I i Neb Slat Historical 8o mouth ontnu 0 TOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 19l6 No. 153. t -pi i CHRISTMAS FOR THE BOYS ON THE MEXICAN BORDER Colonel John G. Maher, Department Commander, Appeals to the Peo ple to Remember the Soldier Boys1 On Christmas. When this circular is read in the va rious Spanish-American camps, our citizens will be thinking of the Christ mas time. They will be thinking of the bountiful blessings bestowed upon them during the past year. They will be preparing to meet in their various places of worship to offer thanks, and to hear again the song of the angels which was heard by the shepherds at Bethlehem and is vitalized anew by the example of our country as it comes down through the ages, "Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will." Comrades, I desire to call your at tention to the fact that at this time, away on our southern border are camped two regiments of our com rades in arms. When these comrades left their homes they made a great sacrifice, so great and enduring that it superseded thoughts of home and family ties and business interests, and other important concerns of their daily lives. They gladly gave up what life held of present promise and future hope, because duty to their country called them. Comrades, we know the glory that is merely tinsen and uniform, the ?omp and ceremony that are simply sham; but the glory that requires duty to one's country and loyalty to the common wreal is the enduring fact that should stand before us today in its true nobility. These comrades of ours went to uphold the honor of our flag and country. They were ready to per form a service full of danger and hardship for all, and face death, if need be. They were ready to make the sacrifice, if necessary, which was commended by Him whose natal day we are about to celebrate, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his country." They left behind them wives and chil dren, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and sweethearts, who also had a part in that sacrifice, and they too should be remembered by us. Therefore, I ask every comrade to make it a special duty to ascertain whether any of these loved ones are in need, and if so, to report to these headquarters, so their wants may be relieved. I also want each comrade to contribute something that we may send to the comrades on the border a token of remembrance and apprecia tion of them and the service they are engaged in, and assurances that their loved ones at home will be remembered Christmas time. Our boys have gone to the border service, not by compul sion, but through patriotic choice. They realize that this great country is theirs, that they have a personal proposition in the honor of its name and the glory and renown of its his- tory, and let us assure them that we believe there will be no danger to our institutions in the the service and training of volunteers. Let us assure them that the state fully recognizes the value of the service they are ren dering with but little remuneration. It is our imperative duty, comrades, to encourage' this service, and to be ready and willing to uphold the proud record of the American volunteer. Camp commanders should call a special meeting at once and appoint committees for this purpose. Dona tions will be received from any inter tested citizen. They should be sent to the Department Commander, 401 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb., not later than December 16. All contribu tions should be accompanied by the donor's name and address, so the proper credit may be given. They will be forwarded free of cost. JOHN MAHER, Department Commander. TONS OF CANDY. Several tons of Xmas candies and nuts will be placed on sale Friday and Saturday. Special prices to churches and schools. Make your selection early. Johnson Bros.' Greater Gro cery, Nebraska City. 12-7-2twkly MRS. MIKE WARGA, SR., OF HAVELOCK, SERIOUSLY ILL From Tuesilay's Daily.' A telephone message received here last evening from Havelock announced the serious condition of Mrs. Mike Warga, sr., in that city and her son, Mike Warga, jr., departed at once for the bedside of the mother. Mrs. Warga has not been in the best of health since an operation about a year ago and for the past few weeks has been feeling very poorly and the last few days her condition has become a great deal worse. She seems to have a complication of several afflictions Her husband and youngest son, Harry were here Sunday for a short visit but were called home by the message announcing the illness of Mrs. Warga The old friends here will anxiously await word fro mher bedside. BEN HANKINSON BUYS A NEW AUTO TRUCK From Tuesday's Daily. Ben Hankinson, of the Plattsmouth Fruit and Grocery company has made a new addition to his line of business that will be found a great improve ment in handling the trade and in bringing stock from the . wholesale houses to the store in this city. This is a brand new Ford, Smith Form-a auto truck that was delivered to Mr. Hankinson yesterday afternoon and will at once be put into service. This truck is one of the latest on the market and is a beauty in every way and one that will deliver the goods. The truck is made from a Ford car with the pat ent Smith Form-a