pact: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER, 7, 1 1) 1 C. VLA TTSMOUTI1 SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. i 9 i .. j r- I - II f.EERASKA P3D5FERITY LEAGUE A Statewide. Noipctisan ' Organization of Tux- Pmtrs VICE-PnrtSIDENT3 VESL.CV P. ADK MS COUTH OMAHA JOHN ALPFRTJON MLCHANT. FCNDXR DR. C. C. ALLISON CEORGE ANT1L INVESTMENTS. IlAIH Z. M . BAIR3 " 1 HARTINOTON J. L. BAKER MANUFACTURCt J. W. BENPCS I FARMER. HUHPNRfT ALFRED pr? ATT 1 INViSTMENTI, SCNOA CAS. H. BROV.'N . REAL ESTATE INVEITMENTI W-: J. 6 UR5ESS HABRY V. BUKKLEV PAINTER W. M. BUSHMAN TORA9I ALBERT CAHN MANUFACTURE LOUIS E. CEETS STOCK MAN. KEAHNIT . M. FA ! n F I Ek. D HEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS JOHN N. FBEMra RE AL ESTATE INVESTMENTS EjR. R. GIL-MORE RMr!iC!AN ANO lUBStOH T. V. GCLJEN CAPITALIST, r- NT!LL FERDINAND HAAKMANN VASUrACTURIR J. J. HANISHtN C 3NTRACT3H . FRFD P. HUNKCn (TTr'RNEY. W'ft POINT FRANK P JOHNSON CAHA TRiNTINa CO. C. J. KARBACM INVESTMENTS HON- J. T. KFELEY SALENTINS P. J. K "LLY fc'rRCHANT. N'OBAA FRANK B. KENNAi:n CAPITALIST JACOB Kl.F'M Utt-MANT. BEATRICE B LJ r t ATT A RANCH OWNFR. TEKAMAM E. M. F. L:FL:n CAPITALIST O. V. . MEGEATH Coal. rRf RATOi JOHN A. M?HRACH- INVESTMENTS. WYMORS lOPH'JS F. NEBLE PUBLISHER FRANK A. HVi R1lr3 r-St. rALLI C1TT J. J. NOVAK BANXER. WILIER J. J. O'CONNOR ATTORNEY CFOrr.r PARR MERCHANT NEBRASKA ClTf . HON. V.A-5CIN L PURfY LANOCWNE. MADiSON THEO-O'IF KEIMER3 S:AN. FLLLERTK CARL FOK5S FT!0 FAREft COLUSEJE JOHN c RJilwKY PUBLISHER J. C RCTH IN.fT"R. FPfXJNt John schindll; STANTON W H. ECHMOLLER JOBBER THEDPPRe H. SFRK STCMAN. NELIOM a E. sh u k e. RT UANUFACTURIR HARRY E . 6IHAN WINSiDS PAUL F. fcKlvn MANUFACTURES A. F. SMITH JOBBER N. A. SFIE'BERCFH V.- M L r ? A L E R h;s. p. f. hCfFCLK V. I : I- I A '.1 T O F K i ; r. . t :'Tutr,: 3. ARIMGTOM K3!-:ST C. tTRTHLOW c".tia:tor cFr--,-p tv i l n I . .' ' - - WF . " . HASTINGS A J '. : f- -- L . PTES F A - ' J R VTINO I R . ' T 3 ( Thi:-"-- v. : r .- .: -i : - . . ri , a . Aurora C B. V .'. L? V A " " . - . RANT. TLPH e. . V. O-F.i ' ' H V-'-'f. rfN3 ISLAND t .! V. T.l :'-TT K, ECH'.T CENTRAL C:TE Hf.. ctto zf:lc.v MAYOR. SHUVLIR C ps E s V7 fej l i4ip Li Lt Ubi Vs id ki IS fcS Prohibition has not solved the crime problem in Kansas. The best evidence on this point is found in the First Biennial Report of the State Board of Corrections of Kansas. (The Latest available printed official report.) We reproduce herewith from page 25 of the Kansas report the list of new prisoners (605) received at the Kansas State Penitentiary during the two-year period ending June 30, 1914, and the character of crimes committed. Tallo S. For Biennial Period, Ending .Tune 30, 1914 Committed 4 3 o Ad 1 1 13 Charsrleroi Crime N Arson Arson, fourth degree Arson, third decree Abduction Attempt, false pretense.. Adultery Assault with intent to kill Assault with intent to commit manslaughter 4 Assault with intent to commit rape 1 Assault with intent to rob 1 Assault with deadly wenpon 4 Attempt to commit burglary, first degree 2 Attempt . to commit robbery, first degree Attempt to commit robber, third degree Attempt to commit burglary, third degree Attempt to commit rape Attempt to comnut robberv, . 3 . 1 . 1 .10 fir, st derree . Bigamy . Eluckmail Burglary, first degree. Biirrk second decree. . - . . AJ . 1 .42 .33 and 21 1 Burglary, third degree... Burglary, second deirree larceny Burglary, second degree and jail breaking Burglary, first degree and larceny 2 Burglary, third degree and lar ceny Concubinage Crime against nature Concealing mortgaged property Enticing child G o 3 O 1 Character of Crime Embezzlement Escaping custody False pretense Felonious ult Forgery, first degree Forgery, second degree Forgery, third degree Forgery, fourth degree Gaming house Gambling Grand larceny Great bodily harm Incest breaking Larceny from dwelling Larceny from person Larceny from railroad Larceny of domestic animals . . IIanslaughter, first degree Manslaughter, second degree. .Manslaughter, third degree... Manslaughter, fourth degree.. Iilisuse of mails Murder, first degree Murder, second degree Nonsupport Perjury Rape Receiving stolen property Robbery, first degree Robbery, second degree Robbery, third degree Selling liquor Selling mortgaged property... Wife desertion White slavery Total - - - u. Committed 7 1 15 9 .-. 4 35 8 3 O -t-t 1 123 14 o 7 8 4 . . . ' .24 .. 1 7 11 .. 3 .. 3 . . ..14 ..15 .. 5 .. 1 ..19 .. 4 ..2G 1 . . ..17 o . . J .. 