The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    &mVdAY, JUNE 4, 1917.
I I MOTOR i "y ;
: oils a
p (
. i 011 i in, mi i an in i iM.miin.1. iiiiii iiii i i .1 i
It nan
You keep your car for your comfort
of a friction-crippled motor by using
Holds its body at any cylinder heat or engine speed. Ends carboni
zation, overheating, and scored cylinders. Every drop pure.
Look for the Polarine sien it Btands for
what you ask for. .Use Red Crown Gasoline.
Hold Vantage Points From Which to
Push Forward at Opportune
In I
ive Weeks of Fighting They Cap
ture 32,000 Prisoners at
Small Loss.
London, June 1. 'Our troops
gained ground slightly during the
nisrht west of Cherisy (Arras front)"
says today's official announcement.
"Patrol encounters resulted in our
favor last night in the neighborhood
of Gouzeacourt. Successful raids
were made by us northeast of Loos
and near Foegsteert wood."
French troops last night captured a
German post south of Chevreaux, tak
ing a number c f prisoners.. Raids by
Germans and an attack on the Casque
were repulsed.
On the French front in France,
Thursday, May 31. (From a Staff
Correspondent of the Associated
Press.) Between April 15 and May
124 the number of German prisoners
falling into French hands reached a
total of 31.829, of whom 28,045 were
unv.ounded. This period covers three
phases of the general attack now tem
porarily abated, which the French
undoubtedly will continue when the
proper moment arrives.
As a result of the successful at
tacks the French now possess the in
itiative ard occupy more important
positions than when they begun the
forward movement in April. Artil
lery duels continues unceasingly at all
points on the front, occasionally in
: i.j ...:iu i l : , .. ,.,
iximinjuiu v.iui lutai iindmiy WUui- j
bats in which short stretches of i
trench sometimes change hands. Thus
far the French always have regained
any positions taken from them and
at some places have bitten further
into the German lines.
The Germans are showing great
nervousness as to what is about to
happen and the slightest movement
in the French lines calls for that hur
ricane of artillery and machine gun
fire. The absolute confidence of the
French in their superiority is seen in
the manner in which they move over
intervening ground between lines
when ordered to attack. The tactics
now employed permit them to attack
with minimum losses.
Do "not buy something which you
already have. You have food which
you feed your horses, cattle and
sheep, but when you want medicine,
buy only medicine. That is what you
get in B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy.
We sell it and guarantee it to be medi
cine. We tell you that it will tone up
the entire system of your stock and
aids digestion, thereby causing them
to get all the food value out of the
grain that you feed them.
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
American flags, from
Journal office.
5c up, at the
avoid the trouble and expense
a reliable dealer who will give you
, the power-full motor fuel.
Washington, June 1. Hoarding,
storage or destruction of food, fuel,
or other necessaries of life would be
a felony under the amendment to the
government's first food bill adopted in
the senate without a record vote. Sev
eral senators protested that the pro
vision would prevent legitimate stor
ing to equalize markets.
Violation of the section would be
punishable bv imprisonment for not
less than six months nor more than
three vears. Holding bv farmers cr
others of the products of land culti
vated by them is exempted.
An amendment which would pro
mote more general use of fish to re
lieve the food stringency was offered
by Senator Fletcher. It would per
mit the secretary of commerce to
catch and market fish. The amend
ment will be discussed today.
The . executive committee ' of the
American Railway association,
Messrs. Fairfax Harrison. Howard
Elliott, Hale Hoidcn, Julius Krutt-
schnitt and Samuel Rea, at one of
their meetings has advised against
I the holding of conventions that would
: bring large bodies of persons to one
point should be discouraged in the in
terest of conservation of fuel, to
avoid congestion, to prevent interrup
tion to necessary freight traffic and
to conserve equipment and energies
which must be applied to accomplish
the transportation required by the
country. This is one step in the pro
cram of conservation throughout the
country to
ciency and
secure the
result from
greatest effi-
the resources
q. nation
Lincoln, Neb., June 1. Nebraska
pastors are urged to deliver sermons
on the importance of registration un
der the draft law next Sunday by the
state council for defense.
A statement containing the appeal
to the ministers was given out by the
council today as follows:
"The state council of defense
wishes to enlist the co-operation of
the ministers and clergy of the state
in presenting to their several congre
cations next Sunday the question of
registration by those of military age
on June 5, by urging a hearty and
loyal response to the president's call.
