The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE Si
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 19lf.
n You Weed NotSpenda Lot of E3oney n gy GOVERNMENT
to Have a Lot f Pretty Waists!
Not if you buy them here; in fact it might be a surprisingly small sum. To
be specific $1.00 will buy a neat, worthy, appealing, dependably-made, perfect
fitting waist. Two dollars it's true will buy a finer Blouse, but the thought we
want to convey is that in these moderate priced waist3 you get Real Style dis
tinction and all that goes to make a Blouse desirable.
New Wirthmor SILO Waists
Federal Trade Commission Urges That
Only Thus Can Shortage Be
Waist in
Sold at
Just Oiej
Good Store
Every City
Call Phone 53 Dry Goods Department
53 and 54 Grocery Department
would seem that steady employment.
fair compensation to labor and cap
ital, equitable distribution and stable
prices could be secured.
Transportation Economy. '
"The railroads of the country, if
operated at a unit and on government
account, could be used to transport
coal and other products by the most
direct route to their point of destina
tion and the efliciency of the roads
themslves, existing: rolling stock and
motive power, would be vastly in
creased. "All receipts from all rail and
water transportation agencies being
pooled at the hands of the govern
ment and all expense of operation be
ing paid from the common fund, each
individual company should be paid a
just compensation which might be
measured by the average annual net
profit and expenditure for mainten
ance and betterments for the five-year
period prior to the war
Through Present Agencies.
"The operation, both of mines and
of the transnortation :ivonriv nl,l
Washington, D C, June 20. Gov- be carried on bv the m-esent ..mnW I
ernment pools of coal production and and officials and after the war they
distribution, and of rail and water could be returned unimpaired to mi-
transportation were recommended to vate operation. The rolling stock of
congress today by the federal trade railroads, operated as a unit, could be
commission as the only means of mobilized so as to raro for th 5ff
avoiding a disastrous coal shortage ing seasonable demands."
next winter. I Attontmn u rA
-" o v-ttucu iu Liie inci null
"1 he commission believes," says the Great Britain. France. Russia.
report, submitted after many months and Germany have found it necessary
of investigation, ordered by congress, to take over the control of their coal
Industry at Present Paralyzed and
Paralyzing All Industries
Features of Case.
' The Gift Which Keeps
the Bride's New Home New!
"Keeping1 liouse"
preserving the
charming nnvrn'ss
of Ikt ,arpellnss,
furniture, draper
ies, etc., tb.-it .lie
may be proud to
weleomo tallfrs will be ouite a bur
lt n for the younjj bride, heretofore un
accustomed to beincf ln-r own mistress,
unless some thoughtful friends or rela
tives include, amori the weddins pres
ents, a Hoover.
The light-rollins
Hoover, because It
possesses a fast
revolving motor
driven brunli of
soft hair, not only
cleans by power
ful air suction, but in addition all in
the same operation gives each rug
and carpet a gentle yet vigorous dirt
dislodginj? shaking, and a thorough
dirt-colleotintr sweeping. No dirt es
capes the Hoover.
'nll, filione or ttrite. Demon! rntionn at our More . or In nny
home without ohliKnllon. Convenient lernw it delrel.
'that the coal industry is paralyzing industries in varying degr
OOaw Beans!
I IWe have the nicest kind and only 20c
lb. Buy 5 or 10 lbs and save money.
Cotton Gloves 10c a pair $1.00 per dozen
CU3ason Fruit Jars!
Pints, per dozen 50c
Quarts, per dozen. . . . , 70c
yl Gallons, per dozen 80c
Now if you are going to need some jars its your only chance
to buy at wholesale prices.
Large Jars Prepared Mustard 10c
Brown Beauty Beans, two cans 25c
Horse Shoe Tobacco, 50 lbs to sell at, per lb 55c
Remember just a few days on these pi ices.
All Plants at 10c and Vines at 25c.
Prominent Civilians Advocate Break
With German Empire.
Baltimore, June 20. Oscar Chris
tian, a German, who says he came to
this country in 1912 and took out first
citizenship papers in Alaska and sub
sequently went to southern Ciliforr.Ia
and enlisted in the coast artillery, as
signed to the Twenty-eighth company
at Fort Rosencrans, is under heavy
guard at P'ort Howard.
In his possession were drawings
p.j-parently of a lighthouse and machinery-
There were also written in
German script papers in which he he "described the cruelties of
American detention houses" which he
intended taking to Germany."
He said he escaped from n' deten
tion house in Washington Monday
Cheap, for cash, if taken at once
! ' c" r" - '- C C -.'- xt-.k
- - - ----- - - - - v. 1 1 - i V . . , . I .
