The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 02, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    :-:o?a t. 2.
saauzsas esssssss
We win s53 at public auction, to the highest bidder, ci the ParmcFo
These r.rcs were all bred in Ecvvs. Thc-y arc accJimatcd to this cour.try 2nd sre animals
bred to every requirement of the farmer. ?2ot a sing!e one was shipper, in fcrr. any
section cf t.'.e country; all arc such weight and quality as vvsH meet the pproval of men
neecsiTg; gcod drft sioch. From 4 to 7 years old; weigh from 1400 1c iGOO lbs. Good
matched teams can be selected; ail vell broke, ready to go on the jcb without danger in
TERIVSS: 8 months time will bo granted, purchaser to give bankable
cent interest from d?te of sale. Nothing removed until settled for.
vvi& ri- ShXF 12
rww irrr??-
E D f S - i
j.kxe? ::r.d i;r,iu.-cr.ier.1
inations in thj
h.:(I !i?en
i h .vest.
Linr-cr.. Nt'o., .March r.O.A-ricul-tural
ii--r'.r. i vm f.:r:v.. : f muny
years' txj.rience. who luxvo been
making critical c::ar.tinti-jn of the
wir.ter wheat aereaco i:i t'n--- routhern
half cf Nehr:. cast and west, In
ii report r.:aae t".i cvenira-, are near
ly unif(! in the fijinion that condition-:
are riot a b..d as .-uposed and
that v.-;th an early rain a half t two-
t1 c.-fsp is ii i ivat-. d. "Wld'.e they
f. ur.'i some fields were bo in'- t-ed
t:: v'.jir advice is to
ck-i.v finthe;
t i . ii v in this diivciir.n
t '. o wet l:s.
T,-e men w't" hrve b:-en r-.r.kin
li e examinations are: I)r. I. il.
At;;iron, an expert on who it cu!-
C. E. Ilaynic, representative of
a Harvester company; P. L. Hal!,
it'Ar.t :f th.e University cf Nebraska,
and Frank E. Johnson, a heavy
land-owner and wheat raiser. Ilay
nie made examination ail the way
fior.i Lincoln to Iloldrejre.
Constipation and Indiesiion.
TN.ese are twin ev:ie. 1'crsons sui
-r..- from indigestion are often trou-
bled with constipation.
Mrs. Robert
Alii -on, Mattoon, Ilk, writes that
when she -first moved to Mattoon she
was a great sufferer from indigestion
and constipation. Food distressed her
and there was a feeling like a heavy will be in the employ of the Missouri
weight pressing on her stomach and jTblc. They Tiave many friends here
chest. She did not rest well at night, ; ko regret their removal from our
and felt worn out a good part of thei niidst and hope they may be happy
time. One bottle of Chamberlain's . and prosperous in their new home.
Tablets corrected this trouble so that:
he has since felt like a different person.
sessssss sssd sssssskse
j ti. tsa
1 "
Ai1tS, Auctioneers
S3S3S3D vrSSIjtnf.'SSSI (S3
9 V
3Ir.-:. A. E. Shoemaker of Fort
t.or-:'.!.-T and wife. 1
The Preprt praiae is now under
way in full force. Three men are
rurcin in the foundation and floor.
:drs. Ilarrv Koval and Lola Graves
carne down fiom Lincoln Saturday ;
moniir.;' to isit t'neir father, Charle?: j
Graves. j
ri-s. Power? of ihsca, la., who
had l.c-en visitinsr Mrs. I. N. Apple-,
"or Wo l land, Wyo., Monday,
?drs. Jim ritman was a passenger j
to Talmajro Wedne.' day, where she'
wet: i u her mother, Mrs. Fannie)
EiktT.bui y.
Mrs. Vance Harris, formerly of this
p'".ee, came from Fort Dodge, la., last
Thursday for a virii with C. F. Harris
nri rtr.t r relatives.
Mrs. Zida Waltrip, who spent some
time visitinpr her daughters, Mrs. W.