attachment which gives a truck with a nine foot box and the hauling capacity of a ton and one-half. The truck was secured through T. H. Pollock, the local rep resentative of the Ford company and Mr. Hankinson in company with Mr. ollock made the trip down from Oma ha yesterday in the machine with great success and there is no doubt that Mr. Hankinson will find the truck a most valuable addition to his line of business. With the use of the truck during the good weather it will be pos sible to haul a greater part of the stock from the wholesale house saving the cost of transportation and thereby save to the customers quite a little n cost besides insuring prompt de- ivery to the store. JAMES BLAHA TAKEN TO OMAHA FOR TREATMENT From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon James Blaha, one of the employes in the Burlington freight car repair department, was taken to Omaha where he will be placed in a hospital there for treat ment. Mr. Blaha was injured by falling from a trestle while suffering from a dizzy spell and in the falling injured his head slightly as well as being bruised up considerable and this combined with the fact that several months ago he also sustained quite a serious injury to his head, made it necessary to have him taken to the hospital and accordingly he was taken to that city on the 4 o'clock Missouri Pacific and received treatment. Mr. Blaha will remain at the hospital until his condition is improved and a thorough treatment can be given him. NEMAHA COUNTY AUTO PARTY PASSES THRU CITY From Wednesday's Daily. This morning an auto party bound from . Nemaha county to Omaha, stopped for a short time in the city, where they enjoyed their breakfast after being on the road since 4 o'clock, and reached here just before 8 o'clock The members of the party took the occasion to look over a number of the stores of the city, and among other things made the purchase of two very fine fur coats at the Wescott clothing store, and were indeed well pleased with the general appearance of the city and the excellent business houses It was certainly a long way to come to trade, but the members of the party were convinced that it pays to trade in Plattsmouth. W. C. T. U. MET WITH MRS. KAFFENBERGER From Tuesday's Daily. The members of the W. C. T. U. society of this city held a very enjoy able jubilee social yesterday afternoon at the hospitable home of Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger on High School hill, and the occasion was one of the great est pleasure to the large number in attendance, being in the nature of a jollification over the fact that the state had gone dry and that the work of the Temperance union had been crowned with success. A very interesting pro gram was given, which was much en joyed by everyone. Rev. C. E. Per- Lee of the Christian church gave the lesson, and also contributed a solo to the program and assisted in the piano accompaniment of the songs of the ladies, which they gave with feeling and expressing their satisfaction over the success of the dry cause in the state. Miss Myra Kaffenberger fa vored the company with a vocal num ber and was accompanied by Miss Delia Frans at the piano. Mrs. Don C. York gave a history of the W. C. T. U. in Plattsmouth, covering a per iod of some forty-two years, and of the original members but one remains in the city, Mrs. P. E. Ruffner. The oldest members of the society in point of service are Mrs. Ruffner, Mrs. George Dodge, Mrs. S. E. Kerr and Mrs. Charles Troop, and these ladies were called to stand while the mem bers of the society gave them the official W. C. T. U. salute as a tribute to their faithful service during all these years. During the afternoon dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Kaffenberger, Mrs. Luke Wiles and Mrs. M. Whelan, which added much to the pleasure of the occasion. GREAT SHOW AT PAR- MELE LAST EVENING From Tuesday's Daily. "The Million Dollar Doll," filled with bright musical numbers and a sparkling array of comedians, made its appearance last evening at the Par- mele theatre and pleased a large sized audience with their offering. The company was a well balanced one and from start to finish thero was some- hing doing all the time that kept the audience in the best of humor and furnished an evening of much enjoy ment. The offering is laid along the ines of modern musical comedy with no heavy plot and merely the desire to smuse and in this the company were fully equal to the occasion. As the chief fun maker, Nate But-by as Jasper Jackson," the colored come dian, was the premier and his efforts were greatly enjoyed by everyone. Marigold Gano, as the "Doll" was both fascinating and pleasing and with her personal charm and beauty gave added strength to the musical program of the comedy. Millie Corbin Whyte as "Carmencita" was one of the chief attractions of the musical numbers, dividing honors with Paul Atwood as 'Col. Barrington" and in their num bers they were both given a warm re ception by the audience. The musical numbers included a large number of pleasing selections, including "Pro posals," "Come on and Baby Me," Memories," "Snowball Time" and several others of equal merit. The il luminated runway, on which the bevy of attractive chorus girls appeared