THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER. 7, 1010. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. V . Yam!:.' Copyright, 1813, by CHAPTER XXII. Final Preparations. N the followii tiny Happy Tom arrived with fifty men. "I prot t he last mother's son I cohM tind." lie explained ns l'.c warmed himself at O'Neil's stove. "Iid you pro to llcpeV" '"I did. and 1 saw the splavvus him self." "(jordon?" "lie's worse thnn we thought." Tom tapped In's shining foieheail significant ly. -Loft to let!" "What insane?" "Xothius but echoes in his dome. The- town's as empty .-is Iiis lo:inet. too. and the streets are full of slow. It's a fciprht:" "Tell me about 3Irs. Gordon." "She's quite a person," said Slater slowly. "She surprised me. She's there, alone with him and a watehnian. She does all the work, even to kipruiiu; in the wood and eoal he's too busy to help, but she won't leave him. She told use that Dan and Natalie wanted her to eome over here, but she couldn't brins: herself to do it or let them assi-t in any way.' Gordon spends all his time at his desk, promoting, writing ad, and prospectuses. He's prot a p;rand scheme. He's found thru "Hope Consolidated' is full of rich ore. but the trouble is in prettinp: it out. so he's working on a new process of extrac tion. It's a wonderful process you'd never pruess what it is. He smokes it out! He says alb he needs is plenty of smoke. That bothered him until he hit on the idea of burninpr feathers. Now he's jilanninpr to raise ducks, because they've prot so much down. Isn't that the limit? She'll Lave to lit him into a padded cell sooner or later." "Poor devil!" said O Neil. "I'm sor ry. He had an unusual mind." Slater sniffed. "I think it's pretty soft for him myself. He's made better than a standoff he lost his memory, but he saved his skin. It's funny how some men can't fall. If they slip on a banana peel somebody shoves u cushion under 'cm before they liprht. 1 never prot the best of anything. If I dropped asiocp in church my wife would divorce me and I'd pro to the electric chair. Gordon robs widows and orphans riprht and left, then ends up with a lovinp: woman to take care of him in his old acre. Why. if I even robl.ed a blind puppy of a biscuit I'd leave a thumb print on his oar or the dosr's mother would turn out to be a bloodhound. Anyhow. I'd spend my declininpc years nestled up to a rock pile with a mallet in ny mitt and a low browed gentleman scowlinpr at me from the top of a wall. He'd lean on his shotrrun and say: 'Hurry up. Tat ty. It's prettii-p: late, and there's a ton of oakum to pick.' It just goes to show that some of us are born behind the prame and never pret even, while others, like Gordon. ;uit winner, no matter how much they lose." Ilav'mp: relieved himself of this fervid homily. Happy Tom unrolled a package of puni and thrust three sticks into his mouth. "Speakincr of bad luck." he continued, "when are you going to pret married. Murray?" O'Xeil started. "Why never! It isn't the same kind of proposition n building a bridge, you know. There's a little matter of youth and prood looks that counts considerably in the mar riage business. No woman would have an old chap like me." Slater took a mournful inventory of his chief's person, then said doubtful ly: "You might put it over. Murray. 1 ain't strictly handsome myself, but I did." - I As O'Neil slipped into his fur coat, after the fat man had slouched out. he taught sight tf himself iu the prlas.s of his bureau and paused. Ho leaned forward and studied the careworn countenance that peered forth at him. then shook his head. He saw that thej hair was growing grayer, that the face wa- very plain, and yes. unquestion-j ably it was no longer youthful. Of course he didn't feel old. but the evi-j deuce that he was so admitted of no! disproof, and it was evidence of a sort which no woman could disregard. For a week the ice rose slowly, a. foot a day. and in spite of the greatest watchfulness it took the false work with it here and there. I'.ut concen trated effort at the critical points saved the structure from serious injury. Then the jam in front of Jackson prla cier. went out. at least in part, and the he began to fall. Down it settled, smoothly, swiftly, until it rested once more upon the shores. It was still as linn as in midwinter and showed no sign of breaking: nor had itvmovcd downstream