0 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JO URN AC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11916. 1 PAGE 2. . What Shall I Give? A GIFT of jewel ry will not dis appoint, for it will soon help you to solve that problem of "What to give?" The offerings here is something every body likes to have. You'll be surprised at the lowness of price too. Excellent values ing articles, and upon recognize their worth For Women and Girls Diamond rings; plain set rir. .its. Silver novelties; umbrel las. Di-nu.nd set jewelry. Lavallieies and brooches ai'.d crosses. Wii-t watches and brace lets. Manicure sets. Xeck chains. lockets, v.'a'iCiH?. Jev.el ca.-es. ear screws ur.l pendants. I cry toilet sets. Hat pins, stick pins. Thimbles, powder boxes, vases. For Baby and Little Tots Kings, lockets, bracelets. Spoons. ci:ps. Xove!' es. Toi: sets, combs, brushes. Si These articles are rich in quality and re fined in character. There can be no question about their being highly appreciated by the re cipient. Come in and see the whole line of gifts. We offer both economy and satisfaction, because personal inspection is the only satis factory way to buy. We can give equal or better values for the maney than can be had anywhere. Gifts of Jewelry bought here have a permanent value and a lasting inter terest that go far toward making your Xmas ideal But Buy Early. IS Victrolas and Records B J. "Wo CRABILL 1 The Jewelery Plattsmouth - GIVEN U?3E ARB DECEMBER 16th EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED MUSIC BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA Drs. EVlach & Viacii, The Dentists The largest and best equipped dental offices fn Omaha. Speelaliitl charge of all work. T,w Mtandant. Moderate Price. Porctlain fillin just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter using. Send for frkk sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. HI) n h . j i"1 H 11 SS" jJ'M oneration. No Chloroform. Ether of other Rett r to last a utCrUMii. mnisiuoa wbi. WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS 11 D3.E.B.T RRY, Omaha, Nebraska WE ask you' to visit this store, whether you buy or not see the goods ; compare val ues. Note what little prices can do toward buying something real serviceable and pleasing. ft are offered in the follow inspection you'll readily and dependability. Bib holders. Beauty pins, neck chains. For Men and Boys Watches, fobs. Chains, charms. Diamond jewelry, plain and set rings. (ollar and cuff sets. Scarf pins and cuff links. Fountain pens, pocket knives. Match safes. Tie elasps, collar buttons. Toilet sets. Hair and clothes brushes.. Emblem rings, pins, but tons. Cigarette Cases, etc. For the Home Silverware and cut glass in sets or individual pieces artistic designs. Mantel clocks, alarm clocks. Carving sets, nut crackers. Sideboard accessories, etc. I i ft Gift Center Nebraska AT THE LB II If Pamic - 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA FISTULA Pay When CURED All Rectal Diseases cared without a surgical erai aneasmeuc usea. vu iv.c kv A, S. WILL TELLS OF HIS VISIT TO MEXICO A. S. Will of this city, who is quite extensively interested in property in the state of Sonora, Mexico, has just recently returned from a trip down into that section of the southern re public and is very much pleased with the conditions he found existing throughout the sections he visited. This is the state where the great cop per mines as well as a large number of other mining interests are located, and they are all progressing nicely despite the conditions in other parts of the republic. At Cannea, the town near which the mines are located, Mr. Will found peace and good order, and the population of that city were very busy at the different mills and fac tories and in the mines, and no one could tell that there was any warfare existing in the nation as everyone was busy" and happy. The mines are run ning at their fullest capacity and the banks and other business houses doing a fine business with the Mexi cans and foreigners who are living there. A great many Americans are located at Cannea, and these have done a great deal toward promoting good order and industry among the common people. The Mexicans in Cannea are all working and well clothed and fed, and are perfectly con tented with the conditions and very loyal in their support of the Ameri cans, whom they regard as being very potent factors in keeping the condi tions so prosperous in their state. The schools in this district are all flourish ing with he young people receiving an education, and Mr. Will states that the Mexican boys and girls are as well dressed as those in the U. S. and keep up in fine shape with their school work. This state is in the northwest section of Mexico and several hundred miles west of the section that the Villa forces have been ravaging. A RARE SKATING TREAT AT ROLLR RINK TONIGHT A treat in roller skating is promised for tonight at the roller skating rink when the Skating Macks will give an exhibition of the latest fancy roller skating at this rink. The Macks were here last year for an exhibition nd their demonstration on skates was very interesting and clever and won marked .approval from the spec tators. The time of this high class skating act will take up thirty-five minutes and during that time the Macks give a great exhibition of ball room dancing on roller skates that is both diflicult and fascinating. The exhibition is well worth seeing and the admission price of ten cents will allow everyone to enjoy it. The Macks have added many new features to their act since their last appearance here and will be ready to offer their entertainment to the public, at the Star rink tonight. Powerful Dispellers of Fears. Diseases destroy the happiness of the family. You are quite justified in fearing them. But there is a safe way how to allay the fears and regain a serene tranquillity of mind. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the remedy which dispels all anxiety. It removes the cause, the waste matter accumulating in the bowels and form ing -there a real hot-bed of diseases It cleans out the stomach, strength ens the intestines, the nerves and the entire body, and restores the energy. If you suffer from constipation, head ache, megrim, nervousness, troubles accompanying the change of life, etc. it will give you a safe relief. Price .$1.00. At drug stores. Many people are incessantly in fear of, rheumatism or neuralgia. Keep at home Triner's Liniment and you will see that those pale ghosts cannot make a stand against it. It helps .quickly also in accidents, sprains, swellings, chil blanes, etc. Price 25 and 50 cents at drug j.tores; by mail, 35 and GO cents. Joseph Triner, Manufacturing Chem ist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chi cago. If you want the 'beautiful Tri ner's Golden calendar, send 10 cents to cover mailing expenses. POSITIVELY NO HUNTING. All parties will from this date take notice that no hunting will be allowed on our farm. This rule must be ad hered to and all those violating it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. . Walter Sans, Mrs. Jos. Sans. BOX SOCIAL IN DISTRICT 30. There will be a box social given at the Cullom school house in School Dis trict 30, on Saturday evening, Decem ber 16. Everybody invited. Ethel Seybert, Teacher. ALVO Wim ITEMS Geo. Cook was in Lincoln Satur day. ' ' Mrs. J. Davis was in Lincoln Thurs day. Jno. Foreman spent Sunday in Lin coln. r. W. Stewart went to Omaha Wed nesday. Lee Prouty was a Lincoln visitor Sunday. Joe Vickers has a new Chevrolet touring car. Ralph Uhley came in Sunday to visit his family. Miss Alta Linen was visiting in Lincoln Saturday. Dale S. Boyles was transacting business in Lincoln. Roy Coatman was in Omaha on business Wednesday. Mrs. C. C. Bucknell was shopping in Lincoln Thursday. ' Miss Flo. Boyles visited friends in Lincoln for the week end. Bert Kitzel visited friends in Lin coin Saturday and Sunday. S. O. Boyles was in Lincoln Mon day and Tuesday on business. Morgan McCurdy of Havelock spent Sunday with the home folks Miss Clara Dickerson returned from Lincoln Sunday evening. The Missionary Society met with Mrs. Clara Prouty Wednesday W. O. Boyles of Lincoln visited his mother, Mrs. R. A. Boyles, Thursday Jno. Murtey has purchased th Frank Davis farm northeast of town. S. C. Boyles has recently purchaser the Cerrv farm one mile south of town. Miss Genevieve Lowiv visited her parents in Lincoln Saturday am Sunday. Miss Grace Bailey visited in Lin coin Saturday and Sunday with Miss Freda Albers Mrs. Ralph Uhley and son went to Elmwood Thursday visiting relatives until Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bush, December 13, a nine and one- half pound son. George Sutton returned to Horton Kas., Thursday after spending a week with his father Mrs. Irene Stout and Miss Florence McKinney were in Lincoln between trains Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stout and Mi and Mrs. Elener Klvver motored to Lincoln Thursday. Mrs. Isola Kennedy went to Omaha Wednesday to resume the treatment of the latter's eyes Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sophlin and children of Unadilla spent Sunday at the C. C. Bucknell home Martin Berquist and brother, Chas of Stromsberg, Neb., are visiting their parents for the week end. Mrs. Roy Armstrong returned Sun day from Elmwood where she visited her sister, Mrs. Floyd Eidenmiller. Dan Skinner left Friday for week's visit with his daughter, Mrs Pete Mick and family at Chappell Neb. 11. L. Clappjr., and sister, Mrs Dr. J. R. Hargen and son, James, of Chicago, called on Miss Grace Bailey Wednesday. Mesdames Fred Lake, Lloyd Eiden miller and Kov Armstrong were guests Wednesday afternoon of Mrs C. M. Jordon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and children, of Rokely autoed up Satur day evening, spending the night with Mrs. Campbell's sister, Mrs. Joe Arm strong and family Friday night the P. H. Weidman store was burglarized to the amount of $70.00 worth of shoes and silver ware. Admittance was gained by prying open the front door. Wm. Casey of Omaha came in Wed nesday on No. 13 to ship his house hold goods to Omaha South Side, where they have purchased property and will make their future home. The members of the Farmer's Union entertained their families at an oyster stew in Jordan's hall Monday evening. On account of the cold weather only a few could be present. The regular meeting of the Alvo Community club was held Wednesday in Jordan's hall. A short program was given after which the business session was held. Later apples and popcorn were enjoyed.by all. Fred Prouty and family, Chas. Campbell and family and Joe Arm strong and family attended the dedi cation of the new M. E. chuach at Greenwood Sunday and were guests at dinner at the home of Grandma Hurl but. ' XMAS MAIL ANNOUNCEMENT. The postmasters say that the Xmas rush has begun and will far exceed all prior records. The postal department is co-operating in every Jersey. House Coats a gift that expresses What could more fittingly, less expensively convey your well wishing for his comfort