The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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, - i H i - , j rr upu&vsuuzsEZUi&'iSS I - rr ,i - 4 -J
j . . .
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know o? any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, aiiil will mail
same to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want ill newsltems Editoh
Sill At K
j ' '
U vJ U U
Do You Want to
Be a Success?
The autobiography of every
successful mart invariably tells
how hr. earned and saved his
first dollar.
There's no telling what the
morrow will bring forth. It is
the man with the ready cash
that is prepared for a business
Isn't it a fact that cash in
the bank gingers you up ?
Doccn't it give you confidence?
See us about an account.
I rt r n n I
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Ed Loach was a Plattsmouth vis
itor la.-t Fiiday afternoon.
Murray has icen well represented
at the Plattsmouth Chautauqua for
the rast week.
Prank Lillie was visiting for a few
hours with Plattsmouth friends and
l datives last Sunday.
W. H. Puis and family spent the
day last Sunday at the home of Mr.
an i Mrs. William Ilenner.
Charles Carroll and son. Ernest, and
family, from near Avoea, spent the
Fourth with home folks in Murray.
Hariy Barrows, of Omaha, is in
Murray this week visiting at the
home of his brother, Ted, and family.
Mrs. Edith Taney came down from
Omaha last Saturday and spent the
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William LaRue.
Henry Ost and family, from near
Sj i injrfield. were Sunday visitors in
Murray, visitins: at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Brown, south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Trimpey of Oma
ha, were visiting: with Murray friends
last Saturday evening: and Sunday,
bvinsr sruests at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Berger and Mr. and Mrs. James
Walt and Jake Minniear and E. E.
Moore and their families went out to
Louisville last Sunday and spent the
day fishing- in the lakes near that
T hue. It is said that they landed a
nice string: of fish.
The series of lectures given by
Senator Oberlies in Murray last Sat
urday evenine and Sunday, were well
attended, with the exception of Satur
day eveninjr, when the stormy weather
kept the people at home, and the lec
ture was given up at the Puis & Gan-
semer hal!.
Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Renner,
on Sunday, July 1st, a bouncing: baby
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wilcox,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young,
on July 4th, a baby girl. Both moth
er and little one are doing nicely.
Mrs. Lee Brown met with quite a
painful accident last Friday, when a
fruit jar exploded and cut several
places in her hand.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farris and
daughter, Lenora, and son, Curtis,
and Grandpa Copenhaver and Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt -spent the day Sun
day with Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel.
W. G. Boedeker, L. II. Puis, Philip
Keil, William Fight and Philip Hild
went to Omaha on the Fourth to at
tend the auto races. lhe trip was
made in Mr. Hild's car.
Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Engelkemeier
and little daughter, Margaret, mo
tored to Plattsmouth Tuesday after
noon for a visit with relatives and to
attend to some business matters.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henry,
a baby girl, on Monday, July 2d. Ray
says it is the finest baby in the land,
because the neighbors say that the
little lady looks just like her udad."
Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. D. A. Young and
Mrs. Win. Hendricks will enteitam
the ladies' Aid society at the home of
Mrs. Carroll on Wednesday, July 11.
All members are requested to be pres
ent. L. H. Puis sold another one of those
high class Super-Six cars this week
i to Charles Barkhurst. from near
Weeping Water. Mr. Barkhurst is
sure wise in his selection of a car for
ease and comfort in his aut; trips.
Mrs. John Lloyd and son and daugh
ter, Miss Laura, made a trip to Per
kins county the past week to look
after some land that Mr. Uovd cur-
Biff Help for lied Cross.
Murray and Rock Bluffs precinct
have sure dene their part toward the
Red Cross fund. After the meeting
held a few nights ago, at which time
C. A. Rawls, Judge Begley, Dr. Will
Brendel and Mr. Graham made ad
dresses, and tne organization was
thoroughly launched, the heme com
mittee got busy right away. After
the meeting closed $"o5 was raised, in
a very few minutes. Murray and
Rock Bluffs proportion of the big
Red Cross fund was placed at SI, 200.
W. G. Boedeker was selected as chair
man of the rustling committee, and
with the following members got busy
the next day, when .? 1,4 14.75 was
raised. The committee were, W. S.
