The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910.
The Board of ' Education Needs More
Money to Build School House
According to Plans.
From Wednesday's Dally.
At the general flection -held last
April a bend issue of $50,000 was
oted for the erection of a new High
School and tirade Building. The
Board of Education immediately
thereafter set themselves to the task
of securing an architect, deciding upon
plans, disposing of the bonds and se
curing a contractor to build the build
ing. After going carefully over the
plans submitted by ten leading archi
tects of Nebraska and Iowa, the tirm
chosen was that of Berlinghotf and
avis of Lincoln, distinguished as
school architects throughout this sec
tion. Various plans were submitted to
them and finally one agreed upon,
which Superintendent Brooks and the
L.arel of Education considered ade
quate to present needs and probable
future requirements. were called for covering the
-us-iron, heating, plumbing, and light
ing of this building.
Meanwhile the bonds were sold to
Mr. C. C. Parmele of Flattsmouth
who oifered the largest premium for
the same.
The bTds from contractors were
ipened by the Board on Thursday
i.flernoon, August old. They were
carefully tabulated and considered by
the entire Beard in session during ti c
afternoon r.nd evening. The Board cisappointed to lind that the bid
ders were all far in excess of the
amount available. -", 0, and while
the lowest bidder on the general con
tract was the lojai tirm of Peters
and Richards, the bid was too high
to permit of letting the contract. The
... 11 i 1 1 A. ' 1 1 .
jci-.vcsl um c-:i me eiectncai v.oik. v.;is
le-cal firm Warga and Schul-
'J he unforseen and unprecedented
rise in the pii.'e of all building mater-
-aij .-.ince last winter when the Board
icit'-.d upon the amount to be asked
for at April election accounts for the
bids submitted being so far in excess
of the mark set.
The Board feels that the public
fchouid be informed of the e::act facts
in the case and herewith presents them
' for your consideration, as the matter
of a school building is not a school
board concern, but one which involves
every tax-payer and child in the city
There are three courses of action
which might be pursued at this time
and the Board submits them to the
choice of the people:
First: To so decrease the size of
the building as to come within the
50,000 in hand. This would mean to
eliminate the seventh and eighth
grades from the building and abandon
the proposed plan, which, according to
the best judgment of the board, the
.wisdom of Superintendent Brooks and
the council of the architect are only
suriicient to cover the present require
ments and a normal inrease for the
next generation.
Second: To erect the proposed
building and leave a large portion en
tirely unfinished.
Third: To call upon the voters for
an additional bond issue of S15.000 at
a special election to be called, anc
thus be enabled to erect and complete
the proposed building.
ihe board feels that this is a busi
r.ess proposition covering one of the
it.osl vital issues of our community
life. We have given hours and day
dining the last six months to .the
picblc-m of securing a plant of which
the city might be proud, and which
would stand for many years to come
as a home for our school system. We
have endeavored to look upon the
problem, not as one of today br to
morrow, but for the future years.
After months of investigation and in
spection" we are satisfied that a plant
suitable to the needs of Plattsmouth
cannot be" built at the present prices
of material and labor, for 50,000, and
for this reason are unanimous in our
opinion that the third alternative men
tioned above is the only proper solu
tion of the matter.
We therefore submit it' with this
brief statement to the judgment and
wishes of our citizerts, whom we feel
are one with us in desiring that the
wise course may bev pursued at this
The official set of plans for the
proposed new high school and grade
building is in the hands of the secre
tary of the board, "and may be seen
and examined by any person suffi
cient! v interested to call at his office.
A picture of this building, together
with data concerning: its capacity and
facilities will be on display in a public
place as soon as same can be prepared
by the architect. Respectfully submitted.
During the Home Coming days sev
eral red hot base ball games will be
staged at the Bed Sox park between
the local team :.nd several of the best
in tli is part of the state. On the
opening day, August 31st, the team
from Greenwood will be on deck to
entertain the lovers of good base ball
while on Friday, September 1st, the
organization representing Avoca will
cone up to try and trim up the Sox.
he Avoca team will be piloted by
Will Fahenstock and he has promised
to bring a real fast aggregation up to
iive an exhibition of the national pas-
ime. For the game on Saturday,
September 12nd, the Omaha Gas Co.
team, with Cleve Hull in charge will
come down from the big city to en-
ertain the fans again with one of
iheir usual pleasing exhibitions and
his will in y'l probabilities be one of
he best games of the series. For
Sunday and Monday, September ord
and -Jin, the Armours, the hardest
litting aggregation in the Greater
Omaha League will have the honor of
ontending with the Bed Sox. All
hese games will be of the very high
est standard and will afford much
pleasure 'to the real thoroughbred
fans and will give everyone an oppor
tunity of witnessing them.
