The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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f5mg by
Copyright, 1913, by
Hsw a Dream Came True.
ELLEX whirled at tlie cry and
made, after her, but lie niisht
Y well have tried to catch
iho wind. As she rau she
heard her broiitr l;out in sudden
tilartn and Natalie's voice raieti in en
treaty. lmt she sped o:i under an im
::Ke as irresistible as i ni fear.
I "nvii through the openings beneath
her feet she s.;v. as in a nightmare,
the sweeping Hood, burdened with
lai:! i e chunks and lie ked with
roam. She seei-jcd to be suspended
ib'f it. yet she was running at reck-ie;-
speed, dimly aware of the nuise-:juen'-os
of a misjudged footstep, but
fearful only of bein:; overtaken. Sud
.leuly she haled her companions. Her
tiiind was in a furious revolt at their
I v.ardit-e. their indecision or what
ever it was th it held them like a jri'oup
f w tlen figures safe on shore while
man v h'se life was worth all
liieirs put together exposed himself to
aee lle.-s peril. That he was really in
ianper she felt sure. She knew that
Murray -was apt to lose himself in his
;i roams. Perhaps some visionary mood
had blinded him to the menace of that
in"i; io rido in front of the
i: lacier. Or iiad he madly chosen to
ft and or fall with this structure that
meant so nni -li to him? She would
-Jiiake him yield to her own terror, lni:r
hini ashore, if ne.-es.iry. with her own
ha '.ids.
She stumbled, but saved herself from
a fall, then gathered her skirts more
e'.ely and rii-hod on. measuring with
int inetivp iiin'tv the lonirth of everv !
stii ic. It was not an easy path over
which she du.-died, for the ties were spaced. Gaping apertures
p:ive torribie glimpses of the river be
low, and across these ghastly abysses
she bad to leap.
The hoarse bursts of shoutinsr from
the hore ceased as the workmeji be
be'd her tlittinir out ahuis the stec-1
t ai!-eway. They watched her in dumb
All at once 'Xeil saw her and hur
ried to meet her.
"FAi?.:." lie cried. ,be careful: What
possessed you to do this';"
Tome away:' she gasped. "It's dan
PC roiis: The jam look:" She pointed
down the channel.
lie shook his head impatiently.
'Yes!" she pleaded. -Yes: Please:
They wouldn't come to warn you
they tried to stop me. You must go
ashore." The frightened entreaty in
her clear, wide open eyes, the disorder
that her haste had made affected O'Xei!
strangely, ye stared at her. bewilder
ed, doubtful; then steadied her and
groped with his free hand for support.
He could feel her trembling wretch
edly. "There's no danger, none whatever,"
he said soothingly. "Nothing can hap
pen." "You don't know. The bridge ha j
never l ",.u tried. The ice is battering
at it and that jam if it doesn't burst"
"I'.at it will. It can't last much
"It's rising"
"T be sure, but the river will over
flow the bank."
"Please!" she urged. "You can do
no good here. I'm afraid."
He stared at her in thi.same incred
ulous bewilderment; some impulse deep
within him was struggling for expres-si'-n,
but he could not find words to
frame jt. His eyes were oddly bright
as ho smiled at her.
"Won't you g ashore?" she begged.
"I'll take you back, of course, but I
want to stay and see"
"Then I'll stay."
"Eliza:" Her name burst from hi.?
Iips. in a toiie that thrilled her. but
with it came a sudden uproar from the
d "stunt crowd, and the next instant
1! v saw th 't the i-e barrier was giv
i. way. The pressure Lad become ir-
-istible. As the Salmon had risen
tl '' i'-c had risen also, and now the tiar-lo-.v
throat was belching its contents
foil li. The haos of upended bergs
v as being ton: apart; over it and
through it burst a deluge whieh filled
the val'ey witli the roar of a mighty
tniaract. Clouds of spray were in the
; ir: broken masses were leaping, and
so. tie! satdting; h'gh up on the shore
v i re stranded Hoes and fragments left
in the wake f the moving body. On
v. ard it coursed, clashing and grinding
j ! ng the brittle fae of tlie glacier
... . , t
eyond the bend !
... r , l
( .cr the alder b ps 1
1" y coiPd
-tt t. like
see it moving faster ami
the crest of a tidal wave. 1
e surface of the river lowered swift
'e!'ca;h the bridge; the huge white
;,s ground and milled, shouldered
a ide by the iron sheathed pillars of
4 o:icicle.
see. Its gone already. Once it
dears a passageway we'll have no
ji: :e gorge s. f. r the freshets are com- ,
ii.g. The bridge didn't even tremble 1
there wasn't a U'emoA not. a scratchj."
Harper & Brothers.
Eliza looked up to find O'Xeil regard
ing her with an expression that set her
heart throbbing and her thoughts scat
tering. She clasped a huge, cold bolt
head and elung to it desperately, for
the upheaval in her soul rivaled that
which had just passed before her eyes.
The bridge, the river, the valley itself
were gyrating slowly, dizzily.
"Kliza:" She did not answer.
"Child:" O'Xeil's voice was shaking.
"Why did you como to me: Why did
you lo this mad thing? I saw some
thing in your face that I can't believe
that I can't think possible. It it
gives me courage. If I don't speak
quickly I'll never dare. Is it true?
Hear girl, can it be? I'm so old such
a poor thing: You couldn't possibly
t care, and yet why did you coined
j The words were torn from him. lie
i was gripped and shaken by a power
j ful emotion.
She tried to answer, but her lips
' were soundless, she closed her eyes.
and "Murray saw that she Mas whiter
than the foam far beneath. He stared
into tlie colorless face upturned to his
until her eyelids fluttered open, and
she managed to voice the words that
clung in her throat.
"I've always loved you like this:"
He gave a cry like that of a starving
man. She felt herself drawn against
him. I'.ut now he. too, was speechless.
