t PL A7T5M 0 UTH SEJII-TtEKLY JOURNAL. H IJIIIM H. HUNDREDS AN SWER CALL T ns n P! hdv ULU ULUSi E lYwri-Ji Recruit inn R -purled From .M? I'.irl-i uf th.- lidf.d Sla1 Trtmtndou; l!;i-h t Fill Hanks of lln- Amy 1 Iltoiii'td (junta. 1 ;V' .i-iJ .1 A i i -on-iendotis ' ..'- r -i- i ? shown .; j i-' i iiitinu' ami ii-t' ..;'.-iii :u.-' jrath- ;(-.!.::.- f the e r.ntry. -,: n mo i-.pi!iilmr to n '.' .-oiMt- art jriv- ?K.t i'lnri! service. ;ii :i :?:!!. rial iiiif tle- i;c -i.(. -iiK-riiirr w:sr ix-eds; ''.!" ilwiiitr tht m ' ; i r are .;i ht-J-!.M in ;'. mimher ( v; . i'.v report.- s wl.'.uv.-j: nl.Iy ihe pi ;iv-e states end ..'! .- i.. ih c-.'or-. f f: ( n; -1 1 : ...1 I-.M ::t! i'i 'I' I ..T. I i .. ;i o . report -J it -1 i. th- emit hit' is fcoing on so fast it is al-ino-t ceitnin now slate regiments will l.c formed. Regular army recruit ine; is slightly above normal, with many militiamen -entering this service. A pi epn redness appropriation of half : million dollars is waling on President Wilson's message to congress. California will have a prepared ness appropriat ion. The governor will also appoint a defense c. ouncil. More than r,00 men have joined the state regiments in California this week. New York state will have an in ventory of all military resources. Recruiting has been repid here, with women speakers touring the streets of New York v encouraging enlist ments. Naval stations showed a train of 1,.V;0 for the week. Prepar ations are heing made" to fdl men's job-; with women workers. TEUTONS 1TB AD- ritish AGVANC! Allied Trocps Approach to Within Tliree Miles of St. Quentin Turks Still in Retreat. : 1 - I C.'.ti t r..-: n : p- L'. -.-:: hu.-etts ' ; ! : n -i. ed Sl.-N't-v Tf..ii.;' i it c fi.ilowed . . r,o-y of the si:; !..r.i .-t :..- :;! in cn-fart -:.ti ".-knv.r toward ti e -: I ! pi epal'iiV'- tile SeC--" v-!. L . Ii. I ! ' it. d: '.'A- f..r --r-i'-i-rs rue h?ing ii i ,vr.'. o-x.i .--tree's of St. -i r-i'aie r.",,uitir.,T and re- i :i t"e i.i's of sl:y- i !;.:; jp.ch hour there : - in -.v Y'-rk and other V.i-j'-. .!'' ;ve: -'ti-'s and pub-i- i - ' .i , i :.re d; iiii!r' t n : - r ' V. Th- ' ts h'i'idieds f npjdl-i-:ir.ent in a rrv.y anil novel r.or of Colorado as r to i loobiii.ed : ::( 5 m- fur ai"i icnV.'i' rd .'' er ive fur : are 1 inlyir. e; n. .:;. re;iar he'tl U n 'in i i. in -a .-ek nearly .",o0 pu-n Illinois rational pruard M..rth 1 nearly 1," Ii:i.ir hv. it,, d j reir.e'lis. Si!le at (":. i. atr.. Army t ali-trat nts have increased trove thru 2 per cert in thr.t Mfllll!':. d tl. reiraiar army .ill art' :-onri:itinr SI :'":("!) for war ue in the evetit of h.-st I ities has n intr iduieil in the Minnesota -tat- b-j-isbiture. T'.vo voiunner rei mrts of :(,ii and Too men have or-ra".!'-'I. Women ir a telegraph -ir.-.I have off.-rcI th.eir .-ervices for s-itriial duty. Aiitv-i are cr. rryintr sneakers over Indiana sekinr to ?timu!at recruit irr. Si--: m-w companies of the na tio.'.al p-.Uitd a:e beir.ir formed in tliTlt state, with ;dn; t Ii'O men already Tl:e jroverr.ov of Ohio lias signed an onlt r p' o !.J:mr for a military cr.-u a: d it is expected to be cat nei' out soon. i:e ai.-o nas issued a proe l .mation tnirirtr larmers to m- crea--? the acreage under cultivation nrd ror city folk to develop back yard r"a:d T.intr. T'iitsburpr recruitintr slow, with v ir. n r-poiicants "or service out- mi-.:'erlrr the men some days. lN-viments of cava'.rv imd infantrv I eire.r crtrar.ized in .Tennessee i"" ie,-!'uiis nave been obtain ed !" jL'iiard eivi.-e in three Ten r.- -. e towns. !.:.- A'lKiV-'.es will have a home de- f. r -e organization of 10,000 accord in': tr preparations beir.pr maiic by the i-h;.-f of riolice. Three thousand ai re ey have ajrreed to serve. i '-.e Ore n militia irained re era!:.