PAGE MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Oie plattsmouth journal WHY WE ARE AT WAR. return from them, the uses to which the money raised by the sale of thj WHAT WAR MEANS TO MEN. rCBLISHRD 8KMI-WKEK1.T AT PLATTSMOITH, NEBRASKA. Catered at Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., an second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher UBSCHIPTIOIf FKICEi 91 .5 PER TEAR lit AOTANCB Some boy far away, On the land, or on the sea, Is fighting for you, And fighting for me. Is there aught we can do, To help bear the loss? Yes step into line, And join the "lied Gross." :o: - The fly is late. :o: But have your swatter ready. -:o:- Thc food speculator must go, :o: all lar For he is collecting his forces. Keep the road drag in motion. --:o:- All aboard for the Chautauqua, next Thursday. If you can't be sociable do l't seek company. :o: Obeying quarantine is one way of showing true public spirit. :o: It tithes something besides hot air to get you anything these days. :o: Swat the speculator and food hoard er and you will stop the high cost of living. :o: This is going to be a bad summer fr the business of promoting forei pleasure tours. :o: Because you neglect your duty don't think that everybody else is do ing the same thing. A reader of the Republic wants to Liberty loan bonds is to be devoted n 1861, when the civil war becamo know why we are at war. While Presi- wju prove a patriotic inducement ts inevitable, Sherman, who was a West dent Wilson has answered this ques-1 purchase such bonds. A certain dig- Point graduate and a soldier returned tion with more eloquence and force I nny attaches to money invested in a I from civil life to the army for pa- than we could hope to, we are going high and noble cause. The Liberty triotic reasons, told Lincoln's cabinet to give this Rip Van Winkle a shot, oan js made by the United State? that tnc estimate of 75,000 men to So here goes: government to purchase arms an'J crush the rebellion in the south wan We are at war because a desperado equipment for American soldiers and absurd, that a termination of the wai down the road had been destroying sailors, food and supplies for th in three months, which was the dura- our property and interfering with our American army and navy. The money tion of Lincoln's first call for men, people as they passed along the public I is to be spent in America for those was unbelievable and that it would re- road. We remonstrated with him and Americans who are fighting America's K11"'0 at least 200,000 men, properly. And there are garden slackers, also, he gave us false or cvdsive answers, battles on land and sea. Tart of the trained in arms, to reduce the stati :o: I and continued his work of destruction. I monev raised bv the snip of Librtv f Virginia alone. ir. i . x :i r it I " " I ut 1S "ailur Ui " Finally, after getting himself em- hoan bonds is to bo Wnod to onr lJ We all know what happened and broiled with all the neighbors, except lies; this, too, is to be expended ia how Sherman was shelved by the poli- three of his own kind, he proceeded America. It is to be spent for food ticians, to be recalled by Grant, who to kill our citizens without warning and supplies for the armies of our was a jUtl of men. I" 1891) -Sij . wnenever they came inside of a zon allies fighting on our side on the va- William Butler, then general officer of the highway which he had appro- rious war fronts in Europe. It i commanding the British forces in priated to his own use, contrary to America's first contribution toward South Africa, told his home govern- Iaw- doing her part in the war we are en- mcnt that it would take at least 120,- We took up arms to help those who gaged in. It is billions for defense in 000 men to conquer the Boer republics. were fighting to rid the neighborhood the world-wide war autocracv is wair- of this desperado, and then found that ;nr ae-ainst demorrarv. h..t nnf. nn: Children Cry for Fletcher' 1 - ..v-v-v -v WX VA The Zind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia jse for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made unaer xus pcr sonal supervision since its iniancy t4 Allow no one to deceive vou in this. TV sj . -:o:- The cheerful giver is usually popu- :o:- And the people have to sufTer by his imposition. :o: Farmers will soon be laying the second line trenches. :o: If you can't swat the kaiser, you ho had plotted to attack us as soon cent for tribute can at least swat flies. I as he had finished killing off or over. coming his neighbors, and had even :o:- :o:- We have got to win this war by suggested a division of our lands and THE MIGHT OF WEAKNESS. lighting, not shirking. :o: He was recalled, in official disgrace.. for telling unpalatable truth to bu reaucrats, just as General Pershing may be recalled if the politicians feel that way. The British, in two years and a quarter, put 4r'j,000 men into :o: The censor ;-eems to have kept the news of the fall in the price of wheat from reaching the bakers. '-:o: When it comes to garments now-a-days, it seems that the girls select any color just so it's bright. :o: The United States has the reputa tion of being a hustling nation all over the world, and we arc entitled to it, too. :o: You can't tell a girl's disposition by the sweetness of her voice over the telephone. A sweet voice is very de ceiving at times. :o: . It is sail there are twenty places in Lincoln where one can get any thing he wants to drink. And Lincoln is a model city. :o: "Give until it