MONDAY, OCTOBER' 30, 1916. PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmoistb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY Af 1'LATTSMOIJTH, NEIIKASKA. Entered at Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES,4 Publisher SCBSCRIPTIOjr PRICES fl.50 PEU YEAR IIV ADVANCE g. THOUGHT FOR TODAY J- Great truths are portions cf J- the soul of man; great souls are - portions of eternity. Lowell. Villa is in the saddle. -:o: "Old Sol" shines brightly again. -:o: Get ready to talk Christmas shop ping. -:o: It is going to excess that causes th trouble. -:o:- Yes. the political caldron is begin ning to sputter. Do your work with a will and it be comes a pleasure. :o:- Xo man can keep dodging the issue and make much progress. -j :o: If you dorft want to talk politics just talk for better roads. Measure your friends by their ac tion not by their conversation. :o: Hot air is the motive power that propels the great po'itical machine. :o: It takes more money to live as you j want to than it does to live as you ought to. :o: The bulls and bears are having a pariot and monkey of a time in the wheat pit. :o: Perhaps the high price of shoes was brought about by the office-seekers using up so much leather. -:o:- A man is sometimes his own wcrst enemy, but he is more likely to be his own best friend, if ne has any sense at all. It may be true that eggs will be up to a dollar a dozen, but if they reach that point they will not cost us any thing. -:o: JIake your business your own busi ness, and you'll have all you can do without butting into other people's business. -:o:- lf an honest man is the noblest work of God, we advise you to keep your eye on the fellow who claims to be self-made. It is estimated that the output of Nebraska's soil this year amounts to $341,740,004. And that is certainly putting it low enough. :o: Germany has buile 22 U boats since the war started. That is worthy of note when one stops to think that be fore the war began Cermany was at the tail end of tho list of countries having submarine boats, and now it 13 at the top. -:o:- Thc republican supporters of Hughes can't begin to stay the tidal wave in favor of our great president by flaunting the bloody shirt in this late day. There are too many north erners who make their homes in the south to talk sectionalism, fifty years after the civil war, when peace, hap piness and prosperity reigns' all over the entire country. :o: W. E. Andrews, the gentleman who 6pokc at Woodmen hall Monday night, bad been a "pop-sucker" at Washing ton for eighteen years, previous to the incoming" of the Wilson administration, and it is presumed he is again ready to suck the public again if Hughes is elected. Sam Patterson, a Cass county product, occupies the position of aud itor in the treasury department made vacant by the retirement of Mr. Andrews. IX FAIRNESS TO WILSON. Worse than doubtful would be the service rendered by a friend and sup porter of President Wilson who would cast a vote for a republican candidate for senator in the coming election. Certainly the president would never counsel such a step on the part of anyone professing to be his friend. Certainly he would question the fidel ity of such a voter to his cause and to the cause of his party. President Wilson stands in the atti tude of a man chosen to manage the business of the United States. He should be given the same cautious con sideration as would be given the man ager of a private business. Xo man could most successfully manage any business, public or private, if his chief subordinates are men who are hostile to him and disposed to oppose every policy he may seek to install. Xo company would expect its manager to achieve success under such circum stances. Fairness to the president demands that when he is re-elected he shall be given a democratic senate that will co-operate with him in the promotion of democratic policies. Any system of logic that would favor re-electing the president and sending to Washington a senator committed to the outrageous and cut-worn doctrine of a protective tariff, of ship subsidy and of the re vival of the regime of special privi lege which the president has sought so diligently, courageously and ef fectively to destroy, is tainted with in sanity. Those who aid in the re-election of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency must, if they are wholly fair and hon est with him, vote also for Senator Hitchcock and for the democratic con gressional candidates in the various districts. To do otherwise would be to do the president an actual injury. In all the things that have made Nebraska partial to Woodrow Wiisor. the president has been supported and aided by Senator Hitchcock and the ether Xebraska democrats who have been at Washington. Xo one who reads President Wil son's