The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, January iit.
Childress Cry
-f. V-.,-, V- 'vi & fPA pi J-.; V-t
T;:i i-tnd You Have Always
Ail C ur : ia .tr, Irnitaticr.s
- - ' '- -r - v,-.tii arid c-dunr the health if
ci-A CLildrer. Experience against Erccrieiit.
- -- --' - i--rap as sutaiifcte f r CasUr Oil. P.r.-r: : .
- it 7. priSnt. it ccntair s
: C'ri-.-n. M:rph:r:e Lcr other rarcoii; sa'riaare. I:
i ir.- ra; Per mere than thirrv y. -r : it ara
a :"r ::.aa::; -a.-.: :cr tLi rcliof f Coarti; a': -r ;aak:a-,
"" J C Mz r.r.5 L'iarrhova ; ailavlns Fev-,.-;i:iri.a arL.:a
rvlcri-:- the Strmach fr..1 I: :v.'?I. av.3
-- a-:.-:.-.:. :.rx .f i'occ'; rivinsr healthy end n;.:ur:.i ulc. .
' -: 'na.eaTh? Kc:L?r5 Friend,
s n rrs
- . ' ; .,-. a
- - '- - -j.
T;e Kind Ycu Kave
,rf jzitcz'z, traa Sicnia-i'jrc ci
thf; i" r n t a u "J CdMrfc,v k r v
M L i S i S- i t L
:0 IvillL'.
v 3 a liL ii
.Many Chance in Interior of Lorenz ;
Urn.' Store Kurm. aril .Modern.
!n I."erv l'artif::!ar.
of I ir-:
X-.-a. S.-ah - r.M t
re v et. n.-:e i.i.r.v.- i .;.- '
i t v.:!! tr.:a;e the i.-.ii'.'ir-.- o;-v
t) . :-.,. t Mi". !!! ar.,i v rc: ; r ;,:
.,. ,,: t. ,j t.
lei TP.:..?- that - i ev-etir-- a ! ,v.
i .... ...... t.(vi
v. ;:: - . the f;,.;. a: :
!: --.a - v. --;i a. - the I
..,,.) ....
i -i t : ir i v. -tra--te!
.... .
:! ie!"C"a ara
wiuth i :.
' r
iP.s-e nv.-s a
': ! p.- ; ( !;
T" ' , ,....11. .. .
.. a -...i; a .- -c j,,..r
ae ha- the a" ! -hi r.n-1 the ..- ,
!. f . ! . a a in ke.-a-!
ir.v t h. i- 1 . :'.- ; -.-'v t-'.-ir. : r.ti i
t '.;!" in a.- y '.;;. T ii-.y i-.
i'v. ti.e f r. h meat . the M-ri;n'l I
-r . . a. . . i .
aii.i t:." third for butter aral eTirs -'P ! '
other arthie.s of a. !ihe nature. Thi-iv
rno'i' 'p. anitarv ice h : i- ee-.p ed n I
f-i'.irdat ion tiaa i.'ac-..h t
:; and in the -e;lar. a e-.-,ri,
i.aariment the -'.in ive a
o; h,;s ;i
he tisod hv the' h; pt : .
t a-a
a (oh!
1 Make an Automobile Out of Your Ford!
Pard Owners KjEd
Ja.h Miff, vd v.-hi - pro- at I'i'-h-
; v.v ' .. a a i i- i :a 1 y in
a: .-eitomohiie ntet v.-; li a "-uiia r
a 'd d:-ro-:na accident a;--a live
t .' e.. of Ilradfoi d. It seems,
tia i a . ..(ha n of wiad blew oiT
hi hat I in attemrtir.a' to catch it
h ht
the steering w !:.!. I'r-
f.,rt i.r-a.c-!y at th-t moment the
vr'ei- .-t'vah a rut. tile ear turned
turtle a? it id id into the ditih, Lury-i-
a Mulford beneath it., etc.
