THUltSDAY. OCTOUEU 19, 1916- PAGE 4. PLATTSUOUTH SEMI-WEEJSLT JOUItNAE. Cbc plattstnoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEUKLV AT PLATTSMOL'TII. NEBRASKA. Entered at Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher INSCRIPTION PRICEt PER If EAR IN ADVANCE 4- THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4. Home is the resort of love, of J- joy, of peace and plenty, where 4 J. supporting and supported, pol J. ished friends and dear relations V- mingle into bliss. Thomson. $ i-m-m :-:::-: 4-m :o: Fine shower, but not enough. :o: Corn husking is now good business. -:o: There is no use loafing, plenty of work now. :o- Trouble is easy to find but hard to lose. Don't forget that, ss you go along. v :o: The political bass drummer has to be more of an athlete than a mu sician. The Kansas man who shot his wife's grandmother is carrying his resent ment too far. -tor- After all it is more satisfying to take things as they come than to give thenv up, as they go. :o: Vc have with us yet the person who remembers when' automobiles were called horseless carriages. :o:- If yoa must Irnock get out in the middle cf a forty acre lot before you swing your hammer too promiscu ously. :o: Plenty of time yet to get elected or defeated before the fatal election day. It depends upon you who is the best hustler. :o: Thompson's reform administration in Chicago, seems to be "in the soup." It hasn't been very long since the re publicans wanted Thompson to run for president. :o:- The Nebraska railway commission has bolted the republican national plat form. The republican national plat form advocates throwing three repub lican railway commissioners out of their jobs. But of course the commis sioners bolted because of their pa triotism and their love for the dear pee-pul! :o: R. L. Metcalfe is doing some mighty good work for Wilson and the demo cratic ticket out in the state. He draws large crowds and he gives the Hughes party some sledge-hammer blows direct from the shoulder. Dick Metcalfe is just the men that can do the work up brown. :o: Edgar Howard, democratic candi date for lieutenant governor, is one of the best qualified men that ever was a candidate for that position, end should be elected because he is able to preside over such a dignified body of statesmen with honor to him self, and precision in action. :o: Ex-Senator V1II1am V. Allen is 1 candidate for district judge in the Ninth, judicial district, composed of the counties of Wayne, Antelope, Cuming, Knox, Madison, Pearce and Stanton. He should be elected, sim ply because Senator Allen is most em incntly well fitted for a position of this character, being one cf the best lawyers in the state. :o: The voters of the First district will elect Hon. John A. Maguire to his old place in congress on the 7th day of November, because they have con fidence in him. He served them faith fully and honorably, and he. will do the business in the same manner. His influence among the members was -reat, and then, he is for Wilson every day in the week, and all the time. Monissey for chief justice. :o: - Neville, for governor, will get there. -:o:- The farmers need men' to husk corn. :o: You have to get there before you try to come back. :o: It's a cinch you never will accom plish much if you don't aim high. :o: You don't know whether you are raising your boy to be a soldier or not. -:o: Any man who tries to do right by God and man need have no fear of the devil. :o:- It used to be, "until death do us part," but now it is "until divorce do us part." :o: You never can tell. Many a woman who faints at the sight of a mouse will lord it over her husband. :o: Now that Rev. Irl R. Hicks has passed to the Great Beyond, what are we to do now for pointers on the weather? :o: Speaking of Huerta, the president is' reported as saying there is no reason to answer the defi of Mr. Hughes; that the entire country knows he told Huerta to get out, and that he is out. :o: Wall street is for Hughes, but the country at large is sure unanimous for the retention of President Wilson for another four years. The country with one voice speaks out: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!" :o: Remember when you vote for John Murtey, you are voting for a gentle man of ability and one that as a mem ber of the legislature will reflect great credit upon the voters of Cass county. :o: They can say what they please about W. J. Bryan, but the great commoner is doing a great deal of good work for President Wilson. Mr. Bryan may not be agreeable to us in many respects, yet there are many things in him we can't help but like. He is one of the greatest men in America. :o: Mi lye Tritsch should be elected to the office of county treasurer because the taxpayers know that he is abun dantly well qualified for this very re sponsible position. He has been tried and not found wanting in the trans action of the business in any depart ment of the treasurer's office. You make no mistake in supporting Mike Tritsch. :o: Edwin Zimmerer, who was nomi nated as the republican candidate for float representative for Otoe and Cass counties has positively refused to per mit his name to be printed on the election ballot, and now a new man will have to be pitted against L. G. Todd, the democratic candidate. Mr. Todd is one of the finest young men to be found'' in either county and the democrats are certainly very fortunate in his nomination for the position. :o: Arthur Mullen