The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 07, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Che plattsmouth journal
Eateredat Tostcfflceat riattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Colonel M. A. Dates, of the Journal,
was To years of age last Saturday.
June 2, ami in honor of the event, v.e
were the recipient of many useful
and valuable tokens from our friend;
at home and some from friends
abroad, and congratulation letters
from friends of former years, amonjc
whom were Hon. Champ Clark,
speaker of the house of representa
tives; Hon. A. M. Dockeny, third as
sistant postmaster general; Hon. E.
S. Carver and Hon. John C. Dawson
of Grant City, Mo. Mr. Dawson is
president of the Citizens' hank, and
Mr. Garvcy- has represented his coun
ty in the Missouri legislature for
several years, and in the earlier days
was well known over Missouri as a
prominent politician. We also re
ceived letters from Attorney General
Willis Reed, Ex-Governor John II.
Morchead, Licutcnar.t Governor Ed
gar Howard, and last hut not least,
ly any means, our good friend, Sen
ator G. M. Hitchcock, who has so aldy
represented Nebraska in the upper
house of congress. We also desire to
return our most sincere and grateful
thanks to home friends who so liber
ally remembered us on this auspicious
occasion, with the hope that we may
be able to remember them in a like
event. It was really one of tha
greatest pleasures of our life to lit
thus remembered, the memory of
which will be with us to our dyinj;
day. Again we return our sincere
gratitude, and may your shadow.',
never grow less.
More work for the road drag.
The Young American is no coward.
All who register don't have to go
Nothing more charming that the
June brides.
Keep it before the people buy a
Liberty bond.
Too much is enough of anything
rain included.
"ttnsiness as Usual" should be
strictly adhered to.
It is the fellow who opposes con
scription that is the coward.
If we could only turn back the cal
endar, everybody would be doing it.
In the language of Hamlet, there is
something rotten in the Omaha po
lice gaug.
Rachclors make very poor soldiers,
because they arc not used to fighting
at home.
We tax the poor man's necessaries,
and now we seem afraid to tax the
rich man's luxuries.
Omaha is the fourth city in enlist
ments for the navy. Good for the Ne
braska metropolis.
It seems that mo.t of the business
men are favorable to holding the car
nival on Main street.
Wc saw two men wearing straw
hats Sunday. They looked funny ant
too bold for any use.
The Omaha bunch of officers are in
a dilapidated condition, and it looks
like some of them will have to "ster
down and out" before peace is rc
stored. .
There is nothing in the world that
a young girl- needs more than a
mother, but it is a sad fact that
there is many a child whose maternn
parent is not even a good imitation
In its plea for government regula
tion of the coal industry, including
price-fixing, the Federal Trade , com
mission testifies to conditions of con
fusion which have operated severely
against consumers and in favor of
unscrupulous producers and dealers.
Although shipments of bituminous
coal last year increased from 443,
000,000 to 500,000,000 tons, nearly 15
per cent, they fell short of the de
mand and stocks in storage were de
pleted. The inequitable distribution
of cars, delays in delivery, added to
the greed of mine owners, who are
'demanding prices from 50 per cent
to several hundred per cent over the
cost of their output," resulted in
great profits to certain operators and
hardship to consumers, industrial and
domestic. The comm'f.siou also com
plains of the "intolerable abuses thai
marked the activities of certain ele
ments of the anthracite trade during
recent months," to which it had pre
viously directed a pointed warning.
This situation cannot be permitted
to continue if the nation is to prosc-
ule the war with vigor and clliciency.
oal mining is a basic industry which
must be conducted in such a way as
to contribute to the use of the na
tion's full streigth. There must be
complete co-operation between the
coal operators and the railroads, and
f it cannot be secured by voluntary
.tction on both sides, the government,
in furtherance of the policy of na
tional defense, must intervene and as-
umc control.
To maintain coal prices at reason
able level and to put a stop to extor-
iunatc practices of producers and
distributors should be just as much a
pait of the government's function as
. war power as to insure industrial
uul military activity in other direc-
ions. New York World.
