The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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riUIKSDAY, 1 KHKUAKY 22, lim.
Cbe piattsmoutb journal
Catered at Potofflcet Plattamouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Babylon in all its desolation is
a sight not so awful as that of
the human mind in ruins.
Scroiw Italics, v
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More no w. Better now than later.
N,w for he who sees the first robin.
Those who flirt with the political,
t .- must expect to jret stuns.
The mt completely deceived man
in the world is he who deceives him-
The world is biff enough for both
j and your enemy? Are you big
Ar.y fool can talk, but the fellow
Cno acts is the one that counts in the
The world owes every man a living.
l- ji he must get out and rustle to col
li ct the debt.
As a general thing men are as big
jr.xsips as women,1 but their gossip
i-n't fit to spread. ."v
The Russians and French seem tc
U- doinjr all the lighting, while the
Er.gli.-h do all the bragging.
Tiure are a great many ways of
Tr.aking a fool of yourself, but some
wavs jiie vore than others.
A married orator declares that a
bachelor T? only half a man anyway
a bachelor doesn't tight with his other
Oiily about a month more of the
pieseat legislature. After that they
work without pay and board them
selves. :o:
Spring is ambling along, and those
of us who can't afford motor cars have
the privilege of dodging them as we
cross the street.
Senator Reed of M'.-souri, believes
in making it "bone dry"' in all the
states which have voted for prohibi
tion. There is nothing wrong about
Old Sol is jretting nearer to us every
day, and soon he will sweep down upon
i;s in great force, and make is feel
that we can't have everything to suit
our own pleasure.
We believe the state fair association
made a mistake in dispensing with
the .-ervkes of Secretary Mellor. After
he has made the fair what it is, it is
an outrage that he should be turned
dow n.
You will not pass through this
world but once. Any good thing that
you can do or any kindness that you
tan show to any fellow being, do it
now; do not defer or neglect it for
you will not pass this way again, Re
member that.
Yes, when Charley Pool is elected
to congress against Mr. Kinkaid,
the world will be destined to soon
come to an end. Charley is getting
to big for his breeches, as it is. Let
Charley take a rest for awhile when
his term of oflice expires, and not be
a continual nurser of the public teat.
It is now proposed by congress
that a law shall be passed enforcing
the president to take over all the rail
roads, telegraph and telephone sys
tems of the country. Go slow, gentle
men, in this matter. This may bt
placing too much power in the hands
of the executive, of free govern
It is said that what were luxuries in
one age of the world became neces
saries in another; but it is easy to de
ceive yourself on that subject. You
should remember that you do not real
ly need a thing the lack of which
causes you no worse suffering than
that of ungratified desire or unsatis
fied pride.
The average wages, salaries and in
comes are higher in this country than
in any other, yet our savings banks do.
not make a creditable showing1. Four
teen centuries greatly outrank ours in
piportion of savings accounts to pop
ulation. In Thrift, as indicated by the
savings banks, we stand at the bottom
of the list of the principal nations.
Of every hundredth of our citizens
sixty-six leave at their death no es
tate at all. Only nine leave as much
as ?5,000. The average estate left by
the other twenty-five is less than
1,300. Ninety-seven out of every hun
dred lose their earning power at the
age of 03, and, as most of them have
saved nothing, they become dependent
upon relatives or on the public. It is
estimated that there are 1,250,000 such
destitute persons in this country, most
of whom might have escaped that sad
fate. ,
Let every young man who has to
make his way unaided realize that to
say, "I have money in the bank' is a
certificate of character and ability.
There is no doubt that, barring acci
dent, almost every family not depend
ent on more unskilled dav labor could
ay up some provision for the future
y cutting off waste and steadily prac
ticing unhurtful self-denial. There
must be a choice between passing de
sire and lasting well being. The day
of small things must not be despised;
all growth is from the seeds. Dime
are the germs of dollars.