speeches can escape the convic tion thai he cherishes exalted concep tions of the immediate destiny and duties of the nation, ttjat he has a program for its advancement which he hopes to be able to work out, a no which will when fulfilled reflect tre mendous glory upon the party that gave him to this great service. Every democrat who casts a vote for a re publican for senator or congressman votes to tie the hands of the president, and to discourage him in the fulfill ment of the stupendous service it is his ambition to render his country and his party. Every voter who is for the presi dent should ask himself whom the president would have him aid in send ing to Washington as the president's helper, and if he be a sincere friend of Wilson he will vote to send the men the president wants. Sheridan Coun ty Democrat. -:o:- Charles E-vasive Hughes is trying to hedge on the war proposition. Too late in the season, Mr. Hughes. :o: The state should own all the bridges and have no toll bridges. The most of the bridges are kept up by taxation, and why not let river bridges be con trolled the same way? -:o:- The last two sessions of the Ne braska legislature were under demo cratic control. During these two ses sions more progressive legislation was enacted than during any fifteen years of republican control. Democracy's record of performance shines brightly in comparison with the republican record for broken promises and fail ures. Only ten days till election. :o: True religion makes a man feel that it is just as cold for his wife to get up and build the fire as himself. :o: To be prepared for the best one must also be prepared for the worst, not only in business, but in polities, also. :6: Keep your eye on John Murtey's name on the ticket when you go to the polls, and place an X in the circle opposite his name. -:o:- -An European astrologer foretells the increase of knowledge concerning telegraphy to such an extent that it will be used successfully in every-day affairs. -:or- Keith Neville, democratic candidate for governor,, accompanied by Edgar Howard, candidate for lieutenant gov ernor, and Attorney General Reed will speak at the court house on Mon day night, October 30. :o: Keith Neville, democratic candidate or Governor; Edgar Howard, for lieu tenant governor, and Willis E. Reed, for attorney general, will speak at the court house on Monday evening, Oc tober 30. Remember the date, and be sure and be there. :o: Somehow the reputed republican na ional committee's plan of having the losses vote the men doesn't seem to be sparking well this year. There are two reasons. One is because working men enjoy a larger independence than ever before, and the other is that so many of those bosses represent manu facturers who are ouite well satisfied, thank you. :o: Hon. John Mattes' record in the state senate is one that any man should be proud of. The people of Otoe and Cass counties know that he made a faithful member of that body, and we fail to see why any democrat cun refuse to vote for him this time. He is able and full of energy, and it is far better to have a representative in the senate who is experienced than a man who knows nothing about legis lating on matters of which his con stituents and taxpayers are vitally in terested. A big mistake will be made if Senator Mattes is not returned. :o:- SUTTON OVERPLAYS. Managers of the republican cam paign in Nebraska have realized too late that the plan of battle of Sutton has so weakened his chance that today he stands a beaten man. Who is there to question that the Omaha judge has overplayed and rid den to death the prohibition issue. Practically everything he has said in his speeches and interviews, have been connected with this issue and either through lack of knowledge or perhaps judgment, he has failed to realize there arc huge issues in the state campaign besides the moral question. Where the people have lost faith in Sutton is in the realization that he believes a rip-snorting campaign with the drys behind him, will be the means of getting him an office. As for other issues he has not wanted to talk about them, for his legislative record is so bad that every line of it savors of the corporate control that was responsible for the election of every man who went to the house and senate in the old days from Douglas county. This record of his is a terrific af raigriment of his public service. He could be excused for some of it, on the grounds that he has learned bet ter and is trying to do right, if he had not shown himself so inordinately selfish as to forget that the state's well being depends on many things besides whether the moral question of the amendment is setlcd now or later. The truth of the matter is that Sut ton wants to be elected so badly that he would sacrifice anything for votes. He