West Virginia legislators have just
incubated a new law requiring every
able-bodied citizen of that state be
tween 10 and 00 to work at least
thirty-six hours a week. "Was this
aimed at the ball players, the sum
mer boarders, the idle rich, or the
three classes named and more? Pre
sumably ''work" is not restricted to
manual employment, for the activ
ities of lawmakers would naturally
be recognized. If this extraordinary
invasion of personal rights should be
upheld by the courts, West Virginia
joy-riders will be prompt to seek pas
tures new.
The Irish have their opportunity.
now that they will be allowed to
choose their own brand of home rule(
But the prospect of agreement among
themselves is far from promising, and
that the leading agitators are ready
to lose their occupations by consent
ing to a lasting settlement is still
more doubtful. Let us hope, however.
that the Irish people will get together
and act wisely in spite of some of
their leaders.
Strange as it may seem, President
Wilson has been asked by a native
American why wc arc at war with
Germany. He has pointedly replied
that it is because of the "long and
overwhelming" list of wrongs "perpe
trated against the rights, the com
merce and the citizens of the United
States," wrongs that "no nation
which respected itself or the rights of
humanity could have borne any
Dr. Van Dyke's "Homeward Dound"
poem aptly describes a passage across
the Atlantic as "a game of hide am
reck with murderers in the dark," for
the submarine plays the role, rot of
the fair fighter in the open, but of
the creeping assassin who stabs in
the back.
The sooner a lot of business men
and others cease the cry that the war
has demoralized business the better it
will be for everybody. If these same
people will give the time thus spent
to further the interests of the com
munity they will be surprised to find
that nobody has been hurt. The plain
truth is that the great central west
has not felt the war at all, and will
not, unless it be extended over a long
period of time. The only way in
which the war has been felt in com
munities like this through the tre
mendous advance in prices of the
common necessities, which has cre
ated a burden for the man of mod
crate and fixed income; and this is
very largely due to artificial causes
and manipulaion of markets. The
central west now has the greatest
natural resources and productiveness j
in its history and an incalculably
greater amount of actual cash than
ever before.
Vilues rot alone of I
land but of all its products are now
on the average immensely greater
than ever before and there is almost
unlimited demand far labor of every
kind from the untrained boy for farm
work, to the most skilled mechanic.
Al! of this noise about demoralized
business is upon the tongues of those
who talk it and not borne out by the
facts in any essential. The panic of
11)07 hit this country with ten-fold
more force and financial disaster than
would one or two or three years of
the present condition bring about. I-et
s get this all out of our system and
for the common good keep things
moving as they must move. A set of
hard times slackers" in the commun
ity can do more damage than all the
rest combined. Aurora Sun.
An editorial in a prominent news
paper on "Life and Death," inspired
by the fact that hundreds of thou
sands of young Americans are to risk
their lives on the battle front, is
chiefly remarkable for its lack of any
mention of a future life. One might
suppose that the writer had never
leard of any such thing and that the
general public addressed is equally
uninformed on a vital subject. Per-
iaps it will be different months hence
when we as a nation shall have really
ooked on death and our thoughts
shall have turned a little more to
ward eternity. Already it is differ
ent among the battling nations of Eu
rope, whence again and again have
come reports of revivals of re-
igion" among both soldiers and civil
ians. According to the accounts, there
is a deep stirring even on the higher
levels of education and intelligence.
II. G. Wells, the socialist and materialistic-
novelist, for example, has
just written a book in order to pro
claim that he has "found God."
Undoubtedly a quickening of man
kind on the spiritual side is a part of
the good to come out of the evil of
the great war, and such quickening
is needed, for, absorbed in earthly
pursuits, too many of us become like
miles under ground, with little time
or taste or capacity for lifting our
eyes to the stars shining in the heav
ens. Yet we may well believe that
the great heart of humanity has
never ceases to beat in rhythm with
the unseen forces of a spiritual realm
none the less real because invisible to
l WOO liiVSl kill Olllt 1 11V 111V11 t iv
have gone down to the sea in ships,
the men who have faced death in the
shock of battle, the men who have
slept under the stars and witnessed
the miracle of dawn, the men and
women who have followed duty into
strife and pain with brave and hope
ful hearts, the men and women who
have performed their daily tasks
faithfully more for the sake of others
than for self, they who have not wor
shipped themselves only and have
striven to do justice and love mercy
surely these have not ceased to be
conscious of a great beyond, the real
dwelling-place of the soul for a time
only adjoined to its' mortal tenement.