S. Sidwell and Mrs. John F.iley, re
turned to Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Tom Jameson, who had been
vi.-dtinjr at the home of J. W. Pitman
for several days, returned to her home
in Weeping Water Friday.
Work was started Monday on the
W. B. Banr.injr garage. The ground
is being: graded away and the tiling
placed thei e to push things to the
limit. It is to be built of brick, the
iize 10 oe ouxou.
John P.iley and family, who have
been residents of this village the past
few years, moved this week to West
side, near Omaha, where Mr. Riley
A want ad in the Journal will bring
4 iff
1 m&s
"JT-! J.
rs. (.k'fr.sre ?ehrov.!er of At .-hl-.-r:.
to? an over Si-n.iav visitor at v
te oi
?Irs. ,1. II.
L. II. Wells and little son or
necln came down Wedne-dav for a
:c - w oayr- vi.sit w:in :r,
dk;n-on and old frier..'. :,
C. E. Ccr.rad, one of
southwest of town, was
"taters" Monday. Some other farmers
have been do'.n.-r some farm work
Midk cutting and discing are in order . M
Mrs. I. J. Wehrman and Mrs. Jas.
Wehrroan of Nelson w -re over Sun
day visitors with the former':- brother,
Br. M. U. Thomas, her sbler, Mrs.
John McGrady, and her many oi
friends here.
Hal Bellows, or.e of the first rchocl
boys to attend school in the little old;
stone school house in V;"eep:ng Walov,
was risiting- relatives, the Heed bovr
and. old-time friends here We inesday
and Thursday.
The wheat proposition in this local
ity seems to be the topic of conversa
tion among the farmers these days.
The general opinion is that the pros
pect for a wheat crop in this part of
the state is very doubtful.
Mrs. Glenn Ossenkop and the chi1- '
dreawho have been at the R. G. Glov- i
er home for some time, left Monday
for their new home in Custer county.
Mrs. Glover accompanied them to see
them safely over their journey.
T , ,
Mrs. Isaac Reed was taken to Oma-
, . , vinn
ha Friday for treatment for - all j
stones, where she was to have beer, !
operated on this Tnursday. Mrs. F. j
W. Kruse and Mr. Reed went uP to
v-;::uiui v eunesuay xo uc present at
the, time of the operation.
Grandpa A. E. Jameson received
word Wednesday of the arrival of a
.ivory B?.rn,
:ctc drawing 8 per
'--.-r-'TTssji .f.y rr? y 1
.fSiiay at uk'
home of his
, Mi ;. J. W. Love, at Cleve
M; s. Love's many friends
: i ; j dee Lo know that the
str ted thr-t the mother and
w'.re getting along nicely.
d T1!--. Fred Colbert, and lit
: i . ed Saturday from Chi-.-
:v they h:ive been for the
e ye: while Fred has been
r.-r his medical training nt
a ii
sr. i.
:i .oodlcal college. The college
I: proper v.a completed last De
;. r, and idnce then Fred has b?en
in,- 1 o-:-. e 'n;.' pitai work and spe-din!;-:-.
. A. liiatt was clown town Friday
the first t'rte since he returned
m the ho-pital. Mr. Hiatt gets
ig fairly well with his crutches.
Iliatt is having quite a siege of
it having been five months since
accidmt at the Plattsmouth
:ge, and. ever, if he gets strong he
o :
o a
iple for life as his right
.jrr.ii v
be about two inches short.
. i
4 4 4 t
Mrs. Claude Seiver and little son
visited relatives in Plattsmouth over
Sunday, returning home Tuesday.
Faimers report the wheat crop
almost an entire failure. Not
eri ugh snow and too much cold is
given as the cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edgerton re-
j'dce over the arrival of a fine baby
ot tb.eir home on Wednesdaj',
-v'arcn 28, 1017
Fritz Jochim returned Tuesday
frr'n- a triP to Dunning, Neb., where
-12 visited his cousin, Fred Wegener,
t.- vr u
Jlm oa tae eener ranch.
