The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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; "t! To be generous is to be happy. j LINCOLN OR ROCKEFELLER. ONE CERTAIN GAIN. ; f ii-g.: y,f ! 'j ; rima .r"-1- -ysr
. :o: u w.:u: v n
Cbe plattsmouth journal
Entered at Potofflce at Plattamouth. Neb.. second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
It looks like a white Christmas.
Eight inches of snow in Tennessee.
Only three more days to do you
:o: -
J- If thou canst not give pleas-
ure to all by thy knowledge, !
give it then unto the few; many
I- l please is but vain. Schiller.
.'..rTTTt .'..'..T.rTt .TmVu'i.'.
Remember the poor children.
Let them feel there is a Santa
Only four days yet in which to do
y :ur hopping.
We hardly believe autos are respon
sible for infantile paralysis, as not a
single Pomeranian has been taken
If the famine in paper should dis
courage the custom of putting bands
n cigars it would not be wholly with
out advantage.
All the world is paying for the Eu
ropean war. It is to be hoped that
ail the world will reap its share of
any. benefits that may come from the
great disaster.
Paper is now so high that people are
beginning to understand why the an
cients inscribed their message on clay
or stone tablets.
Robbers are trying their hands on
bank robbing.
Don't spoil the effect by writing it
Nevada is as dry as a bone, which
may account for her people voting
Now is the time when you should
feel thankful for what you are about
to receive.
Do you notice how good the little .
fellows are just now? They know old
Santa is watching them.
Any move for peace should be en
co u raged.
If you can's give with a smile, don't
give at all.
It don't take much of a person to
start trouble.
. :o : '
Ka-srs are still eggs in this man's
town at 40 cents a dozen.
. :o:
The bovcott in Kansas City has re
duced the price of eggs to 35 cents a
It seems to be the women vote which
has kept Greece out of war all right.
King Constantino's better half turned
the trick.
r.rfaf Uritnin :irul hff .'lilies tl'MV nr
The chief justice of the supreme J ri;.I1S!R f rrms v.-ilb
court of Nebraska Andrew jle Teutonk. empires amj thcir aIlic,s.
Wnrlrt-IIerald the. 1
rissey, wmt Bufc afc leagt gooJ thias
following e 'come of the suggestion at any rate
.' . . mnli imnrossed with
avL u" 1 .. . I The word
the SUggeSUOIl Ul JUU,v; liuiionumn
of the supreme court of Ohio, Captain
An Iowa woman keeps her husband There will be cheaper living, per
iled up in the back yard, says an ex- naPs aei the European war is over
But maybe he snaps.
But maybe some of us will not live to
see that time.
Apple pie now sells for 10 cents a
tut in Minneapolis, reports the St.
Paul Pioneer Press. Still knocking
that town, it seems.
Combines are as much to blame for
the prices of everything as the Eu
ropean war. The war is simply an
opportunity for these combines to gel
the best of the consumers, and they
are very eager to snap up the oppor
tunity. :o:
We would like to see a show come
to the Parmele that would please ev
eryone. But that is an utter impossi
bility, and life is too short to even
dream of such an occurrence. You
just cannot please all the people all
the time, and the manager will have
to make up his mind and do like the
editor of the Journal, who makes no
pretention of pleasing everybody. And
it is foolish any time you try.
It is not many days till the legisla
ture meets. It assembles a week ear
lier than usual this time. The mem
bers of the house, and we suppose the
senate, also," will meet on Friday and
Saturday, December 21) and 30, for the
purpose of causussing and the selec
tion of chairmen of committees. We
desire to see our good friend, Hon.
John Murtey, get the chairmanship of
some important committee, as he is a
gentleman of considerable ability, and
we believe the committee on banking
and currency would be well headed
by him, because we know he is one
of the best qualified members of the
new legislature in the state for a po
sition of this character.
To those of us who recall with what
wisdom the president and congress
worked out the details of the federal
reserve act, providing a remedy for
evils which republican statesmanship
had for many years been unable to
solve, it gives hope that all that is
ivil in existing high prices of food
will be ferreted out and summarily
eliminated. There is no longer ques
tion that existing oppressive prices,
while attributable in some measure to
the war and the fact that the world
is bidding against the domestic con
sumer for the food the republic pro
duces, are more largely due to cun
ning and conscienceless combinations
f men who corner food supplies and pries mi as to yield
pnnrnifius nrofits.
Broom corn is now worth $200 a
ton. Now is the time for Secretary
Red field or somebody to make a
sweeping investigation.
It may be that the question of
which party had the best end of the
Pinchot and Garfield family split will
Remember, we have a number of
widows with children. They ought to
be remembered Christmas morn.