"Ministers would do well to make
their congregations familiar with the
fact that while boys between the ages
of 21 and 31 who fail to register are
subject to a prison sentence and the
draft afterward, yet to comply with
the law should they enter the army,
they would be carried on the
rolls as volunteers."
Some native dimension lumber for
sale. Inquire of-John Hobson, Platts
mouth. A 5-31
Brit Few More Arrests to De Made for
Alleged Conspiracy Against
Government Does Not Think More
Than One of Hundred Will Be
Washington, D. C, June 1. Depart
ment of Justice officials are of the
opinion that the situation with respect
to the draft army registration Tues
day is well in hand, that there will
be no really serious disturbances.
Attorney General Gregory's orders
had caused the arrest of about thirty
persons up to today, in connection
with the anti-draft propaganda. Only
a few more, probably less than a half
a dozen, are expected before Tuesday.
Showing Extraordinary.
Such a showing is looked upon as
extraordinary and as a convincing in
dication that despite oratory against
registration and the few conspiracies
discovered to interfere with it or to
prevent the response of the men of the
draft age, there has been no substan
tial movement to defeat the purpose
of the law.
The department expects that there
may be a number oi evasions oi tne
registration provision that will look
large in total, but not when the great
number subject to the law is consid
ered. Manv even of those who do
evade Tuesday are counted upon event
ually to come forward to make good
without prosecution. It was asserted
tonicht that out of 10.000.000, the
slackers would not number one in 100.
More Arrests Coming.
Chicago, 111., June 1. Additional ar
rests of alleged anti-conscription plot
ters were expected today after Hinton
G. Clabauirh, divisional chief of the
bureau of investigation of the depart
ment of justice had questioned one of
the persons under arrest.
It was said that the suspected plot
ter had given information involving
not only the ether five men and four
women detained in connection with
the government investigation of anti-
draft conspirators, but several net yet
in custody.
Duck Alleged Disloyal Doctor.
Wabcno, Wis., June 1. Following
alleged remarks in which he attempted
to discourage enlistments, Dr. Hugo
Miller of Laor.a, Wis., a government
physician on an Indian reservation,
was seized by citizens of Wabeno last
night, thrown into the river and later
made to kneel, kiss the flag and re
tract his alleged utterances.
Two Arrests.
Charleston, W. Va., June 1. Isom
Hdkins and Uabe Cleans, young
farmers, were arrested today by dep
uty United States marshals, charged
with distributing seditious literature
to discourage military regu-
Held Without Bail.
New York, June 1. Under guard of
a squad of soldiers, four men and one
woman, arrested last night by the po
lice at Madison Square Garden
charged with attempting to obstruct
conscription, were taken before United
States commissioner here and held
without bail for examination tomor
They became federal prisoners when
they were released from a city court
on writs of habeas corpus. All pleaded
not guilty to the federal complaint.
The bail of the men was increased to
$5,000 and of the women to $1,500.
The prisoners are Mrs. Jennie Dimer,
Louis Kramer, Louis Sternberg,
Joseph WTalker and Morris Becker.
Arrest Dozen at Border.
San Antonio, Tex., June 1. Federal
agents yesterday and. today arrested
more than a oozen young men who
were seeking to cross into Mexico.
The charge was "seeking to evade
military regulation."
arencneu norses ior cone, mat was
the old way, which was uncertain and
unsafe. Farirs' Colic Remedy docs
away with drenching is applied on
the horse's tongue with a dropper
which comes packed in each bottle.
Get it today. We guarantee it.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
The members of the municipal gov
ernment, comprising the mayor, c-Icik,
councilmen and chief of police, met
last evening at the ofiico- of Mayor
Sattler with Mr. Sydney Landcraft,
agent of the Tom W. Allen
Shows, to discuss with the agent the
plans for the forthcoming municicpal
! carnival which is to be held in
Plattsmouth June 11 to 16.
It was decided to hold the carnival
in the main street oi me city anu tne
circulation of the petition this morn
ling among the business men resulted
in all signing it wun out one excep
"A !lL 1 . A.
tion and assuring that the shows will
be stationed along the principal
street of the city, where they will be
of easv access and aid the business
men of the city in their different
lines, while permitting the shoppers
to attend to the shopping and at the
same time enjoy the carnival.
