The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 30, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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.MONDAY, JULY. 30, 1917.
a b mc-trns&iri n i a$rop
litm Kriiiay's J Htly.
After suffering fo;- more than a
year, Mrs. Ilarve Gi?kk passed away
at her home, some twelve miles south
west of this city, last evening, aged
25 years. Mrs. Gregrfr, whose name
was Miss Edna ' Sb'hcphardson, " was
born in Weeping Water, living there
until a few years ago. when she s
united in marriage with 2r. ilarve
Gregg of Murray. They resided in
r.nd near Murray for some time, when
they went to Havelock to live, and
when Mrs. Gregg became sick came
back to reside in Murray. During
last winter she stayed in Plattsmouth
in order that she could have medical
attention. Mr. Gregg, who was very
v,wv.i-..u xi ...o .v,o ..v..-.t
everything he could to have her
heallh restored. As a last resort she
underwent an operation, and tuburcu- j
lar germs were founl in her kidneys, j
iler sun erings were most intense, ana
for the past week -she had not been j ests which prevail. The system of
expected to live. The funeral will taxation, which has in view the plac
occur from the Eight Mile Grove j ing of the burden of bearing the ex
church, tomorrow at 2 o'clock, and j of the- community, equally on
the interment made there. A good all as they are able to bear it, is just
woman, a most lovable wife, and -a and equitable. All who receive the
true friend to every good is thus ; advantages of residence in a corn
called home. Th3 Rev. J. A. Hargett j munity are in honor bound, if no
of the Christian church will deliver , in other way, to contribute to the bet
the funeral rermon. j torment of that community. Platts-
mouth, yes, our own city and it is
Tfl TlD PllfJO 03 fiPC'ary other thinS" which seems good
lU Uui bUlm 5 S tiS' uml ' we continue to live here
j and enjoy them, calls from us an ef
'fort to make this the best town pos-
From Friday's I.ial'y. - Slble.
Dr. T. E. Cav.king of Fremont, to- j We should trade in this town in
gether with his wife, drove down from preference to another, when the con
that city in the doctor's car this ditions are anywhere near equal. If
morning, to see Dr. E. W. Cook re- jwe are in business, to give as much
garding the matter of the business as we can in value and satisfaction,
and work of the head physician of j rot presuming to draw on the cus
the Modern Woodmen of America, j tomer's patriotism for the city to held
which position Dr. Cook has held for j him to the mark alone. Both buyer
tUe paEt twelve years. Dr. Cawkins and seller have a portion to do, and
has been appointed toswcceed Dr. j
Cook, since his promotion to the po-j
tition of supreme medical examiner ;
of the Modern Woodmen of America,
Dr. Cawkins and wife are well ac
quainted with Claude C. Smith and
wife, on whom they called
J today
also ac-
while in the city. They arc
juainted with Dr. Golding, son of
Mrs. Levi Golding of fhis city, who is
practicing his profession in Fremont.
Benton Harbor, Mich., July 2(5.
While bathing on the shores of Lake
Michigan at Lakeside, a village north
of this city, lute Wednesday, immedi
ately following a terrific storm, John
Duke of "Omaha was struck by light
ning and instantly killed, while hio
chum, Frederick Rich of Chicago, was
perhaps fatally shocked. Duke and
Rich had come here only a few days
ago to spend a brief vacation. Both
were good swimmers and no appre
hension for their safety was felt when
they entered the water.
Rich is still unconscious and small
hopes are held out for his recovery.
John Duke is the son of Elbert T.
Dnke, foimerly of this city, and a
grandson of John S. Duke, who for
years conducted a hardware store
here years ago.
From Friday's Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Richards, from
Ashland, the latter the guardian for
her brother, Mr. Lloyd Wortman,
incompVnt, came in this morning on
the ButuTigton and were making their
annual report before the county court.
Mr.-Richards reports things looking
fine between here and Ashland, but
avs the farmers need rain.
From Friday':-: Daily.