a hair's breadth. O'Nei! gathered his forces for the final on slaught. On April 5 the last of the steel for span No. 1 reached the front, and erec tion ws beror?. The men fell to with U ft J Harper & Brothers. a van and an enthusiasm impo-i"o'.e to describe. With incredible rapidity the he avy sections were laid in place. The riveters K'gaii their niita'!i- -;::. The towering three bent traveler ran smoothly on its track, and end r it grew a webwork of metal, bra-ed and re-en forced to withstand. i:i addition to' ordinary strains, the pressure of a b in dred mile an hour wind. To those who looked on the structure appeared to build itself, like some dream edifice. It seemed a miracle that human ban-Is could work that stubborn metal so j swiftly and with so little effort. But every piece had been cut and tit toil carefully, then checked and placed where it was. accessible. 'Now that winter had broken sprint came with a rush. The snows Lezau to shrink and the drifts to settle. Th air grew balmier with every day; the drip from eaves was answered by the gurgling laughter of hidden waters. Here and there the boldest mountain Fides began to show. an. I the tops of alder thickets thrust themselves into sight. Where wood or metal caught the sun rays the snow retreated. l'i l of ice water lx-gan to form at r.oon. The days were long. too. j-.d no frozen winds charged out of the north. s the daylight lengthened so did the forking hours of the toilers. On April IS the span was completed. In thirteen days Melleu's lew had laid -l"i ft-tt of the heaviest Mod ever used in a brid-o of this type. But there was no halt. The material for the second section had. been assembled meanwhile, and the traveler began to swing it into p!a-e. The din was unceasing. The clash f riveters, the creak and rattle of heists, the shouts of men. mingled iu a per sistent, ear splitting clamor, and lot. t by foot the girders readied out toward the secomi monolith which rose from the river K-d. The well adjusted hu man machine was running smoothly. Every man knew his place and the du ties that went with it; the hands of each worker were capable and .killed. But now the hillsides were growing bare, rills gashed the sloping snow ! fields, the upper gullies began to rum ble to avalanches forerunners of the process thru Won! 1 stri" the earth :' sno's- and ive and free t!:. river i:i :;!; its fury. In six days X) feet more of steel had been bolted f:;st to the o;ii-" plete section, and span No. 2 was in place. But the surface of the Salmon was no longer white ami pure; it was dirty and discolored now. for the de bris which had collected daring the past "winter was exposing itself. Tin icy covering was partially inundated also. Shallow ponds formed upon it and Mere rippled by the south breo.:e. Burning waters vi every side sang a menace to the workers. Then progress ceased abruptly. It became known that a part of the mate rial for the third span had gone astray in its long journey across the conti nent. There haTl been a delay at the Pittsburgh mills, then a blockade in the Sierras; O'Neil was in Omar at the end of the cable straining every nerve to have the shipment rushed through. Mellen brooded over his uncompleted work; Parker studied the dripping hills and measured the melting snows. He stilt smiled, but he showed his anxiety ill a constant nervous unrest, and he could not sleep. At length news came that Johnny Brennan had the steel aboard his ship and had sailed. A record run was pre dicted, but meanwhile the south wind brought havoc n its breath. The sun shone hotly into the valley of the, Sal mon, and instead of warmth it brought a chill to the hearts of those who watched and waited. Twelve endless, idle days crawled by. Winter no longer gave battle: she was routed a ml in her. mad retreat she threatened to overwhelm O'Neil's for tunes. On May 0 the needed bridge mem bers were assembled, and the erect ion of span C began. The original plan had been to build this section on the cantilever princiiIe. ' as to gain in dependence of the river ice. but to d- so would have meant slow won: anil much delay an expenditure of time j which the terms of the option made! impossible. Arrangements had been made, therefore, to lay it n fal-e Work, as the other spans had. been laid, risking everything upon the weather. I As a matter of precaution the south- ! cni half of the span was couueeff-d to ; the coiimlettd portion, but before thej connection couhkjbe fully made the re-N mainder of the jam iu front of Jack-? son glacier, which had caused so umdi . trouble heretofore, went out suddenly, j and the river ice moved elown.