Do it now, before the rush on the
last day before Christmas, and that
is Saturday, when the stores will be
crowded to overflowing.
Many of the larger manufacturers never be definitely settled
in the east are increasing the wages :o:
of their employee, in consequence of Strange as it may seem, whenever
the high cost of living. the covcrnment starts an investigation
o I of a certain thing the price on that
The British are said to plan an in- particular artide moyes up another
crease in charges for the use of the I jjjj
Suez canal. Evidently the Panama
canal has not greatly hurt thcir busi
ness. :o:
Merry Cfurctmas
peace"' has been spoken
in an official and authoritative fashion. I
not by a neutral who might be accused ?3
e :i in: 1 . r r l
uj. i.nei iiieuuiuig aim oi ignorance oi i
the feeling of the belligerents, but by
one of the parties to the great con- A
test. : f
This mere fact will give license and ' jfj
force to peace discussions all over the Ira
world. It will particularly set for-!?
ward the discussion of the far-reach-! fS'
ing plan of devising a league to eii-'J
force peace or at least to enforce a j
delay which will give time i'tv duo.'S
deliberation. It should promote a re-jHj
newod eonsiilmtinn of the ff-isHhilit-v li
. v. - ., . ' i
of limiting armaments.
be good under almo?t
Our minds are said to be working
overtime coining money, but the prob
lem of securing coin is still upper
most in the mind of the average man
with a family.
Hon. John Murtey has the car short
age question down to a fine point, and
having been in the shipping business
for many years, he knows just exactly
where the beginning of the trouble
comes in.
Nebraska hens delivered seventy
million eggs last year. Editor Maupin,
If you have a poor family in your of the York Democrat has figlired it
-11 1 1 1 - A I
neignoornoou wno is unaoie to ,- Qut and gays that jf thes(, eggs were
ber their children, you should be a ,ced enJ tQ end t woud circe
the world and then lap over from the
Missouri river to Salt Lake City,
When it comes to handling statistics,
Bill Maupin is there with the correct
figures. He is from Missouri, but
don't "have to be shown."
Good Fellow, if you are able, and re
member them yourself.
More than eight million acres of
land were eliminated from the nation
al forests in the last fiscal year, as
a result of the classification work. Let
the good work continue.
The tragic death of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Becker, near Mason City, 111.,
should be a warning to farmers keep
ing large sums of money at home.
When a man sits down on a pin or a
tack he generally makes a pointed re
mark right away, and. it wouldn't be There is no doubt they were murdered
very complimentary to the lad who for money, as $14,000 was missing,
and the old gentleman was known to
have considerable more, that the mur
derers did not get. In this day and
age it is rather risky for anyone to
keep large sums of money in the
house. We say this simply to warn
some farmer friends.
placed the tack there, either.
This, the last week before Christ
mas, is bound to be a busy one, in
more respects than any half dozen
were. While the little tots are pre
paring to listen to the chimes of the
Christmas bells many of those of the
proper age will be listening for the
peals of marriage bells, which are
The St. Joseph Gazette hits the
liable to be very numerous, if all signs bull's-eye when it says: "British ofli
do not fail. I cials. editors, and scholars are nrnmnt.
Co: I Iv announcing their rminimi f the rm-
Flaltsmouth merchants never in the of thcir cncmics for pcacc Noth.
history of the old town enjoyed a ing has yct becn hcard howevcr from
larger trade for one day, than they the soldiors in the trenches. It would
did last Saturday. One of our prin- be interesting to know how they view
cipal merchants took in $1,000 in cash, the suggcstion that the bloodshed
and one-half that amount or more endcd Perhaps the Lonton politi.
went on the books. Evidently, very dans writcrs anJ students ,,ut vo5ce
few country people went to, Omaha the sentiments of the men who aon?
Saturday to do their Christmas shop- the battle frontg are offerinf? thcir
ping, and this demonstrates splendid lives for their nation. It might not
judgment. be unfair to make certain of the fact,
:o: however, rather than to merely take
The $15,000 recently voted to finish it for grante(1. There is a possibiity
the new high school building accord- that were the ofr,ct.holderS) journai.
ing to plans and specifications is now ists and educators under constant
held up, and work on the building is shrapnel fire, with small chances of
to be further delayed in a suit to rre- getting away alive, they would give
vent the payment of the bonds thus the entire probiem of whether the war
vorfcd, and the Board of Eudcation and .should be continued more careful con
taxpayers put to a further expense of sideration than they have yet accord-
defending this suit, which was brought I ed jt."