"Couldn't you see?" she asked
He shook his head. "I'm such a
dreamer. I'm afraid it can't be true.
I'm afraid you'll go away and leave
me. You won't ever will you. Kliza V
j I couldn't stand that." Then fresh re
alization of the truth swept over him.
They clung to each other, drunk with
"I thought yon cared for Natalie,"
she said softly after awhile.
"It was always you."
She turned her lips to his and lifted
iVr entwining arms.
The breakfast gong had called the
men away before the two fiirures far
out upon tlie bridce picked their way
slowly to the shore. The Salmon was
still Hooded with h'.'rr.v inc: masses of
"It was always you.'
ice, as it would continue to be for sev
eral days, but it was running free.
The channel iaront of the glacier was
lilaine was the first to shake O'Neil's
hand, for the members of Murray's
crew held aloof in some embarrass
ment. "It's a perfect piece of work," said
he. "I congratulate you."
The others echoed h'r? sentiments
faintly, hesitatingly, for they were
abashed at what they saw in their
chief's face and realized that wonbJ
were weak and meaningless.
Iau dared not trust himself to speak.
He Lad many things to say to his sis
, . . , . ? , , . .
ter. but his throat ached miserably.
, Natalie restrained herself only bj- the
:real est effort.
j It was Tom Slater who ended the
awkward pause by grumbling sarcas
tically; I "If all the young lovers are safely
' ashore maybe us old men who built
the bridge cau go and get something to
Murray smiled at the girl beside him.
"I'm afraid they've guessed our be
cret, dear." .
"Secret:" Slater rolled his eyes.
"There ain't over a couple thousand
people beside us that saw you pop the
question. I s'pose she was out of
breath and couldn't say no."
Kliza gasped and fled to her brother's
"Sis: Poor little SisT' Dan cried, and
two tears stole down his brown cheeks.
"Isn't this just great?" Then the oth
ers burst into a noisy expression of
their gladness.
Happy Tom regarded them all pessi
mistically. "I feel bound to want
you." he said at length, "that marriage
is an awful gamble. It ain't what it
"It is:" Natalie declared. "It's bet
ter, and you know it."
"It turned out all right for me," Tom
acknowledged, "because I got the be?t
woman in the world. I Jut" he eyed
his chief accusingly "I went about it
in a modest way. I didn't humiliate
her in public."
He turned impatiently upon his com
panions, still pouring out their babble
of congratulations.
"Come along, can't you," he cried,
"and leave "em alone? I'm a dyspep
tic old married man. but 1 used to be
young and affectionate, like Murray.
After breakfast I'm going to cable Mrs.
Slater to come and bring the kids with
her and watch her bedridden, invalid
husband build the rest of this railroad.
I'm getting chuck full of romance."
"It has been a miraculous morning
for ine," said Murray after a time,
"and the greatest miracle is you.
dea r."
"This is just the way the story ended
in my boo!;." Kliza told him happily
"our book."
He pressed her closer. "Yes, our
book, our bridge, our everything.
She hid her blushing face against
his shoulder, then with thumb and fin
ger drew his ear down to her lips.
Summoning her courage, she whis
pered: "Murray, dear, won't you call me
I Beacon -l-
Tslrs. Cuivin Cop of Taylor, Neb.,
visited Wednesday at the home of
her brother, S. I). Ilobljer.
Mrs. August Spahnle was taken to
ti e St. Elizabeth hospital at Lincoln
Wednesday to receive medical treat
ment. Johnny Reitter left for Lincoln the
first of the week to take a six months
course in banking at the Lincoln busi
ness college.
Hans Wulf is tearing down his
house just south of the M. E. church
and will erect a new five-room cottage
in its place.
George Onkcn is getting about with
the aid of crutches on account of a
?u rained ankle which re received the
tirst of the Week.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
E. M. Standley and daughter, Lola,
who were injured in the auto accident
last week, are getting along nicely.
Dr. C. II. Longacre is the owner
of a new five-passenger Chevrolet car which he purchased from
Prank Lanning the latter part of last
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Judkins re
turned home Sunday evening from a
ten days' visit with the Files family
at Rogers, Ark. They report a very
pleasant trip.
C. Barrett and family and C. II.
Wetenkamp returned home Thursday
evening from Plainview, Tex. They
made the trip by auto, leaving Plain
view Sunday morning.
Ernest Schroeder arrived from
Clearwater, Neb., the iirst of the week
to attend the state fair and spend a
few days visiting his parents, Mr.
hwd Mrs. Adolph Schroeder, and other
Chas Root and family departed the
make their home. We arc sorry to lose
first of the week for Colorado to
his estimable family from this vicinity
but wish them an abundance of sue
cess in their new home.
Ed (Justin's new house is almost
completed and he expects to be able to
move lo the same next week some time.
Miss Lottie Lean left for Newman
Grove the hitler port of last week
where she will teach school the coming
The carpenter work on the new
Evangelical church is progressing
rapidly and by the last of the week
will be well under way.
Grandma Kitzel returned to her
home in Alvo on Saturday evening
after spending several weeks at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H.
Mrs. John Jlorford has accepted a
position as teacher of a school near
Murray, and is already in charge of
the work and John is now acting; in
capacity of "bachelor."
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mrs. Mary A. Dean. Taunton, Mass.,
in her 87th year, says: "I thought 1
was beyond the reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial in my case."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point,
N. C writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I had to get up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to set up at night, and con
sider myself in a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as 1 have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges. Robinson. Mass.,
says: "I suffered from kidney ail
ments for two years. I commenced
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ago, and though I am 61 years of age,
I feel like a 16-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic,
strengthening and up-building, and
restore normal action to the kidneys
and to a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly and contain
no dangerous or harmful drugs.
Sold Everywhere.
The L. F. Langhorst department
store closed their sale on Saturday
evening. the cnristian cnurcn nau
the largest number of votes and was
awarded the Henderson Grand piano.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stark returned
Monday evening from their eastern
trip. They visited in New York, at
points in Pennsylvania, also at Wash
ington and Niagara Falls. They re
port a fine trip and a good time.