-- in thirty-two hour. Nava i.r.'i marine rer rv-itinpf stations are or! -tintr ten to nltoen men ilaiiv m (lrjr.n. X, wraska recruitintr stations report stimulated recruiting, but expect ht; vicr run just as soon as war be conies certain. I;oy scouts in Pennsylvania are help incr reciuitin? by puttir.tr up posters No creat effort has been made in thi state to raise the jruiml quota. Thi state public safety committee is tak in'- a census of the state's citizens for pos;i.de use. Citizens of McKees port. Pa., have donated more than for general defense purposes Kanras has taken no definite pre puretlnes steps but recruiting is re rSUUL.T?11!. EaDUSCitVj iim5A.stp be increasing. Iowa's naval recruiting was double it previous best record. Military re Berlin. Aprd 1. (Wireless to Say ville.) Bt itih troops after tenacious i -atim; in which they suffered heavy ss yesterday, jus!ied their lines into tlie German positions on the Semme for a depth of nearly two miles, says the official statement to day. The Diiti-h advance was be tween the Peronne-Couzaucourt road and the lowlands of the Omiprnon stream, in which the towns of Jean court and Yermand are situated. Except for aerial exploits in which German pilots destroyed two entente aptive balloons and dropped bombs on troop camps east of Monastir, the German official statement issued to lay says there were no events of. im noitanee yesterday on the western ar.d Macedonia fronts. Approach St. Quentin. Lcvuon, April 1. Heavy fighting 'cck place today west of St. Quentin. resulting in the capture by the British of the village of Savy. Later British troops attacked Savy wood, about a nib from the village, and only three mi'es from St. Ouentin and occupied that position. The official report from British hraduarters in France which records voi.-o anr-ctp-, nunouwM also the 'arti'.'.e by the Briti-h of Yendelles. ivintr further north, and Epethy and Pciiere, to the southeast of Ileudi- conrt. Turks in Retreat. Efforts by Turkish troons to en loo a British force ne?r Daltawah, mvtv-five miles north of Bntrdad, ha? fa":Ied, says an official British state rs ont, and the Turks in that region dow are in full retreat. French Also Advance. P?ris. April 1. In their operations southwest of Loan the French troops :ave made important advances, cap- urin? several German trench system" end have reached the outskirts of Yau::aiIIon and Laffaux, according to the official communication tonight. DR. BLEICK. Dr. Bleick, 522 World-IIerald build ng, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear. nose and throat diseases, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at B. A. McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses cientifically fitted. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. "I have used Chamberlain's Lini mer.t for pains in the chest and lame ness of the shoulders due to rheuma tism, and am pleased to say that it has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Ba- tavia, N. Y. REABY FOR SPEECH TO JOINT SESSION Fight Over Leadership Between Clark and Mann Now Looks Like a Victory for Democrats. G. O. P. WING LOSES .1 VOTES For rent or sale G room house city water, electric lights, 1 block prcod garden, alfalfa patch. On Win- tersteen Hill, close to shops. Inquire of W. M. Matsehullat. 3-2 -lwkd The ciqrar with the real goods in hem is the Exquisito, manufactured bv Herman Spies. The best oc cigar on the market. Dawson Wiij Fix It How's This? TVa ofTcr One Hundred Dollars Raward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot be curol by Ha'!'s Catarrh Me-iiclne. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken tv catarrh sufferers for the past thirty 3vc years, and has becone known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine act3 thru the Blood on tho Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol rci from the Blood and healing the dis cr.y ri riortlor.s. After ynu have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a f.hort time you will see a creat improvement in your ger.eral "aTaUh." Start takinij'Hairs Catarrh Medi cine at once and gret rid of catarrh. Send Tor testimonials, free. F J. CHEEKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Drueslsts. 