4 FAE. 6. : PLATTSMOUTH, SEMI-WEfeKLY JOURNAL. ..TIJVHS? AT, ,JULYX2V 1917. Mjuiiii kJ i u. j lyt -: ; LAVS DRIVE "In the east, south of the Dniester, German and Austro - Hungarian troops on the river Lomniea are again 6E BACK TO CARPATHIAN: in fighting1 contact with the Russians NEBRASKA GUARD WILL GO TO DEM T.H E UN! VE R'S A L. CAR I m r 11 OF OS OP VOTE : WAR CREDIT KAISER RENEWS FIGHT ON THE WESTERN FRONT 321 FKy? jF31iI slll lLa 11a Germans Make Savage Attack British Front in Belgium With Some Success. on LOWER PHYSICAL AT THE CHAR NE Defense Council Says Several Unive: sity Professors Are Working Against America. Lincoln, Xeb., July 11. Charges that Nebraska's participation in the war is being seriously handi capped by disloyal and treasonable acts and utranecs and by actual threats against patriotic citizens, are made today by the Nebraska council of defense in a statement signed by twelve members of the council, in cluding Acting Governor Howard. "Several professors of the state university" and "conspicuous repre sentatives of the Lutheran church," are mentioned specifically as work ing openly against America's cause. Announcement that threats have been made to withdraw deposits from banks in case the banks in question participated in the liberty loan cam paign are mentioned prominently in the statement. The council's statement says the vast majority of bankers and other business men have defied threats made against them and have sup ported the government, but have lost much business by their actions. It also says that most of the state university faculty, including "its ef ficient chancellor," have been work ing "zealously for America's welfare, and so general has become their co operation with the council that the university has come to be practically an adjunct of this organization." Membership of the Lutheran church is appealed to to stop the practice of "conspicuous representatives" of the church in seeking to handicap the government, and to "put down every attempt to handicap or embarrass or discourage those who, grateful for the blessings they enjoy as American citizens, are trying to repay, at this critical time, the great debt they owe. It further calls upon Lutherans "to make known, on behalf of the Lu theran church, devotion V America the country that gives it protection and religious liberty.'' "The council refuses," the state ment says, "to temporize with serious situations involving the welfare of the country" Some of the charges are: "Several professors of the state university have so persistently given encourage ment publicly and privately, to those who are out of harmony with the American cause that the council deems it necessary and proper to publicly register pretest againstsuch practices. Refuse to Co-Operate. "The conspicuous representatives of that church (Lutheran) have gen orally, and it may be said almost uni versaily, refused to co-operate with any of the several efforts made by patriotic citizens for support of the government. On the contrary, they have generally, publicly and privately discouraged the American cause, and have shown marked partiality for the cause of America's enemy. ' When the liberty bonds were on sale, several bankers reported to the state council that they had been threatened wiih withdrawal of de posits in the event they purchased liberty bonds or participated in their sale. Many bankers reported actual threats. A much larger number re ported statements that amounted to implied threats. Victorious Russians Continue Advance Toward Lemberg and Dniester Washington, D. C, July 11. Sub Line. Ject to approval by Major General Bliss, acting chief of staff, the follow ing assignments of national guard troops to concentration camps has been made by the militia bureau for the troops from the western and cen tral areas of the countiy. Xorth and South Dakota, Iowa and Xebraska to Dtming, X. M.;. Kansas and Missouri to Fort Sill, Okla.; Texas and Oklahoma to Fort Worth, Tex.; Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Cali fornia, Xew .Mexico and Nevada to Linda Vista Cal.; Washington, Mon tana, Idaho and Wyoming, to Palo Having broken the strong Austro-1 Alto. Cal. German line in the vicinity of Halicz, the Russians are pushing forward from Halicz toward Lemberg, the capital of Galicia, and from Stanis lau, south of Hailez, westward to ward the line of the Dniester. After the capture of Halicz on the front from Halicz to Volotvin, about thirtv miles to the south, General Korniloff forced the Austro-Germans to continue their retreat. In their ad- V. ashintr'ton. D. C. Julv 11. New vance from Halicz the Russians army regulations made public today forced the fleeing enemy across the reduce the minimum weight limit for Lomniea and occupied two towns on recruits from 12u to 110 pounds and the western bank of the river. The the minimum height from five feet next natural barrier is the River four iiithes to live feet one inch. Stoka, about six miles west of the This will add thousands who nthcr- Loinnica. wise would be exempt to the nati .iu.l Russ Reach Carpathians. army to be raised by draft and open South and west of Stansilau the the 'doors of the regular army and Russians have reached the Posiecz- national guard io many volunteers Lesiuvka-Karmacz line, the central turned down in the past, point of which, Lesiuvka, is four The regular arm' still was shoit i. a i i Oi.