notice. " . '
July lC-Uwks Purchaser.
Tlie Slate of Nebraska.)
Cass County. ) ss.
In the County Cduft. '
In the Matter of the Kstate of Selina
. Barwick. Deeeased To the Cr;dJt
Aors of said estate:
oii are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court lloom in
Plattsmouth. in said County, on the
Gth day of August, 1917, and 6th day
or Februarj". ISIS, at o clocK A. -M..
on each of said days, to receive 'and
examine all claims airainst said Kstate.
with a view to their adjustment and
llinvancc. The time limited f4ir the
presentation of claims against said Ks
tate is six months from the fJtli day
of Ausust, A. D. 1917. and tlie time
limited for payment of debts is Ono
Year fmm said 2ml day of July, 1917.
"Witness my hand anl the seal of
saiil Ciiunty Court, this 2nd day of
July, 1917.
ALLh. .1. lilLU,
County Judge.
fill XT1 :F C ASS. XKi:it.KA.
Notice of Suit to (julet Title,
llimcnus Adams, Plaintift,
Samuel Mealey. et al., Def endan I s.
To the lefendauts, Samuel Mealey,
Mrs. Samuel Miuiev. lirsi real name
unkiiown; t h- uiikuow n lieirs. 4b'
visees, legatees. personal lcprescn-
talives aiol all ether persons in-
t eresu-d i:i tt state of sanu'ei
Mealey. deceased: tlie unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen-
talives am' all liier persons interested
in te estate of Mrs. Samuel Mealey,
first real name unknown, rleceaseil: S.
C. Smith, tirst real name unknown:
Mrs. s. c. smith, fu st real name nn- and deiarted on the early morning
known: tin- unknown heirs, devisees...-, .. ' , ,
lefca tees
?s. personal representatives ,
ler persons Milerestoti in 1 ne -s-
f S. C. Smith, first real name n,, -
all oth
tat4 of
known, ileceas.-4; tl
unknown lo irs,
devis es. Icijiilci s. pcrs-mal represen-j
tatives and all ollu-r pi-rsons int -ret el j
in ii-c oijif hi jii:-. i, riiiini, iii.i: . , .1
real name unknown, .leccas.d: tlo- un-v-s a passenger to Uniaiia tins morn
known owners and the unkiiown claim-j jllir r,v:n wlieie he will go to the bar
ants ijf the south'-ast iiiarLer i.K'i I ,
of se4tion t hirt -fmir en, tnunsii i p ' vcf-t litlds of South Dakota for v.ork
ehven Mil. noirli r:niiri tW4'lve ( 1 "' I . .... . . ..
east . f the .;th i M.. in the Countv of
Cass. Nebraska '
i o u are hereby notitiol that on the
'M!l ilay 4i" Julv. A. D. 1 1 7. rdaiTitilt
rib.d l is suit, in the Di.-n u t t f
the Countv of Cass. Nebraska, to nniet
ptaintiu:; title to ire anove uescr inei
land, to-wit: the southeast 4,uarter
SKU) of section thirty-f..ur CU .
township eleven ell, north ranjre
twelve ti;), east of the 6th i. XL. in
the County of Cass, Nebraska, hi ause
of his adverse possession by himself;
and his grantors for more than ten
years prior to the coninieuce:netit t'f ,
said suit and to enjoin each ami all f j
-4in from having 4.f claiming: anv riiiht. i
title, t i Ti ir interest, either leai r
unll ll a,lu it, ..I- I i . .-.It,! l-t.i.1 .... 'ii..'
rart thereof. T41 rr-ouiri- y.i'u to s t
fo: t!i our rieht. titb-, claim, lien or
interest therein, if any. either or
e;uitahl4, and to hae the san- ad-
j 1: i 1 interior i4 1 1 1 iit n 411 piaiuti-
and for general -jnitabb.- relief.
notb-e is mad.- pursuant to t ly order j tu,.ninrjr !olno ,0, the lllidlligllt Mis
ot ihe unit. 1 uu are t j 11 1 roil ti an- 1
sw4-r said p4-iitioii on 4r hefore M'ui-isouii l'acifu.