Those engaged in spading gardens
say there are many worms in the
ground, and they also say that thin
is a sign there are plenty of fish in
the streams. Alright, now go after
them, boys.
John McCormick, Joel M. Johnson,
Kben F. Colby, Charles Balduff, 1. W.
I-Setts (whose first name Is unknown,
Sarah A. "Willison, L'dniond A. Des
londe and "William II. Taylor and the
unknown heirs, devices, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons interested in the estates of
John McCormick. Joel M. Johnson,
Kben F. Colby, Charles Buldtiff, (. W.
Betts, Sarah A. Willison, IMmond A.
Deslonde. and William H. Taylor, de
ceased, respectively, will take notice
that on the day of ,
1917. Annie Stevenson, a widow, Olla
Stevenson, Thomas H. Stevenson, John
Stevenson and Annie Stevenson tiled
their petition in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, the object and
purpose of which was to exclude you.
and eacli of vou, from the Kast half
(V.) of the West half ('s) of Section
Thirty-four 31 ) Township Ten (10
Uanqre Twelve (12 and from the West
half 'i of the West half (Vs) of the
Last half ( . of said section, the last
tract heins also known as Lots One
(1). Two U'). Three (3) and Four (4)
of said section, and exclude you, and
each of you, from any interact in, lien
on, or claim to said land or any part
thereof, and to quiet the title to said
land iti themselves, as n'-cainst you and
all other persons claiming under,
through or by you and also to satisfy
and cancel of record a certain mort
K'avre upon part of said land priven by
Solon M. Johnson, to the above named
defendant, John McCormick, the said
mort ya.iro was tiled on the t'.tli day of
May. 18"7. and recorded in Look "A"
of the Deed llecords of Cass County,
Nebraska, at pape 304 thereof.
And also to satisfy and cancel of
record a certain mortKasre covering a
part of the above described tract of
land from Solon M. Johnson to defend
ant. Joel M. Johnson, dated on the 3rd
day of October, lSu'.t, and recorded in
Book "A" of the Mortgage. Keeords of
ass nty. Nebraska, at page 37 J
And also to cancel of record
and hold void a certain deed
lor a part of the above described
land given by Solon M. Johnson and
wife, 10. Janet Johnson, to defendant,
10 ben l' Colby, which deed was dated
March 10. 1S70, and tiled for record on
the !Hh dav of January, LS70, and re
corded in book "T" of the Deed Kee
ords of Cass County, Nebraska, ut page
53S thereof.
Vou are required to nnswer said pe
tition in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the und day of July,
1 U 1 7. or a decree will be entered there
in as praved in said petition.
Dated this dav of May, 1017.
A Widow;
PAUL n. jj:ssi:n
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
i 'lino nisTnir r nu ict ni-'
(Kl.Ml, N IMlUAMv A.
David '.. Mummert, 1'laintifT.
Frank L. Ta.TtiP et al.. Defendants.
NOTICI0 to I'red O. 'facile, defendant.
You ar- hereby notified that the
plaintiff lias commenced an action
against you in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, for tho pur-
mse of foreclosing the lien of a tax
al' certificate on Lots 3. 4 and in
Block 7. in South Park Addition to the
City of fMattsmouth. Cass County, Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer s;iid ie-
t ion. on or before the U.Mh day of Juie
1!17. and in failing so to do. your de
fault will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
DA id .. jilji.m r.u r,
By A. I.. T1DD.
5-ll-4wks His Attorney.
The State of Nebraska.)
Cass County, ) ss.
In the Matter of the lOstate of Henry C.
Miller, Deceased, to the Creditors of
said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court Boom in
Plattsmouth in said County, on the Sth
day of June, BH7. and on the Kth day
of December, l'M7, at !:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of each flay, to receive
and examine all claims atrainst said
lOstate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. Tho time limited
for the presentation of claims against
said Kstate is six months from the Mh
lay of June, A. I . PJ17. and the. time
limitud for payment of debts is Ono
Year from said Mh day of June. PJ17.
Witness my hand and the senl of
said County Court, this hth flay of May,
Scfil ALL ION .1. PI0i:.-OX.