Wm. Cook and family returned last
Friday evening from an auto trip to
the western part of the state. They
were accompanied by George Cook.
They visited with a brother at Beaver
City and one day they spent at Horton,
Kas., taking in the state fair.
Last Wednesday evening a quiet
wedding took place when Miss Emma
Eacktmeyer was united in marriage
to Mr. Wm. Hornbeck by Rev. F.
Beckemeyer at his home. These are
low young Murdek people and are
well known to many here. They will
live in Murdock where the groom is
engaged in the drug business. They
have the best wishes of a host of
W. B. Banning is superintendent of
Class M of the agricultural depart
ment at the state fair grounds this
John Klarence who is confined in a
hospital in Omaha is getting along as
well as could be expected at the pres
ent. Clair Easter who was taken to
Omaha, last Friday and operated upon
for appendicitis is rapidly recovering
and will be home within a few days.
C. L. Mougey of Kearney, who has
been visiting here with his brother, E.
L . and familv, returned to his home
Tuesday. Mr. Mougey had been in
the northwest and brought in .a car
of cattle for his son.
An article in the Nebraska City
papers the other day telling of the
big suit against the Keystone Pipe Co.,
brought by the Wilson Concrete Co.,
according to officers in the Keystone
Co., is nothing more than a farce and
when tried will be a huge joke.
Mrs. Hattie Shryder of Goldendale,
Wash., and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Pittman, has been visiting here
and at other neighboring townsfor
the past month. She was figuring on
going home in a couple of weeks but
is afraid she will not be able to leave
here at that time on account of the
impending strike.
Eli Younker, who was bringing Wm.
Tillman and wife, and Geo. Burr and
wife in from the country Sunday night
in a car, accidentally hit the railing
on the bridge just south of the old
Taylor property southeast of this
place. No one was injured although
the occupants received a good shaking
up. The radiator of the car was
wrecked which was most of the dam
age. Curcd ller Two Little Girls.
Mrs.' Ada Sanders, Cottontown,
Tenn., writes: "We use Foley's Honey
and Tar as our best and only cough
remedy. It never fails to cure my
two litle girls when they have colds."
Relieves hoarseness, tickling throat,
bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, croup.
Sold everywhere.
Advance Sale Notice
Pedigreed Duric Jersey Swine
at Publi Auction!
On Mondaj', October 16, 1916 I will
sell at Public Auction to the highest
bidder about 100 head of Pure bred
Durocs Breedirg foards, Gilts, Bred
sows, some open sows, sows with lit
ters, some weanlings, some June and
July pigs that will make nice breed
ing animals by January 1st.
Every thin will be sold as I will
discontinue breeding Durocs for tiie
Call and see my animals.
Ledger. I-
Mynard, NebJ
c-orxTV of ( ass. M:im tMiA.
u I-
ttt rson. Plaintiff.
Tiie unknown heirs, devisees, leatets.
personal representatives and all-other
persons interested in the estate of
John Carrell, deceased, ct al. defend
ants. Xtif of Suit to Quirt Till.
To the defendants the unknown luir.
devisees, If-gate. pt-raona! representa
tives and alt other persons inte! csted
in tlie estate of John Carrell. de, o;,sc-; :
the unknown heirs, devisee;;, letv.itecs
personal representatives arid ai'";:
persons interested in the estate of Mrs
John Carrell. tirst real fame unknowi.
deceased: Justus U Co.a l; Mrs. Justus
L. Cozad, first real name unknown: tin
unitno'.vn iietrs. oevisees. le--r'il
!! -
sonai representative :m,
ml ah t:ior ? 1 -
st-ns inieresteu in the
estate o? .! mm
I.. Cozad, deceased; the unknown heirs.
uevi.sct-s. legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons inierestei! fi,
the estate of Mrs. -Justus L. Cozad. first
first real name unknown, Ueeeas-d:
Samuel ("atlin: Mrs. Samuel Catlirt, ii'.-i
real name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons i.,
(trested in tlie estate of Samuel C;itiin,
deceased; tlie unkffown heirs, dc.'U-i.:,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the- es
tate of Xlrs. Samuel Cut 1 in. first real
'i.tiine unknown, deceased; illiu::i I-.
(Thompson: the unknown heirs, deviat es
j legatees, personal representatives n:,d
all other persons interested in the es
tate of llliam 1 Thompson, lect-.csed ;
David Craijr: Ann Crai: also known as
Ainai.ilu M Crai: the unliiiotvii heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal .represen
tatives. an-: all other pers-ons
in Hie estate of David Crais,
the unknown heirs, devisees
personal renrosentat i ves and
dec-ease 1 1 :
all other
persons interested in the esiate of Ann
Cr;:isr also known as Amanda M. C;aitr,
deceased; the unknown heirs, uevisees,
legatees, persona! representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Kdward Carrel! also known as
Kdward Carroll deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other per.--.ops in-
Jlerested ill the estate of Kel.eeca Car-
Iiell also known as l:lecea Cairo!!, de
ceased: Andrew Vouhk: .Mary Voiiii-.
the unknown heirs, devisees, lepra tee.--,
personal representatives anil all other
1 persons interested in the estate of An
jdrew Voting, deceased; tiie unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons inter
esud in the estate of Mary Younyr. de-eea.-'-d;
Kli II. Sprallen: Mrs. D.
Spratlen, tirst real r-ame unknown: the
I unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. ; er
'soual representatives and a 1 1 "ther pel -'sons
interested in the estate of 10 1 i f:.