1;4- N.r,t 4111 ht-i' til A II 1 111 1 nr viiur
-Jafault wlil l-e iilv i)icr4-il then in.
My y. a. ki?i;i:tsi:.
Hi Attorney.
I.N Till! Dl
( III Ml
j.thk -1" ( in i:t nr Tin;
tl" t'A.. MCllltASKA.
James ;:. Walga and Charles Wit : yu.
Cora Murrsiy. it al., Defetnin tils.
N4tice of Suit to tjiiicl Titb-.
r.. the ,hfendant-, Hank Mori ay ; .
Henry .vlurray: lazie Mct iiril: Miles,
iiCiiii; iioiiert Miirrnx : Mrs. Uoi.crt
Mtiirav. first real tiame uuknuwn: Wil-
li nn Muira; Certru.b- Murrav. ami t .. i
the i:nlr.own owners and Ce -...w u ;
cla lina r.ts of tax lot twi'lvn till, iri I h- '
aori iv.est iiiarter 1 N w '., m' t i :
root h-a.-'., 4111a rt i-r 1NK1, ) )f sei-tio,i !
eiKi.t (M. township eleven fin. raiitfc I
fourte.-n mi, c;,st of th,- lUh 1: M. in:
ihe ounty ot l ass. .NcliiHsliii.
'ol are hen-bv uotitied that 111 the:
ISiU 4I1- of July. A. D. 1!'17, pla i a t i Ps I
liUil tiieir suit i:i t i Jrfstriet l.'ulirl i
of th- Ciiint- in Cas.- Nebraska, to
-;..iet piaii.tins titb to tie f oi lo wi nK !
.leseMbed lands, to-wit:
Tax lot tv.-el'.e i 1 z 1 , in th-- north-
west 'iiiarter i.wv,! 4.f the nort!:cast :
iuarl4'i- (Nl'i) 4.f section i 1 1 1 IM, 1
township eleven Mil. ran ye foorleen
(ID. east of the Uih 1 M.. in t la- Comi
ty of Cass, iNehiaska, ln-eansi- f their
adverse possession by themselves ami
tiu-ir jrrantor.-; for more than (4-11 j cars
prior to the commencement 4f said suit
and to enjoin each ami ail of you from
having or claiming any rit;ht, title,
lien or Interest, either leal .; eipiit-al-le.
In or to sahl lands, 4r any part
theia-iif: I41 ri'iuiia- you to set forth
your riht. title, claim, lien or Interest
therein, if anv, either leel or euiil
able. and to have the same ailjuded
inferior to the title 4.r plaintiffs ami
for neii'M-al eguiUibie relief.
This notice is made pursuant to 1 1
order of tbe court. Vou are reciuired
lo answer sajil petition oft 4r before
Monday, Si-pt-tnb'-i lt. .. D. 1H17, or
your default will be duly entered
y. a. i;obi:i:tsi n,
. 1 torney.
Jul oJ hv sw
i.i;t. i. itri'ici'j.
Svl'f lo N4J11-IJesident Defendants.
Their Heirs. Devisee.'-, IcKiitees.
J'ersonai I leprt-sen talives. and All
Persons Interesteil In Their
To Alex Abel; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal reprcsen
tativeK ami all other persons interested
in the estate 4.f Ales Abel.
You ami each of you are lierebv noti
fied that John H. Di r. as plaint in". 4in
the K;th lay of July, A. D. l'J17, filel
his ami raieil petition in tlie I listrv-t
Court 4f Cass r'ouiity, Nebraska,
wherein you ami all of -41u are def-nd-ants:
Ihe 4bject and prayer of which
petition are to foiecbjsH a certnin
mortuayi- jriven upon Iids Niro- and
Ten in uiock Two. except Ten feet on
the South end of Dot Ten, . all in
Kitchb- 1'lace Addition to l'lattsmouth.