is not an issue in this campaign, Jiut he is a member" of the national committee, and has a duty to perform, and that duty will be well performed; and if the repub licans don't like Art's manner of do ing, business, how are they going to help themselves pray, tell us. We have known Mr. Mullen ever since we have been in the state, and there has never been an election during that time where he was to the front, but that the republicans dreaded him. And that's the same trouble with the re publicans now. But Art forges right ahead, just the same. ROOSEVELT IN THE SADDLE. Senator Reed is justified in Tris statement that Roosevelt has taken the bit in his mouth and is running away. He is dragging after him the party ; wagon." Mr. Reed says the colonel is "in supreme control of the republican party." We do not say he is yet in supreme control, but we cannot doubt that he is controlling the campaign and that he intends to take the party over. Signs of the Roosevelt leadership are rapidly multiplying. He is the one man who is making specific decla- rations of republican intentions. He is defining what Mr. Hughes stands for and what Mr. Hughes intends to do. At the Union league reception it was Colonel Roosevelt who said that there would be no debate on the Ger man rcichstag over the revival of had a president of the United States who would not tolerate anything of tViaf enrf " Tf ic f!nlnnfl Rnnspvelt ! who tells how he brought the kaiser to terms in Venezuela with a threat of war. It is Colonel Roosevelt who says that Mexico ought to be forced to submit to American terms. It is Col onel Roosevelt who implies that Mr. Hughes will use the big stick on both Germany and Mexico and who is preaching war as the righteous alter native of the peace Mr. Wilson has maintained through diplomacy. In be half of Mr. Hughes Colonel Roose velt scorns and scouts the reasonable, humane and peaceful methods of President Wilson. His criticisms and epithets applied to Mr. Wilson and to the entire Wilson method and pro gram describe by contrast what sort of a president Mr. Hughes is to be and what sort of a policy he is to undertake. He expects Mr. Hughes to overturn the internal acts of the Wilson administration and to reverse Wilson's foreign policies. Mr. Hughes makes no protest. On the contrary, he expresses his grati tude for the colonel's valuable sup port. He is afraid to protest or check the colonel's tirades. He knows that while he may be defeated with the col onel's support, he would certainly be defeated without it. Colonel Roosevelt is lacking in neither sagacity nor audacity. He will use his advantage merciless. He is now the leader and spokesman of the Hughes campaign, he intends to be the master of the Hughes' admin istration in the event of republican success. Colonel Roosevelt made Taft pres ident and because Taft refused to sub mit to his dictation ruined him. He will rule or ruin the Hughes' admin istration. If Mr. Hughes is elected through the Roosevelt alliance, will he dare stand against Colonel Roosevelt's do minion? If he is too timid now to protest against Colonel Roosevelt s rampant leadership in the campaign will he dare withstand his master ship after the election at the risk of political ruin? St. Louis Post-Dis patch. :o: It was Senator Hitchcock who se cured an amendment to the federal reserve law that makes it possible for reserve banks to discount the paper of stock raisers and farmers. Perhaps you have "noticed that in this good year of 1916, for the first time in many years, you haven't heard any complaints about lack of money to move crops." It was the Hitchcock amendment to the federal reserve law that brought about this happy condi tion of affairs. f :o: Attorney General Willis Reed made hundreds of friends here Tuesday, all of whom will vote for his retention in tne onice ne is so amy nuing. Willis Reed, while not a lauge man in stature, is one of the braniest men in Nebraska and has but few equals as an orator. He is cut out for a higher position, but he has done such excel lent work as attorney-general that the taxpayers propose to retain him in his present position for at least two more years. :o: Keith Neville is becoming more popular every day. Sjnce the business administration of Governor Morehcad has proved so beneficial to the tax payers of the state, they have como to the conclusion that such an ad ministration should be continued. Keith Neville is a fine business man. and he is on record as one of the best in the state, and that is the reason why he should be elected gov ernor. :o: Wc stop the press to inquire again: What has become of that old . com plaint about the "lack of money to move the crops ? " that we used to hear every fall, when republicans had control of affairs? Old winter is getting nearer. -:o: Are you prepared for the worst to come? :o: If you would just as soon remain in a rut the chances are you will. :o: No man ought to deprive himselS of the joy of a new idea every day. :o: It isn't fair to think just because a man hasn't an automobile that he hasnt any m(Jney fa the bank :o; The election draws a little nearer every day, and the nearer its approach the more nervous the candidates be come. :o:- " va" - ! newspaper business until he realizes thaf rmhlifitv in the nnlv tViintr Vins for saje :o: Doctors have declared milk a stimur lant. However, a milk jag is com paratively harmless. It does not cause a fighting spirit. - ;o; There may be