The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 23, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916.
3iiss Ccrtrude Iktson and Mr. Her
bert Cotton United in Holy Bonds
of Wedlock at the Meth
odist Church.
ir.e tir JHethodist church last
evening was the scene of a very pret
ty wedding when Miss Gertrude Bee
son was united in the bonds of holy
wt.ikxk to Mr. Heibeit II. Cotton.
I j. j ceremony was simple, yet im-
pit-ssive, and a large number of the
frii r.ds of ihe contracting parties were
'ri?ir-t witness the nuptials. On
the reading" stand on the platform a
Louuet of white chrysanthemums were
placed and added their beauty to the
happy eent, and this was the only decoration used in the church.
Tie-ceding the wedding services Mr. E.
II- Wescott played as a prelude "I
Love Yoj Truly" and "The Sweetest
Story Ever Told," both of which Hvere
very beautiful. Mrs. E. II. Wescott,
ju.-t before the ceremony, sang in her
usual charming manner, "Oh, Promise
Me" by DcKoven, and as the last
jiotvs of the beautiful love song died
iiay. the "Lohengrin" wedding march
was mounded on the organ by Mr. Wes
io:t as the bridal party entered the
xne uaimuy garueu ana
chaining rilbon bearers, Misses Alico
L.i:Ie Wescott. Grace and Virginia
A message was received here this
morning by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. But
tery announcing that their daughter,
Miss Essie, was seriously ill at Peru
where she has been attending school
for some months past. The case seems
to be one of appendicitis and Mrs.
Buttery, mother of the young lady,
will leave this afternoon for Peru to
be at her bedside and do all possible
in her care. The host of friends in
the city of Miss Essie will trust that
that she may recover from the attack
without any serious consequences and
soon be able to resume her school
Republican Candidate Congratulates
Wilson on His Re-Election to Of
fice of Chief Executive.
The members of the Eagles VyA&s
with their families enjoyed a most
delightful time last eveninff at their
club rooms in the Cozies' block and a
i i the members were
large number ot
. fhpr with the wife and
present toget"1 .
i i tl enjov the delights of
daughters y J , . .
, . ,jnt time prepareu uy me
The evening was spent in
r u -.
iidvance of the bridal party
formed an aioleway with broaci bsfda
f white satin ribbon, through which
the bride and her attendant proceed
ed to their stations. The nuud of
hti.or and bride's maid. -tflVises FIor"
t-rc. White and FAizsl Beeson, were
the :ir.-:t of the attendants to
ii;:er, fullowirg hem came little
Helen IJeest-". niece of the bride, who
bore the -.'.' ''ling ring in the
heart rf rt::t "white chrysanthe-
jrc ( iue entered with her
. ?j e Allen J. Beeson, and
:. r.iet at the platform by the
- , r? i the pastor of the church,
rt .-. T. A. Truscott, who in a most
:'t; i sive manner pronounced- the
v that made these two estimable
; i.g people as onV, using the beau
::ful rinir service for the marriage.
As the minister repeated the service
there fell over the congregation a
re en rtt'.al hush as the blessing was
called dt wn upon the two whose life
a? i re was just unfolding.
Tlie bride was very charmingly
jjewr.ed m white satin with lace and
v. . : j the :Vjv::ig bridal veil of lace
h vu- tiirr.nied in pea vis and held
in j lace with a cap effect of the lace.
The bride carried a shower bouquet
of bride roses. .Miss White wore an
evening eo.-turr.e of ni!e green Cher
rnu o, v. :th cameos as the only jewels
i:nd carri. ii-eliryanthenn;ms. Miss
Lli;.i-Lel!i Beeson was also attired in
t!.e nilc trrtj-n cl.ermouse and carried
chrysanthemum-. The groom was at
tired in the conventional black.
I'oMowia.g the wedding the guests
We:e entertained at the home of the
lv.o'hor of the bride, Mrs. Allen Beeson
on North iiixth street, where a recep
tion was tendered the newly weds.