The n.est, vaiual.le accessrry .vet
luotaaht .-ut for the f'orii car. Re
inoves the strain of drivinca (live-
-'PprIete control of car. over lO.nfct
s hi to date, your car is next, come
t a leal machine fhop artl have one
j'. t on. try it if you don't like it.
v v.i'd ta!;e it or! and refund your
re. nv. Price Sl-".00.
stern iaohine mi Foundry
for F!ctchef?s
Bcucht, ani vLIcli Iris fceen
has been iaaae nacer iiis per-
supervise:! i:acc its miancy.
uu- aj lcl:.c ii: ".a a
aa:d 44 jast-ac-e-ou! " -re Li.t
z?sv t"" r;
Ar.vys Earrht
? !'!-. r will :i-u-c t;u"V of riiwiiVs
t- u.-'
1 1 ' 1 1 1' . i:- .!:') :iin
Tm. :
P ' !" IK--.'.' )-'
Vs a ti:.rt of the souih
f tbv j.artiti-in tlu-
. 'u- i".: : . t it-- we-t i-i-tivi
,.f th- r,,, -m ami rivin - c(!:-ii k raliL-
.(. in t hv ia-;in t":v :--m.
a hrrit ;;: e-.r.ten'.rl: tircr a
! ::Vi:i'-'''-v iir ot! t r.:u: ' in the -it :.'
' tl'-at wi;! ;,;:t t:-.e:r. in the fn.nt
' i:! : v'- f'l'.'.il' Il is
havi?-:; the entire -otith
p'-rti.-i of the vuorn devoU'l to the
r - .oat ao,i jLo (.rtructi.n of
J'--": i! ' 'r! f;:!l the t'.oor to the
' :.: ' wia k..-. till- :-orta'i, of
r'-' " :-i"";tl',-;:; ,-v,'n ""f--
at .!: a! 1 the nvat . be kv j--t perfectly
e a ana sijih'tv !: ol't w ay ar-.i
at the .-ana time v. ht re t!-.ey ean he
vi - . - v. - fi hv t!'-' en-1:, piers. The
'a -'-': naji-trtraeat is a. so equipped
' . ! '1 ' . . . - 11..
v :.a ...i L....-- e. jo. ("..'.,in.i?
;.n! '.'T' a rie.-: that v.-' II le a ,rreat im
' .ven:-n in eve ry way in the :i.
a -.'-''-a- --ou'.
1M7 Calendar I'ads at the Journal
v ?
w a T?rrTtT,cov
East of Riley Ilctel.
Coates' Pd-ck,
S-H:ond Floor
Steering Genr for Ford Cars
'ST- ' ' ---p
tVl : 5 -vf-M e . , -
r rr ' An.p ;t; .-,.
h ,js -J -a r. x "-
Mr. O'Keefe and dautrhter left
tlii ii- Plattsmouth home last vek to
a farther west, on tile lino of the
lh i.-- .M. railroad.
We are very sorry to learn that
Sheriff I Iyer's brhaht little boy i -fh-ad.
.The funeral tooh place at
Vh-epin-i- Water .Montlay.
Miss Alie- Pollock returned from
I)e atur, III., la-t T'nursday, where die
lias been stadyiaa music for some
time, but had to return homo on ac
co.jer ,f y...,i- ht-alth.
Mr. -lohn Ka-e-r .-ailed la.-t Mor- lav
arid orden-d paper s-nt to (iei
iri.ifiy. whero lie a'oes for a two
naaah-' vi ir. The Herald whhe- him
a pleasuiit i. it a.nd a safe return.
(ie.r;-e I.aHue of Union Mills, a
.'po : iejiu: ".ican aad po-tnu.-ter at
Ib.ion Mills, ca.lh-d y-sterday. Jerfer-' n Thomas has fo. ty
h.t-ad -f eatte! bro.ijhl in lately to
fed, by ? he Tod !- and Thoma-a-.
11. -I. Streiphi an I son. Rddle, of
South Ih !,d, callci :i the Herald yes
terday. "Hank" is pound on the ai"'-'-.