4wks County Judge.
in" tiii: ( in tv oi i it n' Tin:
In the Matter of the Pstato of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased:
This cause came on for hearing upon
the application of Oeorge J. Oldham,
executor of the last will and testament
of Dora Oldham Moore, deceased, pray
ing for a license to sell Lots nine ( '.)
and ten (10) in Hlock eleven (11) South
Park Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, or a
sufficient amount of the same to bring
the sum of $1,1;0.00 for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate, and
the cost for the payment of debts and
legacies and tho frost of administration,
there not being sufficient personal
property to pay said debts, legacies
and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at the District Court in the
Court House at Plattsmouth, Cass
County. Nebraska, on the lth day of
June, P.tl7, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show
cause why a license should not bo
granted to said administrator to sell
so much of said above described real
estate of said deceased, as shall be nec
essary to pay said debts and legacies
and expenses. Notice to be given by
publishing this order in the Platts
mouth Journal for four successive
weeks before tho date of hearing.
Dated this 5th day of May. P.M7.
4vk3 Judge District Court.
okdiok on hi: i(i; am muki:
OP I'KOMATi: OP Wll.l..
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss.:
To all persons interested in the estate
of Prisoilla A. N'oycs. dccciiscl:
On reading the petition of Charles
R. Noyes. praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 10th day of
May. 1017, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Priscilla A. N'oycs, de
ceased; that said instrument bo ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to
Charles 10. Noyes, as executor.
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested, in said matter,
mav and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 4th day of June, A. D. hU7,
at ten o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if
anv there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
be given to ail persons num-siui m
said matter bv publishing a copy of
this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness niv hand and seal of said
court, this 10th day of May, A. D.
(Heal) County Judge.
David Z. Mummert, Plaintiff,
Joseph A. G. Strickland et al., Defend
nnt. NOTICE TO Joseph A. G. Strickland
anti Mrs. .Tospnli Strickalnd. his wife,
first and real name unknown, the un-
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and nil other
persons interested in the estate of Jo
seph A. ii. Strickland, deceased, and
mo uiiKnown neirs and devisees, lega
tees, personal representative.-! and all
other persons interested in tho estate
of Airs. Joseph Strickland, deceased.
ami i.ois i ntel l.lock 1.
the Village of Alvo in Cass Coun
Nebraska ; and
John P. J. Siegmnnd and Mrs. John
Sieginund, his wife, first and real name1
unknown, and tin; unknown heirs, do- I
visees, legatees, personal representa-I
tives and all persons interested in the,
estate of John P. J. Siegmund, de
ceased,, ami the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives anil all persons I u t .-rest -d in flu;
estiite of Mrs. John Sieginund, on-
ceased, and lots 1 Ti .". . 1 ";'. and 157 Jn
fl,,. v'iM-ii... ..i' i 1 1 .. ;.. ........ I
County, Nebraska. w
You ami i-:o-ll of Vitil !ir 1 1 r i- I ir :
notified that t ho plaintiff has till d an.
action against ow in the District j;
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in'
the Pirst Cause of Action fur the pur-!!
pose of foreclosing the Ih-n of a taxi)
sale certificate on l.ols L"). "1 j;n.l 'J. I,
; 1 I- 1 I.. , 1 . .-. " -V : I I .. i . . 1'
111 . - lt All UH- , lllillT in ,iii, lit
Cass County, Nebraska, and for equit- W
abba relief.
And in tho Second Cause of Action
to foreclose the lien of a tax .'ah- cer-J)
tili. ate on Dots I'..".. K.r, and 1 ,'i7 in
the illago of Louisville. in Cass w
County, Nebraska, and for equitable i;,
relief. i!)
hiii and each of vou are reunited to:)
answer said petition on or before the'))
th day fit June, i;U7, and in tailing ))
so to do your default will bo duly fil
tered therein and iudirmctit taken as
praved for in Plaintiff's petition. )
m .. ., i i rr
V.y A. TIDD. '
11-lwks His Attornev.
IN Till: 1MSTICM T ( III lT OI-' Til 10
Ol NT III-' ASS. M:ili k .
D. II. Porter, Plaintiff,
Kobert K. I.atta, t al.. Defendants.