Sprutlen. deceased; the uni;nown heirs,
devisees, personal representatives and
all cither persons interested in ll.e es
tate of Mrs. Kli i:. Spratleii, tirst real
name unknown. deceased; Abraham
'i owner, widower: lOmily I'nt icrson, a
widow, Susan C. Cutler, a widow; !;.:ii
nie Tishne." .Joe Tishue: Winn.V Diers:
Henry Diers: Will D. Towner; Carrie
Towner: Clcni -Towner: Mrs. Clem
Towner, iirst real name unknown: Vera
Towner; Lcunal (I Towner; Geoi re Hen
ries: Mrs. (ieorne Kenm-s. first real
name u:iKnoun: the unknown hr irs. de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested m
the esiate of ;eorne Ken pes, deceased;
tlie unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal rept eseniat i es and all other
persons interested in the estate- of Mrs.
cieorKe Ke n:ies. iirst re al name un
known, deceased; Hiram P. Dennett,
trustee; iiirani 1. liennttt; Mrs. Hiram
1'. Dennett, tirst real name unknown;
the unknown heirs. devisees, 1 srntees.
personal representatives arii ;: ! I oil.,;
i.ersons nut-rested in tlie estate ( 1
lliiiin 1'. Kenne'tt, decease-il: the un
known heirs, devisee's, leealee-s. per
sonal representatives and all other pt
sons interested in the estate of
Hiram 1. Dennett, first real name
known, deceased: John H. Maxon;
John II. Maxon. tirst real n;.r,ie
Mrs. 1111-
known; the- unknown heirs. devise-s,
leiratet.s personal representatives aiui
all other persons interested in the es
tate of John H. Maxon. deceased: the
unknown heirs, devisees, learr.t e-;;. pe-r-sonal
representatives and all other-persons
interested in the estate of Mrs.
Jeilin 11. Mason, tirst real name un
known, deceased: Dennett Maxon .'v
Oompany; the unknown grantees, suc
cessors and assiiiiis tf Dennett Maxon
A: Coinpanv: Lucy C Thompson, a
widow. JlaiKarct CI. Dye-rs: S. II. Mar
shall Dyers: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate if Annis S. Clay ion. de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees.
leKi'tees, personal representative's aed
all oth'-r persons interested in the es
tate of Clayton, first real
iiHiiie1 unknown. K-eeas-'d; the unknv. n
heirs, devisees, iesalccs, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in-tere-sted
in the estate of Mary Storm,
tleceased: Andrew Hopkins; Hannah M.
Hopkins; tlie unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives am!
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Andrew Hopkins, ele-tca-ed: t lie
unknown liens, devisees. le";i.tees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate ef Han
nah M. Hopkins, deceased: William
Searifiht. Mrs. William Searishr. tir-st
real name unknown; the unknov.e
heirs. devisees, legatees, personal
ref rcse-n t a i ves ami all other per
sons interested in tlie estate of William
Senrirht, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all oilier persons inte-resTed
in the state of Mrs. William Set' fu Ii t.
first real name unknown, deceased;
Kohert Dorrjran: Mrs. Kohert i 'on pan,
tirst real name unknown; the- unknown
heirs, devisees, lepratees. personal rep
lesetitatives and all other person in
terested in the estate of Kohert Porr
sran, deceased: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal represntatives
and all other persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. Kobert lorran, Iirst
real name unknown, deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of James
M. Datta, deceased: tlie- unknown heirs,
devisees, lepra tees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. James M. Dat.ta,
first real name unknown, eieceaseJ;
lsaic Coo: Mrs. Isaac Coe, flitt real
name unknown: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other pel sons int'resiefl
in the estate of Isaac Coc. de-roused:
the unknown heirs. de isfp--. legatee:,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Isaac Coe, first real name- unknown, de
ceased: Howard Patterson : Mrs. How
ard Patterson, flrt real nunto unknown:
Isaheiie Moore; Cl.arie Moore; Dill.v
Joy; Joy. first rea 1 num. un
known, husband of Dillie Joy; Dye-d rtrcs
Patterson; Kaunie Dluck: .
Blaek. first real
nurne unknown, hus
Dlack: Lottie Virts:
first real name un-
t)f jjottic Virs. John
band of Dannie
known, husband
Storm: Charles Carrell: Mrs. Charles
Carrell. tirst leal name unknown:
(leorgro Carrel!; Mrs. iJcorffu Carrell.
first real name unknown: John Carre-ll;
Mrs. John Carl ell. first real name. un
known: Klijah Carrell; Mrs. Illijah Car
rell. first real name unknown: the un
known owners and the unknown claim
ants of ull of blocks one (1 I south four
(4 east: two C.' south four 4 cast;
three CD south four -I east: four Ml
soutli four (-1) east: five (01 south four
(4 1 e-ast: six (6) south f'mr M) east:
seven f 7 ) settith four l e-ast: eiy,-ht
(S south four 4 east; nine ( ! south
four 4 east; ten llih s:uth four tll
east: eleven (11) south four (4 east;
twelve 1l' south four 1 1 i-uvt : seven
(7 soutli five (at east: els'ht (Si south
five r. enst; nine 9south live Til
east; ten 10 soutti five (0) east: eleven
fill soutli five (5 eat-t; twelve t
soutli five T) east; nine 0 hou t Ii six
f east: ten ( 1 ID south six ( (1 east:
eleven till setutli six l6l east: twelve
1 south six 6i east: ten 10 south
seven (7 east: eleven 1 1 south seven
(7 east: twelve (12) south seven (7)
east; and twelve (li south eight S
east, all numborei from the Public
Square in said Village or I.ocit DluJTs,
All that part of out-lot one li of t!ie
Villagre of Dock UlulT. described as fed
Iowb: Comencir.s at the northwest cor
ner of said out lot one 1 , running
thence ea.t 7-"fJ ediains to a stake,
thence south' IS ijetiree -i'- uitnutepi
east.- Je.."iO chains alonir n elitcti, thence
west lO.iS chains to the west shie of
said oat-lot, thence north 8.96 chains
t!J he place of be'.v inni n T. containing
sevr-n (7 acres more- or less.-, also
known let l.e i."; in the south' a-t
i ii ;-te r S!'( i of sie-tion iMct-n i h; i,
1 I.- lit;' V : e ;t III', 1 l II 1 . I U I I ee : : ,
i iii i';, - ..., i
i hat part of out-lot nr.? I 1 i iy the
jvniae,e ot Dock DltiiTs :n ass e-ountv,
I Ne-hruska, described as follows, to-vit.
