The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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THFK.IAY, MARCH 25. 1917.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
-v i i i w c n n i 1 1 i
f.. m "tjM.m i ! 9 1 1't ifry-
After the U MSr
Honeymoon Start Right f
Yonnj married couples starting off on life's journey should open a
bank account at o:icc. Jiothing makes more for independence than a bank
itccoun After it is started you'll be surprised how it grows. It
gives young people a feeling of security.
! Start With Us Today
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
J"s Ci."k liis been seriously
i.' for tii- pa.-t few days
. 1. . Raker was a Plattsmouth
'i -it. t last Sunday evening.
Rev. Jacl.s n lias been suffering
v ; J; !t.;T,bi:tro for the past few days.
M:s. Herman (iansemer has been
.- .:'; imr w ith the erippe for the past
U-.v d..ys.
Vvir.. H. Puis was a business vis-ii-:
in the State Capital Wednesday
of this week.
Prank Davis shipped a car load of
i t the South Omaha market Mon
ti..'. kc-i'u:.
liarry .!..vcs was in Murray Wed
nesday morning visiting with friends
J"":- a few Lours.
I. .c:l .uas.-ie. of Vermillion, South
".t!'t.i, v isitincr with Murray
j r n; and relatives last Priday.
Mr.-. Anna Smith, who has been
i.dtinc the home of John Smith, has
Let: i -:i the sick li.-t for the past few
(!.- .
!.. n !);;!. (has. Tucker and O. T.
.'. ia -hipped a car load of hogs to
t! So-ith Omaha market Monday
i ei.ifi. .
Wr... li'.'.mts. of Furnas county,
N"ei.'!" wa.- here last Friday even
tier vi-i' with friends and look
i after business matters
. I'. Rhoden, who is recovering
! !n:n a fractured lei;', received five
weeks i.L'o by beinir kicked by a horse
is abic i
e up and around the home
a fain.
Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Fneikemeier
d;o-.v fi Omaha Wednesday They
we:e ; cron:f'atded by their son Roy,
V vi.o v as operated Uon at the Presby
terii.n ltospital for tonsilitis.
i-e n Pi.vuott has been able to be
up ar.u arounu ajrain uurinp: tne past
; v. recoverintr lrom an iniec-1
t i ', of the toe, from which lie has
b : sarferii :r for the past few weeks. I
- I
of a High Order
are now being displayed!
Ladies9 Silk Auto Caps $1.00
Satine " " 50
Chiffon Auto Veils, large varie
ty of colors 1.00
Tub Silks, Silk Stripe Voiles, Plain
Voiles, Flaxons, Ginghams, per
yard 15, 25 and 50c
A Fine Assortment of Embroideries and
White Goods for Underwear.
X'ck Priedrick was in Plattsmouth
A ednesday .
Offer ifFJO.OO for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
The public are looking forward to
the annual Commercial Club Banquet,
that occur? in April. It is a big
event of the season.
AY. A. Scott made atrip to Platts
mouth Tuesday of this week in the
"squirrell" auto, the one that "Scotty"
has been practicing the loop the loop
stunt with during the past few days.
The Oldham Stock Farm marketed
a hog Monday that weighed
pounds, and brought 14c per pound.
This was a thoroughured Duroc, not
extra fat and not quite two years
oiu. Some hog. though, to bring
S.l!0 on the butcher market.
Easter Bazar at the
Presbyterian Church on
April 7th, afternoon and
evening. Supper at 6
Word has just been received here
oi the serious illness of Mrs. Eliza- i
beth .uier, at her lvme in Plain
view. Her father, John Edmunds
departed bunday for the home of
Mrs. Miller, and the many friends at ;
j the old home will anxiously await the
news oi net tummnni
Uncle Georjre Shrader and son
Homer, accompanied by Ir. G. 11.
Gilmore, went to Omaha Wednesday,
where they will visited during the day'
with Chas Wolfe, at the Presbyter
ian hospital. Mr. Wolfe underwent
the second operation for jroitre Wed
nesday, and at last reports was jret alone: nicely Another operation
of this nature will follow within a
few v eeks, after which all hopes are
entcrtameu ior ine lermunK oi
Wolfe's former health, which will be
yood news to Ids many friends.
. i r .1. . : - . r 1 1
. Tutt
Charles L. Creamer is the owner
of a new Ford this week.
For Sale Seed potatoes, at S2.25
per bushel at the Oldham Stock
Wm. Puis and Chas. Engelkemeie
were Plattsmouth visitors last Sat
urday. Lee Kniss was lookinir after mat
ters of business in the county seat
.. cdae: -day eveninir
Virgil McDur.kl, of Nebraska City,
as visiting with Murray iriends last
Fiiday and Saturday.
i.'c Young and sisters. Mr.
v i I
Lv:r.a:i and Mrs. Ona
aw ton were
Omaha visitors Monday.
wrir X- SVotton have the fran
work completed for the new home
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Barrows.