John 1!aevcr? vho fcas been m with
pn,Ji;;oniu an(i heart trouble at the
f,0.rc of his duukieTt :jrs. Fred
vt U;T1;in we5t of LouistviIle is re-
covorin - slowb-
Miss Katherine Richey, of Omaha,!
a former Louisville girl, has been !
visiting relatives in Pueblo Colo., the ;
part month. She writes that she is
enjoying her visit very much.
A bouncing baby boy tipping the
scale?, at 1-1 1-2 pounds, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Parr, on Thurs
day, Mand i 20. Dr. Morrow reports
the mother and child doing nicely.
.J oSiti Sass, who was injured a few
weeks ago, by a horse rearing up and
striking him, is not getting along as
well as might be wished and is now
in an Omaha hospital receiving treat
ment. Mrs. Mary Owens and Mrs. P.
Blair, of Harlem, Montanna, were
here the latter part of last week vis
iting Mrs. M. N. Drake. These
ladies own homesteads in Montana
and Mrs Drake met them during her
visit with her brother who owns a
large farm .0 miles from Harlem.
Miss W. C. Wieter, a trained nurse,
arrived from Omaha Monday to as
sist in the care of Mrs. C. J. Gaebel,
who has been seriously ill for sever
al months at her country home south
west of town The many friends will
be pleased to learn that she is able
to sit up in her chair part of the
day, and that she seems u little
s longer.
G rover Hoback is the latest to en
joy the bumps in the road in a new
Ford. John Swartz left today for Omaha
where he will enter a hospital for
Mr. and Mrs. Zack Shrader en
tertained to Sunday dinner Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick
Charles Ileebner sold quite a bunch
of hogs Monday, also sold several
thousand bushels of wheat this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Shopp of Platts
mouth visited at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. S. N orris last Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman
drove down from Elmwood Tuesday
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Ingwersen .
Scott Norris has commenced the
foundation for the new house on the
lot north of the Dale harness shop
we mentioned last week.
The Misses Emma St. John and
.Myrtle Chappell of the Peru Normal
school came in Wednesday afternoon
for a visit with home folks.
Louis Algaiers and family of Me
nominee, Wisconsin, arrived at Ne
hawka last Monday. Mr. Algaiers
will farm the F. P. Sheldon place
wc-:t of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keltner,
cousins of Cha.s. Keltner of Nehawka
arrived here last Thursday from
Shenandoah, Iowa, for a visit with
them. They remained until Sunday.
It was the first time the two gentle
men had ever met.
W. II. Hardin, who has been sick
with pneumonia, is rapidly recovering
and will soon be about again.
Clyde Hoover, who has been sick
for several months, is much better
and is able to get around a little now.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferguson re
turned last Friday from Seadrift,
Tex., where they had spent the winter.-
They report having had a very
fine winter in Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cobb" have gone
to Hot Springs, Ark., where they will
spend a number of weeks. The visit
to the springs was made largely in
the interest of Mrs. Cobb's health.
Wm. Buster, who has been visiting
here for the past two weeks, returned
to Ashland Tuesday, where he spent a
short time visiting and then went to
Kansas for a prolonged visit.
On Monday morning a girl baby
weighing nine pounds arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tol
hurst. They have named the little
lady Mary Isabel. The parents are
receiving the congratulations of their
many friends.
Rev. William Neely of Jerseyville,
Ilk, pastor of the Presbyterian church
at that place, spent last week and
part of this visiting at the home of
his brother, Dr. J. M. Neely, who has
been very sick. He left on Thursday
for his home in Illinois.
Dan Flynn of Rasalie, Neb., who
has been visiting some time with his
ccusin, John Stokes, returned to his
home on Monday. He says that the
country up there has been booming
some in the past few years and that
now land is worth almost as much as
it is here.
Bert Hardy arrived in Elmwood last
Saturday from Portland, Ore., and
spent the day in getting evidence in
a casc in the district court of Gar-
field county
Bert called upon his
many friends here and is the same
i " 4 """ 4
jolly fellow that he always was when
he lived in Elmwood.