Smith, T. S. Barrows, Lloyd Gapen,
C. D. Spangler, James DelesDemier,
C. H. Boedeker. John Llovd, O. A.
Davis and J. H. Brown. Most every
body in the entire precinct was seen
by one of these men. and most every
one gave something, as there are in
the neighborhood of loO names cm
the list, which we would like to print,
if we had the room and time to get
them in type, for a community that
came to the front like this is certainly
worthy of much praise. It demon
strates that there is a great deal of
atiiotism and willingness to "do
their bit."
-a Red Leather feature in
"Down Went
the Key!"
a one reel comedy
RJRfV J nrrnr.
The John Deere is called "The Better Binder" by those
who use it because they are able to cut more successfully tall
or short or tangled grain beccause of it great capacity, ease
of operation, light running and low cost of up-keep. The
John Deere Quick-Turn Tongue Truck makes the Binder run
steady, adds life the machine, relieves the team of neck
weight, keeps the tongue from whipping, and reduces side
draft. We have them in stock. Come in and look one over.
Saturday Evening,
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp y
Electric Lights.
on Saturday, June 21, a seven-pound cha5ed in that county a few d
baby girl.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
load of hogs to the South Omaha
market Monday evening.
Mrs. Ed Leach, who has been quite
sick for the past few weeks, is slowly
gaining in. health and strength.
William Puis and wife and daugh
ter, Miss Laura, were attending the
Chautauqua in Plattsmouth Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker and
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt were at-
tendirg the Chautauqua in Platts
mouth Sunday.
Dr. Gilmore was called to the John
Urish horn? Tuesday on account of
cne of the girls falling from a tree
and breaking her arm. We did not
learn the name of the lady as we
failed to see the doctor at all on this
Lloyd Gilmore, Harry Johnson and
Otto Lutz are new members of the
Sixth Nebraska from this locality. The
boys joined the army last week and
took the first examination last Sun
day, and were found in every way the
sort of lads that Uncle Sam wants in
his big army.
Mrs. Elmer Boedeker departed Mon
day morning for her new home in Du
bois, Idaho, where, Mr. Boedeker
bought a ranch some time ago, and
preceded Mrs. Boedeker several weeks
in the westward journey. Mr. and
Mrs. Boedeker have a great many
friends in this locality who will join
the Journal in wishing them both hap
piness and prosperity in their new
western home.
davs ago.
They were also much pleased with the
Rev. W. M. Jackson and family,
who have been here visiting for two
weeks at the Presbyterian parsonage,
left in their car la.-t Fiiday morning
for their home in Red Oak. going via
Omaha, and from there home in the
Miss Grace Lir.tner, daughter of
Mrs. Louie Rheinack'e, was taken to
Omaha Thursday morning, where she
will be operated upon for an attack of
chronic appendicitis. She was accom
panied by Dr. Gilmore and Mr. and
Mr"s. Rheinackle.
Will Murray have electric light in
the veiy near future? This seems to
b1 the leading question at the present
time. The committee appointed to in
terview the citizens on the very im
portant question are being met nwst
favorably, but they are short of the
desired amount needed. There has a great advance in all elect l ie
equipment during the past two years,
and this seems to be the only delay
in the completion of ail plans at the
present time. Light is badly needed
in Murray, and now is the time to in
stall a plant, the chances are it will
not be cheaper for many years, if ever.
If vou have not tilreadv contributed
Deposed Prince Ilsuan Tung Placed
On Throne Again.
General Char-; Hsun. Dictator, Orders
President to Abdicate.
London. Julv 2. General Chang
Shun, says a Renter's limited dis
i :iuh from Peking, has informed
President Li Yuan Hung that he must
i etire beccuse the Manchu empero
Ilsuan, Tung, has been restored to the
throne. Another dispatch says that
Ilsuan Tung issued a mandate Satur
i'f.v morning announcing his succes-
your share of the cash and energy, t . ion
get into the harne-? right now and
rn J.n.M A fr.i-.l liiirVt r.i-ir trill o.l.l ...
"-- General Chang Hsun. military gov
ernor of Anhwei province, has taken
more to the town thp.n any other one ;
thing that you can do. Dr. Gilmore j
and L. II. Puis were in Omaha Mon
day taking the matter up with the
Fred Condon, who is employed on dealers, and will sur.- have the cx-v.ct t
the? Oldham Stock farm, fell from the j figures of co.-t ami plans for a light j
haymow Monday of this wi-eic. and rd.-mt c-mrnhlo f,-,,. M.-vrnv- i- tVio n.vr 1
Let Us Help
Dress You Up!