From V.'ednesdav's Daily.
The August edition of the Lincoln
Telephone News, the monthly publica
tion issued by the Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph company, is largely in
the nature of a Plattsmouth edition
and has a splendid writeup of a few
of the recent improvements and de
velopments in the city, which certainly
will be appreciated as a worthy recog
nition by the telephone company of
this city. The cover of the News has
several views of the great Burlington
shops which are located here, in the
original home of the Burlington rail-
read, and also a view of the bridge
over the Missouri river, erected at a
cc.-:t of over Sl,000,0o0. The book has
a very interesting sto-v of the devel
opment of the city, which has been il
lustrated with iews of the court
house, Elks' club, Main street, U. S.
government building, the Nebraska
Masonic Home and a view of the
Platte river auto and wagon bridge.
The Lincoln Telephone company that
serves our people has certainly shown
the true spirit of recognition of what
Plattsmouth justly commands among
the live cities of the state. Mr. J., K.
Pollock, the local manager, has built
up a splendid exchange in this city,
with subscribers running well into the
hundreds, and has had an important
part in securing the interesting ex
position of the city of Plattsmouth
and its numerous industries and re
sources. The magazine also has a
large number of articles of interest
to the employes of the company.
From "Wednesday's Pally.
The sick people from this city who
are at the Immanuel hospital number
eight, ami all are getting along nicely
and seem on the highway to complete
recovery. Mrs. Frank E. Schlater
and Dr. J. B. Martin are both in such
condition that it is thought that they
can return home the last of the week.
John B. Kaffenberger, Miss Clara-
Hunter, Ed Stava and Miss Minnie
Otterstine are all geting along fine,
and Henry C. Miller is showing signs
of improvement, although he has only
been there a short time. Will Owens
who was shot here in a fight is get-
tingalong in fine shape.
This number of patients in one hos
pital, as well as several others from
this locality, certainly seems to indi
cate that we should have a hospital
here to "care for the sick.
On last Sunday E. J. Mougey drove
from his home near Union, to Omaha,
with his son, Louis, who was en route
to Port Washaga, Wyo., where he will
make a few weeks' visit at the home
of his sister, Mrs. Carl Cross. For
several summers Louis has been trou
bled with hay fever a little later in
the reason, and in making this trip
west he e:-:pects' to escape the siege
this 3rear. He will remain with his
sister until after the fever season
passes over this country.
Mr. and Mrs. 3Iorgan Weybright Cele
brate Their Golden Wedding, and
Hundreds of Friends Call
, to Pay Respects.
Yesterday afternoon and last eve
ning "Clover Lodge" the charming
home of Judge and Mrs. A. J. Beeson,
west of the city, was the scene of
much pleasure and enjoyment when
the many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan Wuyti ight gathered with
them to assist in the celebration of
their golden wedding anniversary.
To thTs happy event the friends
came from far and near and joined in
the obesrvance of the culmination of
the half century of wedded life that
this estimable lady and gentleman
have just completed and for the old
friends to have them back in okl Ne
braska for the observance of the an
niversary that meant so much to them.
The Beeson home hael been deco
rated in a most charming manner for
the anniversary and throughout the
home ihe note of the color sememe
was made in gold in keeping with the
spirit of the occasion, and in both the
stately colden rod and deep golden
hearted roses used profusely through
out the rooms the sentiment of the
hour was borne out. The scene was
one charming to the eye as the many
old friends came and went showering
on the happy bride and groom of ''('
their heartiest congratulations ar.el to
them it was a day of pleasure and
memory as they looked back over the
vears gone by, now ha-lcwcd by the
p.isr and dreamed of the future years
of future joy as they continued life's
journey eogct
The bride
caving part;
har.i'-omeiy :
id groom and the re
were stated in the
r.tnged puilor of the
addition to the bride
v.erc r-Ir.i. Bever-
a.'e. Mi
T. B. Brown, of
A ngeles ;
Mr-;. Jo "-e;'h Je.'i'erie
Wa.--h.. sisters of Mr-.
Mrs. Alh-n ilu-snn j-.n.!