Trie Bee-on home was very prettily
i.nanged with decorations of chrysan-
thirr.uais iind ferns, making a very
pretty ei:ing for the delightful occa
si.-'i. Jn the receiving line were the
Lriv; and groom, 31 rs. Allen Beeson,
Mi.-s L. Cotton of Lincooln, sister of
the gioorn, and Judge and Mrs. Allen
J. Bee.-on, and the large number, of
fi lends in passing extended their best
wi-:,es to ihe bride and groom for
11:1! future happiness. The guest
1'K vwi-; in cnarge of Miss Jessie
B( s.e::s:s, who with other of the
cou't U u.-e girls had been selected
by M: Cotton to assist in the wed-
io:;r -ty. Miss Florence White and
the pie:i
wav with cards as one of the
; e diversions and quite a number
0 games of progressive high five was
n" and Marion Mauzy came i enjoyed. In the card games the king
prize was won by val Burkle who did
not lose a game while L. 13. fc.gen-
berger was awarded the consolation
prize for having only one game to his
credit when the tallies were counted.
A very pleasant time was also enjoyed
by those who delight in dancing as
the Plattsmouth orchestra was pres
ent and to their delightful music the
young and old alike tripped the light
fantastic for several hours. One of
the most enjoyable, features of the
evening was the delightful luncheon
served by ihe comiltee and which em
braced everything that could possibly
go to temnt the most discriminating
epicure and to the feast everyone did
iimp'e justice. There was a feeling of
cordiality and pleasure prevailing
throughout the evening and evei-yone
is anxious for another of the social
evenings at the Eagles.
i itzgerald were in charire of
tin- presents which were numerous and
leiv be-iutiful and will be cherished
t-y ti e r.ewlv weds in the vears to
offerings from their many
v.nn friends. Dainty refreshments
wire served in the dining room which
v.tre pn sided over by 31 rs. F. II.
(v'b'cman and Miss Mia Goring while
t:ic -crving was done most charmingly
by Mis-s Ellen Ley da, Bernese New
ell. .Marie Svoboda, Georgia White and
;e Fitzgerald.
J) irinir the hours of the reception
Jnir.s Sciers gave several very
del :;r?t ful vocal numbers as did Miss
Ch.ia Mae Morgan in her usual
cha,--ming manner.
Mr. and Mrs. Cotton departed last
CMrm'r.g following the reception for
I.'c-, la., where they will enjoy
i. li ief honeymoon before returning to
thif- c:t- where they expect to make
tl.c-Jr home in the future.
1 am now ready to do all kinas of
corn shilling" and wood rawing. Call
Mrrrnv Tel. Exchange. Omar Yard
jty. il-20Stwkly
Lakewood, N. J., Nov. 22.--Charles
E. Hughes, republican candidate lor
president in the recent election, to
night sent to President Wilson a tele-
i,jnir him upon his re
gram congratulating "
election. , . ,
In his telegram Mr. Hughes said:
"Because of the closeness of the vote
I have awaited the official count in
Califo"ia antJ now that il has been
virtually completed, -permit me to
extend to you my congratulations upon
vour re-election. I desire also to ex-
i t i e r..i
press my ucsi wisiies iui n successiui
New York, Nov 22. William 11.
Wilsox, chairman of the republican
national committee, tonight issued
the following statement in reference
to Mr. Hughes' telegram to President
Wilson :
"Having conferred by telephone
during the day and late this afternoon
with the republican state committee
and the republican national commit
teeman in California, I am informed
that the official canvass of the vote
has been so nearly completed that no
change will result from the few pre
cincts not counted in the returns thus
far compiled.
"This means that the majority for
the Wilson electors in California
ranges from about 1.200 to 3,S00
votes, and that this is the final result
of the canvass for which we have
been waiting. So far as any recount
is concerned, the national committee
is not advised that there are sufli
cient grounds to call for such an ap
plication." Washington. Nov. 22. President
Wilson was :-.t a theater with Mrs
Wilson when the telegram from Mr.
Hughes readied the White House.
There was no comment. Sonic of the
hundreds of messages of congratula
tion received during the past ten days
and withheld from publication
M: Iiughcs shovld be heard from
probably will be given out tomoi'ro".
The stranger who lifted the hunting
coat from the office of W. W. Wasley
yesterday afternoon, was taken over
to the city jail this morning, wherq
he remained for several hours, until
it was decided that it was best to
turn him loose as he was willing to
get out of the city, and save the
necessity of the city having to board
him for the next thirty days. The
coat was restored to the owner, and
as no serious damage was done the
police decided tnat it would save
the city money if this gentleman as
well as eight other floaters were sent
forth on their way, and to rid the
city of them the police escorted them
to the city limits and started them
eastward, where they claimed they de
sired to go. This is a good move, as
it will save the city a lot of expense
in caring for the prisoners and it
would not benefit anyone to have the
men quartered here at the public ex
pense. There are a lot of strangers
traveling through at this time of the
year en route from the frigid lands
of the north to the sunny southern
climes, and it keeps both the day and
night police busy in rounding them
up and keeping them from scattering
over tHe city, and as soon as practical
they are all fired out of town.