-x .... ... nines v. cm, ji u:e ner uy ointzu. some -ioou men when recruiting This line is about seven miles east of closed yesterday, only 1,220 men hav Kalusz, the nearest large town west ing been accepted during the day ot fctamslau, and which is situated on crmont added two men, makir.g the Stoka river. The extension of the eighty-seven furnished from tir.tt Resignation of Cabinet Members Ac cepted at Meeting of the Crown. Council. EMEKTS ARMY ADMISSION Socia'ist to Re Given New Imperial . l'o.vt in Ministry, Ilerbtrt or David Named. Copenhagen, July 11. The coalition of the various elements in the German rcichstag now ai rayed against the government seem determined not to vote the war credit nskpd until the political crisis is settled. The attitude of the opposition ek-iue:its has in spired the conservative papers to de eriminatory comment. The session of the crown council on Monday, says a Berlin telegram, last.- ed until 1 o'clock Tuesday morning, We handle a complete line of Auto Supplie's and GOODRICH TIRES! Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs! WELDING A SPECIALTY! . On July 1st all cars must be equipped with headlight lenses which will conform to the new law. We sell OSGOOD LENSES The Best In the Market! We Will Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New One We Will Pay You Spot Cash For Used Fords Come in and give us your order for a New Ford Before the Price Goes Up. Mm Pollook Auto Go. 9 Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58. when the resignations were accepted g jijj&jj Authorized Sales and Service, 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb oenimeiy. ine nnpenai chancellor has decided to offer the vacant minis terial poitfolios to leaders of the reichstag and Prussian diet. An im perial ministry of labor will be created under the socialists, Herbert or David. rilOM PERU NORMAL. The above dispatch does not reveal the identity of the ministers who re Mynod. Foreign Minhtti Zinih'crmann and Vice Chancellor Hchfrich have Lcn mentioned most often during the last few days as - the ministers who wcahl lose their portfolios. Display the American flag, all sizes and prices can be found at the Journal oHice when desired. Wanted An experienced steam en gineer to run my engine through the threshing season. P. A. Hild, My nard, Xeb. Plattsmouth phone Xo. 2805. Sensational Auto Value of the Age! The MULTI-POWER CAR! Elkhart The most wonderful range of pover you have ever known in a light car a quality of smoothness that is new. The most car for the money on the mar- -ket today. Lock into the wonderful performance of this car with such economy 18 to 26 miles on a gal lon of gasoline. Look into the high qualities of this car, and you will wonder how it can be sold at the popular price. A big powerful looking car that domi nates the roads, for Sp845 f. o. b. Factory For Demonstration See GE. M. HiLD, J&gent PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Russian fighting line to Zolotvin brings the battle ground into the foot hills of the Carpathians- On Tuesday the Russians captured 2,000 more prisoners and thirty guns, bringing their total captured from July 8 to 10 to more than 10,000 of ficers and men and eighty guns. A large amount of machine guns and war material also was taken. Berlin gives no details of Tuesday's fighting in Galicia, merely saying: "Move ments south of the Dniester have been executed until now as planned.'' Germans Attack in Belgium. On the Belgian coast east of Dun kirk the British and Germans are fighting again along the Yser. the scene of many hard-fought buttles. By destroying the bridtrcs across the state since April 1 on a quota, of 710. STOP ALL SPECULATION IN 6RAIH DURING WAR Chicago. lib, July 11. Traders to night interpreted the action of the Chicago board of trade today in fix ing a maximum price of $1.2.3 for Ie cember and May deliveries in corn ns practically terminating grain specula tion in the United States during the war. When trading recently was restrict ed in wheat so as to forbid new deals in futures, the price for wheat f.I Yser between Nieuport and the Xorth "enrly ?1 a bushel. Traders and sprc- Sea coast the Germans are able to ad ulators then turned their attention to corn. Prices advanced until final ly the market value of a bushel of Summer Bcwel Trouble: vance and occupy the isolated section. Berlin claims the capture of 1.200 prisoners in the Penetration of (U0 corn was almost equal to that of varrls nlnncr n fmnt rf 1 lO'l vnr,L- bushel of wheat at. War time ligUH Farther inland near Lombaertzyde the Germans did rot have r.s much success. After