PL ATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAE 5. M 11 rvfrsj Dnrtrnpnt Prepared in tbc Interest, of the I'eople of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers I f p.ny of tin rt-BUe! of tiif Journal know of r.ay social ev;nt or iu of inn'rot in t is i-inity. I'lal will mail same to t Ids o(!i.-c. i; will a; r uwIit t his In i ir. We waul all i:ewsiw?nis Ekitok . -.I v h s i -1 t .-. m rj s ? I - AT MURRAY - Hi rt jffe I I ft AT J Ibuild Up Your Bank Account Take time by the forelock. Don't be satisfied with a small balance in bank. Deposit every dollar that you don't require for your actual needs. Money is safer in the bank than in your pocket or in your home. You'll be more loath to draw a check than spend the cash. See us about an account. We do all kinds of banking. 7 Fcjur per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Gu;rantv Law. MURRAY STATE BAiMK Ma rude Walker was an Omaha i-il-r Wednesday. oar,'.: A: Scottop are carpentering a; the Ilruwn hume this week. Mr-. -T. s. Cook and daughter Xita :::.'.u in Ojuaha last Saturday. ':-. T.u!u Lough ridge is visiting .:h folks for a few days. OrT. r ?lb-.00 f,,r your car if stolen, if -,u arc insured by J. W. Holmes. Elmer llall.-trum was visiting with - :;:ty scat friends Tuesday evening. -irs. Lena Lyman has been num- :vd with iiie sick for the past week. . nd. Shrader shipped a car of cat lee to the South Omaha market Tues- Aii'er t W heeler and Jos. Cook were 'i-iti.ig with county seat friends 'i '.e.-day t vt n i n er. -Vi-; (Jertrude Lontr was called to "i'i'i.a Monday owirg to the illness ' '' '' .-n r. .irs. Shrader. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. John Ilobscheidt, Jr. was transact ing business in liock Dluffs Monday. George Nickels was a Union visi- IN ML.M;KY OF l EN NET 1 1 COLE, r5 tor last Sunday. I ! Anderson Davis has been quite sick i Loving memory shed it's tears for the past few days. Will Oliver and wife were Platts rnouth visitors last Saturday. A. E. Nickels and family spent last Sunday with E. K. Nickels. A'ex Graves was a I'lattsniouth vi.-itor Wednesday of this week. tpon the sacred sod, Wl.ere sleeps the one wc loved so well fa ."1 ,. -.,1 V.. ... - r- i . w ii.'.j -lii in.i.c -'wv lu veu. O, God, reserve for him a crown, Let him with Angels wait n The 15ih episode of I a 99 Liberty in two reels "Till we are called by death to go a Mi a Joker comedy And meet him at t'.ie gate. Ecrsr little Kenneth, l as voiie awav Miss Elanche Sctton has been, H ewa.-: tco pure on earth to stav iuite sick for the past few days. j And our Savior t-.-k him up above John Hendricks is erecting a new! Where all is jov, peace and !oe barn on his farm east of Murray. C. L. Creamer has been numbeivi with the sick for the pa.-t few days. Henry Tihiian and family visited, r . 1A v-it!- T 'i-itt cm.-it i-i f,-;, ., . ,n-.l M'v. James Tilson (.ied at her home '.'.t da v. Desperate Remedy an Imp drama Chas. Chiisuisser shinned a car of hogs to the South Omaha market T uesday. Mav 2'.'th been .-et in .Mur'-ay last Sunday evcni:.g f roni ', Ll r.eai't i.a:iart, deatn ciamii it.- v l (. ' e : .-h 'ck to th c mmunitv. Wit! i "I r;ea . 'tq he entire I) i seemc:! to-H i.-io.e as i,,, ...