The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 16, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PACE I.
MONDAY, JULY 16, 1917.
Cbe plattsmouth Journal
Entered at PoBtofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., aa secomd-clasa mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The corn crop is booming.
The road drag makes roads.
ls Superintendent Brooks to leave
What are you doing to help Platts
mouth. -:o:-
You can't drag your feet and make
much progress.
The coal barons are hot proposi
tions, and anything but patriotic.
Too many people never think of the
Lord until they get into trouble.
When you get onto the railroad
track, it is just as well to remember
that the train cannot go around you.
The president will have no time for
a vacation this season. Who says
President Wilson has a soft snap?
Why, of course, it is possible to se
cure world-peace through world war.
It bound to come, and be quiet and
peaceful after everybody has been
Arc you helping the Red Cross la
dies out with their work for the army
boys? If not, don't you think it is
your patriotic duty to do so? Every
lady in this city should be a Red Cross
Thc little town of Shelby, la., whose
entire population is t'.OO, has already
given i?7,7" I to the Red Cross. Platts
mouth with its nearly ;,nno popula
tion, hasn't given over half this
Govcrnment officials have been wor
rying a whole lot about the production
of foodstuffs. Now we wish that they
would begin worrying a little bit about
the distribution thereof.
Omaha is given a branch of the
reserve bank territory which includes
Nebraska and Wyoming. Omaha
comes pretty near getting what she
If you are in business in this coun
try ami fear that standing up for this
country all the time and to all men
will work you an injury, you had bet
ter sell out and move to some country
that your dollar marked heart can find
courage to be loyal to. Clay Center
President Wilson has caused to be
issued a pamphlet entitled, "How War
Came to America," in which the in
trigues of the kaiser are fully and
forcefully set forth. In this it is ar
gued that the ruthless U-Boat war
fare was an attempt to turn all neu
tral nations against the United States.
-:o :-
Help the Red Cross show the world
that your country is not only ready to
furnish the little comforts and neces
sities to our soudicrs and sailor hoy
VIIV7 till uuiiu; lM u ircir
Every lady in Plattsmouth should join
the local Red Cross society and help
in the work that is to give comfort
to the wounded boys who need your
The Nebraska State Council of De
fense has issued a lengthy article con
demning the maneuvers of the ene
mies of the United States in this
state who are doing everything they
can quietly against the government
And the council emphatically says this
boldness on the part of the traitors
must cease or more serious method
must be adopted to compel them tc
cease their nefarious work in the state
where they make their homes. They
have intrests at stake as well as those
who are fighting for the defense of
America, the land which protects all
It is rather unsafe to speculate upon
reports of political conditions in Ger
many. The matter is rigidly censored,
and, in addition, there is always the
suspicion that whatever political news
comes out of Germany is allowed to
go out for a purpose.
However, the reports of the last few
days seem to indicate that the auto-,
cracy, as represented by the kaiser, is
being backed against the wall in the
There is nothing to show that the
German people have lost any confi
dence in the ability of their armed
forces to withstand their foes and to
conclude the war on at least even
terms with the allies.
But it seems almost certain that a
large part of the German people are
not in accord with the kaiser's de
termination to spread autocracy by
demanding "indemnities and annexa
tions." It is over this issue, apparently,
that the political crisis in Germany
has arisen: and, seemingly, there is
strong opposition to the imperialistic
imbitions of the German Junkers,
even though it is questionable whether
it will be strong enough to overthrow
the kaiser's mouthpiece, Chancellor
von Bethmann-IIollweg.
The sentiment, however, is showing
such power that it may force the re
tirement of a number of other prom
inent Prussian cabinet members, and
may wrest from the kaiser valuable
electoral and palitical rights.
This means that within Germany it
self the conflict between democracy
and aristocracy is growing to bigger
Thus the German internal strife is
of exectly the same character as is
the war between the United States
and Germany which is a war of de
mocracy against autocracy.
Consequently, if reports of the Ger
man political crisis are true, they can
be received with satisfaction by the
United States.
For they appear to show that a good
portion of the German people them
selves are opposed to the autocratic
force which this country has deter
mined to cripple or destroy.
Furthermore, it is a distinct advan
tage that the kaiser himself has been
forced to admit that his is a fight for
autocracy, since he does not want
peace along democratic lines, but
peace "with indemnities and annexa
tions" that is, an autocratic peace.
Omaha News.
The strawberry season is about
over, and the early cherries arc "all
in," with a poor crop of late cherries.
A man may have a lofty air and
still be a very poor shot. Too many
men try to shoot too high.