Ve .
Mr. W. R. Thomas, machinist in the
l-arliptrt p shop, run-ted for Pennsyl
eania ha-t Tue.-day afternoon, -where
ht- will vs. -it f 'ieT.ds anil relatives for
a month.
Mr. and
A. W. MeLau-hiin.
Mr--. .John R. (dark, Mrs. Charles Mrs. II. ('. Parmele. Mrs. R. R.
iavira-ston and Mis- Anna started for
hh airo !at Moniay afternoon, wlit-re
they will remain a couple of weeks.
About hfu-en cuap'e f younjr Iadie.
and Lrenth-men met at Mr. Frank
Johnsoa's la.-t M-ealay evenirnr. with a
e.oil a.pi'ointod proirram, for a sur-nri.-e
at tl;o h(-pitabl' mansion of M".
I'a.vis, for the especial bent !it f Miss
Laura. Rvei-ythimr passed off pleas
antly, an abundance of fun and rood,
cheer, irames. plays, fun and merri-na-r.t
enlivened the occa-i. n. and some
where about the hop- (.f i-j the festive
crowd took their departure, convinced
that it was irood to have been there.
Accident n the Transfer Boat.
Yesterday about 1 o'clock the trans
fer boar "Vice President" of the
lUnlinirton pulled out from the larid
inar above the dyke v. ah :i. e freight
ears ai'oar 1. The wind hi v. from the
northwest asal the current beir.: very
strona there at this st:icre of the river
tlie brat was th'-own uj-on the iv.-w
dyl:e, one wheel lecomir.a fast and
use! .-. The met: riaead out a
:''! at tat a--d a. oae to the i-:ek of
th.e dyke and to the capstan by means
of a .-natch black, to throw her j-te'T.
( fT ino deeper water. At the moment
of greatest p:es-ure the ho-'k of t!;e
-natch f.'.ock broke and like Ptrht r.Inf
icttiche" than s;ch: thuiope with the
heavy block attached spur: over the
deck a.nd struck the idiot. John P.
McPherson. brc-ahim- his richt leir
ai.ove the ankle and his left above the
Charley Urown. who was standir-z
at the capstan, pushing on the bar.
cauirht the pilot on one lee- and rt a
severe sprain cf the knee joint. lr.
Living: ton was sent for. and Mr. Mc
pherson last overdnjr was lestiire; easy.
Rrown's hurt was sli-rht. The boat is
still on trie bar, the wind is blowinir
a jr.ile and the prosects for jrettin
Iter iff look dubious.
Mi'cs Mortran is erect ina' a house
on Chicago Avtnue, whicli, we under
stand, will be for rent. And so the
boom moves on.
Oswald (luthmann has purchased
th. lot occupied by Rosenbaum's
buildinjr. The house Mr. R. will move
on to Vine or Third streets.
A reservoir on Hiah School Hill is the talk now-a-days; with a hy
draulic ram in the Mullis sririntr it
could' easily be fd'.ed.
"ien Cunningham resented Cci).
M:irsh:ill with a wry handsome cray
on picture of the Postmaster of Platts
mouth lately.
Rasa. r5-hek Pros, h.ave b'uiaht half
of the lot on the east side of the
creek and .south side of Main St..
anil are putting: up a buiidinr already.
Walter White has the piles driven
and soon she'll loom up.
An alarm of fhre Sunday, called oat
a few enterprising souls, but as no
beil was runir the majority of the tire
men did not -act out. "Rans" Mortran
was the victim and the hind end of his
kitchen was burnt off. that's all.
Henry SchafTer, an old resident of
Plattsmouth and of the County, has
been visiting us from Deadwood. He
has a ranche near there and comes
home to see us every now and then.
We hope Mr. SchafTer will do well.
