The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    -VlGNDA I. ?TG"v ivIcZR 27-
Plattsmouth State Bank
of PlattsinouUi, Nebraska
Charter No. Tfij
I Trii,i in t lip K ate of Nehra-ka. at t he
ci., of hiwm-ss. NovetnlK-r IT. l'.'io.
I.o:,n r.nd disi-O'n.t.-, Tle.CiC
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Nn'r.ry 1'i.hli'-.
1-ial'i My.-ominis-.ion expires '-t. :f-'l
No. 1914
At I'lattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
November lHti.
Loans and (iiv,muil?(-xi,pl't those
oliuuii on I) and !t2-r. eel 40
enlruTis. sn'iireit noii: unsi-
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of it.' alnv nanii 'i hank, 'to soit-iimiy swt-ar
that tin- a'oov - st atftm-nt is true to the ht-st of
niv knovvUnli-ami h-lii-f.
I'. L. Si tu. a -. Kit. Cashier.
Cotrei-t At test; I'oskv.
II. N. Imivkv.
1.. . Cm K.
1 tit-priors.
Suhi-! i-" 1 ami sworn to hefoie me this
Siliiiiy cf Novenii r. li'hi.
A. L. Turn.
l.-i-all Not ary l'ulilic.
My commission expires October lii.
If j II. Roeck. of St. Louis, i in the
t-i.y enjoy inir a visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roeck. uncle and
aur.t of the y.iu.'i.: T!i:!i
M r.
is a son of Adam Boeck, a former res
it!, nt of this city and fn-t saw the
l!ht of day in Plattsrr.outh where
l.i-- ja rents resided for a number of
e lis until their removal to St. Louis.
Tins mo: n'r.r in company with Uncle
Henry, he was a pleasant caller at
th.' Journal olllce for a short visit.
Mr. Bni'ck may possibly decide to
locate in Plattsmouth after looking
ovt r the business situation.
Money in Eggs.
Eggs are not bankable but the
money from their sale is. This money
is vours for the etfort. How do you
treat the hen that lays the Golden
Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas Poultry
Remedy will keep the poultry in good
condition and increase the yield in
eggs. We guarantee this and refund
your money if not satisfied.
II. M. Soennichsen.
Tuls & Gansemer.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Nebraska Fortunate, "With Horn of
IMenty I'ouring Riches At
Our Feet."
A proclamation calling for the ob
servance of Thanksgiving day, No-
ember 30, was issued by Governor
Morehead on Thursday, in which he
"To the people of the state of Ne
braska, greeting:
"It is my pleasure as governor of
the state to again call attention to
the near appioach of that season so
dear to every Ameiican citizen, in the
festivities of which there is no sem
blance of sectionalism, but in which
all point in one accord to give thanks
ffr the gifts which Cod in his provi
dence hath bestowed.
"The year draws to a close with
the horn of plenty pouring its riches
at our feet. We can be thankful for a
great past, a happy present and a
sp.endiJ outlook to the future. Ne
biaska is rounding into the fiftieth
year of her admission into the union
cf states. Our citizens of all callings
and professions have been and are
taking a deep interest in the effort
to place and keep in the front rank
the state of their adoption and birth.
Never in our history have there been
higher standards of honor and man
hood, of purity for womanhood and
of training for children. For all of
these blessings of harvest and heart,
let u? express our gratitude to the
Giver of every good and p?rfect gift.
"Now, I, John II. Morehead, as gov
ernor of the state and in keeping with
the action of the president of the
United States, do designate and set
apart, Thursday, the 30th day of No
vember, 191G, as Thanksgiving day,
and request all the people to abstain
from their usual occupation and ob
serve it as a day of thanksgiving; not
forgetting to contribute out of our
bounty to those less fortunate and in
a special manner contribute to the
vaii jus calls made upon us Jby those
who now suffer from the ravages of
war, and while we open our hands to
their cry for material help, pray for
the f-neoy coming oi the day wnen
peace will be restored to the nations
now at war.