73c. Believe IIousi Organization Will Be Speedily Effected Senate Mean while to Mark Time. Washington, April 1. Congress is irtually ready for the president's war message. Barring the completely unexpected the sixty-fifth house will organize in a hort time after it meets in the epochial session that starts at noon Monday. Champ Clark or James R. Mann will be sleeted speaker. From events of to ny even many republicans predicted that it will be Champ Clark who will e chosen to preside over what is ex pected to be one of the most momen- ous gatherings of the lower body since the nation came into being. Democrats apparently ate solidly united. There is very little indica tion indicating that Representative Gallivan, Boston, will carry his resent ment over "wet" defeat in the last congress to th? point of leading the wet element" to disrupt what seems cartain victory not only in the speak ership battle, but in the battle for all other oflicerships in the house. Republicans Lose Two. Republicans lost two more votes to ay, which, with the loss of Represen tative Capstick, New Jersey, yester- ay. brings the number they will have in the house Mondav, down to 211. Representative Helgesen, North Da kota, was stricken with appendicitis and Representative Bleakley, of Penn sylvania, announced he would not be eve to vote. The democrats have a tctal of 214. All are expected to be present. Two independents are said to be cartain to vote with them and ne other is leaning toward the demo crats. Final steps preliminary to the opening Monday were taken to- ay when republicans of the house, at caucus, named Mann for speaker and nominated a full ticket of house fficers. A fight featured the caucus along vith the conspicuous absence of a Miss Jeanetts Rankin, republican rep- esentative-elect from Montana. Rep resentative Augustus Gardner, of Massachusetts, in a speech that lasted, with the interruptions, for an hour, announced that he would not vote for Republican Leader Mann for speaker, but would support Representative -enroot of Wisconsin, leader of the house element. Gardner left when a resolution of fered by Representative Elston of Cal- fornia, declaring members not bound by the caucus action, was tabled. With him went Representative Gray of New Jersey. Republicans reported Repre- entative Dalinger, of Massachusetts, also left, but it was claimed he re turned later. Old Rules Stand. The caucus voted that rules of the Sixty-fourth congress should be con tinued until December 10. when a ommittee of seven to be appointed by the speaker, should report new ules. It was also, voted that until Apiil 14, motions to suspend business to pass appropriation bills should be in order. A committee on committees was named with power to name a steer- ;ng committee of five. Mann is chair man of both. No floor leader will be named unless Mann is elected speaker. Representative Hamilton of New York was named whip, with Representative Farr of Pennsylvania, Nicholas, of Michigan, and McArthur of Oregon as assistants. The senate, already organized, will swear in Senator-elect Hiram John son and mark time until the house is organized. Then both houses will no tify the president they are ready to receive his message. Up to today senators and repre sentatives returning from the middle west and the northwest reported a noticeable absence of sentiment from back home. Today thev beean to her.r from home. By this evening a verit able stream of letters, telegrams and in some instances, even telephone calls, literally swamped their clerks. "Stand Behind President." Not all the demands are for war, nor yet all for declaration of a state of war. Many still cling to the hope of peace. All urge "stand behind the presidenLII --v-L- Senator Harding, of Ohio, got r 500 letters and telegrams today. This is an illustration of the masses of mes sages almost all representatives and senators are receiving-. Noticeable in the word from home is a direct change in front in regard to universal military service of some sort. Sentiment is veering in favor of the system. Indiana membri.-. say the situation has stirred their people as they have never seen them stirred before. In Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Ne braska, the voters, arc writing or wir ing their congressmen and senators what to do. Heretofore these states have been heard from only in spots. The trend of sentiment is veering to ward a more belligerent attitude, al though the pleas for peace until the last but not ''at. any price" rva numerous. After sounding the rrntimr-nt of his state by means of hundreds of'tele giams, Senator Owen of Oklahoma, today announced the people of his state would stand behind the president "in anything he decides:." This senti ment, Owen said, comes from individ uals and organizations of every po litical faith, of every creed and eve ry color. Business men and woikers told him the same thing. 