8 ..17 COS Local Option and High License Mean Regulation. Pro hibition breeds the unregulated alley joint. The alley joint breeds criminals. he Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSKD TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN I A OR OF LOCAL OPTION. HIGH LICENSE President, I.. T. CEIOFOOT Treasurer, V. J. COAD Secretary, J. B. HAYNES Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA - N I! - Si i KANSAS COUPLE MARRIED AT GGOP.T HOUSE YESTERDAY I Y-f ttnlay County Jui'IlTv 1 U'C.-on vu.- caHed ti'i t ;T:ri;;te at two very l!ea.-ant weddings at his o'Tice in th'j eoiirt housf, find joined two couple.? in hi- usual piCasri.LT inar.iKT in the i.'.imIs of wedlock. The fnt corple married were Mr. Thomas Y'"dhou;--e and Katie Kusy. hoth :f Cui.r, Kan.. who .soupflit ut the jud:-c to huve the nuptial knot tied. Harry Fred Kuhl and Mi; s IUuiuh Florence Lee of Pa cifi;" .luneiicn v.ere the second couple to. he joined i:i v.c::lock 1-y the court, and departed lor their home in Mill? ''Uimy rej iicincr in their new found happiness. Mr. Kuhl is employed on the farm of James W. Srtire, south of Pacific June ticn. while the bride is one of the most popular younjr ladies in that section of Mills countv. VIOLENT BAIH ANO WIND STORM HERE ON LAST EVENiNl FOR S A LE inv. male pig. Inquire el C. E. Ile'Jmer, Xehawha, Xch. - i-7-lmowkiy A Special w eave Ate FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE! Wool Robes FOR AUTOS! -t AUTO ROBES FOR SALE BY n E fT2 Th f'i Implement Dcrierar.d Dogc Brothers' Cars. vKiJw -if - T V V . A. i Tiiis section ( f Cass county was vis ited hy ore of the heaviest storms of the summer last nicrht between 7: and i o'clock and while the rainfall in this city v:is only slight a few miles south of here the storm was most in- tense and accompanied bv a h:$rh wind. !The rain came down in sheets and in ithe nei'hboikood of Pock Diuiis iinr; several miles north the corn suffered a irreat (leal from both the wind and rain nrd on h.illsiees r. jrreat deal was washed out. Hock Creek was filled to overflowing by the deiuo and in places overflowed the low lands caus ing a rev.t deal f.f damage. Several of the farmers suffered the loss of poultry from the rain and hi;rh water while the apple tree.-; in a number of localities were stripped ,f their fruit. .t tht farm of Lafe Nelson, five mi'es south of the (iv a .ere at deal of his corn was blown d' and at the home of Commissioner Julius Pitz his corn was reported as heinr darnaired bv the torm. During tiie caily part of the evening the storm looked very b".d and the . residents of this city feared that we were to be vi.-ited by a heavy wird and rain storm but it travelled .son -J. of rhe town before breaking in its full fury. A number of the residents of the county who were at Lincoln at tending the :V.ate fair experienced dif ficulty in returning especially those tesidinir in the southeast part of the county and several were caught here by the storm and compelled to remain over .-ii;rht. 3REENV0GD BASE BALL TEAM WILL 3E HERE NEXT SUNDAY Stewart's Phonographs, only ?5.00, at Davvson's, Plattsmouth, Neb. Creejnwood will send their base ball team flown next Sunday to undertake to demonstrate the prreat rational sport to the Red Sox of this city, nd from all reports the team from the west side city will be one that will be a real one in every way and a stronp: contender for the prate receipts. The Greenwood team had expected to be here on the opening day of the fall festival, but owinjr to the bad weather was forced to let the date pro, and will try to please the crowd Sunday. The team that is promised will be a pood one and one that will make the Sox cret up and po some to beat and should be a real drawing- card for the day. It is expected that a larpe delega tion will accompany the Greenwood team to this city and demonstrate the loyalty of the fans of that place to their team. The. result of the four-srame series last week and Monday, with a three to one result for the Red Sox, is cer tainly verv pleasinpr to the fans, and they are looking forward with interest to the struggle with Greenwood, as it is the first time in several years that this city has sent a ball team here to play. Local News FOUND. Kit of auto tools. th owner may have same by calnng on me and pay ing for this advertisement and prov ing property. Roy Howard. From Tuesday's Dally. Miss Lequessa Nye, of Alliance, has been visiting at the Benschoter home in this city during the