This morning Sam Windham ar
rived home from the United States
Military academy at West Point
where he has been for the past several
months taking up his course in mili
tary training." Mr. Windham has
been suffering a great deal of trouble
with his eyesight during the last six
weeks and was unable to carry on
his work and accordingly was given a
leave of absence to determine how
serious his ej'esight was affected and
will remain at home until recalled by
the war department.
Don't use harsh phsics. The reac
tion weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's Reg
ulets. They operate easily. 25c at all
James Marasek, who conducts the
dairy south of the city, is mourning
the loss of six of his finest cows
that were worth in the neighborhood
of .")0() and which were the chief
mainstays of the dairy. The cows
were allowed out in the con stalks io
graze and yesterday they proceeded to
over eat with the result that six of
them are now dead. As soon as the
lllnes of the cows was noticed a vet
ernarian was called from this city to
do what was possible for the animals
but the greater part of them died
before it was possible to do anything
for them. The veternarian had one
of the animals opened up to deter
mine the exact cause of the death and
found that it was due to the over
eating and not to corn stalk disease
Had it been known at the start what
was the matter it might have been pos
sible to save some of the cows but
this was not learned until too late
The loss is quite a heavy one to Mr.
.uarasek and certainly it will be a
hard matter to replace the fine milk
cows that he has been abje to place
in his herd in the last few years
The death of these cows should serve
as a warning to others to avoid let
ting their cattle eat too freely of
corn stalks.
This book gives a most comprehen
sive explanation of cancer and its suc
cessful treatment without the knife.
Based on actual experience of moro
than sixteen years and laboratory re
search covering more than ten thou
sand cases. The book will be sent
free by addressing O. A. Johnson, M.
D., Suite 529, 1320 Main St., Kansas
City, Mo. Send for a copy today and
learn some facts about cancer.
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your system cleansed, sweet
and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax.
Sold everywhere.
From dispatches" appearing from
Falls City it would seem that the city
government in that city was preparing
to establish a municipal pond during
the coming winter fcr its young folks,
and will for that purpose convert the
ponds in their city park into skating
places, where the lovers of this winter
sport may enjoy themselves. The ac
tion of the Falls City people brings to
mind the fact that this would be a
mighty good move for Plattsmouth to
undertake this winter and provide a
safe' place for the skaters to enjoy
themselves without the more or less
element of danger that is connected
with skating on the Missouri river.
This matter has been discussed several
times by the citizens of Plattsmouth
and at one time an attempt was made
to flood the base ball park for the
use of the skaters, but it was started
too late in the season and was not as
successful as it should have been, but
if started early in the season when
the weather was good and the nights
cold might prove a success. There
should be some place where skating
could be enjoyed, and it is worth
while to look over the situation and
see if some spot cannot be secured
where a nice skating pond can be pre
pared that would fill the needs of the
lovers of skating.
At an early hour this morning the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Sicmoneit,
a few miles west of this city, received
a call from the stork, which brought
with it a fine little daughter io make
her future home with this estimable
ccuple. The little daughter is the first
in the family and the joy of both the
parents is intense over the happiness
that has befallen Cum. The little on?
is just about a fine a girl as "there
is in this locality, and Fritz is un
doubtedly the happiest man in the
ccuntv over the addition that has been
made to the family.
Remedies Which Have Not
Touched Bv the War.
If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
The European war has many bai
effect for the United States. One of
them is the scarcity of many drugs
and thereby the noce-siiy of uing va
lious less valuable substitutes. But
there ate remedies which are beyonc:
the snhere of this calamity Trinsr's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine arc:
other Triner's remedies. The manu
facturer has been sufficiently cautious
to Fecure such quantities of all in
gredients imperiled by the war as to
stand this crucial test without any
damage for Triner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine. Its quality is today
an'' will bo constantly of the highest
das?, because Triner's stock of rnerli bitter heibs, roots and barks and
of selected wine will outla?t the war.
Notwithstanding the co?t, the eminent
merlicinal value of Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine will be main
tained. Everybody who suffers from
constipation, flatulence, nervousness,
loss of appetite and energy, general
weakness, p.overty of blood, etc., may
take this remedy with unshakable con
fidence. Pj ice $1.00, at drug stores
Jo. Triner, Manufacturing Chemist,
1033-13::) S. Ashland Ave., Chicago
Write us in your mother language.