Wm. Smith, of Plattsmouih. was
vis.tint: with friends and relatives
vest of Murray Wednesday.
A-iam Schafer is, anotlier one of ur
i-.i-,ti--! voiint1 farmers Viin i a new car this week.
Mr. ar.J Mrs. I.. 1. Hiatt were
sitinir with Phttsmouth friends
s.nd r-Satives Tuesday evening
Pur s:de A lot f block cotton
wood at T.'.c per load at my farm.
James Brown', Murrvj.
Edith Taney was iit.wn from Oma
ir.i la.-t Saturday an.i Sunday for a
brief visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. LaKue.
There was an unusually
lartre at-
:er,danee at the moving picture show
t the Pub- - .:ansenier hail last Sat
Mrs. T
.a tor, w;
ier. Mi.-,.
. V. Jameson d" Weejdnt:
s isititur with her daue;h
Brandel, in Murray for a
few days last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Will Brende!. fjt NITED PliESBYTEiilAN N()TES
Avoea. took dinner last Sunday in i
.Murray with the doctor's parents,: ),. j;.c'Kson was able to fret to ids
Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Brendtl. I pulpit last sabbath mortnnjr, but did
The Ladies Aid Society will liold a
r.p.rc sa'.e
.t the druf store in Mur
o.iturdav. Buy your din-
ray e-- t ry
reis here
i ,.u will save time and
Money .
D. J. Pitman, who has been suf-j
."erinr with a sie.tre of the jrrippe for j
the past lew weeks. i. once more able!
to be up and look after business at the
elevator. J
Mr. and Mrs. C, . M. Minford,;
Mrs. Don Khodon and Mr. and Mi
!oii-i I'ai ris drove to Omaha Wed1!---1
;;ay. The trip war
made in Mr.
'! in ford's super-six car.
Lena and children f
Dakota, ar
Visit in:.'
riiends and relatives in Muv-
:ay, ,f .e
at tn
home of her p: - r -
ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Your.
Mrs. Thomas Lindsay has receiv
ed a draft from the M. W. A. Lodtre
on tiie death of her husband which
occurred a few weeks a;"'. Mr.
Lindsav was a member of the Mur-
ray Camp, a:v! had been for the past
eighteen years. usi one week af
ter the deatii proofs were in the
hands of the order, K. L. Kniss, of
the local camp received the draft
drawn in Mr. Lindsay's favor for
it '2, noo. on
The Murray Commercial C'uib held
a very enthusiastic meefintr List
Wednesday, and plans were
laed for a very busy season the com
ing summer. They are to be
up and doinir all the time, and if you
want to be one of ti e boosters of this
community, you want to be after
"" the commercial ciub vijrht
now. Now is when you are needed.
The officers are Ted Barrows, presi
dent; Alf. (Linsemer, secretary; and
Ed Tutt. treasurer. There were
a irteat many rood thinjrs taken tp
at this meeting, and none of them
are yoin' t' be dropped either until
they are properly disposed of. One
of the most vital things that needs
constant agitation at the present time
is the permanent loads question, and
ii mitrl.iy e.ood committee was ap
pointed to look after this end of the
business in the person of Dr. G. IT.
Giirr.ore, Glen Boedeker and L. D.
lliatt. To carry on the business of a
commercial club in a town the size of
Murray requires capital the same as
the lareest club in the state, although
not so' much, anil in order to dis
tribute the burden of this expense, a
series of entertainments will be pul
led off during the next few months,
the proceeds of which will jro into
the club treasury. I,et everybody
put their shouhirc to the wheel and
all push together. The regular nicct
inr; niglits of the club will be on the
first Wednesday in each month. The
big annual banquet will be pulled oil
in the near future.
If snvoftlie readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or iu-m of imprest in
this vicinity, and will mail will ap
pear under this hoadinc. We
want all news items Kiutoh
Offer $100.00 for your ear if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Miss Laura Puis and Miss Opha
Baker were Plattsmouth visitors last
Searl Davis shipped a car load of
cattle to the South Omaha market
last Monday evening.
Mrs. A. O. Davis went to Ne
hawka Wednesday for a visit with
friends a nil relatives.
K. Humphrey, the horse buyer
.V-ni Kansas City, has lieen in Mur
ray for the past few days for the
purpose of a bunch of horses
lie re
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Capen and
.Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt made an
Lj.!nuU trip out through Manley, Louis-
v:i!e anu back to i lattsmoutn last
Sunday .
There was quite a number of re
latives and iriends that .fathered in
at the farm h me of Mr. and Mrs.