Home Coming. L. A. Tyson of Elmwood came in yesterday to attend the republican banquet and remained over today to visit with his friends. James Terryberry, one of the lead ing farmers of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct, was here last evening and at tended the republican banquet. Dell Hudson departed this morning for Crete this morning in response to a message announcing the serious con dition of his father in that city. T. L. Murphy, wife and little daughter of Omaha were here over the Home Coming, departing this aft er noon for their home in the big citv. J. II. I'usche of near Cedar Creek accompanied by his son, Clarence, came in this morning to attend the meeting of the board of county commissioners. Attorney C. L. Graves of Union was here yesterday afternoon to take ii the base ball game, and incidentally, the republican banquet at Coates' hall for a few hours. Rev. J. H. Steger departed this morning for Tecumseh, Neb., where he proes to attend the conference of the Evangelical church being held in that city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Upton, of Union, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lynde, of Springfield, Mo., were in the city for a few hours Saturday afternoon at tending the Home Coming. Dr. T. J. Todd and wife and son departed this afternoon for their home at Kearney after an over Sunday visit here with relatives and friends and en joying the Home Coming. Bert Despair, of Colorado Springs, Colo., who was here visiting during the Home Coming with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Despain, departed this afternoon for his home. Frank Boedeker, cashier of the Ne hawka State bank, came in last even ing from his home to spend a few hours here attending the republican banquet and calling upon his friends. "George Murray returned home Sat urday from Hot Springs, Ark., where he has been for the past few months taking treatment for rheumatism, and feels much better since return ing. Augurt Panska and August Standc-r, two of the prominent farmers of near Louisville, were in the city today for a few hours, attending to some matters with the board of county commission ers. George Brinklow of San Antonia, Tex., is here enjoying a visit with his relatives and friends and on his re turn home will be accompanied by Mrs. Brinklow, w ho has been spending the summer here. Miss Mary Hcnogtr and Miss Ai na and Chas. Weide'ourg, from near Weeping Water, who have been vislt- irg for the past week at the home of Iiss Gladys Sttinhauer. returned to their home Sunday. E. J. Harvey of Charles City, la.. who has been here visiting with his nephew, C. A. Harvey and family, departed this afternoon for Omaha for a few days' visit and will then re turn to this city to visit over Sundar. E. C. Mickey, of Osceola, and a mem ber of the board of control of the Masonic Home was a visitor here over Sunday going to Omaha this morning to attend the board meeting-. Mr. Mickey is a son of Ex-Governor J. II. Mickey. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz and Mr. and Mrs. John Livingston from near Iihica, Neb., were Plattsmouth visit us Sunday and Monday, driving dow i in the auto to spend a portion of the Home Coming celebration in Plattsmouth, Mrs. Julia Thomas and sons, G. B. and A. E. came down from their home in Omaha Saturday evening to attend the Home Coming, and while here were guests at the home of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Monte Franks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Hagood, all from near Car son, la., were in the city yesterday visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, west of Plattsmouth. They drove over Sun day and returned home yesterday ow ning. L. D. Hiatt and wife came up from .Murray this morning and departed this afternoon for Lincoln to attend the state fair and from there they will go to Rising City to visit D. W. Hiatt and family. Mr. Hiatt is the eldest brother of Demmie and a pieasant visit is anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Franks and lit tle daughter, Aura Loune, returned home Friday ,'cxeninjr from an ex tended trip through the Black Hills and Opal, S. D., where they visited v.ih the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Franks and their many ; friends. While there they looked after their land interests. Miss Alma Larson spent Labor day with her sister, Mrs. R. E. Foster and family, near Union. Ed Steppatt of Blair arrived Satur day to visit with his