George A. Kaffenbei ger, while he
lives in the city, still is farming and
working on one of his farms every
day. Today he went out to begin the
construction of a granary on one of
his farms. This farm, which is just
west of the Bestor farm, has had no
place for the storage of small grain
crrps, and Mr. Kaffenberger is pre-
paring for the
harvest he is now
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
For Infants and Childr ca
In Use Foi Over 30 Years
Always tears
Eirnarurs of
; DAUGHTER. Kr'dav's I v
Rev. J. B. Jackson, pastor of the
unit eel" Presbyterian church at Mur-
cn tecl
ray, A. ho was called to Waterloo, la.,
some time since, on account of the
; serious" illness' of his daughter, wife
1 of Rev. -M. G. Mumm of that place,
and who has since died, returned this
morning over the Burlington, chang
: inr cars here for Murray. Rev. Jack
1 son in speaking -of- his daughter,
whose funeral was just held, $aLJ
. she was the mother of four children,
who besides the husband are left to
mourn hei. death
PrMn Frid3v-s lall-r
Commuitics were instituted among
men for the mutual convenience
of the citizens thereof and that
all might equally enjoy the bene-
nts oi a community oi inter
ours if we make it our home we who
i receive the benefits which this city
! affords, whether it be the good busi
ness it enables us to do, the agreeable
place for the home nest we build, or
should do it f reely and willingly. .Now
we want to say i
matter of boosting
a worn about uie
for the city in all
its ways.
The newspaper which is published
in a city and has not the interests of
that city at heart and does not work
with that end in view has not received
a vision of what its real mission is.
In the matetr of the dissemination of
news, the paper always is glad to ex
ert its utmost efforts in making the
town in which it is published the best
that can be made. True it is that a
paper is published for profit, and all
business is based on this principle,
and when this is not so look a little
out, for the man or company is not
free to say that he expects to make
the business pay, as all should, is a
laudable idea. All citizens are much
the same and all expect something
when they buy it. The subscriber,
who. after he has picked up a paper
and looked over it and finds nothing
of interest in it throws it down and
says "There is nothing in that paper,"
and then when the news gatherer
comes to him when he has items of in
terest and he does not know it, or does
not want to give them, because he
feels the paper needs them, has not a
kick coming and is not entitled to re
ceive a guxl paper. To make a good
paper all of the citizens of a com
munity should work cojointly to the
end that the entire community is ben
Fiu Fridav's Daily.
The new high school building, which
is in course of building, is making
good progress and is assuming shape.
Though the contract is a large one,
the work which has already been done
make the walls look like the building
it is to be. From the footings one
can now estimate its size in the
amount of ground which it will cover.
The progress of this building i3 of
interest to all and public interest will
be manifest as the building con
struction progresses.
Frn Friday's Dally.
Prof. W. E. -Atkinson of Exeter,
where he has been principal of the
schools for the past three years, and
; before that, principal of the schools
at Lawrence the preceding six years,
was an over night visitor in the city,
and met with the board of education
concerning his application for the po-
sjtion of superintendent of the city
schools. - Mr, Atkinson is a very nice
appearing . young man. He departed
for his. home this morning," awaiting
the decision of the board regarding
his application. . -
. Call' Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. 391, also livery. J. E Mason,
Republicans Won't Join Mann in
Fight for Committee to Ad
vise. President. - .
No Partisan Fight Can Command
Support Minority Leader is
Washington. D. C, July 2o.--While
senate and house conferees were be
ginning their work today on the long
delayed food control bill, sentiment
among house republicans crystallized
against further delaying enactment
by continuing Republican Leader
Mann's fight for creation of a jcint
congressional committee on war ex
At a conference of republican rep
resentatives it was made clear to Mr
Mann, according to those present.
that no partisan fight on the question
at this time could command the sup
port of the party's representation in
the house.
In the hope of getting the measure
through conference and ready for
President Wilson's signature next
week was brightened somewhat by the
development, but the lenders pointed
out that even with agitation for the
war committee amendment silenced in
the house, the senate remained n rec
ord as favoring it and a fight there
still was possible.
The president has asked that the
provision be eliminated because he be
lieves it will onlv harass those
charged with conducting the war.
The conferees met twice today, bu
accomplished little. They pledged
themselves to absolute secrecy during
their deliberations, but it is known
that they passed over the unopposed
senate amendments for the time be
ing and discussed generally differ
ences between the two houses over
amendments. Included in these were
the proposals for a war expenditures
committee and for a food control
board of three members.
Prompt action was promised by
most of the conferees, some predict
ing agreement by tomorrow night.
When Senator Martin, the democratic
leader, late today proposed a recess
of the senate until Monday, Senator
Kenyon suggested that the conferees
might be ready sooner.
