The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, TvLY 12, 19 IT.
PAGE i-.
Il Contracting and
Constucticn Engineers
Submit your building proposition to us for bids. We
can save you money no matter how small the job.
From sidewalks, silos, foundations, street and road
paving and all kinds of building in cement, brick, stone,
frame, or any kind of stucco finish. We also remodel
and repair old houses at the lowest possible figure. We
draw plans and specifications for our customers free of
charge. We are up to date mechanics in all kinds of
masonry and wood finishing.
Call on us on corner of 5 th and Locust streets or
phone No. 575.
tfo mm m
Duluth, July 11. To hasten gv
crnmcnt pro.-ecution of slackers the
civil docket was adjourned until Oc
tober 1( by Judtrc Morris at the
opening of the July term of the fed
eral court here ycsteiday. The grand
ury will probably complete its work
by the end of the week.
; Approximately oOO cases of failure
I register will be submitted, United
States Attorney Alfred Jaques stated.
iTudge Morris in his instructions to
khe grand jury said:
t "Many of the. men. .arrested as
fc-lackers are the -v let imp of advice
gdven to theni by men who know bet
ter. It will be the duty of you to
show these men who preach these
misguided doctrines may net be suc
cessful in advising evasion of the
"In our land of opportunity every
young man should consider it not a
burden but a privilege to serve his
country. If I knew my own boy would
be killed in the first battle I would
rather have him go than be a
I'roin "( tlnr-MKiy's Daily.
This morning the members of the
Past Chiefs of the Degree of Honor
departed for Omaha, from where they
expect to enjoy the day in a fine pic
nic in the cool shade at Lake Manawa
and partake of the delights of the
Iowa pleasure resort. The ladies were
all provided with many numerous
packages and bundles, which bespoke
a fine luncheon as one of the chief
features of the occasion. They will
be met in Omaha by Mrs. II. Thomson,
former chief of honor of the local
lodge, and who will join in the pleas
ant gathering. Those comprising the
party were: Mesdamcs Homer Mc
Kay, Emmons rtak, W. E.'Rosencrans,
L. IJ. F.gcnberger, C. A. Roscnrrans,
Val Eurkle, J. J. Svoboda, J. C. Peter
son, James Uulin.
Mr. B. J. Reynolds received word
this morning that Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Barkus of Casper, Wyo.,- formerly of
this city, are the proud parents of a
seven-pound baby girl. Mother and
little one are doing nicely.
i lie Nehawka .lisiiis
arc now Rolling and manufacturing the
"Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting,
For on the lop sheir it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
0 B3 ST. JOHN, Prop.'
JOE R1ALCOLH1, KocdMillcr.
..For Sato by ASS Dealers .
Galveston, Tex., July 11. A Gor
man submarine of the most modern
type floating idly a short distance olf
the Irish coast, every ivicmber of the
crew having been suffocated, was re
cently picked up by a British patrol
boat and towed to port, according to
the captain of a steamer which has
arrived at a gulf port.
According to the captain's story
the crew is supposed to have been
killed by the sudden formation of a
aeooiy gas wnue tne U-boat was ;-ui-
roerged. The hatches were down when
the party from the patrol boat board-
the undersea craft.
On next Monday evening the cities
of Piattsmouth, and Nebraska City
will be the guests of the Ak-Sar-Ben
at the den in Omaha. On this oc
casion Samson has prepared some in
teresting features for the edification
of the members of the partv from
Otoe and Cass counties, in which
number of the visitors will be per
mitted to take part. Tie hospitality
of the Omaha boosters is well known
and a great big time may be looked
forward to by all those wh attend
the meeting. President Robertson of
the Commercial club has received 10
free admission tickets to the den and
these many of the citizens of Plaits
mouth can have, giving them the op
portunity to witness the new show
that the knights of Ak-Sar-Ben have
prepared. The party will leave here
on the 7:17 Missouri Pacific Monday
evening and will be at once taken to
the den for the evening's entertain
Piattsmouth is to receive an addi
tion to the population in a very short
time as Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ilild, two
of the estimable residents of near
Mynard, are to move here to make
their future home, and have purchased
the C. W. Baylor residence on Elm
street. It is a great pleasurs to wel
come Mr. and Mrs. Ilild to this city
and they certainly have chosen th?
right place to enjoy their declining
R P S3 tfuB
J. M.
A number of the ladies of the St.