Wa bright;
.Mrs. J. W.
one tf the
eivers, wl.o r.--l Lren
urrle.;mai.l.s ot tr-j original weu:ng
;':ft ears before in Virginia, in the
receiving Irie. The parlor was very
prettily arran.J-ctl with clusters of
t?oIde-n Bod while on the pian-. a huge
bo-.v.ei of rose.-; ;;ent by Waoe iamp
un Chapter, of Ihe DaughU-rs of the
Confederacy occupied ihe pice of
i.on-ii-. "'.!'.;. Waybright' i.-; a mcmbr-r
nf this ch.-'ptt-r at Los Angeles, ar.el
ihev had sent this remembrance half
way acros
- the e minent to
Mrs. V
ivbrtzhl carried
of the eleep golden
hued roses while a spray of orange
blooms sent by friends from the Pa
cific coast was worn by the charming
bride of a half century.
The gift ro-rm where the wealth of
beautiful and costly gifts were placcil
was in' charge of Mrs. Allen J. Bee
son anel Miss Gertrude Beeson and
the remembrances received by Mr. and
Mrs. Waybright were numerous and
very beautiful and expressed the deep
feeling of friendship in .which they
were helel by the friends in this state
where they have .'-pent almost a half
century. Here the guest book was
placed where "the friends could leave
iheir best wishes for the guests of
honor of the occasion.
During the afternoon and evening
the dining room was in charge of a
bevy of charming young ladies assist
ing Mrs. Beeson in the serving of the
dainty and delicious refreshments anel
which served to add very much to the
delights of the occasion. Those as
sisting in the serving were Misses
Elizabeth. Grace and Virginia Bee
son, Virginia Hanson, Edison, Neb.;
Dora Wills, Lillian Dwyer, Marion
Mauzey, Eleanor Burnie, during the
afternoon and in the evening Mrs. J.
E. Wiles, Mrs.' Luke L. "Wiles, Mrs. Ii.
B. Hayes and Mrs. Annie Britt as
sisted in the serving. The serving
table was decorated in the golden
color scheme.
At the evening hours of the recep
tion a very delightful program was
given consisting of a reading by Mrs.
I William Baird and vocal numbers by
-Mrs. Jj. it. Wcscott, 3Iiss Eda Mar
quardt and Miss Hazel Tuey while
Mr. E. II. Wescott gave a pleasing in
strumental number on the piano. The
program was one that was most en
joyable to the large number present
and eah of the talented members of
the party present were heard at their
. The golden wedding of this esti
mable couple will long be pleasantly
remembered by everyone present and
the bride and groom were showered
with the heartiest best wishes of the
host of friends with the wish that they
may celebrate many more such happy
anniversaries in the future.
Morgarf Waybright and Miss Eliz
abeth Brantner were united in mar
riage in Highland county, Virginia,
August 16. 1866, just at the close of
jthe long war in which the groom had
seryed so valiantly with the army of
his native state in behalf of the de
fense of the Old Dominion, and at the
close returned to find his sweetheart
waiting for his coming ar.d there in
the heart of the great southland they
were joined for life. The wedding
ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Waybright
was performetl by Rev. Robert Butt, a
minister of the Methodist church, long
since calleel away. One of the pleas
ant features of the golden wedding
was that Mrs. J. W. Seivers, who had
been one of the attendants at the
weelding in old Virginia, was present
to take part in the pleasant occasion.
Shortly after their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Waybright came west to Platts
mouth and located in this city which
remained their home until 1903 when
they removed to Los Angeles, Calif.,
where they have since resided and in
the future will enjoy their declining
years in the enjoyment of their well
earned rest in the delights of the coast
country, but still to them the old home
for forty years, has a strong claim
upon their affections as well as the
many old friends who have had such
an important part in their life.
' To Mr. and Mrs. Waybright will bft
extended the best wishes of their host
of friends and with these the Journal
desires to be remembered in wishing
them many more years of happiness
and that the future may be filled with
only good fortune and the store of
gox! luck they so well deserve.
Tiic out of town guests present were
Albert Wa bright ar.d wife cf Ash
land, brother of Mr. Waybright; Mrs.
Joseph Jeffers. Olympia, Wash.; Mrs.
T. B. Brown. Los Amreles. sisters of
Mrs. Waybright; Mrs. Ben Bison,
Los Amreles: Miss Virginia Hanson.
of Kdi.-on. Neb., a neiee of the guests
of honor.
from WelrisiSays railv
This morning Isaac Gates, an aged
res i J en
tii city, passed away quite snddonh
: r his derail was not eliscoverci
1 iint'l
Au. 1 11
,v.s des ted te thj
n :e was lourw reti:
in the
p that knows r.o awakening. Mr.
es has been at the farm onlv three
"y 1J; - -
.toner ilenr
Henrv Sr.oke and was turned
over to the care of Mr. Tarns as he
was in quite feeble health. The de-
'e:'sed leaves
number of relatives
i. r.coln.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost of Spring
field and Mr. Fred Ost, father cf
Henry, were in Platt.-mouth for a few
hours today, en route to their old
home near Xehawka. The senior Mr.
