THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. PAGE ALVO NEWS ITEMS Si'mr Villi i ' -wKt-iI1 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ; 1 FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN! Our new fall palterns are now in, a complete line of every pattern and color combination you could desire for those wash dresses your school girl needs. Just to mention "Red Seal" is a sufficient guarantee as to absolute color fastness and wearing qualities, and best of all, the price is the same as "before the war" n 12Mc We also have an attractive array of middy blouses all designs and of superior quality, sizes from 14 to 20, at one price $1.25 Of interest to the ladies, we should like to mention a few words regarding waists. We have a wonderful variety of sheer organdies in attractive new de signs, the highest grade workmanship giving just that touch of exclusiveness so much desired. There is nothing that equals the freshness of an organdie waist Prices $1.50 to $2.50 Habutai Waists, short sleeves, in color combinations comprising all the new , shades, reduced from $3.00 to $2.25 Watch for our Fall line of Georgette Crepe Waists there will be none better! M. SOENMCHSEN, f Call Phones 53 and 54. We Like to Serve, fl DC NOTICE, DEGREE OF HONOR. The Degree of Honor will meet on Thursday evening at S o'clock at the lodge rooms in the A. O. U. W. build All members are urged to at tend as there will be business of im portance. MRS. ELIZABETH TIIOMSEX, Chief of Honor. OfTice supplies at the Journal office CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt appreciation of the kindly sympathy rhcwn us during: the illness and at the death of our beloved son and brother, and trust that those who so generously aided us may meet with as kindly aid should sorrow come to them. CHARLES GRADOVILLE AND FAMILY. TEACHERS INSTITUTE. Attention is called to all those who wish to entertain teachers during In stitute," that the Institute will be held the week beginning August 28, and will continue to Friday noon. Kindly tlephone No. 479, County Superin tendent's office, within the next few days. Eda Marquardt, County Superintendent. MJkJWA AlG&flSS. KSlr THE NEW SERIES jfcc.b. Toledo This HfKt Ovtrlxif! is the vrcrlJ' nvwt pov,ctful low priced car. It has a 31'i horsepcvcr m Lloc mot'tr that ir. a perfect xnirvrl for spctj, power and By increa;in(, the bore of the motor from 3 1 to 3 ' ," we are able to oti'er a power plant wruch at 1910 R P.M. develops full 31,' j hjri;-po-er. Tests cridtT every ccr.J:t:ort in all prts cf the country demoTistrate that it ea:!y de-e!ops better than fifty miles per i.eur on the raal Speed of course varies unjr differ er.t condl'ions, but in practically every iast if has been Retting fifty nulc en hour a.:d with ease. We have scores cf tr!cram5 showing that eighteen to twenty-five miles per gllrn cf gasoline is net uausal. The perormance cf thij csr ij almost bcycnJ Uhtf. Take any other lcw-rtrired car on the market. Pit it against this new Ov-tland. Ccrr.pare thfn fi.r sheer rpced. far r!-undonce cf power, f.r r.Jinj co.-r.fcrt and economy, anil you'll f.r.d this car will bark any thing else cl.-an oif the t.oirdi. That's a strong statement, tut a fact nevertheless. Try it yourself and see. Here are more important facts. It has four-inch tires which are more than generous for a car of this size. . Not only has it a large and roomy body, but it has an attractive, up-to-date streamline body. It has the latest and most im proved system of ignition. It has the cantilever springs the easiest riding springs in the world. What's more, it's complete. Not a thing to buy. You get the fines! Auto-Lite 4 cytinjer en bloc motor lorc x S" strolia 134-inch tt.eclbaje tires Cantilever rear springs Streamline body Electric stcter Electric lights Magnetic speedometer Complete equipment S-passenger touring $535 Roadster $620 JOHN BAUER The WUlya-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio JoJ). Toledo electric starting and light ing system, magnetic speed ometer, one-man top, de mountable rims and practi cally every accessory found on the highest priced cars. From a driving standpoint, the new car is ideal. It's light, easy to handle ants' cnyone can drive it. Take one look and be con vinced. And mark these words the car is destined to be re garded and referred to as one of the really great achievements cf the great automobile industry. Yet it only goes to prove how big production can cut cost and save you money - First come, first served. Place your order now. Within two weeks we will also be able to show you the new large Four at $795 