Notice of Suit to f.'lliet Title.
To the defendants, Pol- it I;. I.atta;
Mary A. Luita; the unknown heirs, de
visees, b ga'tees. personal representa
tives and all other iier.-rns in) or,-'t d
in the estate of Kobert K. I.atta, de
ceased; the unknown !: ir. devisees,
Icl; a tee-i, personal representatives and
all other p.rson:; interested in the
estate of Mary A. I t lit. deceased;
Andrew Monow; Mr.--. Andrew Mor
row, first leal nam.' tin Iv now n ;
the unknown l.eirs. .p visees, leg
atees, personal representative-; ai:d
all other in i suns interested in ti o es
tate ut" Andrew M'rrow, 1 eea.-a .1; the
li ii !i now u heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ae.l all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Andrew Morrow, first real name
unknown, deceased: tin.ri;" W. Colvin;
Mrs. tleorge W. Colvin. first real iiahe
ii n ":i now n ; the unkaown heirs, de
visees, legatees. personal representa
tive. and all other pi isoiis interested
in the f state o!" iloiiirr W. Colvin. de
ceased; the unknown heirs, dc isees.
lenateis. personal r.-pre-se n t a t i ves and
all othe;- persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. Ceoige W. Colvin, titst
iral name unknown, deceased: The
I'nion .Mutual Life Insurance Compaiiv
of Maine: the unknown ;ucocs--o- and
:issig:is of The I'nion Mutual Lifo In
surance Company of Maine; Elijah
Woolsey; Mrs. Klij.ih Woolsey. first
real name unknown; the unknown
I eirs, devisees, legatee.--, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested ill the estale of Klijih Yv'ool
sey, deceased; tho unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other person:-: interest d
in the estat" of Mrs. iOli.iah Wooisey,
first real name unlctiovn. deceased;
the unknown owners an. I the unknown
claimar.ts of the northeast quarter
I X 10 'i I of the northwest quarti r N W
'i of section thirty-two t::::. town
ship eh'-vcti (111. north range thirteen
(l.;. erst ..f tin- i'.ih P.-M. in the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
Yni are hereby notified that on tin
PUii !ay of May, A. D. P.U7, plaintiff
tiled his suit in the District Court of
the County of Cass, Xebraska. to quiet
1 lii-i n t i ff s title to the following de
scribed land, to-wit:
The northeast quarter (NIO "l) of
the northwest quarter i."W 'il of sec
tion thirty-two i:;lM. township eleven
till, north range thirteen i li'.l, east
of the nth p. M.. in tin- County of Cass,
Nebraska because of his adverse pos
sessjon by himself and his grantors
for more than ten a rs prior to the
comtiK necment of said suit and to en
join each and all of you from having
or claiming any tight, title, lien or in
terest, either legal or equitable, in ot
to said lands, or any part thereof: to
require you to set forth your right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
any. cither legal or equitable, and to
have the adjudged inferior to
the titie of plaintiff and for general
equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order iff the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday. July "J,
A. D. 1!'17, or your default will be duly
entered therein.
D. P.. poptioi:.
A t torney.
-I.wks sw-May 1' I
.Mint i; to t iniDiitiip..
In the Countv Court.
The State of Nebraska,
Cass Countv, ss.:
In the Matter of the Kstate of Clar-
enee Ihmone I'.abbitt, I eeeased.
To the Creditors of Said Kstate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court, room in
I 'la 1 1 smou t h, in said County, on .lime
Kith, 1 P 1 7. and I .'ecetnber 17th, PUT, at
10 o'eloek A. M. of eaeh days to re
ceive ami examine all claims against
sa id estate, with a view to their ad
justment ami allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is months from
tlie I'Uh day of June. A. I . 1!17, ami
the time limited tor payment ot delits j
is One Year from said lf.tli day of
June. lfU7.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this l."th day of
Mav. 1 IM 7.
(Seal) -L.I.i:N J ! f!KKSO.
4wks County Jmljje.
i Tin: ihstiik t coi ut or
CO l M'V, Mllllt VMvl.
The Pirst National Dank of I'latts
liiouth. Nebraska, Plaintiff,
Perry Marsh, Defendant.