than one of these Angora Jersey House coats. They're knit to shape of fast color varns an J warm and snug, without being clumsy. Beauti ful Heather mixtures and Oxford gray. The price New ties every weel practical way in preparing to meet the Xmas demand. Postmaster Gen eral J3urleson urges the general pub lic to "mail early." If the greater part of the Xmas mailings are -dispatched early, complete efficiency in the discharge of the postollice's im portant Xmas function will be as sured. The clerks in the oilices and Ynail cars and the carriers on the de livery routes should be spared un reasonable and unnecessary burdens. This can be done if "the-fellows" who put everything off until the last min ute are not too numerous. Remember the mail man and also that it is against the rules ard regu lations of the postal department to put pennies in the mail boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. ttosmow in tended the Oliver theater at Lincoln Saturday night. They returned home by auto with the former's brother. Emil Rosenow and wife of Kim wood and Dan Rosenow of Omaha, tho lat ter,visiting over Sunday with then. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Junior Guild of St. Luke's par ish will hold their sale on Saturday, December loth", at the Warga & Schul dice store. The doors will be open to th public at 10 o'clock. We hope the ladies will be there as the things are very choice and they will not last very long. We wil have on talc beautiful knitting br.gs, needlework bags, the original Junior Guild apron, which is especially designed and has attracted a great ileal of attention. Also, will have a market of cakes, pies and other gpod things for the table. 1:1-1 4-tfd Crepe paper for decorations at the Journal office. "cr3 JzZZ3 'Of' Course, the Men will come, but we want the Ladles, too!cJ vvVJ) f Manhattan Skirts Stetson Hats I tesc3C3? m .--Pi -ssm your concern for "his comfort. $5.95 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" W. 0. W. ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR The Woodmen of the World held thtf regular meeting at their lodge rooms in the A. O. U. W. building last I evening and enjoyed a very pleasant session with each other in the transac tion of the business of the lodge. The annual election of officers was held at this time and the following were chosen: ' Consul Commander J. W. Morgan. Advisory Lieutenant -J. II. Hunter. Hanker Peter J. Vallcry. Clerk W. 15. Rishel. Escort D. J. Lair. Watchman W. R. Miller. Sentry George II. Becker. Managers For one year, William Weber; for three years, J. W. Hale. Physicians Dr. E. W. Cook and Dr. P. J. Flynn. Deputy (for Cass and Sarpy coun ties ) W. B. Rishel. The Woodmen of the VTorld in this city have a very large membership and their work here for the past year has been very satisfactory, as the deputy, Mr. W. B. Rishel, has been untiling in building up the lodge and has been assisted by the officers and the members in adding to their list of membership. RETURNED PIANO A-l shape, J good tone, a bargain. Will sell for balanTe of payments. Write or phone A. Ilospe Co., Omaha, Neb. 12-14-2tw. l.OnO boxes of paper to make your election from at the Journal office. Call and see them. We do not need to appeal to the men they know us. But we want the ladies to know us just as well and to feel sure that in our. store they'll find the kind of gifts they're seeking and the kind of service that makes Christ mas buying easy. So for the convenience of both the ladies and the men we provide this list of useful, appropriate and practical men's gifts gifts that every man will greet with the spirit of sincere appreciation that is so much desired. Bath robes $7.50 up Belts 25c up Cuff buttons 35c up Garters 25c up Sweater coats . .$1.25 up Jerseys $2.50 Underwear $1.25 up Handkerchiefs 5c up Tie holders . . . $1.00 Neckties 25c up Collar bags $1.50 Scarf pins 50c up Mufflers 50c up Hats $3.00 up Shirts $1.00 up Scarfs 50cup Caps .50c up Hose 15c up Glove and mitts 50c up Traveling bags and suit cases. If it is a man's gift get it at the man's gift store that means -si .v. 7s- w V JUDGE BEGLEY GRANTS DI VORCE TO FRORENCE LIBLIN Judge Begleycm gfdagfd kwdwd At the session of the district court today Judge Begley took up the suit for divorce of Florence M. Liblin vs. Aithur W. Liblin, and evidence of plaintiff offered and the default of de fendant entered. The court found for the plaintiff on the hearing of the evi dence and a decree of divorce was granted on the grounds of cruelty and abandonment, and the maiden name of the plaintiff, Florence M. Winnings, restored in the decree. The case of Charles G. Bailey vs Milliard Lefflcr occupied the greater part of the time of the court yesterday and after the argument by attorneys the matter was taken under advisement by the court. DIES IN CHICAGO. From Wednesday's Daily. This morning B. B. Danniher of this city received a telegram from Chicago announcing the death of his brother-in-law, D. C. Evans, in that city last night, after an illness of some dura tion. Mr. Evans had not been well for some time and his death was not unexpected. Mrs. Evans, formerly Miss Anna Danniher of this city, passed away about a year ago, and since that time the husband had been making his home with his children in Chicago. Owing to the health of Mrs. Danniher it will be impossible for any of the family from this city to attend the funeral services. You will find a very nice 1917 line of celendar pads at the Journal oflice. Car hart Overalls Hansen Gloves i V it; ft rrrrrr "