It is the purpose of holding the
carnival at this time to raise the
funds for the purchase of a chemical
fire engine which is needed very
much for the fire protection of the
city, and it is hoped that it can be
secured without placing an unneces
sary burden upon the taxpavers of
the citv, and give the city the benefit
of more and better protection from
The committees in charge of the
Ml t A 1
event win get Dusy at once anu nave
all arrangements made for a most
successful carnival
Windstorm Sweeps Parts of Southern
Kansas, Oklahoma and
Hundred Persons Injured and Heavy
Property Damage Reported
Over Region.
Kansas City, Mo., June 1. Twenty
one known deaths, injuries to more
than 100 persons and large property
damage resulted from a series of tor
nadoes in southeastern Kansas, north
central Oklahoma and southern Mis
souri, late today, t
Coalcate. Okla.. the county seat of
Coal county, a town of 3.500 inhab
itants, reported thirteen deaths, 100
persons injured and the entire western
portion of the town blown away. It
was in the mining section of the town
the tornado struck, where the build
ings largely were miners' cabins. The
names of the dead were unobtainable,
but it was said half of them were ne
gro miners.
Many Deaths Feared.
The extent of the tornado's work at
Coffeyviile, Kan., was not known to-
rijrht. The only report of any sub
stance gotten out cf there before all
communication was cut off was that
iOO houses had been demolished. It
is feared that numerous deaths had
Drake, Okla., suffered five deaths
and the destruction of two residences
and the school house. A school teach
er marshalled her charges into a storm
cellar when she heard the tornado
coming, and probably saved many
lives, for the building was razed over
their heads.
Morse, Kan., twenty-five miles from
Kansas City, was seriously damaged
by a twister that took three lives.
Several Reported Injured.
From Ottawa, Kan., came a report
that many farm houses in Franklin
county had been wrecked and a mim
her of persons injured.
Lehierh, Okla., near coleratc. was
hit by the same tornado that struck
the latter town. Several persons were
injured, and extensive property dam
age done.
Buffalo, Mo., reported a tornado
whirled through the section between
that place and Lebanon, Mo., late to
day, tearinsr down farm houses and
doing other damage.
Another storm was reported to have
passed between Buffalo and Lebanon
Fcr Sale Span of mules, 4
old, weighing 2.200 pounds;
broke and worked all last year.
White. 5-10-4t v.
I Have a Few
Marcs for sale. I have a few extra
good farm mares. These marcs are
all 4 and 5 years old and broke to
work. Richard Smith,. Union, Neb.
lib KsLLd
nr m rn viir
Believe Hungarian Crisis Will Result
in Dissolution of Parliament.
Copenhagen. June 1. Austrian
dispatches to the German papers give
the impression that the Hungarian
crisis is gradually working in the di
rection of a dissolution of parlia
ment and new elections. In the in
terim a minority ministry would hold
ofT.ce and Count Andrassy is men
tioned as possible head for such a
cabinet. Unless the Hungarian
electoral practices are changed the
cabinet in power during the elections
would probably emerge with a ma
The address of the Budapest mu
nicipality to the king, thanking him
for his stand in the franchise ques
tion, reveals the fact that King
Charles desires a universal secret
ballot. Count Tisza advocates a re
stricted and involved suffrage, per
petuating Magyar dominance. Under
royal pressure, however, he has
dropped from his program some of
the limitations on the labor vote,
such as rer.uirinir the qualification of
a year's residence and the retention
of the same employment.
Count Tisza professes to be weary
of the parliamentary struggle and
tells his friends that he wants to pro
to the front and fight. However, it is
safe to assume that when parliament
opens the former premier will be vig
orously leading the opposition.
The flag that has been waving over
the Cas county court house the last
week is certainly a very poor adver
tisement for the patriotic spirit of
the county, as the glorious flag of
the republic has for the last three
days been wrapped around the fla;
tnfT, and this dees not appeal in the
least to a large majority of those
who honor and love Old Glory. Since
the flag was hoisted it has been fly-
g at practically half-mast owing to
a dceiemc puney on tne nagstan,
and r.ow tne lias: is allowed to iro in a
very neglected condition. If the na
tional emblem is not hoisted and for properly, according to rules,
had better not be hoisted at all.
Cucumber, tomato, and squash vines
-a .1 f 1 - 1 f 1
seem to be tne icccang p:ace ior Dugs
a-v.! worms, out v. J. l nomas lou
- rt t T
Killer hills them at one application
We guarantee it.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
v 1 1. 1..