hurts" is the Canadian Red Cross slogan, and they are sub tcnlung liberally up there. But not any more so than the people of the United States. -:o:- Mr. Hoover says the speculators are taking $.",0,000,000 a month from the people in excessive profits and pre dicts a further rise in prices if noth ing is done. No one can fully realize what that means in thousands of homes among the working people. :o: "Help the Farmer" is the heading of an article in one of our exchanges. Was this published as a joke on the farmers. It must have been. They are the last people on earth to cry for help. They are ' prepared to furnish help more than any other class in the world. :o:- "A power that drops bombs upon school houses, sinks hospital and re lief ships, torpedoes merchantmen without warning and fires upon refu gees in open boats is loose in the world, and yet some Americans ask why wc arc at war," says the New York World.) :o:- AVar may have a few pleasant sides to it, especially the one where those sweet-faced, handsome Red Cross girls pin on your arm the ensign that you have registered. But when wc read in the papers that the govern ment has ordered 200,000 coffins tc, be used for those who fall on the bat tlefield it seems to lose, at least, a part of its glory. property among his friends or those The effect of the Russian revolution South Africa, transported over 10,000 who could be induced to join with goes marching on. miles of sea, and it took real general ; him. It constituted in itself the greatest anJ not politicians to win the war, to- Incidentally, we found that by ridi victory that has been won in the war. gether with a billion dollars for na- ding the neighborhood of this blood and the only victory that holds ou',, tional debt. and-ambition crazed individual wj any hope of an early peace. At the outset of the present war, could stop all future outbreaks of that The Russian autocracy, paradoxical af'er the late Lord Roberts hid for character, free millions of down-trod- yt was the strongest support of Ger- 5 cars implored his country to create den and misgoverned people ami man autocracy and of Austrian auto? a reasonable state of preparedness, "make the world safe for democracy.' cracy. The czar, though an enemy in based upon his own experience of the So we buckled on the sword that arms, was in a very real sense the humiliations of the Boer war, Kitch- our great-grandfather carried at best friend of the Hohenzollerns and ?ner told his government and the Yorktown, seized the old musket that the Hapsburgs. The "Russian men- British people that the problem in our, grandfather shouldered in the ace" may have been real or mythical hand involved at least three years' Mexican war, and to the same old but in either case autocracy in centra.- fighting and not less than 0,000,000 Those who are constantly making tune that called our father to his duty Europe was able to use it as a prop men. The British have raised up- light of what others do, don't do much 5n the civil war we marched forth for its militarism and as an excise wards of 5,000,000 men and the end is heavy work themselves. to fight for our rights and humanity, for the war. :o: . And no American with red blood in But now the excuse is gone. Russia Most of the slackers have made up his veins, no one with sufficient fore- menaces only itself.' And the fact Some people are constantly making light of what other do. :o: At last the great American farm hand is coming into his own. :o: riattsmouth's Chautauqua will soon open. Have you bought a season tick et yet? :o: What Plattsmouth needs more than anything else is a reliable electric light plant. :o: All Counterfeits Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. . What is'CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising , therefrom, and. by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALiVAYS JBears the Signature of si in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM g O MTAUW COMAMV. NfWVOCTK CITY, very tolerant mind and amiable dis. position toward them, even when their efforts are directed to seriously em barrass the government and lend aid and comfort to the armed enemy of their country. If we did not know that Mr. Wi their minds they would rather be reg-I sight to see beyond the end of his I changes the politics of the world. j i .... I . .....I lsicreu uy a government clock than nose, no one who values his freedom I It removes Austria's interest in th by the desk sergent of the police sta- tion. and that of his children, can regret war and its one great incentive U not yet, while there are more than son is himself in favor of equal suf -10,000,000 in the various armies in fragc, though to be gained by state the field. rather than federal action, we might These are simple figures. They are suspect that he is pursuing a cours the lessons of history, vhich only a I calculated to allow the women to fur politician could neglect, and only nish a spectacular object lessou that we entered the light when we di j continue it. All that is left to keep politician can neglect r.t his country's against the merits of their own cause, France has placed a maximum price on butter, eggs and cheese. In this country the dealers fix prices on ev erything, without assistance from the government, and consumers suffer the conseuences. :o: and are determined to stay until it is won. St. Louis Republic. :o: CO-OPERATIVE IDLENESS UNTIMELY. Austria fighting is the sense of loy. alty and obligation. to its great ally And it