Decision of the house republicans
to take bo further action at present
on the war expenditures committee
amendment was reached in a meeting
called by Mr. Mann, who summoned
all the republican representatives to
gether hurriedly after adjournment
of the house.
There was half r.n hour's bitter de
bute. While Mr. Mann merely placed
the proposition before the republicans
his remarks convinced that he was
desirous of continuing the republican
fight for a separate house vote on the
amendment temporarily lost yester
day when thirty-one republicans voted
with the democrats against such ac
tion. Former Speaker Cannon urged un
divided support of the president now
and declared that if it became appar
ent later that a war expendtures com
mittee was needed it could be created
by separate legislation.
The Hen That Lays
is the hen that pays. If she dot's Vot
lay, kill her, hut before ycu kill hei
give her B. A. Thomas' Poultry Rem
edy twice, a day fcr a week, and then
you will not kill h-?:-, for she will be
paying you a profit. It not only
makes in i.s lay bc. it is a remedy for
cholera, roup, and gapes. We guar
antee it to cure or we refund your
money. H. M. Soennichsen, Puis &
We are prepared to take
care of meat and grocery or
ders. Just call us up and let
us know -what time you want
it and will have your order
ready for you.. Don't forget
this is Your Market and
Matt Son
Frm Friday'" Pally.
Proud well, we should say he is
as proud as a little boy with his first
pair of copper-toed boots of a half
century ago. Sure we know, we -lived
'at that time. The occasion of the
proudness was when Dr. E. W. Cook
was presented with a- leather travel
ing, bag by the members of the-M.
W. A. and Royal Neighbors the gift
of over' 300 true friend.'. When such
things happen, 'why should not 'the
recipient feel some -degree of sat
isfaction over the present.
rx a b I
German Masses Not Lccking For
ward to Empire's Aggrandize
ment. Relieve War Will End Through
Shrewd Diplomatic Pro
cedures. London, July 2(". Germany's shat
tered dream of world conquest has
been shattered and the belief among
all classes there now is thut the war
tli rough diplomacy, rather than by a
brilliant victory, according to the Ger
man prisoners in England.
A representative of The Associated
P;css, who has just returned here af
ter a visit "to the large internemcnt
camp at Dorchester, where approxi
mately 1,900 German prisoners are
quartered, is enabled to present many
interesting sidelights on the German
viewpoint as represented by men of
all types who have fojght wich the
German forces on land and sea r.nd
in the air. These may be summarised
as follows:
Germany having held out thus far,
i-he is prepared to hold out to the
The economic situation in Germany
is not as bad as it has been repre
sented either by the hrlligerent or
neutral press.
v -ontraiy to rcrxMts., uiere is r.i
visible shortage of materials actually
needed for the prosecution of the war.
America's entry into the war will
prolong rather than shorten it.
The United States being essentially
a commercial nation, i-he cannot make
her great man power felt soon enough
to chang-e the course of events. The
submarines are doing all that was ex
pected of them.
A young German airman who was
brought down recently olf Dover
seemed t express the view oi tne
more intelligent class of prisoners by
asserting there had been so many
declarations of war-' against Ger
many when the United States came
in that any more did not matter.
Three Prussian youths, who were
taken prisoners by the British in the
recent push, were believed
to have represented the attitude of
the peasant class when they asserted
that they did not even know the
United States had entered the war.
A tall, distinguished looking fellow
who hud been a since the
battle of the Maine, and who said he
was formerly a lawyer in Bavaria,
expressed the belief that the war
would ' undoubtedly result in giving
the German people a more democratic
form of government. He doubted,
however, 'whether any attempt to re
move, the emperor would succeed. -
The remarkable training of the
Germans is shown in the discipline
maintained at the Dorchested prison
camp. Although more than 2'J,000
prisoners have been interned there
since the war started, only two have
attempted to escape. Almost without
exception the Germans say thy are
contented with their surroundings
and are well treated.
Perhaps the one thing that- im
presses an American tnost is the
rpirit of sympathy which seems to ex
ist between the British officials and
their German charges, and which i.s
shown not so much in their military
salutation as by the care the one has
taken not to contribute any more than
is necessary to the discomfort of the
other, while the prisoners- have smil
ingly accepted their lot as one in
finitely better than that of his former
comrades in arms.