Ost is now a. iesident of Stockton,
Cal., where he moved about ten years
ago. Thirty years ago Mr. Ost was
a resident of thi - city. lie has been
at ti e home of his son, near Spring
field, for the pat four weeks. While
in the city Mrs. Ot called at this of
fice and had the paper sent to the
father's address in California.
I have taken over the Ford agency
;nd have placed orders for several
car loads of Ford automobiles, and
will keep on hand a. full stock ,pf Ford
For the present rr.y office will re
main in the Riley Hotel block, where
I shall be glad to meet Ford owners,
and would suggest tha those wanting
cars, should place their orders with
me at once as, on account of the re
cent cut in Ford prices the demand
is going to exceed tne supply.
Buick ar.d Ford Dealer.
Riley Hotel Block, Plattsmouth.
2td 2tvvk
$20 per acre if taken at once. Write
Bert Ostrbm, Max, Neb.
Mrs. Ella Bissett and little daugh
ter of York, Neb., accompanied by Mr
and Mrs. Linermnn of Cleveland, rO.,
arrived in the city last evening and
will visit here for some time at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles, and
with Mrs. Henry Spangler and family
State .of Ohio. City or Toledo,
Lucas. County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State 1 aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me end subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicino is taken In
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of
System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all drugrpEts, 755.
Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Last night in Omaha occurred the
tragic death of William Gorham, a
son of Ira O. Gorham, and for many
years a resident of this city, and who
will be remembered by many of our
citizens. The little lad is a nephew
of Mrs. John Boetel and Albert Funk
of this city and for many years the
Gorham family resided north of this
place near the standpipe. In speaking
of the accident the Omaha Bee has the
following acount:
Four men walked into the police
station soon after 9 o'clock last eve
ning, two of them were dazed and
half crying and the others had bloody
shirt fronts.
One of the men was I. O. Gorham,
whose 9-year-old son, William, had
been killeel by an automobile at
Twenty-fifth avenue and Farnam
street less than an hour before.
Another member of this strange
group was C. T. Lambert, 1813 Capi
tol avenue, who drove the car that
killed the boy..
The third was II. M. Binder, 2501
Farnam street who saw the boy
crushed, nicked him un and. in Lam-
belt's car rushed him to the Wise'liar which win rermit thc f:;ns to ct
l i l . : a . r j : . f L.
Memorial hospital. The fourth was a
- - 1
brother of Binder.
The four men stood in the station
until someone asked them what they
. wanted, and then told their story
Thp bov had been struck, taken to
the hospital, had died, and the coroner
had been notified. Yet the first newsier l'1-
I the police had was when the prin-oodruff shortstop
in tho tr:u-pdv told their storv Roben left field
to Captain Heitfeldt.
The Gorham boy was going on an,
nd with 14-year-old Lenora Bur -
tv nvhTc
At Twenty-fifth avenue
nd Farnam
The two children started to cross the ine visitors win ta ive oow n oy amo
.... i. . r i, , mobile at 1 o'clock Sunday if the
Half wav out thev saw a street car
coming cast. They started back.
'imlidrf writ: I'fimini' fnf jilsfi. nparlv
I - . " ...
i abreast of the street car and at about
! fifteen miles an hour, he said. The
. A , , ... , .
uoy '.vas shuck aiiei one vvne-e-i wl-iii.
over his shoulder.
Mr HinHrr rind his hrnthr nicked
(up the little victim, and Lambert, who
had stopped, carried them to Wise
Memorial hospital, only two blocks
The doctors there said the boy had
t received a iracturc at tne oase oi rue
brain and other injuries, which rcn-
dered death almost instantaneous.
j Lambert was held in jail without
Lond to await the verdict of the cor
This morning in the county court a
continuance was taken in the prelimin
ary hearing of William, Edward and
Jesse Beshus, or Marshal, as they are
known, who were chargeel with having
assaulted Officer William Wrilson with
intent to do great bodily injury. The
attorney for the defendants, R. W.
Patrick of South Omaha, has secured
a writ of habeas corpus from the dis
trict court, which will be heard before
Judge Begley tomorrow. The purpose
of the writ is to secure a bom! for
the three defendants, which was fixed
at $2,500 each by Judge Beeson, and
on presentation of Frank Bashus, the
father, as security for the amount for
the security of the three men bond
was refused by the county court, and
it will now be left to Judge Begley
to determine whether or not the fath
er's property is sufficient guarantee
of the amount of the bond. County
Attorney Cole stated to the court that (
it was possible that the present charge
against the men might be dismissed
and a more serious offense charged
as the condition of Mr. Wilson was
very critical at this time. The pre
liminary hearing, by consent of both
the state and the attorney for the de
fense, was continued until Tuesday,
August 22.
The members of the Eagles' lodge!
and families will hold a picnic on nextj
Sunday, August 20, at the fecmater
& Fitzgerald grove north of the city.
All members of the order and their
famines are mvitert to be present as
this will be strictly for the members
of the order and no one that is not a(
member of the Eagles or of the family ,
of the members will be permitted toj
attend. Cars can be found at tne,
Eagle club rooms all day to convey
picnickers out to the grounds.
George M. Hild and wife and chil
dren were among the passengers thi3
morning for Omaha, where they will
scend a short time in that city looking
after a few matters of business.
Letter files at the Journal office.
W. W. Wasley, who for so long was
in charge of the Ford interests here,
has again engaged in the automobile
business and is the Plattsmouth rep
resentative of the famous "Four
Ninety" Chevrolet automobile,
factured by the Chevrolet Motor com
pany of Flint, Mich. This car is a
beauty in every way, and Mr. Wasley,
in the few days that he has Had his
first car here, has interested a great
many of the "auto owners in the pos
sibilities of the new machine. Thi:-,
car is sold for $490, f. o. b. Flint. He
will have his headquarters at the
Hitchmann & Fitt garage, on lower
Main street.
Manager C. F. Bradford of the
Brandeis baseball club of Omaha has
sent to Manager Schneider of the Bed;
Sox his line up for the game here Sun-
ini morP P,om"ie,il Ui
semi-professional players. The lineup
as submitted by Mr. Bradford for the
game is as follows:
Vanous first base
first base
j Graham second base
Sute' left fie!d
center field
1 1-awier "K"-
iLyck catcher
m - '11 T i 1 i.
I ...... - ...,,; .,,! 1.,. .,11 ,.,..! IY,.-
the game. Connors will elo the pitch
ing for the Bed Sox team.
Plattsmouth is to be placed cn the
fourth national highway that is being
platted and logged through the west,
as today, Messrs. W. W. Brown, M.
J. Knight and Dr. J. C. Cornell of
Parsons, Kan, were in the city, on
their way from Galveston, Tex., to
Winnipeg, Canada, logging the King
trail that has been projected between
these two points. These gentlemen
will be followed in a short time by a
trail marking car that will ma;k out
the route that will stretch from the
Gulf of Mexico to the Manitoba cap
ital. With the George Washington
highway, the Sunset trail from New
York to San Francisco, the Omaha
Kansas City Scenic Route and the
King trail passing through this city,
Plattsmouth and Cass county will be
right in the front of the national good
roads movement. These highways
will bring tourists from all sections
'of the United States through this city
anel be a splendid advertisement to
the resources of this section of the
state. The gentlemen from Kansas
are of the opinion that the ideal route
lies through this city and were well
pleased with the condition of the
roads through this locality, which,
"The kind your mother used to make."
We are speaking of night robes. The loose-fitting, cool,
comfortable kind of sheer, light weight materials, nicely
trimmed and cut to fit. We make a specialty of hand
ing the famous
Perhaps you will be interested in knowing why we
boost Sexton in preference to all other lines. We can
answer in two words QUALITY PRICE! For $1,
we can give you a Sexton night robe made with pains
taking care from a very high grade material. You
couldn't come in a better lime than right now.
Philip rThicicfj
Stetson Hats
M anhatta ti Sh ir ts
suSts for
the every
day boy
We know boys vc like
them we want them to
have every bit of fun pos
sible but we want them
to look good.
thats the
we searched the market
until we found boys' all
wool, sturdy tailored
suits at $5
Suits that will stand up
under the hardest knocks.
Come in, boys, and get
Ask about the American
Boy - Free!
C. E.
Wescott's Sons
Everybody's Store
with a little work can be made (lie
bcrt in the country. There is nothing
that develops a country 'faster than
good roads ami Cas-3 county should see
that they are made as good as j ssi
ble, and when the state and govern
ment comes for this state, this locality
with its network of highways, should
be the first to receive recognition.
Mrs. M. II. Gray of BanTon!, Cab,
is in the city for a visit at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Robert
son and family.
Hans Sievers was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
will spend a few hours in that city
with Barney Miller at the Immanuel
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bcaru
Signature oC
- Hansen Gloves
Car hart Overalls