Bert Reed and son, Sam, left last
Thursday for Grant, Neb., where they
will make their future home. They
will engage in farming and have a
large tract of land which they will
break up and put into wheat.
Mrs. Reed and the little girl will rt
main with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Murray, until Mr. Reed gets
things fixed up an d ready for house
keeping again.
This Case Has a Hint for Many Jour
nal Readers.
A Plattsmouth woman has used
Doan's Kidney Pills.
She has found them as represented.
She wishes her neighbors to know.
She publicly recommends them.
No need to look further for tested
kidney remedy.
The proof of merit is here and can
be investigated.
Profit by Mrs. Burbridge's state
ment. Mrs. C. C. Burbridge, Vine street,
Plattsmouth, says: "About five years
ago my back caused me a great deal
of misery. It ached most all the time.
After I had taken Doan's Kidney Pills
for a while, my back felt as strong
as ever. Since then, I have always
conidered them a very fine medicine
for backache and kidney trouble, and
recommend them to my neighbors
when I hear them complaining."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Burbridge had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
I.F.CiAl, OTHi:
III the County Court of Ciimn Counlr,
N i-lrnkkii :
State of Nebraska.
Countv of 'ass, ss.
To Mihia Miller ami John Henry Mil
ler and all persons interested in the
estate of Henry .. Miller, deceased:
n reailinK- the petition of Milda
Miller prayinfi tliat the instrument
riled in this court on the "rd day of
.January, 1917, ami purporting' to le
tin- last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will
anil testament of Henry l Miller de
ceased: that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be gfanted to Milda
Miller as executrix. It is hereby
ordered that you. and all persons in
terested in said matter-, may. and do,
appear at the County Court t" be held
in and for said county, on the L'lth
day of April. A. I . 1!17, at in o'clock
A. M., to show cause, if any there be.
why the prayer of the petitioner
Miould not be pranted, and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing: thereof be n'iven to
nil persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this Order in
the IMattsiiiout Ii journal. a semi
woekly newspaper printed in said
country, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearins.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this l'7tli dav of March, A. 1 .
Countv Judsre.
First Published April 1'. 1917.
. i.i:f;i. notici:
In I he County Court
The State of Nebraska,
Cass Countv. ss.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Kva K.
1'rettiic. Heceased.
On reading and the petition of
Marsraret Sattler praying: that Admin
istration t.f said Kstate may be granted
John 1'. Sattler as Administrator.
Ordered. That April I' 3rd. A. I . 1917.
at 10 o'clock A. M.. is assigned for
hearinjr said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held in and
for said County, and show cause why
the pr-iyer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be Riven to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Semi-Weekly
Journal a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Hated March HI. 1917.
Country .ludre
First published April 2, 1917.
lu thr County Court of Chj County
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in the c-state
of Julia K. Thomas, eleceaseo:
On reading the petition of William
Seav prayinir that the instrument filed
in this court on the :.'." day of March
1917, and purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
may be proved and allowed, and re
corded as t'ie last will and testament
of said dece'asc:!. may be proved and
allownl ,and recorded" as the last will
and testament of Julia I-I. Thomas de
ceased; that said instrument be admit
ted to probate, and the administration
of said estate be grrantCo to Jake Hoff
man as executor. It is hereby order
that you. and all persons interested
in said matter, may. and do appear at
the County Court to be held in and
for said countv on the 23 rd day of
April. A. I. 1917, at 9 o'clock A. M..
to show cause, if any there be. why
the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that the
lienritiir thereof be friven to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy ht this order in the I'latts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
hea rinp.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this i' 3 rd dav of March. A. l.
County Judpe.
First Published April 2, 1917.
Iu The County Court
The State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
Inthe Matter of Kmma Alta Johnson
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court lioom in
Plattsmouth in said County on the
24th day of April, 3917, and on the
24th day of October, 1917, at 10 o'clock
A. M. each day to receive and examine
all claims aerainst said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims aarainst said estate
is six months from the 24th dnv of
April. A. I. 1917. and the time limited
for pavment of debts is One Year from
said 24th day of April, 1917.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, this 26th day of March
fseal) Countv judge.