gaining some ad vanced positions, the British threw the attackers back to their vn lines by a counter-attack. Whether the German effort is another effort to reach Dunkirk or Calais or is merely a stroke to offset a probable British offensive has not developed To Scppcrt L'rzberger. . Amsterdam, July 11. The Catholic organ, Gcrmania of Berlin, says that the Catholic center in the reichstag has decided by an overwhelming ma jority to support Mathias Erzberger, who last week attacked the pan-Ger- rr.a.is and auvceated peace witneut an nexations or indemnities. Herr Err. berger's object, the newspaper says, i -to induce the reichstag to make a declaration of war aims in the rense that Germany has not gone to war with a desire for conquest, but merely to defend its freedom and preserve its territorial possessions. Peru students have an excellent op portunity to study Japanese art this week. An exhibit from New Yotk part of which is composed of original paintings, wiil be open to the public afternoons and evenings, from Tues day to Thursday. Peru is doing its share in Red Cross work. The chapter here was rea ty to organize before the county was or ganized, and had to wait some time before being authorized to go ahead. Monday, of this week, the Women's Auxillaiy va? organized and will be gin the work of preparing bandages and other things needed by the sol diers. The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. held a joint session on the campus Sunday morning at G o'clock. The meeting was a very inspirational one. Miss Hamilton, the head of the ex- KERMIT ROOSEVELT HAS JOINED THE BRITISH ARMY Plattsburg, N. Y., July 11. Kermit Roosevelt, a son of the former presi dent, received a cablegram containing an offer, which he accepted, of a staff commission with the British army operating against the Turks in Asia Minor. He was granted his dis charge from the officers' training camp here, and, accompanied by his wife, left for Oyster Bay to join his father before sailing on Saturday for Spain. Mrs. Roosevelt will accompany her husband to Spain, where she will join her father, Colonel Joseph E. Willard, United States ambassador to spain. Two of Kermit Roosevelt's brothers, Theodore, jr., and Archibald, are with American expeditions in France. In orer" to nullify definitely any impression on the part of the entente pression department, is to give some that Germany's peace terms would be readings at the convocation period on MAYO BROTHERS TO LEAVE FOR FRANCE The summer bowel troubles have va rious causes, and the degree of in volvement extends from slight tran sient indigestion to very grave dis eases. But always it is essential to evacuate the bowels. Triner's Amor ican Elixir of Bitter wine is the best The latest British official statement remedy for this purpose. It helps does not mention additional infantry even when the constipation resists al htrhtinsr on this sector and savs th. other attempts, and succceus in Ciean- German artillery fire has diminished. ug the bowels without griping am German attempts south of Arras and debilitating. It is also the most de- in the vicinity of Lens on Wednesday pendable remedy for headaches, nerv- were without success- ousncss, general weakness, etc. Price $1, at drug stores. Triner's Liniment Vienna Announces Defeat. may bealways relied upon in strains London, July 11. Admission by the sprains, swellings, rheumatism, r.eu- Austrians of a defeat at the hands of ralgia, etc. Mr. Joe. Lihr.n wrote us the Russians is contained in a mes- on July 1, 1017, from Muskegon, sage from Austrian war press head- Mich.: "I had a swollen shoulder and quarters forwarded from Amsterdam could not raise my hand. When all by the Central News. It says: medicine failed, I bought Triner; "For two days our troops repulsed I Liniment after throe days I felt a strong Russian attacks. In trenches I great relief and in one week all pains which had been destroyed by artil-1 ceased." Price 25c and HOc, at drug lery fire one division defended itself stores; by mail, 35c and 00c. Jos against attacks by superior Russian Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333-1339 S. columns. But when fresh Russian re-1 Ashland Ave., Chicago. serves were brought into action our troops were compelled to retreat, giv ing up their first line." Patriotic streamers and designs for decorative purposes at the Journal of. fice. Call and make your selections be fore the best of the line is taken. The German Report. Berlin (Via London), July 11. The supplementary official statement AH the novelties in patriotic designs issued tonight from German head- are carried by the Journal oflice. Call quarters reads: at the Journal office and look over the "In the we3t there was greatly in- line when making your selections. creased artillery activity. SOCIAL DANCE. V 100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dipoaso tliat science has been able to euro In all its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh belr.r greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Elood on the Liucoi.s Sur- To be given at Cortes' hall J by the De Luxe Dancing club, Saturday, July 14th. Electric J fans to keep you COol, ice cold j faces of the SysUm tnereby dostroyinff i refreshments, and the best of patient strength bv building up the con- order maintained. Everybody is H ioVd "lZlA cordially invited to attend. Mu- I faith" In'the curative powers of Hall's , tt ii , , - i ,i t.atarrn iwenicme mat ini'v oui-r una SIC by Holly s orchestra. Admis- Hundred Hollani for .