From Friday's Pallv.
A. L. Huffner, who lives about
three miles southwest of the city and
who is building himself a new home,
is making good progress, having.-.the
frame work up and enclosed " with
the boxing, roof on, and a portion of
the siding. When completed this will
make one of the - loveliest of farm
homes, the location being superb and
within such close proximity to the
city. '
i m i urn m
Kp"n H'rldav's I'HiJv
Yesterday just' a:s the workmen
were completing the reaping of a
lit Id of wheat at George Ka.ffcr.berg
cr's, Mr. Kaffenberger noticed a thin
curl of .mokc issuing from a wheat
shock in the middle of the field, and
hurrying with " the workmen to the
spot, were able -to get another shock
out.Qf tb. way, though, the one .afire
was consumed. As to how the fire
originated is a mystery as none of
the workmen" smoked or had matches
about them.
Bring your welding to us. Platts-1
mouth Garage. Tel. 30 1.
Kit it. SKA, I.I.Nf.M.N 111 VISION.
MaryK'J Oil Co.. an Jowa ForporHtiun:
Xt'lu'iisku Tluirk -A utomoM ie Co., a
.lir;iska Corporation, ami Paxton
;r i 1h Klir Co., a Nc lrat-ka Cor-
porat ion.
mi h-s I.. Normal:,
I efenla:it.
N( :;. J. 1 . OK! i;K.
1 1
ha v
li-t-n shown to tie c'riurt
Ulst c;iy of Juiy, 1 f 1 7. n
IiK-'l in this court praying
1 Norman l.e aiijiuled a
accordance with the acts
! on Hie
1 1 i t i ri was
at Charles
nl;ii:ol in
of Conirrews
leliitinir to bankruptcy.
nn.1 on the same d;iy
to-wit. .Inly
ainl Robert
l:il7, .liicol. i-awcelt
ki-'.t, attorneys for said petitioning
!-.-tt!i:.-is. lil.d petition tirayins? for
?. order fcr notice lo saift Charles 1
Noriiiiiti !y pu u! ica tion. and ettins out
sin h petition under onth that said
' liarles L. Norman i.s not an inhabil
a:it of or found within the district of
Nebraska, and lias not entered his ap
pe ranee on said petition, and that hi
res:ilence is to them unknown: now.
ui'on motion of said Jacob i-awtett
and Robert S. Mm kett, attorneys as
a ! oresaid. it is by the court
ordered that the above named al-i---M
d bankrupt. c: :u les f-. Norman,
answer, plead or demur to the petition
.':- herein against him 01 m- before
1 1 - i:tli day of August. 1U17. and in ! hj failure to so plead, answer
;.f di mur thereto, ad bid iea tion shall be
made a- v oi duii; to the prayer of said
-! it ion.
It is is further ordered that a copv
: this order bo published in the
! l.itt smouth .iin:n:al, at Plat tsmout h.
i n
tli" State of Nebraska, flni-f a week
two consev-'.i t i ve weeks, said pnb
ition to commence not later than the
7;:i -la;, of July. 1H17. and that a copy
t this older be mailed to the said al
Irtred bankrupt at his last known place
of residence in Louisville, ('ass County.
Nebraska, on or before ti e date of first
pahilcalion as herein ordered.
t'niied States of America.)
District of Nebraska, i ss.
Lincoln Division, )
1. I L. C. Hoyt. Clerk of the I'nited
States District Court for th? District
of Xel-ie.ska. do hereby ccitify that the
I' letroir.- is a true a:id correct copy oi
an order made and entered in the above
entitled case on the LTrd day of July,
. !. 1!17.
Witness my hand as Clerk, and the
s-al of said Court, at Lincoln. Nebras
ka, this L'oid iIhv of July, A. D. 1917.
R. C. IiOYT.
i si: m i ciM-k.
P.y .1. II. McCLAV.
7- .v. ks n- 1 eputy.
s't;it" of Nebraska.)
'a-s Cniintv, i s .
In the Matter of the Estate of Conrad
II. Valiery. Deceased. To ti c Cred
itors of said estate:
Von are hereby notified that I will
s't at the County Court Room in
"'ii.ttvnioutli in said County. .n tli?