: commencing fourteen (11) chains east
I of the "luarter se-etioa corri-.-r between
see-Tic ns sixteen !;, and t went v -one
-i. m cownsiiip eleven l I 1 . north o!
lsjnue hiiirttvii (111 -:-t in Ca-.s cour't. ,
Nciiraska, at ; I :?ue.-t orje on seetion
! i II.1 t 1 . . V! . r I ! i 1 I ' ' l - '. r. t .i .1. . I . - , I
!n- ' "",.
to a !, ii,.,,..- e-' , ,. ;,m,J.ImI.i l.-e. iirst and r. ! name u 1: 1; lo-vv n.
to a limestone, tl.cpe-e sooth ei-iiifee ,. !husba;.d or wido.-, r t fmra I.. ..,,ri--de
fri-ees and fonv-live piinntcw - 't H""-: ! i" unknown I ns. c.- t.-ees. le
chains to a lime-.-' .-.. t- t he- I ,,',''s- P'-rsonai r-ps e ..-ntativ. s and a .
meander e-om.-r hetw-,, -..u,,; si- i ! ''" I"'''"11 '1 '"' '" ' ' '' ,'".::1,r
Ken tn;!. r.nd twent v-mo t-1 . t bene-.- '-"' " Voiin.c hi... known a ,aia
vve.U eiht e!iai:is to p,;,,-e of l '. Hlb h Vou:.u. ' " '- ' ' , !'"
i-'inninw. eontainir.K .-ixte,.tl , r, , ;.,,.. 1 "hira K V..;;;,-; Itw. : :ui tm u h. r 1 . ;u
rnore or les. also known as r..t sei-efi ' ':ar;i )0. V os-i r unknown, de. .. !: t l .
tTi in the southeast orarter i .- I-; ' j u n 'i'l"'' '' '-i'S. '. h-.-e-s. h . per-
of section siytee;, (it;). tovn.-l:io , leven 1 1- il 1 1 ;-r-'"n1;-1 .'' n -i a 1 : o-.r o.-i -
ill). 1 a n Lf e ft . , it .... ri i.i. i'.. -.. .... I .-en-- i i I e '. . - - t .1 i:i tie e-tate I , !
I ''.unity, Nebraska. 'oue;.,r wt: ;. ;, ;'i
! s!-ci et ions and alluvion toirne.l :,,,,,!
ci ii I .-.jh t st I e , r - -1 i ... t . - t . t . .
A sti'ip of land b. i;m ;u rort'i! !.:i !
(N'iji of the southve.-t "smarter tSW1.
ot section sixteen (H. tev.uil.jT ei ven
lltl ..-it,.,., f... ,..'; ..
till, north raii'Ze fotu:e;-i illi'in
Mount -. .S'.bi aska. sonin t V,.tl.'f
Street in tl,e Vilafe-e of D'uf!-- in
sard county, and i-Mendiris.'. -a.-t jnd
west from the' souih en. i ; Sec,,-:d
stre-et to t!,(- soutn e-i.d of Sixth stieet.
and t-:.te-Iilllip' south In tie sn'Mh Imi'
ol t,ie north half V i . i ,,f t;,,. soalh
evest quarter tSW:,, )"of said section
sixteen ( 1 i.
Also e;oV;.rtlInfinI jlf (Jl ,M(1 ti
norih hall N 1 -j ..f e.,N ,., , ,
two I ) in 1 port h. a si .;e:, , fi- i X ! : , ,
of section t w n t -1 : . i - ; , town--ni.
eleven lib, fe .!t,.,.n ,.,, ,
in Casss I'.itiii'v. N'i a !:: v-l
also kroiwn a- on tucM v-i i-i.i , - n ( o
f I... .,rll, . . . - . " ' .
in' .'"I . ; 11 .1 I I I I .N I . ' ; I It I- ; l . I
section t went, ti.v. ii.-!.:p
eleven till. !.!.. io,,tt.,:i ,11. i
-re I :,rv v-i l !i a ! I a -, ; ,
I o rm . ! 1 1 1 io :i ami ;. i .
ami ,.!s.. i
'oin me:i i n -jt i t ! if . . i t . . ... . . . . I "
ef -'over ii men t b-: Im.i- i :; j;: ti.el'
t w e 1 1 1 y - t v o i : i . i nv ? i .- h i , i -1 1 1 I i i . I
In :'l h i'ii !.' " r ou : t ii i I t i. -asi it. ( 'a - - j
hi: !i r '. , Jse-hraskii. them-.. , , : . ;. j s , ,, t . I
t ! : t !IC e soli ii 1 "i i ' i :; i e( V.' . .-! , I ! . I I
chain- to the West 1 1 lie sanl n
meni lot i"i. t nee j ; ; :
.chains t the pia, nf !.. l:i ii.:;!'.'.
Klioun as lot fin; rtei n ilii. :i
.-out n .ei st ii!arttr li ii .-
i l 'i
a h-o
I i ..-
't n-.-i
t went y-1 vvo iji, tov i..-hi -i--ei; iii
1-jin.e.e fo.ilt.-en ill', a I o-e.-a Pi.
