The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE f..
Predict "Withdrawal of Pershing's
Troops and Release of Slate's
Washington. Jan. 1 1. The United
States militia men will le hack in
their homes ly .March 1, and Coti
c -al Pershing's column will he on the
American side of t!ie border.
The United Press learned these
facts today from the most reliable
S i iices. Only unforeseen difficulties
-:- !aters will halt this program.
Moreover, this government will es-
..M:-h a closer medium of communi
cation Ly sending Ambassador I'letch
cr to his Mexico City post. The date
f : this uncertain, hut probably will
he within the next week or ten days.
The war department is ready to
Ji.'.ve Pershing's command on a nean-
r.t's notice.
General Pershing himself has Ids
rt n ready for the 1' mile nv::vh
rorthward within a lew hours afte."
1 l yets the order.
Monday the American-Mexican
pi uc commission will h. id its finr.
.-t-ssion in New York, and afterward
'".ial announcement of th with
drawal and militia removal plans will
p ..h -bly he made at once.
The militia troops will move as rap
idly as possible, but the question of
full transportation may mean seveial
weeks lefoie all will be returned.
The plan, as outlined by war oili-i-ials,
will be to start some of the mili
tiamen home as soon as Pershing's
forces are under way, though it was
said perhaps Ids actual arrival at the
border may be awaited before en
t rai. merit of t'ne bulk of the militia is
undit iVon. A start will probably be
made ret week or the week follow
inir on th.e troop movements.
This government had contemplated
withdrawal of 'the IYr.-hing column
unier a protocol between the United
Star.-s and General Carran::a.
Carranza has failed, to sien. so the
i g i e v j i
plans have been completed without his l,v..)v located on that floor of the count
. . i .i u . !:,.:.,! . ! . , ....
I'oiiv.ii. ini;ri.n iii.irr it
(1 -;.r that the withdrawal is by no
v.fiii: a result of anything Carranza
ha. - said or d r.e.
Ti e di.-pa eh of
ho lnlow:nir the
SOi i VJ-. V 1 h
;.-!iir..-- into Mex-
a n 1 1 ' i -
i a
.-. i
id la
iril'ti.i to the
i.r outlay ..!
( MHM'. Tki-!ud-s
p.'V of
jiiiprii-nT. n: l:a
t-xpeditiou or i
Armv men
s. :its row
A"ver. iii
id c.f of
a rs
whi !i
on tie-
Won j.':
. n
I.! toni-jrht that the
quick dispatch of the column had civ--r
the ii rJ;e'-n Mi ricans an object
ies-iop; that there will be no
more big raids across the border,
though, naturally, there may be cat
tle rustlinir ar.d minor attacks.
Any big conceited raid, however,
recording to army men. will mean
measures even more drastic than here
tofore. 0:!"i' ials hope Fletcher's alignment
to Mexico City will mean eslabli-h-ment
of lietter relations between the
two governments.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
SLer-.arure of.
Porterhouse Steak
Tea Bone Stesk
Ham and Eggs
Bacon and Eggs..:
Plain Steak
Pork Chops
ft With Bread and Butter,
Barclay's Issfauranf
They hold that Carranza's persist
ence iisrumst )l(!s augurs well lor a
gradual growth of Mexico to a plat
in Ihe sun, though she is now far from
i such position.
Saturday afternoon the members of
the Grand Army of the Republic post
and of the Woman's Relief Corps hel
their joint installation of otbeors at
the rooms in the court house anil
large number of the members of the
two patriotic societies were present
to take part in the impressive cere
monies. Mrs. Elizabeth Streight actet
as the installing oflicer for the Relief
Corns and T. W. C.lenn for the Post
and the impressive ritualistic cere
monies were carried out in a most
pleasing mariner.
For the or;:ml Armv the following
were installed: Commander, W. 11
Fret-.-e; senior vice commander. As
bury .lacks; junior vice-commander,
Justus Lillie; Chaplain, Thomas
Wiles; adjuntant, R. P. Windham;
oiilcer of the day, AY. II. Porter; quar
termaster, T. W. Glenn; guard, Win
The officers of the Relief Corps in
stalled were, president, Mrs. Ya
Burkle; senior vice commander, Mrs
Alice Cowles; junior vice commander.
