The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1916, Image 1

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    verything fiincr in pjne Shape for the Big Automobile ParadeThursday, August 31
Neb fitato Historical Boc
No. 124
Practically 4.000 People Killed Last
Yar By Careless Driving at
Railroad Crossings.
From Friday's Dally.
I)o you drive a motor car? If so,
jut run over these questions:
Have you noticed that many driv
ers cross railroad tracks without look
ing or listening1 for trains? Thou
ands risk their lives this way every
day. Yourself do you look and
Trusting: to luck at railroad cross
ings because of recklessness or ig
norance or sheer failure to realize
that a train may be coming do you
trust to luck?
When a train comes at that mo
ment, as happens not infrequently, the
trainmen are suddenly confronted
with an auto or team on the track
with no chance to avoid hitting it.
Result deaths, injuries, sorrow, vain
regrets. Are you paving the way
for this?
The railroads recognize their re
sponsibilities and are every year im
proving as many crossings as possible.
"What is your responsibility?
Responsibility lies upon every driv
er of auto rr team to know the way
is safe. Yet 3.894 persons were killed
or injured last year because drivers
trusted that somehow providence
would look out for them. Many had
passengers in their car. Do you pro
tect your passengers?
The above is a reproduction taken
from a card circulated by the Bur
lington Route in their Safety First
Campaign. These cards are being
tacked up in conspicious places in gar
rges and every other establishment
where they are liable to catch the eye
of the motorist.
Look and listen at the railroad cross
ings, and if in doubt about the way
l-eing safe stop and investigate. That
is the safe way to do it. Do you
do it that way?
With the ever increasing numDers
of automobiles in use. it is necessary
to adopt stringent measures to pro
tect the lives of the general public.
The railroads over the country are
giving much time and attention to
this problem but are helpless unless j
the co-operation of the motorist i-
fori h com in"-.
1 he driver of an automobile should
read the above carefully; adopt the
suggestions made therein, he will be
doing his full share toward saving
practically four thousand lives during
the vear.
From Friday' Dallv.
Judge Begley, while in the city this
morning, held a very pleasant business
session of the district court and took
'up several matters of importance
that were demanding his attention.
In the case of Frank W. Sivey vs
the Plattsmouth Ferry company, et
al., the default of all defendants was
entered and a decree quieting title to
the property of the plaintiff was given
by the county.
In the suit for divorce of Ray E.
Smith vs. Grace II. Smith, the default
of the defendant was entered and a
decree of divorce on the grounds of
cruelty was awarded the plaintiff, as
well as the custody of the minor child.
The divorce suit of May M. Mairs
vs. Josiah Mairs was brought to trial
and the default of the defendant en
tered, and on hearing, a decree of di
vorce on the grounds of non-support
was awarded to the defendant. The
parties in this case reside in the cen
tral part of the county.
The habeas corpus proceedings
brought by Jesse and Will Bashus
was dismissed before the court by
agreement of the parties in the case.
W. R. Young, the auctioneer, was
among those visiting in the city Sat
urday for a few hours, driving up
from his farm home to look after a
few business matters.
From Friday's Dally.
W. F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain
dealer, was taken quite sick yesterday
while en route to his office from
his home and for some time was quite
ill, but has recovered so as to be able
to be back at his duties in the ele
vator this morning. Mr. Gillespie
has been working quite hard of late
and his exertions with the heat proved
too much for him and led to the par
tial collapse of the genial gentleman.
His many friends throughout the
county will be pleased to learn that
he is showing improvement and we
trust that he may continue to recover
from the attack.
From Friday's Daily.
The enthusiasm with which the pro
posed class reunions of the Platts
mouth High school has been received
by the alumni certainly has been most
pleasing and the originators of the
movement are greatly encouraged in
their efforts towards getting all mem
bers of former classes together. The
records of the board of education have
been looked over and a full list of
the class membership from 1896 to
the present time has been secured,
which has been placed in the hands of
some member of each class, and these
members will see that each of their
classmates receive one of the circu
lars inviting them to the "Home Com
ing" and class reunion. It is planned
to make this event one of the most
pleasant in the whole fall festival and
nothing that can add to the pleasure
of the members of the classes will be
omitted. A big picnic dinner will be
staged under the spreading shade on
the school grounds on the day of the
reunion, Friday, September 1st, and
here every one will meet with the
democracy of school days prevailing
and again be just boys and girls, at
tending school at the old brick build
ing. To the former students, who
have since married and have families,
it is expected that they will bring the
families with them to take part in the
pleasant occasion. Many splendid
men and women have been turned out
of the old school on the hill and it
will be a pleasure indeed to welcome
them back to Plattsmouth once more
and to show them the changes that
have taken place here.
from Friday's Dally.