Cftliei' With a i i t he : -I'.-utms am: a ! i ii
V im.s lortiied Prop .:.! at-eii.- l i..'. ! I
said larms. All i.l s;: ni h-.i: !- h-i'ti;
tic county ed Ca.-s, .Nv hi a.-!.a.
i uu are i.ere-o :ioi i.ieo on
u: t A.,-D D'D. p.a;u!i;i filed
tion in the tii-tin ; -;iM 1 1 .
co'.mty ol ass, .Veiiaska, io im ;
plainlll! s title- to i.." above inscribed
lands, to-wit
.Ml c: blocks one ii:. south four l
east : two i sonlli lour ()i cast;
t h ! ee i I SOU t 11 toil! I I ) i . l: 1 i . ' 1 r til
soul;; four I Ii easi: live- (.ii south
ill east: six i ; i sioiUi lour ill east,
secn ii) south pmr ill cast; -i-'. hi
IM south four ill east; nine i '. i somh
f o.i r ili a -1 ; ten ' i - 1 1 '. . ; on r i I i
east: eleven (111 son'.:' loi.r (Ii east:
twelve i I - i aouili lour it; east; sever:
l7l smith live ca.-i: i;,! t IM south
Ii . e I I e-a -t ; oiio l!n .-milii !iv i .. I
e a .-1 ; I e- i I 1 1 1 i snub live i . ) east: e : e 1 1
ill) south uvr ci..-t; I'.iilvi' i 1
south five i .i r east; nine l j south s ;
'iii e . : - I : ; , i v i .- - i. 1 1 1 .-1 . i . i i a i :
I e : ?! 1 i s o i i . i 1 . ii ( . : :. I ; : 'A . IV.
VlJi soutn si , . ea -l : I'll ll'il aiiitu
seven til cast; eb-ei, ill .-i-ai:: seven
( i i east: tvveivc i ,:'i ii.i.'li se-ven i 'i
cast; ;imi twelve i D I soutn ii,M IM
east: ii.i nu:iiber'o f:nm tin- p-.iblic
sijiiiire in said village ei liuci; Uiuiiii,
.Nc bi aska,
All that part oi mu-ioi one ill ed"
ll.e viilaae if Kock Dm its, uestiibeci
as folio .-: . omii.enci i:k al tin- noitli
west Corner oi sant co-t-iol wiv i ,
liiiil. ilii; thence ea.t T."c ciiains in a
siaKe. t iteiiee south 2 n i. "i i'es l m i fl
utes east. t'.r.O chains ao'ii-; a .'tiPM,
ti.eiice' vv est 10."- ci.ultis to the vve-si
sloe ..f sani liiit-lul. t ovnee port n s.!
ina.ens to Hie pia.-c ol i :ri :i 1 1 i n l; , . n
Laiai:.n seve-n ( i acres o or u a;.-o
known as lot dc ( . i in ll.e southe ast
uuarter (SKtji of ;ei.tioii s;mi-, n i i i, i,
loun.-uil e-iefu e 1 1 ,,e lnurieeii
flM. Cass county, .senrasKa,
That par t oi e-t.'.-.--t 1 :: lb
ia' e- ol ck ISiuh i.i e'.i.-s Li:.t , ..
oiaska. ;.s Peiow.-. m-wit:
Conim. ru invr lemrteen i l i i chains enst
ot tm ijiuiiii r see-: iuii c-o r ! iwi . n
sectious sixteen lit. i, and tivt uiy-uic
ll'Ii. in township i-l-.-nii i!3r, linuh m
ranne fourteen t i t i, east in ' a.-s
county. .i io.isKa, al a liiiit-.-u in- on
se'Clion line', Ihi-i.i.e- iiolili e-iylilccli de-wii'c-
;rid ! ort - ni in- minutes west, il.r.ii
el.ams to a llliostom, tneiice east eiui.i
ihaim- to a 1 :;ues t oiie. tianee -octli
t-ijriite-ep. de cr ees and forty-uv e- lii.n.ii.
east, il..".0 e.iams t.. a limestone io the
liiej.i inter coiner bet ween se i tarns six
teen 10, and twenty-one tli thence
We st eiilit t S I chali..- lo i!ace ut he--Kinnitm,
e-ont.iinine; sixteen iliii acres
more e i- ie.-s, also known as lot se-ven
i I 111 the- soiUheast ipjaitel- ISD',1 ol
section siNte-fn ilii), township eleven
til), ranii'e lourtecn t l : in 'ass
county, NeorasKii, to'-pthei .. i'h ait ac
cretions and alluvion lerund and
aairisi said iicsci ii-'' e-. I. i.e.
a n -1
A strip of land l ; ii - ' in noi , h ha.lf
I X I., 1 of fin. sol . I I...... ! elail.i' I s. v. i
of s-e-t ion si X leen t 1 i . I w a i p i .-i. ii
I 11. no. I.i riitiue fori ii en iti. ; n e'a-s
conn t v, N' bi as ua, sue i . e! Wat.i iin-i
in t !.v village nt Kock ..iu.s ;n .-a
I'lity, ami extemliuu e-o-i .iiil West
lium the south ere! ot Sec"l:n street to
the i-einlh c-r.d of Sixth st reel, and ex-
U l.'.lILl MIUlll I 1 ' I III'
lice of lh
n Ji l it i.hZ i N 'e i .
.- OU i i. VI est
h ua i ter i S 1 ;
sum s-ilion sixteen
1 D .
a ; j
.l.-o o -e i i. mcji ; p i i'ii-- ili and the
north hail . I of e- o -. n-.i-.o i.t lot two
11. in 'he uortlieast pi. alter i.i.hi
of set-: ion t went -"m- il in, n-nip
eleven till rane fonrtein till ea-t in
Cass county, .Neiiiasiva. i.:ch i clso
known as loi tvi mt - rvht '-"', in no
northeast ipatrte-r i N h 1 i i ol s.ii'l n r
liem twcr'.tv-one ili. township eie-n
ilii, riirive tuurteen '111, t it;et i... r with
nil ai'i-n lions ami alluvions loruied
iijioii and against sai-l ian.'.-.