Mrs. Frances Purdy; chaplain, Mrs.
Julia Thomas; treasurer, Mrs. L. P.
Egonbergcr; secretary, Miss Ella
Kennedy; conductress, Mrs. James
Fee; guard. Mrs. Asbury Jacks; pa
triotic instructor, Mrs. George Dodge;
press correspondent, Mrs. Klizabeth
Streiciht; first color bearer, Mrs. J. C.
Peterson; second color bearer. Mrs.
I.i.zie Gobelman; third color bearer.
Mrs. Catherine Wiles; fourth color
bearer, Mrs. F. G. Egenberger.
Following the installation ceremon
ies the ladies of the corps proceeded
to serve their members as well as the
Grand Army with a tempting lunch
eon that was very much enjoyed by
everjone and the ladies in their dis
tribution of the dainties remembered
the court house officials whose offices
y lU 1 1, 1 1 nr.
The lessons that there two patriot
ic societies teach to the growing gen
eration certainly entitles them to the
respect a.l admiration of the Amer
ican people as they keep alive the
!! r:t f :.' r;:k- and love of country
that has made the great republic, and
the 1 ! .i t s; 'io'i! li lriincnes ot tne on
are verv active in this line.
new ar::j
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Walter Towle are the
proud parents of a baby boy, born on
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fleisch
man. a fine' boy baby, on Wednesday.
Mi. and M:s. Pud White are re
joicing because of the arrival of a
br.uncing baby boy at their home on
A little tlaughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. August Panska,
of Murdock, on Saturday.
A fine baby boy was born last Mon
dav to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleisch-
! man. The little son is doing nicelv
; and the happy parents are receiving
: congratulations from their friends.
I Leader-Echo.
Philip Schaefer and wife from west
of Murray, were in the city today for
a few hours; visiting with their friends
in the county seat and attending to
f -To trading.
Coffee and Potatoes
United Stales (o Indirectly Ask Condi
Hons if Berlin Delays Further
Washington, D. C, Jan. 1?,.
statement of terms from Germany ant
her allies at) least as comprehensive as
those set forth by the entente in re
plying to President Wilson's note is
the next move hoped for here in the
peace negotiations.
Whether time will be allowed for
the Teutonic nations to state their
terms on their own initiative or
whether President Wilson will make
some move to give an opening remains
There are indications, however, that
if no statement of the Teutonic terms
forthcoming within a reasonable
time, the United States may seek
means to indicate the desirability of
such a course.
President Undecided.
It was reiterated today that the
president had not determined on his
position and it was pointed out that
in his note he said he was indifferent
to the means employed for comparing
He is reluctant to judge between
the two replies and has not made
known his impressions of the entente
note. In other administration quar
ters it has been suggested, however.
that the objects which the president
had in mind could best he demonstrat
ed now by the central powers publicly
declaring their own terms.
Allies' Indignation Abates.
Otlicials are watching particularly
just now the trend: of public sentiment
ibroad and the apparent change since
the dispatch of the president's note
lias proved a source of increasing
The first feeling of indignation
among the allies because of the coin
cidence ot the president s proposal
with that of the central powers has
abated, it is believed here, and is be
ing replaced by a conviction that goo 1
may come of the American note.
No Early Peace.
There is no indication in official
circles, however, that an early peace
s thought probable.
On the contrary the statement of
tiie a Ties' objects, it is recognized, has
made acceptance by Germany veiy dif
ficult for the present, however far
it may have gone toward establishing
a preliminary basis which may fa
cditate peace negotiations when the
end of hostilities docs come. The ad
ministration is acting on the assump
tion that bitterness engendered by
the war cannot be healed in a moment
but that every step toward that end
brings a final approachment nearer.
First expressions of bitterness in
Germany over the entente reply are
somewhat discounted here and it is
felt there may be a change of senti
ment just as there were in the en
tente countries in regard to the presi
dent's note. It is conceded, however,
thaj for the present popular desire for
a prosecution of the war will be
Expect No Terms.
