The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1916, Image 1

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    State Historical Soc
Mrs. A. 15. I-Vnii, Siller of Mont Rohb,
Parses Away ;it a Hospital
in Omaha.
From Friday's Daily.
Mr.-. A. li. Fenn, a lady well known
throughout Cass county and a daugh
ter of the late F. W. Robb. one of the
pioneer? of southern Cass county, died
o!i Tuesday afternoon at a hospital in
Omaha, after an illness covering1 sev
eral years' duration. Mrs. Fenn was
a sbter of Mont Robb of Union, and
was a lady loved and esteemed by all
those who had the pleasure of know
ing her, and in the hour of grief and
sorrow the old friends will join with
the family in the heavy loss that has
been visited upon them.
Mrs. Fenn was born in Muncie,
IVnn., October f. l!vl, and at the
time of her death was lacking one
month of being years of age. She
came west with her parents and re
sided on the homestead near Union,
where in 1870, she was united in mar
riage to N. J. Fenn. To this union
there were born seven children, three
of whom. Mrs. Nellie C. West. Mrs.
R. E. Snyder and Miss Grace Fenn.
preceded the mother in death. Four
children survive, as follows: F. R.
Fenn, Salir.a, Kan.: Mrs. D. O. Glocer,
Omaha; Mrs. Thomas Cranwell, Syra-cu.-e.
N. Y., and Mrs.. William Lon
don of Chicago. The husband passed
away some fifteen years ago at Om
aha, where the family made their
home for the greater part of the
Mrs. Fenn became a member of the
Episcopal church in her girlhood, unit
ing with the church at Wyoming, and
during her lifetime was a most de
vout member, and bore with fortitude
her sufferings. For the past three
months she had been confined to the
hospital suffering from a complica
tion of diseases, and despite all that
skill and care could do continued to
fail until death came to her relief and
released her from her suffering. Mrs.
Fenn was a very kind and loving wife
and mother and devoted to those
whom she called by the name of
friends, and they will miss her greatly
as she has endeared herself to them
in the years gone by.
The funeral services were held yes-,
terday afternoon from the Episcopal
church at Wymote and were conduct
ed by the Rev. W. W. Barnes of Ne
braska City. The interment was in
the cemetery near the old Robb home
stead, where the departed lady had
passed so many happy years of her
Kfm PrMay's Dllv.
E. M. Buttery brought The Journal
office a most pleasing remembrance
this afternoon in the shape of a fine
large basket of potatoes that he had
raised on two lots in the west part
of the city. Mr. Euttery has dem
onstrated that a little labor on the
part of the property owner can bring
good results, as he has raised fifty
eight bushels on two lots, and they
are of the very finest that a person
could find anywhere. He also brought
in a number of cucumbers.
Mark White, the genial and whole
souled farmer, and genuine good fel
low, from the vicinity of Rock Bluffs,
has also remembered The Journal pub
lisher and editor with two large and
lucious watermelons, that sure am
"some melons," and Mark has our
most sincere thanks. These dainties
were much enjoyed and could not be
leat anywhere in the country.
Fred Hull of Marysville, Mo., an
old friend" of the Journal family, ac
companied by his son, are here and
will spend a short time at the home
of his brother, Frank Hull, south of
the city. Mr. Hull and son visited
The Journal office for a few minutes
while here.
From Friday's Dallv.
Last Sunday night the single bug
gy and driving horse of one of the
sons of Mrs. J. T. Fran's, residing
west of here, ran away. It just hap
pened that Dave LaRue was on the
job and stopped the runaway, and was
bringing it back to town from hi
place of residence. When he reachec
the railroad crossing there was
freight train on the track and he was
compelled to wait until the track was
clear. In the meantime an automo
bile drove up behind him and stopped
A son of Harry Frans was on the
other side of the track and when the
train cleared the crossing the Frans
boy is alleged to have put on all steam
ahead, and that on the left-hand side
of the road. As LaRue was the first
object in sight he saw there was go
ing to be a collision and called to the
boy and asked him what he was do
ing, and about that time the car hit
the buggy, throwing LaRue and his
son. who was with his dad, out of
the rig, and Dave is carrying his
head around covered with bandages
and has several nice bruises that are
not in sight.
We have a state law in Nebraska,
we believe, that forbids children from
running autoes and it should be
obeyed. There are entirely too many
accidents caused from the carelessness
of children. A child has not the de
veloped brain of man and cannot be
expected to act as quickly in case of
an emergency.