-trcam about a foot, carrying with it the1 whole intricate system of supporting j limbers beneath the u:i omplett J -span, j Hasty measurements showed that the north end of the steel then on the fajse. work was thirteen inches out of line. It was Mr. Blaine who brought the tidinprs of this last calamity to I.Uza Appleton. From his evident anxiety she gathered that the matter was of prraver consequence than she could well understand. "Thirteen inches in l.otHl feet can't amount to much," she said vaguely. Blaine smiled iu spite of himself. "You don't understand. It's as bad as thirteen foot, for the work can't pro on until everything is in perfect align ment. That whole forest of piles must be straightened." "Impossible!" she praspel. "Why. there are thousands of them." He shook his head, still smiling i doubtfully. "Nothing is impossible to Mellen and Parker. They've begun clearing away the ice on the upstream side and driving r.ew anchor piles uove. They're going to lit tackle to them and yank the whole thing ui- stream. I never hs a:d of such a thing. but else, th e's no time to do anything ... ei T r e cast a worried look at me smid-'g sky. happen next "I wonder what will This is getting on my nerve--." Out on tl'.e river swift work was p-o-ing on. Steam from every available boiler was carried across the ice iu feed pipes, the night shaft had been roused from s!e: p. and every available man was busied in relieving the pres sure. Pile drivers hammered long tim bers into the river bed above the threatened point, hydraulic jacks were pur hi place, and steel cables were run to drum am.l pulley. The men worked sometimes knee deep in i e water, but I Imr 71il iitit i-iiO.- T t . , - rni Tl ;ltl 11.' Ui'l JJ'". II 111 :k II. V. I II . j iiaaedl! ly short time the proparaticus , were completed, a strain was put upon ' the tackle. :n:d when night t ame t h k had been pulled j ma-sn t 1 also v-or back into live and the traveler was tin i- more swinging steel into place, it was a maguhi'-ent feat, yet not one . f these con-'crned in it could feel con fident that tin- work bail not been done in vain, for the time was growing ter ribly shoit. and. although the ice seem ed solid, it was rotting fast. After the southern half of the span had been completed the warmth in creased rapkliy. Therefore the steel cre'v lengthened its hours. The nun worked from 7 o'clock iu the morning ' until 11 o'clock at night. j )n the l"th. without warning of any j sort. Oarhehl glacier began moving for- ' ward. It had lain inactive even during i the midwinter thaw which had started ! its smaller brother, but that warm j sped had evidently had its effect upon j the giant, for now he shook o.T his t lethargy and awoke. lie stirred, g-ad- j ually at tirt and without sound, as if j I-ent upon surprising tl'.e interlopers; j then his speed increased. As tin? gla- J cier advam ed it thrust the nine foot I blanket of lake ice ahead of it. and this in turn crowded the river iee d -'.vn up-.)!i the bridge. 'The movement at the camp site en the first day was only two inches, but that was sutfi cicr.tly serious. The ouet of Cariieid at this time was. of course, unexpected, for no for ward moti-m had ever 1 eon reported prior to the spring breakup. The ac tion of the ice heretofore had b-on alarming. but. now consternation spread. A panic- swept the ranks of the builders, for thi was no short lived phenomenon. This was the an nual march of the glacier ilself. which promised to continue indefinitely. A tremendous cutting edge, nine feet in thickness, like the blade of a carpen ter's plane, was being driven against the bridge by an irresistible force. Once a'min the endless thawing and chopping and gouging of ice began, but th- more rapidly the e-ucroaching edge was cut away the more swiftly did it bear down. The huge mass began to rumble: it "calved." it split, it detonat ed, and. having finally loosened itself l'ro:.