The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 19, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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( . . .
Changes Made in Form of Dry Hill
Reported in House.
Lincoln. Neb., Fib. Changes
rr.;:ie- in the form of the dry bill, r
;"rted to the huu.-e at this mornings
st-tion. are described in this fashion
by the committee which has been ccn- :
Section 1. entitled 'Definitions is
it. Mired to add the word 'fermented'
to the description of liquors. The
v. .rd 'other' is added in describing
iruor containing one-half of one per
n .t alcohol.
"In section J, the words 'corpor
;.i:un, club or association' are strickett
i at. making the section read 'It shall
L- for any person to manu-:';;vt-!V,
' In the last paragraph of this sec
tion which wouid allow the person
raising Krapesj apples or other fruits
t. manufacture wine or cider, the
w.rd : n-int.'xicatine are added to
i:..-!ude the beverage manufactured.
In Section 11. covering: the limita-ti-.ns
of liquors for personal use, the
la-t Tiarrajrraph 1.- changed to read as
foiiovvs: 'The possession of the li
tiJi.ii. mentioned in this section, in
tveess of the quantities above named
rv-pectivt-iy. at one time or posses
tifn of more than one kind of the
three kind cf liquors, as hereinbe
fore classified, whether the same was
received before or after the taking;
erfect of this act, shall be prima facie
evidence that such liquor is hein
kept for the purpose of beintr sold,
bartered, exchanged, riven away,
furnished or thervise disposed of in
Vt-.-iati'.n of this act.
'"In Section 12. covering the trans
P .nation of liquor by carriers the
paragraph regarding: the keeping of
a:':davits by the county clerk Ls
changed to stiite that the clerk shall
keep the same "for a period of three
In Section 1"., covering: wholesale
druggists, the last paragraph which
would require the wholesale druq-pist
t. make monthly reports to the jrov is stricken out.
in Section IT, covering- retail drug--
rist.-. the last paraprrapn wnicn reau
as foil, ays: 'The possession of such
a tax certificate or of any United
Stutf- Internal Revenue by
ar.y reg"i.-tered pharmacist as herein
('.escribed, shall be prima facie evi
dence that such registered pharma-ci-7
has violated the provisions of
this act." is stricken out.
"In Section 2-1, defining: the sale of
wir:e. for sacramental use, the following-
paragraph is added:
'Ar.y church grinds house having
a s'ock of jroods of the amount and
value of SJo.imm may manufacture
and sell wine for sacramental pur
pose: upon taking- out the permit and
complying with the requirments of
this act in the case of wholesale drug
"In Section 22, covering: the abate
ment of nuisances and the closing: of
huiidinjr used in violation of the act,
the word 'any' is inserted to provide
that the building: shall be closed and
r.i.t used for any purpose for a period
cf one year.
In Section -11, covering: the search
for and seizure of liquor, a new para
graph is added for the purpose of
c .verintr the transportation of liquors
by automobile. This paragraph reads
as ft -Hows:
'"Any car. automobile, vehicle or
means of transportation which shall
be engrared in or used for unlawful
transportation of intoxicating: li
qjors is declared to be a common
nuisance and may be abated as in
"'in is act provided. Any peace officer
having- probable cause to believe that
such vehicle is bein; used for the un
lay wul transportation of intoxicating;
liquors shall make search thereof with
or without a warrant and in every
cose where search is made without a
warrant the officer shall take the
vehicle and the persons in charge
thereof into custoday and forthwith
shall file complaint and a warrant
shall issue and the case thereafter
shjill proceed in all respects as is pro
vided in this and the preceding: sec
tion." In section 43, covering: prima facie
evidence is changed to read as fol
lows :
"The possession of a receipt or
stamp, showing: the payment of the
special tax levied by the United States
upon the manufacture and sale of in
toxicating: liquor, by any person not
authorized under this act to manufac
ture or sell intoxicating; liquor or a
certificate from the collector of in
ternal revenue or any of his agents,
clerks, or deputies, showing; the pay
ment of such internal revenue tax, by
any juch ptrson aforesaid shall be
prima facie vidence of the unlawful
sale, barter, exchange, giving away,
furnishing; or other disposition of in
toxicating: liquor,, of. a violation of;
this act by such person."