! moil tk oi-
In the County Court of Cu
.-.! -ite oi olrasKa,
C:;;ntv o" (t.-s. - ) ss.:
T" J -'.. n Edwin Barwick. Helen Cross
land .lulyan. Thomas N. Julyan. Hil
ia t'tiflman, Verry W. C'ofTman. No
mh AM bee. William IV Allbee. and to
;. 11 persons interested in the estate
of Selina Barwiek. deceased:
n reading the petition of HiM
('"'"inian praving that the instrument
iild in this court on the 2lth day
.M iv. 1 ! 1 7. and purporting to be the
I,-! will and testament of the sai
ih (-casei'i, mav bo proved and allowed
and i corded as the last will and tes
t;.meit of Sol inn F.arwick, deceased:
t! at said instrument be admitted to
;n nliate, and the administration of said
(state le granted to .iciin l-dwin isar-
wick as executor. It is hereby ordered
t! at yon. and all persons interested in
said matter, may. and do, appear at
the County Court to be held in and
for said covintv, on the 25th dav of
,h:ne, A. D. B'17, at ! o'c lcock A. M.. to
show cause, if any there be, why the
piayer of the petitioner should not be
"!; ri ted. and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be riven to all persons in
terested in saiil matter by publishing
a copy of this Order in the I'latts
rnouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper, printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
l:-a ri ng.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
court, this 2' of May. A. 1. 117.
(Seal) County ,lu d ge.
State of Nebraska, 1
Cass County, ss.:
In the County Court,
the Matter of the Estate of
Joha nn
J. Stark. Deceased. To the
ins of said estate:
You a re hereby notified that T will
sit at the Countv Court room in Platts
mouth. in said County, on the .",0th day
of June. i:17. and on the MOtli day of
I o en:l. r. 131", at 10:Oi o'clock A. M.
on each day, to receive and examine ail
claims against said Estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the presen
tation of claim:: against said Estate is
six months from the SOth day of June.
A. 1 . 1!'17, and the time limited for
payments of debts is One Year from
said :oth day of June. 1917.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
Countv Court, tins 19th clay of May,
Mav 2S iwks CoOnty Judge.
David Z. Mummert, Plaintiff,
Axel Abel et al.. Defendants.
NOTICE to Axel Abel and Mrs. Axel
Abel, his wife, first and real name
unknown, and Francis M. Bood. and
Eot !). in Block 2. in BHchie Place
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action against you in the
District Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, for tho purpose of foreclosing the
lien of a tax sale on Lot 9 in Block 2
in Bitchio Place Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebras
ka, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are required to
nswer said petition on or before the
25th day of June. lf17, fnd in failing
so to do your default will be duly en
tered therein and judgment taken as
prayed for in plaintiff' r-etttlon.
By A. L. TIDD.
5-14lwks Els Attorney.
John McCormick, Joel M. Johnson,
Kben F. Colby, Charles Balduff, G. W.
I'.etts (whose first name is unknown,
Sarah A. AVillison, Edmond A. Des-
londe and W illiam H. Taylor and the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
iersons interested in the estates or
John McCormick, .loel M. Johnson,
Ilien F. Colby, Charles EalclufT, O. W.
Hetts, Sarah A. "Willison. Kilmond A.
Ieslonde, and William H. Taylor, de-
eased, respectively, will talte notice
that on the day of ,
J17. Annie Stevenson, a wMow, Olla
Stevenson, Tliomas H. Sleven'on, jonn
Stevenson and Annie Stevenson tiled
their petition in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, the ob-ject and
purpose of which was to exclude you.
and each of you, from the lOast half
,.'.) of the West liair ( ) or section
Thirty-four (34) Township Ten (10
anse Twelve (12) and lrotn tne west
.alf ( ) of the West half ( ) or the
:ast half (i-i) of said section, ttie last
rait beinp: also known as Iots One
1 ). Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4)
of said section, and exclude you, ana
each of vou. from any interset in, lien
on. or claim to said land or any part
tlierc-of, and to quiet the title to said
and in themselves, as aprainKi you ana
all other persons olaimir;?r under,
throuerh or by you and also to eatisiy
and cancel of record a certain mort-
gase upon part of said land siven ty
Solon M. Johnson, to the above named
defendant, John McCormick. the said
nurtgase was hied on the iwi oay oi
Mav. 1ST7, and recorded in UooK A
of the Heed Kecords of Cass county,
Nebraska, at page 304 thereof.
And also to satisfy and cancel or
ec-ord a certain morterasre coverinsr a
nart of the above described tract ot
land from Solon M. Johnson to defend
ant. Joel M. Johnson, aatea on trie jru
rtnv of October. 18T.9. and recorded in
Hook "A" of the Mortgage Kecords or
Cass County, Nebraska, at page 372
thereof, on October 3rd. 1SS9.