In cases where a personal examination
is not necessary our physician will
give you readily his advice.
Sixteen head of pedigreed Duroc
Jerscy hogs, 4 head of May gilts, 10
head males, May farrow; 2 head of
January males, all sired by Lieutenant
Gano. This is new stock. Phone T!)03
Mrs. N. K. Peoples, who for the past
year has been in very poor health, is
reported as being critically ill jit h-r
home in this city, and her condition
has "occasioned a great deal of worry
to the family and attending physi
cians. Mrs. Peoples has been miffer
ing from illness since returning from
Colorado about six month ajo and
her condition has now grown more
If Walls Fall, Floors and Ceiling Will
Remain Uncurtained With Law
makers Safely In Seats.
The Cosmopoliton club will
give a turkey dance on Sutur
day evening, November 23tli, at
Ccates' hall. A live turkey will
be awarded to the person hold
ing the lucky number. Each 50c
admission will give an opportu
nity to win the turkey. Music
by Holly's orchestra.
Office supplies at the Journal office.
The east wing of the state house is
to be propped up so that it will be
absolutely safe as a meeting place for
the members elected to the house of
representatives this winter. The state
board of educational lands and funds,
which has control of the capital and
grounds, has decided to do that much.
This decision was not arrived at until
it was determined that the legislature
would be democratic by a large ma
jority. Governor Morehead, Secretary of
State Pool, State Treasurer Hall and
Land Commissioner Beckm'ann met
after the returns were nearly all in,
and elecided upori this course. Attor
ney General Reed is a member of the
board, but he was not present.
The board acted upon a report and
recommendations signed by State En
gineer George E. Johnson and J. H.
Craddock of Omaha, member-elect to
the house, and an architect selected
by Governor Morehead to advise the
state board.
The board will prop up the floors
and ceiling of the defective cast wing
in which representative hall is situ
ated. This will be done from the base
ment floor upward, so that the floors
will be supported independent of the
outer walls. The walls lean outward,
so if they take a notion some stormy
v.inter day to tumble to the ground,
the 100 members of the house, with
the speaker and spectators will be left
in an open air perch, somewhat scared
but able to proceed with legislation.
The engineer and architect do not
ray anything about it, but in the event
the walls falPout a canvas curtain
cculd be dropped from the top of the
ceiling and legislation could . proceed
under a tent with a permanent roo
What Is to Be Done?
The story of the work that is to be
dene to prop up the floors and ceiling
is told by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Crad
dock in their own peculiar style in the
following report, which the state
board agreed to follow:
"That we put a heavy timber for
sill in bvrcmert ;.nd a timber plate at
ceiling, using lx's not over four feet
center- to center, and shore up
ment floor.'
"Floor above basement to have a sil
and plate and 4xo uprights on each
side of main windows, and have later
:il braces on same, so as not to ob
stiuct light or easy access to win
"In hall of representatives plate to
be braced on floor and at ceiling.
.Studding on each side ot window, ox
r,V, to be tied to the window sill of
veeond story windows, and to have
lateral braces, making the building
obsolutely safe. The floors to bo free
of any bearing upon walls. In this
manner we will remove from the
mimfs of the people all fear of col
"The outside walls cculd be taken
down and the floors would sjnnd with
out them. Walls to only act the par
of shield to keep out the weather, ant
don't have to depend upon th
st.-pnyth of walls to hold floors.'"
Lincoln News.
Took the Hurt Out of Her Hark.
Mrs. Anna Byrd. TiiMUinbia, Ala
wiites: "I wn down with my back so
I could not tdntid up more than hall
'.he time. Foley Kidney Pills took all
ol trie hurt out.. Klieiunnt ie pains,
swollen ankles, backache, still' joints
and sleep dint mbing bladder ailments
indicate disordered kidney and bind
der trouble. Sold everywhere.
Mrs. Robert, Sherwood, who ha:
been here enjoying n visit nt the homo
of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Troop,
departed this morning for her home
in Omaha and was accompanied by
Mrs. Troop.
Hives, eczema, itch or snlt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
ol your clothing. Doan's Ointment is
fine for skin itching. All druggists
nell it. f0c box.
Thanksgiving Clothes
for men and
young men!
