MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1917. PAGE 1. PLATTSMOUT1! SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, Cbe plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PL.ATTSMOLTII, NEBRASKA. Etredt Postofflce at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICKi IJS9 PEll YEAR IS ADVANCE k-i-x-:-i-H":- :hhx- THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 He ood at the depths of you J l and you will discover that those J J- who surround you will be good J I- vwn to the same depths. ! While you are actively good in j the invisible, all those who ap- -l- l- proach you will unconsciously do things that they could not l V" do by the side of any other -l--l- man. Selected. I t as :o: Governor Neville, shake! :o: May prosperity and success attend you. :o: Some seem to take to the water wagon. :o: Dry a-s a bone," is the way some of them want Nebraska. :o: You can't throw the hammer so far but that some knocker can rind it. :o: Unless you are prepared to lose never take a chance, even on a sure thing. :or- When your condition will not per mit you to speak well of your neigh-l-or, shut your fiy trap. :o: But then, Jobe didn't live at a time when he was in a hurry and was told that "the line is busy." :o: In every town there are a few who know what the town wants whether the town wants it or not. There may be a contest over the Wauty of the new dime, but none whatever over the desirability of its i iMjuisition in bulk. :o : Austria is using paper as a substi tute for cotton. Still the paper collar-J i.-n't a- objectionable for grand dukes as the celluloid kind. -:o: Anyone who doubts that it is the little things in life that count should compare statistics of the whale catch with those of the sardine industry. :o: It may be questioned, also, whether the gain of a few hundred yards on the western front makes up for the loss of a nation on the eastern. :o: Every 'now and then an old-fashioned train robber appears to show that not all the American criminals have degenerated into food cormor ants. :o: New England gooseberry bushes are to be destroyed because they con tribute to the destruction of the white pine, but who ever heard of a white pine pic? :o: ("hailey Bryan has put in the past two weeks in an effort to "down" John Mattes. But the senator from Cass and Otoe counties is some smarter than the fellow who is always "try ing to do things" and fails in every thing. :o: .wore liquor was sold in Iowa in lll' than in l'Jlo, and prohibition has been in force for one-half of 1'JllJ. Oh yes, prohibition prohibits. Don't en force the law too severely in Ne l.raska, and 'save a whole lot of trouble. :o: The managers who are going to see that the legislature, does the right thing with the amendment, are busy, The members will come nearer doing the right thing if those "blunder busses," who constitute themselves an j'uthority, stay away from the legis lature entirely. But nothing suits Charley Bryan better than to try to be officious and make p .plc believe he is somebody. THAT OLD, FAMILIAR TUNE. We seem to remember having heard it said, before the late election, that the liquor question was the only one dividing the democratic party in Nebraska, and that if it were re moved, by the adoption of prohibition the party could be happily reunited to light as one man for democratic principles and policies. We seem to remember having heard it said, after election, that with prohiDition adopted and th liquor issue eliminated, there is no further excuse for factionalism in the dominant party in this state. These promises and assurances were pleasing to the ear. Factional ism weakens a party and does much to dstroy its capacity for useful and honora.e service. All good demo crats would rejoice to see their party united, with leaders, officials and rrank and file all co-operating har moniously to advance the doctrines to which the party is committed. Almost Mayor Bryan of Lincoln persuaded us when he argued that the liquor traffic was a harmful and pernicious influence in politics, that it divided and enfeebled the democratic party, that it was rsponsible for bad gove rnment, and that if we could get rid of it the party would stand before the world purified, ennobled, consecrated and united. It was quite the best argument for prohibition that came to our democratic ears. How more than distressing, in the ight of these considerations, is the picture presented in the opening days of the .eotaska legislature. The liq- p.'