MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. Mr.- fab A half million dollars' worth of perfectly pood farm ma- BACCALAUREATE SERVICES 'uZXI (continued from first page) " ih?I"e' tarved children cry out in the1 . nighi for a parent s protection, out- r tf chinery lVjthrown in he scrap the truth and the 'truth shall make wrohgs, men grope in blindness, or pile every(lii Nebraska. yu free" U is the duty then of a11 hobble on artificial limbs, and all the is .. . ; men" to scek the uth about a11 world is stunned, when nations for- c omtort Farm work is the hardest things, that we may know how to work there is on machinery. work, that we may know how to world is stunned, when nations for get the principles that make them 1 men, and refuse to be gentlemen and Castings break, bearings wear out, shalts bend ana break. Things tret dull pill hard, gears rattle, smash, bang and crash, paint gets dull. l Allien, L W UllLlV IIIV 11 think, that we may know how to live. t t cach other with respect, and India's poverty. Africa's indolence- an(j and Mexico's brutality are all the ef- iects oi a Kindergarten stage in ine development of their minds. Eyes have they but they see not, ears have Many farmers throw away they but they hear not. They need machinery and biiy cause they are not aware that and unstop their ears that they, as we can in nearly every case re- Watts has said, may make such machinery equal courtesy. I have great sympathy with Swift, who says in these lines: "Brutes find out where their talents, tie. A hear will not attempt to fiy. A foundered horse with oft debate Before lie tries a nve-barred gale. and in many than new. . . . . I . i i : . . . : ... . . . -1 1 , new, be- a teacher that may open tneir eyes rui'.ll.r;"s rlu , i ...M, ' IU . ' . kill V a I V I 1 H'Vf i . V. A. i ' " Hut man we find the only creature, Wlio, le.l ly folly, combats nature: Who. whpn she loudly cries, forbear, With obstinacy fixes there; Anil when his prenius least inclines. Absurdly bends his whole designs." respects better "Seize upon truth where'er 'tis found. AnioiiKst your friends, amongsl your foes. On Christian or on Heathen jrrourid: The Mower's divine, where'er it grows." We do not care how bad your machinery is smashed or worn, 4UMi ..11 -illl-n -t -i 1 - , i? , i become a child whose deeds will jus make them as irood as new and , ., , , .... Trie true student is he that is seek ing the truth. lie is endeavoring: to save you money. A dollar saved is a dollar tify himself as being a child of wis dom. Through your four years of study in high school work you have earned; keep your money ai : been seekers after truth. However, home and you may jret it back that which you have learned in your again, besides it helps us to high school course contains merely employ home labor. I the fundamentals of truth. Truth or Put your machinery troubles . wisdom, which is the same, is the up to us; we have the best 'ability to make another person eouinned machine shop in the' happy. Christ said: "I am the country; if you don't believe it, J Truth." He also said: "The great- call and see us. Visitors are al ways welcome. We make metal. Now overhaul thin rush. everything in est COIlHUiliiuiuewi liiuu o"iui thv neighbor as thyself." No one has is a good time toWhcn you learned t gs for the spring makes you were st WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY. L. C. Shaki. Plattsmouth - - - FLAG STICKERS found the truth of life until he knows how best to love his fellow man. that 2 plus 2 tudying how to be honest with men. For it might be were you ignorant of that fact, that vou would fail to return to a man !a penny who had given you a nickle for two pencils at 2 cents each. When , i , ' vou learned that the moon is 238,840 Nebraska , . miles from the earth, you were guarding against the possibility of unduly frightening someone by tell The Journal has just received new line of American flag stickers that are so popular over the country at present. Call in at once and se cure your supply while they last. For Rent Living rooms over Stan fiekl book store. Inquire of Henry Hcrold. 