Good clothes are as much a
pari of Thanksgiving as the big
dinner itself. We have pro
vided opportunities for every
man and young man who wants
to be properly attired on this
great holiday, to secure the fin
est values in correctly tailored
suits and overcoats that have
been our good fortune to offer.
$17 to $30
C. E. Wescott's Sons
"Everybody's Store
New Ties Every Week.
For any pain, burn, scald or bruise,
apply Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil the
household remedy. Two sizes, 25c and
50c at all drug stores.
Mrs. Mary A.
came up to this
Taylor, of Union,
city on the early
morning train to have some dental
work done and to attend to some
business matters.
John Tarns of Denver arrived last
evening for a short visit in this city
at. the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mr. (J. II. Tarns, at the county farm
went of this city.
Can't look well, eat well, or feel
well with impure blood. Keep the
blood pure with Burdock Blood Bit
ters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep
clean, and good health is pretty sure
to follow $1.00 a bottle.
Last Sunday, a red hog,
between 250 and 300 lbs.
knowing anything of its whereabouts
notify Fred Haffke, at Plattsmouth
Phone 3133. 11-23-ltdltwkly.
John Hirz and wife and cousin, Mrs
Anna Wear of Hanover, Penn., who
is enjoying a short visit at the. Hirz
home, departed this morning for Om
aha, where they will spend the day
visiting with friends.
J. E. Wiles was among those going
to Omaha this morning, where he will
spend the day in that city looking
after some business matters.
Mrs. J. T. Begley was among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
she will spend a short time arranging
for the moving of. their household
goods from Papillion to this city.
Men Feel Tired, Too.
While much is said about tired
women it must be remembered that
men also pay the penalty of overwork.
When the kidneys are weak, inactive
or sluggish, when one feels tired out
and miserable, has the "blues," lacks
energy and ambition. Foley Kidney
Pills are tonic and strengthening.
They act quickly. Sold everywhere.
The Bank of CassCounty
of Biattsmoutli, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
Ini;oriKi-aled In tlio state of Nebraska, at tl.e
cIom? of burliness. November l. UbC
Loans anl iliseountrj .V;:5.t'ils
Overdrafts i.M' :'
ISoniis. Securities, juiltrments etc U.C'i7 .T.
Banking bouse furniture and fix
tures no
Otlirr real estate 11. Tan "a
L'urrent expenses, taxes and interest
paid 13.327 vi
Casb items l-i
iue from national and state banks 9..V.' is
Checks and items of exchange
Currency '
liold coin
Silver, nickels and cents
:; is oo
J.i". -I
Capital stock paid in ..? 7AO0O 00
Surplus fund 30.M" CO
Cndivided profits .,l.tM: ;7
Individual detmsUs subject to check -'dl.i.K' v3
Time eertittcates of deposit 2'.,v 7? i
Cashler'scherks outstanding '..": 41
Due to national and state batiks C7.1f '
Ieiosiiois' guaranty fund 4.1 it :
fiW.Ott 21
State of Neiih apk.,
CorNTT or Cass I. T. M. Patterson,
cashier of the alove named bank do herc
hv swear that the alnne slaK'ment is a cor
rect and true copy nf the reixut made to the
State Kaukitii,' Hoard. T. M. Patteksox.
( Cit. C. Parmfi.e. Mirector.
( II. 1". I'attfksox. 1 ii rector.
Subscribed, and sworn to Ix-fore me tliis''aid
dav of November IVlo. VrnxA M att.
Notary Public.
Welding a specialty.
Ford Sales and Service.
T. II. Pollock Auto Co., 6th St.
rv m. .a, .
The Successful Man
Sweaters ana
in all the popular
shades and prices
that are right.
is the one who knows how to make
a dollar go farthest whether he
buys a suit, an overcoat, or just a
pair of hose. We'll help you to
buy wisely.
Kuppenheimer and Clothcraft
Suits and Overcoats
$12.50 to $30
Fit counts in dress gloves.
You can get it as well as
durability in Adlers gloves.
That why we offer them to
you. New and correct
shades in both lined and
unlined at $1.50 and up.
i ' 2
in all the new blocks and colors.
Stetsons $4 to 5; Chamois $3
Vassar Union Suits
are knit to fit not cut. The knit on not sewn
cuffs and anklets are features you'll appreciate.
Prices $1.50 and Up
Philip Si
Stetson Hats
Manhattan Shirts
Hansen Gloves h
Carhart Overalls p
'J I
f ir K