no justification for painting the lily, or gilding refined gold, but somebody seems to profit by dying the green strawberry a bright red. :o: A California woman wants a divorce because her husband "tried to give her away." If she wants revenge on a man like that she ought to stick to him. -:o:- The end of the world may be in sight, but fat women continue to keep on trying to reduce their weight, and bald-headed men to buy hair tonic in large quantities. :o: A vote for John Wunderlich is a boost for one of the best men in the county for sheriff. He is honest and capable, and the affairs of the office will be transacted intelligently and in a business like manner. :o: John Wunderlich is seeing many voters these days, and from what we can learn, he is gaining friends right along. The people are well satisfied that John Wunderlich will make a good sheriff, and many of them believe it is time for a change in that of fice. :o: The supreme court of the United States never assessed triple damages against a trust in restraint of trade. But Justice Charles Evans Hughes as senting, it did assess triple damages against a trades union, and proceeded to confiscate the homes of the workers to pay the damages. Justice Hughes has a record for standing in with the corporations see 2-cent fare law veto and opposition to income tax. :o: John Murtey, the democratic candi date for representative, is winning golden opinions in the several sections of Cass county that he has visited There is a big difference in a gentle man well fitted for such a position and one that is not, and the voters of the county can easily discern that John Murtey possesses all the quali fications to represent the people of Cass county as they should be repre sented. In case that President Wilson is re elected, which is altogether probable, he will need a congress to back him up in his work the same as he has now. Then don't forget this as elec tion day draws near, and remember Senator Hitchcock and John A. Mc guire will be found supporting the president in his efforts to do for the people. They arc both friends of the people and the president must have the support of congress in order to do for the people in the future as he has done in the past. :o: The 8 o'clock closing law is an amendment to the Slocum law. If you are elected and prohibition is defeated, will you rigidly enforce the 8 o'clock closing law, Mr. Sutton. And if you can enforce a law you do not endorse, is it not more than likely that Keith Neville, who is as honest as you, and quite as able, will do the same thing? "We believe everybody should learn to swim," says an Instructor. Sure thing. And then they will have the pleasure of teaching the girls how. "EIGHT SENATORS." The Lincoln Journal argues with democrats who were opposed to Sena tor Hitchcock in the primary, telling them that it is not necessary to send back Mr. Hitchcock to the senate to support the democratic administra tion, that the democrats already have a lead of fifteen senators over the republicans, and one democratic sen ator lost in this state will make no material difference. There may be some democrats who can swallow that sort of dope, but they are making the mistake of their lives. When the senator from New York was here, he urged that a republican be elected to the senate from this state. "Give us Mr. Kennedy," he said, and he pointed out that it was necessary to displace only seven more democratic senators with republicans, since Maine has added one to the latter, in order to give the republicans control of the senate. And that was advice which is backed with sense and logic. If those who favor the re-election of President Wilson are induced to vote for Sen ator Hitchcock's opponent in this state and if administration supporters in West Virginia, Illinois, Kansas, In diana and New York can be induced to do the same thing, the senate will be against the president. That sort of. strategy would yield just the re sults which the republican party lead ers want. They tell you that one senator more or less won't make any difference, and they are telling the POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Having received the nomination for the office of sheriff of Cass county, on the democratic ticket, and in connec tion with announcing my candidacy for said office, I wish also to express my appreciation for the loyal support given me at the primaries, and trust that you will be able to give the same loyal support at the general election, November 7th. With the promise of faithfulness to all the duties of the office, I solicit the support of the vot ers of Cass county. JOHN G. WUNDERLICH. I announce my candidacy for the office of float representative from tho eighth district, comprising Cass and Otoe counties and will appreciate your support. L. G. TODD. For Representative 7th District on Democratic Ticket JOHN MURTEY, Alvo, Nebraska. Your support respectfully solicited. I am your friend, JOHN MURTEY. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Having received the nomination for the office of county commissioner for the First district, on the republican ticket, I solicit the support of the voters of Cass county, and in return for such support I pledge myself to the faithful performance of the duties of said office. JOSEPH J. JOHNSON. I amHhe republican candidate for the office of county clerk and, if elect ed, will give the people a clean, busi ness-like administration of the office, and will appreciate the support of the voters of Cass county at the election on November 7th. CLARENCE L. DEAL. As the democratic candidate for state senator from the Second district, composed of Cass and Otoe counties, I solicit the support of the voters and promise to sec that my time will be devoted to the best interests of tho taxpayers of the district and r.tatc. JOHN MATTES. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county attorney on the democratic ticket, and .solicit the support of the voters, and if elected will see that the laws arc enforced, and will appreciate any support given tome. JOSEPH CAPWELL. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the district court on the republican ticket, sub ject to the choice of the voters at the general election, Tuesday, November 7th. Your support solicited. JAMES ROBERTSON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Having received the nomination for the office of county treasurer on tb,c republican ticket, I take this one method of soliciting the support of the voters of Cass county, assuring the faithful performance of the duties of the office, and thanking you in ad vance for any favors that may be ex tended me at the general election, No vember 7th. MAJOR A. HALL. GO MINI 3 Universal ioline Tractor! We are going to demonstrate this tractor on the Al bert Wettenkamp 80, exactly 2V2 miles west of My nard; southeast l of section 29, township 12, range 13, on Thursday, October 26th, and express a cordial invitation to you to come out and see this wonderful tractor plow and demonstrate it's wonderful usefulness on the farm. T. H. POLLOCK, FRED W. HALL, Agents same thing in a dozen different states. Don't think that the Journal's sug gestion is the only one of the kind that is being made in the country. They are working the same tactics in other states. Beatrice Sun. -:o: WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES. Some eastern papers are trying to make quite a stir because boots and shoes have been put on the free list, "thus opening American high-class in dustry to the competition of the cheap labor of the world." Of course we realize that we are putting up ii democratic argument when we ask: What is wrong with that? But we believe in giving the devil his- dues.- There certainly is plenty of room for criticism in the Underwood tariff bill, but putting boots and shoes on the free list should offer no occasion for criticism. The real place where the shoe pinches the American pe'ople is in hav ing the owners of machines used in the making of boots and shoes walk off with so many millions of dollars each year without doing hardly any thing. In this particular case protection only means feeding the trust. Hast ings Tribune (rep.). -:o:- Nebraska's oats crop alone this year amounts to $21),G.'J6,548. And that doesn't include the wild oats either. -to: The betting man should know bet ter than to bet. 02Z The Hunting Season is On ! And we are busy selling hunting supplies and cloth ing because our stocks are complete in all lines coats, vests, waders, short coats, caps, gloves, in fact everything but the gun, and we sell high quality goods. If you are Villi yoMMMOV .1 !' . iJ'l"-lkt! rx.t' we bought them before prices advanced, we can sell them at 02.45, 03.45 and 03.95 NEW. TIES EVERY. WEEK Wescott's "Everybody's Store' 0. E. sis FISTULA Pay. After You Are Cured A mild s7,tem of XtxXrJ Piles Rectal Diseases in a short time, witboat Ether or other general anasthetic used. , . j k ceptea 10 r treatment, aou nu uwucj l" Rectal diseases, with testimonials of proainent people ho have been permanently eared. DR. TARRY Dmm And it is going to be a cold one. f :o: Work hard, and then a little harder. :o:- It isn't what a girl says but the way she says it that keeps a man guessing -:o:- PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES. from Tuewday j Dall. The work of moving into the new Carnegie library was commenced yes terday, with the assistance of the fol lowing named boys from the public school: Claire Hudson, Holland Sut ton, James Pei-singer, Miles Altman, Victor Krivanek, Joseph McCarthy, Paul Winscot. The entire juvenile de partment was moved and the books placed on the shelves in the new library. The librarian anil board are very grateful for the efficient assistance given by these boys. It is expected to complete the moving this week and the formal opening will be held next week, to which all citizens are cor dially invited, the date to be an nounced later. SHIPPED A FINE HOG. George Perry of thi.s city, who has been engaged in the raising of fine thoroughbred Poland-China hoj,. for the past few year.';, on Tuesday shipped to Sheridan, Wyo., a fine male pig that will be placed on one of the large farms in that locality. Mr. Per ry has had a great success in the rais ing of these hogs, and in fact that one was shipped to such a distance i-N proof of the fact that they are among the best in the west. FOR SALE Poland-China male piffs. Inquire of C. E. Heehner, Nehawka, Neb. 0r7-lmowkly going out for one day or a month, let us fit you out with proper equipment to insure a pleasant and suc cessful trip. Hunting Coats! Examine them carefully note how well they are made the good quality of duck used in their making and the great number of useful pockets. Because Sons a nn F- " 0, ac- A cure guaranteed m every case ac wai-t until cured. Write lor book on i . , Building Omaha. 1