In section 4!), covering; the duties of
the governor the provision is added j
that the person or persons appointed ,
as snecial oilicers by the governor i
shall be vested with all the powers
possessed by prosecuting; .officers.
In section ."'I, covering1 the liability
of counties, cities and villages for
damages, the word 'actually" is ;
stricken out, making the paragraph
read, "for all damages (actually)
At the end of section Tut, covering
city ordinances, the following new
paragraph is added:
"Magistrates in police courts are
hereby vested with the jurisdiction to
try without a jury all violations of
this act and of all ordinances wherein
the penalty does not exceed a fine of
?10) or imprisonment for a period of
three months and upon conviction
such magistrates and police judges
i hall impose final sentence."
Another section is added, appro
priating 0,000 for the coming be
enniuni, for the use of the governor
in enforcing the law. This makes a
total of sixty sections.
Other minor changes are made by
the committee for the correction of
typographical errors.
The prohibition bill has been made
a special order for general house dis
cussion next Tuesday morning at 10
Mrs. E. T. Gearhart left
for Illinois, being called
the serious illness of his
Yesterday afternoon the members
of the Bohemian National Alliance en
joyed very much the home talent
play, "The Dumb Wife" which the
members of the dramatic club of that
organization have been working on
for some time. The play which was
of the light comedy order was present
ed in Bohemian and the members of
the company comprising the cast ac
quitted themselves in fine shape and
received much applause from the de
lighted audience. The attendance at
the T. J. Sokal hall where the play
was given was quite large and those
who were present felt amply repaid
for their efforts in the good time af
forded bv the dramatic club. The
play occupied the entire afternoon
and in the evening a social dance was
enjoyed for several hours by the
younger people of the city. 1 he
music was furnished by the Holly
orchestra for the dance as well as for
the play.
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Shelhorn February
Miss Orma Koop and Rudolph Berg
mann were Omaha visitors Sunday.
A bouncing baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roeber
February 9.
Arthur Masters returned Wednesday
from a short visit with E. D. Mayfield
and family at O'Neil.
William Wendt and Frederick Stohl
man were among the pasengers to
Omaha Tuesday morning.
Charles Urwin was taken to the
Methodist hospital at Omaha for treat
ment Thursday. He is in a critical
Dock Stork paid a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geke
meier February 10, and presented
them with a fine baby boy.
Mrs. Peter Vogler of Manley, who
has been suffering from the grip since
about the first of the year, is reported
much improved.
Miss Celia Group has resigned her
position in the dry goods department
of F. II. Nichols' general store and
has gone to Peru, where she will re
sume her musical studies in vocal cul
ture and piano.
Mrs. J. V. Grover of Gordon, Neb.,
one of the pioneer residents of Louis
ville, writes to her daughter, Mrs. C.
E. Noyes, from Oakland, Cal., where
she is spending the winter, that she
is enjoying her visit very much and is
in excellent health. She is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. William Case. Mr.
Case is an attorney and Mrs. Case was
formerly Miss Clara Glover'.
A big wolf hunt is being planned
for Thursday, February 22d, in the
locality just south of this city, and a
general raid is planned for that day
on the numerous wolves which habitate
that region. The hunt will commence
at the home of James Marasek and
proceed thence south along the Rock
RlnfTs' rnnd to iha farm nf Ai-Vitir
Sullivan, and then east to the Gouch
' enour island, and from here the hunt
. will proceed north to the ferry.
Mr. and
last week
there bv
Henry Meyers shipped forty-one
head of fat cattle to the Omaha mar
ket Monday. The cattle averaged over
1,200 pounds and sold for $10.25.
Mrs. W. D. Ambler left Monday aft
ernoon for Lyndon, 111., her old home,
to attend the funeral of her brother's
wife, Mrs. Frank Fitch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Jones of
Springfield, Mo., were visiting last
week at the home of Mr. Jones sister,
Mrs. Turner Zink, and Mrs. Anna
P. F. Rosselle came in Tuesday
evening from Montana, where he had
been working at the plumbing trade.
Mrs. Rosselle and Maggie went to
Omaha Monday to meet him.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDaniel and
family left this week for Kansas,
where they will reside. Mr. McDaniel
has been employed at the McGrady
blacksmith shop for some time.