A rational person can certainly get
no real enjoyment from any outlay
that leads to a hand-to-mouth exist
ence; he has no safeguards against
misfortune that are sure to some soon
er or later to everyone.
Among all material pleasures there
is none so great as that which springs
from a store laid by for future wants.
especially for the needs of those for
whose well being you have become re
sponsible. And when you have gath
ered that store by steadfastly refusing
thriftless self-indulgence, you have a
satisfaction that outweighs and out
lasts all fleeting joys. I speak from
my own experience, and I can call to
witness thousands of others who have
traveled the same road. Judson liar-
mon in The Youth's Companion.
The check forger is abroad in the
land again. Look out for him.
Soon it will be circus time, when
the red lemonade vendor will get in
his work.
Beans are also soaring high in price.
This may be because the wind has not
been taken out of them.
Our dear old American eagle isn't
-ing much scroimmg yet, but he is
blinking nis eye like the dickens.
If the high price of print paper re
mains and goes on soaring, it means
the death of many more newspapers
in the next year.
The price of cabbage is almost out
of sight, but it is a household neces
sity. You can get a two-pound head
for 35 cents. About the size of a 5
cent head two or three years ago.
The Kansas City Star admits with
much regret that among the bad cases
of pneumonia coming under its obser
vation this winter none of them are
girls who persist in exposing their
necks to the weather.
The campaign which the great evan
gelist had been waging was drawing
to a closre. Hundreds had f6und their
way down the glory trail, and in tht
closing days of his meetings the town
was surcharged with religious excite
ment. It was the last meeting for men
enly, and the tabernacle was packed
with a tense, almost fanatical mob of
Slowly the great evangelist rose
and in the true dignity of his calling
discarded his coat, vest, colhir and
"Men," he began, his voice strug
gling with the great emotion within
him, "when I rx '.he sawdust trail I
never had taken a c'rink. Never had
I used tobacco, and never, ah never.
had a swear word passed my pure lips
I had been the town's model noy. J
had been a regular attendant nt Sun
day school. I went to church as often
as they held .-huvc!., and 1 was Hi';
only person under sixty in town with
the exception yf ill.'- preacher who at
tended prayer meeting. Mothers point-
Id me out to their sons as a model. I
was the nicest little boy in town. Nev
er had I thrown a snowball through a
window, and never had I played hook
ey to go skating.
"When I grew up I became a
school teacher. I abhorred cards, and
I gave out in a chastened manner rrw
disapproval of dancing. 'Dancing
huggin set to music' I said in sad su
periority. I was the town's great I
am it, ami I admitted it. I was th
prize prig of a wholy religious and
moral county fair of prigs. The only
reason I didn't have a halo for every
day wear was that the Good Lord nev
er had figured on me and didn't have
any over sizes in stock."
Here the great evangelist stopped.
Then he poised himself on his toes,
and with a sudden movement ripped
off his shirt in long and fluttering
streamers. "Then, men," he thundered.
I woke up. I realized that if hell was
hot, the private Turkish bath was re
served for the prize prig, and that
was l.
"And I realized that if hell was cold
that the north side of the land of a
million blizzards was exactly where I
was going to hang my sign. I realized
that there was hope for the drunk
ards, the keepers of houses or ill re
pute, of child murderers and sancti
monious deacons. I realized that in the
amb's book of life the gamblers, bur
glars, wife beaters and the general ru.i
of crooks were guilty of nothing but
misdemeanors. I realized that I was
the plugugly and the bell cow of a
whole creation of cussedness.
"Men, I have been told that more
yeggs, drunks, bums and general scum
than was ever gathered in a religious
meeting is here today. I made this
kind of an effort purposely, because I
knew that all of the prize prigs of the
town would be on hand to show off
their general piety.
"Men, there is nothing as contempt
ible, as dirty or mean as the prize
prig. I am going to open this trail-
hitting season with an invitation for
the prize prigs to come forward. But
don't walk, because that is another op
portunity to show off your general
priggishness. Crawl and crawl so
low that the worms of the dust.wil1
have to send for stepladders to gel
down to crawl over you. Forgiving
as the Good Lord is, I don't see for
the life of me how he can forgive a
prize prig."