Paul's. Evangelical church, who are
residing oat in the country, met yes
terday afternoon at the pleasant coun
try home, of Mrs. John KafTenberger
west of the city for the purpose of
forming an auxiliary society of the
church. The meeting was opened with
a hymn and a prayer, which was fol
lowed by a. short aduress in English
given by Rev. J... II. Steger, pastor of
the church.- The ladies then expressed
their wish of constituting a society of
their own, which will be known as St.
Paul's Auxiliary society. The ladies'
then elected their officers as follows:
President Mrs. William Rummell.
Vice President Mrs. Henry Born.
Secretary Mrs. Fred Beuchler.
Treasurer Mrs. William Schutz.
There were twenty members signing
their names as members of the new
society. This organization will be an
essential factor for the religious and
social life among the members of the
church, and especially those residing
out in the country, and the good ladies
forming the charter membership de
serve great credit in establishing an
institution that will help solve one of
the great problems of the church, that
of bringing into closer touch the coun
try districts and the church. After
the meeting coffee aiui cake was
served by Mrs. KafTenberger and
Ka-t Booth Bay, Me.. July !1 Ti
ship building plant of Bice Brother
t. as v-esr royeu oy m e ye.-.u rnay, to-
get nor With a halt completed light-
oli;,. 4 v i .. ,..!r :. -
'i.ii-, rvu.i itiiivA t.i an1, i'. lut i Vic s. . l
yachts an-.t ' I ;ie less was
estimated at ?1."0,(H0. U is believed
the lire was started by a hot rivet.
Ciarciu-e Real, deputy clerk of th
district court, who in addition to be
ing. a most efficient wo: her at V.v
court, is a'.-jo a l"u-st,:Iass work
man in th-3 palatini; Erie, tn;cngel j
today '.in hriglUcniug up r. p'M-tic:! of j
the fixtures in the vault at the clerk's !
f fliee, and by the application of a lit- j
tie varnish has the new record filing !
case in Sine shane.
Yesterday morning Mr. al Mrs. J.
McLanger, accompanied by t Ii . I - son.
LeRoy, and Misses V.'ir.ifi-ed and Mary
Jackson, motored to this city in tiie:--car
to spend the day with Miss Oiivj
Gass and other friends-. Mb
Jackson was formerly a teach;
high school here.
jn ii..
SamiK-1 C. Windham, son of Hon. ;:.
B. 'Windham of this city, and who re
cently enlisted in the regular army of
the United States, is now stationed
in the Hawaiian islands, recording to
letters received here. Mr. Windham
was a member of a party of I, )),
some of whom were left at the Ha
waiian islands, while others were tfck
en to the Philippines.
This morning Mrs. C. M. Manner
was taken to Omaha, where she enters
the Immanuel hospital to be operated
upon tomorrow morning for goitre.
Mrs. Manners has been suffering for
some time from this malady and it
was decided that, the operation would
be necessary to give her relief. Mr
and Mrs. Major Hall and Mr. Manners
accompanied Mrs. Manners to the hos
pital. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! The more you scratch, the
worse the itch. Thy Doan's Ointment.
For eczema, any skin itching. 50c box.
Before buying, see the beautiful dis
play of monuments, markers and lot
corners, at the Cass County Monu
ment Co., W. T. Wassel!, manager.
Hotel Riley block, Piattsmouth, Neb.
The Beins homestead, 3 miles south
of riattsmoulh. Inquire of E. W
Beins, or call Phone 4211.
FOR SALE The Dora Moore resi
dence property on Chicago Ave.; 8
rooms and bath, all modern For par
ticulars see or "Tit Clan j OMham.
Aivb N
Fred Dickman has a new car. . ,
Dale Boyles has a new automobile,
Harry Toland was in Lincoln .Tues
day. Dale Boyles was in Piattsmouth
Sunday. ' .
Kcv. M. A. Keith was in Lincoln
Tuesday. '
Mrs. Ed Casey was trading itr Lin
coln Saturday. "
P. W. Nickel was in Omaha on busi
ness Tuesday.
George Skiles of Murdock was' in
town Thursday. ...
Mrs. Charles Stout returned from
Lincoln Tuesday.
Roy Contman autocd to Lincoln
Monday evening.
Morgan Curyea was in Lincoln on
business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc Curdy were in
Ilavelock Tuesday.
William Taylor was in Lincoln on
business Saturday.
P. H. Weidman recently purchased
a Mexican parrot.
Chas. Foreman and sister, Miss
A u .-el, spent Sunday at University
J. W. Sutton, returned from Chap
pell Saturday, where he had been cn
Mrs. C. C. Eucknen and daughter,
Mrs. Veil Liiuh, were Lincoln visitors
Satu rday.