through spite work. This is an out-
rageous proceeding, and not only that, An eastern Ontario rural telephone
but it is not a very good advertise- company is imposing penalties for the
ment for the city of Plattsmouth, frivolous use of the telephone. Friv-
which is noted far and near for its olous use of -the telephone ought to
enertrv and enternrise. be frowned on everywhere ,
Adams, and others, that the study of
Abraham Lincoln be made a part of
the regular work of our public schools
This is a suggestion that richly mer
its the approval of the American pub
lie. Races are judged by the strong
characters they produce. If 'the youth
of America are to develop a proper
sense of the dignity of thcir own na
tionality they must be made familiar
with great American characters. Up
to the present time there has prob
ably been little need for teaching Lin
coln in the schools because there have
been with us so many men and women
who knew him in the flesh, and his
work was so recent that it seemed as
?f he still lived and moved among us.
Gradually, however, those of his day
ind generation are passing away.
Boy.s and girls are growing up who
know nothing of the stirring scenes
through which he passed, and if they
ire to know and appreciate his char
octer they must get their knowledge
in the schools. His life ought to be
an inspiration to every American
youth, and, like American history, it
ought to be made a part of the regular
There is in this letter a thought
hat will bear careful con-iideration
"If the youth of America are to de-
clop a ceitain sense of the dignity of
thcir own nationality," writes Judge
Morrissey, "they must be made famil
iar with great American characters
What means are we taking today, in
the schools or out ot the schools, to Some time ago, Judge Wannaraaker
impress the youth of America with Qf the supieme court of Ohio, sug-
a sense of the dignity of their, own rtod that one year's study of Abra
nationality? ham Lincoln should be made a part of
What are we doing to make them ti e required work in every hiirh school
understand what is the meaning of in the land. This suggestion has been
America; to make them familiar with received with nati.n-wide apnrova
the soul of the republic, to inspire I nid it has heen comptntrd upon m
1 his well known house of better shoes extends the
$ compliments of the season to everybody! May this be
the Alernest of ail the Christmases j'ou have ever
retzer onoe
any circum-'
Id rit- Vftiir rnnsirlpralinn
Illllfv I,..-f if if clinnlil .-,,-- n 19 J
J-"-'.. iv.:v xl iw .7 it if II ill v. iriiiv: ItllJl-,
out an accompanying recognition nf :
the need for making it what all the'!
belligerents profess to desire an act
ually "durable peace."
It is something that even the mere
word has come from so influential a
quarter. Naturally but unfortunately
the arrangements proposed contem
template a practical return to the sit
uation in which the "balance of power"
i.; to furnish the piincipal guarantee
of peace. That and the recollection of
the horrors of recent years may serve
the purpose for awhile. But nothing.
less than the league in question prom
ises even a partial solution of the
problem. Chicago Herald.
We stand ready io furnish about the most sensible
and practical Christmas gifts that you can think of
Christmas gifts that will be appreciated
Choice Footwear!
We've something in our lines of splendid footwear
that would make an ideal Christmas pift for any and
every foot in the family from grandpa way down to p
baby !
While our footwear is of the best, our prices are
never "up." The patrons of this shoe store receive
the best of values at any stated price!
We're all aglow with the spirit of Christmas and
-Better Shoes
them with its ideals?
Is the United States of America
something more than a colony of
money-grabbers? Has it other ideals
ti e eastern press.
Recent comments made in this sec
tion are all in favor of this study o
Lincoln. Captain C. E. Adams of Om
has a large and beautiful selection of
Patches, Dsamosids, li)
Solid Gold Jewelry,
and FJoveltSes,
China, Cut Glass and Ivory Good y
than to get rich quick? Has it a soul, I aha has written and published a very
or is it purely materialistic? Is our comprehensive argument in favor o
republic to be represented in terms ot jluiKe WannamakcrY. idea and these
coal and iron and steel and steam and inters of Captain Adams have calle
electricity and wheat and pork, or are forth local editorial support for the
all these merely means to an end? If proposition. It is pointed out that
so, what is that end .' Lincoln has left a heritage to his peo-
The life that Lincoln lived, the emo- J pe greater than that of any oth
tions that were in his heart, the as- rran. His life and public services are
pirations that fired his brain were J b:ing more and more understood.