8 f I 1 Ea A Gigantic Meteor Stream. Oue of the must accomplished find, cs Piduous students of meteors, Dr. Den ning, is of the opinion that the August meteors, which radiate from the con stellation Perseus and are sometimes popularly called the "tears of St. Law rence," belung to a stream so broad that the earth, traveling between eight een and nineteen miles s. second, occu pies seven weeks in crossing it. This would make the width ef the stream, if the earth traversed it at a right angle to its course, nearly S0. Ouo.ihhj miles. Tiiests meteors are so scattered all round the orbit in which thej- travel that soiiie of them are vis ible every year. They are believed to be connected with a bright comet which appeared in ami is sup posed to have a period of about li:-) years. The outer end of its elliptical meteor stream is situated far beyond the orbit of Neptune. Los Angeles Times. Elephants' Fear cf Mice. Tho reason why one tiny mouse is capable of scaring n whule herd of ele phants half to death is found in the fact that in the elephants native la ad there aie littie animals known as cha- cmias, which fc d on a small, sour ber ry of which elephants are very fi::d. They live ia sett .'emeiibs, something after the manner of prairie dogs, t.ndvr the berry bushes, and sometimes when feeding the elephants trample upt.n the little tuVviii, and the chat-ana.-; in tLe!.- fr'glit frequently run up the tubes of the elephants' trunks. Their Song. sharp claws catch in the fledi, and they cannot be ejected. The more violently the monster blows through its tri.::.!; the more ilrmly the Looked ciaws of the Utile animal heoonie imbeOdeLl in the tlesh, arid Inflammation and dent!) are the result. In captivity, therefore, the elephants thin!; they are ia danger of the deadly chacaaas when they see a mouse. New York American. A Tale of Six Cities. There are at least sis cities on this continent which every one should see. Every one should see New York, be cause it is the largest cit3' in the world and because it combines the magnifi cence, the wonder, the beauty, the sor dldness and the shame of a great me tropolis. Every one should see Sun Francisco because it Is so vivid, so alive, so golden. Every one should tee Washington, the clean, white splendor of which Is like the embodiment of n national dream. Every one should seo the old gray granite city of Quebec piled on its hill above the river, like some fortified town In France. Every one should see the sweet and aristo cratic city of Charleston, which sug gests a museum of tradition and early American elegance, and of course every one should see New Orleans. Julian Street In Collier's Weekly. ( I nfc DiflY DaLL gig w m Rim nr Pcssibly Some of the Wets May Gig Back or That No !!i!l May Be Passed. GOVERNOR m TAKE A Wm Lincoln, April 1. A week fiom next Saturday lv.ay see the lc?is lative halls deserted, and it may no). It. is the ser.1 i-iien'. of a large num ber of the members in both houses that this week ouvht to cle'tn up tilings, so that the mt-mbr ;-s wcil i dart? K" back' home in the tiny tiioe iid faco their constituency. This we'-k it is e-:iee!od th:it 1l'e dry oiil will c:ne up in the sentv! for third read in;;- and Jir::i! con - ie--r-! alien. !.-; ding' dry members of th". ! body say ih.ey will never vot1 forj the bill in its ptc-en form and if this! is --) it will moan . i . i i i mat riixi',- n thr.t the vol:- as it got in ci"i!;r;il.'( whole, with abo'it tore" ". elcs to t he go'.d. th will a me We have in stock a fine sclccction of Rakes, Forks, Spades, Hand Cultivators, Hoes, Hose, and many other tools for the man that wants to reduce the cost of living by raising agnice garden. m mi. 0 er oi the j r i Tlf-i- ? i"im.i- 1 ! ' f .'.'v scnat.'