4-lG-tfd vwwv RESERVE MAY 2GTI1 1 mg tnem mat it mijiut ct jh liicu it l U : . A . . - A , . ,1 in Vi Al -iitr , IMIUM! V IlCil Ik uciicuucu in tut v.o.. iWhen you learned that a bottle marked C2 115 OH was not water but alcohol, your knowledge may enable you some time to save a man from a state of intoxication. Thus you have been handling the implements of truth. For all these branches of learning are but aids to the greater structure of truth. Paul realized very well the processes of life when he said to Timothy, "Study to show thyself 'approved unto God, a work man that needeth not be ashamed, lightly handling the words of truth.'' V Honor Drill team at Coates' v hall. Admission, gents 50c. Mu- sic by Holly's Saxophone Or- v chestra. 'I Ff4hA .duiic4Kj?stlia.- Ueaejal J Geometry, .physics, 'chemistry, litera- LOST. A lady's spring blue serge coat Lost tn route from the Kcil school house to the Four Mile creek. Finder please notify Mrs. Fred Albert. 5-18-ltdltwkly NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I wish to announce to the public that I have moved by place of business to new and larger quarters in the Platts mouth garage, on South Fifth street, one-half block south of the Bank of Cass county, where I am in position to handle the increasing demand for the Chevrolet car. I'hone me any time lor demonstration of the most wonderful car on the market for the money. W. W. WASLEY. One IJlock south of Bank of Gass County. 2wd&w YQUB GOAL Bl wmm ture are words of truth. The words love, God and is to establish separate ly the great truth, "God is love," but only when rightly placed together. You may be an authority on botany, and geology, and languages, and thus be in possession of a great many of the element of truth, but not be in pos session of the real truth of life. Again, as Paul says, "Tho I have all knowledge and understand all mysteries, and have not love, I am nothing.' That is why Prof. Driver was one of the most learned students of biblical exegesis, but one who did not know the main nucleus of truth which th Bible contained, that ardent love for others that made Dwipht L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon, men of little learning, famous because of their possession of wi?dom that is di vine. What knowledge they had was used rightly and so made them among the wisest of men. The one who studies is carrying out the Divine command vhich, was given in the beginning to subdue the earth. Or, in the DOth Psalm, "Thou turnest man to destruction and say est return ye children of men." It is man's attempt to solve the de structive forces that are about hirri and to return unto God. As the shell cast upon the shore mourns of the sea, so study is the yearning to be at peace again ni the ocean of Infinite Wisdom. As it is the instinct of an ant when his hill is disturbed to pro tect the unhatchd eggs, and preserve the life that is within them, so there should also be in every man an active desire to restore order in this world, that every soul should have an equal right to the fullest joys of life. Tis true, as Shakespeare says, "Times are out of joint," but our attitude should be different than was that of the speaker, who continues, "Oh cursed spite that I was eve born to set them right." The only yearning that ever should urge a nation to dominate the world should not be her culture, nor traditions, but a love of the world, that they would be willing to give their begotten sons and wealth and ingenuity that the world through them might live, and in that case such a nation would never have to I . 1 T r-l '.. r v. . : draw the sworci. U nnsuan nit- vutt pui III on t old or new home in I tions were in possession of the truth one day. of Christ, that truth would have sent , their billions of money and their mil- Costs lew to in.,liong of men out of love and Syrnpa stall and gives thc fQr tho5e in ignorance to the greatest satisfaction iffftrant.. in which case r. , . I " - T at a Die saving. ,u u.,,.a . AT1 ill next winter and every venter thereafter by installing MORRILL'S FAMOUS VACUUM (Trade Mark Reg. TJ. S. Pat. Office No. 101202) PIPELESS FURNACE U. S. Patents Nos. 1165122-1171245) the pioneer and original pipeless furnace that others are trying to imitate. Manufactured exclusively by H. B. MORRILL & CO., Omaha. VACUUM FURNACE The"VACUUM" will heat your home thoroughly end satisfactorily. iernorant, in