(leorare Lonjr, formerly on the po
lice force of the city, was seriously
injured by the fallin-rr of a derrick at
Vivian's quarry, which struck him
on the head knocking him senseless,
and fracturing: his riaht thiph bone
at middle third, brusing: him in the
head, shoulder and back. It happened
yesterday, at 4:30 p. m., and Mr. Lon?
was taken to Martin McGuires res-
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
w. r. mum
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse Ail Galls!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rates Reasonable
PiaHsmouih, Nebraska
Route No. 1
ideoce, where he ii'iw li-s crippled
and unable to move for t lie iiext three
or four month:-.
Roc'k RIufTs Notes.
Mr. Ilditcr: Whenever you meet
Micheal Archer, ( Ibck Pluff's Ion?
time as.-esor) jdease raise your hat
and say .,, ,( ntornina" "S'piire." I'or
that is what a irootl lonir petition i
joinir up to the County Commission
ers for, to have him appointed a Jus
tice of the Peace, in the place of
Jack Crave.-, who has resigned that
o'ii'e and intends to remove from our
town to Fad; bury, in Jefferson county.
Jack would have been ready to move
ere this time, but has been detained
on ac.-out of the sickness of his father,
Mr. Wm. Craves, who has been very
.-id, with luna fever. We are now
irhul to lie able to state, that he is now
in a fair wato recover, which was
thoufht very doubtful at first.
Ieath ha.s arain visited the family
' f Mr. John Farthinir, this time it is
his .--in Charles, a youne; man jrrown,
he was buried last Sunday, the lath.
This makes three deaths in the family
in two months and three days. His
son Sebastian v.' as buried on the l'Jth
of last December, and Mrs. Farthintr,
tiie mother of the two younr men, was
buried tiie aa'd of January. There is
and has been a jrood deal of sickness
in this vicinity this winter.
Two more houses me beinir torn
.down a'd taken out of town, this time
it is Wm. Rhoden, who bouirht the
property of Lester Lampman. and is the houses out to his farm
about three miles west of town.
Mr. Lampman and his brother-in-law.
Th.os. C. Smith, intend to move
Pia-iasmauth to reside. We wonder
if iiu couldn't take our town, in as a
suburb a.nd save so much movirar.
niiiii:!: :i i!i:m;im; f PivrriarN
i in: i'imii i i it i t
!;:! N I- I !! I I! I
e ..: N. -KM.
Ii lite ('--.-lit) Court
I TP- r a ... t T i-r .a' e-rat-- t :" M;tTtiar.-T
!., - ti I:':-; t ' . ' in-titintl f
I'orot;:-. .M. pravini; t!.;it Ail-
e i i 1 1 t t . i T I e i i.;! !:-?.!! may b
:iu!.'...i to i.-r a- . ai i.-t ra t ri x.
i e, ;.:,,!. Tl.a t -'.-i. i..i r 'Ui.. . 1 i..
Pa7. at t.-n o a,, k . y,m is ;.s-f ri.l
; or i ;i i i i. l; or -;al I 1 1 1 phi. u iumi nil
a- i-.r- . art -!.-:. .' i-i 'natter nta v
;i.p--.i: u t 'o.;-.i I'op-r to .- ae'.i
Pi a tie; ..,. J: T . f! sh" eau-e
i-. a . T ' i ' i a . r o i t i i t i t ionei-
:: t.ot a. -a!it : : aiel ti at notice
of IN. ;)!!. op o: -aid --t i t i a aiel
'.p. 'a:'i :u 1 in-pnf .- ei-!i to all . !. ia saiU matter !
I . I - : r, lt a oopv of t las nr!r in the
I 'la I ! - 1 1 1 i : a .loiaral. a w-ekl- ni-ws-! oriiiiei! in sai.I CmiiiIv for three
- e--ie wftk., iioi to .-ail la" of
,; ea I lie- .
1 'a.'. .1 .lama-re- a'tel, 1917.
Aiaaaa .1. niria-s. ..