-.!". t-.. ., -.'i ....,. Cican-up-tiay at lae Lewiston cnuicn. ' ., -,t in, low 4 2 PULSSGAHSEER S i ilea Stzs a Our Service AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU CUR INTEREST DOESN'T CEASE WHEN THE GOODS LEAVE OUR STORE Isn't it some satisfaction to know that when you buy an implement there is somebody besides your self who is concerned as to whether or not it makes d? ' jroo U 1 You can buy goods of a peddler satisfaction it pleases us g! and get what you consider a bargain, anything proves wrong Klin case the goods prove a disappoint- wc take stcps to find and prove a disappoint- Himent there is no recourse the ped- Pjdler is interested solely in the im- mi mediate sale and moves on to other E! fields. And if temporarily remedy the trouble. Wc do business over and over with same ptcple and the extent of our patronage depends upon how well we serve, again and again, the pp- Wo (loll't conduct our business illation of this roinmiinitv g ! along peddler lines wc couldn't if This interest thing is worth while Grandmother. Tuesday Evening, April 24, Bp" v,'anteii to- No llla1-ter what you it relieves the purchaser of the fear. ; vi r-i y. ' 3 buy of us, we are concerned in its that lie will be cheated in the trans- Death of Mrs. Jamvs Tihon M "TZ"" giving satisfaction. We live here action. r2.iiiiii ft i 'tlll,Jlt you tins is our nome ana our business is loundeU on conn- we Know that wc can t make future donee and service. sales by selling unreliable goods. 4 1 . . . . 9 . 9 t I EOM PLKU NOIi.MAL. Saturday Evening, Look for further notice. I r.. .... ,, "...4 Tl Show Starts at 7:45 Miarn I.eora and Curtice Ear is were vis-' y after letiring ..: -ome un!:nown !t; iting with Cleoma and Ileba Earis , iv..mi;i . 1 j ..-e ai.d crossed tie'- IciSt Saturday and Sunday. J room, where .-lie fell to the i"..or, j v, Lev. W. A. Taylor will li -Id services 'her life haul passed to g;e:.t t : -1 at I.ewi.-ston C'erv two weeks, ne:.t y i d before her l-u-baad could reach i . Sunday being the first s-crviee ;- " -ioo. John llebscioddt, Sr., of I 'L tt ' '"n'J .-i'':-t" .-trLhen husband rudied r-ontlv mictit : fow ,?:.v on thi firm -'r 1U Igl.'iofly and IV.C'.M.-a.l a.-'M- last v.tek witii ids .-on .ioiin, Jr. ' Mrs. Cam.!, wt v.i down to A : Wedne-day where she will make viit with lier son Era and wife. Mr. : nd Mrs. tins Lov.thor And so when our implements give when in town. Make our store your headquarters is rray Hardware and Implement Go., MURRAY, NEBRASKA t 4 e s Iiie :,-:emh'.-: s ti v." -ost-g; a unite , . a.-e to i-e citcrtaine.i hv the fac-I et.:ne 7 :, 1 .. . ; ; down Irom t leru!ge to atte;ol tin fuiieral of Mrs. James Tih-on Taes-d-.-.v. ; i 1 all was v,-;t:;.iut a ad, lor u ' J 1 t'e of this good yott'i-z W(:r.;;ii hud i pa.-.-esI out i;i.-iani!y. The decease di ' v.:s tweity-.-c'A .1 vcars of aire, ami -Itv on ovenir: ?. It':. daiiL-huo- of Mrs. James Eice, an-i j The in; c; (ulegiate dt bate schedule been arranged to take pkn-e as g'vat nu.!:y years, where all v.h new her hyvd her mo t dearlv. Shv ! i e - a hu.-n..nvl Grandma Connelly and M rs. M.oilie ; cl.ddrt n. the I..- "oil-.v.s: Miuiaul college at Eeru,! April 1: ; Dcane college at Peru, April ro.ieii motner Connelly were visiting foi- ; few Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman are hours with Plattsmotr.h friends la.-t preparing to leave within a few days for California They are very much pleased with that country. Mrs. E. O. Lyman departed Thurs day for her home in Vail, South Da kota, after a month visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young in Murray. Dr. B. E. Erendel returned home from Omaha last week, where he was receiving medical treatment for the d sisters to mourn her h.-s. After a br;i service at the in Murray. er.ducteJ by K;-v. Dr. ?.:-....,-, ti. three small Gr-vhy Norma! school at Greeley, 1 oh)., n:vi al o at Peru. May II. Considerable damage wac done to the training building last Tt;e-dav evening bv a lire, which ne bam ri;i". i' 1 1 1,. . 1...... ....1... --...- .ti - . . . ... i. .nnii.s suis eeu u.iei ir.