Mr. A. A. Lasch of Lincoln was
looking after business matters at the
farm the first of the week. He is hav
ing the orchard pruned and is cutting
out a lot of the old Ben Davis trees.
Mrs. J. M. Leyda of Plattsmouth
returned home Tuesday after several
days.' visit with her mother, Mrs. Em
ma Deffinbaugh, who was real sick for
several days, but has improved.
Fred C. Cooper of Avoca and Miss
Myrtle V. Fook of Lincoln were united
in marriage in that city last week. We
understand they will soon go to house
keeping in the residence lately va
cated by Thomas Burns.
The" C. E. Butler bungalow on El
dora avenue is being brought to com
pletion as fast as the weather will
permit and is now practically enclosed
and work has begun on placing the
plaster board on the interior walls.
Rley Rector is starting a new busi
ness for Weeping Water. It is a la
morers employment bureau. Farmers
and others wanting laborers may se
cure them by phoning their wants to
phone 1 So, or at the Second Hand
The hosts of friends will be gireved
to learn of the death of Edward Mohr.
which occurred Tuesday morning fol
lowing a short but very set ious illness
of only a few days. Owing to lack of
time full details of this sad affair are
postponed until next week's paper.
A deal was completed Monday in
which Dan Moore of Lincoln is now
owner of the S. W. Orton & Co. drug
store and possession was taken the
following day, Tuesday. Thus there
disappears from the list of our busi
ness firms the name of Orton, which
has been among those names and one
well known throughout this section
for the past thirty-six years.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
Francke, southwest of Eagle, Wednes
day, February 14, a daughter.
Venner and Anderson have installed
a new Detroit automatic scale in their
hardware store. t
Bob Hohman of Greenwood is spend
ing a few days with his brother, J. T.
Hohman, and other relatives.
John Hartsock shipped a carload of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Tuesday. He accompanied the ship
ment. The condition cf Grandma Mick is
reported to be quite serious at this
writingand she is gradually growing
weakei each day.
Mrs. Harley Smith and daughter,
Helen, returned home Wednesday from
a visit with relatives and friends at
Manley and Louisville.
The contract for the new elevator
which is to be built by the Farmers'
Elevator company is to be let this
week and the work on the same will be
started about March first.
Rev. L. J. Dornseif left Monday for
Decatur, Ind., having received word
that his mother, who resides at that
place, had received a stroke of apo
plexy and was not expected to live.
Roland Brunell returned home
Wednesday afternoon from a visit of
a month with his parents at Allegh
any, N. Y. He reports a very pleasant
trip and that they are having some
real cold weather there.
An eight and a half-pound son ar
rived at the Joy Peterson home Wed
nesday, February 14. The mother and
little one are reported to be getting
along nicely, while Jay is well pleased
with the valentine presented to them
by the stork.
Buy your stationery at the Journal
office, where the line is the best and
largest in Cass county.
Mrs. E. E. and F. C. Barton and
children spent Saturday and Sunday
with George Barton and family.
Miss Leona Stillwell, who has been
on the sick list the past week, is very
much improved at this writing.
Al O. Hathaway, who has been
spending the winter at Dorchester, has
been visiting relatives and friends in
and near this village the past week.
Alvin McReynolds of Nehawka was
in town a short time Monday morning.
He came down to the Bell city to take
home come cattle he purchased at the
Hall sale.
The members of the new band have
been engaged in individual practice
the past two weeks, and in a short
time they will begin regular practice
J. E. Elliott of South Sioux City,
Neb., was in Union Monday transact
ing business. Mr. Elliott is a real es
tate dealer and evidently the land in
this vicinity looks very good to him.
C. W. Clark, proprietor of the Clark
hotel, was operated on at the Loru
Lister hospital in Omaha Monday of
this week for appendicitis and gall
bladder. So far Mr. Clark is improv
ing as well as could be expected, but
his condition cannot be fully deter
mined at this time.
J. R. Applegate, "the old reliable,"
i commencing to organize his show
troupe for the coming season. He ex
pects them to begin assembling the
last of the week. He will open up for
the season in a short time and play
most of the surrounding towns. Watch
this paper for further announcements.