Another large crowd was present at
the park last evening to attend the
concert given by the Burlington band,
and the well arranged program was
enjoyed vtry much by every one pres
ent. The selections taken from "The
Iidnight Sons" was particularly
pleasing, as was also the medley over
ture, "Thompson's," which was re
ceived with marked approval by the
audience. The program as a whole
was one that pleased all those who
heard it, which combined the more
popular of the high standard selec
tions with a number of the lighter
and more popular numbers, giving all
music lovers a very pleasant treat.
During the "Home Coming" week
the band will be worked overtime as
they are scheduled for three concerts
each day, as well as taking part in
the parade and other special features
of the different days of the "Home
Coming." The Burlington band, while
not as large as many others, is com
posed of first class musicians and
furnishes some mighty pleasing music
wherever they are engaged.
George Schanz and family of Jen
nings, La., left their home Sunday
evening and will "arrive here either
Tuesday evening or Wednesday morn-
inf for a two or three weeks' visit
here with H. Schanz's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Schanz and other
relatives and friends.
When every pool in Eden was a mirror
That unto Eve her dainty charms
She went undraped without a single
fear or
Thought that she had need to be
'Twas only when she'd eaten of the
lhat she became inclined to be a
And found that ever more she'd have
to grapple
With the much debated problem of
the nude.
Thereafter she devoted her attention,
Her time and all her money to her
And that was the beginning of Con
And modesty, as well, I suppose.
Reaction's come about in fashions re
Now the girls conceal so little from
the men,
It would seem, in the name of all that
is decent,
Someone ought to pass the apples
'round again.
Dell Blake, Poet Laureate of
Estherville. Esterville Democrat.
ITom Friday's Daily.
This morning before Judge Beeson
in the county court, Ed, Will and
Jesse Bashus and Harvey Burke were
released under bonds of $2,500 each
for their appearance in court on Tues
day, when they will be given a pre
liminary hearing on charges preferred
against them by County Attorney A.
a coie. ;
The hearing set for the habeas cor
pus proceedings was not held as it
was dismissed by the attorney for the
Bashus boys, R. W. Patrick of South
Omaha, following the dismissal of the
charge of assault with intent to do
great bodily injury on William Wil
son, a member of the police force, on
August 6th.
The dismissal of the first charge
was followed by the filing of a sec
ond complaint against the three young
men, as well as Harvey Burke and
William Owens, charging them with
assault to kill and murder said of
ficer, William Wilson. On the sec
ond complaint, showing was made
to the court of the value of the prop
erty of Frank and Marie Bashus, the
parents of the three defendants, which
was offered as security for the bonds
ing the case. The showing made of
the property in South Omaha, as well
as to crops, stock and other personal
property of Mr. and Mrs. Bashus, gave
its value as over $10,000, which was,
in the opinion of the court, sufficient
to procure the bonds which had been
required, and accordingly, the three
young men as well as Burke were re
leased and allowed to go to their
County Attorney Cole in dismissing
the complaint for assault with intent
to do great bodily injury, stated that
it was due to the fact that the con
dition of Officer Wilson in Omaha was
much more serious than he had at
first thought, and for this reason the
second complaint was r filed before
Judge Beeson.
The preliminary hearing of the case
has been set for Tuesday, August 22,
in the county court, at which time
the testimony in the case will be taken
up and the matter disposed of.
From Friday DaD.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brantner and
daughter, Janet, and little son, who
came down from their home in Pender
to attend the fiftieth wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrsfl Morgan
Waybright, returned to their home
yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.
Natie Schultz drove them to Omaha
in their car, where they took the eve
ning train for home. Mr. and Mrs.
Brantner have a great many friends
here who are always glad to meet
them on their visits back to the old
Mrs. John Kuhney and daughters
of Havelock are in the city to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Henry Speck,
which will be held tomorrow after
noon from the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kuhney.