.rs who v-t' d f-r t : e .'(' amendments are- noi a-; en: ha a a over the bill in its pre.-.or form a--tVcy were at the time it wa : -r! to third readir:." la t w. -!:. Ti . bill was ret omrr ended for t'-ird icadi:: by a vote of is to 1 ." n-.ys, -o that by a change of two wet votes t.- tho no column tho bill wo sH to 17. Should it go down to defeat wouk! ho ni dry legislation this sii-n v.vA conditions wou'd em1.', inn: they are uncil the matter t orb! I " up to the voters again. i o defeat ..!, 1 o' there 'a CAPITOL Ila-t cf Men and Women Will Ilutton lude (' ..nj; res Mil en r.nrl Senators. tunc have ated of th. ,1: v leaa! the ::dmiited ihat if e i - ;nd tlieie i.- r... la d;.t !..: ; s will : ate dei on the subject, the radical d have to stand responsible. They y if the houso had been contented 1 hr.re pat through the original dry bill drawn covering the tjticstit.n : nut up to the peopla and carried at the last election there would have V.' 'sh'r r!, April 1, Pacifists, ai arshail.-.i ! the lhva;rgoncy Peace ?i derat; will invade Washington i ,rn:i! To--.- ..,! the mirpose of attempt-ir.'.- to ''.--.- .'.-.de c.nn.gre.-'s from taking ;.:iv j"? :.". that would lent! to open h'Cea n light in the The bill may p:u its j-.resont form, wl an unlimited ant anit se!:ata s the :cn nrovea'-; jo of li'tina- for the a t-e in r. Nest of a Turtle. The manner in which a turtle con structs her nest is both interest insN and suggestive, it being one of tho most expeditious operations ever per formed by that 6low moving creature. After selecting a suitable spot she be gins digging out a bole with her hind legs by moving slowly iu a circle and throwing the excavated sand in n rim all around it. When that is about eighteen inches iu depth and twelve in circumference she drops her eggs into it, pulls the rim of sand over them and, rising on oil four legs, lets her body drop heavily on the coverinc? sand until sb.e has made it as compact as any part of the surrounding beach. She then makes a few false demonstra tions on the shore to mislead inquisi tive enemies and hastens to tho sea as fust as she can travel. Insects In Flight. Motion pictures of insects in flight prove that the movement of the wings of all Insects presents the same general character. When flight is begun the amplitude of the first wing beats is much smaller than of the subsequent ones, but the period remains almost un changed. The insect regulates the ve locity of its flight not by the rapidity of the motion of its wings, but by chencimr their Inclination. Although iu normal conditions the period of the wing beat remains constant, it may be increased or diminished by various in fluences, such as fatigue and cold. ---Wanted Plain Sewing. Mrs. J. N. Barger, So. 8th St. Phone No. 498-W 3-1-lmod persona! use of tbt it (iocs it will go to he house will iivjt for a inri!1:;1 car in iae senate avu-nunierus. If the con fe res fa.il l agree, iedlvidua'. 1 f j i confei-ee.ee for con-; . 1 l lu.vl I ' L . n.;i. . ' i fercr.ee report, thin a -esi'It, which nay put or ; ul 'pt the con-1 situation will ii lip to the rov.? rr.or to se tth would refuse ! to go home until .vr.s passed. dl "one beiieve he v the members o;; of soaae kind hostil'th ! etwecn the United States a -ad ' .""Many. Lo.td.--rs of the ; o !!" cut rdrer.dy hero said tonight thr.t at ha.-. .",t!ti-. persons would visit 1 5": cm. At th" -ame time a boat of "Pil grims of Patriotism." headed by a citizen's i ommittee, will arrive from New Y '..r':: for the express purpose of cou'.to! : ctiag the activities of the p-iciftats an. I "the p'-ace at any price" p. ope".. nchi. Special tiains are ex pected la O'ing- thousands of them 'r.r.i tithe cities. Po'h f ne ions, according- to their ph.:-,-; av.ki, will storm capital hill and crVv a -or io present their views arrived they would be told whom to -:ee at the capitol and would be expect ed to find the objects of their visit wherever they might be, except, of coarse, upon the floors of the senate and the house. Miss Freeman and other pacifists leaders declared emphatically that even if congress should declare that a state of war exists they would not adandon their