'oil 11 1 v J ipise.
iPr.-t ra!.!ication 1 - a - 1 ! 1 7 .
i 'iiit: imti:ht t ot it i i Till:
oi NT or i:im k .
e laatter i f the (Suarilianship of
a-oiU'. T. "oletiKi n. J'ranlv I'.. "ole-Kv.i.-it
II. 'oli-rna ti and Mar
u -a i t S. 'o : ,-tr a a. re. in or t.eits of
1 i airy I'. 'o!tau-a. do t a.-ed.
Now on this Lath day of 1 ecemler,
l''lt;, this ea use anie on for lieariro;
r;ion the jietition U Nannie K. .'ole
' aa.a- of I'.eorire T. "o!eman.
I 'rani II I'ol.-man. K o-ivlt 11. '"olemaii
and -il a : -ra i .-t S. 'oh ilia n, minors, of
p aee- of site-n. fourteen, twelve and
i-a! t -,-. rs ! e-i..-i t i .e 1 and minor
i eir- of Harry 1 'o! nian. deceased,
paivii,,' for lii-ense to .-ell the South
i i f of the Northeast .Quarter and the
,' t hea -t yijirt-r of Section Twenty-tiiv.-e
i i Town.-hii Thirty-two i'.'.H
iainao I'ort -fou i- (4I in Sheridan
'o intv. Nehra;ka. for the puri.isf of
-e. Pi i ia funds for the maintenance
ad eiai-.-.i ; io:j of her j-a ill wards, ami
t i t:- a . o fiiin-iit of t!ie halnni'e tf
ti.e .ro'.eds of tr." sale of said real
estate for tic hi at tit of said minor
'.dr.-. t i t - not l.ejnir sufficient p-r--onal
.rn;ifi i - lielonvrin'; to .-aid
minors for tl. .- maintenance and edu
i at ion.
IT IS THKUKFnl.l-: oKIU'linii that
tiie n.t of iiin .f said wards, and all
arsons int. -r. -.-ted in their estate ap-
i ar h. fi.'ie me at the lostriit iirt
P'oia Iri the 'ourt House sit 1'latts-
ppii.tli. 'a.-s 'o;iijtv. Ni-iivasky, on the
l-t diiv of T-'ehriiiiry. 1IM7. at the hour
of ten o i lock A. Al. tn show eause why
a lie- n.-e .-houhl not he sri-anted to said
a'lardian to sell tli- jihove ileseri hed
ii al e'iilf of said wards.
Notii-e to he L-iveti ly imhlisliincr'tliis
oroer ja the l'lattsmouth Journal for
1 1. t-ee successive weeks before date of
1 .' r i n.ea
Hated this rTth dav of 1 ecem ber,
.lAMias T. lU-XJLKV.
ludece Tnstriet t'ourt.
:--j:-i!U7-ist !--sue. :: wks.
In the count'" court of Cass Countv,
State of Nebraska,
Cass County.
To all person- interested in the es
tate of William I. Mill, deceased;
"i i-t iiilinu' the petition of Franklin
! . Hill, administrator, praying a final
settb-ment and allowance of his ac
count filed in this court n the ISth
day of January, 1!'17, and for a decree
of distribution and discharire of said
administrator. It is hereby ordered
that you and all jwrsons interested in
iaid matter may, and do, appear at the
county rnurt to b lield in ond for said
county, on the t h day of January, A.
I'.. i:l7. at J o'clock, u. ni., to sliow
cans.-, if any l hero e, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be -framed,
and that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the bearinti thereof b
siUen to all pejsori s interested in said
matter l pu ni ish i ntr a. copy of this
oi.K-r in tlo l'lattsmouth Journal, a
s.-m i - week l v newspaper j.rinte.l in said
count' , for one week prior to said day
of hearing. Hated .lanuarv IS. 1M7.
.vi.i.iaN j. HiaasuN,
'Seal.) County Judge.
JAN. lS-l!M7-lsr issue.
i.i:. i. Mi'i K i:
Tn Die County Court of Cas- County,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cas.
