THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1917. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People Sentinels of the Home! There is a deal of talk on preparedness. ARE YCU FHEPAF.ED ? This world is full of vicissitudes. You may be i:i tLe best of health today, with fine prospects in business. There may cc:ne a sice of illnecs. There may come a los of position. Be prepared. art a ba:;k account. Oven Your Account With Us Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK .i:t!e (iaiu-i-.tev -f Mr. and Mrs. : been nund'cred with the The little child (melius Beniren of Mr. and Mrs. has been on the Mek list f. or the past few davs. Wm. Sparer made a business trip tc riattsiv.eiuth last Tuesday, where he r.t a few hour with county seat friends. A If. Gunsmer has been putting up j. is ice this week. He was one of the la.-t to complete th.e task but he is se curing some of the finest quality. Mis. Frank Campbell has been pretty i:ck for the past few days, suf f. . rin with a severe attack of neuri tis Mi.- (Icrtrude Lmur was visitinp v.-i.I. her sister, Mrs. liobi. Shrader, in South Omaha for a few days the past week. Arthur Younjr came in from the west last Wednesday, being called In rut owinc to the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. F. M. Young, sr. Hill, who is in the St. Joe hospital in Omaha recovering: from an operation for appendicitis, is petting along very nicely at this time, and every indicaticr. points to his speedy return hoi in former good health. Mrs. I. A. Young, who was called 1 Moorehead. iowa. last week owing to the serious illness of her neice, is expected home this week. The neice has recovered sufficiently to be con sidered out of danger at the present time. I rank Yaliery and Earl Earger drove up to Cedar Creek Monday of this week, where Frank purchased some cattle a few days ago. and has l-ee:: endeavoring to secure cars to -hip them to the market. He has, 1:; to i.I) present time been unable v- -ru!e cars to ship them, which is n.dtd - very annoying condition of at! ;-.!! to the farmer. oin the Regulars S That's the people who regularly use the best 30c Fcaberry Coffee, carried at this store. Special 5 lb. Towel Bag OF THIS CELEBRATED COFFEE 24c LB. Ideal Brand Coffee, 3 lbs for $1.00 Seal Brand, "Highest Grade" per lb. .40 "Golden," the Best 25c Coffee Q Brand, a Blended Coffee, per lb 30 Our Brand Blended Coffee, per lb 35 h ill an Exclusive Agents Gooch's Best Flour- a Pancake Turner With Every Sack MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Mrs. Sam Latta ha: ed with the sick for been nunibcr the - past few uays. Mrs. A. Schafer has been suffering from an attack of the grippe for the past few days. Vm. Rice was looking after some business matters in I'lattsmouth Wednesday of this week. Our worthy blacksmith, Charley Good has sure been busy for the past few days, driving horseshoe nails. The icy highways call for new shoes for the horse. Elmer Boedeker went to I'latts mouth on Thursday of last week to make preparations for his public sale to le held at his home on Wednesday, February lyth. You will find the property listed in another column in this issue of the Journal. Mrs. W. S. Smith and Miss Margie Walker went to Omaha Tuesday evening where they attended the Mc Cormiek Grand Opera at the Audi torium. Mrs. Smith returned home that evening, while Miss Walker re mained for a few days visit with friends in the city. The wolf hunt scheduled for this territory last Monday was a very '"-jplim affair owing to the ice and snow that came with the rain Sunday. The west line failed to show up and the cast line was rather slim, making the success of the hunt a complete failure, although some of the boys started a war on the poor cottontail, which lasted for a few hours. Louie Puis has been among the genuine busy men of this locality for the past few days, looking after all the work around the garage, during the absence of his assistant. Mr. Moore has gone down to Mi-sou ri to make preparations for the moving of his family to Murray. They will ar rive in Murray within a few days and make their future home here. Tun, & Creamer shipped a car of hogs to the South Omaha market Wednesday of this week. Mrs. L. Rusterholtz, Mrs. Wm. Pat terson and Wm. Brown were I'latts mouth visitors last Friday. John Mutz, of Colorado, has been in Murray for the past few days vis iting with his sister, Mrs. Robt. McClanahan, a former Mur ray resident, was visiting old friends in and around town for the past lew lays. It has been reported in ai'd around Murray that M. G. Churchill u ill soon return to Murray and establish a barber shop here. Albert Young returned home from a week? visit in Brunswick and Fiainview and other towns in that locality this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Minniear, who have been visiting with friends and relatives in the northern part of j the state, near Laurel, returned home ! last Monday evening. J Chas. McReyno'.ds, the famous wolf trapper of these parts, caught an-j other ret this week, making a total j of some eight or nine wolves that he , has captured this winter, true Charley is sure some he has a 1 -t of wolves place. If this is trapper or around his Cm!. P.tX auctioneer'-, ha.