has put his "chips" on the amend- ment. We hope to see the state dry. but we honestly believe it would be a calamity to see Sutton or any one else elected governor, who rides into office playing to the sentiments of the peo- pie, when he is backed by such a leg- islative record as the Omaha man pre- sents. Kearney Times. KENNEDY'S STAND-PAT SPEECH. Candidate for United States Senator John L. Kennedy made a short speech on Main street to a small crowd "of voters last Friday morning, and in his rumbling remarks scared away several democrats who had expected to vote for him because they do not like the way Hitchcock voted in the senate on several democratic measures. But 1 when Kennedy leaped upon the eastern tariff hobby-horse and with whip and spur, rede rampant over the low tariff and other democratic laws passed the last four years for the relief of the people generally, and then recited the number of western products placed on the free list, naming wheat, corn, oats, cattle, hogs, horses and hens, with tha prices of these things higher than they have ever been before, staring him in the face, then democrats concluded that he was not safe to send to the senate. He is like the wild eyed tariff howlers who declared when eggs were placed on the free list that China would flood this country with eggs at 8 cents a dozen and ruin our hen in dustry, when the result is eggs are higher than ever known at this time of the year, 2S to 30 cents a dozen. Cot ton was so low that the growers did not get cost of production, yet accord ing to Mr. Kennedy it was protected. lie had not a word of condemnation for the combinations cornering these products and forcing the consumers to pay outrageous prices for things they need to live on. No, that was not his purpose, lie wanted to scare tne farmers with prospective low prices when'The war is over. It is presumed that prices, for the necessaries of life will drop down more than half when he world gets free from war demands. If they don't, how can the people live and pay such prices as are now de manded ? Kennedy would be a queer repre sentative for an agricultural state like Nebraska to send to congress to help- the Stan lard oil, rtcel, pugar and packing combinations with hi-; tariff laws to protect them from competi tion. C. J. Bowlby, in Crete Demo crat. :o: Why io it platonic love plays Iuivol-7 :o: Don't forget Keith Neville, candi date for governor, at the court houve in Plattsmouth, Monday night. :o : It is that odds are two to one oa WiI:on in Chicago, and a land slide for President Wilson is piedictcd. The drift to Wilson continues. :o: Hen. John A. Maguire is speaking to large audiences-all through the dis trict, as usual, and finds his many friendj as enthusiastic for him as ever. :o: It, is time to look out for roorbacks. There never was a campaign that there were not more or less lies cir culated. So be on your guard and watch for them. :o: The man with an automobile in Omaha, should put it under lock and key while he does his trading, or em ploy a special watchman, and then it is a question as to whether it will be sa f e. Tliat great republican newspaper, the Chicago Herald, has switched to the Wilson side, which is quite a power within itself. Another big straw showing which way the wave is blowing. :o: A vote for Frank Libershall for county clerk is a vote for a gentle man, who has been tried in this office and found "not wanting" in the trans action of the business of the office with efficiency and to the satisfaction of all who call for business. He is one of the most agreeable officials there is in the court house. :o:- Next Monday is an eventful oceas- ion for the young folks. Hallowe'en, you know. A time when all kinds of pranks are played upon the unsuspect- ing. Keep your eyes peeled in the di- rection of your .front gate or out houses, that are easily turned over. The boys and girls will have their fun, but very few of them will -resort to such doings as we have mentioned. Nobody holds his audience like the flatterer. :o: It is impossible to judge a woman by the size of her hat. :o: It is no fault of the light that the days are getting longer. :o: Fashion experts say the short skirt will continue longer to remain short. :o: j A public cflice js a public trust- and every public officer is a public servant. :o: Wheat has been doing some high jumping, and has the best of them guessing. :o:- No one ever heard a man complain about poor eyesight when He can't see his own faults. -:o:- So long as you don't drop it, it makes no difference upon which side your bread is buttered. :o:- Vvhen a young mother is downtown with her baby she doesn't care a farth ing what people think of her hat. :o: If farm products continue to soar skyward, the next thing we know the farmers will be