If you have an automobile, prepare
to take part in the big automobile
parade to be held on Thursday, Aug
ust 31st, in this city to mark the
opening of the fall festival week. The
committee in charge have secured
three big cash prizes for the best
decorated cars in the parade and in
addition to these a large number of
valuable excessories for automobiles
will be given as prizes for those taking
part in the parade. The parade will
form on Lincoln avenue near the
shops and thence proceed through the
business part of the city and open the
festivities in the proper manner. The
event will be one well worth attending
and a splendid display of cars from all
sections of the country is looked for
and those attending will find a splen
did program of events awaiting them
in addition to the parade that assures
something doing all the time and no
one need fear that they will not find
some means of entertainment.
From Friday's Dally.
The Monarch Engineering company
of Falls City who have the cont.rt
for the paving of 'Vashington avenue,
have their equipment on the scene
of action and are rw all ready to
start work as scn rs the grades are
arranged for them so that they may
start the grading for the preparatory
work. This company which is one of
the best equipped of its kind in the
southeastern part jof the state has
everything needed to rush the work
along and once the street is made
ready it will not be long before they
have the bricks laid and the avenue
ready for the use of the public. Mr.
Guy Crook, one of the members of the
company has been here looking after
the unloading of the equipment and
the arrangement for the starting of
the work and will see that the job of
paving is first class in every way and
a credit to the city. The company has
done a great deal of paving work in
this part of the state and in all cases
have given the best of satisfaction in
their work. One of the good features
of the new paving will be the use of
the asphalt filler instead of sand which
will insure a solid surface for the
paving and do away with the cracks
where dirt can gather and make the
street absolutely sanitary and clean
as well as waterproof. This will be
an item that will be very much ap
preciated by the residents of the city
when they see the benefits derived
from its use. The completion of the
paving on the avenue win make that
the finest appearing in the city and
be an immense boost for that section
tf the city.
Yesterday Mayor John P. Sattler
and City Treasurer H. M. Soennich
sen were in Omaha spending a few
hours with friends at the hospital, and
report that the Plattsmouth colony at
the Immanuel hospital is do'ng nicely.
Officer William Wilson is doing much
better than lor the past few days, and
while his mind is not entirely clear
as to his condition, or 'the incidents
of the trouble in which he was injured,
he is showing signs f improvement.
They also paid a visit lo Barney Mil
ler and spent some time there enjoy
ing a chat with the patient. Mr. Mil
ler is now getting along very nicety
and seems on the highway to recov
ery, although it will be some time be
fore he will be able to return home.
Quite a number of friends from this
city wrere out to visit Mr. Miller yes
terday in addition to the mayor and
Mr. Soennichsen, and their visits were
greatly enjoyed. Con Grebe, who is
at the hospital, was also called on by
Messrs. Sattler and Soennichsen, and
he is reported as being in as good
condition as possible and showing
every sign of improvement. He will
be at the hospital for a short time,
however, until he is entirely in shape
to be sent home.
Professional Brandeis Team
Omaha Defeats the Red Sox,
By a Score of 7 to 1.
The Red Sox yesterday afternoon in
their encounter with the leading semi
professional Brandeis team of Omaha,
met defeat by the score of 7 to 1 and
barring a bad first inning for the Sox
the game was one filled with much
interest and the locals gave the vis
itors a chase for their money. Rhode,
the artist with the pill for the depart
ment store received good support
throughout and while he was touched
up in a lively manner by the members
of the Hose they were unable to get
by with anything on the visitors.
Connors was on the mound for the
Sox and played a good game through
out. Rockwell, for the locals was the
most fortunate batter, having rapped
two sacker off the slants of the
Omaha pitcher but without result as
he was later tagged at third on an
attempted steal.
The attendance at the game was the
argest of the season and the string
of autos were parked clear into the
fair grounds in left field.
In the opening stanza of the sad
story, Dygert, the first of the Omaha
crew up was retired by Connors on a
strikeout. Claire followed with a clean
hit over third but wps later tagged on
a steal at second. Graham opened the
eal fireworks with a clean rap to the
ef,t garden that landed to the fence
and was followed by Lawler who was
hit by Connors and given his base.