In Classy Merchandise From Head to Foot.
Men's Tailor-Made Suits, 500 patterns to select
rfom; prices $12.50 to $36.00
Men's Percale Dress Shirts. .... .$1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Men's Soft Collar Dress Shirts .$1.00, $1.25
Men's eather Belts, all sizes and big selection 50c
Men's Hot Weather Suspenders .25c, 35c, 65c
Men's Silk Neckties, a dandy line at 50c
Men's Panama Hats, very latest styles. . .$2.50, $3, $5
Men's Felt Hats in late shades, Blue, Green, Black,
and Grey .$2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Dress Shoes for Men $3.75, $4.00, $5.50
Quality merchandise
when you buy here
Tutt, ,
striking his knee he tore the ligiment
loose near that member. The injury
was quite painful, but he is getting
along very nicely at this timo.
Dr. and Mrs. Jackson left on Mon
day morning for Red Oak, la., and.
from there departed in the afternoon
of that day with their son and his
wife in their car for Waterloo. Ia..
to visit their daughter, Mrs. Munn.,
who has been in ill health for the
past several months. Dr. Jackson ex
pects to return in time for services in
his church next Sabbath.
Gold Rice met with the unfortu
nate accident of having a sharp piece
of steel penetrate his eyeball last
Thursday, which necessitated the at
tention of a specialist to remove. He
was taken to Dr. Gifford in Omaha,
where he was operated upon at the
Methodist hospital. The accident was
a very painful one, and at last re
ports he was getting along very nicely.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel. Dr.
Will Brendel and Billy Barker, who
departed one week ago last Sunduy
for Denver, Colo., in the auto, write
from Denver that they are having
a fine time in and near that city. They
have visited the numerous important
summer resorts near there and are
having too much enjoyment to even
think of the return trip. They will
not return for a week or ten days.
Miss Lucy Urish. the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Urish,
residing west of Murray, fell from a
cherry tree Tuesday morning, striking
the ground with her head and shoul
ders. The fall was a very severe one
and for some time the little lady re
mained in an unconscious condition.
Medical attention was summoned and
the doctor pronounced it a case of
concussion of the brain, and very dif
ficult at this time to ascertain the
seriousness of the result. The many
friends hope that she will recover rapidly.
From my place, five miles north of
Murray, two white-faced steer calves.
Anyone knowing1 anything1 as to their
whereabouts, please notify Otto Puis,
Murray, Neb. 7-5-tfwkly
Wa.-hingi.on, D. C, July 2. Secret
investigation by government agents
has disclosed the existence of a con
spiracy to destroy or hinder shipping
on the Great Lakes and delay organ
ization of American war armies and
check the flow of food and munitions
material from the western states to
the Atlantic coast.
Xo conspirators have been captured
and the identity of none has been
made public, but it was learned today
that the state, navy and justice de
portments are co-operating to bring
the offenders to punishment and that
the Canadian government probably
will be called upon to help.
This plot, engineered by Germans,
assisted by sympathizing American
citizens, is believed to have been re
sponsible for the succession of "ac
cidents" to lake shipping a month
ago. Three vessels have been sunk,
one burned and another disabled.
Murray Hardware and Implement Go.,
Chicago Grand Jury Pays Special At
tention to the Elgin Board
of Trade.
Accusation Made Consumer Forced by
System to Deal With
Cause cf Despondency.
Despondency is aften caused by in
digestion and constipation, and quick
ly disappears when Chamberlain's
Tablets are taken. These tablets
strengthen the digestion and move the
a prominent part in the recent inter
val troubles in China and a dispatch Peking, June IS, said that he ha
i.s.-umed the rower of dictator. At
that time it was reported that Presi
lent Li Yuan Hung was virtually :
prisoner and that his irienus were
not permitted to enter the palace.
General Chang Hsun Is reputed to
be the strongest of the military gov
errors of China, and there has been
xeports that he would make an at
ttmpt to reinstate the Manchu dy
General Li Yuan Hung succeeded to
the r residency of Ch June 101o
alter trie eleatn el lieneral luan ni
Kai. The present difficulties of Presi
dent Li arose over his refusal to up
hold, the decision of th? cabinet to
break with Germany and it had been
reported that he was opposed to the
entry of China into the war.