f. o. b. Toledo. This Four is an enlarged and refined Model 83, of which 100,000 were sold last year, and the new light Six at $925, which are also startling values. The Willys-Overland Company are producing 1,000 cars a day at the present and in spite of this enor mous production are unable to keep up with orders. Sy The Circus Serial Unique Featuring: FRANCIS FORD and GRACE CUNARB 15 Weeks -30 Reels UNIVER5 The Airdome on Friday, August 25th Matinee and Evening INFORMATION FILED AGAINST THE MARSHALLS AND BURKE From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon an information was filed by County Attorney A. G. Cole in the county court against Jesse Marshall, Will Marshall, Ed Mai-shall, Harvey Burke and Will Owens, charg ing them with assault with intent to do great bodily injury to Officer Will iam Wilson in the city of Plattsmouth on or about August (Uh. This is the outcome of the mixup which occurred near the Methodist church shortly after 1 o'clock on the morning of Au gust (th, and for which the parties named above wpre charged. The men were admitted to bail in the sum of ! 5?2,r00 each. Since the affair, Jesse Marshall has been kept at the Hotel Riley 'suffer ing from a wound in the tipper part of his left leer, and Owens, at the Im manuel hospital in Omaha, suffering from a wound in the abdomen which was- the result of shots fired by Fran cis Whelan at the men after the as sault on Wilson. MEHAWKA FLOURING MILLS MAKING FINE FLOUR From Tuesday's Daily. The Nehawka flouring mills have just been placed under the manage ment of Mr. C. D. St. John, who will in the future look after the supplying of his patrons with the highest and est grades of flour, and already the demand for the "Letter Roll" biand of wheat flour has become quite ex tensive in Nehawka and vicinity, and the brand is certain to increase in popularity as it reaches the different homes throughout the county. Mr. St. John is one of the best men in the county and is striving to make his mill one of the best in the state and to turn out a fine grade of flour. He also has placed on the market Wheat Hearts and Groham flour, and these are being-given a cordial reception by the general public. Mr. St. John will be in Plattsmouth in a few days and give our people the benefit of samp ling his different brands of flour. AN OLD SETTLER. While attending the Old Settlers' re union at Union last Saturday, we were more than pleased to meet our old friend, Uncle Ben Hoback, from near Nehawka, who is truly one of the old settlers of that locality. He is one of the very few old settlers that are left to mark the early days at this annual celebration. He came with his par ents to this section of the state in the' early fifties, and settled near the Cass and Otoe county line, where he tias continuously made his home. On account of poor health, Mr. Hobacik TOade an effort to retire from active farm work several - years ago and moved to Nehawka, but later returned to the farm. His health is still very poorly, but no doubt there are times when he makes an effort to do a day's work on the farm. We trust that he may be with us for many more an nual picnics. Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick came up yesterday afternoon from her home at Nehawka to attend the golden wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Way bright, and to enjoy a visit with her sister, Mrs. P. E. Ruffner. George P. Foreman went to Lincoln Tuesday. Ed Fisher transacted business in Omaha Saturday. Rov Coatman was in Omaha on business Monday. Schuyler Wolf of 'Ilavelock was in town Wednesday. Miss Lucile Wolf of Smith Center vKan., is visiting Miss Bates. L. Lauritson was in Omaha on busi ness the latter part of the week. Miss Ruby Copple of Lincoln is vis iting her cousin, Wm. Copple and wife this week. Miss Blanche returned Tuesday from Peabody, Kan., where she was visiting relatives. John Murty and Joe Foreman went to Atchison, Neb., Saturday, return ing home Monday. W. A. Kineelv and family of Omaha spent a few davs with Dr. L. Muir and family this week. Mrs. Sam Dean and litle son of Omaha came in Saturday to visit Mrs Ed Fisher a few days. Mrs. Laura Kuskie of Central Citv. Neb., visited from Tuesday till Sun day with Mrs. Mable Stout. Mrs. Belle Bennett and Mrs. Emma Cashner left Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman, jr. Mrs. Jessie Bronkow and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. Minerva Leibhart and other relatives and friends. Lee Prouty and sisters, Vera and Marie, motored to Plattsmouth Satur day evening, visiting friends until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godby