THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 191 C. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAE. PAGE 6. 3 Murray prepared in the Interest of the People of Department Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If anrof the readers of the Journal know of any social even or item of interest in this Tl.Mnity. and will mail Kime to t his office, it will ap-I-ar under this heading. We waal all uewtKemh Eihtok w r-. saw . MMn i " I mt. i " r i w m , 17 -"i?- ii'-W"' vf- Don't Carry About a Great Roll of Money! If yon have made a few hundred dollars in a business deal or a lucky speculation DEPOSIT THEM IN A BAIS'K AT ONCE. The possession of a large amount of currency is a temptation to spend. You Will Not Be So Ready to Draw a Check as You Will to Spend the Ready Cash Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE For Insurance of all kinds see J. W. Holmes. Mrs. John Campbell has been quite sick for the past few days. D. A. Younjr was a county seat vis itor Wednesday afternoon. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. Miss Laura Puis was a Platts mouth visitor Wednesday afternoon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ro:-s. of Mt. Pleasant precinct, a baby jrirl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bar ker, a baby ?irl, on Fridav, October Cth. Miss May Barker has been suffer ing for the past few days with a car buncle. Dr. B. F. Brendel has been suffer ing for the past few days with an in fected finder. W. J. Philpot shipped a car of hojr-s to the South Omaha market Wednes day eveninpr. Mrs. L. D. Iliatt was in Platts mouth Tuesday evening: visiting- with her parents. For Sale Three thoroughbred Dur-oc- Jersey males and one pi It. See Chester Shrader or II. C. Loup. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Philpot are preparing- to make a trip out to their farm and ranch near Arnold next week. Alberta Peters, of Sheridan, Wyo., who has been visiting; at the home of W. J. Philpot departed for his home Monday. W. G. Boedeker drove his car out to Grant, Neb., last Friday where he had made a sale for it a few days ato. He was accompanied by Ted Bar rows, Will Wehrbein and Harry Creamer, returning; home on the train Monday. The trip of 382 miles was made in 18 hours actual running-time. If you have anything; for sale adver tise in the Journal. H. G. Todd was looking; after some matters of business in Plattsmouth Saturday. Wm. Rice was locking; after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday. Lee Brown shipped a car of hog: to the South Omaha market Wednes day evening-. August Engelkemeier has been delivering- his wheat to the Murray ele vator this week. O. V. Virgin, of Dunbar, has been making a few days' visit this week with Murray friends. Miss Inez DelDernier has been ab sent from school for the past few days owing to sickness. Mrs. Elmer Boedeker and Mrs. E. S. Tutt attended th play in Platts mouth Tuesday evening. L. D. Hiatt was looking after some matters of business in the county seat Wednesday afternoon. Walter Cox, of Occonto, Neb., was in Murray a few days the past week looking after some business matters. Miss Grace Bogenreif, teacher of the Todd school has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Chas. Read, east of Murray, is an other new Velie owner, having pur chased one of those dandy light six models from the Puis agency this week. Elmer Boedeker departed Tuesday morning for DuBois, Wyo., where he will make a few weeks' visit with his father, and other friends and rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford and son. Billy, James Hatchett and daughter, Miss Vera, were visiting with firends in Lincoln Sunday, mak ing the trip in Mr. Minford's auto. Egg or Cream Whip! 5c SPECIAL 5c This article usually sells at 15c, but as a leader, we are offering them at 5c each. We have just placed in stock 250 dozen Shucking Mittens AND GLOVES! Extra heavy knap, well made, nothing better to be found on the market $1.10 PER DOZEN Miatt . Tutt MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA For Sale A few Duroc males, at the Oidnani Stock Farm. For Sale eleven good calves. Mis. C. Beverage, Plattsmouth. Miss Villa Gapen was home Sunday returning to her school Sunday eve ning. Lloyd tlapen made a trip to No hawka Monday for apples, that were purchased at the Pollard orchards. Mrs. Harry Creamer and children are spending the week with Mrs. Creamer's mother, Mrs. Young, while Harry is in the western part of the state. Henry Albert and family, Mrs. Phil pot, Harold Albeit, Gladys Whistler and A. J. Engelkemeicr and family spent last Saturday evening at the home of Julius Engelkemeier. Cameron Cathy and Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young made a trip to the Phil pot ranch last week in Mr. Young's auto. They returned home Sunday, and report a very pleasant trip. Mrs. Homer Miller, of Plainview, who has been here visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ETImunds, also her many friends at the old home, de parted for Plainview Monday evening. There was a large crowd of Murray people, members of the M. W. A. in attendance at the class adoption in P'.atsmouth, Wednesday evening. There were quite a number of mem bers from this order taksn in. Walter Jenkins, of Broadview, Mont., is in Murray this week visit ing with home folks. He has been in Montana for some time and likes the country very much, and will i-eturn in a few days. J. T. Porter has been in Murray for the past few days visiting with old friends and relatives. He has sold his farm in Minnesota, and is in search of a new location. We trust that he will return to Cass county. Be sure and attend the