3-room house, electric lights, cellar
under house; four lots all fenced tight,
good well; one lot set in small fruit
trees. Good clear title. S. J. Reams,
Cedar Creek, Neb. G-18-2wks-wkly
Contains No Alcohol Absolutely Pure!
Made by the
Won Toxo OBTspany,
St. Paul, Minnesota
Distributor for Cass County.
Mexico City, June 20. El Uni
versal, the most prominent newspaper
in Mexico, prints today statements
from twenty-three prominent civilians
of Mexico advocating severance by
Mexico of relations with Germany and
asserting that Mexico's place in the
war is on the side of the entente al
lies. The headlines of the article in which
the statements are incorporated say it
is to the interest of Mexico to sever
relations with Germany and that the
Latin-American ideals of Mexico must
incline her to the side of the allies
rather than toward ideals of pan-Germanism,
absorption and militarism as
expressed by Germany.
The statements assert that German
intribues in Mexico offer ample reas
ons for severing diplomatic relations,
adding that Germany i3 endeavor
ing to provoke trouble betewen
Mexico and the United States. It
is asserted that Germany cannot de
ceive Mexico by the prospect of re
covering portions of Texas, New Mexi
co and Arizona, lost in 1848.
Mexico, others say, cannot lend her-
the industries of the country and that
the coal industry itself is paralyzed
by the failure of transportation.
There are enouch coal cars in th
country but not enough are delivered
to the mines and these cars are not
moved to the point of consumption
with the greatest expedition, nor are
they promptly discharged."
In view of these ' conditions, the
commission recommends:
"First That the production and
distribution of coal and coke be con
ducted through a pool in the hands of
the government agency; that the pro
ducers of various grades of fuel be
paid their full cost of production plus
a uniform profit per ton (with due
allowance for quality of product and
efliciency of service), and,
Transportation Also.
"Second That the 'transportation
agencies of the United States, both
rail and water, be similarly pooled
and operated on government account,
under the direction of the president,
and that all such means of transpor
tation be operated as a unit, the own
ing corporations being paid a just
and fair compensation which would
cover normal net profit, upkeep and
These recommendations are ap
proved by Commissioners Davies, Col
ver and Fort- Chairman Harris dis
sents on the plan for transportation
pool, except as a last resort, and sug-
The commission will continue its in
m: ati x
I'M hiiic;
Head of Mission to America Pays
inouie 10 iioover ana ills
Baron Moncheur Tells of the Purpose
of Visit of Party to This
nTlie T. J Sokol Dramatic Clubs
"Farar a Jelio Kostelnik"
Sunday, June 24th
at 3 p. m. Sharp
Admission 25c; Children 10c
Washington, June 20. Baron Mon
cheur, head of the Belgian war mis
sion, today expressed to the American
people through the Washington cor
respondents Belgium's deep gratitude
for America's "generous outpouring
of material assistance and sympathy."
He paid an especial tribute to Herbert
C. Hoover for his Belgian relief work.
"The purpose of our visit to this
country," said the baron, "is to ex-
Dance After the Play
Gents 25c; Ladies Free
Music Furnished by Plattsmouth Orchestra
enty off Refreshments
rail and water transportation agen
cies to give preference to shipment
of coal, coke and other commodities
in the order of their importance to
the public welfare."
Great Emergency Exists.
An urgent necessity exists for im
mdiate legislation to correct condi-
self to be the headquarters of a Ger- tions, says the report, because the
man spy system, to lay Mexico and usual spring and summer accumula-
other Latin-American states open to tion of coal stocks at points distant
embroilment and especially involve from producing districts "is not now
Mexico with the United States and taking place, but it must be made dur-
Guatemala. ing what remains of the summer un
less the country is to face next winter
a most serious and irreparable situa
tion." Present production of bituminous or
soft coal is 40 per cent under the pos
sible maximum, principally because of
coal car shortage, the report declares.
Consequently the extra large produc
tion of anthracite coal this spring,
one-fourth greater than usual- has
Lincoln, Neb., June 20. Nebraska been diverted to industrial markets
crops will fully meet the state's share ordinarily filled by bituminous coal
in the food shortage emergency, says and coke. Anthracite mines have been
George Coupland, vice chairman and given ample car supply, the commis-
food conservative member of the Ne- sion observes, "bv reason of. the close
brasKa council of defense. eornorate relation hetween rail trans-
I -
Mr. Coupland returned today after portation and anthracite production."
spending four days in Antelope coun- Bituminous mines, however, are com
ty, where his three sons look after his pelled by the car shortage to operate
large farming interests. While at only part of the time and many min
home he motored through Boone and ers are going into other work
surrounding counties. Contributing factors in the disor-
JtS a Wonderful CrOD Of Corn, ac- emmatinn nf rnnl tranennrtaUnn nro
i - - w - - - r -
the high barge rates from New York
to Newport News, to Boston and the
cording to present prospects," said
Mr. Coupland. "The outlook for other
grains is just as bright."