To all persons interest'wl In the es
tate of Hoia Olillm.n Moore, deceased,:
'n readiriK th- petition of Ceurvre
.Tackson l.inam playing that the in--tranient
tiled in this court on the J.ltti
day of iinuaty. 1H17. and purportir. to
the lu-t will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and !eord-d as the last will
a ud testament :t Horn Oldham Moore,
deceased: that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, arid the administra
tion of said estate ! fit-anted to '"eorge
.la k.-on lUdtuaii us executor. Il is
beret, v ordered that Vuii, and all person-
interested in .;a id mutter, may und
do, appear at the County Court to tie
lii-id in arid lor said count v, on the
Lt!i day of Kebruary. A. il'17 at 10
o'clock a. in., to show uuse, if any
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not "e granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said Jietition
and that the heur-ntt thereof be Kiv-n
to ; ll persons interested, in ?a id mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
in the I'lidtsinoiith Journal, a weekly
new-paper printed in said county, for
three - jiic-s.-.e weeks prior to said
dav of la-a fine".
A'itne--- mv hand and sea! of paid
cou't, this l.'.th day of Januarv. A. i..
If 17.
' Seal.t County J udpre.
1 -1 -1 7 1st publication.
1.1:0 i, notici:.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass.
In Co 11 nl Court.
Tn the matter of the estate of Joseph
II. Kuhtis, deceased.
Now on this 11th day of January,
V.il7. there was tiled in this court the
petition of Julia I-:. Kuhns. widow of
said deceased, alleKitlK therein that the
said Joseph II. K 1.1ms has departed this
life intestate and was a resident and
inhabitant of said County of Cass and
was seized of the following described
real estate, to-wit: The south half of
lots 1. .' and :: in block 4. in White's
dditioti to the City of l'lattsmouth.
Nebraska. which was occupied by
-aid deceased as a homestead and of
b--s altie than two thousand ($J.0fO
dollars, and that under the law of the
State of Nebraska said real estate is
exempt from attachment, execution or
other niense process and not liable for
the payment of any debts of said de
ceased; that said deceased left sur
viving him ;is his sole and only lieiis
at law and the only persons interested
in -aid estate Julia I". Kuhns. widow,
residence. l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, atre
Uobert I'.. Kuhns, son, residence
I .os Anueb-s. California, are :'.(,: Shirley
K. Mai I'.etii, son. residence I.os An
..des, t'a'iforn.a. aire I'll: and Stanley
K. Kuhns. son. lesideiice, l'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, ae rj. and prayinfr for a
har:na: n said petition and that upon
sm h hearing an order be entered dis
pells in with tne retrular administra
tion of said estate and a tinal decree be
entered des iirna inir the sole heirs at
law and on tirm i n ur tiie title to said
real e-tate to such heirs.
it is tiii:i:kk i:i: ii:ri-:itKr that
a heurimr be had upon said petition bc--
fo: this court in the County Court
1'oom. in ti'.e Cite of l'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, on the 7th dav of February
l!'17. at tn o'clock A. M. and that all
persons interested in said estate in
eindiriir creditors, if anv. be notified
of such hearinii by the publication of
this otib-r for tt tee weeks prior to said
i.av 01 bearintr. in the l'lattsmouth
Journal of said county.
P.V t lie Court.
1-K.-17 r, weeks County Judsre.
A. 1 Tidd. Plaintiff,
Simpson Butcher, et al. Defendants.
Xotlee of Suit to Quiet Title.
To the defendants Simpson Butcher
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Simi son Butcher, deceased: John F.
Ciiniminirs aiso known a John F. Cum
mins: Mrs. John F. Ciimminss also
known as Mrs. John F. Cummins, tirst
real name unknown; the unlwown
heirs, devisees, lesratees. personal rei
fesentat ives. and all other persons in
terested in the estate of John F. Cum
in, in trs also known as John ! . Cummins
deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. John F. Cumminss also
known as Mrs. John F. Cummins, first
leal name unknown, deceased: S. N
Merriam. first real name unknown;
Mrs. s. N. Mcrriam. first real name un
known; the unknown heirs, devisees.
lesfatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of S. N. Merriam, first real name
unknown. deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. S. N.