Woodruff secured a red hot liner
through short that scored Graham and
Lawler and Woodruff scored on the
drive to Hazen to the right field.
lazen scored on a passed ball by
Kopp, making four runs for the vis
itors, vanus ended the inning by a
ong fly to Beal in center field.
The Red Sox secured their lonely
tally in the third inning when Kopp
put a liner to Woodruff at short who
muffed the ball and allowed the run
ner to reach first safely. Huff fol-
owed with a sacrifice that advanced
Koop and on Craig's hit to left Kopp
crossed over with the much needed
Harry was later caught at second and
Beal closed the inning with a fly out
to Graham at second.
The fifth was prolific of another
score for the Brandeis team. Dygert
opend with a safety to right and was
followed by Claire who annexed a two
bagger to the left field fence and
brought Dygert home with the score.
Graham popped to Parriott at short.
awler was able to get on when Her
old muffed his drive but neither Gra-
lam or Lawler was able to seoie as
Woodruff was out on a fly to Mason in
the left gulden and Hazen was le-
iied, Parriott to Craig.
In the tight inning the visitors
gain got busy with their old war
clubs and sent over two more runs to
add to their list. Woodruff opened
with a grounder to Herold who threw
the runner out at first. Hazen then
did things to the smoothly moving
fr'0x base ball machine with a two satir
poke of the pill into right garden
wh'le V.innas who followed secured i
clean hit to left bringing in the run.
ete Lyck, the fast little catcher of
the Brandeis team then rapped one to
right that scored Vannus and was
good for two bags but in trying to
stretch it into a three sacker he was
tossed out. Rhode retired on a fly to
The local half of the eighth was a
real thriller and with the bases full
it looked good to score but there was
nothing doing. Huff, the first man
up was out on a fly that was nailed
by Lyck. Craig who followed was
walked by Rhode and Beal secured a
clean hit to center advancing Craig.
Parriott laid down a fine bunt that
could not be handled in time and the
sacks were filled. Herold and Rock
well were unable to get a safe- one
and both were out on flies to Lawler
;n the center garden.
The summary of the game follows:
Beal, cf 4 13 0 0
Parriott, ss 4 0 1 3 1
Herold, 3b ..3 1 4 4 1
Rockwell, rf .... 4 1 0 0 0
Connors, p 4 1 0 0 0
1 2
1 2
0 5
1 10
Total. .
32 7 27 13
Dygert, cf ;j 1
Claire, 3b 5 2
Graham, 2b .... 5 3
Lawler, rf 3 0
Woodruff, ss .4 0
Hazen, If 4 2
Vannus, lb 4 2
Lyck, c 4 1
Rhode, p 4 0
Mason, If 4
Kopp, c 4
Huff, 2b 4
Craig, lb 2
10 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
3 12
10 0
9 0 0
6 0 0
0 4 0
27 5 2
Total 38 11 27
From Friday's Dally.
The land excursion to Chase county
which was in charge of W. E. Rosen
crans of this city, and Mr. Bonner of
Imperial, has returned home, and a
large number of the party brought
specimens of the grain and corn raised
in that fertile section of the state,
Every member of the party was quite
enthusiastic over the outlook for
(props there and especially of the small
grain. The members of the party were
taken out over Chase county in' auto
mobiles and given an opportunity of
seeing the land at its best, and by
personal investigation to determine
the value of the land as a crop pro
ducer, and in each case were more
than pleased. There were thirty-two
from Cass county in the party and all
are mighty well pleased with the con
ditions in Chase county, as well as the
splendid manner in which they were
treated by Messrs. Rosencrans and
Bonner on the trip. From Omaha the
members of the party had a special
Pullman coach for their use, and this
was made their headquarters during
their stay in Imperial. Every one
speke very highly of the western part
of the state and its rapid growth and
This morning there was quite a
stir on the upper part of Main street
when a bill posting representative of
the Ringling circus became involved
with one of the representatives of
the S. W. Brundage carnival com
pany over the question of tearing
down several bills of the carnival
company, lne rsrunaage people wr.o
re to open their carnival here on
Monday, August 28th, had billed the
stores and vacant windows .several
days ago with their advertising mat
ter and this morning the Ringling
epresentative came down from Oma
ha to put up his advertising matter
and in doing so it is claimed removed
the bills of the Brundage people and
this caused the trouble. Chief of
olice Barclay was called in and set
tled the matter by having the b;lls of
the Brundage company replaced where
they had been torn down. As the car
nival people were the first on the job
it seems they should have the prior
ights for the bill posting.