Mr. Coupland says farmers who did
not plow up their winter wheat this
spring, assuming it was winter killed,
will get about half a crop.
Mr. Courdand will move to Lincoln I tho
. " I "
press to your government and Deonle
gests instead "that during the war the heartfelt gratitude of Belgium for
tne president be authorized to order the eenerous outcourin? of
and sympathy which have gone so far
to save my stricken countrymen from
the horrors of famine and to maintain
their unshaken courage in this hour of
Will Never Cool.
"Our warm gratitude to you for this
help will never cool, but you are now
adding still more to our great debt.
Our people safed from famine, still
groan under the yoke of a merciless
invader. Of all the peoples of the
world none have ever had a more
flaming love of liberty than those of j
Belgium, and this makes their suffer
ing the more acute.
"Your entry into the war not only
brings to us the satisfaction of finding
in an old friend a new ally, but fires
us with complete confidence in an
early arid victorious issue of the great
struggle which has brought to my
country so much of misery and suffer
ing. "Our admiration of your decision in
entering the war is all the greater be
cause we know that you did Tso in full
knowledge of all its horrors and rea- !
lized fully the sacrifices you will be
called upon to make.
Tribute to Iioover.
"This shows is as nothing else
could the determination of your coun
try to see that when peace comes it
shall be an honest peace, one that can
last and one that will bring freedom
and happiness to all nations.
"In voicing my country's gratitude
At Coates' hall, Saturday
J night, June 23d, given by the
- Cosmopolitan club. Music by
l Holly's orchestra. Admission,
gents 50c, ladies free. Come J
f and enjoy a pleasant evening.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
The Journal has just received a
new line of American flag stickers
that are so popular over the country
at present. Call in at once and. se
cure your supply while they last
There will be a social dance given
on Thursday evening, June 21, at the
Puis & aGnsmer hall in Murray. All
are invited. Music by the Holly Saxa
phone orchestra of Platstmouth.
Patriotic streamers and designs for
decorative purposes at the Journal of
fice. Call and make your selections bo
fore the best of the line is taken.
Red, White and blue streamers can
be found at the Journal office, for
decorative purposes.
practice of lake ships to make trips 1 am haPW to be able to pay a tribute
Wc handle a complete line of Automobile
v Supplies and
Goodrich Tires!
to the northwest in water ballast
rather than carry coal.
Argument for Plan.
Discussing the proposed remedy,
next Week for the summer to give his
undivided attention to food conserva
tion work. They will live in the Dean
Walcott home while the dean and his
family are away for the summer.
"If the producer at each mine were
paid his full cost of production with
allowances for depletion, maintenance,
upkeep and all the usual items, and to
this were added a fixed. and uniform
net profit per, ton, with due regard to
quality, the, "coal .thu3 - produced at
Our competent Ford Mechanics insure
prompt repairs!
Welding a Specialty!
of administration and affection to Mr.
Iioover, under whose able and untir
ing direction the great work of feed
ing Belgium was carried on. We now
rejoice for you that a man so emin
ently fitted by ability and experience
tt"lbJ LZZlV" .?" Juy lst a" crs must be equipped with head-
light lenses, which will conform to the new law.
We sell
the be3t in the Market!
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily,
widely varying' costs, if pooled, could I without griping and without after ef-
The Degree of Honor lodgre will hold be sold through the government at an fe-ts. 25c at all drug stores.
their regular meeting tomorrow, eve-1 average and uniform price, quality
mng (Thursday), June 21st. All mem- considered, which - would be entirely FORD CARS FOR SALE.
bers are requested to be present as tolerable to the consuming public and I
uuiues,s oi imuonance win De Droueni a price mucn: lower, tnan couia De secona-nana r ora tourine cars.
before the lodge. Light refreshments fixed "if an effort were'made" to fix a $175 and $225. W. W. Wasley. Platts- Rfll? 1TI Authnrlrrl SU C : .i o. n. ..
T. H. Pollock Auto Go.,
i w n. ... - .7.
will be served. Members only.
uniform price to the producers.
It mouth.
umce i eiepnone Flo. 1 . Shop Telephone No. 58.