President Wilson's sensible attitude
(n the beer question will probably turn
the scale and keep Milwaukee in the
Ono of the squads marching in the
parade of Confederate veterans in
Washington recently, carried a banner
which read: "Damn a man who is not
for his country right or wrong."' That
squad can be set down as thoroughly
reconstructed in tha fullest sense of
the term.
:o :
It won't hurt anybody to help the
Red Cms:; society out in their noble
work. A lady who comes to the front
with such assistance is entitled to as
much credit almost as the Red Cross
nurses on the batle field. You are
helping make the material which the
surgeons and nurses use on the
wounded and suffering, and which
they could not get along without. Re
member this, and help the Red Cross
ladies in their good work.
It would be startling to all of us to
really know the extsnt to which Amer
ican exports are finding their way into
Germany and making our enemies able
to continue the war just that much
farther and to fight it harder while it
is in progress.
But the truth is the neutral coun
tries, seeing vast profits in the sale
of these things to the central powers
and also wishing to remain as friendly
as possible because they did not wish
to share Belgium's fate, have beer,
getting supplies from us and sending
them or duplications of them to Ger
many and her allies.
Now the practice is to be stopped.
President Wilson has issued the em
bargo that has long been expected and
which he has been given the right to
issue. He will effectually stop the
export of everything that would help
the central powers and hurt us, by
having the supplies leave this country.
Yesterday protests were received at
the state department in Washington
from all of the neutral countries, one
of them, Holland, going so far as to
claim that its people were now on the
verge of starvation and that it would
make untold hardships.
There is plenty of evidence that the
shrewd Dutch business men have been
laying up long profits in the past at
the expense of the lengthening of the
war, and the same has been the case
of Sweden.
But President Wilson wants to en i
the war. His boys to the number of
millions are involved and his people to
the number of 100,000,000 are looking
to him for aid and happiness. The
munitions used by Germany and her
allies are largely made now from
Swedish materials, and these are sup
planted by materials from this coun
try. If you hear anyone objecting to the
embargo just ask them if they would
like to see their own son lying dead
on the battle field, shot down by
American iron and steel, or would like
to feel that the country that was in
war with ours was being fed by tho
things raised in Nebraska fields.
Kearney Times.
These must be distasteful days for
Senator LaFollette. When it was first
proposed that the government should
be empowered to levy embargoes upon
food supplies the senator was avowed
ly perturbed through fear that this
power might be used by the govern
ment for coercing the neutrals.
He may not have been able to dis
cern that this was just what the pur
pose of the embargo measure was. It
was to prevent greedy neutrals from
supplying the enemy foodstuffs which
our own country raises. It would be
the act of a ninny to refuse to utilize
this weapon against the enemy. No
body is neutral who provides food for
Germany now. Anyone who does so is
r.n enemy of the United States.
On the other hand it is reported that
Germany is about to denounce as an
enemy any neutral country that re
fuses to smuggle food into Germany
for the soldiers and civilians. It is a
difficult position for neutrals, of
course, but they are to blarne for it
themselves. If it were not quite cer
tain that they have been buying our
foodstuffs and selling it to Germany
nobody would want to deny them food.
The proprieties are plain. Thir,
country is going to be taxed to its ut
most to supply food for its own ar
mies and those who are fighting our
battle with us. Reasonable prudence
would require that none shall be
spared to anyone who uses it to aid
the enemy. Lincoln Star.
Old pal, do you ever think when the
hearse drives by it won't be long until
you and I take a ride in that big
plumed hack and never remember
of coming back? Do you ever think
when you strive for gold, that a dead
man's hand a dollar can't hold? You
may tug and pinch and strive and
save, but you lose it all when you
reach the grave.
:o; - -
If you're a tight-wad at home you
have no business trying to trot around
with the boys downtown.
The Red Cross is a noble work.
It is publicity that makes the world
The ladies engaged in the work
are noble.
Make your choice it's Red Cross
or iron cross.
When you feel yourself Flipping,
slide to safety.
Being neutral is a mighty lone
some job these daj s.
Nebraska is a por p'ace for boot
leggers, and they are finding It out.
Our country call: everybody to as
semblance of the Red Cross society.
The man who marries money swells
up as though he were a great money
maker. :o:-
Our idea of v.eio in usefulness, b;
a scarecrow in a lie! I where the corn
failed to come up.
If you are a good citizen, don't
brag about it. Your neighbors will
know about it soon enough.
Now is the time to get out your
cook book and learn the seventeen
ways of making delicious corn bread.
There is a terrible drouth in Ger
many, but it is nothing to what the
prohibitionists want to create in this
Maybe some of the loan sharks arc
increasing their loan rates to pay for
the Liberty bonds they so generously
The street costumes the ladies are
wearing nowadays is making it very
difficult for them to create any spe
cial sensation in a bathing suit.