Yesterday afternoon while "Buster,"
the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Munn, was engaged in riding on a
bicycle in company with Hilt Martin
he met with a rather painful acci
dent. The little boy, who has often
ridden on the back of the bicycle with
Buddy," was not watching closely
what he was doing and without
thought, got the heel of his right foot
tangled up with the spokes of the
wheel, with the result that he was
rather painfully bruised and the cycle
trip came to a close. The boy was
brought down to the office of a phy
sician, but it was found that he was
not injured and, this morning, was
around as usual and feels only a slight
inconvenience from the effects of the
John Tighe motored over from Man-
ey yesterday, accompanying his son,
Leo, as far as this city, on his way
back to Omaha, and while here Mr.
Tighe took in the base ball game.
After weeks of the most painful
suffering and during which time she
had borne her suffering with fortitude
and strength, Mrs. Henry Speck died
Saturday evening at a hospital at Cc
lumbus. Neb. Mrs. Speck had been
suffering from blood poison since last
spring and the case gradually grew
so acute that it was found necessary
to amputate one of the lower limbs
in the hope of saving her life, but in
vain, as the patient's strength had
been wasted during the long weeks
and months of her illness.
Mrs. Speck was the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Kuhney
of this city, and was born in Platts
mouth, where she received her edu
cation and was reared to womanhood.
She was united in marriage in this
city in 1909 to Mr. F. H. Speck, who
with the two little daughters are left
to mourn the loss of the beloved wife
and mother. Shortly after their mar
riage Mr. and Mrs. Speck moved to
Weeping Water, where they resided
until their departure for Columbus,
where they have since made their
home. Of a kind and loving nature
and filled with love and care for her
family and home, Mrs. Speck's death
comes as a very bitter blow to the
husband and children as well as the
bereaved parents and friends in this
city. Throughout the long weeks of
her illness, Mrs. Kuhney, the mother
of the unfortunate young woman, has
been at her bed bedside assisting in
her care and doing what was possible
to sooth her last hours.
The body of Mrs. Speck arrived in
this city at 1:12 this afternoon, and
was taken at once to the home of the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kuhney.
The funeral services will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the M. E. church and the body laid to
rest in Oak Hill cemetery.
In their hour of grief and sorrow
the heart broken husband and chil
dren and grief-stricken parents will
receive the deepest sympathy of the
entire community in the sorrowful
outcome of the splendid battle for
life made by the departed lady.
The picnic held yesterday by the
members of the Eagles lodge and their
families at the Schlater and Fitzger
ald grove north of the city was one of
the most pleasant that has been held
by this enterprising order. The mem
bers with their families gathered early
and a large number came provided
with their lunches which they enjoyed
in the cool shade of the trees and
here with visiting and socialibility
prevailing the attendants at the pic
nic passed the time very pleasantly.
The picnic was made an exclusive
Eagle gathering and the public was
not present as has been the case on
the previous events of this kind. The
Eagles have the happy faculty of pre
paring the most delightful occasions
for their members and the picnic yes
terday certainly was most enjoya-e in
every way. The threatening storm
about 5 o'clock caused the greater part
of the picknickers to return to their
lomes to escape what seemeJ would Ix
a heavy downpour but fortunately it
ailed to materialize and everyone
reached home safe and sound. This
picnic is an annual event and is looked
forward to with the greatest of pleas
ure by all of the Eagles and their
members as a real red letter event of
the year and has always been very
argely attended. The trip to and
from the picnic grounds was made by
automobile and was also one much en
joyed by everyone.
from Saturday cany.
This morning William A. Heil and
brother, Guy Heil, departed for Omaha
in company with P. T. Becker, local
representative of the Hudson auto
mobile company, and the gentlemen
will drive back home in the new super
six Hudson automobile that has been
purchased by W. M. Heil through Mr.
Becker. This is a fine car and one
hat the purchaser can find a great
deal of satisfaction in, and he will
undoubtedly find much pleasure in the
new machine.