was one of the big hits of the sparkling musical comedy, and a great deal of fun and enjoyment was had through the means of this feature. Manager Peterson has secured a number of high class attractions so far this seas on that has appeared in the larger cities and they are being given the generous patronage they so well de serve. SHIPS A FINE HOG. This morning Philip Hirz drove in from his farm with a fine thorough bred Duroc-Jersey sow that he shipped over the Burlington to H. H. Koeing at DeWitt, Neb., one of the most ex tensive breeders of Duroc-Jersey swine in the state. The animal was a splen did specimen of its kind and will be offered for sale in the big sale to be held by Mr. Keoing at his stock farm in January. Mr. Hirz has been very successful in his handling of Duroc-Jersey-hogs and has one of the best stocked farms in this section of the state. BEST YET; COMING TO PAR- MELE OH DECEMBER 16TH No stage director of the present day has become so identified with the doing of "big things" as has Edward P, Temple who directed the productions that first made the New York Hippo drome the talk of the world, and who designed most of the ingenious me chanical and other effects of that great theatre. It was after Mr. Temple had been established at the New York Hippodrome for several years that Milton and Sargent Aborn arranged with him to direct the big new revival of Balfe's opera, "The Bohemian Girl." No opera presents greater oportunities for the display of stagecraft on a big scale than does this one, and Mr. Temple made full use of every opportunity with the re sult that this offering created a sen sation in New York and other cities, and has had six seasons of unvaried success. It will be seen at the Par mele Theatre Saturday night, Decem ber 16th. FUNERAL OF E. P. HOLMBERG TO BE HELD TOMORROW From Tuesday's Daily. Eric Peter Holmberg was born at Elfoarleby, Sweden, January 26, 1826 and the greater part of his young man hood was spent in that country until he decided to find a new home beyond the sea, coming to the United States in 1881 and locating at Plattsmouth where he has since resided. He then engaged in railroad work for several years and it was only when the in creasing burden of years made neces sary his retirement that he retired from the service of the Burlington. He leaves to mourn his death, the aged wife and the following children: Axel and Adolph Holmberg, residing in Sweden; Emil Holmberg, Wausa, Neb.; Conrad Holmberg, Lincoln; Ernest Holmberg, Deadwood, S. D.; Daniel Holmberg, Loup City, Neb.; Mrs. Adolph Rudebeck, Seattle, Wash. The funeral of this good man will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Swedish mission church on Granite street, and the body laid to rest in Oak Hill Cemetery. FORMER CASS COUNTY BOY HAS FINE RANCH From Tuesday's Daily. This afternoon A. B. Fornoff and wife and little daughter returned home from a visit at Marion, Cherry county, at the home of M. O. Metzger and family. They report a most de lightful time on the big ranch that Mr. Metzger owns and which is one of the most complete in every way in the state of Nebraska. At the pres ent time Mr. Metzger has close to 700 head of cattle on the ranch and 200 head of horses which makes it mighty well stocked. The Metzger home is also one of the finest in that section of the state and has all the conven iences of the city homes, water and electric light, both of which are han dled through a private plant on the ranch and steam heat is also provided for the house making it comfortable and handy for the members of the family all the time and .the home is arranged throughout with a view of ease and comfort. Mr. Metzger is a former Cass County boy and his friends will be glad to learn that he is so comfortably located in his ohme in the west. HOME TALENT PLAY AND BOX SOCIAL. There will be a home talent play and box social given at the Eight Mile Grove school, district No. 25, on Fri day evening, December 15th. Every one cordially invited to attend. All ladies are requested to bring boxes as there will be no plates of refresh ments served. Don't forget to come to see "The New Housekeeper." MAE BARKER, Teacher. "We may live without love what is passion but pining. But where is the man that can live without dining." St. Mary's Guild will serve dinner Saturday, December 9th. Riley Block 'Seasonable' prices. GREENHOUSE HERE IS BEINGJMPROVED From Tuesday's Daily. The Plattsmouth greenhouse which was recently taken over by V. M. Mul lis and son, L. M. Mullis, is being im proved very much by the new owners, who are preparing to be able to handle all orders, no matter how large or small. The new firm is planting the most seasonable of the flowers and has already had a great deal of good luck in handling them, with the result that a number of the carnations and the roses are beginning to blossom and make a very attractive appear- ance. lhe size 01 tne greennouse nas been condensed so that the best of care can be given the flowers and this is resulting in a much larger number of frst class flowers. They will make satisfaction the aim in doing business all the time and expect, as the condi tion warrants, in extending the ca pacity of the plant. There is no reas on in the world why a first class