Nolice to Perry Marsh, Defend a ut.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff has commenced an action'
airainst you in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, for the pur-,
j.os" of foreclosing a Mortairo for
$2t0.0 and interest from January l.j
191i;, at the rate of ten per cent 'per'
annum, on the following described real
estate, to-wit: l
A strip of land out of the NK corner,
of the NW 'i of the XW !( of Sec. P., !
Twp. Pi. i:pp II. K. of tith P. M.. about
1'J by JO7 7-10 feet i ti size, immediately
adjoining lot eleven on the South, and
beintf all the land between said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Commeneintc tit the,
NW corner of NK , of NW of See.1
Twp. 12, North PKe. It. K. of t;th
P. M.. thence running South 1 " I feet to
the point of beui n n in.Lr. thence run-:
rpliiir south to Patterson avenue, thence .
Kast to the road known as Lincoln
Avenue. thenlc-e Northeasterly along
said Lincoln Avenue to "a point due
Kast of the point of beAiniiine;, thenen'
West to the point of bcKi n ni n-T. Sixty- J
eijiht (CS) feed off of the South side of j
Lot 11 in Sec. Ill, Twp. 1 L lf. 1 I, j
Kat of tdh P. M.. in Cass County, Ne-bn-.ska,
and for equitable relief.
You lire required to answer said pe
tition on or before the Mli day f July,
1!)17. sind in failing" so to do your do
fanlt will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
P.y A. L. TIDD, Its Attorney.
May L'S 4w
Just received, a line pew line of
flags, stickers, etc., at the Journal
1 "lu',:r
19 0
1-1 k ti
irst security oaoj
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
Wo uro anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
eposits In
are protected by tho Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which lias reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WrI. SCHNEIDER, President
W. H. LOKNZS, Vice-President T. J. SHANAKAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
n:t;i;i: ;i" ut-: xkim; am otm jo
r i::u!(A'mo P w n.i-
III tl:
iiiniy lYniit of ('ass County,
Ni braska.
of Xohraska,
of i '.! ss, t ss. :
o .i. hi, !: twin liarwi. : Helen Crs-
lam' Jiilvau, i lamias N. -lulyan, JIil -
in oil ; i . ivrry . 'unman. ,n
r.ilt .Mll.i William i '. .Ml bee, ami to
; II 5.-r -oiis inl.T. st.'.t in the estate
of ilin.i l!:irvi( k, l---e;i si il :
!i itii'iin. the petition of Ui!!a
ioi"i ikui s .i". t i ii " that i he instrument
lib-il ii this eourt on the H'jth lay of
Mav, !"17, ami loirnortiiiK to be the
hi.-? v. i ' I ami tisiament ot tin- saiil
leee;ise.l. Illliy l.e roV'ell a?'l alloWfil,
ami r eoreel tl,,. hist -.v ill ami res-
ament f Setir-.i r.arwiek. b-e.-;i sel :
tl;:t ;.inl instrument ! aomitteil to
1 i"i-i!e, ;ril the ai!i::ini.' trat ion ofsnbl
estale he !;la,)tti to John IMwin llnr
wok ;is t-v rent r. It is I efeby or-lereil
ti'.-'t ''o:. i ml .- 1 1 persons i i , I . res t e.l in
s:ii'l mat!, r, may, ami io, appear Jit
the County Ciellt to be lo-M hi am!
for sabl eo'intv, on the L'."tti dav of
.llille. A. I . 1!'1T, at II o"e!eoek . M.. to
show eanse, if any there be. why the
prayer of tin? petitioner shoubl not be
i;r.-i!;e, Mii tint nolie. of the porni
eney i f.'.-iH petition ami that the hear
ing thereof he :;iveu to all persons in
ten st'. I in sai.l mutter by publishing
a .-.; of this tinier in the 1'latts
1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 Journal, u semi-weekly news
paper.'-l in sahl rounty, for three
.i.-.-essive weeks prior to said day of
!: ea '" : 11 vr.
W moss mv hand and seal of said
court, this Utuh ihiv of Mav, A. I). l',iI7.
. i.i'.i :x .?. i :i:i:s x.
(Seal! County Jud.e.
xitici: to i;i:i)ii (iiis.