thinkest. vou we would have war I " Ask for a catalog. Truth has been crushed to earth, it is trampled in the trenches, it is lac erated in the air, it is mocked on the seas, and man rises bleeding from DAWSON Was there ever a time when the words of the prophet were more true and we can hear now: "A voice cry ing in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain. And the glory of the Lord shal be revealed and all flesh shall see it together, for the Lord hath spoken it." Let truth as sert itself in the hearts of our people, and again take its throne and we shall have peace, and even better still we shall have love. Nations are say ing that after the war our people shall not trade with Germany, we shall have no more dealings with the Germans. May the student nations of the world learn the lesson of the war, that death dwells in doubts, but life in love. Wisdom's children are the cream of the earth. My dictionary gives as a definition of wisdom "the right use of knowledge." Lieut. Swartzlopenski, who spoke in the high school, said that the Russian people were not a learned people, but they were wi&e. They had good judgment. They made good use of what they knew. The question be fore us is, then, -where sh-all we find the highest wisdom? For we want to sit at her feet, and learn of her, indeed, we want to worship her. Three hundred million people wor ship Confucius. Of wisdom he said, "it is to foster right among the people and to keep aloof from the ghosts of the dead." His advice is good, but not sufficient. He supplied the command but not the motive power to do right. He was talking to hearts blackened in sin. One might as well say to a goat. "Eat no bark from mf fruit tree." - But the goat cannot change his nature and the command is unheeded. To stop eat ing bark from fruit trees, he must be a dog. For a dog has no desire for such and the trees are safe and the dog is free to run among the trees There must be placed in a man a desire to do the right, and then the command will be heeded. As it is China is a fine place to leave. It is no wonder that travelers say they are rflipvf-d to ae-ain embark to other lands. Another great religion of the world i: Voh.immeaamsm. 1 hcv tell me that the Koran is a book of high moral teaching. I take one look at the children of Mohammedanism and I turn awav for deliverance from such conditions. The other great re ligion is Christianity. I find every Christian nation at war with each other. But I have mis-spoken. They are not Christian nations. A nation is not Christian until its policies have become the policies of Christ. As Vng as any nation, no matter how many Christian citizens there are in her population, allows the governing officers to dictate a policy that rep resents not a Christian spirit, but is tainted with selfish motives for per sonal intrfcnehment, that is lacking in altruistic attitude in foreign rela tions, that it obdurate and merciless in international conferences, that na tion must pay the penalty in blood for her negligenc. Emperor William is not responsible for the German em pire he is not the vice-fjerent of God for Germany, nor is King George to the English, but both the Germans and the English, as well as America, are responsible for the emperor, the Kinjr and the President. A well established firm -sending forth a re liable agent will make good any prep osition that agent contracts with an other business "firm. If Christian na tions, so called, want peace, they must see that the men who run their gov ernments aVe Christian gentlemen, uncompromising in sin, and then we will be known as a Christian nation, whose mission is a love unselfish for the world. Thus, in the turmoil of these Chris tian nations, I find their savagery not so much inherent in their generic na ture, as it is an expression of their worse type of citizens, who have, by a series of circumstances, been able to usurp the power of the government. On the other hand, I find that there is in the hearts of the great mass of people an abhorrence of such conduct, and if there were taken a vote of th people, including also the mothers and wives, there would never be an- A ride in any of the Willys-Overland models will enable you to understand the luxurious riding qualities cf these cars. ' All details having bearing on the comfort of these cars have been har moniously balanced. ample wheclbasc end l&rgc tires shock-absorbing cantilever rear springs deep soft upholstery roomy body with with side seats proper balance in construction Each one of these features does its important part in absorbing the jolts of rough roads. You ride smoothly in solid comfort. Every model in the comprehensive Willys-Overland line is built to a rigid standard of performance, appearance and comfort. Each car is, we belie vs, the dominant value among cars of its kind. M';!':..i! ! 