greenhouse should not pay here as there is a constant demand for flowers for funerals, weddings and social gatherings that certainly ought to be secured at home if possible. It is to be hoped that the Messrs. Mullis find a success in their greenhouse that will enable them to fill the long-felt want in the way of supplying cut flowers. OIL BEING LOOKED FOR IN THREE PLAGES OF STATE Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 4. Any rewards the state may offer for a flowing well of oil may not be applied for within the next year, but there are several outfits in, Nebraska now drilling for that product and it is' the belief of state officials that limited quantities may be located before long. Three prospects are prominently mentioned the areas in Cass, Furnas and Dawes counties, where efforts are now being made to obtain petroleum. ndications in all three places are that good luck will be encountered and that what Nebraskans have hoped for for many years past will at last be realized. The coming session of the state egislature will be asked to further aid the proposal of extending a pipe line to eastern Nebraska from the Wyom ing oil fields. The last session ap pointed a commission to investigate the subject and the feasibility and de sirability of the project will be re ported to the session, it is stated here. AH OMAHA COUPLE IS MARRIED BY JUDGE BEESOli From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Tony N. Pasha and Miss Jessie Graser of Omaha called at the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson at the court house and requested a license to join in the bonds of wedlock, and on secur ing the license asked the judge to per form the ceremony that was to make them one. The judge in his usual ac commodating and pleasing way per formed the ceremony in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murray of Omaha, who had accompanied the bride and groom to this city. One of the pleasing features of the wedding was that Judge Beeson had been per mitted to perform the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Murray, and Mrs. Murray, who is a sister of the bride, in this case recommended the Cass county judge as the real article in the way of the marrying judge, and he was called upon to officiate in this case. The happy young people returned to Omaha after the judge had tied them up safely in love's silken bonds. TO HAVE CHRISTMAS VACATION. The Board of Education at their meeting set the date for the Christ mas vacation of the Plattsmouth pub lie schools from Friday, December 22, to Mondav. January 8. This event will be hailed with pleasure by pupils and teachers alike as it gives them an opportunity of enjoying a few days rest and recreation in celebration of the Christmas season. The fact that Christmas and New Years both fall on Monday makes it necessary to place the close of the vacation a week later, on the 8th of January. APPEALS LOUISVILLE CASE TO A. HIGHER COURT In the district court an appeal has been filed from the justice court of J. W. Brobst at Louisville in which t-he city of Louisville was the plaintiff aJ James Hoover the defendant. In this action which was tried at Louis ville on November 28th, the defendant, Mr. Hoover was charged with having driven a thresting outfit over the ce ment crossing jn the town of Louis ville without first blocking the cross ings with planks to prevent damage, and in the trial before Judge Brobst, the defendant was found guilty and fined $25.00 and costs amounting to $42.20. Mr. Hoover is appealing the case to the district court for retrial. TO INCREASE SALARIES OF COUNTY OFFICIALS Since the election last month the different counties of the state have taken up the proposition of recogniz ing the growth of population in the showing made in the election when the vote cast showed a great increase in the population of the common wealth. One of the changes that will be effected by the increase in the pop ulation is that of the salaries of offi cials in the counties that have passed under the law counties having this into the 25,000 population class as population are allowed to pay higher salaries than in the class below that figure. A number of the counties have through their county board of com missioners already taken action by allowing the increase on the showing made by the vote. In Cass county the vote was slightly over 5,000 and from this it is shown that the population is above the 25,000 mark as there is figured at least one woman for every voter and an average of three child ren to the families in the county that wil pull the population record up to the mark that wil make Cass county in the second class of counties in the state. Under the change the county officials would all be given a raise in salaries with the exception of the clerk of the district court and county assessor, whose salary is fixed by a special act that covers counties from 17,000 to 40,000 in population and would not therefore come under the provision of the law that gives the others an increase. With the increase in population it seems as though Cass county should give their officials the same treatment that other counties of the state are doing that come under the same class. The county board here is investigating the matter