Two suits were filed yesterday in
the district cour in the office of James
the district court in the office of James
of which is entitled the Bank of Com
merce of Louisville vs. W. II. Pan
kenin, in which the plaintiff states
that the defendant on March 2S, 191G,
made and executed a promissory note
for the sum of $1,444.20 in favor of
the plaintiff, and- on April 15, 191G
executed a note for $430 in favor of
the bank, both notes being still un
paid and the plaintiff therefore prays
for a judgment to cover both notes.
A divorce suit entitled Lena Larson
vs. John Gu?t Larson has been filed in
the court. In her petition the plaintiff
states that they were married in
Omaha May 10, 1911, and that two
children were born to them. The first
charge preferred is that of extreme
cruelty, stating that on July 13, 1D1G,
the defendant threatened and cursed
the plaintiff and made it necessary to
seek refuge at the home of the plaint
iff's parents in Cass county. The sec
ond charge is that the defendant is
addicted to the use of intoxicating
liquor and is a habitual drunkard. The
third charge is that of non-support.
The plaintiff asks for a decree of abso
lute divorce and the custody of the
two children. The defendant resides
at Popular, Mont.
From the Lincoln Journal we take
the following: John N. Larsh. a
aimer living near Union, Cass county,
wanter a small strip of land, much
less than an acre, to join two parcels
of land he owned on the banks of the
Missouri river. He found that the
state made no claim to it though it
was within a section which belonged
to the state of Nebraska. Mr. Larsh
promptly filed an application for the
bit of land under the imber and stone
act of 1878. He will get the strip and
it will cost him about $50 in fees to
become its owner. The land is liable
to be eaten up by the voracious Mis
souri river.
Sixteen head of pedigreed ' Duroc
Jersey hogs, 4 head of May gilts, 10
head males, May farrow; 2 head of
January males, all sired by Lieutenant
Gano. This is new stock. Phone 3903.
From Saturday's Dily.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 24. As Mrs. J.
M. Tanner, wife of "Doc." Tanner,
editor of the South Omaha Democrat,
stood at her telephone yesterday her
dress caught lire from a gas stove
nearby and she was seriously burned.
Mrs. Tanner rushed screaming into
the yard, her clothing, a mass of
flames. Neighbors went to her rescue
but rot until part of her clothing had
and succeeded in putting out the fire,
been burned away and a large por
tion of her body badly burned. Mrs.
Tanner is under the care of a phy
sician at the family residence, and is
being kept under opiates.
?dr. Tanner is in Kansas City on
business, ard a son. Joe. is in Kearney.
Belli have betn notified. No ore was
in the house with Mrs. Tanner when J
the accident occurred.
From Fi M:
s 1:
Mrs. R. F. Patterson entertained
very delightfully on Wednesday even
ing at a 7 o'clock turkey dinner in
honor of Miss Margaret Murtz of Bay
City, Mich., a friend, who is visiting
in Omit ha with friends for a few days.
The rooms of the beautiful Patterson
home were very tastefully decorated
with a color scheme of yellow an 1
white, the dining table being arranged
with a large bouquet of the white and
yellow chrysanthemums, that added
very much to the charming scene.
Following the dinner the ladies en
joyed a few hours at "hearts," the
prize lor tne most sKinrui piayer :e
ing captured by Mrs. Earl R. Travis.
Miss Marie Donnelly gave a few vocal
selections during the evening, while
Miss Marjorie Agnew added to the
asure of the guests by a very de
lightful instrumental selection. Mas
ters Edward and Heibort Patterson
served punch and candy during the
progress of the evening in a very
pleasing manner, which proved a de
lightful feature of the evening. The
invited guests were: Misses Gretchen
and Marie Donnelly, Marjorie Agnew,
Margaret Mertz, Edith Dovey, Mrs.