I'Mh dav of Antrus:. Kil7. and the -Jlst
day of February. 10D. at 10 o'clock
A. M. of day, to receive and ex
aaiine all claims a-ainst said estste.
with a view to their ad.l'tment mid
;i 'low;: n-e. The time limned for .the
presentation of elainis .-ivraiiist ald
c-stafr- is six months from the "th day
of August. A. 1 . R'17. and the time
li-nited for payments of dclds is One
Ye:r from said ::otli day of August,
Witness my band and the seal of
said Count v Court this 1Mb day of
Julv. l'J 17.
Seal l County Judge.
a:ii)i:n ok ift-:tti; ami mticj:
"he State of Nebraska.)
Count" of Cass, ) ss.:
IN THE col'NTV roi'l.T OK
'o Adam Meisinirer, tjeorge J.
A Hie
ger, Philip Aleisiiisei-, .. .j.
g. r. Willie H. Me singer
Mejs; nirer, Emma Meisinaer
Born, and Nettie Horn, and all per
sotis interested in the estate of J.
ITenry Meisinger. Deceased:
)n reading the petition of Adam
Vi-isinser prayin-r that t lie instrument
ib-d in this court on the Dtii day of
July. 1 ! 1 7. and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proed and allowed,
and recorded as Cue last will and tes
tament of J. Henry Meisinger, de
ceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
ii :i of said estate be ri.uted to Adam
Me'sinirer. as executor. It is. hereby
ordered that you, and all persons in
terested in said matter, may, and do.
appear at the County Court to be held
i:i ami for said county, on the "1st day
of August. A. D. 1!U7, at - o'clock 1.
M.. to show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should not
b ?rranted. ami that notice of the
pendency of said pot it on and that the
hearing thereof be given to all person.
interested in said uiatUr by publish
ing a copv of this order in The Platts
ivouth Journal, a se'ni-weekly news
paper printed in said count-, for three
siMcessivc weeks prior to said day of
hej.i ring.
Witness rnv hand ami seal of said
court this lth il.-u- r.f Julv. A. D. 1917.
(Seal) Cjunty J u d ge.
nil.NTL MIllltAMiA.
In t!
'.latter of the Estate
Henrv V. Eaton. Deceased.
Nov.- on this 7th day of July, A. D.
1117. this cause came on for jf,earintr
on the petition of Dorothy M. Evnch
as administratrix of the ostafe of
Henry W. Eaton, deceased, pravmg for
license to, sell Lots Two Hundred
Eleven (I'll) and Two Hundred Twelve
OJI) in the village of bret'iiwouil. Cass
County. Nobruska, or a sufficient
PMiotKit thereof to brirtr the sum of
Siv Hundred Dollars (Si)O.OO) for the
payment of debts allowed against t;nid
estate and the costs of administration,
there- not being sufficient personal
properly to pay said debts and ex
penses. It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at the District Court room
in the Court House at Plattsmouth.
Cass Countv. Nebraska, on the 2'Jli
day of August, A. D. 1917. at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day. to show cause why
a license should not be granted to said
administratrix to sell so niurh of the
above described real estate as shall be
necessary to pay said debts and ex
penses. It is further "orderei that notice
of such hearing be given by publishing
a, "copy of thid order in the Platts
niQUtn semi-weekly Journal for four
successive wejks before the date of
Dated this 7th day of July,. A. D.
Judge of the District Court.
7-23-4 wks wkly
In the Mutter of the. Guardianship
Anna C. Chilcott. Insane.
Order to show Cause.
This cause came on for ht-ariiipr upon
th oetition of Wesley Chilcott. suard-
iaii of the person aud estate of Anna ;
C. Cltilcott, insane, praying for license j
to seil the interest of his said ward, i
Anna C. Chilcott, In and to the follow
intc described real estate, to-wit: ;
The Northwest Quarter of the North-
e.tst ijtiarter of Section Twenty-four
tl'4 in Township Ten (10) Range Thir-,
teeii (li ill Cass Cou:it. Nebraska.
Said petitioner also aliejjintj that the
wife of petitioner. Anna C ChilcoU.
was auj-jdyed insane on tho 15th day
of Apiil. A. l. lStcj. and lias ever t-inoe
remained, insane, and i.s now confined
in the insane asvium in the state of
Nebraska. That petitioner id the owner .
in fee simple title of the above de-
scribed real estate, and the Court is
asked to ascertain the present value
of the interest of petitioner s wife, and
to authorize petitioner to sell the same
at public or private sale.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in the estate and in
terest of said Anna C. Chilcott, insane,
in anl to the above described real es
tate, appear before me at the office of
the Clerk of the District Court at
Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 4th day of August, A. I. 1917.