Merriam. first real name unknown, de
ceased; Klien Howard; John Doe How
ard, tirst real name unknown, husband
or widower of Kllen Howard; the un
known heirs, devisees, lesratees-. person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Kllen
Howard, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all either persons inter
ested in ihe estate of John Pop How
ard, fii-st real name unknown, deceased;
I.ouizsa Miles: Itichard Hoc Miles, first
real name unknown, husband or wid
ower of I.ouiza Miles; the unknown
heirs, devisees, letratees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Louiza Miles,
deceased; the ur known heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal repre.-entatlves and
all e ther persons interested in the es
tate of Bichstil lioe Miles, tirst real
name unknown, deceased: Marsraret A.
J'lumer; William I'lumer: John L
Keeves: Mrs. John L. Keeves, tirst r--al
name unknown: the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives- and ell other persons interested
in the estate eif John L.. Keeves. de
ceased; the unknown heirs, elevisees.
loTaiKs, ptrsonal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. John B. Keeves. first real
name unknown, deceased; the on
known owners anil the unknown claim
ants of lot seven t7. in block eleven
11. l'lattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska. You are herehv notifieel that on the
29th dav of December. A. D.. 1916.
.ihiintiff " filed his suit in the District
Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska.
to ouiet plaintiff s title to the anove
described lot. to-wit: lot seven (7. in
block eleven (11). City of l'lattsmouth.
Cass County. Nebraska, because or 11 is
adverse possession by himself anei his
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of said suit and
to enjoin each and all of you rrom
harine or elaiminir any riKht. title, lien
er interest, either lejral or equitable, in
or to nid tot or anv part tnt-reor.
To require yeiu to set forth your right.
t tie. r a m. lien or interest inerein. i
anv. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adiudeed interior 10 tne
title of plaintiff and for peneral equi
table relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the court. You
are reeiuered to answer said petition
on or before Mondav, February 19. A.
D.. 1917. or your default will be duly
entered therein.
A. I... TlPli, I'laintitr.
A. L. Tidd. I'ro Se.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
-rfirr,-. TV , t-
stasiXSLT 4 if--'.V - isa- v iv ,-. f a - r :p'-S -i !
ZtrkZZ? v ..
DELCO-LIGHT is a compact, efficient
and economical electric plant for farm,
v!lage and suburban home?.
Delco-Light furnishes electricity lor lightim?
the house and other buiidingb it has a
capacity of 40 to 50 liglus.
Delco-Light also furnishes power to operate
small machinery.
It does the washing. "'V,h'
It pumps the water. ..rT:at
It operates the cream separator. ' - -r
It churns the butter.
It drives the sewing machine and the vacuum cleaner.
It brings city comforts and conveniences t tiie lar;n .a.)
takes away much of the drudaera of k:m id-.-.
It is so simple that a child can ojierate ir.
It has been developed hy the tone eugh: - ritxj afl mar: tiff
taring ability that has made Ih leu CfCfil:irj, Li-;h!iuj an I
I unit ion for automobiles tne .standard cf the v.urhl.
The Price, complete with Batteries, is $275
1. e. l;. I:l tun. Ohio
A thousand Delco-LIht representatives ;.nJ service rra-n are- in t!ic
field there is one in your locuiit', .
Let him demonstrate Delco-Light
to you in your own noxne.
At least write for ii! a .-a rated b-ok.
The Domestic Enjineerir.j Co., Dayton, Ohio
l W. TT
paco-uGirr- yLw,w;
! Wi'- ..
Last call before the rise in prices. Save 5 per
cent by ordering a plant previous to Feb. 1st.
538 South 25th Ave, OMAHA, NEB.
From "Wednesday"? leiilv.