-j. : r--.'ii. me umiui,:.- were laivfii in Tilt il l1 tnc riin 1 fit" pro Tn:iit with rheumati.-h for the pa.-t wet !., (tte.:b'in cemetery, where they w. i' have been very di.-a? trous had it buy is able to get about with the u.-l ''ore laid to iv-t. Ti'.c rviet-s ;-!. I r0t i-..p. f,.- the promnt wok of the c. r..-:uc:ea by the United Pros-; mal students, as well as the city o: a cam. Mrs. Glenn Perry, v. ho returned ; ytes'tan .Mini-ier of .senawi-a. from the la.spital in Oman a a few! ' --' --u ie.v:: r.u.-b ind and le uays ago, is improving quite r-.r:d'y ; ':illiws ::-ve de.oe-t .-yn::athy o! at this time. (the entire commvni'y in t ; : i s one 1 f ! the d:.r'.e.-l i-.ours or th.'ii life. Tiie minstrel company that v. e; 1 1 1 . - r.ere nist weeK went tlowu to .-e past ten days. The doctor feels great- j hawka .Monday, where th-y a- e p!ay-S ly improved since receiving the treat ment C ... . ti o! i a.ii. mg this week. I Wm. liiee h::s ,-, ,i- '. , .... I ;,, . ! John Liloyu was kicked by one of ; home with iiine.-s for tin- ;:st fewj,:,. nis horses last .Monday. The blow days, i.ail Dar--er his ben look-; 1. r il 1 1 1 ' ....... , nun o:: ine snm none, anti war n.g alter his latin won-; , c; painiui, au.f-ug-i :io serious re-. : J V. e I, . tins r,i. .!.i.-.l of e"- teodrt-f t .iiie.'io heartfelt s to 1': : o iso km-iiv a.-.-i.- too us uunn ?:ie team. The Seicnee eii'b was very fortu :v.le in hearing Prof. Erittell of Wayne Normal, Friday evening, in a -'. i'c.r. t iiii i t. '-!. o J'iiilnot. t i i ."'":. . 1 '' T-.T,-,.- t. . ...1. 1 it . . ' i .1 Mav Rhoden and ' NUUJ a,e U11UCJI"ICU- lle 1S ll115 Mr aad Mrs. W. J. Pni' .u,nL. r. Nellie came in from Omaha I alonsr Very niceIy' not w in i- b.mes En ccturc on "Wiieless Telegraphy." As n a ' oiaUtions wiii permit, an ef ' ri v. il! be made to secure a gov '!:?:;. :it wireless station for Peru; '-' at prese'tt all such stations have I lie 'i. 1 1 1 V: 1. I . . tvi 7 , i rn fi t-t r: i ti i of f h c i'rii lids wh'.' ';-. Ir rc- A i riof dcsciiption of "The His ' ! " .,. ,.r !...,'' t -i- cit- 1 L "s convova.t ion. Tins page- arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the 0K M FLOUR! O B99 S The PopularCass County Brand of Flour EVERY SACK GUARANTEED! Also a Full Line of By Products! . D. ST. JOE-Jft, Prop JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by AH DeaJer I uate fiom Li.e Sciiovn ei .vgrtcuiture j t a: . is to be given Tuesday rain evening and are making a ( Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klaurens, from j at Line .In, on Eriuay of this week. J -nr. ana .irs. 1 tins. in- -n. - t.,..,, r. I. .. : 1 -..-., v.-.-;tt- t.e- ;i lecai! commits e and will portray and .m.- hi:-tcry of Peru fiom the pre i ic a t the close of the flirt ent liny, nearly httv vcars '-'!t vkh parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Nehawka, were Plattsmouth visitors' Lost Eetwi e;i .Murray and the II i IV; rt I.' J. E. C. Gregory, west of Murray, jlast Saturday, passing through Mur- G. Todd farm, a fine, ju.-t re-j tor last Saturday evening D. E!: -den. w h.o was tiuite ser-1 ray enroute to the county scat. While ceived from the Omaha Daiiv News I T- ,. i:r-!- h ',v of a:-- i'i'i l.v a horse kick last j in Plattsmouth, they were pleasant Finder notify J. S. P-weil. i G.-u-.-e Paths has been ouite sick 1. - ; i ,r'0" tj'.,'.' (-"J ' '- eo-pri'se nearly Saturday, is able to be up and around l'alltfrs at the Journal oilice, where ; Alf Nickels, ho has b, e:i receiv-' I ''- 5....-t few d.,ys. th-edmiah ed eha-aetcr ' In a few ! t - wee x, hut still sutiering ouite se- 1 xnc ai'e always most welcome visi- - 1 "-elv frota the numerous bruises re- ' tors. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep ?:a ar.d constlpatir.n, weakens the whole system. Dean's Kegulcts (2c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelman. Dr. J. S. Livingston and wife were among those going to Omaha this afternoon to enjoy a few hours visit in that city looking after some busi ness matters. Modern house for rent. Inquire of T. M. Tatterson. 3-13-tfd mg treatment at Hot Springs, Arkan- 1 s: Tin- I.;. dies (r" the K. N. K. will ! weeks l ooks containing all the words d about the shins. s-- Nitn Cook was the luckv one cris r. o tli. l.'i-t '. -T- .,...,1,. -c. , .. i i. . 1 j 1. - . 1: i. i. t 1 s . 1. . - : 1 1 1 i j i ' ) 1 "- i"--- o: "iuia ioi i.n.u iaeir i:, -L juiuirg a 1 me i.ew is- i -. me oageaai v ui ue i i a.iy 101 ois- ; pi 1 " 1 ei-.'-t cbed on Miss Nita's birth- .". and th.e diamond being her birth . it vill make a very nice re : ' a:i. a for her. She also wishes ; .'.!- time to thank the many friends v1 a-.-ist? 1 her in the contest. Elmer Boedeker has purchased a ' rheumath-ai, retained home lust ton church Thar.-da ranch out near DuBois, Wvomirg, Lnur lay. .. -on i:!..g omieM ior tne wnere tney will move, and .Mr. and1 C.:as. Wolfe, whvi h-is been in the ' ! ! the furxral of John D. Tutt P 'Vuiar lady, given by the Ehea-i Mrs. Boedeker will make their future ! Presbyterian hospita! in Omaha for in Murray last Co.. at the Puis & Gansemer j home, about the first of Mav. Mr. the oast few weeks, ..-. d r Hl-h : -.f. --i. 1,- 1 , ,. adl last Saturday evening. As the j Boedeker purchased the ranch that improved :rd will b- :;.!. to ,.,..i,-n ' , V . l"C , " , - , ' -;.. i'j spend me uay n.r was .formerly owned by his father, home m a few da s. v, - : rt. tn He made a trin to Omaha Wednrsdav ' t. .... 1 .. 1 , - . i ' - i.eiiieinoei lie n-'i.e rale ' .a": ; -in. 1;..' . ' ;i 1 , r "v. u-hom h. rk,-.',-.c.,i ,.;a ii,.,i 1 ' - ; i 'e l!tt:e toad ( t n .17 "X-1 , , ""7" v tne iaaues Aiu Society of ,he Chris- H.. ...... 11,.,,, , will be shipped to the new home for;tia:: church, at the drug on : , " r V'"V - ...v. i ui iuin-.e biiturtlay afternoon;. Y a will li: oiution. 1 Julius Pitts an ! B. W. Livingston! -v r.vni!-cr ot yetmg men iron Peru 1 rnd vi-anity have recently t:,li-ted in '1 e Nn.tienal Guard. A com, j any has on ' g inized far rii'iturv drill and is r working i.nder the direction tf Piof. C F. Beck. ad Mr:. h.. bee.l on the tick t few da vs. lumber for building purposes. Y on Never Can Tell Just When You arc Going to Need a RAINCOAT! These prices arc very low compare them with a:iy dealer's and be convinced: iVion's dress raincoats, regular $5.00 value, $3.75 'oys " " 3.30 " 2.50 tin's double texture, heavy, snap fastners 7.50 " 6.50 ivien5 double textre, lightweight 6.50 " 5.00 Ladies' poplin raincoats, belt in kacir, 6.50 " 5.00 Ladies' popiin raincoats, belt in back, 6.00 " 4.50 Men's Slickers, Slicker Suits, Rubber B oots and rain hats. Hi ait , Tutt, MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA Mi- n.l 1 V I? r..,o,l ., n.l many g.,,d things to eat. j, " V v."; , t , I . ! ; s s Leiina Jsnkeis motored to Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Ch iivhid and j iiattsn,oath k-t Sr.utrday. daughter Miss Clara, fr -,n: Ashland, I . , ,.; , ... ' . . , M r. aru Mrs. !le!.ry .-t, oi Mem- v.eie is. ting with Murray friends . ,. ; t -vi... t... . . ' lp-is. Ncbr., were vi-iting witn re- ... -lt 'uimiii .one oetn carpen .1 .isi.iauu ior tne past iewi moiitiis. M. C. W" llatives at Nthavka last Sunday. IL IL Ciolborrc. of Omaha, wa. i;i ;!u.'T..y to att.?d the funeral of his uncle, John D. Tutt, List Thuisdav. CAKI) ()!' THANKS. liiiehead and w ife came up i Tuesday from their home near Ne j laiwka to visit for a short time with . relatives and friends in the seat. ' I il H'1, 4 - . . ..1 1.