11 Light Fours Touring $CTo Pwoadster $080- Country Club $795 Big Fours Touring $900 Roadster $885 Coupe $1250 Sedan '. . . . $1450 Light Sixes Touring $1025 Roadster $1010 Coupe $1385 Sedan $1585 Willys-Six Touring $1-125 Willys-Knights Four Touring $1,395 Four Coupe $I("50 Four Sedan .' $1950 Lour Limousine iflP.'O Eight Touring $1953 Advance in price, Big Four and Light Six models, May 1st next de ferred until that date account too late to correct advertisements appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of April. AH prices f. o. b. Toledo Subject to change without notice. Plattsmouth, i 'hj m mp viy va Nebraska ) ) ) ) ) ) other war between them. So I am hopeful that I have found a people, who, in spite of the wars, are su- to see if we have properly solved our problem and can obtain a grade suf ficient to pass and make us eligible lint tliey, while tlieir comranjoii.s slept, Wei' toilintr upward in tl e nifrht. preme over all others. They are the ! for eternal life most educated. They have advanced the farthest in scientific accomplish ment. They have made the createst progress in providing for the poor and weak. I am interested in the source of their achievements. I find that the best of them study the Bible. And I find that the rible tells of the teachings of Jesus Christ. I see that lie says that He is the Truth, the Way. the Life. Also he rays "If ye abid in rie, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye We have not winprs, we cannot soar; ftnt we have feet to scsile am! i-linili ' It behooves US to'l'v slw lesrrees. I- ni-oe and more. 1 he cloudy summits of our time. As students seeking the truth of life, let me guide you in your quest, nernies and be ye perfect as I am jsf. Montaicne: Peter, the unschooled!01" fl'u;t vegetables and meats, in perfect. These are your rules, now fisherman of Tiberias, outshines thella3S Jars- Sold under a positive go ahead. 'No. you cannot look in the scholarly brilliancy of Tom Paine; j guarantee that it will do the work book. Eve did that and she did not ' xhc Christian teaching of Gerrit Ver- j satisfactorily. You can save half pass, ior tnac is cneating. rne devil ! kuile of Wisconsin is a ereater work ! our ilvin UIe oi inese can- than the writings of scorn of the IUfiS omnia. si id to her, "eat and it will make you wise.'' She ate and became wise, but God Almighty would not accept her paper. If you try to gain heaven by some other way than working out your problems yourself, you are a thief and a robber and will be thrown cut of the contest. There are many noted Voltaire; Bill Ingersoll, of Glenn Cove, N. Y., a Presbyterian minister, is a brighter man than was Bob Ineersoll, of agnostic oratorical fame; Christ said wisdom is justified! of her children, thus wre see that the teachings of these Christ scoffers, tho study on it now. Christ has said you must not kill a man, nor be angry without cause, nor call another a fool, ior n you do you are in danger of the by warning that you will not attain judgment. But you must turn the 'the status of a child of wisdom, other cheek when one has slapped j though you gain the highest pin you. You must go two miles when nacles of intellectual learning, unless ore asks you to go one; you must you have assembled your tenets of give the cloak also if he has asked truth according to the plan of the you for your coat; you must not : Master of Galilee, the Savior of men, swear by anything in the heavens or the Giver of Life Jesus Christ. The the earth, but let your answer be yea J wisdom of Billy Sunday excels the or nay; I classify adultery by a lust- ' intellectuality of the renowned David will, and it shall be done unto