Mrs. Kate Minor is still confined to
her home in this city as the result of
a serious accident that befell her
while in Omaha last Saturday even
ing. Mrs. Minor and daughter Miss
Madeline had been visiting Omaha for
the afternoon and were enroute to
the depot to return home when they
met with the accident that had quite
serious consequences to both. The
street car on which they were ridinsa
had slowed down to stop at the station
and as it was cominp to a stop Mrs.
Minor and daughter steppeel otT just
as the car started cut with a jerk
and as a result Mrs. Minor was
thrown to the icy pavement with con
siderable force, inflicting a severe
pash on the back of the head, which
rendered her unconsicious for sev
eral minutes and she is still suffering-
very much from the effects of the
injury. Miss Madeline was thrown
some distance on the icy street ami
suffered several severe bruises and
injuries but her injuries were not
near as severe as those sustained by
Mrs. Minor.
From Wednesd:! v's Iuiily.
The T. II. Pollock agency of the
Ford cars, reports a very thriving
business for the week ending January
24th, when cars were sold to Ralph
Heil, a runabout; Earl C. Wiles, Tray
E. Wiles, Ernest Ahl, and Miles M.
Allen, all of whom secured touring
. Table Rock, Neb., Jan. 22. After
several weeks of careful geographical
work, the location of the first Ne
braska oil well to be drilled has been
selected by the Hurst oil men. It is
on the Miller land, a little more than
a mile north of the public square. Mr.
Hurst says that the rig Tor drilling
is a standard one of the heavy Cali
fornia style. He expects to start with i
an eighteen-inch hole, sufficient to go I
3,000 feet if necessary. Mr. Hurst is
an experienced operator, and comes
here from Graybull, Wyo., where he
is largely interested in the newly dis
covered oil fields in that region.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
i?. v c - a-a."a
fr, f7yn p.
-1 ... l-i . t " ..-i j ., -
' i -ir .i -fV i i
c- ft i ?:
The urider-igne-d will otfer for - a.'e
at public auction at his I r !
Ht-r.liit! ( 'i : i-v. i si-i )';. at,. t.o . p a
half miles v.-est ami one j.r.d ; qu .-
miles sodth of Murrr.y, I'.v" at-d a
quarter milts north of Xt'.w!.;i op
The fedlowing tie-a: l-.od roopiMy
to-with :
Ore black mar e, nipe year- ' 'vai
foal, weitrht 1, ''''.
Six goeid milk cow.--, will be fre-h ir:
th.e sprir.a.
One heifer, two years old. will -n
be fre.-h.
Two tine young bulls, ten months
Eight calves, coming yearlings.
Four brood sows, bred.
22 head of shouts, wt. eieh.
One Western Rel'.e lister, combined.
Two walking cultivators.
Two wagons with bo :-.(.-.
One hay rack.
One hay buck.
One 1 -horse el i ill.
One buggy.
One fee-d bunk, 11 feet long.
Two sets of heavy work l.ari.e--.
One set of single l.-titie--.
JiOu feet of r.ew pine kiepe-r.
Nine galvanized chicke p coon.--.
Manj other article's too rimevou
to mention.
Sale to commence at loao o"il"-k
a. m. sharp.
Lunch will be served at r.o ,n by
W. A. Scjtt.
Terms of Sale All sums of ?l.oo
and under cash; all over Jflo.on a
credit of six to r.ire months will In
given, purchase?!' giving good bankable
paper bearing eignt per cer:t iritt-re'-'
from date. All property n u-t lie ;
tied for before being removed fr"ii
the premises.
W. A. Young, Auctioiiee r.
W. C. Roedeker, Clerk.
From WednsdayP- I'aily.
Fred Heil, one of the e -nterpri-irg
young farmers of the county, has jp-t
secured a tine new Reo roa i-te-r which
he bought Monday frem T. L. Ainicl:.
the local representative ef the com
pany. The Reo is one of the m we.-1
pattern and model and is a beauty in
construction and finish, an..! Mr. Heil
is very proud of the r.ew machine.
Mr. Amick has been very successful
in his sales of this make of car and
a large number have been purchased
the last few weeks by Cass county