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, to
j-how cause why the Court should not
determine the present value of the in
terest of said Anna C. Chilcott in and
to the real estate hereinbefore de
scribed, and why license should not
be granted to Wesley Chilcott, jruard
ian of Anna C. Chilcott. insane, to sell
the interest of his said nurd in and
to tho real estate hereinbefore de
scri bed.
This order slial le served bp publish
ing the same in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal for at least three weeks success
ively prior to August -5th. 1!17.
Hated this J5th day of June, A. L.
Judae of the District Court.
July !)-3niis
The State of Nebraska,)
Cass County, ) ss.
In the Countv Court.
In the Matter or the Estate of Selina
Larwick. Deceased To the Credit
ors of said estate:
You are iiere: notified that I will
sit at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth. in said County, on the
titn dav of Auirust, 1S17. and Cth day
of ,I bruaiy. IMS. at : clock A. M..
o:i each of said days, to receive aiid
examine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said Es
tate is six months from the 6th day
of Auirust. A. D. 1!17. and the time
limited for payment of debus is One
Year from said "nd day Of July. Vi1.
Witness my hanu anfl the seal of
said County Court, this 2nd day of
July, iai7. '
County Judge.
til AH 1)1 A Al'l'Ol'.M,
tin1 Matter of -Guardianship of Loyd
v ortman. Incompetent:
All persons interested in said guard
ianship matter and .in the estate of
said incompetent will take notice that
the guardian has tiled his report and
account to date and petitioned for
settlement and alloance of said report
and account: that a hearing will be
had upon the same iti said co.irt on
the -:7th day of July. 1!17, at 10 A. M..
and all objections to said account and
report shall be on tile beforo said
Dated this t'th day of Julv. r.M7.
County Judtre.
for tax:
To A. II. tlraves, first real name tin
known; Mrs. A. H. Graves, tirat roal
name unknown: E. A. ("raves, first
real name unknown; Mrs. E. A
U raves, first real name unknown: E
L. Graves, first real name unknown
Mrs. E. L. Graves, rirst real name
unknown: W. W. Graves, lirst real
name"- unknown, and Mrs. W. W.
Graves, first real name unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the undersigned, Frank 1.
S!agel. purchased lets one til. two
ii, three :;), four M), five (."). six
ti). in block four south two y
west In the Villa-re of Rock Bluffs.
Cass County. Nebraska, on the ICth
di'.y of November. 131.", fur t lie delin
quent taxes thereon for the year 1911.
amounting to seventy cent-v receiving
therefore County Treasurer's certifi
cate of tax sale No. 4700; that said lot
was assessed in the name of A. it.
Graves and that the record title there
to in the o. ac of the Register of
Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska,
stands in the name of A. H. Graves,
E. A. Graves, E. I Graves and W. W.
Graves: that subsequently thereto, the
urdersigned, on the "nd day of June,
1S1. paid on lote under said certifi
cate, taxes for the year ll'l,".. amount
ing lo eleven cents, and thereafter, the
undersiprned. on the 'Jnd day of July,
1D17. paid on said lot under said cer
tificate, taxes for the year lt'lit,
amounting to eleven cents, and after
the 15th day of November, 1SG7. the
undersigned will apply to the County
Treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska,
for a deed to said lot in case redemp
tjon has not been made. The under
signed, during all of said time from
the receipt of said original tax sale
certificate, having been in possession
of said land.
Of all of which you will take due.
To Clemenzie Iniieider, widow; Emma
Walrod and husband. Geortre Walrod.