efforts in behalf of peace. Poih the peace champions and the anti-pacifists probably will hold mass meetings. Washington itself is in the prip of a wave of patriotism, flags flying and buildings decorated. Nature Cures, the Doctor Takes the Fee. SAY CHAMP CLARK Will BE RE-ELECTED AS SPEMEil Washington, 1). C, April L Re election of Chair.) Clark as speaker of the house tomorrow, when the ex traordinary session begins, seemed assured tonight and the prospect cf a complete democratic organization wr.s admitted to bo strong, even by republicans. Illness and bolting among repub licans, and proposed organization by democrats favorable to independents aie expected to prove vital factors in the tight. Four republicans, representatives Helgesen of Notth Dahota, Carp btick of New Jersey, .Caorer of West Virginia and rdeeh.er of Missouri, are ill and probably will not be present. Two republicans, Representatives Gardner of Massachusetts and Gray of New Jersey, have said they will rot vote for Representative Mann, the rcpuoiican nominee for speaker on the iirst ballot. Democrats hope they will support Clark. Representative Daliinger of Massachusetts also may rot vote for Mann. Hence, at tho best, it is estimated that the republicans cannot poll more than 208 of their 211 votes for Mann on the first roll call, even if their en tire membership is present. Demo crats insist they will have at least 213 if not 211 of their own members pres ent to vote for Clarlr, and they are counting on enough independents to give the 218 necessary for election. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use Fcr Cvc-rSO Years Always bears the fJitrnature of to se'ia'ir; a:.d representatives. Mtnv-t as of congress today had an ir.ti:v.at:- n of what was in store for them when they received hundreds cf telegrams, some demanding that ;ea -e ! lot disturbed and others in sisting that the lienor of the country be maintained by definite action. The White House also was literally flooded wiUi thousands of messages from both sides. The police have forbidden parades by either faction and the delegates will b? obliged to proceed to th" capitol from their re spective headquarters as individual pedestriars. Miss Elizabeth Freeman, suf fragist leader, in chirge of the office of the Emergency Peace federation hof.dquarters here, said tonight that as fast as the delegations of pacifists There is an old saying that "Na ture cures, the doctor takes the fee," but as everyone knows you can help Natuie very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is per ticularly true of colds. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy relieves the lungs, Iiciuifies the tough mucus and aids in its expectoration, allays the cough and aids Natuie in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Read the Evening Journal. Only 10 nts a week. The Evening Line-Up Both children and grown-ups, with coughs and colds, arc all the better for a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar at bed tkne. It wards off croup, stops tickling throat, and hacking coughs, and makes an otherwise feverish, sleep less night of coughing and distress, a Quiet and restful one. BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS. Mr. Chas. Baker, writes: "My wife woulJ not think of using- any other coufih medicine, ut Foley's Honey and Tar is certain to briof quick relief. It is especially effective in cases of bad coughs, and we give it to our children and recommend it always as a safe remedy, for it contains no opiates." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. yy,7T.-w vjsra sxaaas "We're as Near as the Nearest Telephone TV . . v fc - - - ri r t mbhi wr m. am m mm EASTER n vUR Easter display will soon be ready, and you are I J cordially invited to inspect the fine collection of Plants h and Flowers which it will contain. Do not buy any plants until you have seen ours. You can readily select the things that will best suit your purpose for the home, or for friends h you wish to remember at Easter times. ':. If more convenient, telephone your wishes will receive our painstaking personal attention. 1 Greenhouse Phone 15 Plattsmouth. Neb. i V