. or traffic has been abolished. The breweries and saloons are dying, and in a few weeks will be dead. They lave nothing left to hope for, noth ing more to fear no future but ob- ivion. They had, therefore, no pos ib!e interest in the organization of the legislature. They, and their agents and tools and hirelings, stayed dolfully at home and attended their own protracted wake. The legisla ture, untempted and unsullied by their pernicious wheedlings, was free to attend to its own business in its own wav. But not quite! For while all the other lobbyists and '"bosses" were ab sent, so far as the newspaper reports disclose, while even our poor scape- goat friend, Arthur Mullen, was far from the scene, Mayor Bryan with his Fiuus Achates, Superintendent Car son of the Anti-Saloon league, were there. He was there armed cap-a-pie. He was there still fighting, the mori bund saloon and the confiscated out lawed brewery. He was there still denouncing and defying and resisting the invisible ghost of "the liquor in fluence." He was there to brand as a brewery tool whomever he was against and to affix the saloon stig ma to whomsoever democrat, would not obey his orders. He was there putting into the mouths of his syco phants ridiculous and silly charges. "Lick my boots or I'll blast your rep utation! Obey my orders or I'll smirch your legislature and wreck the party." Just the same old story told in the same old way. Nebraska democrats who respect thoir party and their state and who want to its pec t their legislature will rejoice that both houses proceeded to oigan'ze themselves according to their own wishes and judgment. The sen ate honored itself by choosing for president pro tern, John Mattes of Nebraska City. Senator .Mattes is a man of sterling character and un blemished refutation. He is fearless, candid, and possessed of a trained mind and ripened intelligence that would grace the senate of the United States. The house did the wise and proper thing in re-electing Mr. Jack- s n speaker. Two years ago Speaker Jackson proved himself to be a fair and open-minded legislator, an im partial presiding officer, and excel lently qualified for the duties of an onerous position. Though there were other aspirants able and in every espect trustworthy, Speaker Jackson deserved re-election on his record. The World-Herald wishes the new legislature God-speed in its work. Like all other similar large assem blies it will be found to be composed of weak men and strong men, some well equipped and others poorly equipped for their task, but the very large majority of them honest and well-meaning. It would not be sur prising if there were a few bad men, who will bear watching. It would not be surprising, even, if such were found among those who most loudly proclaim their own virtue. All of this is for time to develop. The rec ord will furnish the conclusive evi dence. On the whole we may rest as sured that the legislature pretty fairly reflects and speaks for the citizenship of Nebraska and that it will do as nearly righ as possible ac cording to the best judgment of the majority. World Herald. :o: Morehead out Neville in. :o:- The new governor looks good. :o: A good sausage maker has little trouble making both ends meet. :o: A girl will expose her wishbone in winter and kick because it's cold. :o:- If you cannot make friends there is something wrong in your makeup. -:o:- There is comfort in the fact that potatoes have not reached $2.00 a bushel yet. :o:- An Omaha mother has named her new baby "Silence." We'll bet a coon skin that it isn't a girl. :o:- The oldest inhabitant in Poland has just died at the age of 117. He cer tainly was an old Pole. -:o:- "Do unto others as you would have others do. unto you," and you will al ways enjoy a good neighborhood. " x -:o:- Let's buckle down to business and secure everything we can for Platts mouth this year. What do you say? -rot- It begins to look as if Wilson was on the right track when be began to talk about neutrals having something to say. -:o:- What worries us is how Henry Ford manages to live since he cut his per sonal expenses twenty thousand dol- ars a month. Six years' term for president is now eing pretty extensively advocated, and but one term. That looks like it was long enough for one man to serve, anyhow. tot- Print paper is reported a shade less than it was last week, and we say, come on with more "shades" until it comes down to normal, if the paper trust has sufficient conscience to know what that is. to: Shapely young women dancing over the meadows recall the days of an cient Greece, but nine times out of ten they are dancing for the movies. tot A pair of blue silk pajamas fea tured in a recent news story. Persons who usually scan the headlines in a newspaper, read this article from be-, ginning to end. tot We have come to the conclusion that several Plattsmouth gentlemen are lucky roosters. They allow their wives to do all the work, and they do all the crowing. -tot- The legislature will get down to business next Tuesday. The house seems to be harmoniously inclined, and but for Howell, of Omaha, the senate would be in the same shape. Howell is inclined to pursue