('ass County. Nebraska, bv Alex Abel
to Francis M. Kimk for the sum jf
1'ive Hundred: Dollars. UurtRaKO re
coiled in Hook iZ of Mortgaged at
py.g 274.
You are reijuired to answer sahl
amended petition on or before the 17 Hi
dav of September, A. D. 1 17.
JOHN H. om:.
C. A. KAWLS, Claiutiff.
July ol) 4 wks.
U. I'l-I'ITKIN 1'IIH SP.TTM-:-li:.T
In tbe County Court of Cass CChnty,
TMi. Slitlo of Tohrii.kH.l
Casa County, ss.
To all persont. intereetcil in the estate
I of John C. l.ockie, deeea-jed:
1 In reading the petit Km -of Samuel J.
arl, prayinsr a linal settlement and al
Court on ti:eliStu . day. of Jul;-. DH7.
imd fir distribution of estate and dis-j
charge of ex.-caiarr .ii. is lierebv or-j
deredi that you . and, aU persons' inter-
ested In- said mattor may.-and -do, ap-
pear at tlie' County Court, to-be heid in ,
and for said County, on the Gth day of 19J7. at s o'clock a. m -
?rrajit?d. and - thar-TOtfr-of-tht- trrt
envy of .aaid petition i- nd ti e non hi;
thereof be firm to ai persons i.ner---
fFte.i ;ii ?a 'i.i matter oy pvi i,iis::;:i a
copy oi- tj.-i order j.l .1 no . -l'ii;t:4riO:t ii
.loorjial. a sernf-wcp-kly newspaper
prlnie1 in id cotnit1'. for nni' sinri'f
sive w f T: prior to :aid .day of !ru ri nvf.
lr. v.-i'.jii'S's whereof I have ht iuntu
set liand and th- seal 4f sail Court,
this 2Sth dav of Julv. A. D. 1917.
( SKA L . ALLION .1. BKKSi .,
Countv J ij 1 1 ltc.
A I torncv.
- : ' July r.iU-l-'sw
From Tueadav's Daily.
Gallent Kake, of near Union, was
a business VISltQjr in tlie City this
Mrs. Grace Sawyer, of South Bend,
accompanied by her daughter, Lucile,
were in the city yesterday afternoon
locking after some business with our
James R. Jordan, of near Cedar
Creek, was a business visitor in the
city tcdr.y, coming in on the Burling
ton train this morning and returning
home this afternoon.
Henry Snckc, from the west end of
the county, one of the commiss'oncrs,
came in last evening ami will meet
-:l-. ,.il. ,. .or,, .:..! i l.
" -"-" .......-. ..w.v-
j ing after some business for the county
;4 .
T . , ... , - x. , ,
Davul I . U est, of rseiiawka, came
' ... ,.K. J,li v : .
' JP "lll n'OU111'' " lih 1
uu...mKi.w u.uu hm - nci e ne .
.-i!l 'nil.- -ifiei- mi,. TMii- .- hi-iHot-c'
'11 '""lv .aUcl 'SnlL HUltlei S
lor tfic day.
I. C. Patterson, from liock BlulFs,
. fir.g ttv.: rtmaindtr oi the summer.
! and fall months.
Cnrnoi-' 1 ATbbi-i l-!m-n ,!.-n..n.,-,l !
" 1
SatillCaiV lOi' (.O 0'H (). Wlltre he Will!
.. r,,l.i,. .. .... 1. ,.i . .
; I?lt at Boulder lOf.a Week unless
r-n'l.-.l ..o-.ov 1.,. ih.. .rm-amim-nf
. for mobilization as a member of toe
..r-. j.. q:..,i, ,.f -jn;,h ., .v.,.-.,
i-4r.CL, i.vtll, Oi Die il .ie 1- a menl-
ber. having tn'istfcd some time back,
Jack Roildv ami Mcnt Kcbb, botii
of Unicn, we:it to Omaha yestei hi
moHiirg in Mr. Koddy's e:ir, where i
Ajr pr,!(v ;(-voil IV i r Tlohh rann
"ur- 1ctlui su((l- iM 1 Knno came
back n th.e Burlington train and vis-
itcd in IMfittsriioiith l.tst evening, re
John V. Hall ard wife departed this
n. Ior i'-'ia; yvnie, .Mo., wncro tney
will meet friends Mid take an outing
! for two uwks. .-.nd fishin-r
Thev have friends there ar.d the rcstl
'r 4, 1 ' . i-
iliom the active business of traveling!
siileuman which Mr. Hall follows will
be a much needed rest fer him.