- Young, the Murray ! sure been busy for the The public sales are pat few days, keeping him on the .iu nip ami m is covering most winter. He i all of Cass county tnis s still fighliiur for the high dollar and always will be while he is i- the game. -Air. and Mrs. Fred I.utz. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows. Mr and Mrs. Alf. Ganse and Mr and Mrs. Puis spent Sunday at the h-me of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis in Murray, where they were treaed to a most excellent din ner at the noon hour. Frank Mra.-.k met with quite a painful accident last Thursday while assisting in th.e ice pack at the home of Dr. Gilmore. A heavy cake of ice fell on his hand and quite painfully smashed the member. While the in jury was not serious he has suffered considerable from the effects of 'the same. Mrs. Bessie Seybolt. as chairman, with the assistance of Mrs. Jas. Brown, Mrs. Jas. Deledernier, Mrs. John Lloyd and Mrs. served refreshments last Saturday evening at the library. There was a good attendance present. On account of other engagements there will be no eats at the l'brary on next Saturday. The village contracting firm of Young & Scotton are getting up-to-date these days, and are preparing to d. th.e work right in their line. They are completing the building of a new power saw in their shop for the purpose Ox saving and fitting lumber for the erection of buildings that may come their way. Here they can cut the lumber to t he proper dimensions much faster and save a great deal of time after the construction work has been under way. The Lyceum Course. The Lyceum Course nrt geite-ally has its anxious moments for the local management, and the present one here is r. exception to the rule. About two o'clock on the date of the first number scheduled here, the man ager at Lincoln telephoned that the j Luce Co. were mo.-t all sick and would. not be aide t fill their engagement hero and that they were, also unable to s-ubstitutc. Earnest efforts were put forth to find some one to make an evening of entertainment, and finally four girls with the help of Mr. Joiner, of Nebraska City, gave a very satisfying pregram. One of the girls was a daughter of Mr. Joiner and possesses excellent musical talent. Miss Bertah Kopile, a teacher in Nebraska City, also a student of the conservatory at the State University. Miss ?-Iargaret Teal and Miss Gladys Johnson, both of whom have pretty voices, made up the first number on the Lyceum course, and was a very nice entertainment. The Ladies Aid Society and the Library Association tried to sec that every one had an opportunity ' buy season tickets. The next number will be l'j;m Har mon, on Friday evening, Feb. 2. Dean Harmon is most highly recom mended and the public is looking for ward to'a rare treat. . Offer ? 100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are injured by J. W. Holmes. Young married tnyi wants work on farm by the year. Good worker. Pre fer separate huue. Inquire at the Journal office. I If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in tbis vicinity, and will mail same to this ofiice. it will ap pear under this heading. We want all newsitems Eiutoh PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der on the Levi Churchill place nine miles south of Plattsmouth and four and a half miles east of Murray, com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, on Friday. February i 1017, the follow ing described property, to-wit: One black horse, 4 years old, weight J ,:jro. One bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1.2U0. One gray mare, smooth mouth, with foal, weight 1,150. One gray mare, 2 years old, weight 1,000. One black horse, 2 years old, weight 1,000. One cow, giving milk, will soon be fresh. Farm Implements. One 12-inch John Deere gang plow. Two 14-inch walking plows. One Bradley riding lister. One John Deere walking lister. Two Jenr.y Lind spring trip culti- vators. One Avery cultivator. One