The czar and King Constantino
have a lot of time now. Maybe be
fore long Nick and Constantino, Wil
helm and Ferdinand can organize a
game of pinochle.
When you see a man hanging
around a dry goods store half the
afternoon, don't assume that he is
a German spy. It may be that he is
waiting for his wife inside to match
a piece of goods.
Omaha feels puffed up because she
is to have a branch of the federal re
serve bank. Omaha is entitled to all
she can get, and it is a shame that
she is to be pestered with the gang
of officials that are now fussing
among themselves.
Farmers have been very busy for
the past ten days, and crops arc now
looking fine, while the late planting
of corn is looking much better than at
this time last year. It has been thor
oughly cleaned of weeds and the pros
pects for a bumper crop are extra
The Aurora Sun truthfully re
marks: "The yellow dog can't change
himself any more than the leper can
change his spots, but the individual
with a face for every occasion can
make some change by cultivating a
little backbone and moral honesty,
and it's worth having,' loo, if you once
get it started right."
That news from the government
crop experts that the corn crop in
the United States now in prospect is
the greatest in the history of the
country brings the smile of cheer to
every patriotic son and daughter of
the republic. If we must feed the
world, there is nothing more "fillin''
or "fattenin" than good old corn,
served in any style.
Your Uncle Samuel is planning to
establish twenty-four aviation camps,
capable of training seven thousand
five hundred men at a time. It is th&
intention to train French, English, and
Italian aviators in these camps as well
as Americans. It is thought that ths
quickest way for the United States to
Uvin the war is by the aerial route,
and that being the case no time
should be lost in training aviators.
While the action of the state coun
cil of defense seems to be somewhat
drastic, in their denunciation of cer
tain university professors and some
of the heads of the Lutheran church,
at the same time thinking Americans
have felt for a long time that some
public action should be taken against
the continued unpatriotic utteiances
of many Nebraska people.
The only unfortunate part of tho
affair is that it tends to bring the
Lutheran church and all its peopK
into an unevitable light, not because
the council of defense intended to
have this done, but because of the
'company that some of them keep,'
sometimes the many must suffer for
the few.
The whole feeling toward the Luth
erans started through the traitorous
remarks of several of the pastors of
the church, such as Dr. Blatzly of
Omaha and others. Some of the
members of the Omaha church in
seeking to have resolutions passed
stating the church's loyalty to the
government ran into a snag in the
church laws which does not allow any
such thing. We all must agree that
such a rule is wrong.
But many members resigned from
the church, because they would have
nothing to do with a pastor who was
as far off his base as Blatzly, while
others stayed with the preacher.
Here in Kearney we have a Luth
eran church, th. pastor of which has
no use on earth for men of the Blalz
ly type. He is not afraid to say
so either.
Rev., German born and raised,
has taugh Ids people they must sup
port their government to the limit.
When he registered for the draft this
same German born minister answered
tho question, "do you c'aim exemp
tion" by saying he was ready to fight
for America and American ideals-.
With a two-fisted, red-blooded pa
triot like that in charge of the Kear
ney church, it is too bad that such
individuals as Blatzly and his kind
can put the crtirc church in tempo
rary disrepute. Try as you may you
cannot make everyone think the
Lutheran church of Kearney is any
better than what one leader in the
church is.
It is desperately unfortunate nr.
best, but every man in Kearney who
claims the proud fact of citizenship
in the United States, should take off
his hat in respect to Rev. Jicde, an
American true blue and four-square.
Kearney Times.
Many young men are enlisting
They are thoe who believe America
is for Americans.
After a man h is h r .1 three weeks'
vacation he needs three days' rest
We never expect to be rich enough
to give money away lil e C;:rnegie.
The feiicw who break.-, into jail is
the fellow v ho beats the high coi-t of
The fellow ht can keep his mouth
shut may pass himself c!T fvr a pa
triot. -:o:
Christian Science is all light, but
it can't make a woman smile when a
1200-pound rube steps on her tender
When a hen has laid an egg she
cackles almost as loud as the woman
who has just been told a scandal se
cret. :o:-
Are You One of Them?
There are a great many people who
would be very much benefited by tak
ing Chamberlain's Tablets for a weak
or disordered stomach. Are you one
of them? Mrs. M. R. Searl, Baldwin
ville, N. Y., relates her experience in
the use of these tablets: "I had a bad
spell with my stomach about six
months ago, and was troubled for two
or three weeks with gas and severe
pains in the pit of my stomach. Our
druggist advised me to take Chamber
lain's Tablets. I took a bottle home
and the first dose relieved me wonder
fully, and I kept on taking them until
I was cured." These tablets do not
relieve pain, but after the pain has
been relieved may prevent its recurrence.