thor oughly before taking action and will not t ke up the question until later. FUNERAL OF ERIC P. HOLMBERG YESTER DAY WELL ATTENDED The funeral of Eric P. Holmberg was held yesterday afternoon at the Swedish Mission church on Granite street, and a large number of the old friends and neighbors were present to pay their tribute of respect to the memory of this estimable gentleman who had so long resided in this com munity, and to share with the bereaved family the sorrow that has befallen them. The services were in charge of Rev. Knute Carlson of Lincoln, former Dastor of the church in this city, and who in his sermon brought a spirit of comfort to the sorrowing family and friends, and in his remarks paid a trib ute to the worth of the departed as a man and friend. The choir of the church gave a number of old well loved hymns during the services that had been so dear to Mr. Holmberg dur ing his lifetime. At the close of the service the cortage wended its way to Oak Hill cemetery, where in that city of the silent the body was con signed to its last resting place. The nail bearers were selected from, the four sons, Conrad, Emil, Daniel and Ernest Holmberff, and two grandsons, Carl and Petrus Holmbersr. Thefu neral tributes were profuse and beau tiful and attested the feeling of es teem in which the departed had been held in the community. CREAM, 37c, at Dawson's store, . Plattsmouth. 9-19-d&wtf LECTURE OF FAMOUS RUSSIAN EXILE GOOD The lecture given last evening at the auditorium of the high school by Lieutenant M. Swartzkopensky, the famous Russian exile, was one filled with the greatest of interest and the largest sized audience that has ever attended any of the entertainments at the high school was present to enjoy the rare treat. The speaker is well able to tell the story of life in Russia as for twenty years he was a member of the imperial army and served as a member of the body guard of the czar, being held in high favor by the impe rial government. His fall from favor occurred in 1904 on the famous bloody Sunday when the working classes made a thrilling demonstration for food before the imperial palace at Petrograd and Lieutenant Swartz kopensky was placed in charge of a squad of soldiers and ordered to fire on the workingmen which he refused to do and he was then tried by a mili tary court and sentenced to exile in the wilds of Siberia in the convict camp. His stories of the horrible prison camps on the steepes of Siberia brought the conditions there to mind most forcibly, where the prisoners ex ist day by day hoping for death to end their sufferings and without hop. for the future, exiled hundreds of miles from the friends and then homes. He touched on the educational life of Russia as well as other coun tries of Europe that he was able to visit after his escape from Siberia to this country. The address occupied two hours and a half and was one of great interest to evryone and the speaker met a large number of the audience at the close of the meeting in an informal reception. THOSE WHO DANCE MUST PAY FIDDLER Our neighboring city of Union seems to have been the scene of con siderable activity on the part of the rum demon in the past few days that has resulted in the office of County Attorney Cole being kept quite busy in handling complaints made by the residents of that place in regard to the intoxication of several parties and as a result the matter has been taken ud and a part of the offenders already have been given their dose of the famous Cass county brand of justice while several others will be brought up today. Yesterday afternoon Ix-n J. Austin was brought up by Shentr Quinton to face a charge of being in toxicated on Tuesday last and re ceived a fine of $10 with the trimmings amounting to a total of $18.50 for the offense. From the story told it seems that Austin had been indulging in the flowing bowl quite freely and in his wanderings over tl.e streets of the metropolis of soiunern Cass county encountered a gentleman named Ed ward Rice, who c-mes from Missouri, and as he states while he was coming forth from ihe blacksmith shop in Union, Austin struck him and this was the signal for real warfare that for several minutes resembled the Balkan drive of General .Makensen. As a result of the mix up Austin was put down and out and his face yes- terday told of the effects of his en counter with the young rrnn from the show me" state, as he was badly dis figured. The county attorney filed a complaint against Rice drying him with fighting that netted h'.tn a fine of $1.00 and costs, amounting to ?. and which whs settled. This morning Sheriff ( '.inton de parted for Union in search of Bruce Wolf. Thomas Rhodes, Verni Ken- nison and Charles Hathav.ay, all of whom are charged with bmg in a state of intoxication on mesday, De cember 5th, ri:d they will be brought here to explain to Judge Beeson how it all happened. v i i 1 'ri i n v v ww BIG SOCIAL DANCE. J Will be given by the Cosmo- politan club at Coates' hall on J Saturday evening, December 9, i and to which the public is very 4 J cordially invited to be present. 4 The music for the occasion will be furnished by the Holly or- J J chestry. Come out and have a 4 good time and a pleasant dance. ...-... .fT..T..TT. TmT.T.TT .T..T.t T