Raymond Rose and Ben Frans, ac
companied by their wives, arrived
from Coleridge last Friday and, have
since been visiting their friends and
relatives in this village and vicinity.
The two gentlemen were residents of
this town in their boyhood days, and
they find many friends here who are
pleased to meet them again.
J. F. Hoover shipped a car load of
hogs to the Nebraska Citv market on
Rinhart I'anska shipped a mixed car
load ot nogs and cattle to Omaha on
Jacob Schlanker, who was seriously
sick with pneumonia last week, is
slowly improving and is now able to
set up a little.
Chas. Britteil of Lincoln, who has
been visiting for the past four weeks
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Britteil, left Tuesday for California.
Harmond Beck and wife of Nehawka
came up and spent several days visit
ing at the Clyde Corbet home and with
the latter's mother, Grandma Corbet,
who has been very sick.
L. A. Tyson was out to see his
brother, . D. L. Tyson, Sunday, and
found their son, Freddie, very low
from bleeding at the nose. He is sub
ject to these spells, although was some
better at last reports.
From Thursday's State Journal we
notice that marriage license was is
sued to James M. Quinn and Alta E
Harley, both of near Elmwood. These
two young people are well known to
all in this community.
Mr. Marnhart and three sons and
two daughters moved Monday to the
farm they recently purchased of H. L.
Sullivan, formerly called the White
place. They came here from Panama,
la., shipping two carloads, driving
their auto overland. They also drove
six horses overland. We welcome
them to our community and our town.
Little George Bogengrif was quite
badly injured on Wednesday after
noon on his father's farm. It seems
that he was up on an engine and
jumped to the ground and fell and
struck his head on some sharp object,
cutting a gash several inches long to
the skull bone. He was brought to the
doctor's office. It was a painful wound
but he is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Herman Thomas is reported
among the eick this week.
R. Kettlehut and Wm. Troop shipped
a car of cattle to Omaha Monday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Knabe,
Wednesday, an 11-pound baby girl.
Preparations are being made to
start up the Sniderville and Nehawka
rock quarries March first.
Herbert Opp left for York, Neb.,
morning, called there on
a surgical operation per-
Lloyd, his brother-
account of
formed on Walter
Mrs. Otto Carroll, who had been
here for several days, returned today
to Rawlins, V yo. She was accom
panied by her daughters, Thelma and
William Trotter loaded his car at
this station Wednesday and the fam
ily left today for their new home near
Douglas, Neb. Thereby this commu
nity has lost a fine family.
Mrs. II. S. Barthold, who has been
visiting her niece, Mrs. Chas Chris
wisser and family and attending the
meetings at the M. E. church, left for
her home in Plattsmouth Wednesday
The work of repairing the damage
done to the Auditorium by reason of
the recent explosion of the pressure
tank has been practically completed,
and when the tank is again placed
everything will be in its usual running
Little Frankie Pollard had the
misfortune of falling on the ice Tues
day forenoon at the school house, caus
ing the dislocation of the left arm and
a broken collar bone. Dr. Thomas at
tended to his injuries and the little
fellow is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Margaret Heebner, mother of
J. G. Wunderlich, who has been mak
ing her home with John Heebner, near
Weeping Water, died at 1 o'clock Wed
nesday morning. The funeral will be
at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon and
interment will be in St. John's ceme
terv, northwest of Nehawka.
Ptrument be admitted to yrobnte, r ri . 1
the administration of aid 4-state l.f
granted to Mary :. McPrido as
It is l.rrrby ordered Ihnl you. jtnd nil
if rsi.nK interested in said ruuilf-r. m.iv.
ii rn.l lo. appear iit U.e reunify t'tniri i.
lie lielil irr nnl for said countv. tin t:o
lL'lh day of Mar.h, A. I. 1 !1 7. :i t t n
' dork A. At., to shov.' caus-. if :iti
tln-rt' ho, whi- the prayer of the '
tiiiorttr should not granted, ar,d
that not iff of the p,-iidiitv of said ("'
tition arid that the ht-aritiir there. l.e
Kiveri to all pr-rsons iMereted in said
matter hy puhlishiri ;i opy of thi
order in the Ma it srnon t h .lornnal. a
semi-weekly n'.w s pa per printed in said
county for three suceessive wee Us
prior to said day of l.enrinfr.