you." ful look of the eye. I call it murder ( Sfcrauss, the infidel; Moody was a Surelv the world's greatest Teacher. ii you wish a man dead. Love your v.iscr man than the learned rational- And. too, when He says, "I say unto you love your enemies, bless ihcm that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which Jcspitefully use you and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven," I know that I have found the Father of all wisdom and am anxious to be his child. The student of life is disciplined io difficulties. Just as the problems of algebra, and of geometry, and physics, demand your patience, labor and and their solution gave you power and knowledge, so the solution of our moral problems re quires diligence and untiring effort to perform the right and avoid the wrong. "If llion iati.i t !lan a iiMe !;'!, And never Hair ti!l it sileeeed. TIioukIi in the .-u ;i"- thy heart ; hotild l.loed: Whatever ohstaele-; control. Thine hour will come, yo on, true soul. Thim'lt win the nri.;e, thou"H reach the soal." As Paul says to Timothy, "Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." "If a man strive for mas teries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." Your life is a problem which God has given to you to solve and find the correct solution. The correct answer is, eternal life;' can you work out your life's problem; and make it give you the correct an- swer? By the process of trigonom- j ttry it is possible to measure the: height of a mountain on the moon, I for, having two sides and an angle ; Vt n r.thnt- tifl,- oht ; i nab c. ; T , 4 - J(,..t o to youth to live again a better life It is of no great importance iltat '.e ? i lL , - f ., . mn1, and use toe experience of the lives know the height of the moons moun- , . . . nvtul they l ave bved, how all of us wish tains, but having given to us a moital . . ?u ,.f .m.lthat in that experience of failure we 111V, L lA i : i I e U vtnu cut; icuuvnvj 1 " - - nmg, a Mean tho I am. not wholly so. Wnco ouiekentd hy thy hrtvaih; Hi, lead me. vhereso-er 1 jro. Through tliis oay's life or death. Tiii. day he hreud and peace mv A 1 1 el.-e I eneath the ssun. T!"'u knuvi'ti! it host. !. towed or And let thy will be done. To Thee whos:- temple is all t-pace, Whose altar earth, sea. skies t'ne chorus lei all heinir raise d; .MI Ha tn re's incense rise." I"t. DON'T WASTE IT. CAN IT with The Alexander Canning Outfit. It is the most efficient of any kind of a canner on the market. Children can operate" it wrthpertK-t"" "Safety.' A marvel of simplicity, especially adapted for the canning of all kinds G. W. ALEXANDER & CO., On Lincoln Ave., rhone 251. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5-1 l-4twkly2td that steal a man's or a widow's brilliant in education, was destruct- mePiey or a woman's virtue, and come ive in jts effect, for the French revo- to the communion table without re- !ution was the consequence of such pentnnce and think to be accepted. non as Montaigne and Voltaire; the Tlicy have tried to cheat God and v,-orks cf Renan, Straus and Ingersoll come in without the wedding gar- are submersed in the dust of neglect, ment. Why should they, when oth ers, "Climbed the steep ascent to heaven through peril, toil and pain" while thousands of lives live in love as the result of the efforts of Moody, Finnev and Sundav. Christ said the but rather let us pray, "O God, io kiom of Heaven is as a pearl hidden in a field, which, when a man discovers it, goes and sells all that he has and purchases that field. Let me urge you to bend every effort to obtain that pearl, for it is Truth, whose reflected light is found in books, in science and literature, but whose full xadiance is seen in the Son .f Righteousness, the world's The wisdom that we learn after onv sourcc of Xruth and of Life, New flsgs, new stickers, new bows, and emblems, just received at the Journal office. Buy them nhile they last. us may grace be given who follow in their train." It is "il;.