Sensational Auto Value of the Age!
The Crow-EIkhairit
The most wonderful range . of power you have
ever known in a light car a quality of smoothness
that is new. The most car for the money on the mar
ket today. Look into the wonderful performance of
this car with such economy 18 to 26 miles on a gal
Ion of gasoline. Look into the high qualities of this
car, and you will wonder how it can be sold at the
popular price. A big powerful looking car that domi
nates the roads, for
p845 o. b. Factory
For Demonstration See
GEO. M. IiiLD9 Agent
The workmen's compensation and
employer.;' liability law of Nebraska,
with its row amendment, will became
effective on the twenty-fourth of
This new law is going to hit al
most every business man in the stale.
The old law made only those respon
sible who employed five persons or
more; but under the new law every
man who employs one or more per
sons is hit. Under one of the amend
ments employers arc now required to
keep insured sufficiently to cover
damages for personal injury or
death to their employes; or to fur
nish to the compensation commission
er satisfactory proof of financial abil
ity to pay direct the compensation in
the amount and manner, and when
due as provided for in the act.
Under the old law there was a
schedule of liability fixed for the loss
of a hand, a foot, a leg, or an eye.
Under the new law there is a long
and detailed schedule of liability for
dismemberment. Every joint pf the
finger is listed with its price. This
is continued down through a long
list. This detailing of the schedule
is considered to be an advantage in
that it eliminates all possibility of
dispute as to liability in minor in
juries and makes law definite and
Since the new law goes into effect
within two weeks it is up to the em
ployers to get busy to Fee to it that
their help is protected. Hastings
Son;e of the boys who registered
have begun to get a little leary as
the time for drawing names draws
near, which is next Tuesday.
Doing Good.
Few medicines have met with more
favor or accomplished more good than
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy. John F. Jaritzen, Delmeny,
Sask., says of it: "I have used Cham
berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
myself and in my family, and can
recommend it as being an exceptional
ly fine preparation."
While downtown stop in and try
that fascinating game of bowling.
On our Lines West, in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana,
there are thousands of acres of prairie lards that should be cultivated. If
ou want to
BUY I will post you on correct prices.
RENT I will help you to get best terms.
HOMESTEAD I'll tell you where best selections are..
My services arc free to you. Drop me a postal card for any of the fol
lowing free literature. .
' There's a Farm for You in Colorado."
"Go to Southwestern Nebraska."
' "Cheyenne County, Nebraska."
"Bov Butte County, Nebraska."
"The Wheatland Colony," (Wyoming).
"The Noth Platte Valley." (Nebr.-Wyo.)
"The Big Horn Basin." (Wyoming).
"Free Government Lands" (Wyoming).
''It is not the intention of the food
administration to fix the price for
wheat, nor is it expected that it will
have any such power," says Herbert
Hoover in words as plain as the laxi
con affords. "If the food bill passes
congress, however, we certainly cyH
not stand for speculative buying."
Yet the farmer is being used by de
signing persons as a dummy in inter
posing objections to the passage of
the food regulation measure over
which congress has been palavering
for weeks.
And this specious plea for the far
mer is being used to deter congress
from making needed provision to pre
vent the steel trust and other greedy
corporations of vast wealth from ex
acting exhorbitant prices from the
government for the enormous quanti
ties of supplies it will have to pur
chase from them.
And what could the farmer ask that
would more certainly guarantee him
a fair share of the profit of his toil
than the elimination of speculative
buying, whereby crops are bought at
bottom prices and held indefinitely for
the creation of artificial shortages and
high prices?
Senator Lodge, who appears to be
leading the fight to prevent the gov
ernment from holding the steel trust
to strict accounts for fair dealing with
the government, stated in the senate
that some of the senators from the
agricultural states had consulted him
and asked him to pursue the course he
is pursuing.
Every hour of delay in the enact
ment of the food regulation measure
is an hour of grace for the food specu
lator, who is not idle in the meantime.
Lincoln Star.
Lost A lady's blue sweater coat
on the road two and a helf miles west
of Murray, leading to Louisville road
on the north. Finder please leave
same at this office for reasonable re
ward. Mr. and Mrs. James Rishel and lit
tle son, and Miss Margaret Rishel of
Glenwood, motored to this city yes
terday morning and spent the day
with relatives. They returned home
this morning, accompanied by Miss
Julia Kerr.
Tell me what you want, the kind of land you
nee, and I'll find it for you.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent C. B. & ,Q, R. R.
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.