!Uto l ids, west ot .Nlurray last Sun
day, to spend the day. The occa
sion was one of rtat pleasure to all
present. We vtrture the assertion
that the noon day eats were the very
best, ar.d an excellent pioirram for a
;ooJ social time was carried out. Mr.
and Mrs. Puis, of Murray were in
attendance .
Sam Pitman has bej'.i vi.-iiinir in
and near Murray with iriends and
relatives since returning lrom hi
veral inntlis lit ia California.
.i i
Pitman is in Kansas City at the
present time visiunc. with her mother
and will return to Murray in a few
days. Mr. Pitman has been en
caeod in the plumbimr, hatinjr and
' lijrlitin' business in Nebraska City,
but sold out said holdings .Monday of
i this week .
not hold services the evening". He
is yet suffering with iumba.tro, 'out
h"Pes to be able to conduct services
j both niorninjr and evening next sab-
i bath.
The Sabbath School will meet at
10 o'clock.
The annual business meeting was
held last Wednesday afternoon
The every member canvass fur the
gear's pledge is beinjr made this
The ladies wiil hold a Thimbie Bee
V i .h .Mrr
Dr. Gilinorc Priday after-
S.atuiday April Tth the Women's
Missionary Society will hold a ba
zaar or Easter Sale at the Church in
the afternoon, and will serve a meal
;in the evenmtr
The entertainment jriven in the
United Presliyterian Church last Fri
day evening by tk.e Saint Cecilia Club
; f Taikio College was pj-onounced by
some of our music lovers, one of the
best, if not the very best of its class
ever riven in Murray. Some have
declared that the admission fee should
have been fifty instead of twenty-five
cents, as the entertainment was well
worth the hi-rher price. The Club
consists of sixteen sinjrers. a pianist,
and a leader, chaperoned and directed
by Miss Lafferty, professor of sine;
injr in the conservatory of music con
ned ed with the college. In all there
we:;e in the party nineteen ladies, and
it is the testimony of those in whose
houses they were entertained that all
are ladies in the best sense of the
worth Their program for the eve
ning was of a hieh character, the
larjr-- manifested jrreat ap-
. preciation of ov'-ry ntun' er. Severed
have since said that if the club re
turned L Murray the church would
not accommodate the audience. They
went from here Saturdiiy to North
Bend and will close the tour at St.
Jo-eph, Mo., Fr;- evening.
The Omaha Presbytery of the
Urited l'i e:oytei i.-n church will hold
its sprin:r meet at Dunbar, beginning
next Tuesday.
All regular sen-ices next Sunday.
Bible school at P:n A. M.
Preaching and communion ut 11 A.
M .
Sermon topic: "The Proper Obser
vance of the Lord's Day."
Evening topic: "Religions Delu
sions." The subjects of superstition
witchcraft, ghosts and modern meth
ods of healing will be touched upon.
For mild, ea.-y action of the bo v. ti-:,
try Loan's Kee'dets, it modern laxa
tive. 2k: i t all stores.
Home grown timothy and clover
seed for sale. Gullaher Bros., Elm
wood, Neb. 3-2'J-itwkly
The 12lh episode of
in two reels
The Right Car
fhJ Vrong Birth
- two reel comedy
Saturday Evenirc
Show Starts at 7:45 bharp
III'l. 'jv!
Bahiwin. Mic h.. La.:t
fi om tai' nation i'
ait'. A'hl'ess i.u-ns
m.'tith. Neo.
Fort.- acres of Un-i in Ca.-s (' -ndy, !
i'or particulars call on
Fred S. Pice, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
i'he Celebraie!
.he roll S'
JG4 - ,t
Teddy R. is a line
.i w I Lit wiiite niou iei.a. ai.o
; o.'1'.t fior.t fo(;t wki'.c. lie was fotd
.d March 1V12, ar.d we:ghs IT,"
pounds. His sire was Mortoa. CTl'o:;;
y Epaieur ,"lsUd (C-io-iiM ; by I'-oli-,ar,
-iolll ( if.lf.2) ; by Amiicar,
B;7: ; by Su'lan, ( l71o; by Bay
ard (!1(."'G by Est'-aba, 1ST (T.'XJ) by
so.i of Jean Le P.IaCv , T"io.
The Celebrated Young Jack San
d;rs. Saialors is an excellent young Jiick,
ecming six years old. weig'.diitr lo.'.o
pounds, )lenty extra heavy bo:n, black
with mealy points. Sandors, o"las)
was foaled June 2. 1111. His sire
was San Salvador I'd. by Salvador,
imported from Spain. Sandors wa?
hied and owned by Frank Pi'sch, of
Villa Ridge, liss .uii.
Teddy R. and Sandors will make
the season of 1 '. i 7 at my home six
miles west of Murray and rix miles
east of Manley, every d-.y i:i the
week. Both arc mih- jjo.t! -tars,
and have been in.-jected for U.'IT and
found perfectly sound.