Edward Wood of Dyesviilc, O., who
has been jn th;s p fc f th country
. 1 J
during the season, having come here
!, . T 1 1 1
last January, ard iias been engaged
;it an,j near CeI;'r Creek, making liis
r.ortic with his brother. Mr. Prank
... , , , ., .
''d. departed tins morning over
the Burlington for former home
in the east
r ...
W. I'. DielS, of LoUlSVllle, OlOVe
, ' , , ... ...
dov 11 yay atternoon m his car,
accomoanied by L. J. Mavfield, editor
. J
of the Louisville Courier, and his son,
n -m 1 1 . ,
E- A- Mayheld, who Came (lOWtl l(
look after the thawing, as he was
among the first called. The calls for
examination which are being sent out
"will be for appearance Monday, Au
gust Gth.
. Mrs. Neill received a letter from
her son, Glen, who some months ago
joined the navy, and who was at a
training station in California, and
was with Cyril Jr.nda also from this
city. The letter say that both the
Plattsmouth boys fcave been placed on
the "Saratoga," and will go for a
trip on the Pacific ocean as a part of
their training.
Frank Ii. Gobelman, with .his wife, 1
and accompanied by Joe Grow of
Mansfield, Texas,' went out to Cedar
Creek last evening, camping and
spending the night there fishkig.
Whether they got more mosquito
bites than fish bites we have not been
advised", but they were successful in
the matter of making a catch, and
they are now having fresh fish to eat.
James Fitzgerald, who has been on
the sick V.kI for :orne lime, and was
at a hospital at Omaha leceiving
treatment for his general health, had
fVO of hi-; foe-; lmnnlnted which hod
1 OI tU" CC L" JmputateU, WHICH rial
been D ozen last winter, was down this
morning, and says, that the toes are
now healing up and that he is begin
ning to feel better, but Jiis strength
docs not return as rapidly as he
would wish. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Erhait and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erhartof the
vicinity of Wabash, motored to this
city this morning for a short visit
with friends and to attend to some
important business matters. They
were pleasant callers at this office,
and v.hile here Mr. Erhart had his
subscription extended for another
year, and Mr. Frank Erhart" had his
name enrolled en i. our list.
, ' T, ' 1
Charles JJrown, .of Ahom mention
u;ae-ma.7e in this '&un' veserdav ot
. " maue ia,cfiia ycxpyXiuayuL.
having undtrgoue, an -operation fof
- " . " "
the removal of trail stones at. the
hospital, is reported as be-
- irrvnr - ffrw - , -awl the nurse at the
', . , , , ,
hospital telephoned Mr. Browns un-
clc, Sir. J. W. Lovther of this place,
to come.". Lov.'thiT departed, on
iheiiret train for the bedside of
his nephew, hoping to be .able to do
something; to relieve his "suffering
ar.J assist in "lis restoration to
health, ... -
Mrs. Luke Wiles and daughter. Miss
Margaret, and son Linvillo, were
pass -enters for" Lincoln thil; mo nin":,
where they will encamp at the camp
ing grounds'-at Bethany Park, and
will attend the fifty-year anniverstry
of the establishment of the Christian
ewmeu m :uvn iucr. mej expect io
spend gome time m the camp, "and
theje meet many friends from Lin
coln and other portions of the state.
Mrs. S. A. Wiles and daughter, Helen,
were also pasengers for the same
place, where they will be in attend
ance at the annual convention of the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wr. Glenn,
who departed fion here about two
weeks since, to attend a golden wed
ding of Mr. Glenn's sister, Mrs. Wm.