Ana anotner law we nave tnat is
disobeyed quite often is exceeding the
twenty-five-mile per hour speed limit
and driving on the wrong side of the
road Ledger.
From Saturday's Dally.
Robert Pfeiffer and bride, of Bolog
na, Italy, are in the city enjoying a
part of their honeymoon at the home
of Mr. Pfeiffer's aunt, Mrs. Paul Ger
ing and family. The newly weds have
come to America to make their home
in the future, and where Mr. Pfeiffer
will follow his profession as a minister
of the Methodist church for which
be studied at Geneva, Switzerland,
where he has spent the last few years
in study. Here Mr. and Mrs. Pfeiffer
were married five months ago and
have since been endeavoring to reach
the United States from war-torn Eu
rope. Mr. Pfeiffer states that Switz
erland, the only spot in central Eu
rope is filled with the wounded and
sick of the fighting armies of the dif
ferent nations, and there under the
protection of the little republic those
who have suffered from the war can
find rest and recuperate from their
injuries. The Swiss people have suf
fered from the war in the way of
loss of trade from the tourists of the
world and particularly America who
bought a great deal of the lace and
watches manufactured in that coun
try. Mr. and Mrs. Pfeiffer arrived in
America one month ago and since
then have been visiting with their
relatives in this country. Mr. Pfeiffer
Ls desireous of securing an English
speaking charge in this country and
as he is an accomplished scholar he is
capable of giving a splendid service
to his church. He was born in Italy
where the Pfeiffer family resided un
til the war broke out but have since
lived in Switzerland. Mr. Pfeiffer and
Henry Herold were callers at the
Journal office this morning.
From Saturday's Dally.
John Peterson, the young man who
arrived in the city several days ago
armed with a revolver, and who was
taken in custody by the sheriff, was
today shipped back to Kearney, where
he will be placed in the industrial
school in that place, from which insti
tution he was paroled some few
months ago. An officer from the state
school came down and took the young
man back to Kearney.
Mrs. Williard Beezley of Syracuse,
Neb, was here yesterday enjoying a
visit with her father, R. B. Windham
and family.
The Home of Joseph E. Wiles. South
of Town, Very Mysteriously De
stroyed by Fire Friday
From Saturdays T)a.lir.
Yesterday afternoon the beautiful
country home of Jaseph E. Wiles, two
miles west of the city on the Louis
ville road, was completely destroyed
by fire, the origin of which was un
known. The first known of the fire
was a few minutes past 2 o'clock when
two farmers passing by saw the roof
in flames, and rushed in to alarm
the family. Mrs. Wiles was at home
at the time, but her husband was ab
sent in Omaha, and as soon as she
learned of the fire she rushed to the
second floor, where the first signs of
the flames was found in the falling
plastering, and secured the valuable
papers belonging to Mr. Wiles, and
while she was thus engaged a large
piece of the plastering fell, striking
her on the back of the head and
knocking her to the floor, but she was
able with the assistance of Robert
Windham, who was working at the
Wiles home doing some electric wir
ing, to reach the first floor of the
house, which was yet untouched by the
blaze. The alarm on the telephone
brought a large number of the neigh
bors to the scene and they rendered
splendid service in saving the house
hold goods, and the greater part of
the valuable and costly furniture in
the rooms on the first floor of the
house was saved from the flames.
The efforts of Mrs. Wiles and the
neighbors to extinguish the flames or
check their progress was without avail
as the blaze soon spread all over the
upper floor and the charred and blaz
ing timbers supporting the roof fell.
scattering their fiery touch through
the remainder of the house, and by 4
o'clock there was nothing remaining
of the once beautiful home save the
two tall brick chimneys, which defying
the flames, stood over the smouldering
The origin of the fire is unknown
as there had been no fire at all in the
house for several weeks save that of
a small oil stove in the kitchen, which
was far from the spot where the
flames were first noticed breaking
through the roof. The house had been
for years one of the most handsome
mansions in this part of the county.
and was built in 18S3, by the late J.
C. Cummins, and was for years the
home of the Cummins family. Mr.
Wiles has made his home there for
the past twelve years and had added
greatly to the home, until it was one
of the most modern farm homes in the
The value of the house is estimated
at between $7,000 and $8,000 and had
only $2,000 insurance.