S. C. Boyles and family and Dale
Boyles and wife spent, the Fourth in
Mis. McDougal of Omaha came out
Saturday to accompany Mrs. L. Craig
to Om; ha for a visit.
P. O. Van Clcvo of l.odi Is vi. itirg
at the (I. P. Foreman and the Chas.
CJodby this week.
Mi.-s Lillian Curyea vi: iled her
grand f.'.t her, Jean Wood, sr., and aunt,
j Gtaee
ood, from Fridav until
i Tuesday.
I t iri "1 ' '
v. as in Omaha
Monday, wlvrc- he puch3?cd a parrot
of the Panama species, ami it is a
Sine, talk-r. '-
Mrs. A. 1. Bird and children. (Jaylo,
! Iva and Kula, drove to Waverly
Thursday to visit Mrs. Bird's father,
R. Z. Penn.
Mrs. H. A. Bailey and son of Ken
neth returned Thursday evening from'
Iowa, leavirg her .sister somewhat im
proved in health. Caston of Oitom::n City, la.,
visited with Dave Shersiey Thursday.'
Mr. Carton Worked for ..Mr. Shecsley
in 1NS-'J. They had a gcod visit.
Jack Curyea of Omaha, arid wife
i daughter, Do; Is, of Waverly, socni
Sunday v.iJi their cou-ris, Mr. and
ti i:s. :ai curyea ami uaugruor,
I Lillian,
j Mrs. CJeorg" Foreman an.l children,
Chii'des an i Ai:re', and Rev. Keith,
j motore d to Cii eenwood to spend the
J Foimh, and drove on to Lincoln in
itlie evening.
Ceorge Foreman, sr., was injured
I by jumping oat of the way of a hay
, r-woep, la: L week, as an unruly horse
began to run away, and his side, is
still quite painful.
Roy Coatman and J. A. Shaffer
an toed to Elmwood Monday to get the
ticket.-; for the special election held
Tue "day for a municipal eloctrie light
plant. Tile' votes cast stood, '2d for
and 17 against-
Mrs. R. A. Stone and children of
La Junta, Colo., who have been vis
iting Mrs. Stone's paunis, Mr. an
Mrs. C. R. Jordon, and other relatives
here, have been visiting relatives ami
fi lends in University place.
Sunday guests at the C P. Fore
man home were: Oris Foreman ane
family, Ceorge Foreman, jr., and fam
ily, Albeit Foreman of Valparaiso
Neb.; Noel Foreman and family of
Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Mason of
Greenwood, and their daughter, Mi
Dr. Baker cf Papiliion.
Mrs. Manema Curyea of Waverly
came over Tuesday evening to accom
pany Mr. aiul Mrs. George Curyea on
their auto trip to Iowa. They left
Wednesday morning for Woodstock
Mrs. Mancma Curyea will stop at
Gliddon, la., to visit a daughter. They
were accompanied, to' Omaha by Jdr
Clarence Curyea.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty and
daughters, Vera and Marie, and Mrs,
Prouty's mother, Mrs. Herbert, left
Saturday mojning by auto for a visit
at Red Oak, la. I. II. Weidman and
family accompanied them in their car,
They had fine roads and a fine time,
returning home Tuesday afternoon,
accompanied by Mrs. Prouty's cousin,
Miss Alice Weidman, who will visit
for sofrie time. - . .
Home Missionary society held
Men's Union
75 c
Men's Full Cut
Work Shirts .
Men's Full Cut Fast
Color Bib Overalls
Boys Shirts or
a rally TucMla": at the M. K. church,
which w; largely attended. Visiters
Crern V.'avcrly;' Greenwood,, Abbinci,
South IIei!d Vt'a'oash and Murdcck.
were' expected, but .only jpart of ;.t!c
to-.viir, were xeprc-enteil. Miss MU
dred Glaze of Yin k, gave an .interest
ing talk in the afternoon on :the' woik
cf the society. -An o;k.' discussion
followed.. Kev. Salmon J and. wife, : of
Arhland, spoke briefly., ; Miss Ciltize,
who is field secretary tif the Nebraska
conference and state crganizctl, gave
an address-in the. evenings -The Local
society served suppor on ' the" church
Jawn to the vi.-itoi'S and'-jiicmbcia'and
:s interested in the ttork.
I LIU - 'l
Copenliagen, du'.y I l.r-Ia.jor: Mo
ndit, corierpor.ilent .of. thw. I putsches.