and daughter, Miss Mildred, left Wednes day evening for a visit with relatives t Alliance, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckncll spent the week visiting at the home of Mr. Bucknell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buckncll and family. Mai tin Berggquist of Stromsberg, Neb., spent a few days with his sis ter, Mrs. Art Dyers, who returned home with him for a brief visit. Noel Foreman writes his parents from Pike's Peak, Colo., that he ir; enjoying the auto races up Iikc's Peak, and it sure is entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty motored to Fremont last Wednesday, remaining at the tractor show until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nichols of Re publican City, Neb., came in Tuesday to visit Mrs. Nichcls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, and other rela tives. Mrs. Minnie Gullion and son, Ray mond, went to Lincoln Saturday to visit relatives. They were accom panied by Miss Stella Shccsley, who returned on No. 14. The Mises Golda Foreman and Lena Sterrenbcrg of Charlotte, 111., who are en route to Colorado Springs, to t-pend their vacation, are spending a few days with the former's cousin, George Foreman and family, this week. Among those attending the tractor show at Fremont last week were: Dr. L. Muir, A. N. Meyers, C. R. Jordan, Harley Toland, Thomas Stout, Elmer Klyner, Arthur Klyner, Harry Toland. Carl Johnson, Charles Stout and Peter Klyner. The Cheerful Helpers of the M. E. Sunday school gave a shower Satur day afternoon at the home of their 'teacher, Mrs. Grace Linck. Each scholar presented her with a handker chief. After being treated to ice cream and having their pictures taken they departed for home, all having had a pleasant time. The I. F. S. girls gave a shower Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Grace Linch, formerly Miss Grace Bucknell. Each girl brought a dish cloth, which they hemmed during the afternoon, and presented them to the bride; they also presented her with a set of silver knives and forks, and after seeing the hope chest they left for home, all having had a very en joyable time. Don t You Need a. Good ting me ? Let us show you some of the good features of the Fairbanks-Morse Type Z Oil Engines. They are de signed to run on kerosene and other cheaper fuels, as well as gasoline. They deliver the same power on a gallon of kerosene as on a gallon of gasoline. They have a throttle govenor, built-in magneto, pump fuel feed, speed regulator, removable bushings in bear ings, close speed regulation', igniter iitted by ground and tapered joint. Price iy2 H. P. Engine $39.00 " 3 " " G6-00 " 6 " " 119.00 SWAT EEC 3 1AL DAPSC To Be Given at the T. J. Sokol Hall Saturday, August 19th By the Ladies' Athletic Club Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend! Good Order and a Good Time for Everyone ItSusis by HoSty's Orchestra Gents 50c - ADIYISSSION y Ladies Free m wm nil I After our successful Clearance Sale we find that we have on hand quite a number of remnants and short lengths, which we are now sacrificing at half price. We have placed all these on one large table in the front of the store, with a ticket on each piece. Thsse bargains are exceptional. Come in early for the best selections. This lot includes wash goods, white goods, dress goods, curtain scrims, etc. LCD a VALUE! ovey & Son QUALITY! SERVICE! ggar-r-B-MflT! DEUEL CO. LAND. The best in vestment in the state. Write for prices and terms. Ritchey Land Co., Chappell, York, Alvo, Neb. VISITORS FOR HOME COMING. Already the visitors for the Home Coming festivities have begun to ar rive in the city from all directions, and every indication is that the crowd present will be a record breaker in every way, and it will tax the capacity of the city to care for those who will be present to enjoy the festivities. However, the hospitable homes of the city are being thrown open to the visitors and almost every family has prepared to entertain some of their old friends on the hospitable occasion. FOUND A watch, in good condition Owner can have same by calling at The Journal of fice, giving descrip tion, and paying for this notice. eEOIIOTIO 0i3 FORD GARS! The following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis, f. o. b. Detroit, becomes elective August 1st: Ford Chassis f $325.00 Ford Runabout 345.00 Ford Touring Car 360.00 Ford Coupelet 505.00 Ford Town Car 595.00 Ford Sedan Car 645.00 We guarantee there will be no reduction in the above prices prior to August 1, 1917, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price any time. T B POLLOCK, DEALER J. ( f h ' -