The neighbors assisted in gathering
up the furniture and effects that had
been saved from the burning house
and conveyed them to the barn and
sheds, where they were stored until
a provision can be made for caring
for them. The loss is a severe one to
Mr. and Mrs. Wiles, and in their mis
fortune they will have the deepest
sympathy of the entire community.
From SaturdayB Dall.
J. H. Thrasher, who has been visit
ing at Blair for several days past, has
returned to his home in this city and
reports a most delightful trip while
in the northern part of the state. Col.
Thrasher reports that he met a great
many of the old soldiers of the civil
war while absent, and almost all of
them are for President Wilson, recog
nizing the efforts that have been made
in behalf of the boys in blue. The
fact that the republican platform did
not mention the old soldiers is an
other of the reasons why they are
turning to the support of the presi
dent. John Kaffenberger, August Kaffen
berger and wife and Clarence Meis
inger and wife came in this morning
from their farm homes and departed
for Omaha to spend the day in that
city attending to some matters of importance.
From Saturday's Dally.
William Jahrig, a former resident
of this city, accompanied by his fam
ily, are here enjoying a visit with the
father and brother of Mr. Jahrig and
renewing friendships with his former
acquaintances. Mr. Jahrig is located
at Glenville, Mont., where he is en
gaged as engineer for the Northern
Pacific, and had intended to be in
Plattsmouth for the Home Coming
but was detained until this week in
getting away. This is the first visit
back to the old home in seventeen
years and Mr. Jahrig is certainly en
joying the occasion to the utmost of
meeting his father. E. L. Jahrig and
his brother, R. C. Jahrig whom he
has not seen for so many vears as
well as the old friends. While living
here Mr. Jahrig was employed in the
Burlington shops for some time until
he left for the west.
From Saturdays Dally.
Cass camp No. 332 of the Modern
Woodmen of America, of this city are
arranging for a public meeting at
their hall on Monday evening. Septem
ber ISth that will be one of the big
events in woodcraft in the city. On
tnis occasion toward U . Uurns ol
l' New Jersey, national lecturer of the
order will be present as well as llaiph
Johnson of Lincoln, and place before
the members and the public the posi
tion of the Modern Woodman. Mr.
Burns is one of the most gifted orators
in the country and his eloquence is
such as to make his address a rare
treat. He is enrouts to the Pacific
coast and will make a few addresses in
'Nebraska while enroute, speaking at
this city first and going from here to
Omaha, Lincoln. Grand Island and
Alliance where he will hold public
meetings. Mr. Burns was here sev
eral years ago and his address was one
that was long remembered for its
beauty and impressiveness. Mr. John
son is well known to the members of
the Woodmen as he is one of the
live wire; in the state
very active for many
aw: has bee11
vears in the
operations of the order.
The local camp of the Modern Wood
men is one that is numbered among
the best in the state and the member
ship of close to 400 speaks of the
splendid work of the officers in main
taining their lodge at the top rank of
the orders in the city.
The meeting on the ISth will be
one open to the public and everyone
is invited to be present to enjoy the
splendid treat.
From Saturday's Dallv.
State Senator John Mattes was in
the city for a short time today en
route from his home in Nebraska City
to Omaha, and while here stopped for
a short visit at the Journal office.
Senator Mattes, who has represented
the Second district in the senate for
the past two years, was one of the
active leaders in the last legislature
and made a splendid representative
for the people of his district and one
that they might feel pr6ud of in every
way. The legislation that has made
possible the successful administration
of Governor Morehead was aided in
the senate by Mr. Mattes, and his
clear judgment and splendid activities
resulted in the passage of many laws
for the benefit of the people of the
state. Splendidly qualified in every
way, Senator Mattes has made a rec
ord in the legislature that should en
title him to a re-election.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning in the district court
a suit was filed entitled Asgil S. Will
vs. William J. Scott, et alM in which
the plaintiff seeks to quiet title to the
southeast quarter section 1, northeast
quarter section 12, the west one-half
of the northwest quarter section 7, all
in township 11, range 12. C. A. Rawis
appears in the action as attorney for
the plaintiff.
THE W. C. T. 0.
Meeting Called for Thursday, Sep-
" t em her 11th, at Presbyterian
Church, and Great Inter
est Shown.
From Saturday's Dally.