Witness my hand and seal of said
eonrt. this: 17th vlav of I-Vhrua r v. A. I .
1 HIT.
First Publication
iNV.liee for service- l,v pnt.l frT r ;ori
thi: i)i"Ti(KT roniT or
mi vi . m:ihi K.
Anion Sol. or, t. plaintiff,
II. A. r.l.ersole, and lii, Wife,
l-.n. r.-ole, unknown owner and eluire
ani. tirst and leal name n nl.nov, i.
dainiinjr an inlere-M m Jot t', i t,t.o
n red forty three ('i::i. in in.' vili.iv
i.f I ,oi i ! i le, ass 4 'otmt.v . ehras.
and the Tin Unov. ii as-i ne,...,
heirs at law and next of k n ami
,jj.seev, pelv.,',.,1 t , e se r I I a t i -
and other p.-rsoiis interested :n te
est;.!e of I:. A. Kheisole. and
I :t-ersole, if deieaseu, or a!i t!,-r
pei. sons interested in any manntr in
said real estate J i -i n l.ei '. ,t -. .!.
s I i I.e.! ;
1 endan f s.
roi'XTv or - i:ituK.
William 11. Kait.ey, Plaintiff,
Samuel llahn, 't al. 1 lefenda v, t s.
Notiee of Suit to Quiet Title.
To the defendants' Samuel llahn: ! r"
Parmie 1 llahn. tirst real name v.u
known: the unknown heirs, divisees
lesra te-s personal representatives an.
fill other persons interest in the esta!
of Samuel llahn. dere.-ised : the
J. F. Cook and wife of Beaver City,
Xeb., arrived Friday evening to enjoy
a short visit in this county with their
old friends and relatives. It has been
seven years since Mr. and Mrs. Cook
visited this locality, and they are en
joying very much the opportunity of
meeting their old friends and in noting
the changes that this period of time
has brought to the once familiar
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Local delivery, A. O.
Plattsmouth. Phone 3513.
Dr. Bleick, 532 World-Herald build
ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases, will be at
Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at B. A.
McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses
scientifically fitted.
"4l IIT
of Sarah
tate of N'ehraska
'ass County, ss.
the Matter of the Kstatt
K. 1 eeeased.
4 m readintr and filinc: the petition of
Arthur M. Young praying that Ad
ministration of said Kstate may he
irr.inted to I.loyd tJapen as Administra
tor. Ordered, That March 12, A. T. 1917,
at !. o' lot k A. M., is assigned lor
hearinir said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to he held in
anil for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not le granted: and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof he given to all
persons interested in said mutter hy
publishing a copy of this order in The
IMatismouth Journal, n semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County for
ihree successive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
Hated Fehruarv 17. 1 1 1 T
County Judge.
( PR A I.)
First Publication 2-19 1917.
State of Nebraska.
County 4f Cass ss.
To all persons interested in the estate
of Kmma Alta Johnson, deceased:
On the reading of the petition of
Charles S. Johnson praying that the
instrument filetl in this court on the
10th day of Fehruarv, 1517, and pur
porting to be the last will and testa
ment of the said deceased, may be
.n-oved and allowed, and recorded as
the last will and testament of Kmma
Alta Johnson, deceased; that said in-
i .!'
i arid
e.l thai
1 is t rift
iska. !!
A iii on
petit i
tl ;
il.o; a
a re
- ng
e- r
i i m i
a lei
oi ,.
tin v
a i.d
U ill
i of
H hi .
: 1 t;
ktiOWtl heirs, divisees. legatees, person
al representative? a rul all other pri
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Samuel llahn. t'.rsf real natae un
known. il..i-...isol: William to.iiison:
Mrs. William 4Jarris4in, first real natoe
unknown: the unknown heirs, divisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in t he
estate of William tlarrisnn, de-ceased:
the unknown heirs, divisees, legatee-,
personal representatives and al! other
persons interested in the estate of .Mis.