And also to cancel or record
and hold void a certain deed
fur a part of the above described
land triven by Solon M. Johnson and
wife, K. Janet Johnson, to defendant.
ben F. Colby, which deed was aatea
March 10. 1870. and filed for record on
the yth day of January, lSi9, and re
corded in book T" of the Deed Rec
ords of Cass County, Nebraska, at page
53S thereof.
You are required to answer paid pe
tition in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 2nd day of July,
U7, or a decree will be entered there
in as prayed in said petition.
Dated this 15th day of May, 1917.
A Widow;
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
David Z. Mummert, Plaintiff,
Frank L. Tague et al.. Defendants.
NOTICE to Fred O. Tnguc. defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff has commenced an action
against, you in the District Court of
Cass County. Nebraska, for the pur
pose of foreclosing the lb?n of a tax
sale certificate on Iots 4 and it in
Block 7, in South Park Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said po
tion on or before the day of June,
1!17. anl in failing so to do. your de
fault will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
Plaint iff.
By A. L. TIDD.
-H-Jwks His Attorney.
The State of Nebraska,)
Cass County, ) ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Henry C.
Miller, Deceased, to the Creditors of
said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court Boom in
Plattsmouth in said County, on the 8th
day of June. 1917. and or the Sth day
of December. 1017. at 9:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of each day. to receive
and examine all claims against said
Estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. Tho time limited
for the presentation of claims against
said Estate is six months from the Sth
day of June. A. D. lt17. and the time
limited for payment of debts is One
Year from said fcth day of June. 191
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this feth day of May
4wks County Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased:
This cause came on for hearing upon
the application of Cieorge J. Oldham
executor of the last will and testament
of bora Oldham Moore, deceased, pray
ing for a license to sell Lots nine (9)
and ten (10 in Block eleven (11) South
Park Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, or a
sufficient amount of the same to bring
the sum of $1,460.00 for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate, and
the cost for the payment of debts and
legacies and the cost of administration
there not being sufficient personal
property to pay said debts, legacies
and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at the District Court in the
Court House nt Plattsmouth, Cass
County. Nebraska, on the lth day of
June, 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to show
cause why a license should not be
granted to said administrator to sell
so much of said above described real
estate of said deceased, as shall be nec
essary to pay said debts aid legacies
and expenses. Notice to be given by
publishing this order in the Platts
mouth Journal for four successive
weeks before the date cf hearing.
Dated this 0th dav of May, 1917.
4wks Judge Listrict Court.
the County Court of Cass County,
State of. Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss. :
To all persons interested In the estate
of Priscilla A. Noyes. deceased:
On reading the petition of Charles
E. Noyes. praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 10th day of
May, 1917, and purporting te be the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the lait will and tes
tament of priscilla A. Noyes, de
ceased: that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to
Charles E. Noyes, as e?;ecutor.
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in said matter,
may and do, appear at the County
Court to te held in and for said coun
ty, on the 4th day of June, A. D. 1917.
at ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court, this l)th dav of May, A. D.
(Seal) County Judge.
David Z. Mummert, Plaintiff,
Joseph A. G. Strickland et al., Defenl
ants. NOTICE TO Joseph A. G. Strickland
and Mrs. Joseph Strickalnd. his wife,
first and real name unknown, tne ua-
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons interested in the estate of Jo
seph A. (.1. Strickland, deceased, and
the unknown heirs and devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons Interested in the estate
of Mrs. Joseph Strickland, deceased,
and Lots 20. 21 and 22. Block 1, in
the Village of Alvo in Cass County,
Nehraska; and
John F. J. Siesmund and Mrs. John
Siegmund, Ids wife, first and real name
unknown, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all perrons interested in tho
estate of John F. J. Siegmund, do
ceased,, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested In the
estate of Mrs. John Siegmund. de
ceased, and lots ir.",, ir.t? and 157 In
the Village of Louisville, in Cass
County, Nebraska.
You and eaeh of you nre hereby
notified that the plaintiff has filed an
action against you in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in
the First Cause of Action for the pur
pose of foreclosing the lien of a tax
sale certificate on Dots 20, 21 and 22,
in Block 1, in the Village of Alvo, in
Cass County, Nebraska, and for equit
able relief.