is highly questionable whether that sense is very deep, or very abid ing. With the fear of the Russian cost. Wai! Street Journal. :o: MISTAKEN FORBEARANCE. Certainly there is being exhibited to ward them a special leniency such a would not be shown male citizens of the republic. Suppose that men ad Without assuming to weigh the rights and interests involved, people Amos Pinchot wants to know who already oppressed by war considera is going to pay for the war. Well, tions and obligations will be ready to he and his brother "Giff" can do a applaud the action of Attorney Gen good deal in that direction if they will eral Reed in seeking to put an end loostcn up to the government as they through judicial action to the indus- did to help the progressive party. trial trouble involving 5,000 laboring :o: men in Omaha. Tom Reed, now dead, and speaker Whether it is is a strike on the part of the house of representatives for Gf the unions or a lockout on the part several years, once remarked that cf the employers matters little to the "this is a billion dollar country!" That public. The effect upon the public is might have been during his time, but the same, whichever conflicting inter now it is seven billions, and thpn . n. m.- .... . , v-ou is en, iciuit. aijis is no time ior SOme. I Tl-l-l-ir.n- L 1 1 rTM- 1 V Mumin(jiirai iu uc mif. x ne neeus 01 the state, the nation and the world re quire that every man shall be devoting himself more to the welfare of others than to himself. Never was there I such urgent demand for personal sac rifice as now, when the young men of the nation are being called to the col ors to protect our national ideals and :o: If you don't save your money by saving democracy, your money won't be worth any more to you than your life will. French, English and Amer ican troops and ships are the only safeguards either money, life or lib erty has in the world today, and we mucf rrr-r -fltvM j-tv 4lM J MI u Mlc , beUer condiUon of in(JividuaJ me nem or go the way of wrecke-j the word oyer Belgium and ruined Serbia. Certain woman suffragists in Wash-1 vocating socialism, knowing that so peril removed the door is opened wide ington are apparently in rebellion I cialism is in the saddle in Russia, were for dissensions and peace propaganda against their own government because I to surround the White House and dis- within the Austrian empire. it does not grant to women, equally P'av similar banners to the Russian Much the same thing is true in Ger- with mcn, the privilege of the ballot, envoys. Suppose pacifists should many. The German people saw in On Wednesday they displayed ban- a,lPt such a course, or men of Ger Russian autocracy ambition a compel- ners addressed to the Russian wai man and Austrian or Turkish or Bui ling reason why they should support mission, about to call on the president garian birth. That they would b' the kaiser's militarism. Unquestion J of the United States. Those banner:! promptly arrested may be taken as a ably there was fear of Russia in Ger- warned Russia that the government of matcr of course, since citizens, in va many. That fear has been removed, the United States was attempting t; rious parts of the country have al and with its removal the kaiser it I deceive them, pretending to be a de- I rcatb' Dccn arrested for lesser offenses. weakened. He is further weakened by mocracy, and a friend to democratic Unquestion they would not be afford, the suggestive power of the Russia! principles, when in fact it is not. The c Plice protection in an attempt to revolution upon the German radicals, banners called upon Russia to entei tlefcat the foreign policy of their And he is still further weakened by into no agreements with the United couniT at a time when it is engage the necessity he is underJto use thos? States in behalf of world democracy j m war- Yet women are subject to radicals, the socialists, as his instru- until the United States proves that it J thc same laws and penalties as men, ments in the intrigue for a separate is itself democratic by allowing women tl,e e"ftrcement of which should be peace. German socialism is growing to vote. by the recognition the government has Angry citizens, denouncing the ban accorded it, and its growth is a men. ncrs as treasonable, tore them ,lown. On thc following day the suffragists showed up with new banners, bearing the same inscription, which were again torn to pieces, though no at tempt was made to harm the women ace to the autocracy. In the entente countries, too, th Russian revolution is having its pro found influence. It has compelled the British empire to consent to an ex -:o:- Our good old Missouri friend and fellow laborer in the newspaper vine yard, Colonel Bates, of the Platts mouth Daily Journal, has just cele- jratcd his seventy-fifth anniversary upon this mundane sphere. His has been a long and useful life, and we hope to be right here when Colonel Bates celebrates his centennial, so wo It is not the purpose of this action to settle this controversy in favor of one side or the other, but to require, if the courts find it possible, that the issues involved shall be held in abey ance until some favorable and prop itious time, when such Industrial in terruptions do not nilitate against the important duty of meeting the urgent needs of humanity. amination and possible revision of thu who bore them. Neither did the po allies' war agreements and peace. iicc make any effort to arrest tht terms. It made it possible to depose. Constantine, whom the czar was