-1 - 1 ! .' JU 'u,cu hl(-y 1,1 We this method of exnressin-- itncir new location where they nio' t d . 1 .r ' r.i ... . - LUt- 1,1 -ca (.ur mo t ani-recia :on of the tans spring. j : , ..''..... . ., : ... a. ! ' . . ' i JlfC. s,. mi, iiy oi me U'.'U' The lif.i ie .-.on year old son of r.d bin 1 frietids in Piatb-moeih and iv for th"i'- kindness in our hour Daur.htcr in lerrihle Shape. .Mr. and Mrs. John Epping.s r :t-t with i Mai;- .onite a painful accident at the E'-rk' of gri' f an 1 ,.' t my over the lo.-s of ; Creek school one day last week. In oar""' beloved father, John D. Tutt. j playing he received an injury to the! M.,v the i ;ime g".'!encrs be shown Shoulder, that bothered him all day j to thore fri-nd.- ;-i their hour of grief. ;liut he citing to his studies until even-1 Mr. and Mr?. E. S. Tutt and Sio jing, ; nd arrivin.r Immc Dr. Odmore' tcr : Was called and found the injured ! ' j member dislocated. getting! aiong very nicfly at this. time. i Erand Vnllcry wanted hay one day A. Mil.-heil. Bagdad, Ey., writer: this week and he wanted it mightvi"Mv dnu-.-htcr was in teriibi' shat.e jtrid, and could find no one io haul it j with ki-inr v trotd le. I g-t her to take jfrom the home of J. A. Walker, so Foiey Ei !r; v Pills and she is con-v-ith a-sisianee of Dr. Gilmore be 1 pleiely cure E Fol-. v Kidney Pills , drove Ins Ford car down to the Walk-! s tit a;: then, weak, deranged kidneys; jer piace, loaded the hay rack, attach-1 co: reel Mvdd-.r troubles" stop ih;.u ;ed it to the Ford, and c?me in with ! metie pahu a:id backache: relieve sore ;the load m good shape. Ileie is man muscles and stla? joints. fJoU cverv ,taat would be lost without his Ford. ! where. J Uncle George Oldham has been on j ' ;.c,?jck Uf t!,c honic of W'" Euy ynnr stationery at the journal :,CMl'1'" LVL -ew nays. lle i)frtr, ivh,-, th line the best and is improving sonte at this time. ; largest in Cass county. Ilcndouarlers for pipes. Ncv line ;ast received. Call and see them. Herman Spies. Just Arriving r Ladies' Dress Goods! Gontractors and SuHders No Job too Small or to Large! Phone 40 or 25 ftlurray, Nebraska tp! Look! Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so s still in the rinj Ycu will find on the Murray Exchange. Reverse US! Galis! Satisfaction Guaranteed Rates Reasonable Address Pisiismouih, fkliraska Route No. 1 CONSISTING OF Very Nice Patterns of Thin Dress oods as well as Percales, Ginghams and Calicos! V T New and Up-to-Datc Line for Men, Women and Children. Remember Our Grocery Stock is Always Up to the Standard! rms & uanseixien Murra3 Nebraska. Drs. (Vlach & ftlach, Tlia The l&rgest and best equipped dent&l of&ces in Omihi. SpecUlUU ch&rpe of all work. Lady attendant. Moderme Prices. Porcelain filli just like tooth. Instrument carefully btenuzed alter using. Send for fhek sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA Em SZJ Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild system of trealmezt that cures Tiies. Fistula and other Becta 1 Dises in a short time, without a severe sur ical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general - . , .. unasiaeiic uea. a cure saaranieea in every case accepted lor kreatmrnt. and no money to be paid until cured. Writefor book on Recta 1 Diseases, with camea and testimonials of more tluia 1300 prominent people who Lave bcea permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Boa Bulldlnz OMAHA, NEBRASKA