and also
Com me m-i n
it t he north w . t e-er-
per of k e in mi n t h.t thri'i
i .; i in tlie
sotitliwes; (tuarter ' SA 1 1 i f st.'i tion
tvi nt -l we i--l tt.wr.ship e b-ve-ii (11),
l-oitii rani-'i' fourt' n lli, east in Ca.-s
county, Ne braska, tlo"iee i l chaina east,
thence south I.. h xv. -s v. est. 1 i.l i
e haitis to the west line- .f siiid ;;nvci ti
iti'.'iii bd thii'- ':, i, thence north n
chains io fl.4. plae e ol i,.- i n n i n tr, also
hi: own as lot I-eirteeri till, in I ', '
i . ...... .4..,. i. ; . ..r ;,.,
.-Hi l ia ' - I ,;i.,iiiti ,., -i .TVil 'ii
twiiily-two (L'l, town.-.hip eleven 1 1 ,
ra ni;e ima ii en mil. n i oi c-.-u io, in:;i'u;ri
with nil the accretions and alluvions
formed noon and a-r.-iiti.-t all of t.aid VII i.l k:ii,1 I:itiiI lil.MMi- fl ri tl.
eniuty 4f Cass, Nehra.-ka.
i.eeause oi mis auverse- possessinn ty
himseii, i.ia ancestors, and Kfanlois.
lor more t!ian ten ycuts prior to the
c ommeticement ot said suit iwnl to en
join each ami all of .vot from i.avmv. or
, . I ; 1 1 . i i i . - :i ,iv ..i'.t'l lit!.. I.i.ti .... it.ti..--
est, cither p-iil oi eiiuitable. in or to
Siiio leillil- oi ,itl ,i.iit .deici.i. I I ' t I'-
quire' ymt to set forth your riht, title,
eiaim. lien or interest therein, if any,
cither leyal or' ci u it a !,!.. and to 1 a . c
tae saim- adjudged inferior to the title
of plain' i'f e-iol for j,c!i"iul e-.piita 'jU
relief, 'i'h Is notice is made pursuant to
I; e order of the court. ou arc re
'iiiircd to answer said pciitnm 4n or
tif-icre Monetae, (ii-tober L'.'.n!. I : I . . :
your default will be duly entered
W. A. lioliellson.
Four weeks, semi-vvee-kly, c'oninoiie
ins September 11. DPi.
FOR SALE My well improved forty
Korea, 1 mils west of court house.
Inquire of A. W. Smith.
!. Till! JMS ' KIC! ll ITT ! Till:
ii m cr c"-. m;ii::m..
Joan.;:-. I .a : f. Plain'in.
Clara K. Yoimi'4, also known as Clara
K!h-n Vuiiim' e-l ah. Defendants.
ni!c- .f SuD 'il( rlil.
To the deferosanis f"::'!--i I-;, oun-4
aiso known as Claru illh ri Veuir.i.- :
John Doe Youir-'. Iirst re:. i...r ei,;
iiliMV.ii; liisliaii.i ,idos-i- of !"!:!". 1
!: Yo i:.". knov. n as ' K.!en
Y-oir-; : Clara !: Yen,.;;- ! me. i name
. , , ? ...... . .... 1 i .
i !,. Hkiii C!..:a V.. o:.:iv. unkfiow n
. ..e niiii';, I;:-t ; t ham
o ' a :-. d ; : !. : nkhm. n h. .1
i 'l k ' i o v. ' : ,
ie ; ... r
i i .. i t t . . , . i . i . i , ; r
t :i t i '. - aril
! persoiis int . .esteil in the s-
! tat
f John Doe, hi.'t leal name un-
known, deee-asi .1 : Snnr.iel 1!. Joi.ev. al-o
known :s S. II. Jo .e s. Mrs S.imin l II.
!, . ..........- 41...
.1 ones, ti ! .- t ref a i Iiiillh
UI1III" II , I e
link I.. n h'-ir-s, de i.-t . b-ate-e.-. pel--oii;;
representative.- and all other per
sons interested :t. the estate nf .imu.l
!:. ,!i'iii-s a!se known ; s S. II. Jones.
eia.-e.i: the niil.novn bir. devise.-,
hca t i"f, personal representatives and
all either pe'sehs I ' i-e- 1 ed in tt es
tate of M's. S;.,iii. ! H. .P. p--. first real
mime litii'tiowt;. d.-. -eased ; pii kai l
Miller, a pr rt m-is h : ) eon. po-e, ! o! S t -. -ce-r
Packard avd ;. Mi!b r; Se-ri-ei
r Pack::!-il, 1 ".. :. : 'a . k a i 1 : tie- tin-V.:;.-v.
n l-.-ir-s. dev . .'i;;it , pet -
-!-.' I
1 - i I ;
1 e T f e S ' - T : t 1 : I !V S
intt .-fed i!l t 1
ii ): ri I . i! "i e:i s -i I
ill", l- e. - , lev :i ' ''
.He! all l.t'.er
est. i of H t " r i -the
unknot I,
I ', ' '.
, 1 ei
. p'-r -una I rep
'i (
,!:.'ni : I' '1
t. .1 in 1 h" '
i: ! ! "I iii V pel i-iii
tale ef I :. t I h -
, , i . . . . I . i - ' . t . . .' i . . , .
...I .1 I. .... I lll .. 1 !
h-e. a --...I ; .1;
1 . ,; ' ' 1 ' i li'.ler: the nr.knr.vvn ' ' ir... c. v : i. -td
ni i . ... , ... .. .. i ....... i ...
' ' , '
s '. I- te-fe: ted Pi 1 be
t a 1 1
: o;..i ! I
i i - , : i
I ... - . I I .i.l I . . . I
'. 1 ',.'.1 in tie. -late U1" V P.
lie ea.-e,! ; .),. , ;. I'l.l ! I; I A 111 '.I.l
I , '
'"lark; il'' I . , 1; . v. !i ! I I! - . 1 1 1.- - .