The twentv-fifth annual meeting of
the Cass count v Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held on
Thmsdav. SeDtember 14th. at the
First Presbyterian church in this city
and a verv laree attendance of the
membershiD is looked forward to as
there has been a great deal of interest
shown by the members of the Unions
of Plattsmouth. Louisville, Union,
Weeping Water and Eagle, and all of
these will be represented at the county
meeting. The officers of the county
union are: M rs. eth iceeu, president;
Mrs. Delia Kirkpatrick, vice president;
Mrs. Marv S. Harmon, secretary and
Mrs. Agnes Ruffner, treasurer.
The program is one filled with many
interesting ieatures tor tne memuers
and which they can enjoy with pleas
ure and profit along the line of work
of the W. C. T. U. and the advance
ment of their ideals, and is as follows
Devotional, in charge of Mother
Greetings, Mrs. Mabel York.
Response, Mrs. Minerva Gorder.
Roll call of officers and superinten
Reading minutes of last convention.
Report of county officers.
Repcrt of county superintendents.
Report of local presidents.
Appointment of committees.
Credential. Press.
Auditing, Resolutions.
Plan of work.
Noontide prayer.
Executive meeting.
1:30 P. M. Song Service.
Devotional service.
Report of committees.
Election of officers.
Election of superintendents.
Introduction of visitors.
Address by Mrs. Graham.
State superintendents of scientific
Music, by Plattsmouth Union.
Address, C. A. Rawls, county presi
dent of Dry Federation.
Discussion of department work.
8 P. M. Song Service.
Devotional, Rev. McClusky.
Gold medal contest.
Songs; music; readings.
Presentation of medal.
From Saturday's Dallv.
After living only a few hours the
little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Roman passed away at an early hour
this morning, leaving the home which
its little life had brightened for a
short time filled with grief. The blow
is a severe one to the parents and
in their grief they will receive the
deepst. sympathy of their many
friends. This is a misfortune that is
heartbreaking to the members of the
family and one that only those who
have experienced it can fully appre-
From Saturday's Daily.
George Luschmsky and wife de-
parted this morning for Atlantic City,
N. J., where Mr. Luschinsxy will at-
tend the convention of the master Plattsmouth for another year, he cer
carpenters which is meeting in that tainly will take with him the best
city. Mr. Luschinsky has attended a
great many of these gatherings during
the time he has been foreman of the
Burlington paint shop in this city, and
has mingled with the heads of the
leading painting departments of the
railroads of the United States, Can-
ada and South America. The meeting
will be one filled with great interest
and benefit to those attending and
Luschinsky is looking forward to
a most enjoyable time
Office suppTTes at the Journal office. I
l or Sunday's base ball game Ne
braska City has promised to send up a
strong team to go against the Red
Sox of this place, and the boys from
Otoe county will endeavor to take back
with them the scalp of our sterlin;
athletes, but this will be more than a
:.!..!.. . .i ,
wie-Miieu argument as tne ox give
promise of being in such form Sunday
that will permit them to grab the long !
end of the box office receipts. This
game will prove very popular with the
fans and a large crowd is looked for
at tne com net. inose wno enjoy a
good clean game of ball should be in
Yesterday the cozy farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger, jr., was
the scene of a very pleasant gathering
when a number of reelatives and
friends gathered to enjoy the roval
hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger
and to take part in the enjoyment of
the day. The occasion was notable for
the fact that five members of the party
celebrated their birthday' anniversary
on that dav and made the event one
of rare enjoyment. The pleasant day
was spent in visiting and having a
general social time together while a
fine dinner added to the delights of
the day and was thoroughly appre
ciated bv everyone of the partv. It
was with regret that the members of
the tiartv denarted homeward vowinsr
that the dav was one long to be re-
momhPi-pH hv pwrvnnp nnrticinntino-
Those who werein attendance were:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvev. Mr.
ind Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Rii n TvW nnd f,nm v of Omha-
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stern and fam
ily, of Omaha; Mrs. Amelia Swift
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Prince, South
Omaha; Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mr
Fred Horn, Salt Lake City, Utah;
Miss Janette Morgan and
Harvev. St. Charles, la.
The conference of the Methodist
church will be held at Hastings this
week, at which time the matter of
assignment of pastors for the differ
ent churches in the state will be taken
up. The many friends here of Rev.