E. R. Travis, M-s. J. W. Falter, Mrs.
T. P. Livingston.
L. D. Hiatt and wife of Murray
were in the city over Sunday visiting
at the home ef Mrs. Hiatt's parent?,
Mr. and Mi's. Fred Heinrich and fam-
Wi a W Sua
For Infants and Children
In Uce For Over 30 Years
Always bearu
A half million dollars worth
of perfectly good farm ma
chinery is thrown in the scrap
pile every year in Nebraska.
Farm work is the hardest
work there is on machinery.
Castings break, bearings
wear out, shafts bend and
break. Things get dull and
pull hard, gears rattle, smash,
bang and crash, paint gets dull.
Many farmers throw away
machinery and buy new, be
cause they are not aware that
we can in nearly every case
re-make such machinery equal,
and in many respects better
than new.
We do not care how bad your
machinery is smashed or worn,
they all look alike to us; we re
make them as good as new and
save you money.
A dollar saved is a dollar
earned, keep your money at
home and you may get it back
again besides it helps us to em
ploy home labor.
Tut your machinery troubles
up to us, we have the best
equipped machine shop in the
country; if you don't believe it
call and see us. Visitors are
always welcome.
WTe make everything in metal.
Now is a good time to over
haul things for the spring rush.
L. C. Sharp.
As Chairman, He Declares No Ap
pointment Was Promised Any
body bv Keith Neville.
Food commissioner is a nice but un-
promised job. the democats have
nice party; selling chickens and
cheese at Elmwood is a nice pleasant
occupation, and Keith Neville, governor-elect,
has a ir.ind of his own. Louis
F. La:;?.horst, chairman of the demo
cm tic state central committee, who i-
credited with p:cd;ctn:g in advance
the iie'ic;(.-r- tie landslide in Nebraska
this fall, expressed this view of the
world's doings in Lincoln Friday.
Mr. Langhorst is mentioned for the
lucrative and responsible ollice of dep-
utv state food, drutr. dairy and oil
commissioner, under the administra
tion of .Mr. Neville.
"1 have not heard an authentic wore.
about the matter, and what is more
vou can bet vour life 1 have not gonc-
around hinting tor the jub," said Mr
Linehorst. "You can be sure that
...r. Aev:!Ie has net promised tins ap
pointment c any other to any certain
person-: before election and further
more, that Keith Neville has a mind of
his own and when he becomes gcv
ernor there will oe no sinister powers
hulling strings from behind the
Never Was a Politician.
"I never was a polititL'.n and I don't
want to be. It was a big tat-k to get
the entire democracy of the state tc
pulling together. We did not lose
many ury democrats. It tne repuoii
car.s had nominated Samuel R. Mc-
Ke: if cf Lincoln for governor instea
of A. L. Sutt.-n, there wou'.d have been
a closer contest In this race. Sutton's-
iccord was against him."
Mr. Larighors-1 renin ice:itiy praisec
the work of the su.!f at the state dem
ocratic hendquart--s and tald how
"'ad hnnd was exteivieu to ail visum s
and fuithermcre, how very little lit
, b ctloi
remain unsent on
:eas the republican?
t ay, v.h
wasted a w.igonioad. II;
the work of Secretary A
1 TT,- i'f,mrinri''on
1'. bprague
anil Harold Requai te of the headquav-
tr-ri ?.-.aff fn particular.
The reer was
making one of his
friendly calls
upon the ir.avor at the
said he was going bad
home to sell
chec-se again.
v.rv goods, chickens anc
-Lincoln News.
Mrs. Salvia Lav.htad died at Edge
mont. S. D on Saturday, foiiowin
an operation for the removal of
tumor. The deceased was a sister of
Mrs. N. J. Russell, and some fev
month", aero vi.-dted in Pacific June
lion. Mrs. Lawhcad was about
years of aire and her girlhood days
were srent near racmc Junction, anc
later she lived several years at Plaits
mouth. She leaves a husband, so
and dr.u-htcr to mourn her loss. Mr?
Russell and sor.v, Harry and Clarence
eft Sunday for Edacmont to be in
attendance at the funeral on Monday,
Glenwood Tribune.
From Saturday's I'aily.