these elements that should endure,! The World-Herald says cf this study
that should be part and parcel of the of Lincoln in the rchools, that there
America of today and of tomorrow? is no study better calculated to make
Or is it better, in the new age of steel good capable Americans of pupils than
and chemistry and electricity, to for- the study of the life of Lincoln. The
get them, and devote ourselves assidu-J same paper expresses the opinion that
ously to learning a trade or a calling, there are few American farmers but
working hard the harder the better I would rather have their sens study
and getting on in the world? J "Lincoln" than study Caesar or Cicero
What is that "dignity of our own The contrast between Lincoln and his
nationality" to which Judge Morrissey lire and his influence upon the world
refers? By what is it created? Is it J with that of any of the old Romanr,
symbolized better by Abraham Lincoln is so much more forcible in favor of
or by John D. Rockefeller? I Lincoln that as a study of men, there
In our schools and in the daily life J would be no comparison between his
of the republic the idea of success character and that of all others. There
and greatness that Rockefeller rep- is a growing Inclination wherever the
resents is being driven into the na-1 people themselves give attention to
tional life with incessant sledge-ham- modern education, to more and more
mer blows. That is the reason that depart from the old classics and reach.
the church pews are empty. That is j through modern education, a better
,vhy the suggestion that the study of j understanding of modern life and mod-
Lincoln be made a part of our public j ern conditions. The epoch of Lincoln's
school course comes as a novelty and J time has no comparison in history
a surprise, it is as much ot an inno- Nothing that the irreat Greeks and
vation as would be the suggestion that Romans of twenty centuries ago ac
the churches invite the publicans and COmplished compares in magnitude
sinners into close communion with the with the influence of Lincoln and his
elect. World-Herald. I nn fivii;-nfinn iWan his
:0: time is nearer to us than ancient
If it is true that the South Omaha Roiau or a!lcient (;rcec., s no reason
Stock Yards company have been .u :( u,.i,i . .... irrt,.,t
charging shippers such outrageous
prices for feed for live stock while in
the yards waiting sale all these years,
it looks as though something has
"been rotten in Denmark" all this
attention greater attention, than we
give in the text books to times and
conditions and men in the days of the
greatest glory of Greece and Italy.
It will be interesting to note how
time. But the shippers are to blame generauy school men will take to the
for not reporting to the proper au- BUggestion of Judge Wannamaker re
thorities. irnnlinc vmi's studv of Lincoln in
1bu...c j -
the high schools of the country. If the
-:o: educators in nublic schools and uni
versities show any real enthusiasm for
this work, it will become a fixture in I
Hampshire boars for sale. Inquire
of C. R. Todd, Plattsmouth, Neb.
19 11
jS Enjoy Your Christmas with a Grafonola
the public schools in the country in
the very near future. Lincoln Trade
A post card with a 2-cent stamp
rent to Paris is returned, if it cannot
be delivered, without postage due, and
with a stamped inscription meaning,
"Gone, without any address." The in
ternational postal service sometimes
does wonders for two cents.
The Adamson law will be up before
the United States supreme court the
first week in January, at which time
the court will hear arguments. No
attempt will be made to enforce the
law until a ruling is given by the
To Stop Self-Poisoning.
I'or furred and coated tongue, bil
iousness, Hour stomach, indigestion,
constipation and other results of a
fermenting and poisoning mass of un
digested food in the stomach and
bowels, there is nothing better than
that old-fashioned physic Foley Ca
thartic Tablets. Do not gripe nor
sicken; act promptly. Sold every
A Pennsylvania scientist is growing
tomatoes and potatoes from a single
stalk. Very cheering to vegetarians,
but what most of us want is an inven
tion that will make both ends meet.
Peeling potatoes is now a misde
meanor in Germany, and if the gov
ernment will make dish-washing a
felony the war will not seem nearly
so awful to a lot of young daughters.
A young California minister ha-
married on eight dollars a week, say
ing, "Faith in God will sustain us;"
and perhaps it will be all right, if the
happy bridal couple are not too par
ticular. :o:-
Coughed Fifteen Years.
Coughs that hang on and grow
worse in the night are relieved by
Foley's Honey and Tar. R. F. Hail,
Mabe, Va., writes: "For fifteen yean;
I was afflicted with a troublesome
bronchial cough and iritation of the
throat. Foley's Honey and Tar re
lieved me; and after taking one bottle
the cough ceased." Sold everywhere.
20c gasoline at Dawson's.
Drs. Ellach & ftiach, The
The largest and best equipped dental oTOces in Omaha. Spec
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain filling, I
just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter u&ing. 1
Send for rnss sample of Sani-Pycr Pyorrhea Treatment. g
3rd Floor Paxton Dlock, OMAHA
No onoy.Tiil Gured
"'u ". All I Rectal Diseases cured with-
?i!!lk,i,,5 cures guaranteed.
Write fer Free Illustrated beok on Ractal
Dleeases and testimonials at hundreds
cured patients In Nebraska end Iowa.
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