The St ite or Nebraska, )
('ass ( "on 1 1 1 v. ) ss. :
In the County Court.
In the Matter of tho Kstate of Johann
Ct. Stark. 1 leceased. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that T will
sit i1 1 the Countv Court room in T'latts-
moiitli, in said County, on the "Oth dav
t June, llMi, and on the :PHh day of I
I lecomht-r. 1;U7, at HCttU o'clock A. M.
on each day. to receive and examine all
claims gainst said Kstate, with a
icw to th.-ir adjustment and allow
ance. Tin- time limited for the presen
tation of claims as-rainst said Kstate is
six months from the o'Mh dav of June,
A. I . 1 : 1 7. and the titre limited for
payments of debts is One Year from
sai.l :: 1 1 . day of June, 1 P 17.
Witness- my band and seal of said
County Court, this Huh day of May.
May LS Iwks County Judjre.
Tin: nisTisicT t in irr 01
( til MV, -M'.IIU AMv.l.
lavid Z. Mummert, Plaintiff,
Avol Abel et al.. Defendants.
XiiTICi: to Axel Abel and Mrs. Axel
Abel, his wife, tirst ami real name
unknown, and Francis AT. Kood. and
Lot in Hlock "'. in Kitchie Place
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska.
Vou and each of yon are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action ou in the
District Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, for the purpose Of foreclosing the
lion of a tax sale on Lot 'J in Hlock 2
in Kitchie Place Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebras
ka, and for equitable relief.
You and each of yon are required to
answer said petition on or before the day of June, 1017, end in failing
so to do your default will bo duly en
tered therein and judgment taken as
prayed for in phi in t in" petition.
By A. Jj. TIDD,
5-14--I wks His Attorney.
The fiftieth anniversary of Nc-
i i , roirr f ,,.i : t
,,laSM uc CCleDiatCU in Lincoln
next week.
with present conditions at the various factories exist
ins and trie scarcity of freight cars in which to trans
fer auto. it is a cold fact that a great many buyers will j
be disappointed at the inability of agents to secure cars t
with which to fill orders already sold. We anticipated
this condition early and bought a supply of cars of both
"Studebaker" and "Maxwell" autos and can make im-j
mediate delivery to you. Think this matter over care-
fully and call on us or write and we will be pleased to?
give you a demonstration of either make. 'N f
There is a raise in price of both makes which we
can avoid if you will act quickly. Subject to stock on
Studebaker 6-50, f. o. b. Detroit $1,250.00
Maxwell 4-40, f . o. b. Detroit 940.00
Maxwell 4-30, f. o. b. Detroit 635.00
Cedar Creek - - - - Nebras! i
This Bank
The pilgrimage of the Italian war
commission to Mount Vernon was
scarcely less impressive than that of
the French and English. "The bronze
wreath," said the Prince of Udine..
"which v.e have come to lay upon thy
tomb of your great national hero,
and which we have brought from
Rome, is such as used to be offered to
Roman heroes, it represents the
homage of the Italian nation to the
man who symbolizes the purest tradi
tions anil the most noble aspirations
of the American spirit." Standing on
hallowed ground, the commission did
not stop at this tribute to Washing
ton, but solemnly pledged the for
tunes and the men of Italy to the
common cause, the prince adding in
the name of the people of his nation:
"I wish solemnly to declare, in this
place sacred to the American nation,
that we shall never lay down our
arms until our liberty, and the liber
ties of the peoples who are suffering
with us, shall be rendered safe
' I against all surprise and all insolence."
Washington, who himself entered into
a war-league with a nation of Europe
in the name of liberty, could not have
asked more than this.
The young American doctors and
Red Cross assistants who are going
or have gone to Europe are brave
men. There was a time when to fire
on the Red Cross was supposed to be
a shameful, almost unbelievable, out
rage, but the Germans have put an
end to that so far as they are con
cerned. "Frightfulness" desires ev
ery wounded enemy to be left to die
and the German sharpshooters regu
larly pick off red-crossed Samaritans
on their errands of mercy. The
members of the British and French
medical corps have been slaughtered
like sheep, and hence the great cry
for American aid in this line. The
unbelievable day has come when Red
Cross work is more hazardous even
than the life in the trenches.
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