-uiy aso thtU it fail:; 1- sion. cents 50c ladies free d&w to cure. Send for list of testimonials. , ioii, tents uoc, lauies iree. uocw 4 Address F. J. CHRNEY ro.. Toledo. X--tX-I2-I J X I I22 II '2 obio- Sold-by all Druggist. 73c, dictated by the Prussian military caste, the delegates in the reichstag, the statement says, have conferred with the ether delegations and estab lished the fact thru the i let-man mi nority approves all the details of the p: ograni ret forth ;n the manifesto is su.ci by th council of wo.-kmen and soldiers' delegates c f Petrograd late in an international conference. The Hun- iKasinn socialists aie said to nave ' taken the same stand. Plan Coalition Ministry. The Gcrmania adds that the chan cellor has accented the idea and that the formation of a coalition ministry is being prepared. Thus, it says, unity between the people and the gov ernment will be realized. The dispatches from Berlin this morning indicated a pause in the de velopment of the political crisis while the parties are waiting for the de cision of the crown in regard to a ministerial reorganization and the (;iicstion of pence terms. The parties have reached no agreement in regard to the resolution which it is proposed to place before the reichstag in re gard to war aims. With little news of political affairs on hand, the Berlin papers speculate oh the outcome, each according to its desires. The conservative national 11 1 y- iioerai ana pan-uerman organs as sume that the chancellor will surely go. The radical and center papers ex pect him to remain, but to jettison va rious ministers. Wednesday. Mr. Masters, principal of Central High school of Omaha, is to speak Friday at the convocation period on "The War and the Times." Although the date falls on Friday, the 13th, Peru students are expecting some thing very good. Several Peru boys are in the officers'. training school, and quite a few oth ers are expecting to attend the school that opens in August. Reports have it that Peru is escap ing much of the hot weather that is affecting other places. The oaks on the campus, the hills and the large buildings seem to help Peru to keep cool. If you have anyming for sale adver tise in the Journal. CHICHESTER S PILLS f.utlit nl Ask your Iru:rcW for , l"ri, cic I -r-.lii Flue Ki!.bnn. fctV-i '':. e r.o ofuor Hwv of top jtf I'ruj?:;!U A-.kf'.ir'SU-'HKS.TEir V fcj vratb I :t,..wn:v; li;sl. Safest. Aluav 1;-Iih, r SOLD BY DRUGGETS CVERilVliERE St. Paul, July 11. Drs. William J. and Charles II. Majro, world-famous surgeons of Rochester, Minn., will leave soon to take up work in the war hospitals of France. They an nounced this today when they offered to give outright to the University of Minnesota the $1,C50,000 fund now in the hands of the- Mayo Foundation and administered in conjunction with the university. Dr. Charles H. Mayo is an officer in the medical reserve corps. The Mayos have provided funds for a University of Minnesota base hospital. They expect to stay in France for the period of the war. The government needs farmers as well as fighters. Two million, three hundred thousand acres of Oregon and California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of best land left in United States. Large Copyrighted map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, temperature, etc. Postpaid, One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. 7-7-3mod&w W MAKE PRINT PAPER OUT OF SEAWEED, SAYS FOSTER Copenhagen, July 11- A Danish inventor, it is announced, has discov ered a process for making news print aper from seaweed- The new process is said to entail half. the cost of mak ing paper from wood pulp. FOUR CARS DERAILED. This afternoon about I o'clock a de railment occurred on the Burlington near La Platte, when four cars on an eastbound freight train left the track and caused a block of the line that will require considerable work to clear up. As a result of the derailment No. 24, the 1:15 passenger train, was de- ayed somewhat. Crepe and fancy designed paper for decorative uses can be found at the Journal 'office. We have, the largest ine ever brought to this city. ilk MIA r ifMJ - mm pi Wm MM all Park Plattsmouth, Neb. agle, f'lelj., vs. Red Sox Eagle has one of the best teams in Cass county and, last season, played an eleven-inning game in this city by a score of 1 to 0. The team will be one of the feature attractions of the season and every fan should be out to witness the game. GAME CALLED AT . , . -- " """" . ...Ji" r jus '