The German view here is that there
is little likelihood of a public state
mend of specific terms by the Teutonic
allies at this time, unless a further
move to that end is made by the presi
dent. Should a request for such a
statement be forwarded to Berlin,
however, it is declared Germany prob
ably would comply.
It has been the contention of Teu
tonic diplomats that, in proposing a
peace conference, Germany fulfilled
the president's suggestion that an
early occasion be sought for discus
sion of terms and that no other step
is called for unless there is a second
and more specific request.
Furnished House For Rent Inquire
at the Journal office. 12-lG-tfd
Photograph Shop
for pictures of the
or anything photographic!
Your First Kove!
The condition of Mis. Z. T. Ill own,
who was stri k 11 a few days ago with
pneumonia, is very critical and the
patient has grown much weaker in
the past two days, and with the se
rious nature of the malady makes
her lecovery very doubtful. This s-o-lious
illness of Mrs. Ilrown has come
with a great shock to the family and
the numerous frienas of this estimable
lady as the illness came on quite sud
denly. The illness of Mrs. Frown will
be learned with the greatest regret by
everyone in the city and it is to be
hoped that she may be able (o recover
from the illness.
TfiSfT Tfl
Railroad Represent a fives to Appear
Pefore Commission Following
Fundi' Decision.
Chicago, Jan. 14. Ilcpresentntives
of the railroads left ioaiaht for Wash
ington to-appear before the interstate
commerce commission .Monday i:i an
effort to have the l ecent order, that
discriminating rates between Chicago
and St. Louis to be readjusted before
January la, extended, indefinitely.
The action of Federal Judge Landis
today, refusing to erij.iin the stale
public utilities commission from prose
cuting the railroads for violation of
the 2-cent law. leaves the railroad.
ilhout a leg to stand upon.
If they carry out the order of the
federal com mission and revise their
intra-state tariffs M'-rl::v. th-v v."!'.
reak the state law, besides be;rr in
contempt of .Turbre LarviF. n lb
other hand, if th-vy fad to do so. t!uy
wi-1 be in contempt of the natirr,;-.'.
decision, which vir
tually denies the right of the inter
state commerce commission to order
rates tLat ccaliict with intra-state
rates, is of national moment. Kan
revision in more th
an a
suites, wmch now have tiie L'-ci i
passenger tanil hinges upon the out
come of the case.
The case will be appealed directly
o the sup rime touvt. If the lowoi
ccurt is uphilo. ai.d the corrir, i -don's
finding that rate--, to border cities are
Iiscriminato'-y is riot- v--crtv!oJ. the
railroads will be forced to adoat a
nation-wide Lbcer.t pastnge;' rate they
This afternoon shortly before
o'clock while Mrs. "William Morky
was crossing Main street in front of
the store of K. G. Dovey v Son she
was unfortunate enough to slip on
the ice in the center of the street
and fall to the pavement, striking
on her left side ar.d injuring the left
imb quite severely. She was car-
led into the Dovey store end a hack
called to take her home where the
injured member was dressed. It was
some time before medical assistance
could be secured and it is imnossibk:
at the hour of going to press to state
whether the injury is a dislocation
or a very severe sprain as n, is evi-
ent that the bones were not broken
and it seems more in the nature of
a sprain.
William Pankonin, one of the sub
stantial farmers of this vicinity, called
ist week to renew his subscription.
and remained for a short visit. Air.
ankonin is a pioneer farmer, having
lived in Cass. county the past forty-six
ears, coming here from Kalamazoo,
Mich., in 1870. In speaking of early
days, with their ups and downs, he
aid he had cold corn at 10 cents per
bushel, and hauled it to Plattsmouth
that, there being no market in
Louisville then, and there Ave re only
three houses between here and Platts
Mr. Pankonin has prospered and he
and his wife could well afford to re-
ire from active life, but they have a
autiful home where they are happy
and contented and they feel that they
do not care to leave it. lie is now
7') years old, but looks twenty years
younger. Louisville Courier.
The manager of the Parmele theater
h.-.s guaranteed that the theatre will
bi thoroughly heated this evening
f( r the benefit of those attending the
K ture of Judge Alden wliie'i will be
h.ltl there this evening.