-.v to drift to the sea of douht. Kasy to hurt what we cannot heal, 1-Iasy to louse what we cannot soothe, !I; sy in speak what we do not feel. II: sy to show what we ought to con ceal, to think that fancy is fate, lint. . the wisdom that came too late." the test is over does not count, for how we would like to return to the test, after resorting to the books, we have discovered the answer to be that which we ought to have known. How Dives of the Bible parable of Christ would like to have returned to the earth for another chance, how aged men and women would like to return T, j rj , y,c ' have already had, wherein we wil Redeeming Savior, whose i - ' blood and whose spirit clanses from fully pursued the wrong course sin. our problem is, how arc we to - iU 1 , . , . , ,.-t. had not chosen the easier part, but obtain this rodernntion unto everlafci.- . . . . 1 . . ir.g life. Did not Paul have this idea when ho r;H: "Work out vour sal- had stood true to the right that the fruits we now are eating of it were sweet instead of bitter. Says Christ, through his disciple, John, "To him vafion with fear, and trembling, . . . , y-',ia ho that ovecometh, I will give to eat of Ms logarithm book, the b.ole, He . , " , ..r,ot, ' the tree of life. Thus wisuom is not IC UUW L.U vwv -f, . . , i , . r A v II Ic. 11 lilt? I 11 ..r Ufr. w -;m i,,-;,- to ihn true cmamea oy me eaung oi me uppie,i Anf, ,3ep, iamnati'.n round the land i , ; . V ' C" ' i the indulging our fleshly appetites, pn oath I judKe thy foe. Solution of our lives which is eternal . 7 ' 11 '! Vint, drnial of the intemnerate evils If I am rieht. thv c-rap imnart. life. This is a worthy problem lor ( . still in the riKlit'to stp.y; 1 Jesus Christ. May this prayer of the Pope be the prayer of your life: Father of all in every npre. In every clime adored. Iy saint, hy savage, or hy s-age Jehovah, Jove, or Lord. Thou first jri'cat cans-:-, under stood. Who all my sens" confined To know Put this, that thou art rood. And that in .ve If am blind. Vet jrave me in this dark estate. To se the Komi from i'. L: And hindinu nature fast in fat". Let free the Iiulnun will. What conscience dictates to lie dj;ie. Or warns me nt to P. This teach me more loan I ell to shun, That more than hetiven pursue. What blessings thy free liounty gives me not cast away: 1'nr (iod is paid when man receive.; To enjoy is to obey. 't not to earth's contracted f pan Tiiy goodness let tne bound. Or Thee-the Lord alone of man. When thousand world: are round. lot this weak, unknowing hand I'resume thy holts to throw. For Rent Five-room house. All modern except heat. Will be vacant after May 1st. One block from Main street. Call on William Barclay. All the novelties in patriotic designs are carried by the Journal office. Call at the Journal efiice and look over the line when making your selections. For Rent The rooms occupied by Dr. Thomsen in the Gund building. Call on Edward Donat. dtf When you desire a cigar with the flavor of the best tobacco call for the "Eagle" and have smoke satisfaction. Manufactured by Herman Spies. HOUSE FOR SALE. My four-room house, in good re pair, three lots, one well and one cis tern, one fine cave, good summer kitchen, some fruit, coal shed. For particulars, call on Mike Sedlock. t j S l o ' truths of life that will exhiliarate our To nnd better way. - in Paradise. V. e cannot get oow n to , . 4. 'mule ;-r,l muU-o k-ofn thp nprcpnhnn mr uiibo f mm rrmi'ii ti-ii. work on it none tco roon. l or e. or impious discontent, know not the hour when the great of our imnds' and fclve us hearts that,At Ruht thy wisdom 'has .Uni-J. all Or ausrlit tliv ffoodnoss lcrt. Teacher of cur lives will cnil in our 1 papers for examination. men read ed 1 "The" heights by j?rtat This life is the time of our testir.g pyere not attained by sudden flight, Crepe and fancy designed paper for decorative uses can be found at the Journal office. We have the largest ine ever brought to this city. New flags, new stickers, new bows, and emblems, just received at the Journal office. Bay them while Jlhey last. ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND DANCE. Teach me to feel another'.- woe, To hide the fault I see: That mercy T to others show, That mercy show to me. The young ladies of the K. S. ball will give an ice cream social at the hall on West Locust street on Wed nesday afternoon, M&y DO (Decora tion Day) and in the evening there will be a social dance given at the hall. Mu?ic by the Holly Saxaphone orchestra. Admision: Gents, 50c; ladies free.