Steams, at Orian, 111., returned home
this "morning. They were at the
golden wedding, where they met a
large number of friends, as well as
relatives. While away they also vis
ited with ether relatives and friends
at jjocj. lPaT1(l
I irr some lime
, 111., as well as spend-
at the home of their
i - oc,.., r, .,,wi o
i0!1 r- Oscar Glenn and lamilj, at
Genost(. UL Tncy lt,yoll an excti
,ent Ume whik. awa jjjj.
- . f ..,.,r..i-
i C'Ui iici,- ij jj2v. i'Ji vai uncut iiuya
,n n lines.
K con 'l'uesilay's Dally.
Lieutenant Harry F. Stone was a
passenger to Omaha this morning,
! where he goes to look after some
business matters.
l'Miip r ornort was a Dusmcss vis-
-'J1 111 oiini:g, iui:m:
i down on the Schuvler and returnintr
u ' 11 ljn Lie -uujii, di,u,
I home in the afternoon
B. F. Wiles was looking after some
business matters in Omaha this
morning, having been a passenger on
the early Burlington train
Peter Gakemeier of Murdock was
a visitor in this city this morning,
whe-ic he was looking alter some
b'-.-iiuss mailers in the county court.
Bruce Spires, of Plainview, who
has been visiting in the city for the
past few days looking after some
i busir.css matters, departed for his
! Kvine this afteniOOll
John McNurlin. who has been 100k-
1 ...
irg after tome business matters at
both LouisviHe end Cedar Creek for
the past few days, returned this
rromirg' over the Burlington.
Gene Schroeder of Louisville was a
business visitor in the city this motn-iro-,
and also went to Omaha on the
afternoon train, where he was looking
a"tcr some m itfers of business as
Henry Gakemeier, a prominent far
mer living: near Murdock, was a busi
ness visitor in this city today, com
ing ia this morning: over the Bur
lington, having business to look after
at the court hou.--e.
Adam Kafrenberger, who has been
visiting in Beadle county, l-.outh
Dakota, came in at noon yesterday,
and reports things looking line up
that way, but were getting a little
dry, and were needing rain.
Joseph Klein, of Omaha, came in
today on the noon train, and was look
ing after some business matters in
the city, and is looking fine, especial
ly as compared with the time when
we raw him before, when he had just
left one of the Omaha hospitals.
Judge J. T. Begley was a passen
ger to Omaha this tifternoon, ac
companying Judge Barer of Pawnee
City, who has been heir, as far as
Omaha on his return home, and will
look after seme business matter while
in Omaha.
Adam Meisinger and son, Rudolph,
of Cellar Creek, motored to this city
this afternoon to attend to tome busi
ness matters anikvisit relatives and
friends for a short time. Mr. Meis
inger states that they had a good
rain last night, but a little too much
wind, and considerable corn is blown
James Rainey returned thi.s after
noon from Grant, in Perkins vjity,
this state, where, he has thr ie quar
ter sections of land. He says that
things are looking rather dry out.
there, but that people who are careful
regarding the way they farmed, were
sure of romething of a crop.
Mrs. George G. Winscott, who has
been visiting at Lincoln and Ithaca
for the past two weeks, and caring for
a nierc, who died in Lincoln a few
dayti since and wa' buried at Ithaca
yesterday, returned home with her
little son. Miss P.uby Winscott, who
v;;s also at the funeral, remained for
a short time at the home of her aunt
111 Ithaca.-
r.Mr. Gilbert' Pettit, iof Eagle, who
was looking after - sonje business
matters at .Myrray.ryterday, came
to Plattsmouth last evening, whare
I he .vva'also transactbg business, go-
J - - '
Wn TV 1 fci avIM
T T v
i&G.'iivTr r
ing from here to Lincoln, v.hcre hy
had. some matters to I-iok a iter be
fore returning to his iume at Eagle.