A want ad in the' Journal will brinsr
results. j
n a E5
: J I. r J 9 2 5
V- oat Hu lit
Thousands cf Persons, of Fvery Sta
tion and V, alk of Life, Men.
Women and Children View
Pcmo' cd Frc:n 'I here Jo Vault to
Avai( i-'inal Purial on Lr.tik-
; c e a, a hi.
dan. 1-1. The west
i lie' nv-Tooj-y of
to ti,e nii-niorv of
did i"iO;o!
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as i,; i' l;t into "lie
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tii u r
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i':r. fi;.::l burial t-n the
o. rcoii.'uaiu all h n-
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m; u.
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which he
: nied cow
t!.e Pep .b-c!,i!u:-en
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son of t h.? )rairie::.
re.-e;ue I i ;ure.
wa.s t!;e ovist pie
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'ii. ;.i :"i . c vca'-cats
t: e Am,': i--aa
.:i tii. t; an to fa.
u "r-e-
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ay beneath
m Ihe fla.r
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1 1' i,
l:?--'S thioui
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of the
! !a .l!
C! o-.vd t:0
:r.r. n
I? Crowd
At 12 ov;.-
eloSiTg of ibc I
'.va s coming.
The v..
fp.ivlly baIe i;a
ihe family pa,-;,
of Mew PeeVda
Colonel Cody '.:
. or
: 1 h:'; k while the
ir-.'l farewell. Ir
s .b.iviv"' P ike;
Y., vIji v. as with
wiM v.e.a tnvr-
Follow .r.g ti: ? famPy a tie'egaticn
of Palestine ( :i;r.-andeiy -N'o. 13.
Knight s Tom pair, i'n m North Platte,
Xcb., j;as: e i the bier. Afterwards
maiche l a debgat n of fermnr cow
!)oys. -Good-bye. old ard.'' "Good
bye, Ikli," w-eie s;!!'.i' of tr.eir greet
ings. The guard of henor at the ca-ket in
cluded delegations from the Colorado
Xatknal Gear:', the Pioneer siciety,
th Kiks and the Grand Army of the
Ilep'..b'ie. Ciie n:er.iter of the de
ta hr.iL:;i froai the last named organi
zation came a: ross the plains with
Colonel Cody. He was David Rankin
of Denver.
The public u.uain wa.s r.dmittctl at
12:iu o'clock for twenty minutes.
A line extending more than a block
shivered in t'ne cold wind, waiting for
a chance to enter. Twenty-five thou
sand j ersors by the casket,
according to an estimated count.
And. singulaily, with it all, the ways
of the circus and the show ring were
pi os cut, to the last.
"Step lively, please; big crowd be
hind," cried tiie ran -tor of ceremonies.
"The circus was in to the end," said
an eld -time showman.
Co'oncl Cody lay in a huge bronze
casket, dressed in a frock coat and
with badges of the Letrion of Honor
and Grand Army of the Republic on
his breast. The casket bore this in
scription: "Colonel William P. Cody, T.uffalo
An American f la fr was draped
around the casket. The funeral pro
cession through the downtown streets
was led by city poPccmrn. " Ilea in
was the cais.-jon :i which rested the
Noted Persons Present.
Among the distinguished citizens of
this city and oilier states in molor
cars were Julius C. Gunter, governor
of Colorado; John IJ. Kendrick, gov
e: nor of W yomin Edgar Howard,
lieuc mailt governor ot At-wrasKa: m i
of state of Colorado and f
I Wvcminw I, ; is 1 I-. o i id :': t ion. s from
Xcbia: !:a, Clo.ado and Wyoming and
Elks from Kansas and New Mexico.
Bringing up the rear of the cortege
:e Icy
r or t.
Try the Perfection Someless
Oil Heater!
1 The burner is simplicity itself. Nothing to get out
of order.
2 Somhing made absolutely impossible by the pat
ented lock flame spreader.
3 The window frame of Perfection Heater contains
brass wire gauze, not the ordinary Mico.