John Inhelder and wife, Mrs. John hi-
helder, lirst real
name unknown;
wife, Mrs. Frank
name unknown;
wife, Mrs. Jacob
Frank Inhelder and
Inhelder, first real
Jacob Inhelder and
Inhelder, first real
name unknown;
Mary Siiirke. widow:
You and each of you are hereby not i
fied that the undersigned. Henry In
helder. purchaser lot 15. in the north
west quarter of the southwest quarter
of section 5, township Z. north ranee
12. east of the 6th P. M.. in the County
of Cass, Nebraska, on the Srd day of
November. 1913. for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1&12. amounting to
$1.1!, receiving therefor County Treas
urer's Certificate of tax sale No. 4iil5;
that said lot was assessed in the name
of "Inhelder Estate" and that the rec
ord title thereto in tiie ofhee of the
Register of Devils of Cass County, Ne
braska.' stands in the name of John
Inhelder. now deceased, of whojn you
and others constitute the heirs at law;
that subsequently thereto the under
signed on the. 7th day of May, 1114,
paid on said lot under said certificate,
taxes for the jear lHlo. amounting to
45 cents, and thereafter, the under
signed on Septeinber 3. 1!15, paid on
said lot, under said certificate, taxes
for for the year lfl4, amounting to 51
cents, and thereafter, the undersigned
on September S. 191C. paid under said
certificate on said lot. taxes for the
year 1!15. amounting to 47 cents, and
thereafter, on May 24, 1917. the utjder
sfened paid on said lot under said cer
tificate taxes for the year 1U16,
amounting to 93 cents, and thut after
the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1917,
the undersigned will apply to the
County Treasurer of Cass County, Ne
braska, for a deed to said lot ill case
redemption has not been made.
Of all of which you will take due
Purchaser. .
July 9 3 wks s-w --
To Clemenaie Inhelder. -widow; Emma
Walrod and husband. George Wal
rod; John Inhelder and wife. Sirs',
John Inhelder, first real name un
known; Frank Inhelder and wife,
Mrs Frank Inhelder, first real name
unknown; John Inhelder and wife,
Mrs. John Inhelder, first read name
Htiknnwn: Ja-owb Inhelder arid- wife.
- atrs. jr.vob- inhWd-gr, lirtt t eal intiw
-unknown; Mary Shirke. widow: ''
You and each of-you are hereby noti
fied that the Undersigned. Henry ln
heldtr. purchased lot 10, i:i the south
west cuarte-- of the northwest quarter
cf section 5. townsLii.12. north, range
1J, fast uf the t'th P. M.. in the Countv
of Cass. Nebraska, on tke :;r day of
November. yi3, for -the delinquent
taxes for the year I'll-, amounting to
Sl.O': receiving therefor.- County
Treasurer's certificate o tax sale No.
Kilt; that said lot was asssseil In the
name of "Inhelder Estate'' irivl that
the record title thereto in the oliice
t-.t t?i. i-e:-:.ler itf deeds of 4ss t'oilll-
t v, Ntbi c.ska. stands in the name of
Henry Jnhelder, ' now deceased, of
whom ymi mid others constitute the
heirs at lav.'; that silsei nen t ly there
to, the undersigned on the 7th day of
Mav. D'll, paid on said lot under said
certificate, taxes for the year 1 f 1 3 .
amounting to "Jti cents, and thereafter,
the undersigned on September 3. 1 3 1 7,
paid on said lot, under said certificate,
taxes for the year-UU. amounting to
"4 cents, and The under--signed
on September 9. 10Pi, paid .un
der said certificate on spid lot, taxes
for the year lyj.'i, amounting to "I
cents, and thereafter, on May '1, 1!U7.
tin- undersigned paid on said lot under
said certificate. taxes for tho ya..r
1!H-J. amounting to $"".17. and that after
the ui-d day of November, A. E. 1917,
live undersigned will apnly to the
County Treasurer of Cass County, Ne
braska. f-r a deed to said lot in case
redemption has not been made.
Of u.11 of which you will take due
July V 3 wks s-w
for r
Ernestine Schneider, Plaint i IT,
Marie Ran Riebe, Arthur Riehe, ier
husband; Charles Rau. Selmu Jl.
Ran, Helen Rau, Verner Rau, Her
man Rau. Jr.; Artolph Rau, Sarah
O. Rau. iiis wife: Esther Louise
Rau. and Arthur G. Luehr, admin
istrator of the estate of Herman
Rau. Jr.. deceased. Defendants.
Notice of Referee" Sale.
pursuance of an order of the District
Court d il y entered on the :'0th day of
June. l!t.7, in the above entitled cause
authori7ihg me, as referee, in partition
to sell the following described real es
tate, for cash, and as upon execution.