-i its bed. it acquired increased mo mentum. As the men with chisel.? and ytcimpoints became exhausted others took their places, but the structural gang clung to its peivh above, aug menting the din of riveters and the groaning of blocks and tackle. Among the abh bodied men sleep now was out of the question, for the ice gained in j spite t-r every eiiort. it was ioo nue to remove the steel iu the uncomplet ed span to a place of safety, for that woul d have required more time than j to bridge the remaining gap. Piling began to buckle and bend be fore that irresistible push. The whole nicely balanced mass of metal was in da tiger of being unseated. Mellen cursed the heavens in a black fury; I'arker smiled through white lips; O'Neil ground his teeth and spurred Ids men. on. This, feverish haste brought its-penalty. On th'j evening of the 14th, when the span was more than three quarters linisbed, a lower chord section fouled as it was lifted, and two load ing beams at the top of the traveler snapped. Oji that day victory had Ik-cii in Fight. The. driving of the last bolt had been but a question of hours, a race with the sliding ice. But with the hoisting apparatus out of use work baited. Swiftly, desperately.' without i loss of a moment's time, repairs began. No regrets were voiced, no effort was made to pkre the blame, for iiiai every ... A word 1 have cnted delay, and minute counted. Lioveu hours later the broken beams were replaced and ereeiion nan recomme-nceu. But U"W for those above there was i. i iuvj mviv uniL nua.. - . . life and limb. limb- tl.f-llc::s ,re wcanlm-s; some June and danger to pause the ice had gained, and no effort 1 could relieve the false work of its . strain. All knew that if it gave way the workmen would be caught in a . !i:in: iif ! !?iTi;i 1 v.-fuvl jitnl s!-l ' From the morning of May 14 until midnight of the loth the Ironworkers j clung p their tasks. 'TUey dropped their tools and ran to their meals; they j gtilpcd their food and fled back to their posts. The weaker ones gave nt ' and staggered nway. cursed and taunt-, ed by their companions, luey were rouprh fellows and in their deep throat ed profanity was a prayer. At midnight of the 10th the last riv et was driven, but the ice had gained to such an extent that the lower chord was buckled down stream about riprht inches, and the distance was growing steadily. Quickly the traveler was shifted to the .false .work beyond the pier, and the men under Melleu's direc tion fed to splitting out the bloc-king. As the supports were chopped away the "mass began to crush the last few v.ydgos; there, rras a grreat snapping n;d retidir.g of wood, and some one. . . i,i.n.ii-ui iwiiiit tliiint ril swaiiieu ia mi; wwNiu v . t , -. "Look of. There she goes!" A crv of terror arose. The. men f.ed. fM,nr,ii., one another in their panic, But Mellen charged them like a wild shown the necessity for a great recon maii, tiring curses aud orders at them struct ive tonic. lintii they rallied. The remaining sup- ; ,1irts eYo removed: the l.oOO tons of i . metal settled into place and rested se- curclv on its foundations. v, .e . u t.i.- .- he walked the completed span from r-'cr the barricade of piling bemeatli and tearing, but he i,:... i,n,t;i,ir issued no ortM"s to remove it, for the river was doing that. In the general haste pile drivers, hoists, boilers various odds and ends of machinery aud mater al had been left where they stood. Thev were being inunudated now. Many of them were all but sub - merged. There was no possibility of saving them at present, for the men were half dead from exhaustion. As he lurched up the muddy, uneven street to his quarters Murray felt his fatigue like a heavy burden, for ho had been sixty hours without sleep. "Look out! There she goes!" lie saw Slater and Appleton and tho rest of his -boys,"' he saw Natalie and Eliza, but he was too tired to speak to thorn r to grasp, what they said. Ho heard the workmen cheering Mellen and I'arker and himself. It was very foolish, he thought, to cheer, since the river had so nearly triumphed and the fmal test was yet to come. He fell upon his bed clothed as he was." An hour later the false work beneath span 3 collapsed. Although the bridge was not yet fin ished, the most critical point of its construction had been passed, for the fourth and final portion would be built over shallow water, and no great diffi culties were to be expected even though the ice went out before the work was Gnished. But Murray had made his promise and his boast to complete the structureMwithin a stated time, and he was determined to live up to the very letter of his agreement with the trust. As to the result of the breakup he had no fear whatever. Por once nature aided him. She seemed to smile as if in approval of his steadfastness. The movement of the channel ice became irregular, spas modic, but it remained firm until the last span had been put in place. (To r:e Continued.) FOR SALE My well improved forty acres, 1 mile west of court house. Inquire of A. W. Smith. 