Thoe from this city who motored
out to Louisville last evening to take
in the wrestling match held there be
tween Frank Schmarder, the fast
Louisville boy, and "R?:l" Wernstaff
of Hamburg, Ir,., report that there
was little diiTiculty in Frank getting
r.wav with the match as he had the
Iowa boy out-classed all the way
through and it was impossible for
"Peu" to get away from the holds laid
on him by the Louisville expert in the
art that Joe Stecher has made famous.
The first fall came in two minutes
after the referee had called time, and
the second fall in three minutes, when
the shoulders of the Iowa man were
resting on the mat. The attendance
was very good and the corwd seemed
decidedly enthusiastic over the out
come of the battle. Schmarder has
for the past several years ranked as
one of the fast wrestlers in this por
tion of the state and has taken part
in some good fast matches. The Lou
isville people have given good support
to this spcrt and at the matches held
there a gcod attendance has been re
corded. Those who were present from
this city made the trip by automobile
and owing to tha shortness of the
match were able to get back home
early and without waiting for a late
Metz roadster, in good condition,
$175. Buick, 1917 model, 5-passenger
six, slightly used; bargain. T. II. Pol -
Loco! Slews
From Friday's Hail v.
H. A. Shoemann departed this aft
ernoon for Louisville, where he goes
witness a wrestlbne- mutch to l.n
there this evening.
W. Livingston was n vidtni- of
the live stock market in South flmnli..,
today, ii-oinfr -t r . fVr.f , ii.. i
Burlinprton train this momimr
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters in
the district court in which he is inter
ested. W. J. Hicks from near Cullom was
in the city this morning for a snort
time attending to some trading with
he merchants and visiting xvith his
Russell Todd and wife were among
there going to Omaha this morning
to spend a few hours attending to
some business matters and visiting
with friends.
R. L. Propst departed this morning
on the early Burlington train for Om-
iha. where he was called to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Mis. .1. H. Teeearden, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. C. H. Smith
leparted this morning for her home
.it Brock, and was accompanied to
Omaha by her mother.
Will Rummell and John Wehrbein
hove in this afternoon from their
homes and departed for Omaha, where
drey will attend the Shiiners' meet
ing in that city this evening.
John Tarns, who has been home for
i visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
G. 11. Tarns, while nursing an injured
hand, departed this afternoon for Al
liance, where he is employed by the
William Stark john was among those
going to the metropolis this morning
o spend a few hours visiting with
II. C. Miller at the Immanuel hospita
n;l attending to a few matters of im-
Mrs. Gail Connors departed this
afiernocn for Magna, Utah, where
she goes to join her husband anc
vill make their permanent home there
;n the future. Mr. Connors is em-
-doved at Magna in the railroad de
partment of the Utah Copper com
pany, which has a large plant there
and he has a very fine position in that
From Saturday's I'aily.
Mrs. B. W. Livingston and daughter
Mrs. J. S. Callery, were among those
cir.g to Omaha this morning to spend
a few hours.
Ji dm Kreager drove up this morning
f : em his farm heme to spend a few
hours looking after some trading and
visiting with friends. '
Martin Steppatt and wife of Blair
came in this afternoon to enjoy
short visit in this locality with thei
relatives and friends.
A. B. Forn'off of near Cullum was
in the ctiy for a few hours today
looking after the week-end, shopping
and visiting with friends.
J. E. Meisinger drove in this after
noon from his farm home to visit for
a few hours looking after some busi
r.ess matters with the merchants.
George P. Meisinger of Cedar Creek
was in the city today for a short time
attending to some matters of business
and calling on his relatives and
Miss Honor Seybert and brother
Jennings, came in this morning from
their home near Cullom, and will en
joy the day here visiting with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. H. E. Snyder and little daugh
tcr, who have been here visiting at
tne home ot JVlrs. Dora Moore and
brother, George Oldham, returned last
evening to their home at Fairfield
Paul Becker and wife of Osmond
Neb., who have been here visiting at
the home of Charles McGuire and
family for a few days, departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
for their home.
Henry Horn came in this afternoon
from his home accompanied by his
father, George Horn, sr., wno spen
the day visiting with their friends and
looking after some trading.
John Meisinger and wife and George
A. Meisinger and wife, who have been
enjoying a visit of several weeks du
ration with their relatives and friends
in Pekin, 111., and vicinity, returned
home this morning on No. 5.
Thomas Murtey, the Weeping Water
banker, was in the city Thursday eve
ning, and yesterday attended a session
of district court, and while here was a
caller at the Journal office for a short
visit with the editor for a few min
utes. -Miss Eda Marquardt, county super
intendent, who has been at Weeping
Water attending the special agricul-
i ture course, returned home this after-
i noon and was accompanied from
j Omaha by her sister, Miss Sylvia
, Marquardt, who will visit here over
B. L. Philpot left Monday morning
for Hot Springs, Arkansas where he
expects t.) take treatments at the
Amos Wright had the misfortune
to get his hand mashed in the corn
elevator at Peter Spangler's Tuesday
nieht. The iniurv will lav him un for
ome time.
El win Hunter who is going ori hp;
second week of typhoid fever is get
ting along nit-elv. Tlis f.v t- li. rw
vet broken but he rests well most of
the time and is wit hedrndb-ur th o-
leal in good shano co
Mr. and, Mrs. Eu. Miller are quaran
tined for scarlet fever this week. The
Ratiertt is the four-months-old babe.
Who is reeoverino- nii.Ur
--vi, mvu! viirj; to
a report this -morning. The older child
shows no signs of the malady as vet.
A. S. Boyle went out. after his cat
tle Sunday cvenim-- :mrl fi,n,i w- .
his two-year-okl steers dead. Two
more died Monday which mad" a
i t rf i . , . ,
neavy iooss. x ne cattle were running
in the pasture and stalk fields both
that is, they were not in the stalks
Hans Nelson who nas been working
in the vicinity for three or four years
prior to going to V ashington state
last winter has started on a trip back
to Denmark for a visit. He stopped
off between grains Monday to say hc-'lo
to friends here as he was enroute
from Washington to New Y'ork from
where he will sail within a few days.
He expects to return in April.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Marshal
a son, Thursday, November 1G. To
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Towle at the
home of Mrs. Towle's mother, Mrs
Jennie Welch, a daughter, Saturday,
November lth.
Born txMr. and Mrs. Martin John
son at the Peter Miller farm west of
town, a son, Monday, November 2th.
Guy Ripley, of San Francisco. Cal.,
arrived Sunday evening from St.
Louis where he had been for some
time. After a few days' visit with
relatives here he and his mother, who
had been here since last week started
for their California home. They will
make several stops in Nebraska with
relatives. Guy grew to manhood in
Wet phng Water but had not been here
-or over twenty years. Naturally he
anv strange
and notes
changes in the town. His sister, Fairy
lives at Lyons, Neb., his sister, Fay,
lives near Los Angeles, Calif., while
his brothers, S. W. und Jasper live at
Mis. Henry Schoeman came up
from Plattsmouth Friday to visit over
Sunday with relatives andfriends in
this vicinity.
We are sorry to report the seriour
illness of Forest Brunson who has
been suffering from a bad attack ol
blood poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zaar, of South
Bend, drove down Monday to spend a
few hours with Louisville merchants.
and to visit Mrs. Zaar's relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. langeman, son
Cort and daughter, Lenora and Miss
Gretna Hughes, drove over from
Gretna Sunday to spend the day with
Wr. F. Diers and family.
Mrs. Charles Postel and daughter.
Mrs. Clara Camp, of Omaha, and Mrs
John Inhelder, of Stanton, visited their
mother. Mrs. Mary A. Tennant and
-ether relatives over Sunday.
Amos Keiser and his son-in-law.