The evangelist paused. It seemed
that the exhaustion of his nerve force
had been complete. Wearily, he rested
himself against his rough pulpit. With
a soiled crushed handkerchief he
mopped the perspiration from his face.
The reaction of his great effort had
set in. Then he began to talk, but
was in u panting, conversational tone.
"When these prize prigs finish wal
lowing their way to the mercy seat. I
want all of the drunkards, the wife-
beaters, the short-card artists and the
safecrackers all of you small fry sin
ners who feel the need of grace, to
come. I was the prize prig, and the
Good Lord forgave me, yjid if he could
do that it will be a little thing for Him
to welcome all you little fellows
home." Emporia Gazette.
On Monday of this week Andrew
Bonar Law, chancellor of the British
exchequer, told the house of com
mens that Great Britain's daily ex
penditure for war had risen to $28,-
050,000. That marks a new high level
for all history in the rate of any single
nation's war expenditure; it lifts the
cost of Great Britain's share of the
struggle from a $25,000,000 daily aver
age, maintained through the autumn
and early winter of 101G, to an amoun'
six times greater than that imposed
upon the nation at the outbreak of
From a daily average of less than
$50,000,000, the cost to all belligerent
Europe of conducting the greatest war
the world has ever known has in
creased to such a degree that today
it is safe to calculate that the direct
money cost to all the nations involved
is close to $120,000,000. It was inev
itable from the start that the money
cost of the war abroad should increase
as its scope increased andas the cost
of those commodities which enter into
its prosecution increased. At the same
time, it was hardly conceived at the
outset that the daily cost of the war
would run beyond the $100,000,000
Of the greatest importance at this
time, in view of the steadily rising
cost of war, is the prospect of future
financing of the struggle. Bonar Iiv
stated on Monday that the Unitc!
Kingdom's total expenditure since
war began has amounted to $21.0fK
000,000. Germany's war cost to date
has risen above $14,000,000,000 accord
ing to a Berlin -telegram this week
All told, the nations engaged have ex
pended upward of $70,000,000,000, b;
responsible estimate, on prosecution ot
the present war. The American civi
war cost $8,000,000,000; the Napoleon
ic wars cost $(5,250,000,000, in direct
money expenditures. New York Eve
ning Post.
There is no "enthusiasm for war" in
this country. If we ace forced into
the conflict we shall enter it as the
French did, for the same purpose and
with something of the same spirit.
Ambassador Jusserand recently de
scribed with wonderful vividness and
truth the rising of the French ' nation
on the day when Germany dechrred
"I traveled far by motor through the
prosperous fields and peaceful valleys
of sunny France. There women and
children had lived in peace, tilling the
soil, raising their children and caring
for their old folks. And suddenly.
without a warning sign, in the count
less villages where dwell the great
mass of the French people, came the
beating of drums and the loud alarm
of bells. An unparalleled cataclysm,
threatened rich and poor alike the
learned and ignorant threatened the
whole nation.
"And what happened? Then I saw.
By a common impulse, as if the fear
ful and prodigious event had always-
been expected, each one turned his
steps to where duty called.
"There was not a hesitation, not a
cry, not a threat against the enemy.
Duty, plain duty, to be fulfilled as the
normal -and natural thing, for which
one had been born and for which one
had always been ready.
"And are those the light-hearted
and laughing Frenchmen, as the world
has known them and as they have por
trayed themselves,? Yes, truly the
same. In those Frenchmen you have
the rare spectacle of individualists
who also are self-sacrificing. Place
before them a task which is greater
than their interests, greater than their
persons, a task involving the nation,
mankind, liberty, and their light-heart-
edness, and heedlessness vanish. In
its place dauntless resolution, affec
tionate co-operation, patience in trials
faith in the outcome.