4 The Perfection Heater is a "thing of beauty," par
ticularly in turquoise enamel finish, which never
rusts, and is fit to grace the finest home.
seventy cowboys walked. All had
known Colonel Colv. Two of the
cowboys led Colonel Cody's horse "Mc
Kiniey," riderless and with the plains
man's pistols hung from the saddle
Seveial thousand persons follower
the it mains, to the F.Iks' home, where
the funeral services were held. Sev
eral hundred, unable to gain admis
sion, stood two hours outside to view
the hodv at the close of the services
The first number of the spring lec
ture course at Muriiiy will be given
on Thursday evening at the Puis &
Gansmcr hall in that place. The Luce
Family concert company will be the
.us; auraeuon ami -mis uign ciass
i.Hisica! organization is one that will
::e is.e evervor.e. I lia lecture course
will be ?';vt-n every two weeks here
after under tiie auspices of the Ladies'
Aid society
- ,.'I;it :!);.
ar.d the Murray library
Plattsmouth Women Are Learn
ing the Couse.
Women often suffer, not knowing
the cause.
L'acka.tlie, headache, dizziness, ner
vousness I , regular urinary passages weakness-,
Faeh a torture of itself.
Together hint at weakened kidneys.
Sliike at the root get to the cause.
oilier remedy more highly en
do; sed than Doan's Kidney Pills.
Recommended by thousands
Endcrsed at home.
Here's convincing testimony from
a Plattsmouth woman.
Mrs. D. B. Smith, First St., Tlatts
rnouth, says: "I had an awful bad
attack of backache and for several
weeks was about past going. I had
never had anything cause me so much
misery. When I got down, I would
h"ve to have someone help me to my
feet, for my back was so weak and
sore. I tried different medicines, but
ret no relief until I used Doan's
Kidney Pills. They made a perma
nent cure."
Price oOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
cured Mrs. Smith. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Puffalo, N. Y.
Boose your city, boost your friend,
Boost the lodge that you attend;
T ill 1 1
ijoosc me street on wmeh you re
Boost the goods that you are selling;
Boost the people 'round about you,
Possibly they can do without you;
But success will quicker find them, if
they know that you're behind them.
Boost for every forward movement,
Boost for every new improvement;
Boost the stranger and the neighbor,
Boost the man for whom you labor.
Cease to be a chronic knocker,
Cease to be a progress blocker,
And if you would have your home
town better
Roost it! Boost it to the final letter!
27G, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Day or night service.
D. C. Pickcnpaugh.
Thone 380.
furnished room for rent
-reasonable. Phone 200.
Fancy stationery m different vari
. f at the Journal office. Come and
; us when you want stationery.
Bed Room
Mrs. F. E. Smith was taken to Om
aha this morning where she will en
ter the Immanuel hospital for treat
ment and an operation. Mrs. Smith
has been in poor health for some
time and it was decided that the oper
ation would be necessary to give her
relief and the patient wa.s accordingly
taken to the hospital this morning.
Mr. Smith, manager of the light com
pany accompanied his wife to Omaha.
An action has been started in the
district court in which Edgar -W.
Ilensley is the plaintiff and William
Smoots, the Nehawka auditorius com
pany and others are the defendants.
The plaintiff in his petition states that
he was employed by Mr. Smoots to
do some work as a brickmason on the
auditorium and for which he was to
receive fifty cents an hour. He al
leges that there is due him the sum of
.';) for this work and asks judgment
in this sum from the court against the
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Methodist church will conduct a "Par
cel Post" sale on Thursday evening
at the parlors of the church. Each
parcel will be sold for 15c. There will
be a program given and refreshments.
All are cordially invited to be pres
There will be a special meeting of
the Sons of Herman Monday evening.
January 15th. The grand president
will be here and the rate question
taken up. All members requested to
be present. By committee, F. E' Neu
mann, secretary. Ctd
si sal!
One More Car, $ 1 5.25 per ton
Waterman Lumber and
Goal Company
Poultry Wanted
Wanted A car load of live poultry
to be delivered at car near Burlington
depot at Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tues
day, January 16th, one day only, for
which we will pay in cash as fol
Hens, per lb 16c
All young roosters l.c
Old roosters 9c
Ducks 13c
Geese .: 12c
Beef hides 15c
Horse hides, each $6.50