the "rule or ruin" policy. But Mr. Howell has bit off more than he can chew in com fort, and in the future deliberations of that body he will have to sit back and ponder over the mistakes he has made in the beginning. Poor Ed. He is a good fellow, but in this session he. will wield but little influence, and will have to be content with drawing his pay. Is the January thaw on? tor- It is certainly a .weather-breeder. tot- Business will soon pick up from the holidays. -tot- Happy is the man who can meet his obligations with a smile. to: The fellow who jumps at conclu sions sometimes jumps into hot water. Some men join every lodge that comes along, while others work for a living. -tot School opens again Mondav, after a vacation of more than two weeks' time. -to: The old-fashioned automobile now looks almost as antiquated as the old stage coach. When peace is declared these Amer ican "war brides" will resemble a bunch of old hens. -tot- It is all a -mistake about women not taking a joke. Just look at the things some of them marry. tot- Governor Neville says the amend ment in no way assails the right of individuals to purchase drinkables. tot Germany says that a business peace is close at hand. Whether that was made in Germany or not it sounds ood. The Germans ought to be able to drive a pretty good peace bargain, for they appear to be there in the driving business. Merchants have been so busy mak ing settlements with their patrons this week that they haven't time to do anything else. -to: Along about this season there are :ome millions of men in Europe who ire wishing they hadn't raised them selves kto be' soldiers. :ot- Stiange things are being reemdod every day that make the old saying, "there's nothing new under the sun," appear out of date. -:o: Toothpicks have advanced 2." per cent since the war, but the need for toothpicks has gone down as the cost of living has gone up. to: Army authorities will spend 000,000 on the signal corps and will then be prepared to give the high hailing sign with the best of them.j Captain Koenig's account of his trips across the Atlantic merely strengthens the conviction that the submarine will never be a pleasure craft. to :- Would oleomargarine taste any punker under the name of "marga rine," leaving off the "oleo?" An ef fort is being made to have the name changed. -to : Just now Arizona has two gover nors. But that is only a side show compared with Nebraska in lS'Jl when this state had three men pasing as governors. -tot- Thc aviator is the most daring of the twentieth century adventurers, but always with him rides the grim spector that sooner or later becomes a dead reality. -:o:- We are greatly in favor of an in crease in the salaries of school teach ers, but are bitterly opposed to so many vacations. Let the teachers keep closer to their work and then demand an increase in salaries. There is no need of more than one week's vacation at this season of the year; and that, between Christmas and New Year. tot For the love of Mike, why don't somebody get married here in Platts mouth. The Christmas bells and marriage bells did not seem to chime together matrimonially. It is certainly awful for the matrimonial market to get so slack here in this great big town. Go to it, boys, and -do some thing for your country, and we will fix you up so that you will "live happy ever after." PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public auction at my home, seven and one-half miles west of Plattsmouth, a half-mile north of Louisville road, live miles southeast of Cedar Creek and a half-mile- north of Bfcker school house, on Wednes day, January 17th, the following de scribed property, to-witt Twenty Head of Horses and Mules. One span gray horses, weight, 3,200, 4 and o years. One span brown horses, weight, 2,S00, 7 and 8 years. One span carriage horses, weight, 1,100, 10 and 15 years. One black horse, weight, 1,500, 5 years old. One gray mare with foal, weight, 1,250, 1 1 years. One dark gray colt, weight, 1,100, 2 years old. One dark brown colt, weight, 1,150, 2 years old. One black brood mare, weight, 1,150. 11 years old. One sorrel brood mare, weight, 1,000, smooth mouth. Eight Duroe-Jersey sows; bred. One horse, weight 1,000, 4 years. One mare, weight, 1,475, 8 years. One horse, weight, 1,500, 3 years. One horse, weight, 1,350, 3 years. One mare, weight, 1,575, 13 years. One suckling colt, 4 months old. One span of 3-year-old mules. Eleven Head of Cattle. Eight head of good milk cows. Two heifers. One Short Horn bull. Farm Machinery-, Wagons, Etc. One corn elevator and power. One press drill. One self-binder. One corn planter. One disc harrow. One Mil waukee mower. One 12-inch gang plow. One lti-inch sulky plow. One let-inch walking plow. One 4-section harrow. Two walking c ultivators. Or.'