Tages Zietung, r. ks in a pre.s article
wl-.eiher the iiiyrr.qct ; .arrived $ov-
an oiiensive by lie: many and-.ccn-cl
u vies t!iat the present one is. inadvis
able as it is doubtful w iu-ther. hs nec
tssary nuir.erix;al. puperiurjty . cr.n .
concentrated against any particular
front to pu.di a. olTensive, tju ough( to
real succe.-s. . .
Partial success, he saj s, is costly
and useless and the gi neral staif,
therefore, is well advised in not at
tempting a big attack on. the western
fruit- . ,. - . ....
and paper hanging. First class work
guaranteed. Automobile- painting' a
specialty. Ford : Cars. 10.: 'S. Chris-
tenscn. Inquire at Propst Garage-.'
Found Kear lamp for '.automobile,'
together with plate number for car,
No. 50891. Owner' can have same by
calling at the Journal office and pay
ing for this notice.
Atlanta, Ga., July II. The Wood
men of the World fraternal order will
pay premiums on fraternal Ijfc irisur
nncc policies of all members who en
list, it was announced today py "Will
iam A. Fialcr, sovereign commander;
at the opening of the sovereign camps
convention.' About one nundred dele
gates from the United States and
Canada are in attendance.
Rex Young, the auctioneer, of near
Murray, motored, up' . this afternoon
from his home near Murray to look
after some trading with the mer
chants'.' (j "
John Gradoville and wife were
among those ""going to Omaha this
morning,' where they will visit for. a
few hours with their $ori, Peter Grade--
ville.'at Fort Crook; 'where' he is"sta'i
ioned with the Fourth Nebraska."
e do not 3 ant
"special Patriotic Prices we are making all this week on
h'arcl-to-get staple merchandise. The people who are buy
ing them are mighty well pleased. , We know you will be.
'' Men's Dress '
i Straws
L ..... '
Men's -Palm Beach
' . Suits
Red, white and blue
Sport Waists
Men's Linen
E. f escott's Sons
. Jome, July 11. About $10,000,000
will be used, to organize American Red
Cross hospitals and ambulances, on the
Italian front.. This sum will be taken
from a fund of $100,000,000 which
American headquarters in .Paris have
at their disposal, for Europe.
: ' Iiondon, July 11. A Berlin fis
patch says that-the -National Liberty
party, formerly among the staunchest
fu poo i ters of the government, is now
unanimous in its demands for the
resignation of Chancellor Holhveg
.Thio ls one of the biggest party splits
in-Germanv. t
I Lost A "small ' boy a "coat, brown
mixture ;' lost" west of Piattsmouth 'on
.Cedar Creek roadl Finder please
Oeave at this 'office or return to If a
date's. ' ' ' ' ' ' :
the quality of INTERWOVEN Socks
. . 7 is always the same!
You no. doubt have experienced difficulty in getting socks
that fit the feet aswell as the head. An INTERWOVEN
will answer. that trouble.. Dyes, fabrics and construction
of this sock have made a slight raise necessary in the
prices. But; the same old value is there.
' Mercerized Lisles 35 three pair for $1.00
; Pare Silks 60c
Boys' and Girls' Stockings!
Quite a stock of children's hose, any pair, any time, until
they are. cleaned up. You cannot match these values in
yi :25c
Thc Only Place in the City Where YouCan Buy
ii.h f r in mini l l
1 1
you to miss the
Finish Men's Initial Leath-
Pants er Belts
$1.25 45c
Men's Kiki Udies' Sport
Pants Hats
$1.00 65c
Men's Work Boys' Wash
Sox Suits
10c 65c
Cotton Flannel
P-ft Gloves
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and en
joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters,
the family system tonic. Price $1.00.
C. M. Chriswisser of near Nehawka,
was in tbe.thc city for a few-hour3
this morning, motoring up from his
home. '
II. H. Stoll, of Nehawka, was in
the city last evening for a short time
visiting- and looking after some mat
ters of business.
L- D. Hiatt, of Murray, was in the
city yesterday for a few hours looking
after some business matters while en
route home from Omaha.
For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts
and bruises, mamma's sore throat,
grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Ec
lectic Oil the household remedy. 25c
and 50c.
Miss Bertha Heisel of Tekin, III ,
who has been here for a few days vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.William Kief, departed this morning
for her home.
Mrs. Barney Bardwell and children,
who have been here for a short visit
at the home of Mrs. Bard well's sister,
Mrs. Peter Herold, departed this
mofning for their home at Blooming
ton, 111.
r as in. Peace
li" in
- i