"What wonder," M. Jessarand add
ed, "that with characteristics so simi
lar, they should understand Ameri
cans?" Our peril is not so great as that?
of France. We are not. so well pre
pared. And it is" vain, perhaps, to
hope that in time of trial we should
prove so utterly heroic as the French
have proved. But.v? mus". accept the
high compliment implied in the French
ambassador's words as our ideal, at
least. If the test comes, v,v shall try
to meet it as France dH.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 10, 1017 Editor
of Plattsmouth Journal: There is a
bill up this week relating to the'duties
of county assessor and a number of
members tried to amend it to change
the date of assessment from April 1st
to January 1st. I succeeded in killing
the amendment by appealing to the
western members from farm and cat
tle districts, because it would have a
tendency to keep farmers in the east
ern part of the state from feeding
cattle, for the more cattle there are
fed in eastern Nebraska the more de
mand there will be for western Ne
braska cattle. As our taxes are now
getting very high, it is unreasonable
for a feeder to pay taxes on cattle
January first. As a general rule all
feeders borrow the money to buy their
feeding cattle. It would not pay them
to use their own money for they only
use it for about five months. Money
used only four months at 7 per cert
means only about 3 per cent, and it
does not pay feeders to tie up their
own money for a year to only use it
four or five months. The results are
that the farmers buy their cattle with
liou'bwed money, and they really have
no equity in them to begin with. By
making the assessment as it now is.
April first, our farmers and feeders
have a chance to move their fat cat
tle before April first. We should, tby
ill means, encourage the feeders of
cattle and sheep in the river counties
in the South Platte. Northern Ne
braska is too cold in winter for cattle
to do well, and western Nebraska,
where they raise the cattle for feed
ers, is too high, about 3,000 feet above
sea level, and cattle do notfat well
in that climate in winter time. It is
better and cheaper to have the cattle
-hipped to southeastern Nebraska.
where corn is usually a good crop, than
to ship the corn to the cattle country.
Our farmers in Cass county should
feed enough cattle, hogs and sheep to
consume all the corn we raise, the
same as they do in southern Iowa and
northern Missouri, where, in fact, they
feed up more' than they raise. The
fesults are they put on the land each
vear more than they take off. Where
it can be done this is the only "com
mon sense" system. Our lands in
Cass county are too valuable to allow
them to decline. Our taxes are grad
ually getting higher, and especially in
the cities, and the city man is very
quick to raise any point that will cre
ate new fields that will find more
property for taxation. This is one of
the reasons for them wanting to
change the date of assessment to Jan
uary first.
The prohibition, bill will come up to
morrow (Tuesday), and the next bill
of importance will be the good roads
bill. The good roads bill, accepting
government aid. is sure to pass. Farm
ers' societies are making a strong
fight against accepting government
aid. But the fact is that if we refuse,
we will have to pay bur share anyway,
and if we refuse Nebraska will be pay
ing for good roads in other states.
Under these circumstances I think
nearly all the members feel that it
would be unwise not to accept the
amount the government is offering us.
I am sorry that the government made
the proposition in this way, for I
would rather we build our roads our
selves. I think the nearer home we
laise our money and spend it the
more economically it- will be handled,
but there is no wav for us to change
the government plans.
B. A. Rosencrans and wife, who
have been making their home at "The
Acres'' in the south part of the city,
have just disposed of the fine acre
tract to Mr. Frank Ollcnger of Teka-
mah, Neb., who with his family will
move to Plattsmouth the first of
March to make their future home, and
who are very favorably impressed
with. the city and the general condi
tions here. Mr. and Mrs. Rosencrans
will remove closer in to the business
section of the city to make their
Will sell or trade for Cass or Oloe
county land, an up-to-date General
Merchandise stock and building in an
eastern Nebraska town." This is a
clean, money making, old established
business. Best of reasons for selling.
Western land sharks need not inquire.
Address, Plattsmouth Journal Office.
hi in
oft. 6-&aiL JUL v j&jpmi.a.a.
