t MONDAY. JULY 31, 1D1G. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. r.v,iz 5. i 1 ft F5-. v m i i J J if l i I rvXJ I Copyright, 1913, by CHAPTER XI. A Place of Many Wonders. CUirTIS GORDON'S men broke camp upon Lis return from Omar, aittl by taking the east hank of the Salmon river press ed thiouuu to the upper valley. Here they recrossoU to the west siJe and ounjileted '.heir survey, with tlie ex !;! ion of the three mile gap which 1 ;i n Appleton held. Joitlou continued to smart under the Hinu: of his defeat, however. O'Nei! had got the better of him in argument, an.l Natalie's simplicity had proved more than a match lor his powers of persuasion. At no time had he serious ly considered making Mrs. Gerard his wife, but he had thought to entice the two women back under his own roof in order to humble both, them and their self appointed protector. He felt sure that Natalie's return to Hope and tier residence there would injure her se riously in the eyes of the community, and this would be a stab to O'Neil. Al though he had failed for the moment he did not abandon the idea. .Gordon's business career had con sisted of a series of brilliant manipu lations whereby, with little to go upon, he had forced financial recognition for himself. No one knew better than he the unstable foundation beneath his Alaskan enterprises, yet more than once he Lad turned as desperate ven tures ijiJo the semblance of success, r.y his present operations he sought not only to hamper O'Neil. but to cre ate an appearance of opposition to b-rtb him and the trust that could be coli.ec! into dollars and cents. There are in the commercial world money wolves who prey upon the weak and depend upon the spirit of compromise in their adversaries. Gordon was one of these. r.y purchasing for a song the McDer niott rights at Kyak he had placed himself in position to share in the here tits of the Ileidlemanu breakwa ter, and by rapidly pushing his tracks ahead he made his rivalry seem for midable. As a means of attack upon O'Neil he adopted a procedure common i:i railroad building. He amended his original surrey so that it crossed that of the S. It. and N. midway between the lower bridge over the Salmon river and the glaciers and at that point be gan the hasty erection of a grade. It was at the cost of no little incon venience that he rushed forward la: go body of men and supplies and began to lay track across the S. R. and X. right of way. If Appleton could hold a hillside, he reasoned, he himself could hold a crossing, if not perma nently at least for a sufficient length of time to serve his purple. His action crime as a disagreeable surprise to Omar. These battles for crossings have been common in the history of railroading, and they have not infre quently resulted in sanguinary affrays. Toward Gordon's stronghold Murray o Weil's men worked, laying his road bed as straight as an arrow, and as the intervening distance decreased anxiety and speculation at Omar in creased. Among those who hung upon the ru mors of the approaching clash with greatest interest was Eliza Appleton. Sinf-e Dan's departure for the front she had done her modest best to Ret the part he had forced upon her. and in furtherance of their conspiracy she had urged O'Neil to fulfill his promise of taking her over the work. She was greatly excited when O'Neil Announced one evening: "I'm ready to make that trip to the front if vnu are. I have business at Kyak. so after we've seen the glaciers we will go down there, and you can take in the coal fields." "I'm ready to leave at a moment's notice." Then perhaps yc'j'd better help Natalie." Natalie!" exclaimed Eliza. seeing all hor well laid plans tottering. "Is she going?" "Oh. yes. It's an opportunity she shouldn't miss, and I thought it would be pleasanter for you if ehe went with is." n'Neii had puzzled her greatly of late, for at times he seemed ivrapin.il vp in Natalie, and at other times he v .i;i!!y showed u preference for Eliza's M company. He was so impartial in his attentions