.' -shovel riding cultivator. One ma- i nure spreader. One corrugated roller. One smooth roller. One bob-sled. One ."-stroke hay press. One small wheat irill. One 2-scction harrow-. One sweep feed grinder. One carriage. Oi.e top buggy. Two lumber wagons. One hay rack and wagon. I'eur sets work harness. One set buggy harness. 0:e DeLaval cream separator. One O'd Trusty incubator. One big butcher kettle. One horse cliuper. One oust bill. One forge. Tools of a'l kinds, household foods and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale com mences at 10 a. m. Lunch served at noon. Terms of Sale All : ur.i:;- under sin. cash; over ';1 one year's time will be given, purchaser giving note with approved security bearing 8 per cent interest from dale. No pmpcrty t" be removed from the premise.- until settled f..r. II . E. BECKEK. W. I!. Young. Auctioneer. C. O. Fricke, Clerk. r :o : Davs are getting longer. :o:- Nineteen and seentceii will be a winner. :o: Easy money usually goes to the un deserving. :o :- Villa never came back, because he never went away. :o: Although talk is cheap a good many people waste language. :o :- The conscience fund of the United States this year exceeds ij;fS,0M, against $",1S7 in 1!1." and only $., O.'l in 1!1 1. Apparently prosperity piicks the public conscience. :o: The year 1!)11 shows there were fifty-four persons limbed in the United States during the year. Fifty of these were and four white. The state of Georgia heads the list with fourteen. :o:- Goveinor Neville is bejng severely censured in some sections for the ap pointment of G. E. Norman of Omaha as deputy labor commissioner. It is claimed that Norman was discharged by Labor Commissioner Coffee for in competency. :o: If the present legislature will re duce the wall-flower force around the state house to about one half, it will be a noble deed. The members should do this the first thing on re-assembling and get rid of them from- ths start. CASTOR iA For Infants and Children En Use For Over 30 Years Always bear? the Gir.naturc o Net Contents 15PiujdJjr5chp Bill; !SPJ if i ' ..... r in. i - rl;M. ... . . ... T -iftrtnll S 5irr..I:Uiri.ati-cIoodbyKcC'ula-?f-?i : t. .;: vr-nr-lic and BoWlS 01 7. .- i oc Contains i nciUierOpiam.Morpluncnor ,1 ' ' Mineral. Not Nahcotic ! . -.- rurinrSA. Juh ,vUe Salt Prrptnv.ini .';;; Sird ffuriuJ'igar :rt.. t,u ' ft:AI' cryrirtt i : A helpful Remedy for GoripalionandDiarrhoca. . rwrlhness ana LoSSOKiLEEP rcsultinS lhrrcfrcnjnW- new '"Jlli fcx-'-t opy oi wrapper. m. '. - .: r ' m Fac-Simiic Signature; cf eOWH3iG-GEM THEATRE! i TSusrsday, riatincc Movies Latest Offering in Four Big Reels menca s AT THE TOP OF The Wyoming Parson and the Naturlast of the Rockies Himself. The Greatest Nature's Story Ever Told $ A D tV! 3 3 S 3 O 1 on SALE. Improved farm, northwest l J of 13-20-6, Uocne county, No- ! -I- braska; two and a hrjlf miles -I from Albion; $16,000.60. Easy -I terms. l MICJIAEL V. KFDDY, J Albion, Nebraska. l . .J W :o:- The fate of the star aviators of both sides in the war shows that the wage of success is death. The only prospect which fame holds out to them is a brilliant doom. Bsg Nebraska Conventions Lincoln, January 1 5th to 1 9th Agricultural and Live Stock Societies B'ard of Agriculture Coin Improvers Slate and County FaiiS Nebraska Da iynien'.1: Association A g r i ? u 1 r u r a I E x t e n s io n -i State Florists' Society 3PEC2AL FEATURES January -Horse Day;" January Kith, "JJ ve-Stock-Day ;" Janu ary 17t.h, -Horticultural, Beef Cattle and Dairy Day;" January IK "Potatoe Day;" January lth, "Rural Credit Day." For official programs, information, etc., apply to W. R. Mellor, Chair man. Lincoln, Neb. BIG mm National Western Live Stock Show, 3 For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That a Genuine uasioria Always Bears For Over Thirl" Years m$ 1 thcccnt. cintiui co:pir. hew yo citt. ?V7.'rrTr-.jr:''7.r..i January 11 and Night W ond erland THE WORLD and fl 10 and 15c53a .Mr. J. C. Peterson, manager of the Gem theater, secures novel attraction for Thursday, January 11th. The movies' latest offering, a travalogue in four reels, "America's Wonderland, Yellowstone Park," ami the real west at work and play. Mr. O. I. Wood, the parson and naturalist of the Kock ies, will appear, giving his many ex periences in the western hills and mountains. This attraction is appear ing in all the principal cities and is meeting with great approval and ap preciation by both press and public. Easy to entertain reserve a tabic for your party at the liiley for spe- Spcculators generally find out what goes up must come down. Nebraska Home Economics' Rural Schools Association Horse Breeders Swine Breeders Sheep Breeders Cattle Breeders COLORADO RVRNT Signaturp ?k J Use TAB IB Denver, Colo., January 20-27, 1917. R. WCLEMENT. Ticket Agent L. W. WAKE LEY, General Passenger Agent, n MS i -1 A ' t i