First Published. March 26, 1917.
(Notice for sfrvic by p'lt.lirsMon )
ix Tim niTRi(T cornT r rvs
Cut VI . VKIIIt k
Anton Sobota, j.ln in t IfT,
E. A. nhrsolp, nnd wife.
nifrKOlf, iinknov. n mvru-r n-l
nnt, first nn.l i-rai nnin nrikri' n.
H:i lm i nt: an intrst In 1 t two iiim
iltcit frtv ilir-. 2 1 . id h
of l.o.i Hvil ':iss C.nntv. N-t.r;i- -kn.
:inI t ti unknown :i i rri - ".
liirs :i I law and nt i-T kin :in-l
ilivisff-s pf-rsonal r-iiri--ni ;i 1 i s
nnd oilier person intr-stt-il in !!.
fsuit- of V.. A. I :i'r-ol :tri'l
Klfrso)f, if (Jpft'as'-'l, or any oti-r
persons intfrfst-.l in any nianri'-r in
sa Ul r-al C'stat.- h'-t : n li-for-- ! -prril)Pil;
Ief nriants.
You and each of you rre hereby
notified that Anton Soin.ta has tib d in
the district court of Cass Count v.
Nebraska, his petition in equity atraint
you and each and all of you as cl.iim
injr to have some rierht. title or inter
est in and to certain lands h n-n.
fore described, anil as beinc t lie un
known owners and claimants of some
ri?ht, title or intercut in said land,
ami as b-ins the unknown h- ir-, or
other unknown parties claiming ti
have some r inht, title or inleie-t ,,i
ami to said land by reason of the de
cease of said I:. A. HI. rsole and wife,
if deceased, and all other parties intei
ested in any way coiiit-niiiis saM
estate unknown to plaintiff and hi-; at
torney. The nature, object and pur
pose of said petition is a bill i-i euuitv
to quiet title and perfect title in plain
tiff to the following described r.'l
c-statf, and to remove therefrom ail
encumbrances, liens and ilmi'N upon
the title thereof, to wit:
I-.ot two hutidre. forty three ( L' I ' in
tl.e vil!ai;e of Louisville, County of
Cass ami State of Nehra-ka.
You ami each of you are r.(uiie.l fo
answer the petit !o!i of said Ant- n
Sobota filed in the Histl'ht Couit of
Cass County, Nebraska, as afoiea i-1,
on or before the :ind inv of Ai-ril. 1917.
r.y liis attorney LKo. ;. i-KVOH,
First Publication 1'-11'-1917.
xotici: to f isi:i)I1tch,h
State of Nebraska
Cass Countv, ss.
In the matter of the estate of T"ra
Oidnatn Moore, deeeased.
Notice is hereby I'iv.n to the credi
tors of said deceased that heat-ins
wlil be had upon claims filed aKain-t
said estate, before me. County .Iw'iro
of Cass County. Nebraska. at thr
County Court room in I'lat turnout h. in
said County, on the loth dav of April,
1917, and on the lOfli dav of (i,t r,
1917, at 10 o'clock A. M.. cue i dav lor
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All rhi;:n ruut be filed in sac! court
on or before said Ja.-t hour ol ln-..r-iliff.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
County Court, at I 'la 1 1 stnon t h, N-bias-ka.
thi i;ih dav of March. 1917.
ska Li ali.::x .i. Hcnsov,
Courty .lu.lre.
HOAIJ notici:
To All Whom it May Concern:
The Hoard of County Com m is.- ioners
bc-inc of the opinion that the publie
trood reo,ui res a public hihwav fortv
Mill feet itl Width be established on
the section line, coiumenc i n i; at the
Northeast coiner of the Northwest
ouartcr of Section three oil. Township
Ten (I0i. llanire Thirteen l:;i. and
runnintr thence west on section line one
mile, to the Northwest corner of the
Northeast ipiartcr of Section four M.