-at-..-. P--- .-.;,; ! i e-,-t. t a j and
ail of !, r in r.-or.s i ' . i . ' . ; in tie -tale
.!,.': m 1; 'hi .. .! -eea-eil. I)..- uti-kn-iv.
i. !.ei:-.-. : , - . i.-L'nt. . per -
e.a! l
it iv
:: t
all 4 ' t i 1 I " I" pel -
; ' i ; a r a ! ;.c
i 1..
. i : a i
; I
; tie . I 1 1 h It ' i W 1 1 hi.:'-,
1 i i -!'.! i I i ' I a
el ; : -.- I a s 1 ! i ! C I -tel j -
.-.' I ' . ah. . c. ,i ,i- e, ;
i.! o "ivnown la Wi
i i ; i . t ! ,. n -i
. i-. ! . i ' . . t i i -.
" -.- and a I! ot !n !'
.- 1 ! i . D . - t a1
t iv
in) ' '' '
:no n i
r,e, SO
of ! .
I i ;
"is :'. ('..-.. hi,..
Lewis 1 , ih. ...!. ti,.. :,! e..s n
heirs. iv ! --i.i per-nnal p ;,-
r-e--i ntative-s ; ml a'i ,'!!'' pi ,!.- in
tci'i : te'l i.: 4- ;a-e et Chit., i I '-..!..
ilecii.-il: Wi'!;;-t.i i'.v.i:: Mara I'..
Moore. Ctta .Mo. ni . j --.bell,. M...,re ami
the unknot ii own- -i I I i t.t Kr,.. ,
Claimants i,f f i ;.et ;ntai I Pi;-. s, i i. i , ami
see-en I 7 I. ill the I r;i t I ' ' 1 lit. '
i.Vi:i-l I of the rim ! hv i-l"
( X W 1 - : i "f s-ciiu. i v. .-nt -f.iur Lli.
towns!, ip -h-ven ilii. miv:h tai.i
thirteen i;:i, e:--; of the it!, 1 ". M m
the CntHlty ef C;a. X hli-kii.
J o u a re ; ,i ! i i .e I ,,h tie, I i . ;. t , .. ' pr :
! ft. A. ! .. 1 ii 1 'I. Phi hit hi fi I
I i i n 1 r
I he- J:stri t (.'out' of :,e Cm i,'
Cass. bra-a, to .an' p-'Mi-'a
to t.ii- above ilc-ei i hitai.-, t . - V. ; t
fiiietiorai! P.Js six (i.l. an! seve p i7.
in tlie i,irt i( ast nu;iri.-- i.NID-ti 4.1 ti
port 1: wie-f i;uaiter (NWI-ti of section
twenty-fi'iir (I'll, township e'.-vi-n t I ' 4.
north ranue tliirt..-; id:. east .,f tie
iith P. M. in the County of Ca-.-. Ne
braska, because- of her advi rse posse s--i"'ii
by l:er.-' lf her riintors foe
more thiin te.11 4 .i s j'i 1 the npi-nie-nce-ment
of - tiiii suit ami to en ton,
each and nil of you from hum; or
iS.itminc: snv rir.h;. tit!.-, li.-n or iMi i--est.
either Ihct:I o;- it ti i l a ! il c. in or to
said kinds or a .v part tloieof: t,, .
n u 5 re vunjn s.-r fo. 11, v.oi- ri-i.t tin..
e-iaim. li.-n or int.. est ' t herein if i.i.-
e:thor !eea e 1 ; it a bt.. ami to ;-.,.-
the same ailjinkr..,! j,,f, ,,,
or jdair-jjff ami f.r j,-,.,,,.,... , j4., ,. p.
relie-f. This notice is made pursuant,
to tlie order e.f th.- Court..
V;iu are rc'itiir -d to answer said pe
tition on or before Momlav. ilit,ir
A. I . I'M-'-, or vour default' will hf duiV
'ntcred therein.
JOav.v.v n.WTKi:,
... , ,., I'laintirT.
A t . (irni v.
COUNTY, N E Ii I : A S K A .
In the matter c the estate of Har
mon IJestor, ckvea.-c.l.
Notice is herc!y eivtn that at t!-c
oilice of the County Ju-i.-e in t!u- l oiir t
hcus-c, rjattsmouth, Cass Countv. Nc-
bra.i;a, on the I'lai day of (.h-t:,vv
lilt, at the hour of ( o'clock a. m
ihe follcwincr maltcr will bv hcanl
and fcnsit!e:''(l :
The ajiplication of Ada U. Host or to
admit to prohate the la.-t will an-I
te.-.tament of Ilar mon Ilostor, of
the City of Iattsmouth, in Ca..
County, Nebraska, deceased; frnl ft.:
letters testamentary to be,:-d ti.
Ada II. IJestor, and for a (ieree f
the court finding who all the her.-, of
said deceased arc.
Dated this JOth tiay of Au-u.t, V.iU).
By the court.
ALLEN J. ULEbON, County Jud-
State of Nebra.skt',
's. I n count 7 cm; .
County of Cas.
In the matter of tin- t-siu- :f IUr-
jamin F. Hoinirir. J )c:-easctl.
To all persons interested
Your are lurebv- not thai t'u-re
has hcfcn filed in tr.i. rmjil the rt 'io;
f the Executrix f .said esiate. to
gether with her inliti .n fo-! set
tlement and her dUhuroe as hu-.ii
That a hearine; v.iil be had uia:i
sahJ report and petition Iteftde thi-;
court on the lSlh day of SeptcndM r.
l'Jlii, at ten o'clock a. in. in thy Count;
Court Room at I'lattsmouth, in said
count y.
That all objections thereto, if anv
must be filed witli said Court im or
before said il-.iy and hour of hearing.
Vi tress my hand and the seal of
County Court of said Cuunty thi.-, 71 U
Jay of September, I'Jlfj.
Al.LEN J. EelSo.N.
County Juilre.
(Seal.) . 1 wk.
Sales bills aone quickly at tha