9-7-lmowkly Sale.-? bills aono quickly at the Journal. Advance Sale Notice Pedigreed Duric Jersey Swine at Publi Auction! i n .wonoay, ecioocr 10, j ji i win 'se!! at Public Auction ''to the highest . 11 1 ..i l t r I :il bidder about 100 ht-f.d of Iurc bred Iro Hi e?dme" foardr,. Gilts. Rret! sows, sorr.e open sows, sows with lit- P'ffs that will make nice breed- ir animcls by January 1st. Every thir.7 will be sold as I will c'st-ontinuc breeding Du rocs for ihc present. Call and see my ani:ials. W. B. PORTER, Mynard, fieb. DISTANT PARTS OF EARTH HAVE BEEN SEARCHED Products cf Every Country in the World Hae Been Tes'rd for Tanlac Ingredients. With the epidemic of stomach trouble, catarrh, kidney and live" ail ments that sweep o'er the country irom time to time, mere was plainly As this need became more and irore nrn;irent. learned minds set to vo"' ii to pather the ingredients for Lhis tonic one that would answer the pur- , of a neral reconstructive tis- d , , , , , '-' ououei u..m j The yield of the earth was carefully tested; the mineral, the animal and . thc vegetable products, and. afr careful analysis it was admitted '.hat , vcjretabfe kingdom possessed the i wr i i ; j much-sought-for elements, because u 1 contained more life-giving properties, j To this end even the most remote pints of the world were searched for j vegetable ingredients to make the fri.tsf ,.rf(insi, rtive tonic known to man; such was the birth of Tan lac. That Tanlac has surpassed even the greatest expectation is n-oven a hun dred, yes, a million times, by the i statements from people who hfave ! taken it for indigestion, dizzy spells, j sleeplessness, lheurnatism, backache, j neuralgia, stomach, kidney and liver j ailments. These statements contain over whelming evidence in favor of Tanlac. They prove beyond a question of a doubt the reconstructive powers of Tanlac. They show facts to minds that are in the least skeptical. They leave no room for anything but the truth; that Tanlac is a wonderful builder. Tanlac is being specially introduced in Plattsmouth at the Mauzcy Drug Company. Tanlac may also be obtained in Springfield, at H. Ficgenbaum's store, and in Weeping Water at the Meier Drug Co. 4- I Beacon J Louis Peterson of Iowa is visiting his son, John Peterson, this week. , James Story of Lincoln, is visiting at the home of his daughter. Mrs. D. B. Thorp ami family. Mrs. Wm. Christepherson, who has been taking treatment at a Lincoln hospital, returned home Friday after noon. Dewey Ileadley arrived here from Oklahoma the first of the week for an extended visit with relatives. The Misses Marjorie and Lola Carr returned home Saturday of last week from a three weeks' trip in Colorado. Mrs. Mamie Hudson and daughters returned home Thursday afternoon from a month's visit with relatives at University Place and Walton. Jesse Wall returned home the latter part of last week from Franklin county, where he has been running a threshing outfit for the past few weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carr and Mar vin and Meryl, returned home Wednes day from an auto trip through Mis souri. They report good roads and a pleasant trip. Mrs. Ed Hamilton ami daughter of Plymouth, Neb., arrived here Satur day of last week for a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Louise Wachter and other relatives. C. S. Trurr.ble returned home Mon day morning from a visit with rela tives in California. Charley reports a very pleasant trip. He also reports that the condition of his brother is not much improved. 