tongueless cultivator. One Deerir.g binder. One three-section harrow. One Rock Island corn elevator, goo ! as new. One grapple hay fork and 150 feet of rope. One hundied and seventy-five feet of rope. One Janesville disc. One McCormiek mower, 5-ft. cut. One McCormiek hay rake, extra heavy. One 31 4 -inch wagon. One C-inch wagon, good as new. Ons new bob sled. One top buggy. One new Case corn planter. One hand corn sheller. Ore :J0-ga!lon kettle with stand. One set of inch and three-quarter harness. One set of inch and one-quarter harness. One set of single harness. Five tons of timothy hay, baled. Two galvanized hog troughs. One self-player Angelos piano, good as new. One wood base burner. One kitchen cabinet. One 12-foot table. Three iron bedsteads, with springs. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale: All sums of S10 and under, cash; all over $10 a credit of six to nine months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing 8 per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for be fore being removed from the prem ises. E. R. QUEEN. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. FOR SALE. Fine six-acre tract, close to city; good house, barn and outbuildings, plenty of fruit; a bargain at $3,o00. Call on Lawrence Bower. THE MIES I -AT MURRAY- The 3rd episode of "Liberty in two reels "Snoring in the Night!" cne reel L-Ko comedy ' J'The Lady of the Sea" one reel Bis U feature PULS S GAiiSEHER Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp ICY SIDEWALKS HAVE CAUSED NUMEROUS FALLS From Wednesday's- Daily. The past few days has been pro ductive of some very close calls from serious accidents on the sidewalks and streets, which have been covered with an icy coating that has made travel for man or beast difficult, and the list of those who had falls as a result would comprise the greater part of the city directory. A numberof the tesidents of the city who were out early Sunday morning shovedel off the snow and sleet before it had hardened by the freeze and this has made a few of the walks as havens between the icy wastes of the other walks. The storm made good use of the surplus supply of cinders, however, as they and ashes were in the greatest of de mand as first aids against the slippery sidewalks. The condition of the streets has become a little better with the autos and wagons cutting the roadway so that it is now possible to get through without having the autos slide and skid around on the smooth and icy streets, and the horses are much better fixed to stand up in pulling their loads oevr the highways. Par ties in autos who- have made the trip from the center of the county state that the roads are in fair condition with occasionally very icy places that makes the driving of a car very dif ficult. SUES DENTIST FOR $10,000. 1'Yi'in Tn"sil;n--s lui!y. Miss Bessie Tolliver, South Six teenth street, Saturday sued Dr. George W. Todd, dentist, for 10,000 damages, alleging that.while treatmg her teeth he cut off a sound tooth and damaged her jaw so that the expres sion of her face has become changed. Omaha News. FILES SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. From Tuesday's Daily. This morning in district court an action was commenced by W. II. Rainey in which he seeks to have title to certain real c.-tate owned by him quieted. Attorney W. A. Robertson appears as -representative of Mr. Rainey in the action. The defendant named is Samuel Hahn et al. U. G. W URL HAS BAD FALL. i'rom Tuesday's Iai!y. This morning when B. G. Wurl, the genial cigar manufacturer, was en gaged in some work around his home on Granite street, he experienced a rather painful fall on the sleet and mow on the sidewalk in the yard. He had just stepped out of the door when he slipped and fell alighting on the right shoulder, bruising it in a very painful manner and making it difficult to use the right arm. He was able to be on the job, however, despite the painful injury. The name Doan's inspires confi dence Doan's Kidney Pills for ills. Doan's Ointment for skin itching. Doan's Kegulets for a mild laxative. Sold at all drug stores. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction at his home, two and one-half miles southwest of Murray, Neb., com mencing at 10 o'clock on Monday, Feb ruary Hth, the following described property: One bay horse, 8 years old, weight 1,000. One black mare, car.