sup porting in his royal "rights." It ha encouraged Japan to stiffen up its ag gressive policy in the far east, sinct women. Quite to tho contrary, the equal and impartial without regard to sex, except on the ground that there is an essential difference, which dif ference, it might easily be contended., should serve as' a bar to equal suf frage. To this line of reasoning it is prob able that most women, whether for or against suffrage, would reply that they are not in sympathy with thr, course pursued by their sisters in reports indicate that there was Washington, and that they should be feeble and ineffective police effort t-. Punisfted precisely as men would be protect even the banners that th, women bore. These women have been if punished for a like offense. And it is beyond dispute that the womanhood. of the country, as a whole, is supported ing the government in war with a loyalty that is just as fervid as the mcn display. American women can no more be held responsible for the extremely dubious conduct of a few of their number than the men, as a whole, can be blamed for the action of the recent socialist conference at St Louis, to name only one notable ex ample. " . ! ' Tolerance and chivalry can be car ried to extremes. We have a notion that both the men and women o America, suffragists and anti-suffra- gists, would welcome and commend action by the proper authorities at Washington to put an end to an un. seemly display that by a mistaken for-; bearance may be given an exaggerat ed meaning. World-Herald. :o: Attorney General Reed put the ki. bosh on the Omaha strike very ouicklv. - w - :o: . It is all right to take up the slack- in Nebraska and slackers too, wher- ever found. o: A billion for every stripe on the flag if necessary. And if that isn't enough, then a billion for each star on the flag. :o: Cass county's proportion to the Red Cross fund will be subscribed this week making up the $24,000, which denotes our people are liberal as well as patriotic. :o:- It may be possible that all anti- conscriptionists in the, United States cannot be convicted under our laws. but it seems that they should be a east punished for impersonating rfl Americans. A want ad in the Journal will brine results. There is work for everv man fn An can congratulate him again. Will , , At , . fa of one kind or another, for th h.f terment of the whole world. It is no I : 1 'lans are now on foot to oriran ze a .- r xuie Maupin in York Democrat :o: text, whether he be employer or em ploye. Lincoln Star. the danger of having Russia to de: . patrolling the White House foi with has been removed. It has blottc, months, attempting by their "sileni out the possibility of Sweden joining protests" to harass and annoy the the, central powers, since it was th president - into turning his attention Russian fear that made Sweden "pro- from war problems to the suffrage German." It has given encourage- problem, though it is only recently ment and a vivifying impetus to the that they have resorted to methods liberal forces in all the countries at that the crowd condemns as treason- I" ililiT IVTr Wilcrm whiio he line: c!lrTif A WORD TO THE FARM RENTER USE OF THE LIBBERTY LOAN. has enormously enhanced its spiritual any way, because he did not desir , power, setting democracy forward ev- they should have an opportunity to about these lo new regiment in known as the Sixth Nebraska. Al- . 1 A L t . a. rrauy iwcniy-iour cities ot the stato I ened iave signified their desire to form companies to be entered into this regi- rnnfir mn tirtii sstrt J nno I ...... I ..... ""l ""M m an appeal to the Amer can peo- erywnere, in enemy and lnendly coun, pose as martyrs. It will be recallec tin I I I wnen tnis regiment and the fourth ple to buy Liberty bonds the trovern- tries alike, and to that extent hasten- that on one cold and storm v dav hr. 1 tvi.,1 I I J " ana nun are recruited to full I monfs nm;i t?,,ii.- i I ino- tha nf w-i it 1,1 ment, which will contain 2,002 men. relative to the use of the Liberty loan: :o: Ar, 1 T 1 , . I ' I icauy iu! civile, i'lea suDiect to "To the Amor ran citijnn -V, T f; 1,1, 1 : u ti., ...l i ,i O - - I w I . v- lilik. lib of the tha Z- 1 7 Z 10" yUr Iand this ear and e the profit of tour Vnnl' 1 .1 V 3'U? SfcoP turninS ver 40 to 50 per cent -Lnd d TTS f rCSUlts to your land,ord- Buy some of those f" d SouthweSter Nebasa or Northwestern Colorado lands.-approved wheat lands at. f mm -ton t m . . . The revolution enormously weak- hy ignored the silent protestants, has too, with big profits comine f rom rf.s k 13 S country H Rs.' n;f pf ;J ' 1L. Unn, ! f' 'nff; rm . dairS because you can raise forage , ""f j not wibiieu mem iniereicrea wiin in I ""sc crops plentifully. Wc can send western wLt?'. nW cartfu"y Prepared leaflets. "Go to S f Th"e s .F You in Colorado." telliE , South- ou all priced deeded lands, or if you want a stockraising home- was so tolerant and so chivalrous, in. deed, as to invite the ladies into tho draft are given permission to enter these regiments. m .. . I some consideration to features of hi? cowardice masquerading under the refuge from the clemency J investment other than the mere monej name of caution. weather. Seemingly he is still of a r our ."Free Govern- sad of 640 acres in NorthwesterV,."" ment Lands Folder." It is my duty to help you get settled and there is absolutely no charge for my services. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent C. B. & ,Q, R. R. 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.