William (larrison, first rea name un
known, deceased ; Hi rani i '. Kenn- i:
Mrs. Mi rani P. Hennet, hr't rea! t.ani--unknown:
the unknown heirs, .livisees.
legatees, personal represt-n tat i e and
all other persons interested in tie es
tate of Hiram P. P.enn. t, .h-ceased; tie-
known heirs, devisees, legatee, per
sonal representatives and all ot her
persons interested in the estate of Mrs
Hiram P. Bernet. first real name un
known, deceased: C.eorgc W. 'oiv:n.
Trustee; Jairus R. N'eal: 'a t .ic
N'eal: the unknown successors anil as
signs of fo-orge W. 4'olvin. trustee, de
ceased: the unknown heirs. devisees,
leuatees personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of .lairus R. N'eal, deceased: tl;"
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives arid all other
persons interested in the estate of
Catherine N'eal. deceased: Micheal Ma
honey; Mrs. Micheal Mahoney. tirst real
name unknown: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Micheal Mahoney, de
ceased: the unknown heirs. devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
al! ottu-r persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. Micheal Mahone first
real name unknown, deceased: the un
known owners and t lie unknown claim
ants of government lots three i::.
four A) and five (.".); also the south
east charter (SR 1-4 i of the southwest
ouarter iSW 1-4 i and the south half
IS l-i of the southeast quarter iSR
1 - 4 J all in section thirt y-th re- :::;i,
township thirteen Mill, north range
thirteen l:;. east of the ,th P M. in
the County of Cass. Nebraska.
yon and each of you are herehy
notified that on the Oth day 4.f Janu
ary A. I. 1IU7. plaintitT filed a suit in
the IHstriet Court of the 4ounty of
Cass, Nebraska, to ouiet plaintiffs title
to the above described lands, tit-wit:
Covernment lots three i". four (ii and
five r, i ; also the southeast quarter
tSR 1-1 t of the southwest ouarter
4SY !-l and the south half IS 1 - L' t
of the southeast iuarter SR 1-lt all in
section thrity-three (""i. township
thirteen (P. I. north ranee u.ilKeii
4i:ti. east of the nth P. M. in the
County of Cass. Nebraska, because of
his adverse possessions by himself ami
his grantors for more than tt-n veals
prior- hi the commencement of said uit
and ttt enjoin each and all of you from
having tr claiming any right, title,
lien or interest, either letal or eciuil
abl. in or to said lands, or any part
theretif; to require you to set forth
your right, title, claim, lien and inter
est therein, if anv, either legal or
equitable, and to have the same adiudg-t-d
inferior to the title of plaintiff and
for general equitable relief.
Tliis notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday. April :'iitl. A. P. 1H17. or your
default will be duiv entered therein.
W. A. nop.RUTSOX. Attorney.
First Publication -19 PUT.
and . at ii a n
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Nitit-N" on s
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I other corn i ete wo:
as wings arid a I u t m '-n s It.r t
lal". as provided by law.
Plans and specitica l ions ri"W
ill the 4i.. ee of the County
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Separate bids mav be tiled f
c lass of bridge ot k and for
arch and box culvert woi k.
All bids to heop.-ned at 1 '
M.. of Tuesday. March -K P'lT
The lloard of County t'omn.i
reserve the right to build .ii;
and concrete nil vi is costing
or less.
The P.. .aid of 4'ountv 4 otlltl. ist ion
reserve the ri".ht to reject any or a
bids, ami in letting th eon. rait i
serve the right to let same m vh-l
or in part.
A c i t .lied check f .
couipativ each bid.
lot k A.
$.'.!!' 'Ml
ini must
First Publication 2-P
Count '.
4'h I k
I.R(iI. otic i:
that e
I i ii i
tl.e f
In the matter fif change of name of
George 4nde.
On this 17th day of February, P.'17.
this cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George 4tmle alleging
that he has been a resilient of 4'ass
County. Nebraska for more than one
year prior to filing said petition and
that lie desires to change his name
from George Onde to 4eorge 4 1. Corley;
that he has resided with J. I. Corley
in said county ever since he was s
year of age and that his parents are
deceased and that he is called and com
monly known as George Corley.
It is therefore ordered thst a hearing
be had upon aid petition on the L'4th
4lay of March 1917, at 10 A. M.. at
Court House in City of Plattsmouth.