Arthur Jones were at Omaha Thurs
day, where Mr. Keiser goes to receive
treatment for throat trouble for
which he has suffered for the past six
Mrs. Marv Fitzgerald went to
Schuyler to visit her daughter, Mrs
Chauncy Abbott, jr., her granddaught
er, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, who is also
visiting in Schuyler and will accom
pany her home next week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Givens, of
Millard, were here Monday, visiting
the former's mother, who is very ill
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. II.
N. Taylor. Mrs. Civens has been a
great sufferer for several months and
there is no hope for her recovery.
Little George Eeichart was acci
dentally shot in the leg just above the
knee j jint htst Saturday by his little
playmate, Manfield McDonald, while
out hunting squirrels with target
rifles. The ball passed almost through
the leg and was removed by a sur
geon. As a result George has been
out of school all week and suffers a
great deal of pain.
Louise Stohlman, little daughter of
August Stohlman, burned herself
quite badly with hot coffee, one day
last week. We are glad to report,
however, that Mr. Stohlman's little
5-year old son, Arnold, who had the
misfortune to break his arm by fall
ing off a box a short time ago, is get
ting along nicely and has almost en
tirely recovered from the accident.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan McCrory on Monday, No
vember 20, 191G.. Both mother and
baby are doing nicely.
Chas. Earle had one of his hands
badly hurt by having it caught in a
tumbling rod. He is doing nicely un
der tne doctor s care.
Mrs. Chas. E. Peck was called by a
telegram to her former home in Tex
as on account of the serious illness of
her son at that place. She left on :
Ionday to be at his bed ide.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slothower came .
down from Lincoln Saturday to visit j
it the home of the latter's parents, 3$
M:. and Mrs. A. A. Wallinger. Earlf
i . -.i i f
now un. ing a new ..nevro:et curg
..iievio:ei tiLrj1
he Gash Auto
Red Oak, la. !
which he purchased of the
company of this place.
Mrs. Sidney Moore of
urived last Thursday on a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lang
horst. Mr. Moore arrived Saturday
evening and they both v,. turned in
their home at Red Oak Sunday even
We were in error last week when
we stated that Mi- Will., T;r i
went to Boone county on a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stone. In some
way when this pk.ri. ,f was Kjv.
en to us by a certain party, it was
understood that that was the ease.
Si Mail-, who about three weeks
ago fell from the hay loft at the Ed
Earnst farm and broke several ribs, is
improving rapidly. He is now staving
with his daughter. Mr,. Hopkins, in
town, but will soon go back to work
Mrs. Robert Brur.kow of I p-witch.
S. D., arrived last Thursday on a visit
at the home fcf Mr. aid' Mrs. John
Turner and other relatives h ie. She
is well known here, having lived here
a long time previous to goir.g to Ip
swich. Frank C. Thompson of Cloj net,
Minn., a pioneer of Elmwood, pas-ed
away at St. Luke's hospital, Duluth.
November 15, of envelope sar coma of
the diaphram, aged G3 years. He left
Elmwood in 1SSG and is known to
many old settlers of this community.
Buyers from Kansas City were here
this week looking at the hay of the
farmers in this section. One buyer
purchased about fifeen carloads. An
other buyer has also purchased a
great deal. The hay in this section
this year is exceptionally good.
Doing the Work.
W T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent and cure hog
cholera and expel worms." .
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
W. II. Puis and son, and Mrs. L. H.
Puis, motored up this morning from
their home at Murray and spent the
day in the metropolis, going to that
city on the early Burlington train to
look after some business of import
ance. Mrs. A. F. Ploetz of Scotland, S. D.,
who is here visiting with her rela
tives and friends in this city, de
parted this morning for the metropo
lis to spend the day.
ultra Wanted
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered near the Burlington freight
depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Friday,
December 1st, for which we will pay
in cash :
Hens 13 l-2c
Springs 13 l-2c
Old Cox 8c
Turkeys 20c
Ducks 12c
Geese 11c
Guineas, per dozen $3.00
Beef Hides, per lb 18c
Large Horse Hides, each $6.50
We will be on hand rain or shins
and take care of all poultry offered.
- win,;!, .V v 'y i
F ---- . A AiTZc