Presbyter ial at the United Presbyterian church in Murray on October ID and 20. The Murray high school went to Plattsmouth Tuesday to hear Vice President Marshall speak at the Par mele Theatre. Talk to L. II. Puis about one of those Alamo Electric Light Plants, that are giving such great satisfac tion to the farmers of this locality. Louie knows how to install them, and will make you the right price. This is the season that you will need one. H. C. Long is planing to have a public sale in the very near future, at which time he will offer all his stock and farming implements for sale. Henry has some good stuff and will no doubt find a ready sale, and things will bring a good price. Watch this paper for the announcement. This is the season when good light is very essential on the farm, the long winter evenings are made brighter with plenty of light. See L. H. Puis, of Murray, in regard to installing one of those fine little Alamo plants on your farm right now, and receive the benefit of it all winter. John Meisinger and family, Henry Engelkemeier and family, Jake Kraeger and family, George Engel kemeier and family, Misses Minnie Ploeger an Rose Engelkemeier, and Guy McGill spent last Sunday at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Engelkemeier, west of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Tilson en tertained at Sunday dinner Mr: and Mrs. John Wiles, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiles and daughters, Misses Freda and Nellie, of Weeping Water, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wiles, Mr. and Mrs Ben Wiles and little daughter, Mr and Mrs. James Tilson and family and Master Ernest Verhend, of Weep ing Water. Dr. Joe Morrow and wife, of Sew ard, was visiting with Murray friends Sunday. Joe was born and raised in this locality, but this was his first visit back to the old home in 18 years. He has been practicing medi cine for the past twenty-four years and has been very successful. His visit was a very pleasant-one to the many friends in and near Murray. Albert Young and his crew of car penters are working at the Herman Gansemer farm this week. The United Presbyterian congrega tion, of Murray, at a meeting held after service last Sabbath, voted un animously to extend a call to Rev. J. B. Jackson, D. D., of Creston, la., who has signified his intention to ac cept the call when duly presented, and will begin his work as pastor of the congregation November 1st. We are informed that in the meantime the congregation will expend about $150 in repairing the parsonage which Dr. Jackson will occupy about the last of the present month. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and Henry Eikenbarry, of Plattsmouth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen last Sunday. F. M. Massie, of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, went to Plattsmouth Tuesday to attend the Marshall meeting, and spend the day visiting with old county seat friends. He was a pleasant call er at the Journal office. The attendance at the Christian church Sunday school Sunday was b"3. The church service was also quite largely attended. Mrs. B. A. Hoot and Mrs. Audrey Root were received as members of the congregation. We are planning for a good day next Sunday. The members are urged to be present and visitors are welcomed. The sermon topics will be, "The Faith of Abraham" and "The Greatness of the Bible." Ray Chriswisser made a desperate effort to land a chicken thief at his home Tuesday evening. At the time Ray heard the disturbance in his hen house he grabbed his trusty shot gun and made for the scene. He caught sight of the man but couldn't tell who he was but proceeded to empty the contents of the gun into him; many of the shot taking effect, from the blood spots around the hen house the next morning. CANDIDATE FOR PRECINCT ASSESSOR. 1 have accepted the nomination for the of'ice of Precinct Assessor for Rock Bluff's precinct on the repub lican ticket and hereby solicit the sup port of the voters of this precinct, pledging myself to the careful per formance of the duties of said otlice. D. A. Young. Autumnal Diseases. Rheumatism of muscles and joints and neuralgia are now in season. Therefore, this is the time to use Triner's Liniment for safe relief of pains. Only for Rubbing, it must not be taken internally. Price 25 and ."0c at drugstores, by mail, o5 and GOc. At this time of the year also appear colds in the head and chest, cought, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Don't de lay and use Triner's Cough Sedative, a reliable and quick remedy. Price the same. Joseph Triner, Manufac turing Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111. Old folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In her S7th year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proven most beneficial in my case." Mr. Sara A, Hoover, High Point, N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was "worse at night and I had to get up from Ave to seven times. 2Cow I do not have to set up at night, and con sider myself in a truly normal .con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as 1 have taken nothing else." Mrs. M. A. r.ridges. Kobinson, Mass., says: "I suffered from kidney ail ments for two years. I commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months ago, and thou&rit I u.m 61 years of age, I feel like a 16-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and up-building, and restore normal action to the kidneys and to a disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no dangerous or harmful drugs. Sold Everywhere. il T 1 f " " ran .- 'WgJt - , ,,, JJ THE MIES I -AT MURRAY - "Peg 0' the Ring" -the third episode of this ' great serial. "Mr. Fuller Pep a one reel Powers cartoon :A Strange Confession!" a one reel Victor drama PULS & GANSEMER MALL! Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 8:30 Sharp FOR SATURDA i WE OFFER Men's government kiki QQ nQnfc ... Men's one piece overall suits; b,ue; $2.00 Men's plain blue bib dj j fa overalls, fast colors, Indigo work shirts, at Jersey Sweaters, at 45c 75c Ask for Saturday Specials! C. E. Wescott's Sons "Everybody's Store" POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Having received the nomination for the office of sheriff of Cass county, on the democratic ticket, and in connec tion with announcing my candidacy for said ofiice, I wish also to express my appreciation for the loyal support given me at the primaries, and trust that you will be able to give the same loyal support at the general election, November 7th. With the promise of faithfulness to all the duties of the office, I solicit the support of the vot ers of Cass county. JOHN G. WUNDERLICH. I announce my candidacy for the office of float representative from the eighth district, comprising Cass and Otoe counties and will appreciate your support. L. G. TODD. For Representative 7th District, on Democratic Ticket JOHN MURTEV, Alvo, Nebraska. Your support respectfully solicited. I am your friend. JOHN MURTEY. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Having received the nomination for the office of county commissioner for the First district, on the republican ticket, I solicit the support of the voters of Cass county, and in return for such support I pledge myself to the faithful performance of the duties of said office. JOSEPH J. JOnNSON. I am the republican candidate for the office of county clerk and, if elect ed, will give the people a clean, business-like administration of the office, and will appreciate the support of the voters of Cass county at the election on November 7th. CLARENCE L. BEAL. As the democratic candidate for state senator from, the Second district, composed of Cass and Otoe counties, I solicit the support of the voters and promise to see that my time will be devoted to the best interests of the taxpayers of the district and state. JOHN MATTES. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county attorney on the democratic ticket, and solicit the support of the voters, and if elected will see that the laws are enforced, and will appreciate any support given to me. JOSEPH CAPWELL. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the district court on the republican ticket, sub ject to the choice cf the voters at the general election, Tuesday, November 7th. Your support solicited. JAMES ROBERTSON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Having received the nomination for the office of county treasurer on the lepublican ticket, I take this one method of soliciting the support of the voters of Cass county, assuring the faithful performance of the duties of the office, and thanking you in ad vance for any favors that may be ex tended me at the general election, No vember 7th. MAJOR A. HALL, i ase Burners am Heaters! What can yon get more enjoyment and comfort out of than a good Base Burner or. Ileafer on those winter days that will soon be here We can show yon a complete line of Round Oak heaters, Monitor Base Burners and the Old Reliable Monarch Ranges, at prices that are absolutely right. While vh handle other brands of stoves, we mention the above makes, as our choice of the whole hunch, and we do not be lieve you can buy better stoves no matter what price you pay. Come in and look them over, then tell us what you think. MURRAY warp ,w pwsnpf?? o MUSP.AY, NEBRASKA h 3 3 ivy ' I , ;- !f . - , L. A. TYSON Candidate for Representative Seventh District ANDREW F. STURM Candidate for STATE SENATOR Solicits YOLJr SuppO?t ' R?o auto, which i a beauty in every way a::r. one of the be: t and nv:.;t serviceable cars on th. u.r.ila t, a: id Mr. Am'ck has secured the agency f;r ihe machine in this city. Mill have'UKS n i:w ki:o alto. Tilt .le Arnick of this city has just become the owner oi n fine now model Itching: piles provoke profanity hut profanity won't remove thein. Dean's Ointment is recommended for itching, bleeding or piles. ,"0c at j the car on exhibition at his r.ara;'e and wnl prive the aufo owner.- or t:v prospective owners an opportunity f seeing this line machine In o;o. at: r.. anv drug store. )ilice supplies at the Journal office. Dps. ftlacEi & 8ach. Ths Dsniists The larpest and best cquirped dental oHicos in Omaha. Specialists in charpe of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain lillins, just Tike tooth. Instruments carcfuhy Meruicd uiic-r usln?. Send for frek sample of Sani-l'yor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, QP.AAHA y umm DR. E. R. TARRY Flctula and AH Rectal Dlsetis cured with out the knife. Permanent cures euoranteeo. Write for Free Illustrated book on Rectrl Dleeaaee and testimonials ef hunrireda el cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa. - 24Q Beo Bids:.. Omaha, Neb. Cosine in and Caet up Prices before buying your Fall Ood. We announce the arrival of our complete line of Fall goods. We, bought most of our goods before the advance of the high cost of cotton and woolen good?, and we are go ing to give our customers the benefit of the same. Bed Blankets from $L30 to $5.00 Sweater Coats from $1.50 to $4.50; Sheep Lined Coats $6.00 to $7.50; Jersey Sweaters $1.50 to $L'.50. Also a full line of Underwear for Men, Women and Chil dren. Also a complete line of Husking Gloves, Mitts, Husking Pegs and Wristlets. Make Our Store Your Headquarters You're Welcome 1I1S & Gansemer Murray, Nebraska.