And in the Second Cause of Action
to foreclose the lien of a tax sale cer
tificate on Lots ir5, lilR and 157 in
the Villa sre of Louisville, in Cass
County, Nebraska, and for equitable
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
25th day of June, 1917, and in failing
so to do your default will be duly en
tered therein and judgment taken as
prayed for in Plaintiff's petition.
By A. L. Til I,
5-li-iwks His Attorney.
D. B. Porter, Plaintiff,
Robert R. Latta, et al.. Defendants.
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
To t lie defendants. Robert J:. Latta;
Mary A. Latta; the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Bobert 11. Entta. de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives arid
all other persons interested in the
estate of Mary A. Latta. deceased;
ndrew Morrow; Mrs. Andrew Mor
row, lirst real name unknown;
the unknown heirs. devisees, leg
atees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Andrew Morrow, dec-eased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Andrew Morrow, first real name
unknown, deceased; Oeorge W. Colvin;
Mrs. George W. Colvin, first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all ether persons interested
in the estate of George V.". Colvin. de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. George W. Colvin, first
real name ur known, deceased; The
nion Mutual Life Insurance Company
of Maine: the unknown successors and
assigns of The I'nion Mutual Life in
surance Company of Maine; Elijah
Woolsey; Mrs. Elijah Woolsoy, first
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the- estate of Elijah Wool
sev, deceased; the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Elijah Woolsey,
first real name unknown, ('eeeased;
the unknown owners and the unknown
claimants of the northeast quarter
(NE '-4) of the northwest quarter (NW
Vi of section thirty-two C.2), town
ship eleven (111, north range thirteen
H3. east of t io 6th 1. M. in the Coun
ty of ('ass, Nebraska.
ion are hereby notified that on the
19th day of May. A. D. 1917, plaintiff
filed his suit in the District Court of
the County of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to the following de
scribed lands, to-wit:
The northeast quarter (NE V, ) of
the northwest quarter (NW 'i ) of sec
tion thirty-two CJ2). township eleven
(111. north range thirteen (lo, east
of the fith P. M.. in the County of Cass,
Nebraska because of his adverse pos
session by himself and his grantors
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said suit and to e-n-join
each and all of you from having
or claiming any right, title. 1 en or in
terest, either legal or eqi:itavile. in or
to said lands, or any part thereof; to
reeiuire you to set forth your right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
any. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff and for general
equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Mnndav, Julv 2,
A. D. 1917, or your default will be duly
entered therein.
4wks sw-May 21
In the County Court.
The State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.:
In the Matter of the Estate of Clar
ence Eugene Babbitt. Deceased.
To the Cred.tors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said Countv. on Juno
lfith, 1917. and December 17th. 1917. at
10 o'clock A. M. of each diys to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is mx months from
the lth dav of June. A. D. 1917. and
the time limited for payment ef dehts
is One Year from said ICth dav of
June. 1917.
Witness my hand and t"ie seal of
said County Court, this 15th day of
Mav. 1917.
4wks County Judge.
The First National Brink of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, Plaintiff,
Perry Marsh. Defendant.
Notice to Perry Marsh. Defendant.
You are hereby notified th;t the
plaintiff has comr.n nccil an ;iotim
against you in tho District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, for the pnr
?ose of foreclosing a Mortgage for
$210.00 and interest from January 1.
1910, at tho rate of ten per cent per
annum, on the following described real
estate, to-wit:
A strip of land out cf the NE corner
of the NW i or the NW V of Sec-. 19.
Twp. 12. Bge. 14. I-:, of fith P. M.. about
22 by 207 7-10 feet in size, immediately
adjoining lot eleven on the South, and
being all the land between said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Commencing at thes
NW corner of NE 'J of NW i, of See
19. Twp. 12. North Ege It. E. of 6tb
P. M., tl-enc-e running South 151 feet to
the point of beginning, thence run
ning south to Patterson avenue, thence
East to the road known as Lincoln
Avenue. thence Northeasterly alont?
said Linco.n Avenue to a point due
East of the point of beginning, thence
West to the point of beginning. Sixty
eight (6S feet off of the South side of
Lot 11 in Soc. 19, Twp. i- Bge. 14
East of 6th P. M.. in Cass County, Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 9th day of July.
1917. and In failing so to do your de
fault will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed for in.
plaintiff's petition.
. , Plaintiff.
By A. U TIDD. Its Attorney.
May 2S 4w
Just received, a fine
flags, stickers, etc., at
new line of
the Journal