Township Ten 10i. Kanuv Thirteen
'"!. East of the nth I'. M.. have th.-i...
fore ordered that said road be estab
lished, and all objections lui-ln. or
claims for damages. mui ... nie.i in
the County Clerk's offi.- on m bejoi.
noon on the i-iti, 4l.1v of Al t'. . A. I .
1917. or such road v. ill be e- 1 a ! . i 1 , . d
Without I-cfel-elK-e th-leto.
i kank .1. i.ii:i:i:.-!r.L.
'omit y 'b j ;.
Ione at Plattsmouth, Nebr., '.l is l::th
ilav of March A. I . 1917.
I'ubiish 4 Times. First Hub. :5-19-l917.
Notice to N"on-l:-si(!i nt 1 cf . n.n lit .
their Heirs, Devisees. Ltnitci s, l'. i -sonal
Kcpresontatives :-nd all per
sons Intrested in their i:.-t;ih'.
To Sidr.ey I'ul.-ifer and i:in-!ii I .
Hardin, composing the tirin of S. I'ul
sifer iS.- Compan'; the unknown hens,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons intercstd in
the estate of Sidney I'ulsii.r. tie un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all persons
inttrsteil in th4 state 4f Erastus I .
Hardin; Oncl Eli: th.e unknown hens,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons mter ste.i in
the estate of C.uel Eli; duel Eli at . I
Company: the unknown claimants of
the west half of the Northwest corns, r
of the Northwest Quarter of Sect jot,
sixtteen cliii Township twe!e 1 1
North llaiicc ten lt last of the i.ili
1. M. Cass Couhtv, Nebraska.
You and each of you are l.erebv no
tified that Paul Easier as plaintiff on
the fith ilay of Jliirch 1917. tile.i his
petition in the District Court of Cass
Comity, Nebraska, wherein yon and all
of you are defendants; the ol je( t arid
prayer of which petition is that the
claim, interest, riuht, title and estate
of each and evervone of vmi in and
to the West half of the
Quarter )f the Northwest Quarter of
Section sixteen (1C. Townshiri twelve
12) Eanpe ten (10 East ,th P. ?.!. in
Cass County. Nebraska, be dcehircd in
valid, and of no force and etTt-ct.
That the title of said plaintiff in and
to saiil real estate, and '.' ry
thereof be iiuiteil as against 011 ami
each and every one of 4u as uir.unsi
any and all claims of any person
through or by you. and that ti.-v be
adjudged and iiecreel that ea h and ell
of you whose names are above set
forth, if living, and if defeased, the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all oilier persons in
terested iu the estate of each und
every one of you, have no riuhi. title,
claim or inter st in and to said estate
or any part thereof, and that a h and
all of sahl !ef4-ndants, tin-so nann-il.
ami those whose names are unknown
and r.ot stateil, l-t luicvcr n-,i l iotn
clainiinf? or assertintr anv nlit title,
interest or estate in anil to .-ai'd real
estate, or any part thereof, and for
such otlic-r anl further relief : s to tl.e
court may seem just and equitable
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to answer
said petition on or before Mu:ilav the
30th day of April 1917.
Plaint iff.
C. A. P.AWLS. Attorney.
First Published March 12th, 1917.
In '1 lie County Court
The State of Nebraska,
Cass- County, ss.
In the Matter 4f Sarah E. Youns
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court J;oni in
Plattsmouth in said County, on tne
24th day of April. 1917. aril on tl:
24th day of October. 1917, at 10 o lock
A. M. each day to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims aprainst said estate
is six months from the 24th day of
April. A. D. 1917. and the time limited
for pavment of debts is one Year lrotu
said 24th day of April. 1917.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, this 26th day of Match
(sea!) Countv jiul'e.
First Published March 20, 1917.
We will rent you a home of any
size from a single room to an 8-room
home. Call on us at corner of Locust
and Fifth street, or Phone No. 575.
F. II. Welshimer & Son. 2-22-tfd