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market -
Deposits la This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $J,
000,000.00 It is back of ns and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER, President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN. Cashier
Adam Mrisinger spent Thursday in
Omaha !at week.
Mi-s Mable Meisinger came in from
Umaha last Thursday.
Clyde Lyle and family Sundayed at
William Schneider's home.
Henry Owens was an Omaha visitor
on last Friday for a short time.
Remember the dance at Sayles" hall
on Saturday night, '''ebuuary U-lth.
Miss Grace Duff went to Louisville
Friday evening for a shoit visit with
G. P. Meisinger attended to business
affairs in Plattsmouth Wednesday of
last week.
John Thicrolf went to La Platte on
Friday to join his wife in a short visit
at that place.
Ed Meisinger went to the city on
Wednesday to look after some busi
ness matters.
George Lohnes was among the Om
aha visitors from this locality on
Thursday last.
Mrs. Whitaker went to A.-hland
Thursday evening to vi.-it for a few
days with home folks.
John Gauer, C. A. Gauer and G. P.
Mrisinger motored to Omaha on a
business trip Monday.
Peter Ore drove to Plattsmouth
Friday evening to attend the Howe
picture show at that place.
Carl Schneider of Plattsmouth came
(Hit Friday evening to visit over Sun
day with relatives and friends.
Mrs. William Ivdmes departed on
Thursday for Omaha, where she vis
ited for a few hours in that city.
William Keii and family were in
Plattsmouth Friday, attending the per
formance at the Parmele theater.
Will Core of Louisville came down
Thursday to enjoy a few days' visit
at the William Keil home in this lo
cality. Several of the young folks from
this vicinity attended the masquerade
ball at Louisville on Wednesday night
of last week.
Miss Gertrude Meisinger departed
for Sarpy county last week to enjoy
a few days' visit with her sister, Mrs.
William Meisinger at her home in that
Mrs. John Thicrolf departed Wed
nesday for La Platte, where she will
spend a few days at the home of her
Load of A
We have taken up the sale of
in connection with the
m Ego Mi! GrVe' P,a"smouth and Rook
Bluffs Precinct, and arc in position to offer
and Sao on IT 9635-00' 5940.00
and 31,180.00, f. o. b. Detroit. Have juot
un.oaded a carload of the Maxwells andean
make immediate deliveries of Tourine or
Roadster bodies with 30 h. motors and the
new ignition system, which is a great im
provement. Let us demonstrate our cars te
Cechr Creek
rw mm mm mm
naients. Mr. and Mis. Charles Dasher
and family.
Farm Loans, Insurance and Real
Estate. See J. F. Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Gregory and
daughter, Fay, and son, Car!, were in
Cedar Creek Tuesday for a few nours,
driving up from their home near
W eping Water. '
The First Security bank wishes to
announce to its customers that they
have a supply of the new money just
issued. Customers can receive same
by calling at the bank.
William Lohnes and wife and son,
Raymond, were in Omaha on Thursday
to consult a specialist in regard to
the health of Raymond, which has
been poorly of iate.
S. J. Reames is wiring the residence
of F. A. Parktning, and also the barn
at th;.t place. Mr. Parkening will in
stall a new Delco light plant in his
house and barn and will have the
house fixed up in strictly modern
The home of Mr. rnd Mrs. Glenn
Rh;.c.tii was the scene of a very pleas
ant gathering last veek. n the oc
.a ion of the thirty-first birthday of
Mr. Phoden. TIkm t were ion.o fifty
or ixty guests present to e'.joy the
fino time afforded them.
For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and
Nuts, see S. J. Reames.
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al
most drives you mad. For quick relief,
Dean's Ointment is well recommended.
r0c at all stores.
Cobs for sale. -!.oo per load. Call
Phone No. 3111. 2-lJ-3twkIy
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
W. i. Y0U!S
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse All Calls!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rates Reasonable
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Route No. 1