TERMS : For Strai n s .Si ..00 to
insure coil to statu' and suck.. For
Teddy R. 12. -.o to in-t'tv c ) io stand
ai:d suck. Parties disposing f mares
or removing from the locality, service
fee becomes due and must be paid
immediate';.. All care wiil !..- taken j
- . i
to prevent nccnleu's, m.:t o-.- o' r v
not be belli responsible- sk uid an
You may need an Auctioneer
feW bin a a? j2. iz
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchargc.
Reverse Ml Gal's!
Satisfaction Cuarar.tced
Rates Rcascr.sblc
I- I
H if -t!
a i 7 V. yv-t Ti 4 t-"",'- - j
ti ' 1 i i Or 1 I !t K-,- -:-v i
1 1 " zh !' I Ki
l-i I ' ' ' A . . r. f' , F. - J fc.-..- -r..'u
i-si pz-:i-:. f -.r
The "Choo Chocs'' Only Us;
a lie
lVacticciliv ill I tlK-
Williani? Products
under the most severe condition:
proves the quality of
(Shzzwin -Williams
caro o' A Gi
si ;.....
(: vis ot)u si'inrc ic
i- Aell known for il..
Kirray Bardwra
t .
" o -
I ' ' !,- :i
1 'iil"i . . c'int'
f'.mi'i:-: e " 'r:e Gi ;
eon.p::!;y u-der i!
the 'i ru.-deil Br.
o Will'
H !'
, . ...... i
!if fe ' e
irn r
in widcii th'.
.1 meiir
fj?flfif5 jhrs of the co.m:,..-v carried u! thei r
S ff IStSSl''1 atid taken as a
Pe-cheron St:'- . .. , .,'.-,,''',.
!"ics of t'-e wkite s!..-.-- pi oblem and
depicted tk.' .-1 rut. 'ies f a oi'if
Lrv in the city striv ing t; keep in tl i
straight aiul nariow path despite th
many pitfalls laid for iu-r by th
promoters, of the white s!
e traVic.
A great many from
motored in to altera! th
'. i i 1 rin.a i u t
Just Ar
Our Led
Hice Patterns cf Thin
as well as Percales,
EMcw and Up-to-Dato Line for Men, Women
and Children.
Remember OurGrocery Stock is Always
Up to the Standard!
ruis i Vjansemer,
Drs. racli & Mach, Tii3 Dentists
The larcest and bwl qnrTd dfnta! ofTtcs in Ojnahv SntciahfU la
charge of all work. Lady attendant. MoJ"rp Prlc. Porce'.aia filling,
just like too?h. Instrjmenta careful. y si r;i z.-i a.u.T ns:.r.g.
Send for free sample of 5ani-Por Pvorri.e i Treatment.
tsnaoKw lira r-ioor raxton oiock. jntfrt
mm r(
DR. E. tl. TARRY - 240
r.r x. : '!
4.4 V
S'li v : ' l ' l -
.IV I I A . I
Ix-cause tliey
lanu up
Paint, phefrld)
vau r that a pauu or
can take
1 1
- (Piier. ni.
-f .r
tillon -and
- et to uie
m& hunhmmx Go.,
! i
i i
't r
Ts we'l -;;t !- tu-d
v.4 i. U the l ';! v.
::h '.i:e m-.!i-prc.-ei.U-'i.
In u! e om- autotnobi
'ni s, tl.!eshi!';r oiaf'.t-
-. ' ".-
fa: "! stock.
i ! f trrr. iirope-1 y.
1 a!' kitvi f i;;. wi ;,:'. I am ' t -.
l . t .::;' ; o o!' the Lc-t coai.iatie in
he .-ta:e. ;.!: Phone N. J 1 .-V.
.Tarnes Dorai . Jw.l
1 ie; V.
-I-.-, ni.'i.o
' :.- I in
'- m -n.
I;:iu-';i- !",i,-;''1 '" 1:1 iU 1 ""!
s y..n Weak, p L and r..fkiy. !';-;
do -!; Bh... J Bttvi- l.i'at ai!
i ore
Mrs. F. P. Lut:: an ' i i. r. Mi
lk lliatt of Murray, wt amove.
th.'se t-riint" to Ontrd'a t!.i- moininr.
!vl.c:e thev v. ill visit for the .av r.
that city looking aftc: son matter-
. (
Ginghams and Calicos!
Fistula mntf All Rectal Dla curtd !t-
ut th knife. Prmnnt cures tb(ira"l.
Writ for rraa lllustratad bock on Roctal
Dlaa mfi etlfnoiai of toiRreris e7
curod pvtlonti In Wcbratka Iowa.
Ceo Bldg., Omahs, Hsb.
Route No. 1