F. M. Druliner are hopeful that he
may be sent back to us for another
year of service, and if the conference
should decide otherwise it certainly
would be very much regretted. During !
the three vears that Rev. Druliner has
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church he has made a great many
friends outside of his own congrega
tion and these also would regTet very
much to have him leave the city, but
to retain him probably will be diffi
cult as his worth as a strong man for
the church is recognized throughout
the state, and his ability as a pulpit
orator is such as is possessed by few
others. Rev. Druliner has during his
I residence here contributed a great deal
to the upbuilding of the church. mem
bership and the advancement of its
teachings, and has in fact been the
most successful minister that has rep
resented the Methodist church here in
many years. His pleasing personality
has won him friends on all sides and
a" vi Liiese are uupuiK uiii wn.c hiujc
ii - e . i T : 1 i- -.
he can be sent back to look over the
needs of his flock. Should it be im-
possible to assign Rev. Druliner to
wishes of his many friends.
This afternoon a special train car-
rying Vice President H. E. Byram of
the Burlington, as well as a number of
minor officials, passed through this
cjty en route from Chicago to Omaha,
and after a brief stoo there and at
Lincoln the party will proceed on to
t.hp western lines of the Rurhnpon. I
The officials of the Omaha division
joined the party at Pacific Junction. I
Greenwood Defeats Our Boys, by a
Score of 8 to 1, in the Presence of
Large Crowd of Fans.
The Red Sox yesterday were swept
down to defeat before the Greenwood
team by a score of S to 1 and the
game wis one that might be char
acterized by too much Power. The
visitors came prepared to win and
carried in their lineip players who
certainly did their part in the humilia
tion of the local warriors. The work
of Mason in the box for the Sox i-i
tiie closing three innings of the game
vas good, as he id lowed only tine
scratch hit for the Greenwood team.
Connors in his innings was touched up
quite lively and a number of errors
also aided in the strong lead that the
visitors secured and held throughout
the game. Power who did the dark
work for the visitors was
in good
form and had plenty of control with
which to handle the members of th"
Hose and at no time did they threaten
seriously to take the contest. Kock-
well, for the Sox led in the batting as
he secured two of the three hits gath
ered by the Hose while Bill M a son was
able to annex the other bingle.
The Sox secured their run in the
first inings as Rockwell secured a
hit after Parriott and Beal had been
fanned out, and McGrath following
was sale on an error of ard at
short and on which Rocky was able to
tally. Koben closed the inning with a
fl.v to tnird uase-
I me visitors opened up in the sec-
ond when Knapp, long known as one
Pf the standby of the Lincoln league
team lifted one over the fence for a
nome run. cunin ionoweu wan a
drive that was not handled bv Roben
in time to retire the runner and
scored hit of Ward. Two more scores
were added in the fourth, three in the
sixth and one in the eight innings.
completing the sad story.
I he svmmary oi tne game is as
ows :
Beal, cf 4 0 1 1 0
Parriott, 3b 3 0 2 1
Rockwell, rf-lf ... 4 2 O o 0
McGrath, ss 4 0 T, 3 1
Roben, 2b 4 0 4 3 1
Herold. c 2 0 ! 1 O
Mason, lf-p 3 1 1 2 0
Connors, p 2 0 0 o 0
Craig, lb 3 O T, 1 1
Smith, rf 2 0 0 o o
Total 31 3 27 12
Roberts, cf
E. Armstrong, 2b '
Jardine, lb
Knapp. If "
Buffin, 3b 2
Ward, ss 3
C. Armstrong, rf 4
Elmen, c 4
Powers, p 4
14 2'
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wescott departed for Boston, where
they expect to spend two weeks in
visiting with their relatives in the
New England States. Mr. Wescott
will visit his old home at Cheshire,
Mass., and where his sister still lives.
This sister and Mr. Wescott are the
only two living out of a family of
twelve children, and it is needless to
say the visit will be one of much en
joyment to both the brother and sister.
A short stay will also be made at Pitts-
field, where a nephew of Mr. Wescott
is the superintendent of schools there.
Mrs. Earl C. Wescott and little son
will remain here to visit with the rela
tives and friends until the return of
Mr. atid. Mrs. Wescott from the east,
and they will then return to their
home at Los Angeles.
Mrs- Ellen Stafford of Clarinda, la.,
who was here during the Home Com-
inn- vUitW hi sister Mrs TTon rxr
j i a v .i
fe "
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