The Rast one-half of the Nort-:e-t
quarter and the smithwi'st quarter :iil
in Section thirty-three. Township
twelve, Ranvt . ten, COnt!ni:ig 21'i
That I Trui cr thp lith day of Aug
ust, IV" i. at the hour of eleven n'ciw k
A. M. of day. nt the South front
door of the Court Hons-, in the City of
I'lattsmo-jth. Cass County. Nebraska,
sell te the highest bidder for cash tiio
above r.nd foregoing described real es
tate and in such parts as will be aft
noenced at sale, reserving the
richt to reject or accept any and all
bids made at said j-a!e. Said sale will
remain open for one hour.
Dated this 30th dav of June. 1917.
Referee in l'artition.
s-w-full 30 dys
o::d!-:i: of iii:K!N; o im-:iith
for ai'i'oi vr.mkw of adminis
The State of Nebraska,')
Cass Countv. ss.
In The Countv Court.
In tl " Matter of the .Estate of Jane
Dovey, deceased.
'n reading and tiling Die petition
Edward Grovenor Dovey and George
Dovey praying that Administration
ai'l Esiate may be granted to Frank
E. Schlater, s Administrator,
Ordered. That August 7th. A. T. 1117.
at ) o'clock A. M., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persona
imerested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to bo held in und
for said County, and show cause why
the prayer of petitioners should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and tho hearing
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper,
printed in said County, for three fruc
eesive weeks, prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated Julv Cth. 1917.
County Judge.
The Slate of Nebraska,
Cass County. ss.
In the County Coin I.
In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew
Dill, Decoaser T the Creditors of
Said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I
si at tie County Court Room in
I'lattsmouth in said County on the 2"t!i
day of August. 1917. and the 211 dav
of Februarv, IMls, at 10 o'clock a. In.
of i-noli day. to receive, nnl examine all'
claims against said Estate, with a
view to their adjustment and xl!ow-'
am e. Tho time limited for the presen
tation of claims against said Estate is
six months from the Jiitli dav of Aug
ust. Al D. "1917,' and the time Hmite.1
for payment of debts is One Year from
said 2v.ith day of August. 1917.
Witness my hand and tin; seal
said County Court this Dith d:iv
July, 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge
W. Glen Rbedeker. occupant, and
W. R. Oimstead, first real name
unknown: Mrs. W. R. Oimstead,
lir.real name, unknown;
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that tie undersigned C. A.'liawrts
pin-chased It Three ( " ) in Block
Thirteen !.". in Latta's First addition
to the village of Murrav. on the 22nd
day of March. A. D. 1915. for the de
linquent tt-xes thereon for the year
191". amounting to $1.57, receiving
therefor County Treasurer's. Tax Sale
Certificate Number 4.".1"7; that sa'd lot
was assessed in the name of W". Tl.
Oimstead. and that the record title
thereto in th" office of the Register of
Deeds of Cass County. Nebraska,
satnds in the name of W. R. Oimstead;
that subsequently- to said purchase. tn:
undersigned, on the 1st day of .Novem
ber. A. D. 1915, paid on said lot tinder
said certificate taxes for the year 11114
amounting to 1.3S: and thereafter on
the ;:lst day of June. A. D. 1U17. thei
undersigned paid on said lot under
said cert itioa te taxes for, the year 1915
in the sum of $1.77: that sabsequenlJv
the undersigned paidtaes on said
lot under said cert ideate for the ves r
19H amoiMiting to the sum of $l.o;
said pavtneut was made on the 21st
day of June. A. L. 1917.
The Undersigned will applv to tV
Courity Trmsurer of Cass County, Ne
braska, for a deed to said -lot, after
the !th day of November, A. D. 1917,
in case redemption has not been made.
Of all of which you will take due
July 16-3 wks Purchaser.
Saves tfie Bacon.
Mr. Isaac Cantrell, R. No. 2, Terre
Haute, Intl., writes "My experience
with B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder, is
that it has given good results in help
ing tHose that were sick and keeping
those well that were not sick. It tiers
all that you claim for it. lAvoulil trot
have had a "sick hog if I had "used it
sooner." H. : M, SoemiichsehVT-u3s &.'
Gansemer; -'--'-" - - ;..-- -. .. .. ".
A good taare' for sale:
385-J. P. T. WeJton.
'Call phone.