L'nder Father's Regency.
Hsuan Tung, the son of Prince
Chun, ascended the throne of China,
December 2. 1003, under the regency
of his father. On December i, 1011.
Prince Chun abdicated as regent, and
February 12, 1012, the youthful em
peror abdicated the throne and the
Chinese republic was established.
Since that time the cmpieror had vir
tually been a prisoner of President
Yuan and Li.
In February of this year, it was re
ported that Ilsuan Tung would be
brought to the United States to com
plete his education, and it was said
that President Li had approver! the
plan for the Manchu emperor to come
to the United States.
Hsuan Tung was born in 1904. He
first bore the title of Prince Pu-Yi
and took the name of Ilsuan Tung
when he was enthroned as emperor in
Chicago, 111., July 2. Exploitation
of war conditions to raise food prices
to consumers "for the benefit of the
few who are handling food products"
was reported to the federal grand
jury today after an investigation of
several weeks.
The Elgin board of trade, wrier?
are fixed butter prices taken as stand
ard throughout the country, received
especial attention from the grand
jury, which pointed out that the board
holds only one fifteen-minute session
each week.
"It is a question whether the Elgin
boaid is a real and bonitide market
for the purchase and sale of butter,"
comments the report.
Trading in canned goods, the grand
jury found, is carried on under a sys
tem which compelled the consumer to
deal with middle-men and prevented
trading directly with the canner.
Selling of Canned Corn.
One result of this was given in the
price cf canned corn, which sold from
canner to wholesaler in 101i at ."
cents a dozen, is now selling to the
retailer at S1.75 a dozen and to the
consumer at a still higher price.
The report urged legislation to pro
hibit cold storage companies from
holding large amounts of perishable
food products in warehouses, which
the grand jury said leads to specula
tion and higher prices. Reports un
der oath to the government on the
amounts of food in cold storage was
Because of the short time the grand
jury had for its work a thorough ex
amination was not possible which
would have warranted indictments.
Robert W. Childs, special assistant at
torney general, said another jury
would be called soon to continue the
Circulars Sent Out.
Among documents obtained by the
grand jury in its investigation were
two circulars sent by two wholesale
foo 1 dealers to jobbers and salesmen.
One of these said:
"Raise your prices now on every
thing we have advised you will ad
vance. You can get the extra price
this week as well as next."'
Another circular read:
'"Our customers have very unusual
profits within their grasp at this mo
ment. Will they throw them away or
tuck them away?
"Of what earthly use.- are futures
f the benefits are wantonly wasted?
'"No man ever got very far on the
road to competency who was a wise
buyer, but z. spineless seller.'
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al
most drives you mad. For quick re
lief, Doan's Ointment is well recom
mended. 50e at all stores.
For Sale Very special bargains in
new and slightly used pianos, for cash
or easy payments. Write or phone at
once to A. Ilospe Co., Omaha, Neb.
K-H- v-i-r-r v-I-i-
Lawyer. '
East of Riley HoteL
Ccetes Block,
Second Floor
When someone stops advertising,
Someone stops buying.
When someone stops buying,
Someone stops selling.
When someone stpps selling,
Someone stops making.
When someone stops making,
Someone stops earning.
When someone stops earning,
Everybody stops buying.
Summer Goods are Now in Line!
Wash Fabrics
and complete line of
Summer Dress
Straw Hats!
Summer Underwear
for Ladies and Gents!
Our line is complete in every way.
Puis & Gansemer,
Drs. FJach & FJiach, Ths Dentists
The largest ind best equipped dent&l office, in Oman. Spciliit im
charge of all woilc. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain filling!,
just like tooth. . Initrumenta carefully s'.eruueu alter using.
Send for raxit sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
If you desire any flag stickers now
is the time to secure them, at the
Journal office, where a new consign
ment has just been received. j
Fistula Pay When Cured
VI A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and
J I f 1 other Recta IDiseavesin a short tune, without a severe sur-
S Nfc 3Hriy fiical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other genera!
aaastaetic usea. A cure g-jaranteea in every case accepted
for trea?rs2t. and no mocejr to be pail crti! cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names
and testimonials of mere than 1000 prominent peorte who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA