The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, JUNE 4. 1917.
elshinrar 0ea
i ... 1 Contracting and
Constuction Engineers
Submit your building proposition to us for bids. We
can save you money no matter how small the job.
From sidewalks, silos, foundations, street and road
paving and all kinds of building in cement, brick, stone,
frame, or any kind of stucco finish. We also remodel
and repair old houses at the lowest possible figure. We
draw plans and specifications for our customers free of
charge. We are up to date mechanics in all kinds of
masonary and wood finishing.
Call on us on corner of 5th and Locust streets or
phone No. 575.
siner mm.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
-The Plattsmouth
ED. MASON, Proprietor
New! Modern! Up-fo-Data!
Best Service in Town! We Do Welding!
Bring your car in and have our mechanics Icok it
over. We repair all makes. Our new battery charg
ing outfit will be here in a few days.
Office Telephone 394 Residence Telephone 229
Gall Us When Vou Want Serviee!
Washington, D. C, June 3. How
Italy's action helped . France throw
back the Germans at the Marne and
also weakened the German-Austro of
fensive on Russia was detailed today
by Augusto Ciuffelli, former minister
of public works and now a member
of the Italian war mission. In both
cases, he said, Italy's attitude was
most decisive.
"Upon Italy's declaration of neu
trality at the outbreak of the war,"
said Mr. Ciuffelli, "France was able
to withdraw one-half million men
from our frontier to throw them
across the German path before Paris.
"At that time France was pressed
for trained men and for supplies, and
the British army was not yet mobil
ized. Without Italy's action the Ger
mans would probably have entered
"Similarly Italy's actual entrance
into the war in May, 1915, tremend
ously aided the retreating and disor
ganized Russian armies and created
such a diversion as to save Russia
from being reduced to impotence
Again Italy's action was decisive.
"If Italy had been inspired by the
lust of conquest she could easily have
joined with Germany, whese victory
would have been tremendous, facili
tated by her intervention. But Italy
could not make herself a party to the
aggression of Austria npon Serbia or
aid in a war featured by the invasion
of Belgium.
"Italj could not join the two im
perial dynasties which dreamed of
world domination on the principle
that might makes right.
"Italy's in this war has
been almost staggering. We now have
4,000,000 men under arms. Our front
is 510 kilometers long, greater than
the whole French and Belgian front.
Every yard we have conquered has
cost us terribly."
Cholera Morbus.
This is a very painful and dangerous
disease. In almost every neighbor
hood someone has died from it before
medicine could be obtained or a phy
sician summoned. The right way is
to have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so
as to ba prepared for it. Mrs. Charles
Enyeart, Huntington, Ind., writes:
"During the summer of 1911 two of
my children were taken sick with
cholera morbus. I used Chamberlain's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remmedy and it
gave them immediate relief."
sfiTH $6,000,000
Iibeity Loan Drive Begins Tuesday
Insurance Men Parade to N
Insure Nation.
No More Currency Panics!
Do you remember the shut-downs, the busi
ness depression and the lack of employment
which followed the currency panic in 1 907?
To prevent another currency panic the Federal
Reserve Banking System keeps on hand an im
mense supyly of currency to furnish the banks
which belong to the system of which we are one,
so that they may at all times meet the currency
requirements of their depositors.
Doesn't it appeal to you to get its protection,
without cost, by becoming
one of our depositors?
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Omaha, June 3. Omaha begins
Tuesday a drive for at least $7,500,-
000 subscriptions to the Liberty loan,
nearly $0,000,000 of which, it is said,
is now assured.
Omaha banks have subscribed $4,
000,000. Omaha building and loan
associations have subscribed $1,000,
000. Bankers report that the general
public in Omaha has already asked
for nearly $1,000,000.
According to O. T. Eastman, who
has charge of the Liberty loan drive,
the banks and building and loan as
sociations will take up more bonds
just as soon as they sell any portion
of those for which they have already
In other words, $5,000,000 worth
of bonds will be kept in the banks
and associations, and all that the
public subscribes will be velvet to
make up the difference between $5,
000,000 and $7,500,000.
May Go Higher.
Building and loan associations have
announced that in case any of their
stockholders desire to purchase Lib
erty bonds, the rule that they must
give tnirty uays notice lor witn
drawal of their money will be waived.
Some members of the Liberty loan
committee counseled setting the goal
at ?8,000,000 or higher, in order to
make the oversubscription heavy, as
resident Wilson and Secretary Mc-
Adoo have asked.
"We'll touch that figure anyway,"
id a member of the committee.
Every Business House.
Committees have been appointed to
canvass every line of business in the
Liberty loan campaign. It is the
idea of the campaigners to obtain
scriptions from every business house
n the city, and urge the business
houses to keep a portion of their sub
scription for the firm and sell a por
tion on easy terms to employes.
"Many firms should buy $50,000
worth of bonds, and I believe many
will," said T. C. Byrne.
A parade to "Insure the Nation"
will be held Monday afternoon under
the ausoices of Omaha insurance
men, to boost the sale of Liberty
Eighty-three life insurance agent3
of Omaha will spend all day Tuesday
selling bonds, and the parade is in
preparation for their drive. A band
will lead the parade. Boy Scouts
carrying banners with the slogan "In
sure the Nation" will follow in the
ine of march. Members of the com
mittee of 108 will probably take part.
Boy Scouts Meet.
Boy Scouts will hold a mass meet
ing at the Commercial club Monday
evening to inaugurate their drive to
sell $50,000 worth of Liberty bonds
in Omaha. R. L. Metcalfe, Judge
W. D. McIIugh and John L. Kennedy
will address the meeting.
Three Boy Scouts will be stationed
at each bank to act as Liberty bond
messengers. The boys have 15,000
application booster blanks which
they will use, and before they com
plete their campaign they will have
visited every home in the city.
When people ask the Boy Scouts
why they are selling Liberty bonds,
the boys answed: "I've got to live
in this country after the war is over
and I want a fair chance."
State Fund Grows.
Estimates that half of Nebraska's
$22,000,000 portion of the Liberty
loan has been subscribed from the
office of Jesse C. McNish, state chair
man of the Liberty bond committee.
Many banks are doubling their
Bankers who were intimidated by
threats of loss of business in case
they purchased Liberty bonds have
assumed a firm stand, and have taken
time to explain to the persons who
tried to intimidate them that they
are reporting many new subscrip
ItlHN 1C00U.0 II
Rio Jnneiro, June 2. President
Braz today signed a decree providing
for the utilization by Brazil of the
German ships in Brazilian ports. It
is believed the decree will be put into
effect today.
Forty-six merchant ships were laid
up in Brazilian ports early in the
war. The vessels aggregate 240,779
tons, of which the largest is the
Hamburg-American liner Bleucher of
12,350 tons. Thirty-three of the ves
sels are of more than 4,000 tons each
A large assortment of all sizes o
American flags can be secured at the
Journal office. Call in and see them
before buying.
For Rent The rooms occupied by
Dr. Thomson in the Gund building.
Call on Edward Donat. dtf
Upright piano in perfect condition.
Price $75. Inquire at Ayard & McLean
Shoe Store. ' 6-1-tfd
New York, June 3. Asserting that
the Socialist party "is probably the
greatest single obstacle to the prog
ress of socialism in America," and
nas oeen "committed to a program
essentially unneutral, un-American
and pro-German," John Spargo, So
cialist writer and member of the na
tional executive committee of the So
cialist party, announced today that
he had resigned from the party.
"I leave the party," Mr. Spargo's
letter of resignation said, "because I
am profoundly convinced that it has
ceased to be an efficient instrument
for the advancement of socailism."
Mr. Spargo declared that the So
cialist party as a whole "has been,
with notable uniformity, on the Ger
man side."
I NS2 Fsrfsstlon Oil Oook Stove!
Slavs Conquer Turkish Forces While
British Renew Attacks at
English Make Good Progress in New
Offensive Against Hiadenburg
Ccssacks Cruch Turk Power in Lual
Providing Transport Facilities Can
Be Secured to Carry Them.
Washington, D. C, June 3. Five
divisions of the National Guard,
about 123,000 men, will be in Europe
by the time snow flies if plans under
consideration by t the army general
staff are adopted
Action on these plans is expected
either today or early next week and
the fact that the J are 'now before the
staff explains the reason behind the
bandonment of half of the proposed
cantonments for the army and the
National Guard. .
The staff is understood to look fa
vorably upon .such a plan, though
there is a practical difficulty of
transporting such a large number of
troops before, say November. Even
a fairly large transport ship will ac
commodate comfortably scarcely more
than 2,000 men.
Provided there is no question as to
sending the men abroad before win
ter, they might even be seasoned and
trained to get in on the last of the
autumn drive, and certainly would be
fit for the meager winter service and
for the big spring drive.
In making plans for this additional
force the war department is taking
into consideration that a single di
vision of the regular army is only a
drop in the bucket, whereas five di
visions supplementing that one could
make a real impression on the west
ern front, both from a military and
psychological standpoint.
It is the idea of the army officers
to retain the bulk of the regular army
in the United States to train the new
selective service army.
The plans for sending the National
Guard abroad, made known definitely
today for the first time, came as a
surprise here, as it was supposed
America would send no troops other
than the Pershing division abroad in
much less than a year's time
Sour Stomach.
This is a mild form of indigestion.
It is usually brought on by eating too
rapidly or. too much, or of food not
suited to your digestive organs. If
you will eat slowly, masticate your
food thoroughly, eat but little meat
and none at all for sipper, you will
more than likely avoid the sour stom
ach without taking and medicine what
ever. When you have sour stomach
take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to
aid digestion. - ' -
Petrograd, June 3 (Via London,
British Admiralty, per Wireless
Press) Russian troops have won a
victory in a'battle with the Turks in
the Sakir region on the Mesopotamian
frontier, taking possession of three
heights, the war office announced to
day. The statement also reports the
repulse of a Kurdish attack of Er
zingan, in Armenia.
Desperate battles are being fought
on virtually every front in the world
The Russians have defeated the
Turks on the Mesopatamian frontier
and in Armenia.
The British have resumed their
great offensive in the west. The bat
tle of Arras is raging with intense
fury over the entire line.
In the Lens and Arras sectors of
the French front the British and Ger
mans during Saturday night and Sun
day were engaged in fierce fighting
in which each won successes, but were
not able to hold them in their en
tirely in the face of violent counter
British Make Gaiig.
Striking heavily south of the Sou-
chez river during Satui'day night and
again Sunday morning, the British
made good gains in Terrain and also
took numerous positions.
Later the Germans stiffened their
line and counter-attacked with con
siderable forces, which held the Brit
ish, who wore unable to maintain
their progress. As a result of the
fighting, nearly 100 prisoners re
mained in the hands of Field Marshal
Haig's men. Southeast of Arras, the
Germans near Cherisy went on the
offensive and pushed back the British
front, taking several positions. The
British, however,, as was the case
with the Germans in the Soucher sec
tor, realigned their men, and striking
hard, regained their lost ground in its
entirety, except for one post. ,
French Repulse Foes.
Around the bend in the line run
ning from the region of Soissons into
the Champagne, the French and Ger
mans are engaged in hard fighting
with infantry on the Vauclerc and
Californie plateaus and with artillery
farther eastward. Saturday night
and Sunday the forces of the Ger
man crown -prince attacked the plat
eau positions of the French in waves,
the Germans at some places coming
on shoulder-to-shoulJer.
The French , artillerymen and rifle
men inflicted terrible loses on the
Germans, who were not successful at
any point in capturing and holding a
French position.
Austrians Lose 83,000 Men.
The Italian offensive in the Austro
Italian theater again has greatly 'di
minished in violence, being carried
out mainly by small detachments. An
indication of the extent of the Aus
trian losses in the recent fighting is
a statement issued by the Italian war
office, showing that between May 14
and May 29, the Austrians lost 85,000
men in killed, wounded or missing.
Per Cent Liberty Loan.
To Our Customers:.
Desiring to assist the United States
government in every way possible in
the placing of its war loans, we offer
free of charge to our customers, and
all other persons wishing to partici
pate, the facilities of this bank in
making subscriptions to the issues,
and shall be glad to take care of all
details incident to these transactions
and to render prompt delivery con
tingent only upon allotments made by
the government. Yours very truly,
For Sale 6-room house, 6 lots; 2
lots in fruit trees,' rest in garden, all
planted; good well and cistern; ce
ment walks. Inquire of Ignac Straka,
15th and Main Sts. 5-31-tfd
J Tornado Insurance. T. II. Pollock.
Wiih Buiil-in Heat Retaining Oven E23
HERE is the popular
priced cabinet style
stove. Two burners under
the oven section. Just one
burner is sufficientst for all
oven purposes. The extra
burner is a convenience
when it is desirable to pre
heat the oven quickly. The
open grade in bottom of
oven makes it possible to
use oven burners for grate
oven door and removing racks. (Jn ironing day, tor ex
ample, the sadirons can be heated on the outside burners
while the oven burner may be used to cook your mid
day meal.
... -p
laita rirs
The Finest Purest, ftlost Delicious (Non-AI-coholic)
Oevcrarge Ever Brewed!
The Whole Family Will Enjoy It's Cool,
" Sparkling, Thirst Quenching Qualities.
Order by Name Remember
Sole Distributor for Cass County.
4th and Main St. Plattsmouth, Web,
Baltimore, June .1. John Barrett,
director general of the Pan-Americrari
union, in a speech here today before
i Libertv loan, mass meeting pre
dicted that within a year all the
Americas would be fighting together
against Germany.
"If Brazil enters the conflict, as
today seems imminent, he said,
"two-thirds of the entire population
and f4ve-cighths of the total area of
the western hemisphere wiu Le at
war with the common enemy. Can
the remaining one-third of population
and three-eighths of area stand
against the psychological, sympathetic
.and economic appeal of their sister
iconics and coutries having snr.ilar
interests, similar institutions, similar
o-overr.ments and similar destiny.'
Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. SC4, also livery. J. E Mason,
To Sell or Trade for Hogs Good
cheap work team. J. A. Cook. Phone
2D3-W. 5-31-3td
We are prepared to- serve large or
small dinners, banquets, etc., at any
price to suit you, at the Riley Hotel.
Careful work in our amateur devel
oping and finishing department will
interest you. Roy Smith Studio, sec
ond floor, Coates' block, Plattsmouth,
f -i s Ct. . : t - i . t . - X
JJV3; " Wold n.en:i"Cy
Vj aVyJ 'i''0 3 ""h" K"T of your V
5 n4 AMOM ftllANI 1'ILI.OoTis
ij jeiiskn.mnas Ucst.Ssfest.AlwaysKei'.-'e
il "It's the good Red Crown in kM
the tank that does it." vWti&
f Your engine picks up eagerly j JIKzjff
li I pulls smoothly when throt- v, CP
!! tied down. Look for the Red MV s
Slfl Crown sign. J
J;pl Pclarine Oil stops power leaks. $ j
paaiiiiga Lubricates efficiently ft
I J at all times. fr
trPL - 2 STANDARD OIL CO. .'jtik
y'lSgfeS S S Nebra.ka) Om.h. ? $
'-v if-'-- crown I cC.nC ?ttr
RiMIt 51