relatives and friends in this locality for a few days. Florence H. McCarty of Union was in the city last evening attending; the republican banquet and visiting with friends. James Rishel and wife returned to their home at Glenwood this morning, after an over Sunday visit in this city with relatives. Editor Lee Mayfield and J. M. Hoover of Louisville were here last evening taking; in the republican ban quet at Coates' hall. Hon. W. H. Newell departed yester day morning for Marquette, Neb., where he will attend to a few matters at his ranch near that place. Rev. J. H. Presson of Lincoln, one of the pioneer ministers of Platts mouth, was here Sunday to attend the Home Coming service at that church. Mis. John Ewirg and little daught er of Marysville, Mo., arrived yester day morning for a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Claus Speik, sr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Li-lin-tT of Omaha came down to this city Satur day morning: arI -spent the dy with Mr. Lehnhoff's mother and sister, Mi. ; Tillie, and to attend the Home Coming; festivities. J. I. Hild and mother, Mrs. Mary Hild of Pekin, III., who have been at through the statu visiting" with tht ir relatives and friends came in Satur day to enjoy a visit at the home of .Mr. i.nd Mrs. Henry -Horn, in the vicinity of Cedar Creek. Mr. and Mrs." Floyd Richard,-.. n ai,: the proud parents of a brand i v seven and a half pcund baby b-'.v, which arrived at their home thi . morning at 7 o'clock. The mother and little son are reported as getting along very nicely, while Floyd is wealing the smile that won't come off. D. C. Oclin and wife, from i:eir Watson. Mo., were here for a few days' visit during the homo coming time. They came up last Saturday and visited during- the time at tin home of their daughter, Mrs. Ma'-: Pries. While here Mr. ()!in w;., a pleasant caller the Journal ol'ic J. C. Thvgeson and famiiv of Ne- briL-L-'J I if I M'i-H'i C.-.. ..... and Labor day, vh-iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White ar.d family. Lee Johnson, wife and two children of Stella, Neb., arrived Saturday for a short visit here at the home of Mrs. Johnson's-mother, Mrs. James IligLy and family. Fred W. Lea nh off and family of Omaha were here Saturday .--pending the day with their old friend.-: a'.d enjoying the pleasures of the Home Coming festivities. Misses Sophia Chaloupka. Susie Bitner, Edith Kelley, Mary and Marie Eiran departed yesterday morning for Omaha where they- spent the day vis iting with friends. - Frank McNurlin and family of Eight Mile Grove were in the city yes terday taking in the Labor day cele bration and visiting- with their many friends for a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. John Manners ot Grand Island, wdio motored in from their home for a visit at tjie home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manners, have departed for their home. James Kir.kaid and family of Coun cil Bluffs came down Saturday even ing and visited over Labor day here with their relatives and friends, and enjoyed the holiday very much. Miss Anna Has-ler departed Sun day morning for Lincoln, where : he enjoyed an over Sunday visit with her brother. Will Hasslcr and family and other friend? in that locality. Glenn Rutledge cf the Nehawka News, was here Saturday, attending the great fall festival and also taking in the base ball game between the Red Sox and the Omaha Gas company. Paul Outland and wife of Omaha returned home yesterday morning after a visit in this city over Sunday with relatives and friends and enjoy ing the Home Coming celebration. P. H. Meisinger and wife and son Carl, and daughter, Mir-s Lena, were in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after a few matters of busi ness and taking in the celebration. Elmer Hallstrom of the Murray State bank, who has been visiting over Sunday and Labor day with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hallstrom, 'departed this morning for his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tutt of Murray were in the city yesterday for a few hours, visiting with their friends and enjoying; the Labor day exercises. Isaac Cecil, wife and children, who have been in Illinois for the past two weeks enjoying their vacation and out ing, returned home yesterday morn ing and report a most delightful time. Miss Marie Bookmeyer departed yesterday morning for Omaha where she will take up her work as a teacher in the South Side schools in that city in the domestic