13 YEARS HANDLING GRAIN AND SEEDS. We will pay top market price for timothy seed, red clover seed, alfalfa, pop corn, millet and other field seeds. Send your samples to us. Edward Battling Seed Co., Nebraska City, Neb. 9-7-1 twkly Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by le'-ai epplications. as they cannot reach th diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one v. ay to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional rttnedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous linin; of th Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely cloacJ. Deafness is the result. Unless the In:iai;.maUoii can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearinr v;-ill bs destroyed forever, iiany cases of deafnrns are caused by catarrh, which is an inCamcd condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the eystem. We will give One Hundred Dollars for sny care of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists, 75o. F. J. CUE.NEY & CO.. Toledo, O. THE OMAHA Y. M. C. A. Commercial School DAY AND NIGHT OPEN M onday, September 11th Business Shorthand. Banking Typewriting Civil Service Combined Business Salesmanship and Shortland Three R's or Elementary English Catalog containing full information regarding outline of courses, athletic, gymnasium classes und employment sent free upon request. Address Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, Omaha, Nebr. SLocal information may be secured from C. A. Rawli, State Committeeman or E. H. Wescott, Corres. Member. NOTICE. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the estate of Har mon Bestor, deceased. Notice is hereby given that at the oflice of the County Judge in the court house, Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, on the 2nd day of October, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Ada R. Bestor to admit to probate the last will and testament of Harmon Bestor, late of the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, deceased; and for letters testamentary to be issued to Ada R. Bestor, and for a decree of the court finding who all the heirs of said deceased arc. Dated this 30th day of August, PJ16. By the court. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge 3wks PROPERTY FOR SALE. Seven-room house, two big lots, well located. About five and one-half blocks from main part of city. Ce ment cellar, electric lights, city water. For sale cheap. McKnight & Haney, Glenwood, la. 329 ACRES FOR SALE. Twenty-three miles east of North Platte. Neb., on Lincoln highway. Three miles to good town, all in the bottom, the best of black loan and every foot of it fine alfalfa land. Plenty of fine prairie hay and alfalfa on it now. Must be sold quick, $33 per acre, only for thirty days. Terms. C. D. Schleicher, 314b' South 16 st., Omaha, Neb., Telephone Tyler 905. 2t a week in d tf ; It w. William Starkjohn and S. II. Shoe maker departed on the special this morning for Lincoln, to take in the state fair and enjoy the sights of the capital city. W. II. Seybert and wife were in the city yesterday, from the vicinity of Cullom, to attend to some trading with the merchants. We have added school supplies in our big cut price sale. It will pay you to see them before buying. Cres cent Pharmacy. Mrs. A. B. Taylor and Mrs. Mary Sullivan- were among those going to Lincoln this morning1, where they will spend the day visiting with friends and attending the state fair. Hove you looked at the bargains offered at the Crescent Pharmacy? No? Then you are missing some thing. Please be fair to yourself, and to us. Look these over. A. F. Seybert and wife and daugh ter. Miss Ethel, and John McNurlin motored to Omaha yesterday, where thev visited for a few hours in that city enjoying the sights. Barber Shop! HOTEL RILEY Plattsmouth, Nebraska f First-Class Service 1 Only Public Bath IN THE CITY Shoe Shining and Porter Service. Tel. 200 throe rlng-e Siiellenbarger & Atkinson, f PROPRIETORS t 1' I i I '1 1 1 1 ! t i l 1 1 A ! i I ! 'f - - i . i tiii: oivrmcT -omit 01 tin; roi.vrv ok i. M-:iiiiKA. .loiiniui l'axtcr. Plaint I.T. vs. Vnrn 10. You us. hIso known as Clara Kl en Youiik ;t al., I of etilants. ! if Suit t tlulrt Title. To tho defendants dam V.. Young known as Clara Ktlin You tit; John I oo Youiiji. lirst real name un known: husband or widower of Clara I-:. Yoiinw also known as Clara 101 leu Ynun: Clara K. Younsr Ioe. real name other than Clara Yl. Vounc unknown; John loe. first and teul name unknown, hushund or widower of Clara K. Young Doe: the unknown heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal represent! Ives and all other persons interested in the estate of Clara K. Young also known as Clara Kllen Young, otherwise described Mara K. Young Ine. real name other than Ciara 10. Ynunr unknw,ifj deceased; llu? unknown heirs, dc JiM'ts, legatees, per sonal rrprc-cnialivey and sll o'licr per sons interest) d i:i the estate of loi'a I Young. ri!t -eal name unknown, lc eased; the unknown heirs, devibees, legatees, peinuial representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of John I oe. first real name un known, deceased; Samuel H. Jones, also) known as S. H. Johes. Mrs. Samuel II. .lodes, lirst real namo unknown; the unknown heir, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Samuel H. Jones also known as S. H. Jones, del eeased;' the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the es tate of Mrs. Samuel II. Jones, flrat real name unknown, deceased: I'ackard Miller, a partnership composed of Spen cer I'ackard and Jason G. Miller ? Spen cer I'ackard. Klecta 1'uckard: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representative and all other persons Interested in the estate of Spen cer I'ackard, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons In terested in the estate of Klecta Pack ard, deceased: Jason ;. Miller. Mary P. filler; tha unknown heirs, devisee, leg atees, personal representatives and nil other persona interested in the ektate of Jason . Miller, deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives und all other per sons interested in the estate of Mary I Miller, deceased; John It. Clark: Amelia B. Clark; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representative and all other persons interested in the es tate of John It. Clark, deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Amelia R. Clark, deceased: the unknown heir. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons Interested in the estate of Susanah Iirake, deceased; Ixuis. K. .Cole also known as Lewis V. Cole: Clara K. Cole; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested In the estate of I 11 is F. Cole, also known as Lewis K. Cole, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all oilier persons In terested In the estate of Clara K. Col-, deceased: William I Gray: Mary K. Moore, lOtta Moore, Isabelle Moore and the unknown owners and lite unknown claimants of fractional lota six (6), ami seven (7). in the northeast quarter (NKl-t) of the northwest quarter (NWl-H of section twenty-four :M. township eleven (11), north range thirteen (131. east of the fith I. M. in the County of Cass, Nebraska. You are hereby notified that oti April 19. A. I.. 1916. plalntlir tiled her suit In the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, to uulet plaintiff's title to the alove described lands, to-wit: fractional lots six (61. and seven 7. in the northeast quarter (NK1-4) of llm northwest quarter (KWId) of section twenty-four (2t. township eleven U 1 , north range thirteen IU), east of tle 6th P. M. in the County of Cass, Ne braska, localise of her adverse posses sion by herself and her grantors for more than ten years prior to the com mencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title. Ilen or Inter est, either legal or equitable. In or to .said lands or any part thereof; to re quire you to set forth your right, title, claim, lien or Interest therein. If an v. either legal or equitable, and to hav the same adjudged inferior to the title or plaintiff and for general equitable relief. This .notice is made pursuant to the order of the Court. Yau are required to answer said pe tition on or !efore Monday. October -.. l. 191. or your default will be duly entered therein. JOANNA BAXTKR. A. KOKIORTSON. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, 88. la V-.unty court. County of Cass. In the matter of theostate of Ben jamin F. Horning, Deceased. To all persons interested Your are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court the report of the Executrix of said estate, to gether with her petition for final set tlement and her discharge as such Eecutrhx. That a hearing will be had upwi said report and petition before thii court on the 18th day-of September, 1916, at ten o'clock a. m. in the County- Court Room at Plattsmouth, in saiJ county. ' That all objections thereto, if any, ' must be filed with said Court on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of County Court of said County this 7th day of September, 1916. Allen J. Belson, County Judge. 1 wk. (Seal.) ,