that at one moment the g :! would waver in her determination and in the i.ext would believe herself succeeding beyond her hope. The game .ufuscd her emotion curiously. She a '-used herself of being overbold, and then she noted with horror that she uns growing as sensitive to his appar ent coldness as if bhe were really in earnest, the bad not supposed that he mere acting of a sentimental role Muld so obsess her. To couuteract this tendency the as sumed a very professional air when N'REX BEACH Harpar A. Brothers. they set out on the following morning She was once more Eliza Appleton. the reporter, and O'Neil in recognition of this fact explained rapidly the dillleul ties of construction which he had met and overcome. As she began to under stand there came to her a fuller appre ciation o? the man and the work he was doing. Natalie, however, could not seem to gra.sp the significance of the enterprise. She saw nothing le yond the even gravel roadbed, the un interesting trestles and bridges and Cuts and fills, the like of -which she had seen many times before, and her com ment was childlike. O'Neil. however, appeared to find her naivete charming and Eliza reflected bitterly: "If my nose was perfectly chiseled and my eyebrows nice he wouldn't care if my brain was tbe size of a rabbit's. Here am I. talking like a human being and really understanding him, while the sits like a Greek goddess, wonder ing if her hat is on straight. If ever 1 find a girl uglier than I am I'll make her my bosom friend." She jabbed her pencil viciously at her notebook. The engine finally stopped. It was ir. the midst of a tent village beside which flowed one of the smaller branches o' the Salmon. In the distance the gradt Ktretched out across the level swamps Jike a thin, lately TTealed scar, anc1 along its crest gravel trains were slow ly creeping. An army of men like a row of ants were toiling upon it. and still farther away shone the white ides of another encampment. "Oh! That's Gordon's track," Eliza cri'd quickly. "Why. you're nearly uj to him. How do you intend to get across?"' O'Neil nodded at the long thin line o! moiling men in the distance. "There's a loose handle in each one of those pieks," be said. "Somebody will be killed in that kind of a racket." ' That rests with Gordon. I'm goinp through." "Suppose he had said that when Dan stopped him at the canyon?" "If he'd said it and meant it he'd probably Lave done it. He bluffs, 1 don't. I have to go on, he didn't Now lunch is served, and since this is our last glimpse of civilization I advise you to fortify yourselves. I'loni here on we shall see nothing but the wilder ness.'' He led them to a spotless tent which had been newly erected at the edge of the spruce. It was smoothly stretched upon a framework, of timber, its walls and floor were of dressed lumber, and within were two cots, all in clean lin en. There were twin washtands also, and dressers and rocking chairs, a ta ble and a stove. On the floor beside the beds lay a number of deep, soft bear rugs. A meal was spread amid glass and figured china and fresh new napery. "How cozy! Why, it's a perfect dear of a house!" exclaimed Natalie. "You will leave everything but your necessaries here, for we are going light." Murray told them. "You will stop here on our way back to Kyak. and I'll warrant you'il be glad to sei the place by that time." "You built this just for us," Eliza said, accusingly. "Yes; but it didn't take long. 1 phoned this morning that you were coming." He ran a critical eye over the place to see that its equipment was complete, then drew out their chairs for them. A white coated cook boy served n luncheon in courses, the quality of which astonished the visitors, for there was soup, a roast, delicious vege tables, crisp salad, a camembert which O'Neil had imported for his own pri vate use, and his own particular blend of coffee. At last the rarty reached Jackson glacier. Murray O'Neil had seen the glacier many times, but always he ex perienced the same feeling of awe, of personal insignificance, as when he first came stumbling up that gorge more than a year before. For a long time the girls stood gazing without a word. They seemed to have forgotten his presence. "Well?" he said at last, "Isn't it big?" Natalie faltered, with round eyes. "Will it fall over on us?" He bhook his head. "The river is too wide for that, but when a particularly big mass drops it makes waves large enough to sweep everything before them. This bank on our right is sixty feet high, but I've seen it inundated." Turning to Eliza, he inquired: "What do you think of it?" Her face as bhe met his was strange ly glorified, her eyes were shining, her Qngers tightly interlocked. "I I'd like to cry or or swear," she said uncertainly. "Why, E!ia!" Natalie regarded her friend in -hocked amazement, but Mur ray laughed. Progress w-as more difficult now, for the river shore was paved with smooth, round stones, which rolled under foot, and the boats required extreme atten tion in the swift current. The farther they proceeded the more the ice wall opposite increased in height until at last it shut off the mountains behind. Then as they rounded the first bend a new prospect unfolded itself. At last there came a sound like that of a cannon shot, and fur ahead of them a fragment loosened itself and went plunging downward. Although it appeared small, a ridge promptly leap ed out from beneath the splash and came racing down the river's bosom to ward them. "Better go up a bit," O'Neil called to his charges. The men at the ends of the towliues scrambled part way up the shelving beach and braced themselves, then wrapped the ropes about their waists like anchor men on a tug of war team. Their companions waded into the flood and fended the boats off the rocks. The wave came swiftly, lifting the skiffs high upon the bank, then it sucked them back amid a tangle of irrns and legs. A portion of the river bottom suddenly bared itself and as suddenly was submerged again. The boats plunged and rolled and beat themselves upon the shore, wrenching the anchor men from their iosts. They were half fdled with water, too. but the wave had passed and was scudding away downstream. Eliza Appleton came stumbling back over the rock strewn bank, for during the first mad plunge she had seen O'Neil go down beneath one of the rear ing craft. A man had helped him out. "Nothing but my ankle." he reassured her when she reached his side. "I was dragged a bit a ltd jammed among the bowlders." He sank down, and his lips were white with pain, but bis gray eyes smiled bravely. The boatman re moved his chief's boot and fell to rub bing the injury, while the girls looked tn helplessly. "Come, come! We can't stay here," Murray told them. He drew on the boot again to check the swelling. "Can you walk?" they asked him anxiously. "Certainly. Two feet are really un necessary. A man can get along near ly as well on one." He hurried hi. men back to their tasks and managed to limp after them, although the effort brought beads of sweat to his lips and brow. "If I'd known the river was so high I'd never have brought you," O'Neil told them. "It's fortunate we happen ed to be above that break. You see. the waves can't run up against the current." He turned to his men ai.d spurred them on. It was not until the travelers had reached the camp at the bridue site that all the wonders of this region be came apparent. Then the two girls-, in spite of their fatigue, spent the late afternoon sightseeing. At this point they were able to gain a com prehensive view, for at their backs lay Jackson glacier, which they had just passed, and directly fronting them, across a placid lake, was Gar field, even larger and more impressive than its mate. Thirty, forty miles it ran back, broadening into a frozen sea out of which scarred mountain peaks rose like bleak islands, and on beyond the range of vision was still more ice. They were surrounded by ragged ramparts. The Salmon river ran through a broken chalice formed by the encircling hills, and over the rim Vv- J !t Sucked Them Back Amid a Tangl of Arms. of the bowl or through its cracks peer ed other and smaller ice bodies. The lake at its bottom was filled by as strange a navy as ever sailed the sea. for the ships were bergs, and they fol lowed each other in senseless, cease less maneuvers, towed by the currents which 'swept through from the cata ract at its upper end. They formed long battle lines, they assembled into flotillas, they riled about the circum ference of a devil's whirlpool t tbe foot of the rapids, gyrating, bobbing, bowing until crowded out by the pres sure of their rivals. Some of them were grounded, like hulks defeated in previous encounters, and along the guardian bar which imprisoned them at the outlet of the lake others were huddled, a mass of slowly dissolring wreckage. FARMS FOR SALE No 1 280 acres known as the Dave Foltz farm, 4 1-2 miles northeast of Weeping Water. This is one of the good up-to-date farms. Fine improve ments. No better land anywhere. If sold before August 5, can give pos session March 1. If not .sold by Au gust 15, it will be rented and sold subject to rent. This farm can be bought by paying $3,000 cash when sale is made and $7,000 or more March 1, 1917; balance long time. Price $175 per acre. No. 2 240 acres, 7 miles northeast of Weeping Water, 5 miles from Man ley. Known as the Fred Ronne farm. This is a farm, all good land and well improved. Go look at this and get the price from myself or Mr. Ronne. No. 3. 1G0 acres, one mile north of Weeping Water. A fine farm right up to town, fine large house. This is the E. F. Marshall farm. See about this. Price $195 per acre. No. 4 1(50 acres, 1 mile north of Wabash, known as the Colbert farm. Well improved, in fine state of culti vation. Only 3 miles to Murdock. See me for price. No. 5. 10 acres, 4 miles south west of Weeping Water. All good land, no waste land, fair improve ments. This is the A. Jorgensen farm. Price $140 per acre. Good terms. No. 6. 100 acres, 1 mile south and 3 1-2 miles west of Avoca. Well im pioved, lays good and is a good all mound farm. Selling to settle an estate. Perfect title guaranteed. Price $140 per acre. No. 7. 1G0 acres, 4 miles southeast of Weeping Water, well improved, known as the John Heebner farm. Price $140 per acre. No. 8. ltlO acres, 11-2 miles east of Weeping Water. The A. Olsen farm. A good producer. Price $125 per acre. Terms. I also have a 120 acre farm near Wabash for $150 per acre. A few 80 acre tracts. A 113 acre farm 3 miles west of Weeping Water. See me for prices. My being out of town for some thiee weeks need not stop anyone from looking at these farms. If any of these interests you and you wish to contract for them you may see Thomas Murtey in the First National bank. lie will put you in touch with the owners. See me for farms always. John Colbert Weeping Water, Neb. O'Neil was helped into camp, and when his boot had been cut away he scut news of his arrival to Dan, who came like an eager bridegroom. Appleton found his employer with one foot in a tub of hot water and his lap full of blueprints. O'Neil explained briefly the condition of affairs down the river. "I want some one to make that cross ing." he said. "A volunteer?" asked Dan, with quickened pulses. "Yes." "Will I do?" "I sent for you to give you the first chance, you've been chafing so at your idleness. We must have steel laid to this point before snow flies. Every hour counts. I daren't risk Mellen or McKay, for they might be disabled. I intended to take charge myself, but I won't le able to walk now for some time." He swore a little, and Dan nod ded sympathetically. "I wouldn't send anybody where I'd refuse to go my self. You understand?" "Of course." "If either McKay or Mellen were hurt I couldn't build the bridge, and the bridge must be built." "If Gordon stands pat soniebodj- may be hurt." "I don't look for anything worse than a few broken heads, but, of course. I can't tell. I'll stand behind you with my last dollar no matter what hap pens." Dan laughed. "As I understand the situation, you won't have a dollar un less we make the crossing." "Right!" O'Neil smiled cheerfully. "The life of the S. II. and N. depends upon it I'd give $10,000 for your right ankle." "You can have it for nothing, chief. I'd amputate the whole leg and present it to you." Dan declared earnestly. Murray took his band in a hearty grip. "Perhaps I'll be able to serve you some time." he said simply. "Any how I'll look out for the chance. Now, spend the evening with the girls and leave in the morning. I'll be down as soon as I can travel to watch the fight from the side lines." (To Be Continued.! Buroc Bred Sows for Sale! I am ottering S head of pedigreed Duroc Sows: 3 daughters of King, tbe Col : 1 daughter of Burke's Goodenuf, bred to Jumbo Critic 10th, for August and September litters. Others bred to a son of King, the Col. Prices $35,011 and up. W. B. PORTER, Mynard, Neb. Local F3ews From Friday's Dally. Miss Selma Marquardt is. visiting her sister. Miss Eda Marquardt in this city for a few days. Miss Myrtle Hoback of Weep ing Water was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some mat ters of business. William Brodie of Weeping Water was among those visiting in the city for few hours yesterday looking aft- fer some business matters. Ed Rummell, one of the enterpris ing farmers of the precinct, was in the city last evening for a few hours looking after some trading. Miss Lillian Murphy came clown last evening from Omaha accompa nied by her little neice who will visit here with her relatives for a few days. Nicholas Halmes of Weeping Water was in the city today for a few hours attending to a few business matters of importance and calling on his friends. Frank Finkle of near Union was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours visiting with his raar.y friends and attending to a few mat ters of importance. Mrs. Bruce Sires of Piainview, Neb., who was an over night guest here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Lutz, departed this morning on the early Burlington train for her home. Nels Chrisinger and Everett Good ing departed last evening on a two weeks' fishing trip to Elmore, Minn., and while there will spend their vaca tion in searching for the elusive finny tribe. Rev. L. M. Wiles and wife of Sold ier, Kas., arrived in this city yester day afternoon for a visit .with Mr. Wiles' father, Thomas Wiles and fam ily and their many other relatives and friends. Mrs. Luke Wiles and little daugh ter were among those going to Oma jia this morning where they were called to spend the day in that city attending to a few matters of im portance. C. L. Martin and wife departed l:1..-. evening on No. 2 for Fort Wayne. Indiana, where they will spend a short time thee attending a reunion of the Martin family and enjoying the sights of the old home. Ed Oliver, jr., who ha? beer, here visiting with relatives and friends for ii few days departed this morning jfor his western home to seek the cool er climate of the mountain country, at Rock Springs, Wyo. Jacob Tucker of Fort Morgan. Col orado, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and will enjoy a visit here with his uncle. Lig Brown, for a short time. He was called to Omaha by the sickness of a relative and came cn down to visit with Uncie Lig. J. W. Moore, one of the deputies in the office of the state pure food com missioner, was in the city yesterday afternoon and thi.; morning looking over the stores of the city in the in terest of his department. This is his last trip to this city in his official capacity as he will open up a grocery store in Lincoln the first of the month and retire from office. From Saturday s Dallv. P. A. Horn was among the visitors in the city today for a few hours at tending to some trading with the merchants. James McCullough of near Murray was in the city today for a short time attending to some trading with the merchants. Adam Hild drove up this morning from his home to visit with his sonr, George and Mike and families for a few hours. J. E. Meisinger motored in this nfternoon from his home in Eight Mile Grove precinct to look after some trading. S. L. Furlong came in this morn ing from his farm home and spent a short time visiting with his friends in the county scat. Ben Dili ot near Murray was among those from the vicinity of Murray who were in the city today looking after their trading. William Fahleson departed this morning for Davy. Neb., where he will visit over Sunday in that place with his family on the farm. John Kraeger came in this morn ing from his farm home to spend a few hours visiting with his friends and looking after some trading. Peter Meisinger and wife of near Cedar Creek was in the city for a few hours today looking after some trad ing and visiting with their friends. C. F. Vallery and wife were among the visiters in the city today for a few hours visiting with their friends and looking after a few business mat ters. J. W. Keenan and wife of near Alvo zmd George Mick of that same local ity were in the county seat today at- TO OMAHA The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round Trip using our Commutation Books Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c Extra Passengers, each, 5c $10.00 Sook, $5.00 $5.00 Book, $2.5Q Commutation Books Good any time and Transferable. PLATTSMOUTH Auto & Wacon Brifee Co tending to a few matter.- at the cur: , house. Mrs. B. W. Livii;g:-t'-:i and li'l!- . , , daughter were among those going to Omaha this morning where they will visit for the day there with friends in that CltV. Henrv Utterback came in thi.;ji, morning from hi.-- home near Cedar Creek and departed en the v:v.y B;::- lington train for- Council Bi jf f - i : where he will spend tlie day in that,:';, city with friends. Mrs. E. P. Stewart and childrcr. and Miss Clara Mae Mo'gun. return- ed home last evening from Central City, Neb., where they have been fur the past few weeks visiting there at the home of Mrs. .Stewart s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cobb. Emil Droege and wife and Car! Droege of Magna. Utah, who were here to attend the funeral of their sister. Mrs. John Uhlik, and to spend a short time with their mother, Mrs. Joserh D: oeire. depart'. ' this after noon for tliL'ir heme in th? west. Ralph R. Larson, who ha- been at Oak Park. Colo., enjoying a short vis it there with his brother. C. O. Lar son and family, cam; in last evening on No. 2 for a short visit with his parent? here before going to Louis ville to take up his duties in tlie i.ar.K of Commerce. mitii i: in !!i:itn ii;. Sta'.- or N. !.ia:-k i. C'oui.tv (' -;,.-. -. in i."r v r r::r. In the n:atUr of the estate oi" Safin. K. Van 1'Oren. ileeeascl N'ntirf Is i::v ! -v n to 1 1.4- Vi t ; ot .-; : . ;.. .' . a . a i ie i.a (! in " 1 n t i : i ssi ill i state, i i-; .! in- . ' t. :it .i " I - '' I ' of c'ass .a:ilv. N- !.faka. sit t he tv C'o.iit ri. -js'i i a . I ,; a t t - T.i"i; t i :. in ssii.l count v. n t ') 1 -It i. i : o; irust. 1 ' 1 ' j t ' a : a I maa : t--t t ;;. : ml o- ;)Mi oil the l!tf. liiiV I-V!. rnsirv. 1 !' i 7. ai : li.-P o i f , i ri S-li'l ' ea ! .-at.- to oVlo -k si . tlx.. 4-.it ii ":ay !or . si : , mi - I t ' loirs sit law !' ssil! !.. 1. 1. 1 .- a lion. :,') iusliln-ia is nt; ! : ..v. a ii t . I j . r v i.!-l "ny iaw. am (;:! ni- i,m st 1..- hi - ! in ssit.i nuivt I it is TU i ; i ; i : i-' i : i : r;ii:!:i:i . ti .-. on ,r h I'om- ssii.l last hoar of i a .a ! a I. . a : . . a so ! h. si T I Uv the ( ' 1 1 r t on fl. Witness t:iv i.siml ssml .-;!! o : -. a n ! i 1 ' 1 " . tir-lst. 1'M'h it t In . 1..4 ; C...Ti-- 4'om-I. sit Phi! t.-tnn'it ii. N'-h: a-- ! a. ta.. si! ti..- C ;!!. t v l'"iiil ""in. in kit. t a is 1 !tli ia - of .!;,:a 1' i .: M oi ; . in 'a .- 'oa HI . " l.t:i.-h... ALI.KX .1. 1 ' I : 1 1 " Is.-.! )..'-"'.- i 'M . ; .-.-t ! In Colli. IV .!;':'-. in aa.i.s ' lo.ritie.l o '' --ij.il 1 : i I" i t ir t- si: ai.) M7-4 w. IN TMi: rill Ml I CI I'T ! Till: (Ill ! 1 H-- S. M III. Ix i . In the matter if too Kstai" I" ! al v a i ! ' i. ''oil-;.. . I " si sei 1 : 'I"4 .il '."it"."!! I ii I r- t -l in the i-lnli f Cilnnril lo-. 1 H-iie-ol : -u si r heit'a- ft That th.ao .s tow on f,i.. j; the c "ontiT y '.i:rt .o ' .t.-.- Cu.n.tv . N4..t i. .-!-::!. t - i'i ii I r. ten t '' ij.ore I ;. !o-e.. a ir.,,!,iv ..:: " tie estille of IMwafh i. I " . 41 -i . - im!, si ta! ; i -o 4-m 4-j : t -ij.s 1 ' i. : . I stt iTieat 1 i! ! si I -i nu s.ml s a : i si i : ti : .-a 14-1 ri-j.oi t ai I.-. Ki si ak i :. S. alat. i as ...m-;s,I snlministrat a . f Ii.- .-slat.- of line l'ie- ii.-e.-a-e-' y.'i site 4;!;i..,'r n -t'im.i fiat u the .: i;iy ot VlCNSt. 1 :!.. , ; ! , of.i,-.. nt tile i o : i I i Tv .1 iiMi.M-. in , i . i o i .- . in I 'ia ! t sinoa t h. Ca - s Cant . N'.-hisis- ka. at tin h..i: I . '' 1 - a : 'a . h'-si nut:- v. :; I no la.! n .! sa h I i . mil t. sanl e. ;.i i-.tis :! - a hi .- ' : t -1 . 1 - r I ;s-I-sif'-in:-- a i .1 s a a . ; ra a a a sa a! I .rt. sm-h ni-ii. rs ami .he.;.....- -a i : ' a. iiit-i..'; ihei-.-in sis ; n x i,.- -o-.r' ? .-iv s.-4-rn i 1 4. .. i from -si id I .-si 1 ir;. o.. '.!::-. t!,. i. tfilit.iion of in.- 1 s;.1- . -.,hl e-ts . . if iltlV theia l.e !"!!'' '. t" -in : 1 ).!.- .1 - as ;ire lawfully e,;ti;ir: ii,. a. lo To all of wish-.! oa W iil t a k" nm- mMi.e. : Id. C. art .UJh' .1. ! : i : I IS' "X. .'ontit;. .n.!i;e. ! mted , I illy .a'.. I'M'.. IN THC COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CA.'S, NEiJHASK A. In Ke-Estate of David L. A'nivk, De ceased. NOTICE To riuJh yi. Ami'-h. Tho'(i':-vf 1. , . , i . . i i . . ... .-ViniCiA. a.l-l lO V.ll OLIJl-l !UM!::.t i'l- te rested : You are hereby notified lhat a pe tition has been filed in the above curt alleging the death intestate of Davil 1.. AmicK. a i trident ana innaunam of Cass County, Nebraska, on May 17th, ll'li'i; th.it he left his, survivirg a:s his sole and oniv heirs at law, the above named persons, and praying for the appointment of Theodore L. Arnick as administrator; that a hearing will he had upon said petition a, the office r.f hj f.inntv ."Iitrirrr' Cn:ivt. TTo'l-;'- ' , ' . ' 1 lailSIMOUca. 'rtss cuuiao eu: i.-n.ci, i . . in i,,t- ., it'i.-t ii or to said t si I 4-stsiti. ni - t,.- on August i-ith l!)H. at 10 n deck a. j, ...... ,,..rf.of. (...u .,,. ,.. m.. before which hour, all ohieHions. 1 of-fe,,danis. tin...,, rummd ;(,d n ., " , . , ,-llO4' nsltl-es -ll- lilililii.wti. sin i thereto, must tie filed and at whicn 1 stated. !. i"i"v r hat red fiom .-Ui,... time orders will he entered in accord- j "vln u? m' "X't 1'' ance with finding of the Court thereon. i-' or ;,,nY thereof. f,.r m , , , ' . . ,rt , , -Ti ether tuid further nli'f i t. tin nnin By the Couil thus 20ih day of July, m.-tv seem just tu.i e tuit.ihii . t-v 101c V'n: S'tid 4. a eh -ou sire furthi-' A. U . at'io. S.iflf 1 ! '"-) a-e r-duiied to i t. - a ALLEN J. BEESON. Is-'tl ltition on or leforr Mond:,.-. t h' our d ;,u' i:st, i 1 ' County JuGge. F. g. fimcke. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. c r:AVL. Attorney. I',in'f- in ' - 'i vi' ' "' i oi vi . v i:itir iv . ! in 1 1 V'l-r of I ! I!i!H's of lnirlr i T-iri. i :. i: i.oii! iiM-i. n-- I mill 1 1 mm ii 'lirl. I i--,n-i(. j Nu ,,.iS .,.,. 7,, , ,,,,. '- ' - ; - i- m i t 1 : ' I . .i ! : I :i .: 1 ; t "l :i- i-- I'. . r , : ... ; .- -i- ; : ! : , i ;! 1 . ! ' ' - : ' . . i : ; i - 1 : ' . : I ; i T i 1 i . i 1 1 1 1 1 - ,' .,,'').'; ; ' .' i. I', Y"',. l: ; ' . '.i .- .v.;.-:i . . ' :i K. 1 ;: ! i v. , ; ' I ! M j v;;; J ,;'' ''. T.-i;--:. n:--i Kr. t ; .,:;'".aIj I !'!! T 1 1.- T. 'a'.!!." V iv ' .1 t! ;it m ! than tV" ;.!- i.ji ii '' I ' .-,!. ; tin! I ...;.-:, 'i ' .!. u v of .-ai'i I i . ;i ' : !' . .. ;!-!. ;. ! ! i ri 't ! it ;i : ! t 1 . - ; t.;. iii-o. .l.-o;i M t! :- : .-;.!. (. i lil I I . ,.!!, I..-! I' . I'1;'. .-;.! ' 1 Iff sin:,.'f .f a I. nt": .v. ' : - ' ' i:, I. in sniA r:i . ;,! i - t i : .- ' ; rv I i r. -'. a - i v. ' !.. . l i. t i. -is;.-ii wii1, t! in: i-.Vll. ! -r.iil j.r.-n:i.-s in cai'i: u h i i 'H .will th;it Ji'fma:: '!.;; I. Ia! :.n Mi !: nt Knox C...int: . .. !! :.- .! ..r t !: !:- at law ! a-i. T an.l I '. - (a.-f-i. ...-pa' !' tli- : I'-. i!,'.-t..i'. " ..! ai.io.t Anftist !!-. : :' 1 ". -i ! ' i till.!; vil- ' 1 1 v ri ; ! . i::!t I -I in s- ,i ' 'a! -! ' . air! I tr t 1 im. a I i. , ami t: I v , n -i- a. I iau. I i - u i KaT - I" ; T i . - T ;:. ami ii- ilai:i.l -t !' a la r. I as : '!!. v - : I. mi:.-.- fy: ;;.;:.. 'i"u'u aU.- - ami 1 1 la- T : ! a ir- 1 " in iiir at i 'i i ir i . t on. .'. ! a;i I;a . wlo ari" !iov ti... ihvi.it- of a: a ;n:r .:: om s. v.'i,li! : ; ! " -t it) sa i ! re:-, i -late. ; ! t . a: -an! j 4-jt estate v.-si--, at I. .:a ' ! t : - i.-at1, of ssii.l 1 1-' t. '. k siiil now ":y fximpt fro'n a t laei. ni'iil . -v -. .n or .-tl.ct ni'-.-n.- () -. s: mi i a..! ia-M-- for tie .:ir:oi.t of t,.. do',: of sua! m-ceia tits, no- any of t Itetll. ':! o-.vitiir hv sail 1 1 'f'. ! t y siml rji vnu for a h4-arin ui"ti :ail -ti;i.iii, ; a : 1 't i 'Tumi .--in-h l.eaiintr '. at sin i-i e. .'i.-j-iisi'iEt v : 1 1 a r u . i a '- I si i 1 a i : : '. - I : . . 1 1 oi s,,i si '. si ! i . a . . i of !!::; :ni! for ti ml i r: u - f ( I ' 1 o i t , .- jo : '. ! i a t i on of t I is 4 !-!. r ti l i.t sn. i-. .-.-! v.- v.-.-eks ;nao. to sanl o.i-. of est i!.. i. tie 1 'i a t --nioat : .loam!. : i ! a- i I m v - n;i !' r t i ' : I - I ' 1 I . . I ! ,...,,; x . :.,o 1 ! si t it I fail lo s,... ., . a a-! eoai t sa nl o.t i-! .n t l,e '.. m t in.. I . t. T ,. .- ,,:(. .j,.,;-,.,. .-;i-e, lot iti :i . I 'i l : '. ; ; . . T. T"- ' n t . Al.I.KN .1. I'.I-MCS" 'V. , Coanty Ju.ls.-e. ',TS . V . I.KVI A. i .'.'.; vi-.'.-y (i IV lit i"iicrs. 7-17-::v I , -. . l; I II II. . . . !. lo ti-lt-l.M( I.-I.-i.Ih.iI. 'i'lirir l!r.r, t 4- i . I . I !". I't-r- I i:-:r-..iilnH.-, '" t'rr- 4.,n, liittri-x4'(l ill I lifir I.Klnlr. , j , a . , , j- is.. ,, .. j- till . I-, a I " .- I a i h 'i.a 1.-4 . ii--. , I , r-oa I r. (r - - nt 1 1 - si .1 si I ' I-.t-l es! -.( Mi I 4 stsit. '! .1 ! ! im a na- I: : I. T. M . -. it 1 ! s-. if e e:.S- .:. t i.e a! 1-. ..v. a la I'. . it. v a-.-1 -s. i . a. a I - - - , I " 1 " a a I I ; a . t -t . . . sad sill ! .-a: i i: I .:..! -, i ., s i .. e-;;,I, o I'. T. y.. -. :i e 1 I .o, if i- a. , If .! a ;i d. 1 1 . r ?, k ii"M i I . . i ; .-. . i a .-. - .-. I . 1 1 1 . .-. j .-o I I . ,- i .- a ; a ' s v -.-. .:,-..! .id : a - - - a : i in t hi- s i a l .l Aim .1 I .j,,. , . . i i ft o d. Ii r- I i I Ii: I li' kaown. !. II- hit li.l of .1 o . .! i n Ciiaoi.i. I !. n n 1. now ii I - ami - V i see - , 1 e u , i ..- . H i II J ... til ' - ' v and a ' I I r - 1 is in I t .-! d in i sii.te of j;ii; V. I av:s-. li. r eu d Vim and e;.i! of ot ;i r ! n hv n ' f -Ti 1 that t-'. C, J-.-i-hi. ;- Ohiint iR. ', the J-ih day of .lime. Hi.-., lihd las f ti'i'.ti in tl- h,.,n;i t Coiirt "f ',i - i.'Misiily, N.hiaska. wii n-iii u and a 1 1 j i sin- i o f ea ai ti t -: II,.- . h.i- . I ! : i 1 1 I T. ra -. ' of i . a In ll' i'iM i t;-a the eisma. iiit.-i-4-.-r. r- i i I I . title and liat't.-t i.t isoii siml .ery ! of -o-t :., a ... lads foi; - t I e i :, i and a i. , in t Inn k I I a h ' S I. 'n . t ,. . .1 .1 l-a;-. lo i,e f.tv f 1'i.itf ihi.'.ih, and !o'- fori- iii Ii-.- ( ", , , nd i '. i . i ': k 4 !t!! f. -til?." x ' i in 1 ":,- of 1 "hi t t s mo a t i ;, '.!.-.; t o.t'dv . a !.: 1 1.-- .:m ihm-ii mvsi!ii mi-i i , ,r- ef4i-t; tint the title ,,t ,, joaMi':a ', ami 'o sit. hi rial -state sitnl i-w-i j. to. reof le .piieted as ti c;-: t i s 1 v. i jn.l liteti ssm'. 4a-ry .m o ' v.. i. sirifl ;ii...mt,. I n r x sjtsl all iii da- o , , t, and s, i I oil, 'I as. a in st thr e'siim of i m-f a--! j-. 1 1 of nt. y ifi'.-nii i-l.iim::;.' muli . , llT-r.li or J.- you. and that it ,,.i Tidai ! and dei r ed t ! si t lisrh a ;, ; of - ! os'- rs.tae. ;,tl. nhovi. .. t o-th. if !iviti. siml if .- .1. t!- lait . ii a i-'i's. lcc;ilf.i-.-, sit: I l-!soiii,l r .-ell! .1 t IV es Sl'l'l Otl-'. I ' I -III.S I T . t e f e .- ; . . ' in the :-laie f! 4.i,e.; .,r,,l f , j v on. !.sie no iia.,i, tn.e, f.a:ni o