Charles Hennings, jr., was a busi
ness visitor in the city this morning,
also going to Omaha, where he is
looking after some business matters
before going home. Mr. Hennings
says he will begin excavation tomor
row morning for the new farm home
which he will begin for himself soon.
The contract has been riven to Louis
ville contractors.
Mr. Floyd Paterage, who has been
for two years working in Omaha, en
gaged with a restaurant there, has
lesigned his position, and has been
working the past two days for J. II.
McMaken & Sons. Mr. Paterage says
that the rain was heavy enough to
prevent the gang which is grading
for the. new garage from working
during the forenon today.
Ed Frickc departed this morning
for Omaha, where he will join a
party of friends who will depart to
day for Minneapolis for an: outing,
and will camp along the way, and
wi)l be gone for some time. Since
the rain, which should make the
touring much better than it has been
for some time pai, the trip should
be an enjoyable one.
Mrs. E. G. Shellenbarger departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where she
rill be in attendance at the funeral
of her grandmother, JUrs. Anna Mc
Coach, who passed away Monday at
her home in that place at the age of
30, and whose funeral will occur to
morrow, Thursday. Mrs. McCoach
leaves three daughters to mourn her
death all living in Omaha.
rr4ni Tli4-i.ila v's l;sily.
August Noiting, whose Buick car
was torn up about two weeks since,
when the Missouri Pacific railway
train ran into it at the crossing while
attempting to cross the track, has
purchased a new car, this time buying
a light Oakland, the Oakland people
taking in exchange the Buick car
which was in the wrccrc. Mr. Nolting
was at lirst undecided as to whether
he would get the old car fixed up or
get a new one, and finally when the
received a good offer for the old car
concluded he would rather have the
new one.
Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. G94, also livery. J. E Mason,
' Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
FOR SALE The Dora Moore resi
dence property on Chicago Ave.; 8
rooms and bath, all modern. For par
ticulars sec or write Geo. J. Oldham.
Phone S05-J.
Sensational Auto Value of ihe Age!
:The- Crow-Elkhart
The most wonderful range of pover you have
ever known in a light car a quality of smoothness
that is new. The most car for tne money on the mar
ket today. Look into the wonderful performance of
this car with such economyrlS to 26 miles ori a gal
lon of gasoline.' Look into the high qualities of this
car, and you will wonder how it can be sold at the
popular price. A Big powerful looking car that domi
- nates the roads, for . f
345 f. o. b. Factory
For Demonstration See
E. Efl., MOLD, Agent
CAMP AND BETj K cadi to
Wm. Ormandcr, the cook in the
Geise restaurant, was before his hon
or,, Judge M. Archer, yesterday, and
pleaded to having dallied wfth some
hard cider, which was of that age
which inebriates, but does not nour
ish, and therefore became in a state
of intoxication, and which he admit
ted. The discriminating judge al
lowed him his liberty on the provision
that he should pay into the coffers
of the, city a small fine with three
dollars added for trimmings. Thi.i
was paid by the affable cook, with
the understanding that the next time
the amount would be $'Jo and costs.
Frank Harrison and sister, Miss El
len, who have been assisting in the
conducting bf the Holiness meetings
which are being conducted on Chicago
avenue, departed for their home at
Tabor, la., this morning, on account
of the call cf Mr. Harrison for ex
amination before the exemption board
of Fremont county, Iowa, which is
to be given at Sidney, la., within
the next few days.
Vrom TtU'sday's Daily.
Otto Wurl, who with his wife and
. . 1 ... 'i
little son came to visit his mother,
arriving last Sunday, departed this
morning for his home in Quincy, 111.
Mrs. Wurl and son will remain at
the home of Mr. Wurl's mother and
other friends whom she wished to
visit, for th present. Mr. Wurl, who
is sargeant ef the machine gun com
pany of the Fifth infantry, has been
delegated as drill master for other
companies of his regiment, and for
this reason had to return, not having
a longer time to visit, with his many
friends in this city.
We are prepared to take
care of meat and grocery or
ders. Just call us uj and let
us know what time you want
it and wTili have your order
ready for you. Don't forget
this is "Your
Market and