Nebr., and that notice of said hearing
be given to all persons interested by
the publication of this order for a pel -iod
of thirty days prior to said hear
ing in the Plattsmouth Smi-Weekly
Journal. a newspaper published and'of
general circulation in said county
and state and that all objections to
said petition be tiled on or before said
Judge of the Pistrict Court of Cass
..Countv Nebraska.
4'. R. Tefft. Attorney.
First Publication '-Pt 1917.
: id
Not ice to non -resideii t defonda tit s :
To Lund Land Company a t'orpor
ation. tisear Lund. Frank H. Warpf!
and H. 4". fir-t and real nam
unknown, b f en da v. t s :
You will take noti -e
day of I'e.enib'-r iimi;.
doing busite-s-
a:nl style of Lit.a.' ati 1
; ; a : ill i:; hei- in. Ii i 1
tie I ustriot Cent ..
Nebn ska. a fa int
I.-.trid L.irvl " i.-pr-v
4ts'-ar L'ir.'l, frail il
i". Aamolli. tirst and
known. The ( a ! . I
nrr- t ' .n T t ! . e sa i 1
pia i n 1 1 !t . l ei o Ve'-'-r f i .
fendants and 4-aoh oj
of $1.J-1." dot- and pa able
plaintiff from said -1 'enda !: i as
mission ear in d and .--! h -.- lei.
said defendants under ii,- i-rm-
written contract u r. -by sai
fendants and each of tlem l-'-.a
d. hted to the .-aid i'ani'-l L.ttal
... ,
1 1 n- i .
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tie si
I ill t I
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Li fa1 an
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C -m pa T;
tile! tl
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.ot a 1 1 1,,
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ic!, an.
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.1. -
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said ario'itit. a
on the lVth .".
pursuant to an
sued by pi oper
iiistrict Court
hra.-ka, the
to ve
Of 1 0( .
dor of a 1 1
iUthorit v
f Cass (
r-rift of
i ;
1" P.,
. t ! - -
Nebraska made a
real estate, the pr
fendants. within s..
! In
lib. I
I 1 1 1 -1
It '!
.'lilt ,
sa id s
lew up..'
ipertv '
N -
t 'oun t y,
cet ta in
said h
to-wit :
Lot one 41). two 4'Jt. three
four Mi, live i.. i. -even (Ti. and i
iM, find ii strip etuht rods v id.
the West side of lot i . also km
as lot eieyen (lit. and - s i w
ouarter of sect jot; nve i .". i also.
southeast quarter of ti:
qua iter of sect o m ; ix ' '
that t.ortion of the portl
.f the tiorthesat qtiarler j
and ea.-t of I'l.a auo. :ut iinut
t ju ill' v Pailroiol - I T ..t va;.
tion six I'll .'ill 'ti 'i'ownsbip t
tl.'t. Lanue t. il". e.i-t ! th.
t .
:l t
: i
ipal Meridian. 4'a--
.t h pri:
Saul defendants ami :
will take notice tlat they
of them are reqiuretf t
answer the jietition of F
herein en or b.-fore the :
April, P'lT. otherwise jud.
l.e taken atrainst them
them JintI the't
tached will he sold to sa
;;a t te
1 1 I I I
-. ' e e .
.-. I '
cinl v
f t':
d e;o
I et'el II
at and
l.'airo Mf
It Will
a t -
ilsmt'iil as may be rend.-u-d b
Pv Arthur 4'. I'anco.i-t
Hi- Atto'i..
February ."-4 weeks.
1917 Calendar Tads at
the Journal
i mil
Qem Theatre, Wednesday, Feb. 21
The Film Sensation of the Year
g j ot wry mm Youm
in OA(U)nlTlllc2
h x " - i'r". "" . y ."..iL--!!T'w'
A daring, frank photo-play handled with a rare delicacy, picturing truths as
they should be seen and known.
It is a warning for preparedness against our worst enemy in its most subtile
form. It will appeal to all classes because it is taken from real life. The reali
ties of life are dealt with frankly, plainly. Nothing is glossed over- the naked
truth is revealed. Something new don't miss it.
Positively No Children Under 16 Admitted!
ADMISSION 25c. Bring Your Grown-Up Daughters!
" " 1T iT IL