science department. Misses Lucile and Helen Gass who have been attending the University of Montana summer school at Mis soula, Mont., returned home Monday and Miss Lucile will resume her work in the schools here. Hon. Francis E. Write and family of Omaha were among the old resi dents visiting here over Home Com ing and enjoying the society of their many friends and relatives. Miss Nellie Ilawksworth, who has been spending the summer months at Burlington, la., with her relatives and friends, returned home yesterday morning to take up her work in the schools. Mrs. Chas. L. Creamer, who has been visiting- for the past five weeks at the home' of her mother, Mrs. Lucy J. Martin and daughter, Miss Liilie, in San Jose, Calif-, returned home Sunday morning. She reports her mother, Mrs. Martin, who has been quite sick for the past few months, improving at the time the left for home. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cobb and fam ily, of Chapman, Neo., are in PlaM--mouth visiting at the hoiac of lii- ir duuekter, Mrs. Ik P. Stewart. T hex drove down in their auto, and v. ill re turn via Omana tomorrow, when- tiu-y will make a brief vi it. Mr. and Mr.-. Cob! .-ii re.-n oi Ch;:o.;.M about two years, moving there i'!-n thi city. While here Mr. Cobb v.. a pleasant, caller at the Jourind o-'; . Mr. !! i Mrs. Abrrtn Wik-y and ,v Mr. and Mrs. John Wiley of liu-bo-i, v. e re lure visitintr amortr f n o.i and rei.'.iivi .' eurin.; the lb :.. -,i, ir.g we k. Ti' y p-ve in S:io. !,, ..- -, .. ai'.' v Hi -. an-i ret u rneu ! "i i- ..ioriiav ever t.'.ik-e a L'a:-:art n that everything m Led (It a. re iooi:n. ; : guests at the iv-nu Wiley, south of t'.i- ,!r. Wi i'i and an 1 e if j ! Mr From Vf-Jn.liivV r.-llv. Gold Rice and Gait Kh. are ta! - ing in the stale fair this v,ek. Miss Martha Va'lery e: m- ir. ; town yesterday to commer: he: in the high scire;); in this t i;y. Miss I It "it Phi.' pot of Ys (;.: Water is in tire city enjoying a i. -.' at the home of Mi-. aT.d Mi. Willi. .i : Iittnter. Dori- Valiery returned horn .-.!; spending the week at I'lattsmo ,th. tending institute and preparing to Li ke up her wo; : ,-f teaching. August Pautsch. ;f!;.esov of Cent- . precinct, was in the city today look ing after a few matters of ha ',;, -at the court house with the nra.: -sionei s. A. Becker of Union motou.i to tl i city yesterday aftc noon t-. at U i:d some important burir.e . s niattei s. and while here was a pleasant caller at this office. Gooige Llojd. from ti e xici'd'y of Mm ray, was among those gob.g to Lincoln this morning, v. h re he will visit for the day looking over the big state fair. Mollis Lloyd came up from Muriay this morning to spend a few hour.-. Morris has ju.-t returned, home from the ho.-toital, where he was operated on for appendicitis. Adam Mtlsincrcr of near Cedar Creek was in the city yesterday for a short time, attending to a few mat ters of business at the court house and calling on his friends. C. A. Miller of near Cre ighion. N'eb., who has been here vi-iting with hi many old friends during the lbme Coming festival, ulcparted this morn ing for his home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sheehy and dau-ld-er, Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ik Conexn and sen. Richard of Omaha, motored down and spent Labor t'.a.v with J. R. Vail cry and family. R. B. Moffett and wife were amot g those going to Lincoln this morning to attend the state fair, that i-; being held there this week, ami they v.irl enjoy the day there with friend-. Joseph Jelinek and family of (), aha, Joseph Chutka and family, Jo--eph Vrrzl and family and Jamr.; Dvorak and family of Limb-ray, N (.., were visitors at the Joseph Jcii.nck home over Sunday and Monday. Carl Holmberg departed this aft r noon for Lincoln, to attend the .-'affair, and after a few tlayr, th r vol go to Loup City, rear where he b some land interests, and will then visit at Wausa for a short time. Mrs. Julius F. Ragoss of Louisvi!'-.-. and daughter, Mrs. E. II. Rc i.- and little daughter of Kingrsley, la., v. in are visiting at the Ragoss ho-r, c;mii. down to this city on the morning train and spent the day visiting friend.r. , Cured Her Two Little Girl.?. Mrs. Ada Sander.-', Colior.Iou Tenn., writes: 'Ve use Foley's Honey and Tar as our bc-t and only con gh remedy. It never fails to cure my two litle sirls when they have cr d-.' Relieves hoarsenes-, tickling throat, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, C! t p, Sold everywhere.