- old, weight !,4M. One black mare, (. years old. weight 1,"0(. One black mare, 12 years old, weight 1,(M0. Four head of cattle. Thirty head of hogs. One 8-foot Acme binder. One i-foot Acme mower. One 10-foot Acme hay rake. One Western Belle lister. One McCormiek corn binder. One one-hole corn sheller. One hay rack and wagon. One lumber wagon. One buggy. One set of buggy harness. One churn. Fifteen tons of prairie hay, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch will be served at noon by W. A. Scott. Terms of Sale: All sums of 10 and under, cash in hand; over S10, a credit of six to nine months will be given. nnrfVi;iv.r rivim- bankable liot.e bear- Mi ing 8 per cent interest from date. No ' property to be removed nnril settled I for.' " ELMER BOEDEKER W. B. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. uccess m is the built-up result of a number of detailed improvements over customary methods. This is January of a new year, the natural time for planning ahead; getting your line up for the Spring work. Look over your farm implements and if you are going to need any new ones come in and tell us. Get our prices; let us figure with you; we may be able to save you some money. Give us a trial; we will appreciate it. We are interested in your success, be cause the success of our business depends upon the success of our customers. Now just remember that we handle the one best line for the man who wants the best the John Deere full line of agriculture implements, wagons and vehicles, repre sents more than 75 years of experience in manufacturing QUALITY GOODS, and we consider ourselves fortunate in securing the agency. MURRAY rdvvare mj? HURRAY, UNITED i'KLSBYTF.KIAN CHUKCH Sabbath school. 10 a. m. Sermon, 11a. lr. aid 7:."i' p. m. Because of the heavy coating of ice" on the street? and. walks last Sabbath, Dr. Jackson recalled hi. announcement oi the evening services. Only those compelled to do so ventured our dur ing the day. While several persons fell on the ice, it is not known that any one was seriously injured. MOVING INTO NEW UOM K. Flout '' M'sil;i "s I'i'ily. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tidd are en gaged today in moving info their handsome new home on Oak street, which is now ready for occupancy. The home is one of the coziest in the city and fitted in every way for the comfort of the family. Those who have inspected the house, including one of the leading architects of Lin coln, pronounce it an ideal home in every way. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Sn Use For Over 3C Years ilwrrs hears mw the j nr r f z: ; P - 1 9 itcn s r Special (They Wear Like a Pig's Nose) ig Overalls or Jackets at 1.25 On account of our heavy purchases and early buying we are able to hold our prices on Rubber Goods, the same as a year ago. Our Grocery Stock IS FULL AND COMPLETE AT ALL TIMES Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Drs. EVlach &. SVSach, The Dentists The lareest nd bt equipped dntl offices in 6mha. Speei&liiU ! charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moferte Prlcti. Porcallln fiUtax. jut like tooth. Instruments carefuby manuka mer uing. Send for trie sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. SB F IJ5TULA" Pav When CURED K i-l Kecta Diseas-3 cured without a surgical v v t?v (fcZ" operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other ceu- JkS eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED - to last a LIFETIME. exaui x at ion veek. WRITE FOR EOOi: ON FILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TES-TIilOfrlAL H DR. E. R. TARRY, Cmaha, Nebraska Business Implement Co., NEBRASKA SEC'UKES A RARE HAKGAIN. lY'iu T iiff-il.t y'.-i liaily. Last night Bill Ferguson who re sides on a farm south of the city, dropped into the Plattsmouth Fruit and Grocery store and snent-a; fw minutes in conversation with Ben Hankinson, the proprietor. Now, both Bill and Ben are very eager to pick up. a bargain w here they can, and as they were standing in the store a cat, a pet of the Hankinson family, came into the store room, and Bill at once asked Ben what he would take for the animal, "Fifteen cents," was the re ply of Mr. Hankinson, and in an in stant Bill had the coin out, paid it over and gathered up the cut and started to leavo. All ofTci s to buy the cat back at an advance in price but failed, and Bill states he would not take $1 for the bargain, which is now at the Ferguson home enjoying a fi.-:h diet. WANTED TO BUY. Good alfalfa hay, all cuttings; state quality and amount; also, potatoes. Phone or write, Johnson Bros., Ne biaska City, Neb. .. l-Uf.-lt For Sale 7-room modern house with one-half block for $2.5. Could not be duplicated for $."i,000. Wind ham Loan & Investment Co. l-J.".-tfwkly etroit Nebraska. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA