The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 05, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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r GE 7.
Pifi tew tiJ fcl
1 ' r, .-:: : cb'JTS to mt, ft l i'.V' ti'"-: h?k r-i r'.je.e'N'A "-"-
My Man O'Mara.
OH a week and lr.ore Caleb
Iluutf r sniiirod tbo m;itouih1
ii. country. Ho whipped over
tlu? hills i!i every direction,
Jiali FiepefUl tliat he miprlit overtake;
tbo Tmv win") had crone in the night.
But none of tbo farmers on the out
lyLair roari. had seeu pass their Avar
a little foot traveler such as he de
scribed, and after a time even that
f inal! hope died.
When Iexter Allison came over the
next day, his lace far more perturbed
than Caleb had ever before seen it by
the news which Barbara in tears had
carried to him. together the. two men
searched for Steve, driving in silence
ilirough the country until they both
realized that the search was useless.
And at last, one day;- in early fall.
Caleb .started alone upon his errand
f!it that stretch of timber to the north
which the boy himself had vaguely
designated as "up river."
lie spent a week in the saddle before
lie located the cabin of the Jenkinses
in an isqlatod clearin?; upon the main j
brauch of the river. And even then.
when he did locate the Jenkinses, it
took hours of quiet argument before
Caleb could convince those .shy and
Fiispicious people that his errand was
nn honest one. Eventually they did
come to believe him. They led him
afoot another half mile up the timber
fringed stream to a log cabin set back
In the balsams upon a needle carpeted
knoll. And they stood and .stared in
stolid wonder at this portly man in
riding breeches and leather puttees
when he tin:il!y emerged from that
Muall shack, Old Tom's tin box under
his arm. and with Hps working strange
ly pinned the door shut behind him.
Caleb left in the limp fingers of the
head1 of the Jenkins' household a yel
low tinted note of a denomination
which they had not even known exist
ed, lie left them half doubting its
genuineness until later when there
came an opportunity to spend it. And
Sarah was waiting at the door of the
white place on the hill when Caleb
wheeled into the. yard at dusk two
days later.
'"You've found him:" she exclaimed
as she glimpsed bis face when he en
tered the hall.
Caleb shook his head, his heart ach
ing at the hunger in her question.
"So, I haven't found him, Sarah,"
he said gently enough. "But I I've
found out who lie is."
They forgot their supper that night.
With heads close together they hung
for hours over tiie ink smeared sheaf
of papers which the tin box yielded
up. Most of thorn were covered with
a cramped and misspelled handwriting
which they knew must be that of the
one whom Steve had called "Old Turn."
Some of them were hard to decipher,
but their import was very, very clear.
There was one picture, a miniature
of a girl, eager of face and wavy of
hair. Her relationship to the boy was
unmistakable. Sarah found th; t and
wept over it silently, and while she
wept Caleb sifted out the remaining
loose sheets.
"It's not hard to understand now. is
it;'' he said. "It's pretty plain now
why he had to 0. And we, Sarah we
who were going to 'make something
of him" why, we should have known
absolutely without this evidence. They
laughed at him, they made fun of him,
and there isn't any better blood than
Hows in that boy's veins! He was
Stephen O'ilara's son, and no more
brilliant barrister than O'Mara ever
addressed a jury of a prisoner's peers
and and broke their very hearts with
the simplicity of his pleading."
v Sarah folded her thin hands over the
woman's picture.
"I like his mother's face," she mur
mured faintly. "And I'm jealous of
her, Cal! You don't have to remind
me of the rest of it, either, for I re
call it all. She died and he lie went
all to pieces. They said at his death
that he was destitute. And when he
did follow her across they hunted
everywhere, didn't they, and never
f und the boy? Didn't some of the
newspapers argue that a servant a
urdencr had stolen him?"
Caleb nodded his head.
".Most of them ridiculed the sugges
tion, but it was true, just the same.
That servant; wa3 Old Tom. And the
only defense he makes is just one line
or so in in this." Caleb dropped a
hand uion the half legible pages. "He
says that he wasn't going to let civili
zation make of the boy's life the wreck
which he, poor, queer, honest soul,
thought it had made of his father's.
And do you know, Sarah, do you know,
I can't help but believe that this over
zealous thing which the law would
have prosecuted was the best thing he
could have done? I'll take these things
new and lock them in the safe for the
bey until he comes back home!"
But Sarah Hunter kept the picture
of Stephen O'Mara's mother separate
from the rt; she took it. upstairs
with her when she went, white and
tired faced, to bed. And it was Sarah's
faith which outlasted the years which
followed. She never weakened in her
belief that some dav the bov weuld
come back she and one other whose
faith in his last boyish promise, phras
ed iu bitterness, also endured. For
during the next five years there was
not a summer which brought Allison
into the hills but what the tirst ques
tion of his daughter Barbara, mother
less now herself, was of Steve.
"Has has Stephen come back?" she
asked invariably.
At first the query was marked by
nothing more than a child's naive ea
gerness, and later, when it was brought
up in a casual, by the way fashion, it
was nevertheless, tinged with hope.
Five years lengthened into ten. and
ctill Steve did not come. But when
ever Barbara asked that question Ca
leb remembered, as though it had hap
pened only yesterday, that morning
when she tirst appeared to the boy.
Then came a morning when Stephen
O'Mara did return. All winter and
throughout the summer, too, the Hun
ter place had been closed until that
dav iu late Octoln-r. It had been a
warm week a week of such unseason-
able humiditv for the hills that Caleb.
rising somewhat before his usual hour,
had blamed Ik sleeplessness, as usual,
upon the weather. He was glad to b
home again that morning. Caleb was
wondering if Barbara would be with
her father on this trip. Barbara had,
he knew, been two years on the conti
nent, "finishing." Allison called it. al
ways with a wry face and a gesture
toward his wallet pocket. He was
wondering as he came dovVn the stairs
if she would ask him again if if and
then at the sight of a seated figure
outside on the top step of tbo veranda
he pulled tip sharp in the doorway.
Caleb didn't have to wonder any
The attitude of that figure before
him was so like the picture which time
had been unable to erase, so absolute
ly identical in everything save garb
and size alone, that the man. recoiling
a little, dragged one haul across his
forehead ns though he doubted his own'
eyes. But when he looked again it
was still there, sitting chin in pair.?,
small head under a rather weather
beaten felt hat thrust slightly forward,
gazing fixedly toward the stucco house
beyond the shrubbery. And before
Caleb could move, lie fore he was more
than half aware of the painful pulse
in his throat, it all happened a.ain just
as it had happened ycar.j and years
Caleb heard voices in the adjoining
grounds, and as he half turned in that
direction Allison's bulky form, vivid in
a far more vivid plaid, appeared in the
hedge gap. While Caleb stared anoth
er iigure flashed through ahead of him.
laughter upon her lips, and paused
a-tip-toe to wave a hand in greeting.
And instantly, as they had ten years
before, Barbara Allison's eyes swung
in instant scrutiny of the one who was
seated at Caleb's feet. She hesitated
and recovered herself. But when with
quite dignified deliberation she finally
came forward to pass that motionless
figure upon the steps every pulse in
her body was beating consciousness of
his nearness. And yet at that when
she paused at Caleb'vs side and bobbed
her head with a characteristic impet
uosity which she had never lost sip?
seemed completely oblivious to the
presence of any one save Caleb and
"Good morning, Uncle Cal," she mur
mured very demurely.
Then the man upon the steps moved.
He rose and turned and swept ins
rather weathcr beaten hat from his
head, nis hair was still wavy, still
chestnut in the shadows. And Caleb,
though he could not force a word from
his tightened throat, marveled how tall
the lKy had grown how paradoxically
broad of shoulder and slender of body
he seemed to be.
Pester Allison, coming up less airily
across the lawn, surprised his daugh
ter poised with one hand outstretched,
red lips half open. lie found her star
ing, velvet eyed and pink of face, at a
tall figure in blue flannel , and, cordu
roy, and, although he had never seen
him in all the months that the latter
had been in his employ, Allison knew
this must be the one in whose keeping
lay, directly or indirectly, the success
or failure of the biggest thing he had
ever attempted in this north country
the man to whom he always referrel,
whenever he boasted of his exploits, as
"my man O'Mara."
"I always told them that you would
roine bavk." she murmured then. "Just
Is you you said you would."
The remark was barely loud enough
for even Steve to hear, but hard upon
its utterance she caught her breath iu
linger at herself for her own senseless
confusion, which had led her into saj--ing
the one thing she least of all had
wanted to voice, liven an inane re
mark concerning the weather would
have been better than tli?t girlish
uaivete which she felt seemed to force
Upon him. too, a recollection of the
very letter of a promise which had, no
doubt, long since become in hi3 mind
nothing but a quaint episode not un
titled with absurdity.
"Hum-m-m'." puffed Aiiison. "Ilum-
m-m!" He fpoke directly to Stephen
O'Mara, who half turned Li head at
the first heavily facetious t-yl'table. "So.
you did get my message, eh? I rather
thought that it wouldn't ro;;eh you up
river until today." An ample smile
embraced the tail figure iu riverman's
garb and his own daughter's crimson
countenance a iuo.t meaningful smile
of roguery. "Well, from what I've
heard," he state 1. "and what I've
seen, I should say that you are my
man O'Mara. Mr. Elliott himself has
informed me that your quite spectacu
lar success in one or two vital cam
paign has been enthvly i'.J to the
fact that you are an or c i;.:rtunist!
I agree with Mr. Elliott absolutely
that is, if my titst piemise is correct."
Barbara's face had cooled a little in
that moment siino Steve's eyfs hail
left her lace. Mow siie forgot her
confusion-forgot to be a;noycd, even
at her fat Iter's clumsy banter.
"Your man, 'O'Mara!" she exclaimed
indignantly. "Your man.! Why, he
he's my" And that was as far ha
she went.
Her voice thinned into nothingness,
but words were not necessary to tell
cither i'aleb or Sieve that she had
been about, to asset t a prior claim
wiil: Ii dated back years and years.
"I have always insisted to Mr. El
liott." Steve said, "that the solution of
V Of i.
"I always told them that you wculd
ccwa back," she murmured.
all the uiui.uliies, which he chooses to
view as gloriously romantic tilts with
Destiny, depends one half upon luck
and the other half on being on the
ground personally when the affair
starts." He half faced toward Allison.
"I am O'Mara." ho finished very brief
ly; "your man. O'Mara if you happen
to be the East Coast Development and
Timber company."
There was at most no more than the
barest suggestion of it in Sieve's crisp
question, but Caleb sensed immediate
ly that Allison's appropriation
of the blue flannel shirt e;i one as his
own particular property was not a mu
tually accepted status. Dexter, how
ever, failed or chose to read nothing
in the drawling question.
"I'm it." he agreed jovially "that is,
I and two or three others, including
Mr. Elliott, our esteemed president.
I've heard much of you. Mr. O'Mara.
I've looked forward to this meetinvr."
lie added ns he shook hands. "Now I
want to tell yo'i that I inn proud to
know von. And so you didn't get my
message, after all?"
"I had to come down river yester
day," trre explained. "Your U legram
found me here, and I waited over un
til this morning, as you suggested."
"Surely surely I I see I see!" Al
lison emphasized his comprehension.
"Not that it was anything of vital im
portance. I just wanted a short con
ference with you. that was all."
"Would you would you mind finding
Miss Sarah, Steve?" Caleb asked.
"Will you tell her, please, that we arc
to be subjected to another neighborly
Allison shook his head and led the
way to a chair. "I didn't know that
you were acquainted with him, Cal.
nave you known him long?"
"Um-m-m yes!" Caleb weighed his
reply. "Quite some time, I think I
might say."
He shook with scarcely suppressed
laughter, but Allison ignored his sense
less mirth.
"I'd like to claim that boy as my
own discovery," ho avowed, "but I
can't, not without fear of successful
contradiction on Elliott's part- And fn
point of service it.isat fair to call him
a loy. either, though I suppose both
of v.s are old enough to be his father.
He's Elliott's find. Elliott suggested
him as the one man for this; job when
I consolidated with the Ainneslej
crowd and they took up the. contract
to move the reserve timber from Thir
ty Mile and tbo valleys above. Elliott
knew of him, but I've been looking up
his record pretty closely since he took
hold in earnest.
"He's in his twenties, as near as I
can make out, but he's come through
on one of two jobs that might well
make an old campaigner envious. He
took a "fortune in hard woods out of
San Domingo for a Berlin concern; he
was the only in an on the St. Sebastian
river job who said the construction
was too light. Ho said it wouldn't
stand when the ice began to move in
:1he spring, and it didn't! Oh. he knows
'his business! But it wasn't his suc
cesses which caught Elliott's eye. It's
! the way he has failed a couple of times,
'f-hzr,-'v f ' 'til
fight ins i'int bac k to the last ditch,
and righting and fighting, when all the
rest had quit, that made me anxious
to get a look at him. Perhaps there
are older men who ean outfigure him
on loads and stresses, but as a fiel i
general he stands alone. He can han
dle men. And when it comes to meet
ing conditions just as they arise El
liott says he's a wonder. He ean out
guess dear old Mother Nature herself.
" "That's why the East Coast company
brought him' up here to build its bit
of road." he went on slowly. "They've
get to move that Reserve company tim
ber. They have a contract that'll break
cm break us if-we fall down. And
do you know. Cal. I-I can't help but
believe that the thing is beyond the
pale of possibility. I believed it six
months ago, when Elliott and Ainnes
ley and the rest of them were so keen
for it, and I believe it still, even though
I have seen Elliott's en-ineer and
know what he has already accomplish
ed. That track'll never go through on
schedule and that's why I'm up here
for the winter. It's going to be a hot
little race against time, with some mil
lions for a purse. It'll break the East
Coast company if he fails, and" his
voice became oddly intense "and I
tell you again that it can't be
Allison lay back in his chair and
i treat bed deeply, slowly, and Miss Sa
rah appeared that moment in the door
way, pinker of cheek and more tremu
lous of lip than her brother had ever
seen her before. She dropped Allison
an old fashioned courtesy, which was
an exceedingly frivolous pcifoimance
lor Sarah.
"Breakfast is served, Cal," she fairly
chortled, "and there are two very hun
civ children inside."
(To Be Continued.
CREAM, 3 5c, at Dawson's store,
Plattsmouth. D-19-d&wtf
I have some Chase and Deuel
county lands for sale at prices below
the average prices. If jou will go
out with me I can convince vou that
I am right. Some of as Rood laud
as there is in Chase county at prices
from ? 16.00 to $22.50 per acre. I
also have a ranch proposition, 3,000
?.cres, all fenced with four barb
wires 200 acres of good hay land
which will grow fins alfalfa. Pasture
land is rolling hard land with good
grass; two good wells and windmi'ls.
llmming water through land. ThL
can be had for $10.00 per acre. I
think I am in position to save any one
some money for I have been per
sonally acquainted with the west for
lite past fifteen years. I am ready to
eo at any time. Any one buying land
of me will get their railroad fares re-
funded. There will be no hotel bills
after you arrive in Imperial. Will
show you the country in autos. Write
me atod arrange to go out.
Weeping Water, Neb.
Model T Ford car, for milk cows or
hogs. Tel. 290-J.
Three Foland-Chifia young male
hogs, also one Duroc male hog. Phone
uhl'iG Sale
of Pedigreed Duroc
Jersey Swine
On the above date I will sell at
public acution to the highest bidder
the following pedigreed I.) u rocs:
3 yearling: sows out of King the
Col., 2 with litters at foot, 1 yearling
boar out of same sire, 3 spring boars
out of the g;reat boar Illustrator, 2
spring; gilts out of the same sire, 1
yearling sow out of Bulk's Good
Enuf, the Illinois champion owned by
the Economy Stock Farm, Shenan
doah, la.; 1 yearling sow by Moats
Disturber, a son of old Defender; 4
spring boars out of the best son of old
High Model, 3 spring g'iitsout of the
same sire, o fall boars strong, vigor
ous, husky fellows, just the kind for
hard service, 10 spring boars out of
Jumbo Critic 10th. 5 spring boars out
of Dreamland King, a son of King
the Col. Will also sell my herd boar,
Jumbo Critic' 10th, one of the best
boars of the breed and a uniform get
ter; 9 sows with litters at foot, 7
open sows, 2G summer pigs. In fact,
all my herd goes in this sale.
Sale begins at 1:00 o'clock at my
place in Mynard, Neb.
W. B. TORTER, Owner.
Col. W. R. Young, auctioneer.
W. T. Richardson, clerk'. '
gan, a velvet bed couch and some
rag carpet that has been used. Call
Phone No. 4013. 9-20-2td2twkly
If you have anything; for sale adver
tise in the Journal. ..
How It Helps Coughs and Coles
Buy your bottle of Foley's Koney and Tar
now, and quickly stop the coughs and colds
of early fall. ,
Early fall brinsrs cronp, bronchitis,
asthmatic breathing, troublesome niht
coukus, whooiuug cough, and tickling, irri
table throat.
It assravates tbo distra-sinp conch of
wak luns, and the chrocic coucbs of
elderly people.
It Kives'suufnes'' to infants and children .
and provoKea adenoids and sore inliamed
Givo Foley 's IIoneyandTar frrely. It 13
so soothing and curat ivo. relieves h' arpness
and puts abealinar coating on ti:o inllamed
mucuas lining of the throat. ItBtopa couh
ins easily and quickly and relieves croup be
fore this dreaded thing has a chance to real ly
barm the children or scare the parents.
The last dose is just aspood as thelirit, and
a less amount is needed than of any other
cough syrup.
8o ppo to it that yon Ret only the original
FOLEY'S IIONKY AND TAH, for it is the
only genuine, and contains no opiates.
' Sold Everywnere.
George A. Kaffenbergcr and
Bauer, sr., departed last eveni;
the midnight Missouri Pacific
ig on
for Kansas City, v. here they will at
tend the American Royal Stock show,
r.nd where Mr. KafTenberg-er will look
over the Ilerefords which are to be
exhibited there.
J. L. Smith of near Nehawka, who
loon v,I. ino- jit iho homo of his
l.UO -ai.iiwa'--j fc.
brother, P. B. Smith, near Bloomfield,
returned home last evening accom
panied by his nephew, Joyce Smith,
who will visit' here for a short time.
This morning Mr. Smith and brother,
W. T. Smith, and .Joyce were passen
gers for Omaha to take in the Wilson
day celebration.
A. C. Carey and Harvey I larger
came in this morning from their farm
homes and departed on the early Bur
lington tiuin for Omaha, where they
will join the great crowd that will
greet President and Mrs. Wilson.
Tin-: km
tu 01
t nu ijT or Tin-:
r "s. m:iiisk .
In the matter of ti-.
estate of I.i'.Ui;
Stiltidley. deceased.
Vou sire hereby notified that a henr
inn' will be hud on the petition of
I iysses ;. Standley tiled in said tnuse,
asking' for the of Tliom is
Walliny. as administrator of said es
tate iind tindimr as to all the heirs of
I o '.-, Stand lev ;i re. will be had sit the
office of the I'otinly
niojth, I'ass CuiintV,
1st day of November,
of tee o'clot li. A. M.
.ludwe in .'laiis
Nohraska. on the
l!'lj, at the hour
1 b.iet t ion
to tl
ill low
tiie '
luce of sin
u or befoi
petition ma -I
said date.
JIv the ("oii
allkx .i. m:i:scN.
I'dlllllV .lild'C.
iciition Mondity, ctohi.-r j..
1 1 1 1 . ;
nii-: nn n tu it r ok tiii-:
III T) H" ( ASS M'.ISiC K A.
In the mailer of the estate of William
.U. Standley, 'deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, creditors, s.nd heirs, take notice
that I'lysses d. Standley, has tiled his
petition'. til ley ins- that William M.
Standley, died intestate in Kstss County,
Nebraska, on or about the lli, day el
icto'.ier. K!i!."i. Pei'T-, it resident and in
habit a ii t ' of ("ass County. Nebraska, and
the owner of the, follow iris? described
rial estate, to wit :
Southwest Quarter of S -et ion thirty
:'.". 'i'o'.V ts h i ! ten (ltl). liitiUi'e nine
1-aist ''th ! '. Cass ('i;nt', Ne-
hraska. Iost vinv; ;s ! is sole tind ottly
hei.-s at hiw the i'ol n l? named per
sons, to wit: his wiiiow. I. aura Stand
lev, ami the following named ehiblr n :
i:h'ie .i. Statole', uiov Kffie .1. lolion;
di'.uj-iliter; JOIiliu !. Stsmdley. son;
l'"lorence II. Standley. now Klor. ncc H.
Sluiw; dauuhlpr; Pick 1 1. Stitndley. son;
I'lyysses li. Statulley. son: all of whotu
iir- now of lawful si ire and praying foi
st decree bi'.rrini? claims.
Thitt siiid decedent died intestate.
Thill no si npl iea t ion for administration
has been made, siiid the estate of said
ilrn'i' en l has not Peen si d 111 i n is t e red in
the Stiite of Nebraska, and that the
lieirs sit law of siiid decedent sis herein
set forth should be decreed to be the
scribed real (stale, wliirh has been set
owners in fee simple of the above de
for hearing on the 1st dav of Novem
ber. 1!MK.
Pitted sit l'.'ilt tsmoi.tli, Nehrsiskst, this
Sth day of September, IIMH.
ly the Court.
.hhi:x .i. r.Ki-:s .v.
Counly .Indite.
First ii hi icit t ion ilomlay, October ,
l'jin. :: weeks.
t ill TV,
l ot liT III'
In the matter of the ( tiia id is: ns!
Phillip Thomas Cst mph'-l I, Minor.
Now 011 this 0tli day of September,
1 1 . Ibis cau-e csinie on for hesirin
upon J lie petition of Ida M. Csinipbell.
ftuardiiin. prsiviiir; therein for a license
to sell I .of Four, in Ulock Thirtpen. in
YoutiiT .VI: llstys Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth. Nelusiskil. subject to life
estiite si ii I liomestestd rights of Idst M.
Cs'inpbell, for the pnipose of rejnvest
infT the proeee-d thereof to si better sid
vsinta'e for ssiid minor.
It is therefore ordered that th" next
of kin siioi sill persons interested in
said matter sipposir before mo at tiie
di.-trict court room on the t:1st d.iy of
October. i:li;, at Jen o'clock A. M ., to
show aiise why ii license .should not
be irrsmted to said yuardian as abovi
set forth.
Thr.t notice of the time smd il:ice of
ssiid heiiritii? be iiivcti to all persons in
terested by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth .lourtial, for
three weeks prior to said 21st day of
October, laiC.
jamfs r. p.i:ni.i:v.
.hiiluc of the Pislriet Court.
First publication Thursday. Sept. sth.
sjn;itii-i"s sam-:
State of Xebisiska
Co'intv f i'ass .
lit- virtue of iin Order of
the Pis
eouiity, ! v ill on
hiir, sit
at the
in said
bv jantes Uobertson Clerk
t rift Court within si ml for Cass
Neb:;:ska, and lo me directed. I
the ::llh day of Oct fiber, A. P.,
10 o'clock A. M. of said dsty
South Poor of the Court House
county, sell sit public auction
hi.i'hest bidder for cash the f
to the
tiersonal nionertv t'i'.vit: iots b... b(4.
;7ii, H7C, t77, sill of that, psirt of bot
S east of si straight line extending
so-.ith oti the east side of Kirn Street;
lot t'f, 100 and 101: tiuit part oT South
Street lvlnar Sotitji of and the full
lermth -of l.of all in the Vil!oi?e,of
Oreeiiwoiiil, Cass County. Nebraska;
The siime beinir levied upon an j taken
as 111c properly or 1111am ..1. ope ; ao
Matilda K. Cone, defendants, to
Holitn,liiJ d In mTKf
a Judgment of ssuil court recovereit ly
Nathaniel H. Meeker, plaintiff, ttgahis:
Plattstnouth. Nebraska. September
25th, A. P.. lJil'J.
Sheriff Cass Countv Nebraska,
First publication, Thursday, sJeptem -
ber 28, 1916.. -
II.V Till: IMSTlilCT CO! l!T !' Till-'
(U.TV !' S, M;i!ltA.s:-..V.
Fit d
-on. Plaintiff.
Tli' unknown inMis, iW-viso'.'.-. K-jiitecs.
i i'i ;-..n;tl roprcsc a a t i vv." ami ail other
person.' interested in the estate of
John t'arnll, leci used, et al. defend
ants. Notice of :rril to lict Tillf.
To l he le.-fvin'.atit s t!r- unknown lieirs,
devi.-ees. legatees, pi-'-sonal representa
tives and ail ether persons inteiv.sied
ia t!;e estate ef .JoIim farreil. dei-eised:
tee In irs, devi: ee.-, legatees,
persotia! representatives ;,nd aP other
pi'l'S'.'ii-'S li'teiesttd in til - e.jat.. c,f Vi .
I.Joha Caviell, tirst renl n.iti;.- t: el: i. v.- n,
jd.a.-ed: .1 us t lis I.. I'" Al's. Ip.stds
Cozad, lit.-t real name e-'kn.wi: the
i unknown iieii s. Uevi.-ees. leu 1 te.-s. ;!' representatives and ah other p ;
sens interest! d in t'-e estate of lits'-ns
I.., lieerased; tlie unknown l.elrs,
: .' v 1 e , legale" s, personal ei res 1: ! 1 ! a -'
' :ves and a 1 1 o t ;;er ; . sens interested in
the es title of "irs. J fetus I,. C.' firs,
j lit si i fit I uni;.Hw;t. deeeastd;
!::. imiel t'a'.ii.i: Mrs. Samuel t'iitlin. li'.st
I tea l 1 -at lie univiiov.11; th unknown
jlniis. devisees, legatees, personal re.
I re: I'titaliv-. s and all otie-r persons in
;li st..d in ti,,- t stale of !'".! ';; I I'.itii:,,
jde-c-a d; i!r- unknown l.t ir.- . '., ; . 1. e ...
J n':;;i t"t s, t i:v.n:il representatives and
1 vos
in tin
in st
a:i other persons interested
'Mate of Mrs. Samuel fail in
rea !
1 K.
t.iltie nnk 1IWI1. deceased;
1 1 ! 1:1 :
. ;.en:p; on : 1 no u ; .; n v. 1. ueirs. do ,'i.. -a
. le-: slices, personal i" J ' re.-'e 11 1 a C i ves ; i.d
oihtv pi r. ,1.1s i.r. ..rested in the ,t s-
!sU' of William I.. 'l'lM.:nps n. deceased;
i ;: Vid 1 "rails : Ann "ra:.w also known as
' A nii' nia M ("i iii; t... unknown heirs.
.ieVi.-es. l-iitees. personal re,.rsen
;taties and all ol .er 1 fv.-ons interested
in the estate e f liavid "raii4. deciisiil:
jtiie uhKr.own !u i:s, devisee:
b iTiUees.
personal icei' seat, ii .es an,
persons intete.-ttd in the 1 si
1 il 1 1 other
1 1 f of Ann
'r;:p.r also known as A man
ia :l. 1 i :iK,
Ideeeased; the Pei
I lesVn ' ees. personal ropros:
nil other ers-itis inti resp
n tii lives and
rest ed in 1 hf 1 s
II si Iso known as
i'i!; tic1 unknown
es. personal rep-
i t-f-., Kdvy.rd On ..-
. Itri:-s. .'Vis. ts, WumU
. .
I I ' M Id 1 H
lid al!
other 1 .e 1 sons i II -
ol iichcccii fill -hcccii
Carroll, 4c
11; Mary Youn:
ici! si Iso
in t.:0 cslati
known iis K
Andrew Vou
unknown Jioirs, devisees, legatees,
urn I repri'setitativos and other
persons mteresica 111 ti:e estate ot ,ti
lirew Vouni?, deceaseu; the unknown
heir.-;, devisees, legatees, pi rsoual repre
sentiitives sind sill other persons inter
ested in the estate of Mary Voting, de
ceased; K!i 15. Sprat len; Mrs. Kii 1?.
Spratlen. tirst real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, j;er
somil r.'i'i esi ntiitives ::nd all other per
sons interested in the estate of F!i H.
Spi-sitlen, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, personal ropresep.ta lives tind
sill other persons inti rested in tiie es
tiite of Mrs. KM I?. Spratlen, first real
name unknown. deceased: Abraham
Tow tier, widower: lv:ily P;:tterson, si
widow. Susan C. Oilier, si widow; Kan
nio Tisliue; Joe Tishue; AA'inuie )iers;
lienrv Piers: Wii! P. Towner: Carrie
Towner; (
"i .
Towner; Mrs.
1 'I em
I ".en -riiil
s. de-
Towner, lirst. real name unknown;
Towner; Leonard Towni r; OcorK'c.
ties; Mrs. (ii'orpo ! len ties, first
tiame unknown; the unknown heir
v i.-Ci s, lerAatees. personstl represeiita-.
tives sind all other persotis interested in
the estate of (h orse Ki imes, deci iiseil ;
the uiiknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
liet souiJ represeiita 1 i i i s and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Ci-or:;e Kennes, lirst real name un
knoi.ii, ileifiisnl; Pirsini IV llennett,
trustee; Hiram P. Kennett: Mrs. Hiram
1. l!i iiiiPtt, hist real nane unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
('rronal 1 c presen t a t i ves :i nl all other
i.-iq-sons i 11 1 fit's t cii in the estsite of
Hiram I. IScnnett, deccstscd: the un
known heirs, deviset s, le:;a i ees, per
soiiiil ri'pi esen I a t i ves and all other per
sons interested in the estiite of Mrs.
Ilirnni i. i'.etinett, lirst real name un
known, deceased; John H. Maxon; Mrs.
John H. Ma.von. tirst real name un
known: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personsil representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of John II. Maxon. deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estiite of Mrs.
John H. Mason, lirst real name uir-
known. d
( Viiupany :
ri'ii scd : J
the tit) km
eunett Miixon .x:
vn s;iiintces, suc
if Kennett Maxon
1 1. Thompson, a
cessi 1 rs
i'v l.'o in
and Jfcj,si; ns
pany; -f.ucv
widow, Margaret
shall livers: the
visees, leyatec-s,
l i vps a ml all ot !
iu t I"' csl sit t of
(J. i:ers: S. II. Mar
unknown heir, de-
pi't sonul rcpri "enta
er persons interested
Annis S. C!:: Von. de-
ceased ;
the unknowti hciis, devisets.
leus'.tecs, jicrsoiisil tepresen tsi t i ves si:el
all other poisons interes'el in the es
tate of Clayton, lirst real
name unknown, dc-esised; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, )iersoiial rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested i;; the e.-tate of Mary Storm,
deceased ; Andrew Hopkins; Hannah M.
Hopkins; I he unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personsil representatives sind
all other persons interested in the es
tate of .Andrew Hopkins, deceased; the
unknown devisees, legatees, per
sona'! representatives :ind all other per
sons inter) sli d in the estiite of Han
nah M. Hopkins, deceased: William
Si ii ri;;ht. Mrs. William Seat i- ht. lirst
real name evknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, lei;n 1 01 s. personstl
1 1 prcsent.i i ves sind all other per
sons interested in the estate of William
ib c
used: th)- unknown- loirs,
tees, personi I represent a -other
persons interested
of Mrs. William Sea right,
uiie unknown, deceased;
levis)'i'S. Icgi
t i Ves a lid SI 1 1
i:i tiie estate
tirst real 1:1
Kohert Porrgsin: Mrs. Koh -i t pr.i rgati,
first real name tin known ; -1 be unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personstl rep
1 csentativis iind all other persons in
ti resit d in the ost ite of Kohert porr
giin, ile))si scd : the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, persona I. re;t'i sntatives
and sill other pel sons intcrts(cd in the
estate of Mrs. Kohert Perruan, first
real name unknown, deceased; the un
known lieirs, devisees, le.-at)"s. per
sonstl representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of James
M. Kattsi, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and ail oilier persons interested
in tin- estate of Mrs. James M. Kntt.i,
lirst real name unknown, decesised;
Issiac Cue; Mrs. Jssiac Cue, lirst real
name unknown: tin! unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal icprescn
tatives anil nil other persotis interested
in tiie estate of Isasic Coo. deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives smd all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Isaac (Joe, first real name unknown, de
ceased: Ho.vstrd Pa ' 1 01 son ; Mrs. How
sird Pat t erson, lirst resil name unknown;
Issibelle Moore; Chrrles Moore: Lilly
Joy; Joy. tirst. real name un
known, hiisb.-M:l of Killle Joy; Kycargus
Psitterson: Ksitinle iilaek;
IMai-k, tirst i'ca I murie unknown, Ims-
i'sinil of Jiannio Hhuk; Kottie virts;
Virls, first retil name un
known, husband of Kottie Virts. John
Storm: Charles Carrel!; Mis. Charles
Carreil, lirs-f real name unknown;
Ceorgo. Carreil: Mrs. (Joorge Carreil,
first real name unknown; John Carreil;
Mrs. John Cart ell, first real mime un
known: KM jah Carreil; Airs. Klijah Car
reil, lirst real name unknown; th" tin
known owners and the unknown claim
ants of all of blocks one (1) souih four
( 4 ) Cast; two ( 2 ) souttt four (4) estst;
three (3) south four (1) cast: four (4)
south four (4) east: five (5) south four
(4) east; six- Up south four fl) east;
seven (7) south four (4) east: eight
(5) youth four (4) cse--t; nine (0) south
four (p east; ton (10) south four (4)
east: eleven (11) south four (I) cast;
twelve (1J) south four (4) cast; seven
(7) south five (7o east: eiuht (K) south
live (.".) east; nine C) south five (.")
east; ten (10) south five (,"i) east; eleven
(11) south five C) east; twelve 3 p
south five (f) oust; nine (0) south nix
(C) oast: ten (P) soutii lx (fp esist;
eleven (11) south six UP esist; twelve
(12) south six (C) eRst; ten (10) south
seven (7) east; eleven (11) south seven
(7) east;
twelve (12) south seven (7)
twelve (12) south eight (')
numbered from : the Public
said Village of P.ock Bluffs,
east; and
east, all
Square In
si nd
l All mat pall or out-iot one (I) of the
I ilhige of liock IMuff. desiribed as fol
lows: Comnc'ing r.t the northwest cor-
j ter of srthl out lot one (1), running
Itlnonee cost 7. Oil ehniiiM to a stake.
Jtuenc-e woo'Ii !S .(egrces 4a ni'ni'tes
i east, H.aO t liaitis along ,i ditch, thence
I west 10.28 chains to t lie west side of
I ald out-lot, thence north &.S6 chaise
to the place of i ciAinninfJ, eontainintr
seven t 1) aeres tnoie or less, also
known as lot five 1 .r in lie sontla asi
euarter tSKU) of section sixteen (lti.
township cloven (111, inline fourteen
li 11, i.i: s county, Nebraska.
That pari of out-lot one 1) in the
Villcie ol i.olk Hiutls in I'ass counts,
Nebraska, described sis lollows. to-wit,
coin iiiencl r. ; lout teen ll chains cast
of the ipii.iler sotion cornel' bitWecn
sections sixteen I Mi', and twenty-one 111 toV:s!iip elevi'U (111, north i
1 stupe loiirlcefi (III east ill a s count y,
.V-hl asKSI, Sit il II til -sic. H' on M'Ctio.i
iine. ll.eiiee
I ort v-a v I
ll.eiiee noith eighteen ill Kl ees ntld
lii.lliites west, '1..0 ehains
to s; til.ii. st one, tin-Ill e e.-,st eiurbt cl.itllis
; 10 .. unit stoi,e, thence south eighteen
.ile.iies si ad I Oft '- fl 'c minutf.-i east.
!1...0 chains to a limestone to the
', iiii-iindt'i' 1 orner between sections si
'tcvii tlt), anu twenty-0110 t-1), th'.-nco
p. est eluiit i) chsilhs to place ot be-
;;iiitiins. on tsil n i u. sixteen (Hi) acrc-i
jinoie e r b-s, also aiiow n as lot seven
iiV) in the southeast um.itei- O-K'if
jof :-'-f i ! s i 1 sixteen (IIP, to.n:hip eleven
'till, raupe 10 1:11 vi 11 ill, in Cii-s
coi,iit, Afliiii !ii, liiiil.i r with all
ii I'l'ii-i ions iind alluvions formed upon
land iiiih-l ssiid d 1 scribed estate.
. siriji of land hii':; in north half
N-- .i the soathwtst ipiititer (SW't)
of M-etiou simi rii llt.i, township eleven
(11). north riiu;.e fomteeii (J, in Cass
county, N I'lsisUsi. south of Wsiter
Strict in the Yila",e of thxk Hlntts in
sai.i county, and exteniliiiK east iiiel
west fri ill the soiuli end of Second
street to llf south et.d o: Sixth street,
a:id extending Muith to the south line
ef.the noith half ( X of the south
v. est ;uarter (fc-Wli) of said section
sixteen (1'ii.
a lso
Also Knvoninifiit lot one tii and the
i nort Ii hiilt ( N - I of t; o '. ( 1 1 1 1) 1 (, t lot
ItWo 1 1 ill t he not t beast iiii:m t er I . I : . ,
"f si clion twenty-one (jl township
P" en 1111, liine,,. imnii fi (111, cast
in ' asss counly, Nchraska, which is
tils, 1 know n as jot t w tit v-ei ht cm. in
tin- northeast ii:irur iNI-;1., t of said
section twenty-one iJl), township
eleven fill, rsiiuii- fouiteen (IP, to
gether with all in crct ions sitel
ii 1 1 11 v ions.
ii.iiae.I ujioii stud a v ii i 11.-t siiid
iitid iilso
'oiutiiencinv; :'t the northwest corner
of uoverninent lot (luce- ( :; 1 in u,e
southwest quarter SW', of section
tweiily'lwo township eleven (111,
north rane tout teen tlti. east in Cass
county, Nebrasksi. thence hi chains east,
thence south I decrees west, 11.11
chains to the west liie- of said oern
niei.t lot thiee 1 :; ) , th rice north 1 ')
chains to the idace of lei; i n 11 1 11 ti, also
khiwii si s lot fourteen till, in ti,
soul li west
quarter isW1,,) of section
I tw ciity-t wo ii'i, township eleven ) It I.
liinse h'lirtceii (111, si foresail I. lo
Kelher with siil Cue i.i eret ions anil allu
vions formed upon aiei siv:aitist sill of
said lands. All of said hinds btiiis? iu
the county of Cass, Nehraska.
Vou sire hereby notified that 011 Aug
ust .A. P. Kin;, plaintiff lib-d hist
petition in the district court of Iho
county of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to the above described
isinds, t-wit
.Ml of blocks one 1 1 ), south four Mi
east; two ( 2 ) south four 1 I) cast;
three CP south four 1 I 1 rnt; four tl
soutii four (P east: live ( U ) south four
(P east: six up south four tit cast;
seven (7) south- four P cast: cimlt
(X) south four CP oast; nine ( : 1 south
four (ti cii.'t; ten ll'li south four (ti
east; eleven (11) south four (I) esist ;
twelve (lL'i south lour (4) east; seven
(7) south live (f east: eiuht C ) south
live (a) east; nine CD south five I . I
east; ten (10) south Jive ( .". ) east; eleven
(lit south five (") oast; twelve ( 1 I
-south five (f) east; ni:i (.!)) south si
U ) east; ten (hi) south six (fit east;
eleven (11) south six It,) last; twelve
( 1 'J ) south six (ii) CiM-l; ten (10) .south
seven (7) estst; eleven (11) south teveti
(7) esist; twelve (1 tooth sevi 11 (7
east; and twelve (1) south eiht uq
east; all numbered from the Public
square m said village of liock Ululln.
All tiuit part of out-lot one fl) of
the village of Hock 'Muffs, drseilbcit
as lollows: I. omnieticiiiir sit the north
west corner of ssihl out-Jot oik; 1 ,
running thence east 7.ini chains to a
stake, thence south IS decrees 4 7, min
utes east, !..-. hsiins siIouk: si ditch,
thence west 10. js chains to the wckl
side of ssiid mi t -lot, tln-iiee north s.'.n;
ehsiins to the place of beginning, con
tinuing seven (7) iicros more or le .-. also
known sis lot live (.".) in the south. -ast
quartvr (Sl-.i,) ,f section sixteen (lip.
township eleven (11), range lout teen
(Hi, Cass county, Nebraska,
That part of out-lot (1) in the m si
lage of Kock IMflft in C'siss ciiiintv. v.-.
braska, ib'si'iihed sis follows, lo-vvjl:
Coiinr.encing fourteen (11) i hsiius east
ot Hie quarter section cornel- Oct werii
scilions sixteen (l(p. situl t W en I v -on..
(Jl), in township eleven (11), north of
rsttpte toitrtein (IP, east in (.'as
ixiinty. Nibliska, sit si limestone oil
section line, thence iphHi eightiin le
rei ssinil forty-nine tnl'iulrs west, l.i.i)
rhaius lo si limestone, thence cast ciuhl
chains to si limestone, thence south
ighlceti degrees s.nd lorty-iive minutes
ast, 21. .'i0 chains to a limestone to the
mean er coiner between sections six
teen (lip. anil twenty-one i 1 1 ) thence
west eight (S chains to tdaiM- of he-
iniiing, containing sixteen ili.i aiie.s
more or less, also known sis lot seven
(7i in the southeast quarter (SK'.i of
section sixteen (HP, township eleven
ill), range fourteen (11, in i'sis.s
county, Nebraska, together with sill ac
cretions sind alluvion formed upon uiui
against said describe)! estate.
A strip of hind being In north bir
(N'.i) of the southwest quarter iSV4i
of section sixteen, i 10 ), township eleven
(11), north range t'ouititi (I P, in Cass,
countv-, Niblaskii, south of Water street,
in the village of liock I Mil its iu sabl
county, sind extending fast and west
from the soutii end ol f-ecoiul street to
the south end of Sixth street, sind ex
tending south to the south line of the
north half I.N'ij) of the southwest
quarter (SW x of said section sixteen
Also government lot one (1) and the
north half ( N ) of government lol two
(2) in tlii- northeast quartir iNh', i
of section twenty-one (21) township
eleven (II) range fourteen (Mi esist iu
Ciiss countv, Nebraska, which Is sils
known as lot twenty-eight 1 2M. in tin:
northeast quarter tXlOU of said sec
tion twenty-one 121), township eleven
(11), range tout ton (11), together with
all accretions and allHvions formed
upon ami against said lands.
and also
Commencing at tin- northwest ifir
nrr of government lot three ( ."p in no
southwest quarter (SW1,) ol Mjrtion
twenty-two (22) township eleven (11).
north range fourteen (IP, oust in Cass
county, Nebraska, theme. 10 cbsiin.s east,
thence south 4."i (b-gri-es west. 11.11
bains to the west line of said govern
ment lot three Cp, thence north I'l
chains to the plsico of beginning. al'
known as lot fourteen (11). in th
southwest quarter (SW'4) of section
P,wenty-tvvo (Z2), township eleven (11),
range iourieen lit), a i urossi hi. togcthcr
with all the aerretions and alluvions
formed upon and against all of said
lards. All of said lauds being in thij
county of Cass, Nebraska.
Heoause of his adverse possession Im
himself, his tirnentors. ami grantors.,
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said suit and to en
join each ami sill of you from having or
claiming any right, title, lieu or Inter
est, either legal, or equitable, in or to
said lands or any part thereof; tq re
quire you to set forth your right, title,
claim. Hen or interest therein, if utiy
either legal or equitable, situl to hsive
the same adjudged inferior tn the title
of plaintiff and for geneivl cquitaolo
relief. This notice is made pursuant l
thfi order of .the court. You stre re
quired to answer km id petition on r
before Monday, October 2:'rl, 19 r
your default will bo duly entered
vv vi... Fiainurr.
W. A. Uobertson,
Four weeks, semi-weekly, toii.itnetu.
ing September 11, iai(i.
FOIl SALE My well improved forty
acres, 1 mile west of court house.
Inquire of A. Wt Smith.