complaining of the in come tax. :o: The candidates can console them selves with the thought that all will be elected some to office, and soma o remain at home. :o: When one is constantly a public tar get for light and heavy artillery, and mud batteries as well, he certainly i does not feel very free and easy. . ; 3 ; . The British have again announced , the sinking of the German submarine U-o-1. This time the news comes from a British business man who siiid he was told by good authority that the U-boat was sunk. It would seem that ' the U-":' and Villa have been captured or blown to pieces about the same number of times. :o : John Wunderlich, the democratic candidate for heriiT, iu a hustler in ;r''tting over the county, zw.A is gain ing new friends every day. There are no better men in Cass county than Jchn Wunderlljh, and it is generally believed that he will make one of the best sheriffs the ever had. At least many of the voters are willing to give him a trial. :o: Every taxpayer i'i Cas:; county knows that Mike Tritsch has been ' tiled in the treasurer's o;T:ce and "not fc-und warding'' in efficiency. lie has lived in Cass county all 1:1s life, and has the confidence a:u' respect of all who know him. He has served one term as deputy treasurer, and no man is better prepared to handle the af fairs of the office to the entire satis faction of the people than Mike Tritsch. Bear that in mind when you go to the polls on the 7th day of No vember. -:o: Mr. Hughes, while holding out the hopes of high protective tariffs to catch the tariff barons, says he is in "favor of a tariff commission. Presi dent Wilson is not only in favor of a tariff commission, but has approved an act creating a tarifF commission. Since a tariff commission will lake the tarifF out of politics and substitute a scientific for a political tariir, there doesn't seem to be any real issue be tween Mr. Hughes and Mr. Wilson ex cept that Mr. Wilson has done what Mr. Hughes is talking about. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. CliEEN FEED IX WINTER. Why don't your hens lay wlien eggs are high? They do not get the chemical' ingredients that the grasses and green feed supply in sea son. C A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy supplies these very ingredients, only in a more concentrated form. We sell it and guarantee you to get eggs. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. CASTOR i For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the SJgnaturo c liet Contents lSyitiidDractoj pSfil Li . s ! I t r.t , : J I'tR COTE a a,. -1 v p-cnaiaJscn&tAs- sictfaj . ikloudaailfc'iala-1 Ha-lthc h'.i.5juclisaiiirctfelsd v,;.,.-jKril cssditciiTainsF 1 lpijmlcrphiiic nocM. Or Not Narcotic A jlxS-rr.ii JYo-terru-d - 1 VOT2K-. Exact Coov of Wrapper. 1 I, ftin-Ti iV2 fii -J v- gyp. , r , ? I - j-s- K'i'J? :-:A-fy r.Vi !. K ' -V ! '"rV si ; T I 1 i ApcifrctEcmcdylor ton, SourStonndjjJjJJ;; -- f I P3 JOHN fvflURTEV, Democratic Candidate for Representative of Cass County The proper man to represent Cass county in the State Leg islature. A gentleman and a scholar, and one abundantly well qualified to look after the interests of the tax-payers. BARB WIRE CUTS AND WOUNDS Are troublesome to cure. Get a bottle of Farris' Healing Remedy costs 50c make it at home. Heals rapidly. A sore never matters where this remedy is used. We sell it on the money back plan. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemcr. All the principal Southern Gulf and Cuban cities are included in tljp general arrangement of attractive Winter excursion fares. Maiy circuit K)urs of the historic South are offered that include Washington, D. C, in one direction. A scheme of diverse-route tours embracing a most comprehensive tour of the whole Southeast is effective during the winter months. Hi en there is always Southern California. Ask the undersigned for the Burlington's Winter Excursions leaflet and Southern Resort literature. Burlington high class train service from the West and Northwest to any of the Southern gateways St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago. BIG FOOTBALL GAMES. I Magnificent football, Lincoln;- see one or all of these great 'Varsity mm a mmimm --3 X Till For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the gnature of or uver IT hiny Years Tin ccntauh con. new York city. if Ti r- tmi mummhi s f 1 -5- s AT aXa?&&&'-- W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, f Second Floor if Mr i 'ill AfT lis" mi ya ta 13 fi tn fj n ::;;S::::r::;:;:::-:-x:: v. games: November 18th, with Kansas University (Grads Homecoming) ; November 30th, with famous Notx-e Dame. R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Afieut L. W. WAKFLEY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam St., Omaha", Neb.' Ik V 4 T. r A i 4 A